• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 124: Battle Royale

Nighttime had fallen as the moon was high in the air. Beneath the sky, there was a mysterious figure moving about the shadows as they were sneaking around. Soon they arrived at their destination as the location of a recent battle came into view. The figure was the same individual who had kidnapped Sunset in Appaloosa and then brainwashed her to battle against Isaac in a fight for survival. They arrived at the sight of the duel as they looked out on the water.

"To think I actually knew this was going to happen. I knew Isaac would save his friend; I just wanted to see it play out. And now he's off, he'll soon return back to where he came from. And what kind of guest would I be if I didn't give him a parting gift. Besides, I need to do a test run of this spell before I actually do it for my real plan." said the figure. They then pulled out a scroll as they used their magic to activate it. Soon a dome like portal with clocks on it appeared above the figure as they used their magic to float up into the air and were sucked into the dome as it disappeared.

The figure was traveling in limbo as they came through another portal as they found themselves now in the daytime as the sun was high above. Soon they heard something as they looked out from the shadows as they were welcomed to a familiar sight.

"Isaac... help me pleaaase!!!!" shouted Sunset as that last shot image was enough to fully break free of her mind control. "Aah!!" A pillar of light came from Sunset as the source of the mind control was starting to dwindle.

"What's happening? No... no! My control! I'm losing control!" shouted the Tantabus as it felt its grip on Sunset's mind slipping away until it could no longer. "This can't be happening!!!!"

"Looks like I made it just in time. Now then." The figure then used their magic as they concentrated. Soon they found a powerful beam at Sunset as she was being surrounded by a pillar of light as it provided the perfect cover up. They were digging through Sunset's mind as it was searching for something; one they found it, they then used their power to pull it out as they extracted the Tantabus out from the orange mare and reeled it in as it was secured in a container.

"Don't fret. I have a plan to help you win, but not here. At least, not in the past. Now come, there's allies to acquire." said the mysterious figure as they casted the spell from earlier and another dome portal opened up as they were sucked in and disappeared.

The time was high as Isaac was in his room as it would be the last time he would be in that space. Now that Sunset was safe, both ponies realized that their mission had been completed and that meant they no longer needed to stay here. Which meant... it was time to say goodbye.

"Man, it felt just like yesterday that I arrived in Equestria and now... my journey is over." said Isaac as he looked out of the window seeing the small town. "I'm gonna miss this place, but I'll cherish the memories that I made."

Once word got to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna that Sunset was safe, they were ecstatic to know she was alright. They also knew that both ponies had finished the task they were given and were now ready to depart. So they made the decision to allow the two of them to have sometime to properly say goodbye. Soon the door to Isaac's room opened up as in came Sunset.

"How you holding up, boy toy?" asked Sunset.

"Honestly, I can't believe we actually finished our mission. I know you've been through this before with saying goodbye to your home, but it pains me. I've only been here for a short while, but it feels like I've been living here for a lifetime and now... I have to say goodbye."

"Now you know how I felt. But come on, let's not worry about that. That's tomorrow, let's take today as an opportunity to say our final goodbyes. Besides, Pinkie is planning a 'farewell' party for us."

"You're right, that's tomorrow. For now, lets just enjoy these last few moments with our pony friends." said Isaac. They both exited Isaac's room as they made their way to the main dining room.

The moment they entered, the entire room was filled with confetti as it blasted in their face as a banner was hung above.

"Well, were you surprised?" asked Pinkie.

"Very." said Isaac in a blunt tone.

"Hooray!" screamed Pinkie as she brought the two ponies in for a very tight hug as she lifted them off the ground.

"Pinkie!" shouted both ponies as they the pink pony crushing their air supply.

"Pinkie, let them go." said Twilight as she got her friend to release the pair. "Sorry, she's just sad that you're both leaving."

"We all are, sugar." Applejack and the others now approached the pair. "Kind hard to think that y'all are leavin'."

"Man, it felt like you just got here." said Spike as he had a few tears in his eye.

"We're all gonna miss you darlings." stated Rarity. "We've had our fair of adventures, but I dare say those Duel Monsters really something of a breath of fresh air."

"We're always constantly dealing with evil forces or creatures." said Fluttershy.

"But this was a different breed of evil and I'm glad I got to whup some butt." said Rainbow as she boasted about herself.

"What she means, sugarcube is that we're grateful for what you both have done?" clarified Applejack. "Just it pains us to see you go."

"I know." said Isaac. "And does it really have to be goodbye. Sure we may or may not see each other again, but that doesn't mean we have to forget about one another. Our hearts are connected, by the bonds we've created. And as long as we hold on to those bonds, it's never goodbye."

"Words to live by." said Twilight.

"Now come on, the waterworks are suppose to be for later. Right now, let's party!" shouted Isaac. With his response, Pinkie immediately got into character as she turned on the charm and the party was in full swing.

While everybody was enjoying themselves, Spike had managed to pull Isaac to the side as he wanted to discuss somethings with the colt.

"What's up, Spike?"

"Listen, I just want to say that I'm grateful for all you've done for me since coming here. Teaching how to play your game, helping me to get Rarity's attention, even rescuing Twilight when she was captured in the Everfree Forest. I'm glad to have met a friend like you."

"Hey, no problem. I was just doing what I normally do. Besides, I'm glad to have someone like you." said Isaac as he patted the drake's head.

"By the way, before I forget. Here's your prototype deck back." said Spike as he pulled it out to give back Isaac.

Isaac just smiled as he closed his eyes and his horn light up. Now Spike was currently holding two decks in his hand as he was confused.

"Twilight taught me a spell on how to make multiple objects. I made you a copy of the deck so that you can keep it for yourself. Consider it a souvenir, something so that both you and the girls can remember me by." smiled the colt as he took his cards back.

"Thanks, bud. I'll make sure to take good care of it." said Spike as he gave Isaac a hug who just simply wrapped one of his front legs around the little dragon.

Both boys then returned back to the party as they began to play some party games. All was going good as everypony was enjoying themselves. It seemed like both Sunset and Isaac were glad to have made some new friends, even it was only for a short amount of time. But they had made some new memories that they would always look back on. While the gang was enjoying themselves, Mahad and Mana watched from up above as they too were a bit sad to say goodbye to this world. More so for Mana as she couldn't be able to cuddle with all the colorful creatures she had fallen in love with. Regardless, they knew that they needed to return back to their world. All was going well, until there was a loud noise that was heard.

"Did you hear that?" asked Spike.

"It sounded like an explosion." stated Applejack.

"Explosion?" said Fluttershy as she was scarred and hid behind the country mare.

"It came from outside." stated Rainbow.

Soon all of them then started to investigate the noise as they exited the castle. The moment they opened the doors, they were welcomed to a very unpleasant sight.

"Oh no." said Twilight.

Standing before the group of friends was the mysterious figure who had captured and brainwashed Sunset as they wore a cloak to conceal their features.

"Who are you?" demanded Isaac.

