• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 83: Acceptance

Isaac was running through the doors as he wanted to get away from what just happened. He kept running and running until he got to another door that led to a flight of stairs. He then ran up those stairs as he got to the top and soon found himself on the roof of Canterlot High. Isaac looked up at the sky as tears were still falling from his eyes.

"What have I've done? What have I've done!!!!" shouted Isaac.

Isaac then collapsed to his knees as he looked at his hands. They were still shaking from Isaac doing the deed; all he could think about was him beating Celestia and being the sole reason why she would never ever duel again. It was all too much for him as he started to cry even more.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!" said Isaac as he screamed to the heavens while grabbing his head. "Please forgive me for what I've done!!!! I'm sorry!!!" Isaac then started to pound the ground as he brought his head close to the ground, "I'm sorry."

All the screaming and apologizing in the world couldn't change what had happened. The result was already set in stone: Isaac defeating Celestia in a career threatening match. The whole school saw it and even in the distance, Isaac could hear the boos that were being directed at him. Isaac was still crying on the floor when another person had just appeared from climbing the stairs. They saw Isaac on the ground as they began to make their way towards him. Isaac was still crying when he noticed a shadow now appearing next to him as he opened his eyes. He looked to his side and saw the person who the shadow belonged to.

"Twilight?" Even Isaac didn't want her to see him in such a state; he knew that she and Celestia had developed a bond. Isaac was now worried what his girlfriend would do knowing that he took out the person who was like a second mother to Twilight. "I'm sorry, I... I had no choice... I..."

"Shh." Twilight then kneeled down and wrapped Isaac into a hug as she put his head into her chest. "It's okay. It'll be alright." Twilight was now trying to calm her boyfriend down.

Despite being dangerously close to certain object on Twilight's chest, Isaac was too busy crying to notice the situation he was in. Most people would kill to be in the same spot where Isaac was, especially if you had a girl like Twilight holding his head. But right now that didn't matter cause he was just too busy feeling sorry for himself. Twilight just simply let Isaac vent out all of his sadness. Once he had stopped crying, she then looked at Isaac as she cusped his face and wiped some remaining tears from his face. Twilight then brought Isaac in as she gave him a kiss. This was a different kiss than their previous ones as she was kissing to not only make him feel better but to try to take away the pain he was feeling. She then grabbed Isaac's head and put it into her bosom as she gave him another hug. Nothing was said as the both of them just sat there trying to ease the pain.

The weekend came as the Duel Monsters Hall of Fame was shown on TV. Soon it was time for Celestia's induction as Luna came to the podium as she would serve as the person to introduce her sister into the Hall of Fame. Everybody from school was watching at home, as they listened to Luna talk about Celestia. Luna gave a very moving speech about her life growing up with Celestia. Despite practicing what she was going to say, Luna still broke down in tears halfway through her speech. She wiped her tears and ultimately was able to finish as she inducted Celestia into the Hall of Fame. Celestia made her way out as she gave Luna a meaningful hug as she kissed her forehead and then made her way to the podium. For the first few moments, Celestia just took in the crowd before her as they were applauding her. She then began to speak; Celestia talked about how it was her dream since she was a little girl to become a great duelist. She got to live her dream when she became a pro and won multiple championships/accomplishments in her career.

Then she talked about how she noticed that her time was starting to wind down and figured that the time was upon her to retire. So she thanked everybody that she ever faced in her career; Celestia made sure to say thank you to Luna for being the best little sister she could ever ask for. She then looked at the camera and thanked all the students of CHS for allowing her to be the principal and told them that despite not ever dueling again, she promised that she would still be there should they have any problems they come across. She then gave one final goodbye as the crowd stood up and gave her a standing ovation as she waved. She then joined the other inductees as she stood with the other members of the Hall of Fame class as they stood together for a picture as they all took a bow and waved to the crowd as the program turned off.

"It's over Celestia, now Winged Dragon of Ra! Attack Celestia and end her career!!!" Ra then transformed as it shaped into a phoenix as it was sent towards Celestia who was engulfed in flames. "I win!" chuckled Isaac. Soon he saw a hand reach out to him as the sight caused him to be frighten.

"Why? Why, Isaac?" said Celestia as she was on fire and reaching out to him.

"I... I had to. It was the only way." said Isaac frantically.

"No, it wasn't." she said as she was burnt alive as the flames were now heading towards Isaac.

