• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 55: The Spring Fling

After the announcement was made, nearly everybody was ready to see Sunset vs Isaac at the Spring Fling. The first time these two had face each other was back at the Fall Formal of last school term. In terms of them facing each other they did face each other in a duel when they got new duel disk, but that was an unsanctioned match. So really they only faced each other that one time at the Fall Formal in an official duel. However, at the given time, the circumstances were different. Sunset had evil magic and was hell bent on making everybody succumb to her will, so they all turned to Isaac who fought his heart out to rise up the ranks and meet Sunset in the finals of the tournament.

Isaac was seen as the newcomer and he was going against a veteran in Sunset who dominated anybody who had faced her previously. So at the Fall Formal, Isaac and Sunset went all out in a heated battle. In the end, Isaac had emerged victorious and became not just the savior of CHS, but the face of their school. Since then, he went on to represent what it meant to be a fighting champion. He took on all comers, as he was building his legacy. Not to mention that he recently competed in the Friendship Games as he lead Team CHS to victory. Of course Sunset was also part of that same team and she managed to score the first point. Safe to say that both individuals had a lot of history with each other. They were now in a different position than they were a few months ago. Sunset was now veteran duelist who had done a complete 180 as she was now one of Canterlot High's beloved students; Isaac was still a newcomer but had a lot of experience being champ and picked up some new tricks during his reign. Regardless, this was a duel that people were looking forward too.

Celestia really wanted to hype up this event/duel that in the weeks to come, they were airing the duel of Isaac v. Sunset from the Fall Formal. May people still considered it one of, if not the best match that they saw in recent memory. Along with that they also shared many other smaller duels from both Isaac and Sunset individually to see how far both came since the start. Regardless, things still stayed the same between them.

Isaac was talking with Sunset in the hallway after he made his announcement of choosing her as his challenger a few days ago. He was leaning against the lockers as he was watching Sunset just freak out. "Got everything out?" asked Isaac.

"Yeah... I think." Sunset was taking deep breaths as she was still processing what had occurred. "Still I can't believe you chose me to be your opponent."

"Well, I gave my reason. You're a different person from when we met; you've undergone a lot of stuff that has morphed you into the young lady I see standing before me. There's nobody else who I want to share the dueling field than with you. I chose you Sunset because I want to face you. I want to see what you can do, no magic, no smoke and mirrors, just a straight up duel. I want to see if you've learned anything since turning over a new leaf."

Sunset then looked at Isaac. "When you put it that way, I guess I have come a long way since I was that mean, nasty bully."

"I'll say, all you had to do was look at someone and they were scared shitless." joked Isaac.

"Nice that you still have your sense of humor. Say, there wasn't any other reason you chose me, hmm?" Sunset was now giving Isaac a combination of sly/flirting eyes.

"No." said Isaac with a straight face.

"Good, then it shouldn't get in the way of our date." said Sunset.

"Yeah, it shouldn't... wait what?" Isaac had to do a double take on what Sunset said.

"You heard me." Sunset was now batting her eyelashes at Isaac.

"Uhh... mind repeating what you said? Just so I'm clear."

Sunset let out a laugh. "I said that you and me are going on a date. See I'm not usually one for finding some special occasion to ask someone out. If I want to go on a date with someone, I just ask them straight up. I prefer a more personal touch, if you know what I mean. So, me and you, are going on a date boy toy?"

"Hang on! I never agreed to it, besides what if I don't want to go on a date?" asked Isaac which caused Sunset to have a smirk.

"Are you saying that I'm not good enough? Compared to when you went on dates with our friends, do you not find me attractive enough?" Sunset was enjoying herself as she was having fun manipulating Isaac's emotions.

"It's not that its... well..." Isaac was rubbing his neck as he was trying to find his justification.

"What is it then?" Sunset had managed to backup Isaac into the lockers as she started to get closer to him as she was giving him the bedroom eyes. Sunset was really enjoyed seeing Isaac squirm as she found it rather attractive.

Isaac was sweating hard as he tried to look Sunset in the eyes as he gave his answer. But that was easier said than done, given his current predicament. Isaac didn't know what to do as his mind was suddenly shutting off while staring at Sunset who lips were very close to his. Eventually, Sunset pulled away and just let out a laugh.

"Ha, ha, ha." Sunset was laughing at how Isaac had practically fallen under her control. "Now I know why you're my favorite boy toy. Tell what were you thinking just now. Anything about me?" Sunset was just having too much fun messing with Isaac.

"Nothing of interest. Look can we just drop this?" Isaac was still trying to cool down from Sunset's intimate moment.

"So, care to show me a good time?" asked Sunset.

"What do you want to do?"

"I'm not in the mood for going somewhere or going to a fancy establishment. How about before the Spring Fling, you just come over to my place and we'll hang out. Nothing like playing some video games to pass the time before a big duel."

"Did you say video games, huh, you never told me? And to be honest, I never pegged you as a gamer girl?"

Sunset then put her fingers to Isaac's lips. "There's a lot of things you don't know about me. But maybe if you play your cards right, then I'll give you a special reward. Something that requires a hands on experience." smirked Sunset.

"Uhh... can't wait." said Isaac quickly as he was starting to lose his cool with how Sunset was acting.

"Good, then our date is set. See you around, boy toy." With that Sunset left, but she had a smile on her face as she enjoyed making embarrassing Isaac.

Isaac was left with stretching his t-shirt collar as he tried to cool off. Isaac then made his way to the boy's bathroom as he turned on the sink and splashed cold water on his face. It worked as he soon found himself back to normal and with that left the restroom. Still that moment in Sunset was something that he was still thinking about all day.

