• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 87: Pendulum Power

It was another day at Canterlot High. The students were out and about enjoying their free period outside due to the weather getting warmer. A couple of buds were starting to sprout out as they pushed past the bits of snow that were still on the ground. A couple of trees were starting to show signs of leaves growing back, even the sun was a bit warmer than usual. So it was a pretty good day for everybody, especially for our reigning, defending champion who was currently engaged in a duel with someone.

"I reveal my facedown, Eternal Soul. Now thanks to this card, my Dark Magician is once again back on the field." stated Isaac as he managed to get his ace monster back.

"In that case, I'll just set a card facedown and end my turn." said Isaac's opponent.

"Right then, it's my draw. Here we go!" shouted Isaac. He then placed his hand on his deck as it began to glow as he drew it. Isaac noticed it and soon all the other cards in his hand began to glow as well as they all shined brightly. "What's going on?"

Soon the glow dimmed a bit as the cards that were previously in Isaac's hand were gone and replaced by new cards. Cards he hadn't seen before, but for some reason they seemed like they were calling out to him. Soon Isaac could hear the thoughts of the monsters in his mind as he was listening to them; he gave them a nod as he knew what to do.

"Now then, I'll set the Pendulum Scale with the Scale 1 Sorcerer Swordsman and the Scale 8 Mirage Magician. I'm taking control of this duel, starting now!" shouted Isaac. Isaac's duel disk registered what he was doing as he placed the Pendulum cards on the far side of his card tray as the word 'Pendulum' in rainbow coloring spelled out to signal it worked. Isaac's two cards then appeared in columns of light as they stood still as the numbers showed in front of them.

"It's showtime. I'm allowed to summon monsters from level 2 through 7, all at the same time. Swing far Pendulum and carve the arc that will lead me to victory! My monsters are ready, to swing into action!" Isaac then thrusted his hand into the air as his monsters were summoned.

While Isaac was engaged in a duel, somewhere else inside the school building, a large group of individuals were watching another duel take place. The person who was involved in that was none other than Rainbow Dash who was trying to prove to Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna that she should be Isaac's next challenger for his title. And based on how well she was dominating her opponent, it seemed like she was getting her point across.

"Now it's my turn, draw. You can run but you can't hide from this sinister spinster. Say hello to Speedroid Terrortop(1200/600). And next, I'm rolling out my Speedroid Tri-Eyed Dice(300/1500)." Rainbow now had two monsters on her field with one of them being a tuner. "I tune Level 3 Tri-Eyed Dice with Level 3 Terrortop to call forth a mystical cross-sword with the power to cut every enemy down to size! I Synchro Summon, Hi-Speedroid Kendama(2200/1600)!" shouted Dash as she had a brand new monster on her field.

"Now I activate Hi-Speedroid Kendama's special ability. By banishing one Speedroid in my graveyard, you take 500 points of damage!" Rainbow's new monster then shot a powerful attack as it chipped away at her opponent's life points.

On the side were Applejack and Fluttershy who were watching their friend in action. Soon they were joined by someone else.

"Hey Aj, Fluttershy. Let me guess, Dash is dueling?" said Sunset as she joined the girls.

"You know her; she's been trying to prove that she deserves the next shot at facin' Isaac for his title. So Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna said that they'll take it under consideration. So Rainbow issued an open challenge, she thinks this will help them make their decision." stated Applejack.

"Of course she does." said Sunset as she rolled her eyes. They then turned back to watch the duel as Dash looked just about to end this.

"My turn," said Dash as she took her turn. "I summon my Speedroid Double Yoyo(1400/1400). And it lets me summon another Speedroid from my graveyard! Welcome back to the battle, my trusty Tri-Eyed Dice!" Once again, Rainbow now had two monsters on her field as she looked to synchro summon once again. "All right, now I tune my Level 3 Tri-Eyed Dice with my Level 4 Double Yoyo! Beat your wings to whip up a whirlwind of destruction! I Synchro Summon, Clear Wing Synchro Dragon!" Rainbow had been able to summon one of her powerhouses of her deck. "Let's go, Clear Wing Synchro Dragon. Attack his monster!" said Rainbow as she thrusted out her arm.

"Did you forget about my monster's ability? Once per turn, I can switch one of your monsters into defense mode." said her opponent. "So it looks like your dragon is useless this turn."

"That's what you think!" said Dash with a smirk. "My Synchro Dragon has a special ability! It puts the brakes on your plan and destroys your monster as well! Go Reverse Revenge!" Clear Wing Synchro Dragon then powered itself up as it unleashed a powerful attack beam that got rid of it's target. "Now my dragon gains points by the monster it destroyed using its effect. So now my dragon has enough to end this duel. Clear Wing! Attack him directly! Spin Storm Sky Strike!!!" shouted Dash as her monster spun really fast as it destroyed its target and won the duel for Dash.

"Awesome win, Dash." said Fluttershy as she congratulated her best friend on winning.