"No! No!!! No!!!!!" screamed Isaac as he dropped to his knees as he clutched his head. "What I have I done!!!" Soon the flames started to get hotter as they engulfed Isaac and everything burned to ashes.

Isaac awoke with some heavy breathing as he was sweating. "It- it was only a dream,..." said Isaac as he looked at his calendar, "...if only that were true."

The weekend went by as it was soon Monday. During that time, the girls were trying to contact Isaac about how he was handling this. All weekend they couldn't get a response from Isaac, not even Twilight could get a response from her boyfriend. Soon it was Monday as Isaac was getting ready for school; he got changed into his regular attire, but even that wasn't enough to cheer him up. He then grabbed his duel disk and put his deck into his belt clip as he put on his backpack. Isaac was walking to school as he kept thinking about the Fall Formal and what the aftermath was going to be at school. He made it to the front of the place and saw a couple of people mingling; as soon as he stepped foot on the property, all eyes turned towards him as they had slight anger on their faces.

Isaac just had a straight face as he looked at them and began to walk past them, everybody just stared at Isaac as they were still a bit sour about what happened with Principal Celestia. As he was getting ready to step through the front doors, Isaac heard a call as the girls all appeared behind him. Seems they were concerned with how he was handling the atmosphere, as they wanted to make sure that their friend was safe. Isaac just simply tipped his cap to them as his response and stepped through the doors with the girls following behind him. Isaac was walking in the hallway as even more students saw him while giving him some ugly looks.

Some of the kids still saw Isaac as a "good guy", but they didn't know what to think knowing that he ended Celestia's career. Isaac just looked at the younger students and gave a very small smile as he kept on walking; the girls were still following from behind as they watched the interactions occurring. Isaac then turned the corner and standing there was a massive crowd that had gathered in front of him. Some were familiar faces that Isaac knew: Bulk Biceps, Lyra Heartstrings, Derpy, Bonbon, etc... The girls also saw this and were afraid that they were going to do something to Isaac. Soon the head student started to get up in Isaac's face.

"I hope you're happy. You just made a great person be forced to retire." shouted the boy. "Do you have any idea what you've done!!" shouted the student.

"Now hold on!" shouted Dash as she stepped forward to defend Isaac. "Isaac didn't do anything bad. He just..."

Isaac put his arm out in front of Rainbow Dash to show that he didn't want her to get involve. The student then began to continue to bad mouth Isaac.

"I hope someone takes your title and puts you in your place. Cause right now, you're not the champion we want to represent us." He looked at Isaac who still had a straight face as he took in the frustrations of not just the person in front of him, but from everybody in the crowd behind him. "Well, what do you have to say for yourself?"

Isaac got up in the student's face as his smile turned into a grin as he said his word. "This is my yard now!" Isaac made sure that everybody heard what he said as he walked past the student making sure to bump into him with his shoulder. Isaac then walked through the crowd as they parted to the side; while walking Isaac gave them a look that showed that he was serious.

The girls watched this interaction as they took in what Isaac had just said. Soon the sea of students disbursed as they talked about what they saw from Isaac. Soon the girls were left wondering what was going to happen.

"It's going to be alright." said Sunset. "Everybody is just going through the stages of grief; I'm sure they'll forgive Isaac and come around. I hope."

The first half of the day consisted with Isaac in class as he noticed that many of his fellow classmates were throwing paper balls and sending him some angry messages. Isaac didn't bother to give them his attention as he tried to take his mind off of things; he had plenty of time to get over what happened at the Fall Formal. Now he needed to focus on moving on, he granted Celestia's final request and he knew it was what she wanted. If the roles were reversed, she would have done the same thing. Seems the same couldn't be said as everybody else was still on the anger phase. The girls all did their best to defend Isaac in the hallways, but Isaac just told them to not do it.

Twilight was concerned with Isaac was handling this especially given that they were about to teach their class. Isaac just told her to not worry as he had a smile on his face. Twilight didn't fully believe Isaac so she put on a fake smile, soon the kids began to file in. Most of them had heard about what happened at the Fall Formal, but they still showed their appreciation to Isaac. They just asked Isaac some question like: "Why did you do it?", "Is Principal Celestia okay?", even "Are you okay?".

