• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 142: Pride before the Fall

"We'll take a short 5 minute break to reset the system and the field." said Celestia as the duel with Sunset and Shadow had left a few holes in the ground.

Everybody in the stands began to talk amongst themselves as they discussed what they saw. Many were surprised by what the result was and if that was any indication of what the others would turn out, then this tournament was going to have many twists and turns. Sunset had made it back to the others and the students as they were talking.

"Not bad there, sugar." said Applejack.

"Thanks, Aj. Well, looks like I won't be challenging Isaac anytime soon."

"Yes, that's one person who I don't have to worry about." stated Rainbow as she failed to realize that the girls were all giving her dirty looks. "Uh, I mean. Boo hoo, Sunset lost."

"Anyways, darling. That was still a stellar performance. Hopefully the rest of us can step up our game, cause believe me. We all want a shot at taking on Isaac." said Rarity.

While the girls were talking with each other, Isaac had managed to catch Shadow as he wanted to talk with him.

"Congrats on your win." said Isaac.

"Thanks." said Shadow as he look at Isaac.

"Though, those Rank-Up cards. You still need to work on them, they were fine for your current level, but you need to fully understand them. Here." said Isaac as he handed Shadow somethings.

Shadow took them from Isaac and flipped them over as they were Duel Monster cards and a few Rank-Up magic cards. He was confused as he looked at Isaac who had a stern look.


"Like I said, you need more work on them. But for the time being, you can hold onto to them. Now whether you can unlock their full potential, that remains to be seen." said Isaac as he turned around and prepared to walk away. He then stopped as he still had his back turn towards Shadow. "That will be your next lesson after this tournament is done and I'm willing to help you get there. But not just me, Pinkie will also be helping you to take the next step in bettering yourself as a duelist. So for now, enjoy the tournament and I may see you at the finals." Isaac then began to walk away as he left Shadow with his thoughts as he looked at the new cards that Isaac had given him.

"Too bad you lost." said Isaac as he approached Sunset who was sipping a water bottle. "Seems you couldn't handle a rookie." taunted Isaac.

"Screw you." said Sunset as she stood up to Isaac and took of his cap and poured her water bottle all over Isaac as he was now soaked. Sunset then put Isaac's cap back on his cap as she stood there and admired her handiwork.

"Why?" asked Isaac as he started to dry himself as he took his cap off of his head and began to wring it out.

"That's what you get for saying that." said Sunset. She then pulled out a small handkerchief from inside her leather jacket as she began to wipe some of the water off of Isaac's face as she stroked his cheek. "Still, it means I won't my opportunity to have you all to myself. I really had something planned for us; something enticing." Sunset looked at Isaac with a set of bedroom eyes.

"Uh, should I be worried?" asked Isaac as he was starting to sweat a bit.

Sunset then grabbed Isaac's hands as she brought them down to her thighs and eventually placed them firm on her butt as she wrapped her arms around Isaac's neck. She had hoped that this would give Isaac a clue as to what she was referring to.

"Well?" asked Sunset as she looked at Isaac.

"Uh, I think I hear my name being called." said Isaac as he broke free from Sunset's arms and removed his hands from Sunset's sexy ass. He then quickly disappeared as he hoped to get away.

"Heh, I love having you as my boy toy." smiled Sunset as she enjoyed teasing Isaac.

"Ladies and gentleman, after that quick break we are now set to continue on with the rest of the duels. Now onto the next round." said Celestia as she pointed to the screen behind Isaac.

Soon the remaining contestants were shown as their portraits appeared on the screen and then the computer began to generate the matchup. The portraits flashed quickly until they started to slow down and landed on two pictures as they inflated to be shown for everybody to see.

"Seems the next duel shall see Canterlot High's Rainbow Dash taking on Amber." said Luna. "Duelist, you have 2 minutes to make it to the field and prepare your decks for any last minute changes."

"Time for me to take over." said Rainbow as she stood up and straight her jacket. She then made her way to the field as she quickly overlooked her deck one final time.

"Guess, I'm up." said Amber as she was a bit nervous. Especially since her opponent was a top contender when it came to Duel Monsters. Amber took a quick minute to overlook her cards, she then put them in her pocket as she walked onto the field and was now face to face with the chromatic haired girl.

"Good luck, kid. Just don't be too amazed by my awesomeness." said Rainbow as she extended her hand out.

"Trust me, your level of awesome is subpar at most. You really need to spend more time hitting the books." said Amber as she stood her ground and wasn't too interested in hearing Rainbow talking about her or her ego. She then shook her hand and the two spilt as they took their positions.

