• Published 14th Aug 2020
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Interviews With Equestrians - Jmaster49

A look inside the hidden perspectives of the average pony by your average joe. Starting with the imprisonment of Cozy Glow, this pony sets out to expose the hidden problems of Equestria that its residents have a right to know.

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Subject 305: Taking Care Of Each Other

“Wait, really? I do?”

Rights leaned back in her seat. Unexpectedly casual for such a seasoned officer mare. “For sure, kiddo. I can see the same fire in your eyes that my squad and I had. We used to have lots of fun whenever we were out on missions and couldn’t help but tease each other when one of them lagged behind. It’s good motivation.”

No way! I wouldn’t dare compare myself to someone so amazing. She was the one who trained Pale into becoming the super strong and smart flank-kicker of a dad that I knew and loved today. For Ms. Rights to even say something like that about me felt blasphemous in itself.

“...A-are--you sure...I mean...really?”

She chuckled, likely at my expense from how nervous I was. “Come on, don’t sell yourself short, Coze. You’re a lot better than you think you are. You got a family that loves you and so much more now that you’ve essentially helped save the world.”

Well I couldn’t exactly refute that. I did do quite a bit. But in the end, I was just glad to have mom and pops by my side. I could see where Pale got his sense of dignity from.

“That’s fair,” I said with a nervous smile, “I’m just in disbelief. After everything that’s happened, it’s almost like a fever dream. But it’s real...I can’t believe I endured all of that. I can’t believe Pale and Cheerilee endured all of that.”

“Pfft. That’s my boy. Gets it from me,” Ms. Rights said with a scoff, “Did I ever tell ya about the time I busted a crime lord and her entire crew on the train when I was younger? Oh wait, no I haven’t Sorry, heh-heh. Force of habit to ask the ‘did I ever tell you’ bit.”

Wait a second, she had stories to tell? Oh my goodness, that absolutely changed the game! I adored older folks and the tales they had to recollect. It was always so much fun to wonder what sort of things they had experienced because I could always learn something from them. Plus, it would form a nice segue into our plans for Pale and Cheerilee’s wedding gifts.

“I’d love to hear about it,” I chirped and flapped my wings, “You’re so amazing that I’m just dying to hear some of your tales of excellence!”

Ms. Rights rubbed a hoof behind her neck as if she was a bit embarrassed. “Well...okay, then. Seeing as you’re so polite about it. Pull up a chair and listen well, kiddo…”

Meanwhile, at the Boutique…

Sandbar and Yona were busy with a massive order that they had to fulfill, so that left Rarity’s sister Sweetie Belle to help us out with what Cheerilee and I were looking for.

It was easier said than done.

“Blech...why do most groom suits suffocate the body?” I asked as I watched Sweetie Belle take my measurements via measuring tape levitated with her green-ish magic aura. “Can you at least make sure it’s something loose so I won’t pass out?”

“Hm…” the young mare tapped her hoof against the floor as she glanced through the selection of suits. “You’re lucky. A bride’s dress is always much more restrictive when it comes to fitting.”

“That’s why we want something non-traditional,” I pointed out, “For Cheerilee, we’re looking for something along the lines of what flamenco dancers wear. A flowing dress with lots of red and a bit of black…”

Sweetie stopped in her tracks and turned around to face me. “...Say what now?”

“...We’re looking for a--”

She cut me off and teleported in front of me with an oddly wide grin on her face as she leaned forward. “Thank you so much!”

I took a step back since I felt my sense of personal space had been violated. “Erm...what do you mean?”

“This is going to be so much simpler to accomplish. When ponies get married they usually have such a massive kerfuffle over the bride’s dress. It’s like,” Sweetie started to mock her and her sister’s nitpicky customers, “‘No not that one, it makes her look fat.’ ‘No. That one makes her look too glossy.’ ‘Trim it down to three-quarters of an inch or I’ll take my business elsewhere.’ ‘Do not let my daughter walk out of here in that thing.’” When she was finished, she stomped her hoof on the floor. “So annoying! Oh--sorry. I lost my train of thought for a second there. Anyway, I’m just glad you’re making this easier for us.”

Wait a minute, since when was Sweetie Belle so invested in her sister’s profession?

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