• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 1: New Beginnings

Author's Note:

As you know, Yugioh has some cards that differ from what the show does. For example some cards in the show don't use it's anime effects. So for this story I'll be using the anime effects to make this story more interesting. Also there will be some made up cards in this story, but I'll make sure I explain what they do. With that said I hope you enjoy this story and feel free to tell me your opinions on it.

What does dueling mean to you? To some it represents power, a way to crush your opponents and make them cowl at your feet. To others it provides a way for you to have fun; a way you can relax with your friends and not show a care in the world. One thing that everybody can agree on is that dueling is a way to show your skills against your opponent. It tests how much confidence you have as a person; it shows the bonds you have with the creatures that reside in your deck. What do I duel for, well to be honest I'm not sure?

Another day, another morning. The sun was just barely coming up against the horizon. I could tell once I felt the rays of the warm sun against my face. As I looked to the side of my bed, I saw that the time was 6:50 A.M., that meant that I had half an hour to get ready for school. While it might have been nice to sleep for a few more minutes, I urged yourself to get up to prepare for school. "I knew I shouldn't have spent up trying to research new cards to add." Now normally I wouldn't stay up unless it was the weekends; when it came to school I was by no means a slacker nor was I the smartest person in school but I'm smart enough to be an honor rolls student. Most people would be distraught and use this as an explanation to become smarter, but to me I was contempt.

After taking a shower and eating some breakfast, I left my house and began to walk to school. As I was walking I began to think back on the past few weeks. I had just moved with my family as they had taken up new jobs in Canterlot City; it sucked that I had to say goodbye to the place where I grew up, with not to mention the friends/family that I was leaving behind but my parents assured me that we would visit often especially during the holidays. During this time they had enrolled me at CHS, due to it's amazing reviews that it was the friendliest place to not only learn, but to create some new friends. I didn't mind making new friends, what really caught my interest about CHS was that it allowed dueling as part of their program.

In case you hadn't figured it out, I'm kind of a nerd/geek when it comes to dueling. Most people who become a scientist or some big shot person with a successful job tend to have a knack for science or math. For me, it's dueling; I don't know what it is but something about dueling always fills me with excitement and makes me have fun. Soon thereafter me and my family were introduced to the principal. At first glance she was a tall women having beautiful features that would make any man her age fall head over heels for her; however her stunning feature that caught my interest was her hair and colors matched that of a rainbow.

"Welcome, my name is Principal Celestia. Do you mind telling me your name?'' she said. I replied by saying, "My name is Isaac." After introductions were made she then gave me and my parents a tour of the school as well as answering any questions that we had. Once my orientation had concluded, Celestia had given me my schedule for the school year and asked my parents to fill out some paperwork to finalize my enrollment.

"Now that the paperwork is taken care of, I would like to ask Isaac a question? I heard from your parents that you seem fond of Duel Monsters, is that correct?" she asked.

"That's right, ever since I was little I've been fascinated with the concept that I've built my own deck from a young age and have used it my whole life." I said.

"That's wonderful, I'm sure that you'll find we have plenty of students who also have developed a liking to the game and are willing to compete against you. But if I may be so bold as to say: What do you duel for?"

Once Celestia said that question, I initially began to be lost in thought. All my life I had dueled because the game was fun but that couldn't the reason why I dueled; no there had to be another reason to justify it, but what was it? "To be honest, I don't really know. To have fun, I guess". She seemed to look at me for quite a while though it looked like she was seeing into my soul.

Eventually she said, "Don't worry about it for now, I'm sure that you'll find your reason for dueling because I have faith that you're destined for more than you think".

"What do you mean by that?" I asked.

"Never mind that, now I need to discuss the rules regarding dueling. Duels that occur in school are to take place either in the gym or out on the fields. Also that students aren't permitted into threatening other duelists into partaking if they don't want to. In addition, students are also ranked based on how many wins/losses they have after their duel. This is for us to see how each student is progressing and allows us to offer them some feedback on how to improve their gameplay. Am I understood?". I replied that I understood and would do my best to abide by these rules.