Both then grabbed their decks and slotted them in their duel disks as they came online. Rainbow's duel disk projected a sky blue card tray while Amber's produced an amber card tray. Soon the autoshuffler activated as it shuffled their decks.

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said their duel disks.

Rainbow Dash's Life Points: 8000-

Amber's Life Points: 8000-

Turn 1: Rainbow

"Let's see if we can outdo the last duel." said Rainbow as she drew her hand and card. "Time to start like only I know how, I summon U.A. Midfielder and then switch out so that I can summon my U.A. Blockbacker(1600/2700) in defense mode." A portal appeared in the air before her and her monster jumped down into a crouch, an athlete with spiked brown hair and glowing silver and green armor. It then tagged in its partner which was an athlete as it was covered in silver and yellow armor as it put its hand out and had huge shoulder pads. "Not bad of a starting lineup, don't you think. I'll just lay a facedown and end my turn."

Turn 2: Amber

"Please, if you spend more time studying instead of trying to boast about your pride. You would have made a decent move." said Amber as she drew her card. "Now to do the proper analysis." Amber then used her duel disk as on her screen she tapped on the picture of Rainbow's monster as it displayed its stats. "Let's see, 1600 attack points and 2700 defense points. At least she managed to put it in the proper mode." Amber then touched the image of the monster again, but it didn't give her the info she wanted. "Seems I can't see what its special ability is until Rainbow activates it so that duel disk can register it for further reference. Well, time for plan B." Amber then used her duel disk as she looked at the cards in her hand and began to run her options as she read and reread her own cards even though she knew what they did.

"If I do that my chances increase my 5.789%. But then I lose attack power. However, on the other hand this might increase my overall input by 0.3% which will prove beneficial in the long run if..."

"Ahh! Are you gonna play something or not?!" shouted Rainbow.

"I'm running all my options so that I figure out the best way to defeat you efficiently." stated Amber.

"Look, dueling is all about making your play in the moment."

"That's no way to win, you need to have a plan. Without that, victory won't come." replied Amber.

"Gees, kid. Just make a move based on your instincts and try to work from there." suggested Rainbow.

"Thanks, but no thanks. Besides, you're not my mentor; so please keep your suggestions to yourself. And I'm not some child!" said Amber as she hated that Rainbow decided to address her as a kid.

"Yeesh, Rarity. Just how did Amber behave with you?" asked Twilight.

"Don't fret, darling. She's just expressing how she feels. Besides, she's starting to come out of her shell." said Rarity.

"If you say so." said Fluttershy.

Isaac was watching the interaction between Rainbow and Amber as he listened to what Rainbow was trying to tell the teen. So Amber, are you gonna let the fact that people call you a kid get to you? Cause if that's the case, then you can forget about whatever plan you have. Because you've already lost then. Though Dash is right in a way, but as are you.

"Now I've planned out my plan and I'll follow through with this. I discard my Lunalight Black Sheep from my hand so that I can add a 'Polymerization' to my hand." Amber then sent her card into the graveyard slot of her duel disk as it registered her card and monster's effect as it brought up her card on her screen. She then clicked on it and confirmed her choice as it slotted out for her to grab. "I'll admit, these duel disks that you and the rest of your friends have are really top notch designs. Much better than the ones we were using to practice with. Now then using the spell card I got I'll now set the next part of my plan into motion."

"Rainbow better be careful, dearies." said Rarity as she couldn't help buy crack a smile at what Amber was about to do.

"I now play Polymerization so that I can fuse my Lunalight Blue Cat and Lunalight Purple Butterfly." Amber then held her cards up high as a vortex behind her appeared. Her monsters then appeared in spirit form as they were sucked in and twirled in a vortex of purple and orange as their energies were combining together. "By combining the reflexes of a fierce feline with the fluttering fury of a night time huntress, I can create a new lunar legend! I Fusion Summon! Lunalight Cat Dancer(2400/2000)!" Amber now had a monster that was a cat women who wore white garments as her dress was revealed so that it could show off her smooth legs and thighs as it wore a cat mask that had a moon shape as well as wore bracelets on both of her arms. She struck a pose as it showed off her dominance as well as her beauty.

"Alright, that's a cool looking monster." said Rainbow.

"Just wait, now I..."

"Hold on kid, I activate my monster's effect. Once per turn, whenever you special summon a monster, I can switch its battle positions and negate its effects." smirked Sunset.

"Huh?" said Amber as she looked at her monster as it switched into defense mode and lost all of its power. "Impossible."

"Hey, just because I don't think about my plans as much as you do. Doesn't mean that I don't at least look into cards and their effects. I learned the hard way of underestimating a card's effect."

"But even so, how did you predict that I would summon one of my most powerful monsters on the field?" asked Amber.