"I remember, that's the pony that knocked me out." stated Sunset. "Boy do I want to get my hooves on you."

"I safe your strength Sunset, you're gonna need it soon." said the mysterious figure.

"Whoever, you are. You're gonna pay for hurting Sunset." shouted Isaac.

"And so the hero wants to settle the score, how typical and predictable." said the figure. "Though, I have no beef with you, Isaac. In fact, I have another plan that I need to carry out. But I do have a couple of friends that would like to get reacquainted with you two." The figure then had their horn lit up as the magic created a giant portal that caused a massive pillar of light to appear.

It caused the group of friends to temporarily cover their eyes, once it died down, they were shocked by what they saw. Standing in front of them was not one, not two, but all of the five leaders that Isaac and Sunset had managed to defeat in a duel. Safe to say they were all but pissed at the sight of the two.

"How? How is this possible? Sunset and I defeated each one of you." stated Isaac.

"Did you really think it would be that easy?" said the figure. Soon from behind them, rose the Tantabus but this time it was in a new form as it had taken the shape of an alicorn.

"No! No, I got rid of that thing!" shouted Sunset.

"You did, but that was in the past." said the figure.

"What do you mean?" asked Twilight.

"You'll find out soon enough, Twilight." said the figure as they looked at the princess. "Let's say that I found a certain spell that allows me to travel through time. And so I merely casted the spell and went back to the moment these leaders were about to be defeated. I then extracted an essence of them before they disappeared and using my magic was able to create an exact copy of them. And now that I have, I've given them a chance at revenge."

"I will break you bones!" shouted Battleguard King.

"Time to burn you alive, Sunset." hissed Fire Kraken.

"The goldarm gang, never forgets." said Magical Musketeer Starfire as she locked her eyes on Isaac.

"I can't wait to feast on your souls." laughed Armored Zombie manically.

"The cold hand of death will freeze you over." said Mobius the Frost Monarch.

"After all you've done to me, I promise to give you fate worst than death itself." spoke the Tantabus.

Both Isaac and Sunset were less than pleased to see their old foes back and alive. But they knew that they needed to stop them so they took a step forward and prepared to battle.

"If it's a fight you want, then I'm ready." said Isaac as he got into position.

"That's double for me." stated Sunset as she got in a ready position next to the colt.

"No! We're ready!" said Twilight as she and the rest of the gang all backed up the pair as they stood by their sides.

"Guys, get out of here! Sunset..."

"Don't try that!" shouted Rainbow. "You've know us by now, Isaac. We ain't running from a fight; so this time we're gonna help you."

"All for one and one for all." cheered Pinkie.

"I guess there's no point in arguing." said Isaac as he let out a sigh. "Alright then, together as one!"

"Excellent." snickered the figure evilly. "But this is most certainly will not do. If you are to battle, we need a more suitable place." The figure then casted a spell as it transported both sides away as they all disappeared.

The group now found themselves in what was some sort of ancient city plaza as there was tons of Parthenon buildings. The most stunning thing is that the group were not their usual self. Isaac and Sunset opened their eyes and saw they were back in their human forms as they were wearing their normal clothes. Once they turned back to looked at their friends, they were shocked to see that they too had been turned into their human counterparts as they wore their clothes. Even Spike had been changed into the appearance his other part had when they ventured into the cyber world. The only difference was Twilight as she had a different outfit compared to her human counterpart. For the princess, her lower part of her attire was a dark violet skirt on which could be made out what looked to be her cutie mark. Her top half was covered in a light blue, buttoned-up shirt with a magenta bow around the neck.

"You girls okay?" asked Isaac.

"I think so... uh... Isaac... is that you?" asked Fluttershy.

"Yes, Fluttershy, it's me. Well this is what I normally look like." stated Isaac as he reminded the girls that he was a human.

"So... does that mean..." started Applejack.

"We're hu-man?" asked Rarity as she had a bit of trouble saying the word with her accent.

"Seems like it." said Sunset.

"This is awesome!" expressed Rainbow as she was happy. She tried to walk only for her to fall flat on her face. "Okay, not awesome."

"We've got bigger problems, look." said Twilight as she pointed across from them.

Standing on the other side was the five leaders and the Tantabus as they remained the same. They still had anger looks on their eyes as they had their sights set on the group in front of them. Isaac and Sunset were prepared to fight, but they worried about the others. Just then some small lights came from the girls and Spike as it formed around their arms and when it ceased, they were all wearing duel disks.

"Finally!" shouted Rainbow as she had been dying to get one of her own.

"Is this a duel disk?" asked Pinkie.

"Welcome, challengers!" spoke a voice. Soon they all looked up in the sky as the mysterious figure had appeared before them.

"What's the meaning of this?!" asked Isaac.

"Why, it's quite simple. If you want to save your world, you must complete on final challenge. Win and you're all free to go. But lose and well... you know the rest."

"And what makes you think we'll agree to this?" asked Sunset.

"You don't have a choice. I've teleported you all to a certain place in limbo and the only way out is for their to be a winner."

"What, like a duel?" asked Spike.

"Not exactly, for you see all of you will partaking in this challenge. For it will be an all out Duel Monsters battle royale. In which the winners will be set free and the fate of Equestria will be decided!" boomed the mysterious figure. They then casted some more magic as the girls and Spike all had a deck of cards appear in front of them. "I've given you all a fighting chance by having the decks that your human counterparts use. Now whether you have the skills as they do, is another story. But at least here, you make this somewhat interesting."

"Fine by me." said Rainbow as she wasted no time in grabbing the deck in front of her. Soon the memories of her human self were implemented into her mind as she now had knowledge about the cards in her deck and how to play them. "This is so awesome!" Rainbow couldn't contain her excitement as her duel disk ejected a sky blue card tray.

The others all did the same as they touched their decks and the magic flowed through them as they now had knowledge about their cards. They all then slotted it into their duel disks as it projected a card tray for each of them. Twilight's being purple, Rarity's being indigo, Spike's having an orange color, Applejack going with green, Fluttershy having a yellow card tray, and Pinkie having her favorite color. As for Isaac and Sunset they each pulled out their decks and slotted them in as their duel disk projected their card trays of red and gold light. The device that Isaac had gotten from Tartarus was now shining as it morphed and attached to his chest as he wore a chest plate battle armor.

"I guess if we're going to get out of here, we're going to need all the help we can get." said Isaac.

"In that case, let's show them how the game is played." stated Sunset.

"Now, let the battle commence!" shouted the mysterious figure.

All five leaders then appeared in a straight line as they prepared for battle. Soon the Tantabus was starting to take shape as it's form was taking on a more solid shape and it too was wearing the same chest armor as Isaac. It even produced a face as it smiled evilly at the group.

"The rules of this trial are simple." said the mysterious figure. "You may summon any and all monsters you have from your decks. You lose... when they're all destroyed. The victor will be the ones who are left standing. " said the mysterious figure as the battle was now under way.