"Thanks, Fluttershy. Now Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna are sure to make me the next challenger to face Isaac." said Rainbow with a smug look on her face.

"Yeah. Isaac will really like facin' somebody who he's beaten with ease multiple times." snickered Applejack.

"What did you say, Applejack?" said Rainbow as she took offense to Aj's comment.

"You heard me, Isaac's whup yer butt so many times that it's become laughable." chuckled Applejack as Rainbow Dash was gritting her teeth and turning red with fury. "Besides, we know Isaac likes his opponent to be tough and can take a beatin'. That why ah'm gonna be his next foe." said Applejack as she pointed at herself. "If anybody knows how to get down and dirty with the old city slicker, it's this country gal."

"Not if I beat beat him first." said Dash as she got in Applejack's face as they were staring at each other with their foreheads touching each other like two bulls locking horns.

"Girls, calm down. Besides, maybe Isaac could use a break; maybe he needs someone who can give him a relaxing duel." said Fluttershy.

All the girls looked at her as they stared at her for a few seconds.

"Are you implying that you want to take on Isaac, next?" asked Dash.

"Oh no, no-no. Well... Maybe... A little." said Fluttershy as she hid behind her hair a bit. She felt kind of embarrassed that she would say something like this since it wasn't in her character to say stuff like that.

"Well, right now it's up to Principal Celestia to determine the fate of who Isaac's next challenger will be. For now we just got to wait." stated Sunset. Just then the school bell rang as everybody in the auditorium all scrambled as they made their way to their next class.

Twilight was currently running somethings on her laptop as she typed in a couple of things and eventually it showed her what she wanted. She then gave back Rainbow her deck as her cards came up on her screen. "Okay Rainbow, thanks to this nifty device I created, I just scanned your deck and it allows you to see which cards you use the most often and what the overall percentage of you using them is."

"Thanks Twilight." she said as she looked at the screen.

"It's no problem, with Principal Celestia's help I've been able to create a program that the whole school will use so that they can scan their decks and be able to see what cards they use the most and how they can change their decks to fit their commendations." Twilight stated as she pushed up her glasses.

"And this program isn't just yourself, right? You can also look up other people's deck."

"Quite right." Twilight then pushed some keypads as the screen of Dash's profile minimized and soon the entire database of every single student in school appeared as they were organized by grade year and within them by alphabetical order as it displayed their rank next to their name. "I've been able to get tons of data from everybody, including our friends."

"So is it safe to assume that Isaac's data is in the framework?"

"Do you know who you're talking to?" said Twilight with a sly smile. "He was the first one I registered, plus seeing as how I'm his girlfriend, he kind of had to." Twilight then brought up Isaac's file as it showed his picture and then showed all the cards he's ever played. The cards that he used on a consistent basis were highlighted as it was Twilight's design to help those in creating their decks.

"Cool." said Dash as she looked at the cards that were in Isaac's deck.

Of course at the top of that list were his Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl as they were the #1 cards that Isaac relied on the most and helped him to gain so many victories. Next to them was a list of other monster cards that Isaac had used a fair bit amount. First up was his Dark Magician of Chaos which was then followed up by his ritual monster Magician of Chaos. After that was his fusion cards which were his Dark Magician the Dragon Knight, Dark Magician Girl the Dragon Knight, Quintet Magician, Amulet Dragon and lastly, The Dark Magicians. In terms of his Xyz monsters, the cards were his Ebon High Magician and Ebon Illusion Magician; Synchro consisted of the monster he got when they visited Everton High last year which he acquired his Dark Sorcerer Magician. It seemed that Isaac had a card for each of the different summoning methods that he could rely on. Not to mention that he also was in possession of two of the Egyptian God cards which made Isaac really the standard barrier in terms of Duel Monsters.

"Damn, Isaac really does have a monster for each summoning method." stated Dash.

"One summoning method is tough to master. Two is just taxing, but to know all three. You've got to be a prodigy to have a firm grasp on the different techniques." stated Twilight as she too was impressed by Isaac's commitment to know all three methods of dueling.

"Well, Isaac has always told us how he's had a passion for this game. It took a while, but he was able to understand the basics of Duel Monsters at a young age and from there he spent years trying to get better at the game." said Dash. "He practiced and practiced and it paid off big time cause look at him now, he's at the top of the mountain, taking on any challenge that's thrown his way and he's got more talent/skill than most people have in their lives or their left pinkie. He's not even a pro and he's operating at a whole other level than the rest of us."

"Yeah, he's amazing." Twilight was now having the lovesick look on her face as she looked at Isaac's picture. "I'm lucky to have him."

"Ahh. Don't go all lovey-dovey in front of me. I can barely handle it when you two are constantly kissing each other. Save that stuff for the bedroom." said Dash as she cringed a bit at Twilight's affection. "Look Isaac is an awesome individual, he's proven it time and time again. But if I'm going to achieve my dream of becoming a world star in both sports and Duel Monsters, then I need to take my game to the next level. And if my duel this morning is any indication then I think I'm on the right track."