Soon thereafter I was introduced to my classes and was welcomed with open arms by everybody. It felt weird at first that everybody was friendly but it felt nice. I even got asked by classmates if I dueled to which they were ecstatic that they all wanted to be the one to test the new rookie. I knew at that moment that my life here was off to a great start and I had a feeling it was going to get better. However, the question that Celestia had asked me still plagued on my mind: "What do you duel for?". Once I had finished recollecting my thoughts I found out that I was about to be in front of school. As I was arriving I noticed that there were several duels happening; students showing off each other's method of dueling as well as the type of deck they used.

Once I had stepped on the school premise I was immediately grabbed by someone. I looked to see who it was and it was none other than Firefly. "Hey Isaac, where have you been all morning man? I was getting impatient waiting for you to show up."

"Hey Firefly, if you must know I spent up all night trying to come up with new plays."

Firefly chuckled saying "Well, did you succeed because I have a reason why I was waiting for you."

"Let me guess, you want to challenge me to a duel, is that right?"

"Damn straight I do, besides it's not just for me, but for you as well. Ever since you enrolled here you've only been in a couple of duels; I thought for sure someone like you would be begging for duels left and right."

It was Isaac's turn to laugh, "Look man, there's a reason why I haven't been doing that and it's because I don't want to get too much attention. I want to duel at my own pace; if I went around asking every student in my sight for a duel people would get sick of me. Besides I'm contempt with where I'm at."

Firefly understood what I said, "Well alright, I respect your decision when it comes to dueling. I'm just saying that if it were me in your shoes and I had skills to show off, I would go around the school and challenge the top players as a way to cement my status".

"That's another reason why you and I are different because you would lose your first couple of duels while I would survive." said Isaac.

"Is that right?" Firefly asked.

I replied with a smug look on my face and said "Yup".

"Well why don't we settle this issue between the two of us in a duel! If you're all that then lets see you back it up with your cards" Firefly said as he had got his duel disk and activated it.

"Well you asked for this either way, besides what better way to start a school day than with a duel" replied Isaac. As he was reaching for hid duel disk, he began to wonder whether or not, he was good enough to be one of the top duelist at CHS. Isaac quickly tossed that thought out of his mind and activated his duel disk. They both then slotted in their decks and were ready to begin. Some students nearby noticed what was happening and began to form a small crowd.

After a moment or two the cards were shuffled and the portraits of the two students appeared above their duel disk. "Opponent detected. Streaming data." Came the mechanical voice of the duel disks. "Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." "This should be interesting," commented a girl who stood in the crowd and was watching this duel for a different reason. While everybody watched for entertainment, she watched for her own personal reason.

-Isaac's Life Points 8000-

-Firefly's Life Points 8000-

Turn 1: Firefly

"I'll start things off, if you don't mind Isaac."

"Fine by me, hit me with your best shot." said Isaac.

"I plan to," said Firefly calmly. "I draw! I'll set one monster in defense position and set one card facedown. I end my turn".

Isaac raised an eyebrow while looking at Firefly's field; normally he would summon a monster out and go on the offensive, but considered he went first and placed a monster in defense mode meant he had something up his sleeve. Isaac didn't know what what he was up to, but it couldn't hurt to be careful.

Turn 2: Isaac

"Alright then it's my turn. I draw!". Briefly looking at his cards before averting his eyes towards the field. "I'll start things off by playing this Beta the Magnet Warrior(1700/1600) in attack mode!" Seeing as how Isaac didn't have a way of knowing what Firefly's plan was, his best bet was to attack. "Now Beta, attack Firefly's monster".

"Don't think so because that little magnet of yours doesn't have enough points to defeat this: Giant Soldier of Stone." Firefly's card flipped up to reveal a soldier made of rock as it pushed back Beta's attack.