"Then let's do this! It's time to duel!" shouted Isaac as it served as the battle cry for everybody to get in position. "Now, I summon my Magician of Black Chaos, my Celtic Guardian, and Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning!" stated Isaac as he called upon 3 monsters to his side.

"And I play... Red-Eyes Black Dragon... Gearfried the Red-Eyes Iron Knight... and Black Metal Dragon!!" stated Sunset as she too called on 3 monsters.

"Plus my Clear Wing Synchro Dragon and U.A. Star Player!!" shouted Rainbow as she called on some of her own monsters.

"Don't forget about... Starving Venom Fusion Dragon and Greedy Venom Fusion Dragon!!" yelled out Applejack as she had her pair of killer plants.

"We need some style, which I'll happily apply with my Rainbow Dragon and Rainbow Overdragon!" said Rarity.

"Meet Thunder Unicorn, Ronin Raccoon and Behemoth the King of all Animals." said Fluttershy as she had her great beasts by her side.

"Come on out my beloved toons, and Madolche Queen Tiaramisu and Puddingcess Chocolat-a-la-Mode!!" screamed Pinkie.

"High Priestess of Prophecy... come forth! And Hierophant of Prophecy!" stated Twilight.

"And lastly, Silent Swordsman, Silent Magician, and Gandora the Dragon of Destruction!" said Spike as he called on his monsters.

Soon all five leaders themselves started to call upon their own monsters as they summoned a bit of their minions to their side as well as some of the monsters they used in their decks.

"I call forth my brothers... Swamp Battleguard and Lava Battleguard!"

"Rise from the ashes, Laval Dragun and Lavalval Ignis!" stated Fire Kraken.

"Lets winds howl with an icy chill, Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier. And Trishula, Zero Dragon of the Ice Barrier!" exclaimed Mobius.

"Hear my cry, fallen comrades. Crimson Knight Vampire Bram and Dhampir Vampire Sheridan!" spoke Armored Zombie.

"First we shoot and then we loot, Infernity Doom Dragon and Infernity Doom Archfiend!" called out Magical Musketeer Starfire.

"And finally, Reshelf the Dark Being!" stated the Tantabus as it called upon a new monster that neither Isaac or the gang had heard about.

"Great, they got bigger numbers." said Spike as he saw their opponents had a slightly bigger force.

"The stage has been set. Best of luck to you all." said the mysterious figure as they disappeared for the final time.

"Alright! Activate Duel Armor!" said Isaac. "Merge with Black Luster Soldier!" shouted the boy as both he and his monster were now joining their souls together as Isaac was now standing there wearing the garments of his monster as he lifted his sword and shield.

"Two can play at that game! Merge with Reshelf the Dark Being!" shouted the Tantabus as it did the same thing as Isaac and fused with Reshelf the Dark Being as it sat on top of its monster's forehead.

"Something that big, gotta be against the rules." said Sunset as she got on her dragon's back and they flew high into the air as the others did too.

"Who said there were rules?!" stated Twilight as she was being carried by her High Priestess.

"Front line attack them now!" shouted the Tantabus as all the minions and monsters used by the leaders all started to rush forward.

With that the battle was underway as most of the gang took to the skies with their monsters as Isaac was on the ground along with the other ground monsters as they all charged forward to engage the enemy. Once both forces met in the middle, it was an all out fight.

Isaac raised his sword as he clashed with Lava Battleguard as they started to trade blows with their weapons. Swamp Battleguard had decided to take a swing at Isaac from behind, thankfully his Celtic Guardian was able to fend off the attack as he protect his master from suffering a serious blow. Isaac turned around and saw this as Battleguard King looked to bring his giant club down on the boy only for him to get hit by the magic of Isaac's Magician of Black Chaos as he did his job of looking out for his master. Soon Isaac and his two monsters were now back to back as they were surrounded by Battleguard King and his forces.

"Isaac's surrounded!" said Twilight from above.

"Not for long! Hey!" shouted Sunset as she was flying in on the back of her Red-Eyes as she ordered her dragon to fire off some shots that took out some of the minions and caused the others to spread out. Soon Fire Princess appeared as she blasted a spell that knocked Sunset off of her dragon as she was now falling through the air and would have hit the ground had her Black Metal Dragon not caught her and she was now riding on its back. "Hey, fancying meeting you here." said Sunset. "On the other hand, not so much for her." said Sunset as she noticed Fire Princess coming back around to deliver another strike. She then dodged the fireballs as she managed to lure the monster into the sight of her Gearfried who was able to jump up and bring its arm down on the witch.

Meanwhile, both Trishula dragons were blasting shards at Rarity and her dragons as they tried to shoot her out of the sky. "They say flying is the safest way to travel, well they couldn't be more wrong." stated Rarity as she did her beast to avoid getting hit by icicles. Soon she got in close as she gave her beasts their command. "Now let them have it, darlings!" Rarity's dragons heard her command as they opened their mouths and blasted the other dragons square in the chest as they crashed into the ground. "Who says a lady can't defend herself?" While Rarity was busying fixing her appearance, one of the many Abyss Soldier pounced in the air and looked to strike her. Thankfully, her Crystal Beast Amethyst Cat appeared as it intercepted the attack and took out the monster.

"Don't you dare put a claw on my lady!" growled Amethyst Cat.

Soon another Abyss Solider appeared as it was taken down by another one of her Crystal Beasts. "Protecting our lady is my top priority. No one lands a finger on her unless I say so." stated Topaz Tiger.

"My dear, sweet kitties. Thank you." said Rarity as they approached her and she gave them an affectionate petting and kiss as both felines started to lick her face as she giggled. Soon they all turned their attention back to the battle as more of Mobius' forces were coming at them.

Pinkie and Fluttershy were dealing with the undead army as they were trying to restrain the massive vampire monsters coming at them. While Fluttershy was a bit frighten by the monsters, her beasts stepped in front of her as they were looking to protect their princess. Thunder Unicorn then clawed at the ground as it got a running start and began to charge at some of the monsters. It even used its electricity to shine a bright light on some of the undead as it turned them to dust. Ronin Raccoon being the small creature he was, was able to move at lighting fast speed as he used his martial art skills and katana to take down several of the monsters that surrounded him. He even did his copy technique as he produced several of his token brothers as they took began to fight in the name of their beloved princess. Behemoth as given the task of protecting Fluttershy as he placed their mistress on his back as he started to swat away any monsters that got near her with its huge set of jaws and claws.

Pinkie was just using her Pinkie powers as she began to zip in and out of space as she blasted some of the monsters with sweets. Safe to say that both her toons and Madolches were having fun as they let out cartoonish attacks that resulted them in having cartoonish expressions which was weird given that they were already a cartoon. Regardless, they also took a bit of some sweets as she pulled out her party cannons and began to load them with food from her tasty treat monsters as they pulled the string and fired the desserts. Seems the idea of throwing food at each other was taking a whole different meaning.