Both girls let out a chuckle. Dash then noticed something on the screen as it showed what appeared to be Duel Monster cards, but they were blacked out and only showed the shape.

"Hey Twi, what's that?"

Twilight then looked back the screen and she too saw the same thing as her friend. "That wasn't there before." Twilight then typed in something as the arrow on the screen clicked on the blank shape to see if she could find any information. However, when she clicked on it, the screen just said error. She then did some other tests, but they all said the same thing. From what the database was saying is that whatever cards they had been, were registered into the system but for some reason, she couldn't be able to pull them up. It's as if they were locked.

"It's so strange, I can't seem to access it. My program is saying that their in the system, but they don't say what. Probably is just some last-minute bugs that need fixing. I'll take a look at it later." said Twilight as she closed the program and put away her laptop.

"Great. Now that we're done, can we please go. I promised somebody a duel after school and I don't want to lose; believe me, I will be Isaac's next challenger. Now hurry up!" shouted Dash as she ran out of the room.

"Wait up, Rainbow. You know I'm not a runner." said Twilight as she tried to keep up with her athletic companion.

Another school day came and went as the student were going about their day. Principal Celestia was currently in her office going over school paperwork. Seems retirement was treating her well as she had more time on her hands, one of them included zip lining which she immediately fell in love with. Though it seemed that Luna didn't share those same feelings as she had a stomach ache the first time they tried the sport. Not to mention how frizzed up her hair had been as it took three whole days for it to go back to its natural state. As much as she enjoyed the free time she gained, she still had a job to do as principal.

"Are you ready to go, sister?" said Luna as she came into her office.

"Of course, Luna." Celestia then grabbed her clipboard as she and her sister made their way to the auditorium.

They arrived to a small group of students who had a free period and were able to gather in attendance. They both took a seat at a table as they prepared for another duel assessment; Isaac and his opponent which was a boy by the name of Night Twister were about to get underway. Celestia made her way towards Night Twister to remind him of somethings.

"Alright, Night Twister. This here is a nontitle duel, regardless I'd expect you to do your best. And if you beat Isaac, then I will take you under consideration when it comes to his next challenger." stated Principal Celestia.

"Of course, Principal Celestia."

"Very well, we'll begin shorty." With that Celestia ran over the rules with Isaac and he nodded. Soon she returned back to her table and gave the signal to start. Everybody in the bleachers got comfy as they were about to watch a show.

Isaac then put on his duel disk as he activated it to project a gold card tray. He then opened his deck box as he looked at it for a bit before slotting it in. "Hope you're ready, Night Twister."

"I look forward to seeing how I can do against you, Isaac." Night Twister then activated is duel disk as it projected a blue card tray.

"Then get ready, it's time to duel." said Isaac.

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating Commencing duel." said their duel disk.

Isaac's Life Points: 8000-

Night Twister's Life Points: 8000-

Turn 1: Night Twister

"I'll start off, draw. To start since I control no monsters, I can special summon my Elder of the Six Samurai(400/0) in defense mode. Then I'll play the continuous spell, Six Samurai United. Now whenever I summon a 'Six Samurai', I can place a Bushido counter. So I'll summon the tuner monster, Secret Six Samurai - Genba(500/2100)." Out on Night Twister's field, were two warriors with one of them holding a weapon while the other was much older person and was in a carriage. " Now I gain a Bushido Counter; now I tune my Level 2 Samurai - Genba with my Level 3 Elder, I Synchro Summon Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En(2500/1400)." Out came a samurai warrior dressed in armor as he wielded a sword.

"I'll then end my turn. With that my spell gains another Bushido Counter."

Turn 2: Isaac

"Alright, time to see what I got. Here goes," Isaac drew his card and to his delight it was a card he was hoping to get. Alright, I already got one of them. Just need one more. "To start I'll play my Obnoxious Celtic Guardian in defense mode. Then I'll place one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 3: Night Twister

"My turn, since I already have two Bushido Counters, I can send my spell card to the graveyard to draw two more cards." Night Twister then got rid of his spell as he picked up some more cards. "First I'll play the Field spell, Shien's Castle of Mist." Soon the entire battlefield changed into a dark woodlands as a large Japanese temple appeared behind Night Twister. "Then I'll play my equip spell, Legendary Ebon Steed. Now my Shi En gains 200 more attack/defense points. So he now has 2700 attack points." Soon a black horse came out as the samurai warrior petted his stallion and got on its back.