Isaac answered the kid's questions as he told them about how it hurt that he had to beat Principal Celesta. But he also told him that he was granting Celestia her wish as she wanted to have her final duel against him. Overall, Isaac told them not to worry and that everything will be back to normal. The kids all seemed to believe what Isaac was saying as they got back to today's lesson. Twilight was somewhat happy to see that Isaac was back to his normal self.

It was around noon when everybody was gathering in the auditorium for what was suppose to be a meeting. Apparently, Vice-Principal Luna had organized this to allow the students to express their concerns and allow her sister to give her final words as a duelist. So everybody piled in as they sat in the bleachers, Isaac was the very last one to enter as he looked to entire body of students were about 90% of them were still a bit steamed. Before Isaac could find a seat, Luna entered the room as she stood in front of the students. They then began to express how they felt about what Isaac did.

"CALM DOWN EVERYBODY." said Luna with a booming voice that soundwaves could be seen.

Immediately everybody shut the hell up as they sat obediently. They didn't what to see Luna use that same level of volume when she yelled.

"My word, haven't use that voice in a longtime." said Luna. "Now then, I know you all have your concerns about what went down at the Fall Formal. And I can assure you that what's done is done, but if you need any more reason. Then allow me to introduce the one person who can put all of this to rest." With that Luna stepped to the side as Principal Celestia now entered the room and now all eyes were on her.

Despite being retired, Celestia still looked the same as before. The only thing was there was a subtle detail on her face and that was relief. She was glad of what had occurred at the Fall Formal. It served as a moment of tranquilly and she could finally put her mind at ease. Principal Celestia then began to address the massive group of students.

"Now I know you all have voiced your opinions on the matter, but what's done is done. I know what's been going on since this morning, bear in mind that I'm still the principal of this school. And I will not tolerate such behavior!!!" shouted Celestia. "That being said, before I say anything... I want to give the person who beat me a chance to say what's on his mind." Celestia then gestured Isaac to join her.

Isaac looked at the crowd of his peers. He saw all kinds of emotion, fear, anger, sadness, etc... All of it. Isaac saw his friends as they looked at them with calming smiles as they did their best to show their support. Isaac took a deep breath and began to speak the words that were coming from his heart.

"Well... I..." Isaac took another deep breath as he tried to get his bearings straight. "You know, I'm feeling a lot of emotions right now and none of them are all that particularly good. Uhm, you know, I was asked to do a job. I was asked to be the Showstopper. I was asked..." Isaac then turned his head as he wanted to avoid letting a tear fall down. "I asked to be Mr. Duel Monsters. And I don't know how I feel about that. I had a job to do at the Fall Formal. Principal Celestia asked for my A-game and that's what I gave her. I have-- I have too much respect and love for Principal Celestia to have given her anything less. I had a chance last Friday to pull the trigger and I did. And now the career of one of the greatest duelist to have ever stepped onto the dueling field... is over. And I'm the man responsible for it. That is a-- That's a burden. That's another burden that I get to carry with me the rest of my life. Lucky me." chuckled Isaac sheepishly.

Principal Celestia gave him a clap which was soon joined by a few other students who understood what Isaac was going through. They knew that their principal wanted him to face her with everything he had and he did just that. Anybody who was in Isaac's position would understand that if he didn't do what was asked of him, then not only would it disrespect Principal Celestia but also spit in the name of Duel Monsters. Celestia then began to speak.

"Not that we've settled this matter, let me just say something. Last Friday, I dueled my very last duel at the Fall Formal. I will never ever duel again." The crowd still felt a bit salty about that detail. "Please, please. I--I--I'm not sad about not dueling. You shouldn't be sad about the fact that you're not gonna see me out here. You should rejoice in the fact that I've had the greatest dueling career that I could ever hope for. And last Friday, even though I lost, I lost to a great, great, great, great duelist and a better man! Rejoice in the fact that I have dueled in front of more fans, raised more hell and more fun and loved all of you every day of my life. I swear to god I've been tearing up all day long with the thought of not being able to come out here anymore, but I'm off. Off to do my job as your principal. And I'm in a good place and I love each and every one of you. Please, let me say to you all, I wanna thank you for the memories. Thank you for the support. And most of all thank you all for making me who I am today." The students all stood up as they showed their respect for their beloved principal.