Applejack was dealing with several minions from all of the leaders as her dragons were using their vines to whip them back and sometimes using their jaws to gobble some up. "Tough things aren't they." stated Applejack as she was riding on the back of Starving Venom Fusion Dragon. Soon one of the minions managed to knock her off as she fell back first on the ground. Just as one of them was about to move, Applejack's deck shined as her Predaplant Helimaphorhynchus appeared and swooped in the line of fire as it tussled with the creature before it took it out.

"Thanks, partner." said Applejack as she looked at her monster who gave a cry before getting a quick snuggled to show its affection to her. "Okay there, let's focus on winnin'." With that Applejack and her plants got back to taking out their section of monsters.

Rainbow Dash was cruising on the back of her Clear Wing Synchro Dragon as they did barrel rolls and a few dives as they took out some more of the monsters. Meanwhile on the ground, her U.A. Star Player was using his many physical abilities as he dodged, punched and kicked any of the monsters that were coming at him. A huge number of them had surrounded U.A. Star Player when out from the crowd came U.A. Player Manager, U.A Dreadnought Dunker and U.A. Playmaker as they helped their comrade.

"Can't let you have all the fun!" stated U.A. Player Manager in his New York accent.

"Besides, I want to impress the boss." said Dreadnought Dunker as he was referring to Rainbow Dash.

"On your left." said Playmaker as he managed to block an attack meant for Star Player as he gave a pump knee strike as he knocked some teeth out of the monster as down they went like a ton of bricks.

"Showoff!" taunted Star Player.

"Hey, guys! Less yapping and more punching in the face!" shouted out Rainbow.

"Yes, captain!" shouted her U.A. monsters.

"You heard the boss, double time!" shouted Player Manager as they all rushed to forward to help their mistress.

Twilight was being carried by her High Priestess of Prophecy as she used her magic and spellbook to cast several spells that took out her targets with ease.

"Woah, okay. I've done my own spells, but that is something else." stated Twilight.

"Believe me, Ms. Sparkle. Lady Priestess is but using a tenth of her power." stated Hierophant as he used his staff and magical powers to create a barrier around them and blasting some of the Infernity monsters that entered the shield.

"Oh, please. It's no big deal." said High Priestess as she snapped her fingers as her spellbooks materialized and started to fire off magical beams that took out some more creatures. "You know the old saying..."

"Knowledge is power!" said Twilight as both her and her priestess said the same thing. They both let out a laugh as they looked at each other as they were bonding.

"Why don't you try one?" stated High Priestess as she made a book appear in Twilight's hands as she flipped it opened and began to read from it as several spells started to fire off. High Priestess was amazed at Twilight's magical abilities that she couldn't help but smile as she was glad to have someone as studious and talented like Twilight as her master.

Spike was left to handle Magical Musketeer Starfire and her merry band as they started to fire off their weapons. Gandora put his wings around the young boy as he shielded him from the blast, while Silent Swordsman used his sword to deflect the shots while Silent Magician created a magical shield as the attack bounced off.

"Thanks, guys." said Spike as Gandora let out a growl. "Now fire back!" Spike gave Gandora his order as he unleashed his gigarays as they blasted some of the Magical Musketeer gang. With that done, Spike's Silent Swordsman and Magician started to fight back as they took some more members out. "Alright," soon Spike's deck began to glow as he looked at it and Flame Swordsman came out, "So you want in on the action, huh big guy?" Flame Swordsman nodded as Spike let his monster join the others in battle.

The battle raged on as our group of heroes were doing well as they held their ground. Despite being outnumbered, they worked well with their monsters as they starting to slowly dwindle the numbers. While the group and the five leaders were engaged in battle, the Tantabus was watching from its position as it decided to take matters into their own hand.

"It's time to take matters into my own hands." Soon it started to call upon the leaders as it was gathering their energies. "Now my comrades, lend me your strength and your monsters." called the Tantabus as they absorbed every single one of its allies as they combined into several pillars.

"What's this? Why would he launch an attack against his own team?" asked Isaac.

"Now I use their powers to call upon a powerful creature, appear my mighty Seven Armed Fiend!" shouted the Tantabus as out came a huge monster as it had seven arms coming out of its bond.

"What is that thing?" asked Spike as he was on Gandora's back.

"I don't know." answered Twilight.

"So... does anybody have a plan on how to handle that thing?" asked Pinkie.

"Well you know what they say. The bigger they are the harder they fall!" shouted Rainbow as she charged forward with her Clear Wing Synchro Dragon at the giant fiend.

"Rainbow Dash, no! It's too dangerous!" shouted Isaac as he tried to warn her.

"Seven Armed Fiend... defend!" shouted the Tantabus. It's monster then brought one of his many arms and swatted Rainbow and her dragon to the ground as she tumbled and fell off.

"Rainbow Dash!" said Isaac as he rushed over to see if she was hurt.

"Okay, that hurt a bit!" said Rainbow as she could feel the pain her Clear Wing just suffered. "You think you're so tough?! Just cause you got 35 fingers?!" shouted Dash as she taunted the monster.

"Try as you might, but my monster is indestructible. For you see each of its arms has a special ability. Allow me to explain, a personal favorite of mine to start with, 'Arm of the Skulls!" shouted the Tantabus. Soon it left another arm as it held it out and tons of skeletal warriors dressed in battle army were now flying towards the rest of the gang that was riding their monsters.

"Counter y'all!" shouted Applejack as the girls and Spike used their monsters to shoot a beam of power at the monsters as they turned to particles. "Yeehaw, so much for yer friends!"

"Aj, never say that!" stated Isaac as he knew this common troupe.

"Trust me, you haven't seen the last of them. Now 'Arm of Regeneration'!" Just like that all the skeletal warriors that were destroyed were brought back and were now closing in on the others as they landed on each of the girls and their monsters as they brought them down from the sky.

"Oh no, they've been hit!" shouted Isaac as he rushed to check on his friends.

"And now it's your turn!" stated the Tantabus as it had its monster raise another arm. "Arm of Entrapment!" Soon it created a portal that it put its arm through and then near Isaac several arms rose from the ground as they grabbed the others and pulled them down near the boy.

"Twilight!" shouted Isaac as he saw her floating above him as they pulled her and her monster down as they collided with the ground. Isaac was able to save Twilight as he held her in his arms. "Is everyone okay?" asked Isaac.

"I think so, ow!" said Pinkie as she felt the pain that her monsters suffered.

"Now what?" asked Sunset as she too grabbed her side.

"Looks like we'll have to fight this fiend from the ground!" stated Spike.

Soon the several skeletal warriors from before landed on the ground in front of the group as they severed as the barrier between them and the massive creature.

"But first we need to get past the zombie patrol first!" stated Rainbow.

"Fine with me!" shouted Sunset. "Gearfried, Metal Arm Thrust!" shouted Sunset as she had her warrior engage.

"Silent Swordsman, Silent Slash attack! Flame Swordsman, Flaming Sword of Battle!" shouted Spike as his warriors started to cut down the foes.

Soon the other joined in as they had their monsters take aim at the targets in front of them.