"Next I'll play Shien's Smoke Signal; now I can add a Level 3 or lower 'Six Samurai' from my deck to my hand. So I choose to add my Legendary Six Samurai - Kageki(200/2000) which I'll then summon in attack mode. Now the effect of my monster activates, so now I can special summon another 'Six Samurai' from my hand so long as it's Level 4 or lower. I choose my Legendary Six Samurai - Kizan(1800/500)." Night Twister now had three monsters on his field. "Now a couple of things happen, first the other effect of my Kageki activates which allows him to gain 1500 attack points since there's another 'Six Samurai' on the field. And the effect of my Kizan allows him to gain 300 attack/defense points whenever I control 2 or more 'Six Samurai' monsters. Which makes Kageki have 1700 points and Kizan has 2100." Soon both warriors powered up as they all had their sights set on Isaac's monster.

"Now time to strike, Legendary Six Samurai Shi En take out Isaac's monster!" Night Twister shouted.

"My Obnoxious Celtic Guardian is obnoxious for a reason. Cause his ability makes it to where he can't be destroyed in battle by monsters with 1900 or more attack points." said Isaac with a smile. His monster clashed sword's with Night Twisters as it held off the attack before dropping to one knee.

"In that case, I'll strike with my other monsters. Kageki take out his warrior for good and Kizan strike your sword on his life points." stated Night Twister as his two samurai took to the field and unsheathed their swords.

"I'll reveal my facedown, Half Un-Break. So now my monster will be safe."

"Not gonna happen." said Night Twister. "I know all about the cards you use, so I'll activate the effect of my Legendary Six Samurai Shin En. Once per turn, whenever you activate a spell/trap, I can negate its activation and destroy it." Night Twister's monster then used its sword to cut Isaac's trap to pieces. "With that gone, my plan continues." And so Isaac's monster was destroyed as Isaac lost some life points.
Isaac's Life Points: 5900-

"I'll then end my turn."

Turn 4: Isaac

Isaac dusted himself off as he got back to his feet. "Not bad, now time to see what I got." Isaac drew his card, "To start I'll play my Pot of Greed, so now I draw two more cards from my deck." Isaac drew his cards.

"So tell me, did you get the cards you needed?" mocked Night Twister.

Isaac looked at his hand as he let a smile form on his face. "Well you're particularly right." Isaac's response was met with mixed reactions from Night Twister and everybody in the small audience. "Hope everybody is ready cause I'm about to blow your minds away. Now then I'll set the Pendulum Scale with the Scale 1 Sorcerer Swordsman and the Scale 8 Mirage Magician. I'm taking control of this duel, starting now!" shouted Isaac. Isaac's duel disk registered what he was doing as he placed the Pendulum cards on the far side of his card tray as the word 'Pendulum' in rainbow coloring spelled out to signal it worked. Isaac's two cards then appeared in columns of light as they stood still as the numbers showed in front of them.

"Pendulum what?" said Night Twister.

"Pendulum summoning. Let me show you. Back and forth, to and fro, what's coming next? You'll all soon know! So swing far Pendulum and carve the arc that will lead me to victory! My monsters are ready to swing into action!" Isaac then thrusted his hand into the air as three lights came out of the giant portal above him. "They say all good things happen in threes, well let me introduce you to this terrific trio. First up is my Rune-Eyes Illusionist(1800/2400, Scale 3, Level 5), next up is my Sleight of Hand Magician(2100/1500, Scale 2, Level 6), and lastly is my Black Robe Mentalist(1700/1300, Scale 7, Level 4)."

Out on Isaac's field were three different monsters that nobody had ever seen him use. The first magician had a ringmaster outfit as he had a relic in his left eye and wore a top hat on its head. The second magician had a deck of cards levitating around him as he wore an outfit that resembled a blackjack dealer, and his third magician was a girl spellcaster as she wore a long dark robe and that covered her head and body. The only thing that could be seen was her face. Everybody was in shock at what they saw, Isaac had managed to summon three new monsters all at the same time. The one person who was really shocked by what Isaac just did so happen to be Rainbow Dash who managed to sneak in as she wanted to see this duel rather than be in class. So when she saw whatever the hell Isaac did, she was in awe and shock.

"What? How did you summon three monsters all at once?" asked Night Twister.

"That's the power of pendulum summoning. Now time to show my magicians in battle. So Rune-Eyes strike down Legendary Six Samurai Shin En." Rune-Eyes Illusionist then took the field as it levitated towards its target.

"My monster is much more powerful than yours." stated Night Twister.

"Then I guess I should explain my Illusionist's ability, whenever it battles a monster that has more attack points, it gains those attack points till the end of the turn. So now it's attack rises to 4500."

"Your monster may be stronger, but my samurai is going to stick around. Instead of my monster being destroyed, my Legendary Ebon Steed spell card that I equipped gets destroyed as it allows my samurai to stick around. In addition, thanks to my field spell, your monster will lose 500 attack points during the damage step." Night Twister's horse then tossed its rider off as it took the brunt of the attack.
Night Twister's Life Points: 6700-

"I'll then place one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 5: Night Twister

"My move," said Night Twister as he drew his card. "You may have some new monsters, but there still weak. Now I'll since I control 2 or more 'Six Samurai', I can summon my Great Shogun Shien(2500/2400). Thanks to his special ability, you can only activate one spell/trap card each turn. Next I play the spell card, Six Strike - Triple Impact. Now since I control 3 or more 'Six Samurai' monsters, I can activate this card. And with it, I'll destroy all your monsters on the field." shouted Night Twister.

