• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 114: The Frost King Cometh

The gang had managed to repel the attack from the invading forces. The Crystal Ponies expressed their gratitude to the group; however, during the invasion, Shining Armor and his forces were able to stop a small group that had managed to sneak into the castle. They were able to dispose of them and in the process, one of them had managed to drop a scroll before they disappeared. Shining Armor then raced out from the castle to the center of the square where Isaac and the gang had just managed to finish wiping out the entire army with the help of his Egyptian God card, Slifer the Sky Dragon.

He then presented the parchment to his sister as she showed it to Isaac and Sunset who were able to figure out that this entire army was under the command by another one of the leaders looking to take over Equestria. With that the gang knew what needed to be done as they started to prepare themselves for what was to come.

According to the message, the command in charge had sent his minions in hopes that the heroes were successful. He wrote that he was impressed with the ponies that had stood up to his forces and were able to fight back. However, he was still unhappy with how they were messing with his plans on taking over the Crystal Empire. So he decided to end this, he would make his way from his hideout from the mountains and he would challenge the ponies to a winner take all duel in which the losing side would surrender. That alone made everypony hesitant as they didn't know if they should believe this message; however, to confirm he was telling the truth, he had sent a Bolt Penguin to deliver another message to our heroes explaining what his intentions were in conquering all of Equestria. It seemed that he knew about the Crystal Heart and its unique power, so he planned to shroud the entire Crystal Empire in a never-lasting blizzard. And eventually he would use the Crystal Heart to do the same to all of Equestria. Regardless, it meant that if the gang wanted to avoid that happening, then they would need to agree to his terms.

Based on what the message explained, they had about a day and a half to prepare for the arrival of the enemy commander. During that time, Shining Armor and the guards worked to get the Crystal Ponies into safe shelters in case the worst should happen. The girls helped with the evacuation as they did there best to tell the citizens that everything would be alright. Meanwhile in the castle, Twilight was discussing with Sunset and Cadance about the message sent to them.

"Do you really expect he'll keep his word?" asked Sunset.

"Honestly, I don't know. But based on what he has planned and the amount of his army, we can't survive another attack like before. We barely got out of that alive, not to mention it took alot out of Isaac to take that many on by himself. I don't doubt his skills, but in 1 versus all situation, even Isaac can't fend them all off." stated Twilight.

"Well we have to do something. As ruler of this kingdom, it's my duty to make sure that my citizens are safe." informed Cadance. "And I will not let some evil manic threaten our home!" shouted Cadance that she stumbled a bit.

"Easy there, Cadance. Don't get too worked up, it's not good for the baby." said Twilight.

"Sorry, it's just that we can't give up. We need to make sure that we eliminate them for good."

"Which is why it seems our best bet is to accept his challenge to a duel." stated Sunset. "That being said, it falls to either me or Isaac to end this."

"Then, I pray that whoever volunteers is victorious." said Cadance.

"Well, we'll see. Isaac is still recovering from fighting that many foes at once." said Sunset. "I'll go check on him." Sunset then began to walk out of the throne room as she left to check up on the colt.

"Good thing Isaac was able to help us in our time of need." said Twilight.

"Indeed. He's certainly a eye catching colt, isn't he." said Cadance with a smirk on her face as she looked at Twilight.

"Uhm, well... that's one of saying it." said Twilight as she chuckled nervously.

"I wonder, does he make you feel special."

"What does that have to do with our situation?" shouted Twilight as he cheeks blushed. "Isaac is just here to help get rid of these monsters."

"Even so, it doesn't mean you can't get close to him? So... how have your snuggles with him gone?"

"How... how did you know?"

"Twilight, did you forget who your sister in law is?"

"Right." said Twilight as she put her head down as she mentally punched herself for forgetting Cadance's secret talent. "It's just... this is all new to me. It's like when I first felt about the idea of friendship; I had no experience with it that I felt like it wasn't worth my time. But like friendship, it's something that has made me feel happy."

"I'm not judging. I'm just happy that my sister in law finally has a special somepony in her life." smiled Cadance.

"Well, it's not. Isaac has someone back in his world, I just..."

"Happen to look like her." said Cadance as she finished Twilight's train of thought. "I understand that this must be hard for you, Twilight. Ever since you were a little filly, all you had were your books. But now that you've met somepony who makes you feel special, you're hesitant on what will happen. I understand, but think about how Isaac's taking this. He's currently in another world, miles away from his family, from his friends, from the person he loves. And I can only assume that when he saw you for the first time, he immediately started to think of her. And the more time he's been around you, the more he misses her."

"But I can't just interrupt his personal life. Besides, he's only here till this whole issue is taken care of. And then he'll return back home. I'm not saying that I want him to stay, that would be selfish of me to force him to make that decision. But is it wrong that I can't let him go." asked Twilight as she stepped out onto the balcony and put her head on the railing.