Soon everybody was preparing as the days got closer to the Spring Fling. Despite being opponents at the event, Isaac decided that he and Sunset should have some practice duels against each other as a way for both of them to be prepared for what might come. Also it served as a way for both to have some fun while not having to constantly hear from others about what they thought of the match. Isaac had asked and entrusted Twilight with recording the results of their practice rounds, so that they could see what they could improve on. Twilight was pleased as she got to do something she loved, but also because this was going to be her first time seeing her best friends go against one another. Sure Sunset showed her the video of the Fall Formal and even then it felt amazing watching it as in person. But there was a sort of magic that goes into watching a duel live. Twilight just couldn't contain herself as she was looking forward to what was sure to be a good duel.

Their friends all expressed their opinions on the match. Though Rainbow was pissed that Isaac didn't select her to his opponent as she was really looking forward to testing out her new card she obtained against him. Nevertheless their friends each told who they were rooting for and it was pretty much split. Rarity, Dash, and even Pinkie had chosen Sunset to be the winner, while Fluttershy, Applejack, and Twilight had gone with Isaac being named the winner.

Soon the whole school was talking about it. Celestia and Luna were making sure that preparations were made as they prepared the contract that both would sign to make their match official. So just like last time, prior to the Fall Formal, Celestia requested that both Isaac and Sunset conduct a face-to-face while also signing the document. Both agreed and promised that they wouldn't get too out of hand, given that the last time they confronted each other, they almost engaged in a brawl. With that all the students gathered as a table was set with the contract in the middle; Celestia and Luna were sitting on the side of the table as they were acting as the moderators for this contract signing. Eventually Isaac and Sunset walked in together as they each took a seat opposite of each other.

Luna then stood up as she signaled for the contract signing to start. "Students, this here is the official contract signing for the Spring Fling duel. Which will consist of Sunset Shimmer taking on the current champion in Isaac. Both of you have a lot of history with one another, not too mention that you're really close friends. I speak for all, when I say that we're looking forward to seeing what you two can do and we expect a duel that will people will enjoy." The students then gave an applause after hearing Luna's statement. "Now then lets begin, Isaac. If you please?" Luna then opened the file and inside was the contract with a pen for the competitors to sign and two dotted lines where it required their signature. She then placed it in front of Isaac as she awaited him.

Isaac was busying reading the contract over and the fine prints to make sure everything was in order. With that he put the contract back on the table and picked up the pen. But before he was about to sign, he then looked at Sunset and wanted to say a few words to her. "Well, Sunset. Here we are, back to where it all started. The last time you and I stepped on the dueling field as enemies, was back at the Fall Formal. The situation was different and I'm not going to explain this because everybody knows about it. This time however, the script is flipped. So the question is: what are you going to do to make sure that at the Spring Fling you walk out with the title of champion?"

Sunset let Isaac's question sink in. Once she got her answer, she then started to give her response. "You're right, things are different this time. I'm no longer some girl who's lonely and just finding a way to take her anger out on everybody else. This time I fight with passion, I fight with a purpose in life. I can't thank you enough; Isaac, you're the reason why I'm standing here as who I am. If you didn't stop me, when you did. Who knows how different this place might have been? And I like to think that you beating was the best thing that could have happened; but you also know me as someone who doesn't like to lose. Even if that person is someone who I deeply care and I would pour my heart and soul out cause everytime I step on the field with you, I feel alive. I feel free knowing that I can be myself and just go all out, and it's all thanks to one person: You. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you."

Sunset's response really caused some students to clap as they understood what she meant. Isaac too let out a clap as he too felt Sunset's words rang true. Sunset then knew what she had to do as she then began to speak again. "But let's not stray from the path too much, Isaac. I've known you for quite some time, but you got something I want." Sunset was now staring a hole at Isaac who was sitting back in his chair. "And you and I both know, that when you want something bad enough, you'll do some unexpected things to get it. And how many times has it been said that Isaac will be the new Sunset Shimmer. Here's the hard truth, Isaac. You will never be as phenomenal as me."

"That's fine, I never the wanted the position anyways. You're right there is only one Sunset Shimmer, and as much of a compliment as it is. I never wanted to be copy of you; and I respect every single thing about you Sunset. You truly are phenomenal, but you're going to have to be better than phenomenal if you want to take this title from me at the Spring Fling."

"I know how much that title means to you. But at what cost? How you holding up? I ask that, cause you went through hell during the Friendship Games and your more recent experience. The problem is. I just don't think you have much left, you see there's a little saying that I found that speaks to me. It's never rest, never rust! You see, I'm going to be that bulldog that's nipping at your heels. And at the Spring Fling, I'm gonna latch on. I'm gonna sink my teeth in, and I'm not gonna let go. Until I'm standing over you as the victor of our match."

Isaac now had a smirk on his face as he was getting ready to speak on the mic against Sunset. "You don't seem to understand what I'm saying Sunset. So let me spell it out for you, look we have a lot of things in common. We really do and while out success stories are very similar, there's a lot of differences. And those differences are the reason why I'm standing here holding this title as champ, while you're standing there trying to take it away from me! And you want to know how I'm holding up!? Ask Rainbow Dash cause I was at my best when I beat her, ask Applejack when I faced her in the semifinals of the Fall Formal, or how about this one. Ask Shining Armor cause I humiliated and embarrassed him along with Crystal Prep at the Friendship Games! And I will be at my best when I beat you at the Spring Fling." Isaac then took the pen and started to write his name on the contract. He was about to hand it over for Sunset to sign, when a thought crossed his mind.

"Here's the truth, Sunset. It pains me to say, but someone has got to be the realist in this situation. I want you to soak all this in because for you this is the best that it's ever going to be. Cause next to me, you will always be a B+ player!"

At that moment, Sunset stood up and was now staring at Isaac with furious eyes as she yanked the contract out of his hands. Celestia and Luna also stood out of their seats as they prepared for a fight to ensue. Sunset had heard enough and was firing back on Isaac's comment. "For months you've been astounding us with your skills as champion, and we've all been proud of what you done. But now it's time for you to sit there, shut the hell up, and let me educate you!" The crowd was now on Sunset's side as she was getting fired up. "You became duel champion within the first two months of you attending CHS and I watched that. No, not as a bystander. No, no. I watched it, I observed it. I watched it, I understood it. Here's the thing, I'll cut to all the chase, I'll cut through all the bullshit. Everything that I've experienced in my life has all lead to this moment! It's all lead to this, Isaac. I see it in your eyes, man. I can see it by the way you tremble when I'm on the dueling field with you. I can see it by the mind games that you're trying to play. You know that I am ready!!" The crowd was now getting louder as they all were invested in what they were hearing.