"I learned to see all the angles and plan accordingly." said Rainbow. She then looked at Isaac who had a smile on his face as they both thought back to their little exercise they did in the library before the Winter Ball in their second year as Isaac had gotten her to open her mind and think outside of the box.

"Still, that doesn't add up. Grr, I'll just place a facedown and end my turn."

Turn 3: Rainbow

"Back to me." said Rainbow as she drew her card. "Like before I summon U.A. Midfielder and then switch out so that I can summon U.A. Dreadnought Dunker(2500/1800)." Rainbow’s monster then materialized as a muscular basketball player in dark blue and black pants and a thick silver and orange chestpiece appeared on her field. "Now I'll have my U.A. Dreadnought Dunker attack your Lunalight Cat Dancer!" shouted Rainbow. Dreadnought Dunker held up a hand, an orb of blue energy gathering from its fingertips. Dreadnought Dunker grinned, spun in place, and hurled the ball of energy it held across the field. The orb struck Lunalight Cat Dancer and blew right through it. "My monster can deal piercing damage even if your monster is in defense mode."
Amber's Life Points: 7500-

"I reveal my facedown, Lunalight Reincarnation Dance. Since a Lunalight was destroyed, I can add 2 'Lunalight' monsters to my hand from my deck." Amber's duel disk then showed her options as she began to scan and look over the ones she wanted. Her duel disk then slotted out her cards as she grabbed them.

"Not bad, so I'll just end my turn."

Turn 4: Amber

"My turn." said Amber as she drew her card. Minor setback, but I can recover. I have to. "I summon Lunalight Emerald Bird(1200/1000). Then its special ability makes it so that I send one card to the graveyard and draw 1 card." Out appeared another women as this time she was dressed as a bird with her wings being colored green. Amber then selected her choice as she sent her card off and picked up a brand new one from her deck. "The card I sent to the graveyard was my Lunalight Crimson Fox and since it was sent to the graveyard by a card effect, I can target one monster on your field and drop its attack points to 0 until the end of the turn. " The spirit of Crimson Fox appeared as it was another women who wore fox-like attributes as she zapped away all the strength from Rainbow Dash's U.A. Dreadnought Dunker.

"Now time to pounce, Emerald Bird attack her U.A. Dreadnought Dunker!" shouted Amber. Her monster then flew into the air a bit and then soared towards Dreadnought Dunker who saw the bird women swoop in with her talons as he put his arms up and was destroyed.
Rainbow's Life Points: 6800-

"Now I'll end my turn."

Turn 5: Rainbow

"My draw, so watch out! I'll start by changing up the scenario with this the field spell, U.A. Stadium!" A column of light burst up from behind Rainbow and split, fanning in a circle around her and Amber. In its wake appeared the walls of a massive sports arena, glass windows framing spectator boxes and rows of seats. As the circular energy met again and finished forming the field, a large ring appeared floating in the air above them and activated in rows of blue lights, holograms projecting displays and statistics of the duelists.

“That’s more like it.” Rainbow grabbed another card from her hand. “I'll then summon one of my favorite openers, U.A. Midfielder.” A portal appeared in the air before her and her monster jumped down into a crouch, an athlete with spiked brown hair and glowing silver and green armor. Rainbow reached to tap on her duel disk’s screen. “When I normal summon a U.A. monster, the effect of U.A. Stadium lets me add a 'U.A.' monster from my deck to my hand.” The holographic field projected the image of a card that flipped over as Rainbow took her card from her deck. “I’ll take this, U.A. Goalkeeper. Next I’ll return Midfielder to my hand in order to special summon Goalkeeper(1000/2800) in defense mode.” Midfielder swirled up into another portal. With a large thud, Rainbow’s monster descended to the field, a massive creature in thick white and orange hockey armor with glowing green lines crossing the pads. It crouched and held its hands out to the side, a red visor over its eyes lighting up. “Special summoning a U.A. monster activates the other effect of U.A. Stadium, giving all my monsters a permanent boost of five hundred attack points.” Rainbow snapped her fingers and pointed at Goalkeeper as electricity surged over its armor. “Now my Goalkeeper as strength of 1500 attack points. I'll then end my turn.”

Turn 6: Amber

"Now time for my turn." said Amber as she picked up her cards and looked at her hand. "I summon Lunalight White Rabbit(800/800), then her effect activates. When she's summoned, I can special summon a 'Lunalight' back in defense mode." said Amber. "So now I revive my Lunalight Cat Dancer."

"And I know what you're gonna do, so that's why I activate my U.A. Blockbacker's special ability. Sure it forces your Cat Dancer into attack mode, but at least her special abilities are negated." said Rainbow as she had her monster switch Amber's monster into attack position.