"Hate to disappoint you, but I'm activating my Sleight of Hand Magician's effect. Now I can send one spell card from my hand and with it, I can negate and destroy your own spell." Sleight of Hand Magician then had four cards in front of him as they all had the four symbols of a standard deck, he then used his fast hands as he shuffled them. Then with a snap of his fingers he pulled out a card that had a red ace of hearts as he shot it towards Night Twister's spell card.

"Well I can still attack you with my monsters, go my samurai. Lay waste to his magicians and his life points! Great Shogun Shien will attack your Sleight of Hand Magician, Shi En will take out your Runes Eyes Illusionist, Kizan will take out your Black Robe Mentalist, and then Kageki will strike your life points." Night Twister gave his warriors their command as they all brought out their swords. Isaac had to put his arms up as he took a huge blow to his life points.
Isaac's Life Points: 2700-

"With that I'll lay a facedown and end my turn."

Turn 6: Isaac

"My draw, to start I'll play the spell card Graceful Charity. So now I draw three cards and discard two." Isaac then picked up his cards as he selected the ones he wanted to get rid of. "Hope you're ready for an encore, Night Twister. Cause my magicians are about to perform a second act."

"But how? I sent them to the graveyard!" stated Night Twister.

"Well then let me show you and everybody else. It's showtime. Now I'll use the Pendulum Scale once again to pendulum summon." The pendulum above Isaac began to swing back and forth as a portal opened up and three lights came out. "Once again give a warm welcome to Rune-Eyes Illusionist, Sleight of Hand Magician, and Black Robe Mentalist." Isaac now had those same three monsters appear on his field.

"How? I sent those monsters to the graveyard. How did you do that?" commanded Night Twister.

"See that's the thing, Night Twister. When you destroyed my magicians, they weren't sent to my graveyard. They were sent to my Extra Deck cause these magicians aren't just regular old monster cards, they're Pendulum cards. And when Pendulum cards are destroyed, they go to the Extra Deck instead of the graveyard. So that means I can keep using them over and over." said Isaac with a smile on his face as he looked at his new companions. "Next I'll show off my Mentalist's ability, now based on how many monsters there are on my field, I can then look at that same number of cards from the top of my deck and add one of those to my hand. Currently there are 3 cards." With that Isaac's duel disk showed him on his screen his choices, Isaac looked through as he decided on which one he wanted. He made his decision as he tapped on the one he wanted as he clicked confirm, with that it slid out for him to grab as his deck was shuffled.

"Now I'll play my Ancient Rule spell card, and with it I'll call upon my Dark Magician." Isaac now had his star monster as he took the front position. "Then I'll activate my Mirage Magician's Pendulum ability, now she can create a copy of one monster on my field. However, since I used this effect, I have to destroy her at the end of the turn. So I'll create a copy of my Dark Magician." A mirage-like image appeared as a second Dark Magician appeared by its original.

"Now I'll have the copy of my Dark Magician take out your Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En, while my Rune-Eyes Illusionist will take out your Great Shogun Shien, Sleight of Hand Magician will attack Kageki, and I'll have my Dark Magician take out your Legendary Six Samurai - Kizan." said Isaac.

"Have you forgotten about my Field spell? All your monsters will lose 500 life points each, which means two of your magicians are going to lose." stated Night Twister.

"Not if I activate my Sleight of Hand Magician's effect, so I'll send another spell card to the grave to negate and destroy your field spell." Once again a deck of cards appeared as Isaac's magician shuffled them before snapping his fingers as a black diamond card was used to destroy the temple. "With that gone, my monster's stats wont change, plus my Rune-Eyes Illusionist's effect allows him to gain attack points on the monster he's attacking." Rune-Eyes Illusionist then pulled out his staff as he used his eye to activate his power. "Then I'll have my Black Robe Mentalist attack you directly!" Isaac gave his command as his magicians cleared the field of Night Twister's monsters.
Night Twister's Life Points: 2700-

"With that I'll set a card facedown and end my turn. And so my Mirage Magician is sent to my Extra Deck."