"The one thing that we have in common, the one common thread to this story. Is that you know what all of this feels like; you know what all this feels like. The atmosphere, the roar of the crowd chanting your name, them rooting for you! The pressure that is on your shoulder to deliver and give to it your absolute best! You were in this same position at the Fall Formal! And you're scared as hell! And you should be because you know what comes next! What comes next is at the Spring Fling, I beat you! And I become Canterlot High duel champion!!" Sunset then signed the contract as she forcefully handed to back to Celestia.

Isaac then stood up and fired back with his own response. "You think you can beat me!? News flash, Sunset. How that work out for you last time!? Cause the last time I faced you, I left you lying on ground; I dropped you where you stood and since then I've been on a tear like no other! I have been a role model for everybody here, every single day I walk through those doors and I'm surrounded by every student wanting to take a crack at me! I'm grateful that I can push people to their limits and motivate them to become better! You think you can beat me, I know I can beat you! And at the Spring Fling, you're going to see first hand that I what I am is what I say I am; that when I get on the dueling field there is nobody better than me because I'm am just that damn good!!" Isaac now was staring hard as he wasn't taking his eyes off of Sunset. The tension was high as Sunset's anger had reached a boiling point as she had enough of Isaac's talk and she did the one thing no one expected. Sunset then brought her hand up and tried to slap Isaac in his face, but Isaac caught her arm before she could make contact. They still locked eyes with each other despite Isaac stopping Sunset from hitting him.

Celestia and Luna then pulled both of them away to which they showed no resistance while never breaking contact with each other. Their friends watched on as they felt the passion from both of them as they were about to engage in a brutal battle for the title of duel champion. Isaac and Sunset were both looking to get the very best out of each other.

It was then the day of the Spring Fling and the students all had plans as they prepared themselves for the dance later in the evening. Not to mention the duel that would take place between two of the best duelist at Canterlot High. Before that, Isaac was currently arriving at Sunset's place for their date. She didn't want to go anywhere, so she decided that they could just hang out at her place and spend some time together before heading off to Raritys, where they would get ready for the dance. Isaac then knocked on the door and a second later it opened with Sunset standing there.


"Hey, yourself." replied Sunset.

Since their heated confrontation, they hadn't seen each other. So Isaac did his best to try to make the most of this awkward situation. "Listen... about what happened..."

"All is forgiven, we were in the heat of the moment. We just let out emotions do the talking, it happens." Sunset gave Isaac a warm smile.

"Nice to know that there isn't any friction between the two of us ahead of tonight. So we good?" asked Isaac.

"We're good; now get in here, boy toy. I've got you all to myself before tonight and I don't want to waste a single minute." Sunset then grabbed Isaac's arm as she dragged him inside while closing the door behind him.

She showed Isaac her apartment and safe to say it met the standard conditions. Still the thing that really caught his attention was the fact that Sunset had thousands of games scattered around her living room. Not to mention she had every console available; Sunset wasn't kidding when she mentioned to Isaac that she was a gamer. Isaac saw that she had all the necessary equipment as she put on a set of headphones and took a controller. She then gave Isaac another controller and a set of headphones.

"So what kind of games do you play?" said Sunset as she powered up the console and turned on her TV.

"Really, anything. As long as it has a good narrative and some solid gameplay, I'm willing to give it a shot." Isaac had put on the headphones and turned on the mic as he took a seat in one of the bean bags while Sunset sat on her bed.

The first game she selected for them was a multiplayer first person shooter game as Sunset was hoping that with the extra help, she could get to the next level. Sunset took the early lead as she was guiding Isaac through the game while trying to figure out how to play with advice from Sunset. Soon they were in the swing of things, as they had gone farther than Sunset was expecting. They were now on the last level as they were busying trying to defeat the final boss. It took a bit of planning on both their parts, but they eventually were able to figure out his weakness and Sunset delivered the final blow while Isaac offered support. The game ended as the credits rolled and Sunset gave Isaac a high five. The weird part was that it had only been an hour since they first started.

Sunset then started to change games as she let Isaac see the choices on what he wanted to play. Isaac eventually settled on a fighting game and Sunset had a huge smirk on her face. Isaac was expecting Sunset to go easy on him, but she just straight up massacred him as the battle was over in mere minutes. Sunset had a smug look on her face as she was proud of what she did. Isaac knew she was good, but that was just embarrassing. He then started to request for a rematch and the same result happened every time Isaac asked to run it back. Despite Sunset winning majority of the fights, Isaac had managed to pick up on somethings and scored a few wins against Sunset. Sunset saw that Isaac was using the same mentality that he applied in Duel Monsters and he was implementing the information into his brain. Soon he was starting to surprise Sunset with the moves he was pulling off. Still Sunset managed to score majority of the points.

"That's another win for me." said Sunset.

"Yeah, yeah. One more." said Isaac as he wanted to get one more victory over Sunset.

"You really want to be beaten that badly? Fine." Sunset was about to run it back when a thought ran through her head as she let out a mischievous smile. "How about we make things interesting? The loser of this round has to do whatever one request that the winner wants. Deal?" Sunset put her hand out.

"Deal." Isaac then shook Sunset's hand as he pressed the start button.

Isaac came out swinging as he caught Sunset off guard with a flurry of offense. Sunset wasn't expecting this as it wasn't Isaac's normal style of play. Soon Isaac got to his feet as he was trying to finish off Sunset. Sunset then did the same as she wasn't going to go down without a fight. It looked like Isaac was about to win until Sunset's character got its special move and Isaac did his best to dodge it, but his fighter was still caught in the frame of her attack and it registered the hit as his character was defeated. With that Sunset was declared the winner.