Celestia then brought Isaac into a loving hug as they both let a few tears roll down their eyes. She then grabbed Isaac's wrist as she raised his arm in victory while pointing at him. With that everybody had finally accepted what had happened as they showed Isaac the love and support he deserved. This moment was meant to be Celestia's, but in her final goodbye she was able to put over another duelist. One that she believed could surpass even her legacy, so with that she wanted everybody to know that though her journey had come to an end, it didn't have to be the end for all of them. Not when they had someone whose shown the qualities of a good leader and could help to guide them into the future. With that the rest of the day went by as followed. Overall, seems things were back to normal.

It was the end of the school day as Isaac was currently walking with Sunset in the hallways. All day the students who were mad came up to Isaac as they apologized for their rude behavior from earlier; Isaac just simply brushed it off as them simply being angry. Isaac didn't want the students to have any personal beef, he did his best to reconcile with each one of them as they all put the past behind them.

"I guess things are back to the way they used to be." said Sunset.

"Yeah. I'm just glad that everybody isn't too mad at me for what I did."

"You did what you had to do. We all know how tough it was on you. But in the end, you were able to give Celestia the peace she wanted. Now she enjoy the rest of her life." Sunset hit Isaac in the arm as her way of telling him to cheer up. Isaac just smiled as they continued to walk.

They were soon joined by Applejack and Fluttershy who had met up with the two of them and were talking about going over to the Sweet Shoppe. They all began to talk when they saw Vice-Principal Luna make her presence known as she was standing in front of the small group.

"Vice-Principal Luna. Is there something..."

"Come with me." Luna didn't even let Sunset finish her questions as she began to walk.

The group didn't know what to do, so they just followed Luna. They then followed Vice-Principal into her office as it was completely covered in darkness. The only light that was shown was from the bits of rays that were coming from the blinds.

"Uhm... kind of dark in here." said Fluttershy as she was scared.

"I like it that way." said Vice-Principal Luna. She then opened up the blinds of her office and turned on the lights. Soon the whole room was lit up as they watched Luna sit in her chair as she pulled out something from her drawer. "This is for you." Luna had a piece of paper in her hand as she presented it to Isaac.

Isaac was hesitant on what Luna was giving him, so he took it from her hand and unfolded it. The thing that Isaac was holding was a letter, but not just any letter. He then began to read it aloud.

Dear Isaac,

If you are reading this then I will have already been retired. But you should know that as you're the one who did it. Regardless, I wanted to tell you just how much you've contributed to this school. When you first enrolled in Canterlot High, I saw that you destined for great things. You may not have known it at the time, but I knew that you were someone to keep my eye on. And I was right, since you first came here, you've shown that you have a passion for Duel Monsters that only a few have ever shown in my lifetime. And you proved my suspicions when you participated in the Fall Formal and became Duel Champion. Since then you've shown what it means to be a fighting champion, you've battled countless opponents and challenges. All while upholding the ideals of Duel Monsters and having a smile on your face.

As principal it's my job to provide a safe and comfortable environment for students, however I was unable to do that, but then you came along and brought back what it means to have fun. What it means to love the game that brings you joy. And for that, I thank you again. I know you always talk about the great legends of the past and how people looked to them for inspiration; well as a duelist who's competed on the pro league and has had a chance to meet with each one of them. Let me say that you definitely have what it takes to be the next legend. The road ahead will be tough, especially once your journey here at CHS ends. But always remember the friendships you've made along the way. The memories that you make here will significantly help you later in your life. I truly believe that you will go a long way, so much so that you for sure will accomplish so much more than I did in my career. In fact, I believe that in due time there'll be a new legend that people will talk about. And that legend will be you. Nevertheless, I look forward to what you will continue to do; I'm happy to have faced someone who was able to grant my request. Now I can live the rest of my days in peace and it's all thanks to you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart; you've made me proud to be not only your principal, but as a friend and more importantly as a mother.


Principal Celestia.

"Wow." said Fluttershy.

"She's got high hopes for you sugar."

"Hang on." Sunset then looked over Isaac's shoulder and noticed something. "The date of this letter, it's from last year."

"That date, it's the day the Friendship Games were announced. I know because it was that same day that Celestia called me into her office and made me the captain of Team CHS." Isaac was now more in shock that Celestia already had this letter written.