"Isaac, we'll deal with this. You focus on taking that thing down." said Twilight as he put her back on her feet.

"Alright, then." said Isaac as he gave a quick kiss to Twilight's lips as he looked at Seven Armed Fiend and raised his sword as he began to charge at the creature without a plan in mind. "Chaos Blade Strike!" shouted Isaac as he just ran and then leaped into the air as he look to connect.

"Defense Arm!" shouted the Tantabus. It then had its monster use another arm to put up a wall as Isaac's sword bounced off of it and tossed him back as he landed on the ground in front of the creature.

"Isaac!" shouted Sunset as she saw her friend hit the ground.

"Ha ha ha! I've toyed with you children for long enough, so allow me to put you out of your misery! By unleashing my Seven Arm Fiend's most devasting ability! Arm of Destruction!" shouted the Tantabus. Now another arm powered up as it had its sights set on a target. "Target the kid!"

"Just my luck!" said Spike as he realized he was in danger.

"Don't you dare lay a finger on him!" said Isaac as he was stilling trying to get back up.

"How about an entire hand!?" shouted the Tantabus as its monster unleashed its power and headed towards Spike in a fast speed.

"Spike!" shouted Twilight and Rarity.

"Watch out!" shouted Fluttershy.

"Run while you can!" stated Isaac.

The attack made contact as Spike was surrounded in a cloud of smoke. Spike had closed his eyes expecting him to be hurt, but found himself fine.

"He seems to be fine." said Isaac.

Spike took another look at him and sure enough he was safe. But when he looked in front of him, he saw that Gandora was in front of him as he had stepped in the line of fire and sacrificed himself to protect the boy. Gandora let out a painful cry as it started to slowly disappear as its entire body collapsed. Spike approached his monster as he too felt the pain of Gandora being gone as it hurt him a bit. "You saved me. Thanks, pal." smiled Spike as he put his hand on the dragon's face. Gandora gave one last growl as it looked at him. "I'm gonna miss you." With that Gandora disappeared into particles as it was now gone.

"We have to hurry, if we don't our monsters will meet a similar fate." said Isaac as he notified the entire group.

"Alright! Enough of this nonsense! This war is over!" shouted the Tantabus.

"My thoughts exactly!" shouted Isaac with fury in his voice as he rushed head first without thinking. "Now Celtic Guardian and Magician of Black Chaos! Attaaaaack!" Isaac had called his two monsters to his side as they all charged at the creature.

"You're more foolish than I thought. Have you forgotten that each of my monster's arms has its own unique ability? Activate Arm of Clairvoyance!" said the Tantabus as it activated another effect. Its fiend then perfectly blocked all three assaults from Isaac and his monsters.

"What's going on?" asked Isaac.

"My fiend allows me to read your mind and therefore anticipate your every move!"

Isaac and his monsters all land together as they ducked out of the way at the last second as the fiend brought its fist down. "Wait, I have a plan." stated Isaac as he dodged. "We must divide and conquer!" Isaac's monsters heard their master's command as they began to do it.

"Cleary you don't understand." said the Tantabus as it closed its eyes. My monster can see it all! It then began to picture the attack pattern that Isaac was trying to do with his monsters as it prepared to block them. "Front! Right! Left!" said the Tantabus as its fiend stopped Isaac's plan dead in its tracks. It then brought another arm to swing as it hit Isaac and his two monsters as they were sent to the ground.

"You alright, Isaac?" asked Sunset. Soon a warrior launched a sneak attack from Sunset's blind spot as it looked to strike her. "Gearfried!" called out Sunset. Her monster heard its command as it tossed its weapon and made contact with the monster. "That's what I call a bull-eyes." Soon a pair of hand emerged from the ground as it held Sunset's Gearfried in place to keep him from moving.

"Nobody like a backstabber!" chuckled the Tantabus. Soon the other skeletal warriors started to slash away at Gearfried as he was defenseless. Sunset felt the pain of her monster as he called for help. "Hey Red-Eyes! Attack with Inferno Fire Blast!" Red-Eyes heard Sunset's command as it shot an attack to help its fallen comrade. Sunset then approached her Gearfried as she laid him in her arms. "Thanks pal. We couldn't have done this without you."

"Just doing my job of protecting you, Miss Sunset." said Gearfried as he let out one final smile before he disappeared. Sunset then stood up as she clutched her arm as she felt the pain of her monster being defeated as she willed herself to push through the pain and keep on fighting. "Those goons... are gonna pay!" said Sunset with anger.

"Watch your back!!" said Isaac as he struggled to get back up and saw Sunset was getting attacked from behind.

"Red-Eyes, burn them!!! Rapid-fire Flame Strike!!" shouted Sunset as her dragon did just that. Black Metal Dragon then kept close by Sunset as it looked to fend off any enemies and keep her safe. "I told you Isaac, we'll handle this. You concentrate on that over-sized scrap heap!"

"All right!" acknowledged Isaac as he looked back at the creature in front of him. To start, I need to find a way around that 'defense arm'. The only problem is that it can read my mind and therefore predict my strategy. If only I can confuse it? Wait... that just might be it!

"You fools are wasting your time." said the Tantabus as it saw the girls and Spike trying to get rid of the skeletal warriors with their monsters. "You can't win. Seven Armed Fiend, prepare to attack!" Soon it had a target in its sight as it saw Twilight. "Looks like we have our first victim!"

"Wait! I'm the one you want, not her!" shouted Isaac as he stepped in front of Twilight.

"Isaac, wait!" stated Twilight.

I hope this works. Isaac then raised his sword as he started to charge forward toward Seven Armed Fiend. His two other monsters joined with him as they were heading towards the massive creature.

"Now let's see what's on your mind, shall we?" said the Tantabus as it hoped to pick apart Isaac's mind and hope to figure out his strategy. "What?" shouted the Tantabus for once it tried to access Isaac's mind it was filled with nothing but the memories of his friends. "What is this? This can't possibly be Isaac's mind, it's filled with nothing but his friends."

Seems Isaac's plan was working as he was running and dodging all the attack by Seven Armed Fiend. He had purposely filled his mind with the memories of his friends in hopes that the Tantabus wouldn't read his plan; it also helped that Isaac didn't think of his plan as he was doing instead of thinking as he was now very close to the creature. The Tantabus was still having trouble trying to escape Isaac's mind trap.

"It's filled with nothing but meaningless and worthless friends." said the Tantabus as it tried to escape from Isaac's mind.

"Alright!" Isaac then pushed off the ground as hard as he can as he leaped into the air with his sword ready to strike. "Magician of Black Chaos and Celtic Guardian... Attack!" shouted Isaac. His two monsters then delivered some powerful blows with a blast to the face by his magician, while his warrior made a slash across the forehead leaving a mark. "Chaos Blade!" Isaac then brought his sword down in a downward slash as he cut the fiend in two which started to glow and then exploded as it was defeated.

"Isaac actually did it!" said Twilight as all of the skeletal warriors were gone.