"Yes!!" screamed Sunset as she was jumping up and down.

"God damn it!!" Isaac was angry that he lost; he did his best not to throw the controller on the ground as he didn't want to break Sunset's property. Eventually he sat down on her bed, as the result of their bet came flooding to him. "Alright, I lost. So what will you make me do?"

Sunset then sat next to Isaac as she looked at him. "What will I make you do? So many options." Sunset then put her controller down and took off her headset as she started to crawl towards Isaac.

Isaac noticed this and took off his headphones as he slowly backed away. "Uhm, Sunset. What are you doing?"

Sunset just kept crawling as it was making Isaac back up. She was like a cougar who was stalking its prey. "Oh, why I'm just thinking of what I want you to do." Sunset now had the bedroom eyes as she was inching closer to Isaac.

Isaac eventually hit the backboard of her bed as he had no more room. Sunset now had made her ways towards Isaac as she started to feel his body with her hands. Sunset could feel the bit of muscle on Isaac's body as it caused her to blush a bit; she then got closer to Isaac's face as she gave him a seductive look.

"I think I figured out what I want you to do." she said softly as Isaac could feel her breath.

"Uh... what's that?" Isaac was starting to heat up from Sunset's being so close to him and her hands feeling him up.

"I want you... to make out with me."

Isaac was confused on what Sunset said that before he could ask for clarification, Sunset had put her lips to Isaac as she let out a moan. She cupped his cheek with her hand while putting all she had into the kiss. Everything was moving so fast for Isaac that he couldn't register what was happening; eventually he wrapped his arm around her waist and used his hand to brush her hair. The scent filled Isaac, as it enraptured his sense with the sweet, yet spicy aroma of cinnamon. Sunset was starting to explore Isaac's body as he remembered what Sunset asked of him. He was hesitant on doing it, since he didn't have much experience on making out. So Isaac then started to reciprocate Sunset's actions by caressing her waist, tracing her perfectly curvy and sexy figure. Isaac felt Sunset squeak a little as he moved one of his hands down to her thigh, getting dangerously close to her cute butt. Her squeak immediately turned into a moan as her hands move more voluptuously.

And soon, the passionate moment was over. Isaac pulled away, and was met with a lovely pair of eyes. Isaac then reached his hand up and played with the little strand of hair that was in front of Sunset's face. Sunset let out a giggle as Isaac did this. "So... how did I do?" asked Isaac, hoping that he didn't ruin the moment or make Sunset upset for not doing it right.

"For your first try, you did well." Sunset then grabbed Isaac's hand as she put it to her cheek and nuzzled into it as it caressed the side of her face.

Isaac then did something bold as he kissed her cheek which resulted in Sunset letting out a giggle. "You're pretty, Sunset."

Her eyes glimmered again. "Thanks." Sunset was blushing profusely, and it was adorable. "You're really sweet. You know that, right?"

Now it was Isaac's turn to blush as he couldn't believe this was happening. "Why don't we get out of here? I'm sure that we should get ready to head over to Rarity's place, so that our friends don't worry.?

Sunset's expression suddenly turned to one that was more... enticing. "That sounds nice. But..." she said. Isaac watched Sunset take off her jacket while giving him a sly look. "Maybe we could kiss some more before we go?" She then lunged forward for a big passionate kiss as her mind drifted off and she melted in Isaac's arms. Sunset soon pulled away and closed her eyes as she enjoyed being in Isaac's arms. Isaac then started to brush her hair as he too let his eyes close and just enjoy the presence of Sunset being close to him; they stayed like that for a bit before it was time to meet with the others.

Soon it was time for everybody to meet up; Isaac and Sunset had managed to arrive at Rarity's place after their little moment together. There Rarity did her usual routine of putting on dresses for the girls while Isaac just gave them some privacy as he stepped through the curtain and into a separate room. While Isaac waited for them, he pulled out his deck and was figuring out any last minute changes he wanted. Isaac was really hoping that when he and Sunset battled, there wouldn't be no magical force to occur as he just wanted to have a normal battle with one of his closest friends. Isaac so was wrapped up with his deck that he didn't notice Rarity had entered the room until she tapped his shoulder. She told them that they were almost ready and she rolled in a clothing rack full of different suits for Isaac to try on. Isaac thanked Rarity and told him that he would do his best not to take too long on picking an outfit. Rarity told him to not worry and gave him a quick peck on the cheek before she left to check on the others.

Once Isaac picked out his outfit he then looked at the mirror. He was wearing a onyx fedora with a crimson band wrapped around it, holding a single black feather. A black jacket of similar shade wrapped around the torso, with a pair of long sleeves. A blood red shirt could be seen visibly from the front, as well as peeking out slightly from the sleeves. A single black tie clipped the neckline together. Isaac liked what he was wearing and he stepped through the curtain to see what the girls were wearing.

Applejack's dress had been transformed. It now bore a modified stetson with apple appliques, a green collar held together by an apple button, a set of green apple boots with an apple band. A single brown saddle rested on her back, with a train of green fabric trailing to the floor, ending by a set of brown tassels. Rainbow had a set of golden leaves as the headpiece, where a grape necklace wrapped snugly around her neck. A set of gold wrappings around her wrist and on her footwear that served like shoes. She also had a large rainbow train at the end that dragged lightly across the ground, yet its cloud trim remained perfectly white. Fluttershy had a large blue butterfly pin in her hair, with a similar button on her chest. A set of light green shoes with a pair of decorative vines that rested at the bottom, and the long green train at the back was decorated with flowers of various colors, matching the shy girl's love of nature perfectly. Pinkie's was pink and puffy, just like the girl it was made for. A white and blue cap rested atop of her head, decorated with a pink bow. A second bow connected the white and blue striped saddle on the back, which was connected to a white skirt with designs of lollipops and candy corn on the edges. Underneath the skirt, a poofy pink train trailed outwards, ended by a long blue ribbon, clipped on by a set of light pink bows. Simple pink shoes, with white and blue striped ribbons sat on the front. It was perfect for Isaac's little sister.