"Grr, you're really starting to annoy me." shouted Amber. As long as that Blockbacker in play, I can't do what I normally do.

Improvise, Amber. You can't always rely on the same tactics to win a duel. Isaac had a straight look on his face.

"Fine then, I play the spell Rush Recklessly to give my Cat Dancer an extra 700 attack points. Which means she now has a total of 3100 attack points and is more than enough to take out your monster. Cat Dancer sink your claws into her U.A. Blockbacker!" shouted Amber as she gave her monster it command as it leaped into the air and unfurled its claws.

"I activate the ability of my U.A. Goalkeeper, during your turn, I can make another one of my 'U.A.' monsters be indestructible to battle." said Rainbow. Cat Dancer then pounced on U.A. Blockbacker as he held his arms up and protected himself as he skidded along the field and then pushed back Cat Dancer as she did a few flips and landed back on Amber's side.

"Grr!" growled Amber. "Fine then, I'll use the effect of my Lunalight White Rabbit, since I control 2 'Lunalight' monsters other than my White Rabbit, I can return that same number of spells/traps on your side of the field back to your hand. So say goodbye to your U.A. Stadium and your facedown." Rainbow's cards then turned into white energy beams as they returned to her hand as her duel disk ejected the cards for her to grab. "I'll then end my turn."

Turn 7: Rainbow

"Then it's back to me, so watch out. First, I'll replay U.A. Stadium. Then I summon U.A. Midfielder but then switch out to summon U.A. Mighty Slugger(2300/70)." Out came another athlete as this one wielded a baseball bat and did a couple of swings as he got himself ready. "As before when I get to add a 'U.A' monster to my had and now all of my monsters get a permeant 500 attack points boost." said Rainbow as her monsters pumped up even more as she selected the card she wanted and grabbed it. "Now I play Hammer Shot which destroys the monster on the field with the highest attack points on the field and that your Cat Dancer!" A giant hammer then came down from the sky as it crushed Cat Dancer under its weight and was destroyed.

"Now time to attack, Mighty Slugger attack her Lunalight White Rabbit!" shouted Rainbow. Her monster then tossed another baseball and this time it was sent toward Lunalight White Rabbit as she tired to hop out of the way but it was meaningless as it caused another explosion of smoke to appear.
Amber's Life Points: 5500-

"With that, I'll lay a facedown and end my turn."

Turn 8: Amber

"I've had enough!" said Amber as she pouted while she drew her card. "Time to get in control, and I'll start by playing this Lunalight Eclipse. Now since I control a 'Lunalight' monster, until the end of your next turn, my monster's can't be targeted and are unaffected by any of your cards. So now I also play the spell Lunalight Perfume to bring back my Lunalight Cat Dancer." said Amber as this time her monster rose up without any problems. "Now you can't negate her abilities, which is perfect case I'm about to strike. Now I banish my Lunalight Perfume from my graveyard and discard Lunalight Kaleido Chick so that I can add a 'Lunalight' monster from my deck to my hand. Then Kaleido's effect will kick in, since it was sent to the graveyard by a card effect, I can add a 'Polymerization' back from my grave to my hand." Amber then sent put her card in the graveyard slot of her duel disk as she drew a card and grabbed the Polymerization that slid out.

"Let me guess, you're gonna fusion summon again?" asked Rainbow as she crossed her arms.

"Actually, no. But what I am gonna do is this, activate my Lunalight Purple Butterfly's effect from the grave. So by banish her, I can be able to summon another 'Lunalight' monster from my hand and I choose to play the card that I got, Lunalight Blue Cat(1600/1200)." Amber now had a monster appear as she was a cat girl that wore a skirt and had her right eye had a mask that was in the shape of a crescent moon. "Now Blue Cat's activates which means I can double my Cat Dancer's attack points and finally I'll activate Cat Dancer's effect herself, so I tribute my Lunalight Emerald Bird so that my Cat Dancer can attack all of your monsters twice."

"Twice?!" said Rainbow as that really caught her off guard.

"Now time to play!" shouted Amber as she gave her Lunalight Cat Dancer her order as she leaped high into the air and struck U.A. Mighty Slugger as it delivered a high kick that caused Rainbow's monster to be pushed back a bit.
Rainbow's Life Points: 4800-

"Your monster survives the first attack, but I still dealt you damage. And now I'll deal even more when Cat Dancer attacks you again." stated Amber as her monster got ready to attack.

"Well, I may not be able to target your monsters but I can target my own, so before my U.A. Goalkeeper is destroyed, I'll use his effect to keep my U.A. Mighty Slugger safe." said Rainbow as Goalkeeper put his hands out and transferred some energy to protect his teammate before he was destroyed along with U.A. Blockbacker.