"Not bad Firefly, I see you've also been improving. Very well I'll set two cards facedown and end my turn".
-Isaac's Life Points: 7700-

Turn 3: Firefly

"I have to say this Isaac," said Firefly as he looked at her with a frown. "I was expecting a better move from a duelist like you, not making mistakes like some rookie would." He then paused to shrug. "Oh well. I draw, perfect. Now I'll sacrifice my soldier to summon an even stronger creature in its place come forth: B.E.S. Tetran.(1800/2300) in attack mode. When this card is normal summoned, I get to put 3 counters on it. Whenever this monster is involved in an attack, I get to remove 1 counter to destroy 1 spell/trap on the field."

"Impressive", I said.

"That's not all next I play the spell: A Servant's Duty. This allows us to summon a level 4 monster from either our hand/deck to the field; but that's not all we then take damage equal to that monster's attack".

"Very well" I said. "I summon to the field: Queen's Knight(1500/1600) in attack mode".

"As for me I choose: Artillery Catapult Turtle(1000/2000) in defense mode. However the effect of my spell card won't affect me because I activate my facedown: Redirect. This trap allows me to redirect the effect of a card to a new target and I think I'll choose your life points." Both monster's had their essences appear as they shot toward Isaac who put his arm up to cover himself.
Isaac's Life Points: 5200-

"Then I'll play the spell: Double Summon; with this I can summon an additional monster this turn. I play Celtic Guardian(1400/1200) in attack mode. But I'm not done next I use my turtle's ability by tributing 1 monster I can summon a level 5 dragon, so I tribute my guardian to summon: Handcuffs Dragon(1800/1800) in attack mode. With the amount of monsters that Firefly was able to play this turn Isaac knew he was in trouble.

"Now I'll have my dragon attack Beta and B.E.S. to attack your knight. Don't forget the ability of my machine it can destroy a spell/trap by removing a counter. I choose the card on the left." Firefly really had improved as he was able to clear Isaac's field in one turn. "That's enough suffering for now, I end my turn."
Isaac's Life Points: 4800-

Turn 4: Isaac

"I'll admit Firefly, I took you lightly; now I really got to get my head in the game if I want to win. My turn, I draw." Based on the cards he had in his hand, it didn't seem like Isaac had many options, but he know that any great duelist can find a way to turn the tide of the duel in their favor the question was: do he have that in himself? "Now I place a monster facedown in defense mode and then I'll place 2 cards facedown and end my turn."

Turn 5: Firefly

"After all that you're still playing defense, don't you have anything that can help or are you admitting you don't have the skills that you claimed to have. Either way, this duel is mine. I draw". Firefly grinned at the card he drew. "Now it's time to put you out of your misery, I play the spell card A Prophecy Fulfilled." A card flipped up as it had piece of paper being covered in a golden light. "Now by sending 1 monster on my field to the grave I can summon a level 7 monster from my deck appear my star creature: Seeker, the Dragon Slayer(2800/2500)." Out came a warrior that wore silver armor as it wielded a large spear as it twirled it around before striking an intimidating pose. "In addition, I play the spell card Dragon's Fighting Spirit which allows my Handcuff dragon an additional attack for every monster you have on the field. So it can attack twice. Now Seeker attack Isaac's monster with Sword of Tranquility; Seeker's ability allows him to deal piercing damage." Isaac's monster was then destroyed as Gamma was destroyed.
Isaac's Life Points: 3800-

"Then Handcuff Dragon will swoop in twice to attack your life points". The force from both of his monsters was able to not knock Isaac off of his feet. "It's all over now, I end my turn. Make your final move Isaac."
Isaac's Life Points: 600-

Turn 6: Isaac

After getting back up from Firefly's attack, Isaac looked at the field to survey the situation. This is it, if I don't find some way to turn this duel around then I'm done for. Firefly has 3 monsters out and no cards facedown, I'm not saying it's easy, but it's going to be a challenge "It's time, I draw. First I play Magician's Rod(1600/100) in attack mode."

Firefly seemed to scoff at the monster Isaac summoned, "A magician's rod, where's the magician Isaac?" taunted Firefly.

"Patience Firefly, he'll be here soon for now I activate my rod's ability this allows me to add 1 spell/trap card to my hand from my deck. The spell I choose to add is Dark Magical Circle which I'll then play."