Rarity's outfit had a single tiara sat on the head, adorned by rubies. Around the girl's neck was a diamond necklace, specifically designed to look just like Rarity's mark. It was held together in the front by a single golden button, and the shirt piece wrapped snugly around the girl's torso, coming out into large ruffles that puffed outward at the sleeves and neckline. The dress itself cascaded backwards in waves of fabric that folded over itself, lined intricately with ribbons and gems set into the fabric itself. Sunset's outfit was both surprising and expected; she gone with a simple design. It was a sleek, pitch black dress with no other form of decoration save a thin cut along her right thigh, exposing her leg. Isaac took one look at them and he saw that all of the girls were stunning in their own way.

"Woah, got to say all of you look beautiful in your way. Even you little sis." Isaac's response caused all the girls, except Pinkie, to blush. They even complimented him on his outfit and definitely agreed that he looked dashing in his suit. Isaac then looked around as he noticed one person was missing. "Say where's Twilight?"

"I'm right here." said a familiar voice from behind him.

Isaac turned around and the sight that laid before him was simply amazing. Twilight was wearing a dress that had a shade of royal blue a few shades lighter than her hair, with a much, much lighter blue saddle with a swirl of stars, separating the front and back halves. A single blue star pin sat comfortably behind the ear, with a similar star button connecting the ends of a collar that popped out. The large back end of the dress puffed outward, with the bottom edge coated with brilliant stars. The design was finished off with a set of starry blue shoes. Twilight was just standing there fidgeting her fingers as she felt slightly uncomfortable wearing such a thing. Isaac just stood there staring at her as he couldn't put into words how gorgeous she looked.

"Well what do you think?" Twilight asked for her best friend's opinion.

"Wow... just wow; you're like a princess. For the first time in my life, I know the difference between pretty and beautiful." Isaac quickly covered his mouth; he didn't know what came over him as his mind just went on autopilot and said that.

Twilight just simply blushed at Isaac's comment. To think that Isaac called her a princess was enough to make her heart flutter. Isaac saw that she was blushing and in turn caused him turn a shade of red as they tried to avoid looking at each other but found it hard. Soon Rarity was able to get both of their attention as she told them that the limo was outside. So Isaac opened the door to the limo as he was a gentleman and with that they were off to the school. The ride didn't take long as they arrived to their destination in about 15 minutes. Upon the arrival they heard the loud music that was thumping and they all went in.

Everybody was having the time of their life as they enjoyed themselves. Isaac then quickly broke apart as he was standing on the side as he got his energy back by drinking a cup of punch. He stood there with a smile on his face as he took in the sight of his fellow peers. Then Rainbow Dash approached him.

"Hey Isaac, you okay?"

"Yeah, just taking a quick break."

"You take a break, I thought you were thoroughbred-stallion who could have energy for days. Guess all that dueling is really turning you into an old man." Said Rainbow with a smug look. "I get it. Take your time, grandpa."

"Please I've got energy for days." said Isaac.

"Then lets see you prove it, and I'm not talking about a duel. I've got something that I know you can't win. I challenge you to... a dance off."

"Seriously, that's your big challenge?" asked Isaac as he wasn't expecting Dash to suggest something like that.

"What's the matter, don't got the cajones to take me on?" Dash had remembered a certain spanish word as she made sure to throw it at Isaac's face.

Isaac then put his drink down and a sly giggle on his face. Dash then appeared on the dance floor as she waited for Isaac's response. Isaac then grabbed something from his backpack and spun around to shine and appear in different clothes. More like Michael Jackson clothes. He even had the glove, the hat and everything. First song played and it was Michael Jackson’s “Billie Jean” and Rainbow Dash started this dance off. Isaac watched as Rainbow Dash was doing that epic lean from what MJ did in Smooth Criminal. He then felt a sudden groove in his body. With every single body, it felt like he knew what to do and and every move to perform. So he started to dance along to the rhythm, along with the buzzing noise in his head helping him out by being careful and not bumping into people. At the end, Isaac finished it by doing the famous moonwalk and saying “HE-HEEE” before ending in a pose that even Michael Jackson would be proud of.

The music ends and Isaac spun around, shines, and appears in rap clothes and Vanilla Ice’s “Ice Ice Baby” starts playing. Isaac had sunglasses, cap turned backwards and everything. He started to beatbox and then he began to break-dance, finishing his break-dance with him on his head and him pointing at Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash puts a cap on her head and turns it around, backwards and she starts to break-dance as well. She end the break-dance with her standing on her right hand and pointing at Isaac.

The music ends and Isaac spins around a second time, shines, and now appears in cowboy clothes and Rednex “Cotton Eye Joe” starts playing. Rainbow Dash is slack-jawed of what she saw. Isaac had a cowboy hat, boots, leather jacket and everything. Isaac places his hands on his hips and starts tip-tapping in his boots. Applebloom saw what Isaac was doing and decided to join him in country dancing. Rainbow Dash was getting a little worried. But Applejack was there and decided to join her and helped her out onto how to dance like a cowgirl.

Once again the music changed and Isaac spins, shines and appears in party clothes and Vengaboys “We Like To Party” starts playing. Isaac had a little top-hat, white glasses and everything. He starts grooving really hard. He raises his hand up and then down. His feet went back and forward. Scootaloo saw what Isaac was doing and decided to join him. But it didn’t take long for Pinkie Pie to come along and join Rainbow Dash and Applejack’s side and dances along with them and we ALL know how Pinkie likes to party. This should end well.