"Fine, but you'll still take damage." said Amber as her monster hit Player Manager as it knocked him down onto his back. Cat Dancer then laid waste to Rainbow's other monsters on her field.
Rainbow's Life Points: 2800-

"That's enough for now, so I end my turn and Cat Dancer's attack points return to normal."

Turn 9: Rainbow

"My turn, time to take things the next level if I want to win. So since I control a 'U.A' monster on the field, I can summon this the tuner monster, U.A. Strategist(1000/600)." Next to Mighty Slugger rose a monster in a silver uniform with blue and orange stripes, a clipboard under one arm and a whistle dangling from its neck. The monster raised its head, eyes staring sharply under a white baseball cap, and let out a grunt. “I activate U.A. Strategist’s special ability!” Rainbow held up her duel disk as cards began to emerge from her graveyard. “Once per turn, I can return up to three U.A. monsters in my graveyard to my deck, and a U.A. monster on my side of the field can gain or lose a Level for each of them.” The transparent images of Goalkeeper and Dreadnought Dunker appeared above Strategist. “I return 2 monsters to my deck, and have U.A. Strategist gain two Levels, making it Level 5!” Strategist raised its whistle and blew into it; at the sound, the specters of Rainbow’s monsters flowed into it in flashes of blue light.

“And now, I tune my Level 5 U.A. Strategist with my Level 5 U.A. Mighty Slugger!” Strategist’s whistle echoed as it turned into five green rings that floated into the air. Mighty Slugger rose up into them as they began to spin. A pillar of blue light shot down through the rings. “I align brains and brawn, coach and player, and call in the unparalleled master of the field!” Rainbow’s duel disk popped open to reveal her card from the Extra Deck. She grabbed it and held it up. “Meet a superstar like no other! I Synchro Summon! Rushing in, U.A. Star Player(2700/2500)!” The pillar of light receded, revealing a darkened form floating in the air. Around the field, the spotlights on U.A. Stadium swung around, shining on the monster. Clad head to toe in a silver bodysuit with glowing blue and orange stripes up the sides, it hung ominously in the air. The monster raised its head, scruffy blond hair blowing in the wind, and dropped to the ground, landing on its feet. It held a hand to the side and a pair of orange sunglasses appeared in its fingers; it slipped them on, grinned, and reared up to its full height, arms crossed.

"Interesting monster." said Amber.

"Don't forget the effect of my U.A. Stadium is still in effect, so my Star Player gains 500 more attack points for a grand total of 3200. Now Star Player take out that Lunalight Cat Dancer!" Star Player tensed its limbs and leapt into the air. With a laugh, it brought its arms together and thrust them forward, firing a beam of blue energy. The beam lance through Lunalight Cat Dancer and the monster exploded.
Amber's Life Points: 5000-

"Now I'll reveal my facedown, U.A. Discharge. So bid farewell to my U.A. Midfielder in my hand and U.A. Libero Spiker in order to draw 2 cards." Rainbow then sent her monsters to the grave as their spirits appeared in front of her as they nodded and gave her one last five high to show they trusted her to win. Rainbow smiled as she picked up some more cards. "I'll then end my turn with a facedown."

Turn 10: Amber

"Folks I dare say, we've been treated to a stellar duel. Even though Rainbow doesn't have much life points left, she was able to summon one her ace monsters and took out Amber's creature." said Celestia.

"Now the question is: how does Amber respond?" said Luna.

"My turn." shouted Amber. Just great, how am I gonna win now? Lunalight Cat Dancer was doing the job well, and now my plan is in ruins. What's my backup strat?

"Hey, kid. Don't think too much." said Rainbow.

"I told you don't call me a kid!" shouted Amber. "Just because I'm younger than you doesn't mean you have to treat me like a child, I can take care of myself."

"Hey, I don't mean to offend you. I just want to say congrats, you're starting to understand it."

"What do you mean?" asked Amber.

"Ever since my second turn, you've haven't been overanalyzing the situation like you normally do." said Rainbow.

"I haven't? Oh my gosh, I haven't! What's wrong with me, I never do that?!" said Amber as she started to panic for just playing on the fly.

"Relax, it's a good thing. It means you've been living in the moment. Sometimes in a duel, you just need to play it by heart and not put too much into thinking of a plan."

"Living in the moment?" said Amber as she looked at the cards in her hand and her deck.

"That's how you can grow as a duelist and sometimes make plays that you never would thought of since your mind is now clear." added Rainbow.

"Make plays you never thought of? Clear my mind?" said Amber.

You're learning. Seems I have another lesson that Rarity will have to teach you. Isaac smiled at how Amber was starting to open herself a bit to others.