Turn 7: Night Twister

"My draw, I'll activate my facedown, Backs to the Wall. Now by lowering my life points to 100, I can special summon as many 'Six Samurai' from my graveyard. So now all of my monsters are back in play." Just like that, Night Twister had four monsters on his field. "Next I play the spell card, Asceticism of the Six Samurai. So now I can special summon a 'Six Samurai' from my deck so long as it has the same attack points as the one I choose. So I select my Legendary Six Samurai - Kizan; which means I can summon my Grandmaster of the Six Samurai(2100/800)!" Night Twister now had a full field of warriors as they were being lead by an elderly grandmaster. "So now I'll have my monsters attack your monsters!" The samurai were given their command as they leap high into the air as they each had a target.
Night Twister's Life Points: 100-

Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En collided with Isaac's Dark Magician as both were destroyed. Legendary Six Samurai - Kizan took out his Black Robed Mentalist; Great Shogun Shien took out Sleight of Hand Magician, Legendary Six Samurai - Kageki destroyed Rune Eyes Illusionist which left Grandmaster of the Six Samurai who looked to end this duel.
Isaac's Life Points: 1300-

"I reveal my facedown, the Nitwit Outwit trap card. So I'll send my Masked Sorcerer to the graveyard in exchange your Grandmaster loses attack equal to the monster I sent to the graveyard." Isaac then prepared himself as he put his arms up as he took the brute of the attack as it caused him to be flung onto his back.
Isaac's Life Points: 100-

"You survived thanks to your trap card, well no matter. I end my turn and my Grandmaster must now he sent to the graveyard." With that Night Twister's monster disappeared as he still had four samurai monsters on his field which looked to finish off Isaac.

"Well my Black Robe Mentalist's other effect activates, when it's destroyed, I can be able to place it in my pendulum zone. So I'll do just that." Isaac then took his pendulum card as he placed it where on the far right side of his card tray as the new monster took it position as it appeared in a column of light with its number showing in front of him. "And as for my other pendulum cards, they go to my Extra deck." said Isaac as he took his two magicians and put then in his Extra Deck compartment of his duel disk.

Turn 8: Isaac

"Now time to bring this show to a close, you ready. Here we go!" shouted Isaac as he drew his card. "Now then I have a brand new scale to work with! And this premiere performance is totally going to have you on the edge of your seat! I can now summon any monsters with Levels 2 through 6! Ready or not, here they come!" Soon a portal opened up for the final time as two monsters came out. "Appear Rune-Eyes Illusionist and Sleight of Hand Magician. But why stop there cause next I'll going to invite one more to the party, so I summon another pendulum monster, my Black Arts Trickster(1200/2700, Scale 2, Level 3)." Out came a female magician who wore a mini skirt similar to Dark Magician Girl but was black, as well as she wore a leather jacker with a yellow vest and a white undershirt. She then pulled out a wand as she casted some dark/black magic around her.

"Now I'll activate my Black Arts Trickster's ability, so now I can send one monster on your side of the field and in exchange, I can bring back a monster for one turn. So I'll dispose of your Great Shogun Shien to bring back my Dark Magician." Black Art Trickster then pointed her wand at her target as she gave them a sly smile before disappearing, she then pointed at the ground in front of her as smoke started to appear as a box appeared. She then approached it and with a wink she pulled it open as Dark Magician came out ready to battle.

"Now then time to bring this duel to a close, so my magicians end this battle." With their command, all the magicians combined their powers as they blasted the last remaining Six Samurai monsters on the field as Night Twist put his arms up as his life points were crushed.
Night Twister's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Isaac

Isaac then gave Mahad a high five as he looked at his new magicians. All of them looked at Isaac as they had finally got a chance to see their owner in action, based on his aura and how much Mahad put his trust in Isaac. They could see that the boy in front of them was someone they could call worthy of being their master. So all four of them bowed their heads as they showed their respect for Isaac. He merely raised his hand and gave them all a smile, soon they all disappeared one by one with his Black Arts Trickster giving him a farewell kiss on his cheek. Isaac then looked at the pendulum cards in his hand as he finally got to hold them. Guess you guys are now part of my deck, I promise to give you'll a lovely home. With that Isaac put his new cards in his deck as their spirits got to meet the rest of Isaac's monsters.

The crowd was amazed by what they saw, especially given with what Isaac did. Isaac helped Night Twister up as he began to ask Isaac how he did what he did. Before he could properly say, Principal Celestia dismissed everybody as the school bell rang to signal the start of the next class. So the small crowd began to leave, Rainbow who had been watching from the bleachers was still stunned by what she saw Isaac do. Here she was looking to take her game to the next level and show that she wanted to be Isaac's next opponent. And just when she thought she was gaining some traction, Isaac managed to pull out some kind of move that allowed him to evolve his dueling as well as some brand new cards. She needed answers and she knew what she had to do.

Isaac was in the school library as his last class for the day ended. He was currently doing something as he took a seat by one of the school's computer. He then logged in as he pulled up Twilight's program. He then looked at his deck for a second as he slotted it into the scanner. The scanner registered his new pendulum cards as they came on screen; the blank cards then became clear as they were replaced by Isaac's new cards. Soon the system recognized them as the error turned into access granted. Isaac then took his deck out of the scanner and back into his deck box. He then logged off and prepared to leave. Just as he turned around, he was met face to face with Rainbow Dash and Twilight. Both girls were staring at him with their arms crossed.

"Hey Rainbow, Twilight." said Isaac. "Is there something you want to talk about?"