Next song was Usher’s “DJ Got us Falling in Love” and Isaac was in fashionable clothes. Sweetie Belle was dancing along with him, Scootaloo, and Applebloom while Rarity was dancing along with Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack. Isaac and his group were following Sweetie Belle’s lead since her and Rarity knew how to dance this type of style while Rainbow Dash and her group were following Rarity’s lead. Now it was becoming a group dance off. Twilight, Fluttershy, and Sunset were just standing there with grins on their faces. They didn’t felt like joining them. They seem to be having fun.

The song ends and it was the last one. Both Isaac and Rainbow Dash were exhausted. Both were sweating like pigs. Both of them walked towards each other and decided to call it a draw and shake hands.

“You’ve danced pretty well, Isaac.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Yeah, you too. I didn’t think I could dance for that long.” Isaac replied.

"Still, tell me where you got all those clothes?"

"Actually, Pinkie Pie taught me that little trick. I still have no idea how it works, but it's good for situations like this." said Isaac.

Soon it was getting close to the duel as both Isaac and Sunset had to leave to get ready. They gave each other a fist bump as they wished each other the best of luck. With that they both left to prepare themselves. About 5 minutes later, both walked through the door as they took their positions in the center of the room with their fellow peers looking on. Their friends cheered for both of them as they were in for a treat. Celestia and Luna looked on from the stage; Luna then did her job as she stepped forward and began to officiate the duel.

"Students the Spring Fling duel is about to start, if both participants are ready, then let the duel... begin!"

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said the voice of their duel disks.

Isaac's Life Points: 8000-

Sunset's Life Points: 8000-

Turn 1: Sunset

"I'll start this duel off." Sunset drew her card. "I'll start by sending the spell card, Cards of the Red Stone. So I'll send a level 7 or lower 'Red-Eyes' monster from my hand/deck to the graveyard and allows me to draw two more cards." Sunset then sent her monster cards to the grave and picked up two more. "Next I'll play the Black Stone of Legend." Sunset played her card and out came a red colored egg that was embedded in black rock. "Now I'll activate the effect of my Black Stone of Legend, so I can tribute it to summon out my ace dragon, come on out Red-Eyes Black Dragon!" Sunset's dragon then came out as it led out a mighty cry as it descend on the field. "Normally, I can't attack since I went first. But I've got another way to get to your life points. I activate my Inferno Fire Blast spell card; now you take damage equal to my Red-Eyes' attack." Red-Eyes then opened its mouth and fired a huge fireball that blasted Isaac in the face as he put his arms up to cover himself.
Isaac's Life Points: 5600-

"Hope that wasn't too hot for you to handle, I'll then set a card facedown and end my turn. Your move, boy toy."

Turn 2: Isaac

"Not bad, you managed to deal damage despite not being able to attack." Isaac then picked up his card. "Well time to fire back. I'll start by playing this spell, Ancient Rule. So now I can special summon a level 5 or higher spellcaster from my hand, so make way for Dark Magician!" Now it was Isaac's turn to play his ace in the hole, as his most loyal magician appeared by his side. "Next I'll have mighty magician take out your Red-Eyes Black Dragon, attack!" Dark Magician then pointed its staff at Sunset's dragon and blasted it from the field.
Sunset's Life Points: 7900-

"Nice, now I'll activate my facedown. The trap card Red-Eyes Burn, I can play this card when a 'Red-Eyes' monster is destroyed by battle or card effect. Then both players take damage equal to that monster's attack points. So we'll both be taking 2400 points of damage." Red-Eyes then started to crack open as pillars of light started to shine and blasted both players.
Isaac's Life Points: 3200-

Sunset's Life Points: 5500-

"Damn, you're not playing around." said Isaac.

"I told you that I want to be champion and I'm willing to do whatever it takes to beat you." said Sunset with a smug look.

"Trust me, I've had a first hand experience of knowing how you get when you want something badly." said Isaac with a bit of meaning behind his sentence as Sunset knew exactly what he was saying. "I'll then end with a facedown, your move."

Turn 3: Sunset

"Back to me, draw." Sunset then looked at her screen and touched it to see the cards in her grave. "To start, I'll activate the effect of the Black Stone in my graveyard. Now I'll return a 'Red-Eyes' monster from the grave and shuffle into my deck; and then add this card to my hand." Sunset then took her Red-Eyes Black Dragon card and put it on top of her deck as the auto shuffler kicked in. "Next I'll play my Red-Eyes Baby Dragon in defense mode." Sunset played her card and like always as soon as it saw Sunset it just flew up in her face as it cuddled against her while letting out a cry of 'momma'. "I'll then set a card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 4: Isaac

"My turn," Isaac drew his card and looked at Sunset's field. "Well to start I'll play my Beta the magnet Warrior in attack mode. Then I'll have Beta attack your Red-Eyes Baby Dragon and then my Dark Magician will attack you directly. Go my monsters." Isaac gave his command to his creatures as they took to the field. Beta then took out Sunset's monster as Dark Magician was getting ready to strike her life points.

"I'll activate my facedown, the trap card, Red-Eyes Spirit. Now I can bring back a 'Red-Eyes' monster from my grave, so I'll bring out my Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon(2400/2000) in defense mode." Sunset had managed to bring out a monster to protect her as Isaac's magician now had a new target and it raised its staff and blew away her defense. "Now that my monster has been destroyed, I can activate the effect of my Red-Eyes Retro Dragon(1700/1600) from my hand. Since a monster of mine was destroyed by battle, I can special summon it to my field in defense mode. Then I can special summon as many monsters that were destroyed in the battle in the same position as they were. So my Red-Eyes Baby and Zombie Dragon are now back in the field and defense mode." Just like that Sunset was able to have three monsters on her field.

"Nice tactic. I'll set one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 5: Sunset

"Time to take things up a notch, draw." Sunset then looked at her hand. "I'll play the spell Pot of Greed and with it, I'll draw two more cards." Sunset then added her two new cards to her hand. "Now I'll activate the other effect of my Red-Eyes Retro Dragon, in addition to my normal summon a turn, I can tribute this card to normal summon one 'Red-Eyes' monster. So I'll tribute my Retro Dragon and call upon my Red-Eyes Archfiend of Lightning(2500/1200)." Sunset's dragon then disappeared in a flash of light as standing in its place was now a giant fiend like creature as it spread its wings. "Now I'll play the Black Stone of Legend and once more, I'll activate its effect. So I'll tribute it to summon out my Red-Eyes Black Dragon!"