Firefly wasn't the slight bit worried, "So let me get this straight, you have wand and magical circle as your final stand?" said Firefly as he wasn't impressed. Seems the crowd of people were also thinking the same thing.

"Believe me Firefly, I have all that I need to win this duel, just watch. Dark Magical Circle ability allows me to look at the 3 top cards and pick one to add to my hand should it contain a certain 'Magician' in its name and reveal it while also placing the other 2 cards back on top of my deck in any order. Next I activate my facedown, Magician Navigation. Now I can special summon 1 Dark Magician and 1 other spellcaster, so come forth Magician of Dark Illusion(2100/2500) and Dark Magician(2500/2100)."

Once the card resolved there stood 2 monster with one of them wearing purple garments from head to toe. Isaac looked at the Dark Magician and remembered how whenever he was in a pickle, he could always count on his magician to bust him out of predicaments. Both monster and duelist saw each other's eyes and nodded knowing full well that both of them knew what to do. "Now my circle's other effect activates which allows me to banish one of your cards and I choose your Tetran. Then I'll have my Dark Magician attack your Handcuff Dragon, go my magician take out his creature. I'll end my turn."
Firefly' Life Points: 7300-

Turn 7: Firefly

After taking the blast from Isaac's magician, Firefly was back on his feet. "Your Dark Magician is finally here. Now everybody can finally get a good look at that card you highly value Isaac. I think I speak for everybody when I say it truly is an honor to in the presence of such a legendary card." Firefly spoke the truth as Isaac could see the students gathering around them taken in the awe inspiring image of the Dark Magician, knowing that a student at CHS had it in his deck. "It's such a shame that I'll have to destroy it, my turn. Now my Handcuffs' ability activates whenever it's sent to the grave it can attach to one of your monster and it loses 1800 attack, I chose your Dark Magician. So now he's reduce to a mere 1700 attack points. Seeker finish this duel by destroying Dark Magician and wiping out the remainder of his points."

"I don't think so Firefly, I activate my trap Magic Cylinder. Now it stops your monster's attack and deal damage equal to your monster's attack. Next my Magician of Dark Illusion ability activates, since I used a trap during your turn I can special summon another one to the field". Isaac now had another magician appear on his field.

Firefly was anger, "You lucked out this time, I'll finish you off next turn."

"There won't be a next turn for you Firefly, because I'm ending this duel right now".
Firefly's Life Points: 4500

Turn 8: Isaac

"Time to finish this, my turn. I activate my final facedown card: Eternal Soul now every "Dark Magician" that I control is unaffected by your card effects. Then I play Thousand Knives which allows me to destroy 1 monster on your field, time to give your Seeker a shredding!" Once the knives had destroyed Firefly's ace, Isaac knew that there was nothing left he could due. "I told you Firefly that when it comes to dueling all it takes is 1 draw/card to turn the battle in your favor. Now time to end this now both of my M.D.L attack you directly and my Dark Magician will finish you off with Dark Magic Attack". The blast from all the magicians had struck Firefly that it caused him to land on his back as the remainder of his points dropped to zero.
Firefly's Life Points: 0-
Winner: Isaac

The duel had ended and everybody around them started to talk/show appreciation towards the duel Isaac and Firefly just had. Once the duel ended Isaac went to check on Firefly to see if he was okay.

"I can't believe I lost, I thought I had it" Firefly pouted.

Isaac smiled saying, "I told you so, don't underestimate your opponent. Though I will admit you did improve a lot from the last time you dueled."

Firefly stood up saying, "Well not enough to beat you, but don't worry next time we meet I'll make sure I'm the one coming out on top."

"I look forward to it". It was then the school bell rang signaling the start of the school day. "Well better get to class don't want to be late or else I'll have to face Principal Celestia's wrath" Everybody started to enter school and made their way to class; meanwhile the girl watching from crowd took a moment to process the duel she witnessed.

"So that kid holds the Dark Magician, then it looks like I have someone who has piqued my interests" she said. "Perhaps I should test out his duel skills myself, hopefully the others might also be interested in him." With that she dashed into school to avoid being tardy.

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