"My sister was planning her retirement for quite some time. In fact, after you became champion at the Fall Formal of last year, she knew who she wanted to have her last duel against. The plan was to have you face her at the Spring Fling, but given that the Friendship Games were in between and what had occurred, she felt like she needed to push back the duel. She just didn't want to pile on more than you already had, so she went with a backup plan of allowing you to pick whoever you wanted to face at the Spring Fling." Seems Luna's clarification caused all the group to gasp at all the things Celestia had planned for well over a year. "After that was the summer trip that we all took as she wanted to see if you truly had what it took to give her joy in her last duel. But even then, she knew her time was fast approaching and well she got the announcement that she would be inducted into the Hall of Fame. That was the last thing she needed as she made the decision to immediately announce her retirement as soon as school started and that she wanted to have her final moments with you."

"Golly, that's a lot to take in." said Applejack as she put her hand to her hat.

"I can't imagine what Celestia must have been going through. To think all this time she knew who she wanted to duel." stated Fluttershy as she was in awe.

"Indeed, my sister has a tendency to think of long-term plans." chuckled Luna. "She also wanted me to give this to you." Luna reached into her pocket as she pulled out a Duel Monsters card.

Isaac took it from her hand and flipped it over. His eyes immediately widen at what he saw, the girls all looked at the card in his hand and they were they stunned by what they saw.

"Is that..."

"The Winged Dragon of Ra." said Isaac as he finished Sunset's sentence. Isaac then looked back at Luna for some explanation.

"She said you earned it. From what she saw when you played the card and how well you've handled Slifer; she felt that it was better suited if you took care of it for the time being. After the duel, she gave instructions to hand you the letter and give you the card. My sister believes that you will have earned the trust of Ra; so it's yours." stated Luna.

Isaac then opened up his deck box on his belt and pulled out his Slifer the Sky Dragon card as he now held it in the hand. Isaac was now in possession of two Egyptian God cards as he could sense the presence and spirits of the legendary beasts. The girls were in shock that their friend was now holding two powerful cards.

"Land sakes, now you got two Egyptian Gods in your deck." stated Applejack. "Now ah really don't want to mess with you. Or maybe ah can beat you and get those cards myself."

"Well, I made a promise when Mr. William gave me Slifer. And I'll do the same with Ra, I'll only use them in emergencies or if the situation requires it. Other than that, I won't abuse Slifer and Ra's power." said Isaac.

"Speaking of which, how were you able to unlock Ra when it was in its sphere mode. Didn't Celestia say that you had to read the small text that was on the card?" asked Fluttershy.

"Twilight said it was Hieratic text.. Don't tell me that you actually know how to read that stuff?" asked Sunset.

"Hell no!" stated Isaac. "I just look that shit up on the internet, there's no way I'm gonna try to even translate that. So prior to my duel, I looked what the saying was. The only reason I struggled with it is cause I was trying to remember the whole damn thing. It's more than just a simple sentence for crying out loud, it's more like mantra rather than a saying. You don't want to know how long it took me to finally say all of it. That's probably the longest card I've ever had to say." The girls all laughed at Isaac's tale.

"I had no doubt that you'll keep those cards safe. And I believe that they're happy to have someone like you to be their master." Luna gave Isaac a comforting smile. "Now then, that's all I have to say, you're free to leave, and as for what's next. Well, I've talked with Pinkie Pie and seeing as how Halloween will be here soon. I've decided to devise a festival to take place, we'll call it Nightmare Night. And I would like it, if I could have you perform in an exhibition duel for students and their families." asked Luna.

"Of course, you know that I never back down from a challenge." stated Isaac as he pounded his chest with his fist.

"Good, now then you're all dismissed." said Luna as Isaac and the girls left her room.

The group was now standing out in front of the school as the girls were taking in what they heard and looking at Isaac's new card. Isaac just had a smile on his face as Celestia's letter touched him; he knew that she had put a lot in him. So Isaac made sure to keep doing dueling so that he could make Celestia proud and possibly help him to take his dueling to the next level. With that the girls said goodbye to Isaac as they congratulated him on gaining another Egyptian God to add to his deck. Applejack was now more determined to duel against Isaac as she wanted to see what Isaac could do now that he had two of them; Isaac said that he wouldn't abuse them, but promised that he'd look forward to their next duel. With that they all went their sperate ways, Isaac was currently scheduled to work a shift for Mr. Johnson. Isaac got there and showed his boss what he got from his principal; Mr. Johnson was glad that Isaac had accepted the burden that was on his shoulder and told him to not disrespect the god cards. Isaac gave him his word and got to work on his job.

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