"Impressive, you now have four monsters on the field. However, none of them come close to attack points of my Dark Magician." said Isaac.

"That's why I'm not done. Now prepare to be amazed, watch as I overlay my two dragons."

"What!?" shouted Isaac.

"I overlay both my level 7 Red-Eyes Black Dragon and Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon." Both of Sunset's monsters then changed into purple orbs as they were sucked in a vortex and combined into a purple pillar of light. "With these two monsters, I build the overlay network. I Xyz Summon, Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon(2800/2400, OLU: 2)!" Sunset took her card as it ejected from the top of her duel disk and she played it on her red card tray.

The students were really into the duel as Sunset had taken a commanding lead and was still gaining the upper hand against Isaac. Their friends all watched on with interest as Twilight took out a small notebook and pencil, as she began to take notes.

"This is so amazing, Sunset really has shown she's in control with her deck." Twilight then looked over the notes she had written and looked at Isaac. "Now time to see how Isaac deals with this."

"Hope you're impressed Isaac, cause I've few more things to do. Like this, I'll activate the effect of my Black Metal Dragon. Now I'll target a 'Red-Eyes' monster I control and give it 600 more attack points, so now my Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon now has 3400 attack." Sunset's dragon then let out a roar that shook the building as it powered up. "Now time to activate the effect of my Red-Eyes Archfiend of Lightning, once per turn, I can destroy all face-up monsters you control whose defense is lower than my monster's attack."

"Oh, no. My Dark Magician only has 2100 defense points." stated Isaac.

"Precisely, so now all your monsters are destroyed." Sunset then snapped her finger and her archfiend raised its claws high into the air as bolts of lightning came down and struck Isaac's field which destroyed his monsters and left him with nothing. "Now you're completely defenseless, I told you that I was going to beat you and take your title. Now time to crown a new champ, Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon attack Isaac directly!" Sunset's monster then opened its mouth as it fired off a powerful beam of fire at it traveled in Isaac's direction.

"I'm not out of this duel just yet, Sunset. I reveal my Mirror Force trap card. Now your attack is redirected right back at your monsters!" Isaac's trap then put up a wall in front of him as it reflected the attack and destroyed her monsters in attack mode.

"My Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon has a special ability, as long as it has an Xyz material attached to it, it can't be destroyed by card effects. Furthermore, while it has an Xyz material attached to it, I can deal you 500 points of damage whenever you activate a card or effect." Sunset's archfiend was then taken down. "I'll then end my turn."
Isaac's Life Points: 2700-

Turn 6: Isaac

Their friends were applauding each other on coming up with some power play moves. Twilight took note of Isaac's latest move. She thought that Isaac was done for, but he kept his composure and allowed Sunset to fall for his trap.

"Talk about a close call, I thought Isaac was done for." said Twilight.

"Isaac's a tough city boy, knows how to handle himself in high pressure situations. That's why we all look up to him; we all want to possess the same mindset and skills as him." said Applejack.

"I'll say, did you see the way he bounced back from Sunset's plan. Awesome!" cheered Dash.

"Well now the question is, what does Isaac do now?" said Twilight as she looked back to the duel.

Isaac was wiping his forward. "Okay. Time to figure out my way out of this, here goes something." Isaac drew his card and looked through his hand. "Alright, I'll just place a monster defense mode and place one card facedown. That's all." Not much, I can do. So long as her monster had those overlay units, I got to be careful on what cards I activate.

Twilight was shocked at what Isaac did with his turn. "That's all, why didn't Isaac do anything to deal with Sunset's monster?"

"Because, darling. Sunset's dragon will deal Isaac 500 points of damage whenever he activates a card, so he's being cautious on what he chooses to activate."

"Still, do you really think Sunset wants to win that way. By making Isaac, deal damage to himself?" asked Fluttershy.

Turn 7: Sunset

Isaac knows about my dragon's ability, so he's choosing to play defensive. Still I don't want to win by dealing burn damage. I want to deliver the final attack myself. Sunset then drew her card. "I'll activating the effect of my Red-Eyes Alternative Black Dragon, now by tributing a 'Red-Eyes' monster, I can special summon it. So rise my second dragon." Sunset's baby dragon then started to be surrounded in a bling light as it started to grow up and reveal a full grown dragon as it let out a powerful roar. "Then I'll have my Red-Eyes attack your defense monster and then Flare Metal Dragon take out Isaac's remaining life points." Sunset's first dragon took out Isaac's defense with ease. Then Flare Metal Dragon was above Isaac's head and was about to unleash its jaws.

"I activate my facedown, Nutrient Z. Now whenever I'm about to take 2000 points of damage I gain 4000 life points."
Isaac's Life Points: 6700-

"That's fine by me, cause I'm about to reduce some of that, right now!" Flare Metal Dragon then hit its target as Isaac was brought to his knees. "And since you activated a card, while my Flare Metal Dragon had overlay units, you'll take an additional 500 points of damage. Hope that was worth it, I end my turn."
Isaac's Life Points: 2800-

Turn 8: Isaac

Isaac then drew his card and looked at Sunset with a smile. "On the contrary, Sunset. My trap allowed me to get the extra turn I needed, now I've got all I need to takedown your dragon. To start I'll play the spell Graceful Charity; now I'll draw three cards and discard two."

"Don't forget since you activated a card, you take 500 points of damage due to my Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon."
Isaac's Life Points: 2300-

"That's fine cause I'm about to take that dragon off the field. Now I'll banish one light and one dark monster from my graveyard, by doing so I can special summon a new monster. My Black Luster Soldier- Envoy of the Beginning(3000/2500)." Isaac placed his monster on his card tray and out came a powerful looking warrior that wielded a sword and shield while being covered in armor. "My Black Luster Soldier-Envoy of the Beginning has a special ability, now I target one monster on the field and banish it. So I choose your Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon!"