"I understand this must be hard for you. For both of you. And I know you're a bright girl and I trust you to make the right choice when the time comes." said Cadance as she stroked Twilight's mane. "But maybe for the time being, you two could temporary fill the missing void for each other. After all, everyone deserves to have a little love in their life."

"Thanks, Cadance." said Twilight as she hugged her sister in law.

Sunset was walking through the castle as she made her way to the infirmary room. She opened the door and walked in as Isaac was in bed. Thankfully, he had woken up from his nap as the nurse was checking on him.

"So, how is he doc?" asked Sunset.

"Quite well, a little rest and he should be fine." said the nurse as she finished running her tests on the colt. "Alright, you're good to go. Just don't put on more stress or else it'll take a bit longer for you to get better."

"Of course. Though does dueling count as stress?" said Isaac as the nurse left the room.

"Good to see that you're still kicking, boy toy." smiled Sunset as she sat on the bed.

"It'll take a lot more than that to keep me down. So what's the plan?" asked Isaac.

"Well, Shining Armor and Princess Cadance are evacuating the Crystal Ponies to safe locations in the event we fail."

"That's smart. Though come on, you and I are some top notch duelists, there's no way we'll lose." said Isaac with some positivity in his voice.

"I just wonder how you can always find the bright side of things." chuckled Sunset. "Speaking of which, I noticed that you used Slifer to take out the last bit of enemies."


"Maybe you could have done that at the beginning and saved us some time." suggested Sunset.

"Yeah, but if I did that, then I would be out of energy really fast. No offense but when summoning those god cards, they take bit out of you." stated Isaac.

"I guess. So which one of us is going to accept the challenge?"

"Can't we worry about that later. Besides, I want to enjoy the peace that we got before they arrive."

"Well, not much to do since given that the city is under lockdown. Well, I better go see what the others are doing." said Sunset. She then leaned in and gave Isaac quick tug of his ear as she smiled. "Maybe tonight, I could get a snuggle, been awhile since it was just me and you." With that Sunset left as she went to check on the rest of the group.

Isaac decided to get a bit more rest as he leaned back on his bed as he put his cap over his eyes. Sometime later, Isaac had awoken from his nap and decided to get some fresh air. He then grabbed his duel disk and slipped it on as he walked out of the room and into the hall. During his walk, he saw several guards that were doing their usual patrol. The guards were thankfully for what he had done as they gave him a respectful salute to which Isaac returned. He then made his way to one of the balconies as he looked out into the Crystal Empire. He looked out further and saw a few mountains in the far off distance to which he could only assume was home to the one in charge of the army. Soon they would meet the monster in charge and then the fate of this entire place would be decided.

Isaac then looked down as he heard a sound coming from the stadium. He was able to see a small dot which so happen to be Shining Armor. With that Isaac decided to make his way to the building as he wanted to check up on the captain/prince. He entered the training grounds as he saw the older stallion practicing his sword skills. Ever since the invasion, Shining Armor knew that he wanted to make sure that his skills were on par. It also served as a way for him to let out some stress. Shining Armor had a blindfold on him as he used his instincts to target the practice dummies as he was quick on his hooves. He was hacking away with lightning fast movements that he didn't noticed Isaac watching until he nearly knocked out the colt.

"Hey, Shining..." Isaac saw the sword coming at him with fast speed that he barely got out of the way or risk suffering a major blow to his head. "Woah!"

"Huh?" Shining Armor then took off his blindfold and wanted to know who was interrupting his training. He saw that it was Isaac as he let out a sigh and returned back.

"Almost took my head off." said Isaac. "So what are you doing?"

"Training." responded Shining Armor.

"Look I just want to see how you're handling all this?" asked Isaac.

"Look, Isaac. You're a good pony; you risked your life to keep everyone safe. Not to mention you saved my wife's life and for that I'm truly thankfully. But now that the commander is coming to meet us and we're being forced to put everything on the line. It kinda makes me tense." said Shining Armor as he let out a breathe. "I'm just preparing in case things go south. I don't deny your skills, but you can never be too careful. That said... I hope that tomorrow either you or Sunset is victorious."

"We'll do our best." replied Isaac.

"Good. Cause I hate for my little sister to be upset if she saw her coltfriend lose."

"Yeah, look... me and Twilight... well... we're not exactly... you know."

"I see... well then..." Shining Armor then began to walk to the rack of swords as he used his magic and tossed one to Isaac. "En garde."

"What?" said Isaac as he held the object in his magic.

"En garde!" shouted Shining Armor as he rushed towards the brown colt.

Isaac brought his sword up just in time to stop Shining Armor's initial strike. Shining Armor then did an attack from the side as Isaac blocked that. Soon Shining Armor started to test Isaac's reflexes as he began to spar with the young colt. Isaac didn't have much in the way of sword play as he was just following his instincts and trying not to get hit. Which seem to be working as he was able to counter everytime Shining Armor tried to strike him. Once Shining Armor started to add some fancy footwork, Isaac was now scared as he could only dodge roll. Soon Shining Armor started to chase after Isaac as he added a couple of magic blasts; thankfully, Twilight and Sunset had taught Isaac how to put up a shield using his magic as it deflected Shining's shots. Now Shining Armor was rushing at Isaac with everything he got as he let out his emotions and charged at him.