Dash didn't listen to Isaac as she swiped Isaac's deck box off his belt as she opened it and began to look through his deck.

"Hey! You can't just take stuff that isn't yours." said Isaac as he tried to get his cards back, but Dash wasn't letting him.

"Not till we figure this out!" stated Rainbow. She then found what she was looking as she pulled out Isaac's pendulum cards. "I knew it!" said Dash as she looked at them. She then showed them to Twilight who was also shocked by what she saw. Rainbow had managed to keep what Isaac did on a low profile as she needed an expert's opinion, so she only told Twilight about this interesting development.

Twilight wasn't fully believing what Rainbow was telling her when she first mentioned about Isaac showing off a new summoning method. She then thought back to her encounter during the Friendship Games last year and how when Sombra was under evil magic, he did something similar. But given all that had occurred after that, she kind of almost forgot it. So when Rainbow told her, she had to see the cards that her boyfriend used and to her surprise they were real as she saw them in front of her.

"Incredible. Now that I see them..." Twilight was now taking in the details of Isaac's cards.

Compared to regular monster cards these were vastly different. One thing was that on each card they had an extra box full of text above their description/normal effect that was partially transparent which allowed them to see the art beneath it. In addition, there was a number on the left and right side of the box with the left side having a blue scale while the right side had a red scale. Another thing was the card layout was that part of it was green while the other half had the same color scheme as a regular monster card.

Rainbow then turned back to Isaac as Twilight was still interested in her boyfriend's new cards. "Alright, where did you get these cards?" asked Rainbow.

"You're talking about my pendulum cards?" said Isaac.

Twilight immediately looked at him, "So that's what they're called?"

"Well seeing as how I use them to perform a pendulum summon, I'd figured I'd called them pendulum cards." Isaac then swiped back his deck box and his cards as he put them back on his belt.

"Okay? But where did you get them?" asked Dash.

"I dunno know, they just magically showed up."

"Magically showed up?" Rainbow raised her eyebrow in confusion.

"Look make that of what you will, but the bottom line is that these cards are now in my possession. I was just registering them into the system." said Isaac.

"Still they just magically appeared? Seems kinda of fishy, were you keeping this a secret from everybody?" Rainbow was now trying to intimidate Isaac to get a confession.

"I told you, they just magically showed up!" stated Isaac. "Look I'll tell you guys everything I know about them tomorrow. Is that alright?"

"You better." said Rainbow as she pointed her finger at Isaac.

With that Isaac grabbed his backpack as he made his way out of the library. The girls still couldn't believe what they saw their friend had. Safe to say they were interested in what they wanted to know about Isaac's new pendulum cards; Twilight then logged onto her program as she tried to find Isaac's cards. Her program registered Isaac's cards but when she tried to click on them to learn about them, it just simple said: Access Denied. She tried everything she could to bypass the security lock, but nothing seemed to work. Now the girls were really interested in hearing Isaac's story and about these "pendulum cards".

Isaac was in his bedroom sitting on the floor. He had his pendulum cards out in front of him as he looked at them. He was soon joined by a couple of familiar faces.

"So we have some new allies." stated Mahad.

"It would appear so, still I don't know how or why it happened? In the past, I've only pendulum summon twice. But that was when I was fighting some evil magic and after we defeated them, they just disappeared." Isaac then picked up those four cards as he looked at each of them before putting them back on the floor. "So why is it that they exist?"

"Well you said so yourself, they just magically showed up." stated Mana.

"Yeah, but I was in a regular duel. There wasn't any signs of evil present, so it choose now of all times to become real?" Isaac had tons of questions about his new cards. "Well maybe they can offer some insight. Here goes." Isaac then closed his eyes as he concentrated on making contact with the spirits of his pendulum cards. He let out a deep breath as he opened them.

Soon the cards started to light up in a white light as it caused him to cover his eyes for a moment. When it died down, appearing before him were the four magicians he used in his duel against Night Twister. Isaac's magicians all looked at Isaac as they got to see their owner for the first time with their own eyes. They all their thoughts on Isaac based on their first impression, not to mention that he had his two trusting companions at his side. Mahad then spoke to set the tone for the conversation.

"At ease, comrades. Let me introduce myself, I am Mahad the spirit of the Dark Magician. My student over here is Mana, she is the spirit of the Dark Magician Girl and this here is our beloved master." Mahad pointed at Isaac as the new magicians watched him. "We do not wish for trouble, just simply to discuss matters. Our master here found you and just wants some answers, there is no need for violence."

"Hey guys." said Isaac.

"So this is the young individual who awoken us from our slumber." said Rune-Eyes Illusionist.

"Well then, let's see what the cards say." Sleight of Hand Magician then pulled out a deck of cards as he started to shuffle them. He then pulled out three cards facedown as he placed them on a table he materialized in front of him. "The Eagle. Representing the power, action, and balance. Being able to see the hidden truth and spiritual principles due to their sharp vision." He then flipped the middle card, "The Fox. Symbol of cunning, intelligence, and slyness. Showing that you have smarts that will allow you to survive in dangerous situations." He then flipped the third and final card, "The Lion. Showing deathless courage, bravery, strength. Never backing down and is willing to protect those that matter to him."