Soon the energies that were used to combine the Seven Armed Fiend now split back into the five leaders and a couple of their minions as they looked on with surprised in their face at what Isaac just did.

"My fiend is gone. But how? That's impossible!!" shouted the Tantabus.

"It's time you stop hiding like a little chicken @#% bitch!" yelled out Isaac as it caused everybody to have their jaws drop at the words that Isaac just said out of his mouth. Twilight made sure to cover Spike's ears to avoid hearing such vulgar profanity. "Now let's settle this once and for all. Come down here and fight me, face to face." said Isaac as he stood in front of his friends and their monsters.

"You may have destroyed my Seven-armed Fiend. However, my trusted allies have now returned, and might I remind you, I've merged with the most powerful creature on the field-- Reshelf the Dark Being! Now my friends, time to prove your loyalty and finish off Isaac and his friends!" shouted the Tantabus.

Battleguard King then brought his giant club down as he took out Spike's Silent Magician as it was gone. Mobius the Frost Monarch then shot an ice attack as they collided with Pinkie's toons and her Madolche Queen Tiaramisu. Meanwhile both Trishula dragons had managed to take out Rainbow's U.A. Playmaker and Dreadnought Dunker. Magical Musketeer Starfire raised her weapon and was aiming at Applejack until her Starving Venom Fusion Dragon got in the line of fire as it took the barrage of shots intended for Aj. Fire Kraken had his sub-officer Firebush Knight take a swing as it took out Fluttershy's Ronin Raccoon as it was sent flying and fell into Fluttershy's arm as he looked at his beloved princess before he cracked a small smile before nuzzling against her chest before he disappeared. Armored Zombie along with Clown Zombie and Undead Zombie had managed to surround and overpower Rarity's Rainbow Overdragon as it let out a cry of defeat with Amethyst Cat and Topaz Tiger soon following after that. Infernity Doom Dragon had opened its mouth and fired off a powerful attack as it looked to take out Twilight and High Priestess before Hierophant stood in front of them with his arms out as he took the full force of the attack as he let out a scream and fell face first. Both of them were surprised as Twilight raced to check on her monster who just looked at his lady and gave a comforting smile as he said goodbye. Safe to say that our group of heroes were now starting to fall one by one as the pain of their monsters being destroyed took a toll on them as they grabbed themselves as they too felt the pain of when their monsters were defeated.

"No!" shouted Isaac as he watched his fellow monsters fall in battle and see his friends in pain.

"I'll teach you to mess with my friends!" said Sunset as she got back on her Red-Eyes and with Black Metal Dragon took to the skies and shot an attack towards the Tantabus. In which Fire Kraken's Laval Dragun took the attack as it was now engulfed in flames as it used that power and zoomed forward at a high speed as it looked to collided and take out Sunset. Which would have worked, if Black Metal Dragon didn't push Red-Eyes out of the way and took the hit head on as it let out a cry and was destroyed with Sunset feeling the pain of her monster's sacrifice.

"Are you just gluttons for punishment, or do honestly think you can win?" mocked the Tantabus. "Go ahead, attack me again so that I can finish you all off."

"That's easy to say from where you're sitting!" shouted Isaac. "Join the rest of us and let's see how tough you really are!" Isaac pointed his sword at the Tantabus as he threw down the challenge.

"How are we suppose to win if we can't even get near them, let alone defeat them?" asked Pinkie.

"Leave that to me." said Isaac as he had a plan. "Alright, listen up, you guys need to lure away the monsters in the front line so that I can move in for a direct attack!" told Isaac to the others.

"Right!" they all shouted as they regrouped with their monsters. Soon they all took joined up in pair with Spike hitching a ride on Rarity's Rainbow Dragon, while Pinkie hopped on top of Rainbow's Clear Wing dragon with their own respective monsters following next to them. It worked as they managed to separate the leaders and their forces as they started to fight back and even took some of them out.

"Isaac, now!" shouted Twilight as the way was clear.

Isaac took the opportunity to run towards the Tantabus and the monster it was fused with as he leaped high into the air and with his sword did an upward slash as he managed to score a direct hit on his foe as it felt pain. "You armor may have a strong defense from afar, but now that I'm close enough, I'm afraid it's useless!" stated Isaac.

"Wrong. As you're about to witness firsthand, my Reshelf offers more than just a strong defense!" Soon tons of small openings began to uncover on Reshelf as they appeared to be tiny laser devices. "Activate Omni Directional Laser Assault!" shouted the Tantabus as its monster then powered up those lasers and they came out hitting in every direction as they destroyed some building and the ground hoping to sit anything and anyone in its line of fire.

Isaac would have been hit by one of those laser had his Magician of Black Chaos now swooped in and grabbed his master as he lifted him into the air as they dodged the lasers.

"Sorry. Slight miscalculation on my part." told Isaac to his magician as he hadn't expect that move from his opponent. Isaac's magician just carried his master as he shook his head at his ignorance. Soon they began to move swiftly as they avoided the lasers from hitting them while Isaac's Celtic Guardian who was still on the ground was jump all over the place as he too was avoiding the hits. "Hold on! If you continue to fire, you'll be endangering your own team as well!" shouted the boy.

"That's the difference between you and I! I don't belong to a 'team'! I have a staff of subordinates who serve my every need, and like most things in life, when you have no need for them any longer, you get rid of them!" chuckled the Tantabus.

Isaac then looked at his foe as he observed something. I think I found a weak spot in its armor. It has a blind spot.

"There's no where to hide! Just accept your fate!"

"Your lust for power is so great that you don't care who you hurt, so long as you get your hands on it. However, in the end, the person you end up hurting the most is yourself! Now observe your fatal flaw!" said Isaac as he and his two monsters got in close as they avoided the lasers. They then disappeared from the line of sight.

"Huh? Where are you?" asked the Tantabus as they couldn't see Isaac or his monsters. "Show yourself at once!"

"Be careful what you wish for!" shouted Isaac as he and his Celtic Guardian emerged from straight under Reshelf and leaped straight up as they brought their swords in a crisscross attack as they made contact with their foe.

"How dare you!" shouted the Tantabus.

"I'm afraid the worst is yet to come!" said Isaac. Soon Magician of Black Chaos appeared in front of the Tantabus as it pointed its staff and fired off a powerful spell at point blank that it hurt the Tantabus as it nearly defeated it.

"Ahh!" screamed the Tantabus as its monster stopped attacking.

"Hey look, his laser turned off!" said Pinkie.

"Yeah, it looks like Isaac might have damaged his armor." said Rarity.

"Time to finish this with one final sneak attack." said Isaac as he had his monsters ready to deal the blow as they leaped into the air.

"I'm afraid you can't fool me with the same trick twice in row! Now watch and learn!" said the Tantabus as he used his powers and soon all of the five leaders were now being absorbed against their will as they and their minions were now turned into five colorful orbs.

"What's happening?" asked Fluttershy.

"They're all disappearing!" said Rainbow Dash.