"Play in the moment? Well, better try it." said Amber to herself. "Now my turn and... I draw! Perfect! I now play the spell Pot of Greed so that I can gain two more cards. Next up is Monster Reborn so that I can summon back my Lunalight Cat Dancer from the grave. Then I play the spell card, Polymerization so that I can fuse together my Cat Dancer and Blue Cat." A vortex opened up behind Amber as her two monsters appeared and their energies were being sucked into the vortex as they twirled in colors of orange and purple. "By combining my two monsters, I can create a new lunar legend! I Fusion Summon! Now appear, sleek creature of the night, and ready those razor-sharp claws! Lunalight Panther Dancer(2800/2500) is on the prowl!" Amber now had another catlike women appear as this one had dark skin as she wore a purple corset and thigh stockings as she too had a skirt that was open a bit to reveal her legs as she wore rings around her wrists and unsheathed her claws.

"Another one?" asked Rainbow.

"And this is even meaner. But first, I'll play the spell card Alley Catastrophe! So now my monster gains 500 extra attack points during the battle. Now Panther Dancer attack U.A. Star Player!" shouted Amber. "My monster's ability allows her to have two attacks in this battle. And like before the first attack won't destroy your monster, but it will deal damage." Panther Dancer then brought her claws down on U.A. Star Player as it left a claw mark on his face as he looked at his reflective shades and saw his face had been damaged.
Rainbow's Life Points: 2100-

"Hey! Don't mess with the moneymaker!" shouted Rainbow as she didn't like it that her Star Player had a scratch on his face.

"That's nothing than a scratch at least compared to this, Panther Dancer now strikes a second time!" said Amber as her monster then did a backflip and then pounced forward as it tackled Star Player to the ground as it pinned him down and caressed his cheek with her claw. She then growled as she raised her claw and brought it down as she took out Rainbow's monster.
Rainbow's Life Points: 2000-

"With that I'll then activate the other effect of my Alley Catastrophe. So I pay 1000 life points so that I can destroy a spell/trap card on the field. So say goodbye to your field spell." shouted Amber as Rainbow's stadium started to tumbled down as it fell apart and the field changed back to normal.
Amber's Life Points: 4000-

"Before you end your turn, I'll reveal my facedown. Synchro Spirits, now I banish a Synchro monster in my graveyard so that I can bring back the monsters that were used to summon it. You did good Star Player, but looks like you're gonna have to share the spotlight this time. So rest on the bench as I substitute you, to summon back U.A. Mighty Slugger and Strategist." Rainbow's duel disk then ejected her Synchro monster as she slid it into the banished compartment of her duel disk as she grabbed the other two cards and placed them on her card tray as her monsters appeared on her field.

"Not bad, I'll end my turn."

Turn 11: Rainbow

"My turn, now time to take it up a notch once more. I tune my Level 5 U.A. Mighty Slugger with my Level 3 U.A. Strategist!" U.A. Strategist lit up green and split into three rings that rotated and floated around Mighty Slugger. Mighty Slugger glowed orange as a column of yellow light rose around it. “I align the brain of the coach and the ball of the athlete, and bring out a grand new titan!” Rainbow grabbed her card and slapped it on her duel disk. “I Synchro Summon! Rise up, Colossal Fighter(2800/2000)!” The light receded, revealing a massive figure in thick beige armor. It stood up, light gleaming off a green visor over its eyes, and crossed its arms.

"Not bad, but your monster doesn't come close to taking down my Panther Dancer." said Amber.

"Why don't we find out. Colossal Fighter, attack Lunalight Panther Dancer!” Colossal Fighter bellowed and charged across the field, arm raised.

"I told you, our monsters have the same strength so they'll both be destroyed."

"Too bad my Colossal Fighter has a boosting effect too. He gets an extra hundred attack points for every Warrior-type monster in the graveyard.” She held up her duel disk. “I count five – Mighty Slugger, Blockbacker, Strategist, Midfielder, and Libero Spiker. So now he has 3300 attack points which more than enough to take down your Panther Dancer."

“Dang.” said Amber.

Colossal Fighter jumped up and descended, slamming a massive fist into the front of Panther Dancer. The cat warrior buckled and then exploded. Colossal Fighter jumped back in front of Rainbow.
Amber's Life Points: 3500-

"I’ll set one card down and end my turn.”

Turn 12: Amber

"My turn, to begin let's start over by playing the Card of Sanctity spell card." said Amber as it allowed her to have a fresh new hand. "I'll then summon Lunalight Kaleido Chick(1400/800). Now I'll activate Kaleido Chick's ability, it can take the name and special abilities of a monster in my Extra Deck simply by sending it to my graveyard. So I'll send another copy of my Lunalight Panther Dancer so that my Kaleido Chick can gain all its powers." Amber's duel disk then opened up as a card from her Extra Deck compartment slid out her card to which she grabbed and sent if off to the graveyard as her monster now transformed into it.