"No!" shouted Sunset who watched her dragon get hit with a wave of light from Isaac's monster as it disappeared from the field.

"Unfortunately, by using this effect, my Black Luster Soldier can't declare an attack. But he did his job for this turn, now I'll place one card facedown and end my turn."

"Don't forget, before my dragon was sent away you triggered its effect so you lose another 500 life points."
Isaac's Life Points: 1800-

Turn 9: Sunset

Sunset drew her card and looked at Isaac's new monster. "I'll just switch my monster into defense mode and then I'll reveal my facedown, Storm Dragon's Return. With it I'll target one of my banished monsters and can special summon it to my field. Welcome back my Red-Eyes Black Dragon. Then I'll set a card facedown and end my turn. Now my Red-Eyes returns to my hand at the end of the turn."

Turn 10: Isaac

"My turn." Isaac drew his card and then went to command his monster. "Now Black Luster Soldier attack her monster. My monster has another ability, when he destroys a monster in battle, he can wage a second attack." Black Luster Soldier then got rid of Sunset's monster and then headed towards Sunset as it brought his sword down and struck Sunset's Life Points.
Sunset's Life Points: 2500-

"I'll reveal my trap, Damage Transfer. Now I can summon out a monster so long as it doesn't exceed the amount of damage I took. So I choose to summon out my Summoned Skull." Sunset then touched her screen and looked for the card she wanted and it slotted out for her to grab.

"In that case, I'll one card facedown and call it. Your move."

Turn 11: Sunset

"Time to bring this battle to a close." Sunset drew her card. "Now time to play the spell Polymerization and with it I'll fuse the Summoned Skull with my Red-Eyes Black Dragon in my hand. Combine my monsters." Both of Sunset's monsters then were sucked in as they combined and out came new monster. "I Fusion Summon, Archfiend Black Skull Dragon(3200/2500)!" Sunset's monster now made its presence know as it set foot on the field and let out a cry that caused some of the younger students to be scared. "Time to end this duel, Archfiend Black Skull Dragon take out Isaac's Black Luster Soldier. My archfiend's ability activates you can't use cards/effects until the end of the damage step. Then after damage I can select one 'Red-Eyes' normal monster in my graveyard and you take damage equal to its attack. So time to say goodbye to your title."

Archfiend Black Skull Dragon then swung its claws as it took out Isaac's monster and then the spirit of Sunset's Red-Eyes Black Dragon then appeared. It then surrounded itself in flames as it headed for Isaac's life points. Everybody, including their friends, all had their mouths open as they were seeing what was going happen. Twilight was biting her nails as she felt worried about Isaac losing.

"I send Clear Kuriboh from my hand so that I take no damage from your dragon's effect!" Isaac then slotted his card and Clear Kuriboh then came out as it protected Isaac from Sunset's card.
Isaac's Life Points: 1600-

Sunset was a bit perturbed that Isaac had managed to hang on by using a monster that really resembled him. "I should have known it wouldn't be that easy. You always have that monster on hand." Sunset then let out a sigh. "Still that just means our duel continues and I'm having way too much fun to end it like this. So I'll end my turn. Lets see how you get out of this."

Turn 12: Isaac

Isaac then drew his card and began to formulate his plan. "Now I'll reveal my facedown, Eternal Soul. Now with it I'll bring back my Dark Magician. Next, I'll play my Premature Burial. So by paying 800 life points, I can bring back my Buster Blader from the grave. Then I'll play the spell card, Double Spell. Now I'll discard a card, and I can target a spell card in your graveyard and use it myself."

Sunset was a bit confused on Isaac's play. "How will that help you? None of my cards will work for your monsters."

"On the contrary, Sunset. You do have a spell card that will help me, it's the one you played last turn. I going to use your Polymerization and with it I'll combine my Dark Magician with Buster Blader." Isaac's two monsters then appeared side by side as their spirits then began to combine as they were sucked into a vortex. Out came a brand new monster for all to see, as it descended onto the field. "I Fusion Summon, the ultimate magical swordsman, Dark Paladin(2900/2400)!" Everybody took in the view of Isaac's new spellcaster as it had a sword that was also a staff. "My Dark Paladin also inherits the abilities of Buster Blader so now it gains 500 attack points for every dragon on the field and in our graveyards."
Isaac's Life Points: 800-

Sunset eyes grew bigger as she realized what that meant. Isaac just had a smug look on his face. "Since there's a total of 8 dragons, my Dark Paladin gains 4000 attack points. Which raises his attack to 6900!" Dark Paladin raised its weapon as it absorbed the spirits of Sunset's dragons and it empowered it. Sunset knew that the end was about to arrive. "Now Dark Paladin, finish this duel off. Attack Sunset's monster!" Dark Paladin then casted a spell as it infused its weapon and then jumped high into the air as it struck down Sunset's monster and delivered the final blow.
Sunset's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Isaac

The duel ended as Sunset fell to her knees. Isaac looked at his Dark Paladin and gave him a thumbs up to which he returned before disappearing. Their friends all check on Sunset to make sure that she was okay, while Twilight was starting to bombard Isaac with some questions on how he pulled off clutch combo to win the duel. Soon he saw Sunset approach him and she stuck her hand out to which he shock.

"Congrats, you're still the best. I'm glad to have had another fun duel."


Isaac then offered his compliments to Sunset and Celestia and Luna both made their through the crowd as they came to congratulate the both of them on putting on a quality match. Everybody then gave a round of applause as they continued to party well into the night. Soon Pinkie took control and shifted it into overdrive as the afterparty was starting and lets say that there was a lot of cider being drunk that Pinkie nearly passed out if it wasn't for their friends to carry her home. Overall the Spring Fling proved to be a success as nearly everybody had a blast.

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