Soon the orbs started to float towards the Tantabus as it had its arms detach and upper body detached as the orbs were placed in the space between as it powered up Reshelf and gave it new power as it shined brightly. "Behold my armor's ultimate form! Now no one can escape its rampage!" shouted the Tantabus as it felt the power and started to float in the air.

"Uh, somebody want to explain to me what's goin' on?" asked Applejack.

"Incredible!" said Sunset.

"It sacrificed its allies and their minions/monsters!" said Twilight.

"Just to strength its own!" added Spike.

"Ha ha ha ha! Now attack with Projectile Pummel!" shouted the Tantabus as it had both of its arm remove from their place and started to travel through the air as it looked to take down Isaac and his friends.

Isaac and his Celtic Guardian got out of the way of one of the fist as it chased after Isaac. He then brought his sword and slashed it against the projectile as it caused it to stop and create some shockwaves, but the spirit of Magical Musketeer Starfire appeared as she let out a scream. Magician of Chaos then fired off a spell as it caused the other fist to temporarily stop as it too emitted some electricity but this time it was Mobius the Frost Monarch's spirit that appeared in pain.

"Hey, Red-Eyes! It's our turn!" said Sunset as she rode on her dragon's back and gave its order. Red-Eyes ten shot a fireball at Reshelf who just took the attack and sent electricity as it was being absorbed by the spirits of the other 3 leaders as they were in pain.

"That's weird. Whenever we deal damage to the Tantabus, his allies are the ones that take all the damage." said Spike.

"It's using them as shields!" said Sunset.

"So how do we beat it, if our attacks won't work?" asked Fluttershy.

"Isaac! Are you beginning to understand the proper way for a leader to utilize his team?" stated the Tantabus.

"Grr! You couldn't be more wrong! A true leader respects his friends!" shouted Isaac as he was on top of a column. Soon one of the fist was coming from behind.

"Sugar, look out behind you!" shouted Applejack.

It was too late as Isaac turned and the fist connected with him as it sent him tumbling down to the ground as he hit hard.

"AHHH!" screamed Isaac as he felt the pain.

"Isaac! No!" shouted everyone as they saw their friend down on the ground.

"You were saying, Isaac?" mocked the Tantabus as he saw Isaac lying on the floor in pain. "Take a good look at yourself. See what happens when you waste your time on such nonsense as kindness and respect?"

"That's enough!" said Isaac as he lifted his head.

"Actually, there's more." smiled the Tantabus. "A leader who refuses to make good use of his subjects, doesn't deserve to have any in the first place!"

"You can't! Not my friends!" said Isaac as he realized what was about to happen.

"Ha ha ha! Now go! Projectile Pummel!" shouted the Tantabus as its fists were now heading towards the others.

The others saw this and they tried to get out of the way, but as quick as they moved and outmaneuver. They couldn't shake it off. Soon the fists made contact with them as they all suffered major hits. Rainbow Dash's U.A. monsters were taken out in one blow as it caused the chromatic girl to clutch her side which provide the perfect distraction as the other fist came into contact with her as she was knocked off of her Clear Wing Synchro Dragon as she fell through the air. Pinkie's remaining Madolche Puddingcess Chocolat-a-la-Mode was take out as well as her toons as she toon fell through the air with Rainbow.

Applejack was the next target as both fists came into contact as they pummeled her Greedy Venom Fusion Dragon as it fell through the sky with her next to it. Soon Sunset was caught by surprised as the fist grabbed Red-Eyes by the throat and just threw it onto the ground as hard as it could as Sunset fell off of her dragon and would have hurt her arm had Red-Eyes now used its last bit of strength to use its wing to soften her fall.

"Leave them alone!" shouted Isaac as he saw his friends get hurt.

Fluttershy noticed her being surrounded as her Thunder Unicorn tried to outrun the fists but was soon crushed under its weight as Fluttershy clutched her heart as it coursed pain which her Behemoth sense as the other fist was now above them and in an instant came tumbling on top of them. Twilight saw this and before she could get a word, her High Priestess put up a barrier as she tried to stop the attack and protect them. But the force was so strong that it shattered the barrier with easy as it pushed both back with scuffs.

"Twilight!" shouted Isaac as he had tears in his eyes.

Rarity and Spike were the last ones as Rainbow Dragon was grabbed out of the air and tossed onto the ground with so much force that they were sent tumbling and were about to splat on the ground until Spike's Silent Swordsman and Flame Swordsman jumped at high as they could in the air as they grabbed both of them and made it so that they would take the brute of the attack. The force of gravity was so powerful that it left small craters in the ground, but they had managed to soften the fall of the two as they winced in pain.

"You'll never get away with this!" said Isaac as he saw all of his friends in pain and their monsters were all now gone.

Not to mention that the attack from the fist had made contact with their duel disks as they broke. Which meant they couldn't summon any more monsters to help them and even if they did, the pain from the attack that hit them all was enough to have them suffer broken bones if their monsters didn't use their own bodies as landing pads to try to minimize as much damage as they could for their owners. All of Isaac's friends laid around him as they were covered in bruises and scuffs, not to mention each one of them was shivering from the pain they all suffered from such powerful attacks with beads of sweat rolling down their faces.

"Farewell!" chuckled the Tantabus with an evil and sick smile as he looked to finish this game. "All that worrying about the well-being of your so-called friends, and in the end, you couldn't do a thing to save them! Now to finish them off!" said the Tantabus as it started to charge up a power ultimate attack to end the group in one hit.

"Stop!" said Isaac as he finally stood up. "I'm going to protect them with everything, I've got!" Isaac still had his duel disk working as he looked to call upon some more monsters. Soon Isaac called upon every single monster that was in his deck to appear as they heard their masters command. "Remove Armor!" shouted Isaac as he disconnected himself with his Black Luster Soldier. "Please do whatever is necessary to shield them from harm!" shouted Isaac as he gave his monsters their orders.

They all nodded as they split up and began to surround Isaac's friends. Twilight looked up and saw Isaac's Ebon High Magician and Ebon Illusion Magician, along with Chaos Mageía as they stood in front of her. Fluttershy saw Mage Annette, Magician Boy, and Magician's Valkyria with Celtic Guardian as they protected her. Rarity was being protected by Apprentice Illusion Magician and Magician of Dark Illusion along with Quintet Magician. Applejack had Beta, Alpha, Gamma the Magnet Warrior to guard her with Electromagnetic Turtle as back up. Dark Sorcerer Magician, along with Dark Paladin and Black Luster Soldier were given the task of guarding Spike. Rainbow Dash saw Queen, King and Jack's Knight all stand in front of her with their weapons raised as they were joined by Buster Blader. Pinkie was being guarded by Marshmallon, along with Magician of Chaos and Magician of Black Chaos. Even Isaac's Pendulum cards appeared as Rune-Eyes Illusionist, with Mirage Magician and Black Arts Trickster appeared as they looked to guard Sunset from further damage. While Sleight of Hand Magician, Black Robe Mentalist, and Sorcerer Swordsman appeared in front of all of them as they served as the first line of defense behind Isaac.