"Next up, I'll play Polymerization and fuse together my monster on the field with my Lunalight Black Sheep and Lunalight Purple Butterfly in my hand." Amber held her cards up high as they appeared in spirit form as a vortex appeared behind her. They then combined together and entered the vortex as the colors orange and purple twirled around them. "By combining the precision of a panther, with the cunning covertness of a stealthy beast, and the fluttering fury of a nighttime huntress, I can create a new lunar legend! I Fusion Summon! The majestic, the mighty, the masterful Lunalight Leo Dancer(3500/3000)!" Out came another cat women warrior that was just as beautiful and ferocious like the others. She wore a red skirt that was attached to her hip and had gold pieces of armor spread all over her limbs. She wielded a large sword as she gave off a tough look. "Now then since Lunalight Black Sheep was used as fusion material, I can add a 'Lunalight' monster from my deck to my hand." Amber then selected the card she wanted as she grabbed it.

"Now, time to attack, go Leo Dancer." shouted Amber as her monster leaped into the air. "Now Leo Dancer's ability activates, which means it can attack your monster twice." Leo Dancer then brought its mighty sword down on Colossal Fighter as he put his arms up to protect him.
Rainbow's Life Points: 1800-

"Like before your monster survives the initial attack, but this one will put it away for good." said Amber as her monster came for a second round and this time it cut Colossal Fighter in half with a slash as it exploded.
Rainbow's Life Points: 1600-

"Since my Colossal Fighter was destroyed, I can now bring back a 'Warrior' type monster from my graveyard, so rise up U.A. Midfielder." said Rainbow as she had a monster rise up.

"Why summon him, Colossal Fighter would have been a better option. Oh well, I can't expect you to make a smart play given your grades. So I'll end my turn."

Turn 13: Rainbow

"There's a reason why, so let me show you." said Rainbow as she drew her card. "And I'll start by summoning Speedroid Den-Den Daiko Duke(1000/1000)." Out came a tiny robot warrior as he had his weapon which looked to be a drum at the end of it. "Now Level 3 Speedroid Den-Den Daiko Duke tunes my Level 4 Midfielder." Speedroid Den-Den Daiko Duke then changed into 3 giant green rings as Midfielder jumped in between them. "Beat your wings to whip up a whirlwind of destruction! I Synchro Summon! Clear Wing Synchro Dragon(2500/2000)!" Out emerged a dragon as it let out a cry and soared in the air before it landed in front of Rainbow.

"As powerful as that dragon is, my Leo Dancer is still stronger." stated Amber.

"For now, but it won't be. Cause since I summoned my Clear Wing Synchro Dragon, I can also special summon my Speedroid Rubberband Plane(1800/0). Then when its summoned I can activate its effect, so now one monster on the field loses 600 attack points until the end of the turn." stated Rainbow.

"So you plan to reduce my Leo Dancer's attack points, hate to break it to you. But my Leo Dancer can't be targeted by card effects." stated Amber.

"Don't kid yourself, I've learned to look at all the angles. That's why the monster I'm targeting with my Speedroid Rubberband Plane is my Clear Wing Synchro Dragon!" said Rainbow as she pointed at her own monster.

"What? You would target your own monster, now it's much weaker."

"Not if I activate my Clear Wing Synchro Dragon's special ability, now when it comes the target of a monster effect, it can negate that effect and then destroy that monster. Go Reverse Revenge!" shouted Rainbow as her monster used its power to destroy its own comrade. "Then Clear Wing Synchro Dragon gains the attack points of the monster it destroyed. So now my Clear Wing Synchro Dragon has a total of 4300 attack points."

"No way!" shouted Amber as she realized her monster was now weaker. She used her own effect against her and turned it to her advantage. There's no way she could have learned that all by herself. Amber then quickly looked over to where Isaac was sitting as he had a straight look on his face. I see; surprised he had the patience to teach you.

"Now Clear Wing, take out Leo Dancer! Spin Storm Sky Strike!!!" shouted Rainbow. Clear Wing heard her command and took off as it soared into the air. It then dived down as it spun really fast and soon collided with Leo Dancer as a huge explosion occurred. Amber didn't put her arms up in time to protect herself as she was thrown back a bit and landed on the grass.
Amber's Life Points: 2700-

"Now I'll end my turn with a facedown." said Rainbow as her Clear Wing returned back to its original points.