Isaac took a look at the cards that his magician put in front of him. He didn't know if the cards that he revealed and the animals that were on them meant something good or bad.

"The cards have shown all there is to know." Sleight of Hand Magician then snapped his fingers as the table disappeared. "Well seems alright." He said as he shuffled his deck of cards and did a couple of card tricks.

Black Robe Mentalist then got in front of Isaac as she looked at him.

"Um, what are you-"

"Shush." she said as she put her finger up. She then started to snap her fingers rapidly. "Color: Yellow."

"Yellow, what does that-"

"Yellow meaning happiness, hope and spontaneity. The color of the sun, sun being a star, stars representing something native to your home. Home being a city. City meaning your childhood. Home: Chicoltgo." said Black Robe Mentalist as she was doing her thing.

"How did you-"

"Time. Time you've spent since coming to this place. Time meaning the allies and companions you've acquired. Time shown being with your loved one. Time and Stars, space, astrology, constellation, sparkle. Twilight. Twilight Sparkle." said Black Robe Mentalist as she was able to figure out who Isaac's girlfriend was.

"Woah." said Isaac in awe. "How-"

"It's my job. Oh by the way, your mom is about to ask you where the extra batteries are?"

True to Isaac's magician, his mother texted him wondering where the spare batteries were for the remote control. Isaac was in shock at how his mentalist was able to do that as he texted his mother where they were. He then looked back at her as she just had a straight face before going back to her place next to the others. Soon it was his Black Arts Trickster as she made her presence known. She then began to examine Isaac with as she circled him.

"Yes. Yes. What a fine specimen for someone your age." she said.

"I hope you're not planning some kind of ritual or sacrifice with me." said Isaac as he was worried based that his magician was named 'Black Arts'.

"I must interfere if you plan to harm the master." said Mahad.

"Oh lighten up. All black magic isn't that evil, I was just fascinated by you is all." she said. "You're cute, I think I can really enjoy hanging around with you." Black Arts Trickster then gave Isaac a hug as well as a simple kiss on his cheek.

"Isn't he just the cutest?" said Mana as she did the same thing to her master. Soon both girls were laughing at how they enjoyed the same thing in teasing their master. It seemed that Isaac would now have to deal with another trouble maker.

"Mana behave." said Mahad. "It's bad enough dealing with you, don't try to encourage the young one."

"Here he is Buzz-kill Mahad always ruining the fun." stated Mana.

"So... are you guys okay with me being your master?" asked Isaac.

"Well, life is always dealing you a bad hand. But I'm willing to take a chance and make the most of it." said Sleight of Hand Magician as he pulled out another deck of tarot cards and flipped some over before revealing a card that had a picture of The Magician as he showed it to Isaac.

"Your mind is a fascinating one, full of twist and turns. Still, I see your determined to achieve a certain goal." said Black Robe Mentalist as she looked at Isaac's eyes. "Still even I can't see what that goal is, but based on everything your eyes are telling me. You're good soul, I place my allegiance with you."

"You know my answer, cutie." said Black Arts Trickster.

Isaac then looked at his Rune-Eyes Illusionist to hear what he had to say.

"Seems everybody has made their decision, so I will too. I'll fight by your side, master." he said.

"Thanks, but you don't have to call me master, only Mahad does that. Just call me by name, Isaac." he said.

They all nodded as they said their pledge of oath while kneeing in front of their master. "We're at your command, Isaac." they all said in unison as they bowed before him.

Isaac acknowledge them and gave them his word that he would always value them and they would have his full trust. After that Mahad and Mana were happy to see that their master was able to gain some powerful allies to help keep him safe. Mana then began to talk with Black Arts Trickster as they became best friends in a flash, they began to discuss plans on how much mischief they could cause. They even dragged in Black Robe Mentalist who was trying to ignore the antics of the two girls as she preferred to be left alone. Mahad talked with the other two magicians as he explained the role they had in protecting their master and told him about his life. Overall, Isaac was happy seeing all of his spirits get along. Even Kuriboh made an appearance as he nuzzled himself against Isaac who just simply petted him. Isaac then told everybody that it was time to sleep as they all obeyed their command. Soon everybody started to bid their farewells as they returned back to the spirit world. Mana and Black Arts Trickster each planted a kiss on Isaac's cheek as they gave him a wink and returned home; Mahad was the last one as he bowed his head in respect before disappearing.

Isaac then picked up his pendulum cards as he placed them back into his deck. He then placed it on his nightstand as he got ready for bed. Seemed today was a day that Isaac would never forget as he managed to pull off a new summoning method and make some new friends. He didn't fully understand why he had been given this new power, but he made a promise that he figure things out as he went along.

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