As for Isaac he was at the head of that massive army as both Mahad and Mana appeared next to their master with Kuriboh making an appearance as he stood in front of Isaac as he put his tiny arms out to shield the boy.

"Kuriboh. I see you stayed back to protect me!"

"Not just him, master." said Mahad.

"We're here to make sure that nothing happens to you or your friends." said Mana.

"Both of you, protect the others!" shouted Isaac. "Their lives are more important than mine! They need the help, not me!"


"Mahad! Mana! Do as your told!" screamed Isaac as he gave direct orders to his loyal servants. "Protect the others, forget about me!"

"But Isaac... our duty..." stated Mana.

"I have given you both a direct order!! And it's your jobs to follow it!" shouted Isaac as their friends saw this confrontation Isaac was having with his magicians. "They need protection more than I do! Follow my command!"

"I'm sorry, master. But I can't do that." said Mahad.

"Mahad? Are you disobeying a direct order from me!?" asked Isaac.

"Yes, master!" said Mahad as he looked at Isaac with a straight face. "My duty is to protect you, but my responsibility in life is to stand by you!"

"Mine's too!" said Mana as she looked at Isaac.

"Our duty comes second, we will always stick with you through better and for worst. Cause you're more than our master, you're our friend. Not just ours, but theirs." said Mahad as he pointed to the rest of Isaac's monsters as they all looked at their master. "Our comrades look to you for inspiration, you've given them hope, you've given them a sense of belonging. They are your friends, and will die for you! I will give my life to see that you live through this."

"Mines as well." said Mana.

Isaac looked at his magicians as he looked back at his monsters as they too had determination in their eyes. They trusted Isaac to leader them into battle and showed they were willing to sacrifice themselves to protect him and his friends. He then looked back at his two loyal monsters as he gave a small smile.

"Well, what have we here?" chuckled the Tantabus. "The mighty Isaac has given up his own protection in the name of friendship. A true leader would never value the lives of his subjects over his own."

"I hate to admit it, but it may have a point!" said Sunset as she was still hurt from the attack as she was barely trying to get on her knees.

"Isaac! Forget about us!" shouted Rarity.

"No. I can't." said Isaac as he turned to address his friends.

"If that walking trash can defeats you, then that means that it gains the power to destroy Equestria!" said Rainbow.

"She's right, sugarcube!" added Applejack.

"You've got bigger things to worry about!" said Fluttershy.

"Don't waste all your energy on us!" shouted Pinkie.

"Stop it! You're wrong!" shouted Isaac as he closed his eyes with small tears forming.

"Listen to reason! If you don't save yourself, then we all lose!" said Spike. "Now take your monsters back!"

"No!" said Isaac.

"ISAAC!!!" screamed Twilight. "You have to win this fight, no matter what happen to us!"

"NOO!!!!!!!" yelled out Isaac as he had tears falling out of his eyes as he looked at his friends. "Look, guys! There's no way I'm going to desert you! I know there's a lot at stake, but you're my best friends!" shouted Isaac as he got the message across to the others.

"Fine. I've given you more than enough opportunities to prove you have what it takes to be a true leader. Hmmph! But no! You insist on putting the needs of your friends above your own! And for that you shall pay!" said the Tantabus. Soon the attack was charged and with a thrust of their hands fired a powerful attack that was heading towards the group as Isaac was the first one in line of sight.

"Isaac!" yelled out the gang as they watched Isaac just stand there with his ace magicians and Kuriboh as they prepared themselves to take the attack head on.

"I'll never abandon them." said Isaac as he closed his eyes and prepared to accept his fate.

Soon something happen as the magic inside of Twilight and her friends all started to glow, soon it started to manifest as they were responding to something. In an instant, the magic inside of the girls and Spike all exited out of them as they were now being sucked into Isaac's soul/heart as it was the thing it was responding to. Isaac's necklace was beginning to glow as it was harnessing the power and magic that was entering the young boy. Then all of Isaac's monsters disappeared as they too were being sucked into Isaac as all of this was responding to the armor that he wore as he was now surrounded in rainbow lights as the attack made contact with Isaac and a huge explosion occurred.

Kuriboh who was still in front of Isaac had closed his eyes as he hoped to have protect his young master. He then opened his eyes as he had small beads of sweat rolling down his face as he appeared fine. He then looked behind him as he was amazed by what he saw. Standing behind him was Isaac, as he was unharmed by the attack. But the magic that Isaac had infused with along with all of his monsters had combined together as they provided him with a new set of armor as each piece of it had something that belonged to each of his monsters as it shined really bright will all the colors of the rainbow while giving off gold particles. Isaac had his arm out with his hand open as he simply absorbed the attack and then closed his hand to fully get rid of it.

"No! What's going on!" asked the Tantabus as it was shocked by what they saw.

"Check it out, guys!" said Sunset as she and others gasped by what Isaac was wearing.

"Somehow Isaac merged with our magic and his monsters together!" said Twilight.

"I was right, friendship does matter." said Isaac as he had his eyes closed. "Thanks to the strong bond I share with my friends, I now possess... the Armor of Unity!"

"Hey, Isaac, I'm liking the new look." said Rainbow with a smile on her face.

"Thank you. I owe it all to each one of you." said Isaac as he looked back at his friends with a warm smile. "The combined strength of our hearts and friendship now rests with me. And together we shall take him down!"

"No! I'm the most powerful thing in all of the world! And I will not be stopped!" shouted the Tantabus as it powered up another attack and fired it at Isaac. Isaac just simply had his hand out as he opened it to absorb the attack and then closed his fist to make it disappear. "Impossible! He survived my mightiest attack without a single scratch!"

"Now it's time to end this!" said Isaac as he levitated into the air. "Never again shall you harm another thing! Your reign of tyranny is done!"

"You can't do this to me! I'm the one who needs to win... I'm the one who shall conquer this world! I'm..." stated the Tantabus.

"Tough talk from the thing that's lived too long. Allow me to fix that!" said Isaac as he gave a witty remark. Isaac then soared ahead with as he dodged each of the Tantabus' attack.

"You'll pathetic weaklings! You lack the courage to challenge me in lone combat!"

"Yet we have the strength to scale the walls between us. To reach out our hands in friendship... so that we can open our true hearts to one another! That's how we win!" said Isaac as he gave one of the best speeches he had ever said/given. Soon Isaac had his Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl appear next to him as all of his monsters were behind them as the three of them led the charge of the attack. They all morphed into a bright rainbow streak of light as they collided with the Tantabus. Isaac had his arm out as the attack pierced through the monster as it left a hole in the forehead, while Isaac made sure to stab the Tantabus in the heart of its spiritual being as it let out a cry of defeat with its armor blowing up.

"AHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!" shouted the Tantabus.

Soon a bright yellow light came from Reshelf as it was destroyed and soon it started to cover the view. An explosion went off as everything was engulfed in the light.

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