Turn 14: Amber

"My turn." said Amber as she got up from the floor and looked at her duel disk. "This is it, time to see if I can win. I draw! I'll play another Lunalight Perfume which as you know allows me to revive a Lunalight from my graveyard. So return Lunalight Leo Dancer!" said Amber as she had her monster back on the field. "Now time to strike, take down that Clear Wing!" shouted Amber. Leo Dancer then leaped high into the air as it brought its sword down on Clear Wing but didn't destroy it.
Rainbow's Life Points: 800-

"Your monster survives the first attack, but its special ability now activates, so since it attacked, it can destroy your monster." said Amber. "So finish this, Leo Dancer!!"

"I activate my facedown, Miracle Mirror. So now I banish a card from my graveyard so that I can prevent the destruction of one of my monsters." said Rainbow as she banished another one of her cards.

"You still lose!" shouted Amber.

"That's why I'm activate my last facedown, Speed Pursuit. This allows me to change modes for one monster on the field. And I choose my Clear Wing Synchro Dragon!" shouted Rainbow as she had managed to protect her life points and keep her monster on the field as they both collided. It generated a huge wind that blew over the field as Rainbow managed to dig her heels in and keep from blowing away.

"Quick thinking on your part. No wonder they call you, 'Dash'." smiled Amber. "So I'll end my turn with 2 cards facedown."

Turn 15: Rainbow

"My draw, now I play Graceful Charity. So I draw 3 cards and discard two." Rainbow then picked up her cards as she saw what she drew and smiled. She then sent her selected cards to the graveyard as she believed victory to be in sight. "You dueled well kid, but it ends here. Now I activate the effect of my Speedroid Den-Den Daiko Duke from my graveyard, so I banish him so that I can resurrect a 'Speedroid' tuner monster from my graveyard. So rise up Speedroid Red-Eyed Dice(100/100)." Rainbow now had two monsters on her field as she looked to close this duel out. "Time to seal the deal! I tune my Level 1 Speedroid Red-Eyed Dice with my Level 7 Clear Wing Synchro Dragon!" Speedroid Red-Eyed Dice then changed into a giant ring that circled Clear Wing. "Time to pave the way for an even mightier dragon! Watch as the essence of that monster takes shape! Watch as it is forged by raw power! I Synchro Summon! Take flight, Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon(3000/2500)!" Rainbow's new beast let out an even mighty roar as it caused everybody to look in awe.

"Now Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon eliminate that Leo Dancer!" said Rainbow.

"What are you up to?!" asked Amber given that her monster was stronger then Rainbow's.

"See Crystal Wing's ability allows it to gain the attack points of the monster it battles." Clear Wing then had its attack points raise to 6500.

"What?! That's broken." said Amber as that was something she didn't expect.

"Go Crystal Cataclysmic Strike!!" shouted Rainbow. Her dragon then did some fancy flight maneuvers as it soon made a beeline for Leo Dancer and looked to finish this duel.

"You're monster has a powerful ability, but it's not impossible. You just need to have the right plan and cards. Like this, I activate Mirror Mail! Now my Leo Dancer's attack points rise up to match that of Clear Wing." said Amber as her monster pumped up and soon had the same strength as her monster as they both collided and were destroyed. It generated a huge wave that caused a breeze to blow as the entire field was affected. Soon it died down as neither monster was left.

"Now I reveal my facedown, Cat's Cradle. So now I can bring back monsters back to my field in defense mode but its effects are negated and they can't change modes. So rise up, Lunalight Blue Cat, White Rabbit, and Black Sheep!" shouted Amber as her monsters reappear on her field. Once she did that, it became clear on what was about to happen.

"Looks like this is it." said Rainbow. "Good game, kid." Rainbow gave Amber a thumbs up as she knew she had nothing left to play.

"Thanks." said Amber as she returned the gesture.

Turn 16: Amber

"Now then, I'll play the spell card, Lunalight Fusion so that I can combine all three of my monsters to conduct a fusion summon." All three monsters then combined together as a vortex behind Amber opened up as a brand new monster was going to appear. "I Fusion Summon, Lunalight Sabre Dancer(3000/2600)!" Out came another cat women as she had dark purple skin and wore gold garments while wielding a sabre sword in her right. "My monster's effect allows her to gain 200 extra attack points for every 'Lunalight' monster in my graveyard, and right now there's a total of 14 which means Sabre Dancer gains 2800 more points." Sabre Dancer then powered up as she raised her weapon. "Now finish this duel, attack Rainbow Dash directly!!" shouted Amber as she thrusted her hand out. Her monster obeyed the order as she leaped high into the air and then came diving down with its weapon in its hand as it did a downward slash on Rainbow Dash who used her duel disk to protect herself as she dropped to her knees.
Rainbow Dash's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Amber

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