Isaac had just did another barrel roll when he saw Shining Armor standing over him as he was in a crouching position while Shining was about to bring his sword down on Isaac. Isaac just put his sword up in a horizontal position as Shining Armor started to wail on Isaac's sword as he was doing a flurry of rapid strikes with his own weapon. Isaac was doing his best to stand his ground, but the force and the speed along with the power of Shining Armor's attack were causing him to be pushed back as his hooves dragged along the floor. Soon Isaac felt his legs buckle as Shining Armor flung the sword out of Isaac's magical grip. Isaac noticed this and he tried to chase after it and just as he was about to grab it, Shining Armor had proven how much faster he was as he cut off Isaac and planted his sword on top of Isaac's weapon that was on the ground as he had another sword pointed at him. Isaac was surprised by this, so he started to close his eyes and concentrated. Soon the sword on the ground disappeared.

"What!?!" said Shining Armor as he was surprised.

The sword then reappeared in Isaac's magical aura as he brought a swipe down on Shining Armor. Soon there was silence. Shining Armor then dropped the weapons he was holding as his magic faded. He then dropped to his knees as he looked at Isaac who was still stunned by what he was able to do.

"You make a good other." smiled Shining Armor.

Isaac didn't say anything as he was confused by what the captain said. So he just simply gave a nod and then sat on his hind as he too let out a tired breathe. Now both boys were looking at each other; to Isaac this was similar to how Shining Armor in his world was able to push him to his limits based on his skills as a duelist. For Shining Armor, he couldn't help but let out a laugh at how a colt that was but a few years younger than him was able to keep up with him and land a strike against the captain which none of his other guards had been able to do. Soon both boys just laughed, eventually both Twilight and Cadance came to check up on them as the two stallions shared a hoof bump.

The rest of the day was spent with the ponies trying to do their best to relax as the impending doom was soon upon them. During that time, Isaac and Sunset had gotten in some special training as both wanted to be ready for whatever may be thrown their way. Despite not wanting to have anypony interrupt their training, it didn't stop the whole gang as they all hide behind some bushes and watched the two ponies go at it. Safe to say they were amazed by what they saw as Isaac and Sunset told a story with their dueling. For Isaac and Sunset it was just another fun duel, but for the others who hadn't seen the two in action it was like watching a movie. Heck, it was better then a movie.

Soon the day was upon the group as the sun rose and shined down on the Crystal Empire. And with that it was time, the whole group had gathered in the square as they prepared for what was about to come. Shining Armor had his guards set up a barricade as they prepared in case the enemy tried anything funny. They waited and waited and then... they saw something coming over the hill. It was the same monsters that the group had fought the other day as they marched forward; soon the first few rows parted as a group of them were seen carrying something. They were carrying what appeared to be a throne as they set it down on the ground. The monster sitting down on it could be seen as his body was nothing but ice. He then got up as Isaac and Sunset could see who the one in charge really was.

"So... this is the rag tag group that has been causing me some problems." said the commander who was none other than Mobius the Frost Monarch.

"Yup." said Sunset.

"Very well." Mobius then stood up from his throne. He then snapped his fingers as one of his minions brought a big sword. This caused everypony to worry; Mobius then grabbed it as it transformed into a duel disk. "Now then, I've kept my word. So which one of you will step up and duel me?"

Just as Sunset was about to step forward, Isaac stopped her with his magic as he stepped in front of her.

"That would be me." stated Isaac.

"Splendid. I can tell you'll give me a great battle." said Mobius.

"Isaac?" asked Sunset.

"Trust me, Sunset." said the colt as he looked at her. Sunset just let out a sigh as she let him have his fun.

"Oh, boy. Here it comes!" shouted Rainbow and Spike as they were excited for this duel.

"Now then, it's time to duel!" shouted Isaac. He then took his position and activated his duel disk as it projected a gold card tray.

"Aw, the chills!" said Spike and Rainbow as they loved it when Isaac said that line. The others just rolled their eyes at the two, but they did admit that it made Isaac feel more intimidating by saying the phrase.

"Opponent detected. Duel mode set. Streaming data. Initiating. Commencing duel." said their duel disks.

Mobius the Frost Monarch's Life Points: 8000-

Isaac's Life Points: 8000-

Turn 1: Mobius

"Now then, winter has cometh. So time for you to freeze over." said Mobius as he drew his card. "Now I'll start by playing Abyss Warrior(1800/1800) in attack mode. Then I'll play one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 2: Isaac

"Guess, it's my turn. So watch out!" said Isaac as he drew his card. "To start, I'll play Breaker the Magical Warrior. Then I'll equip Breaker with Bound Wand, so now Breaker gains 100 more points for every level it has. So that means he gains 400 attack points, on top of that, he also gains 300 more points when he's summoned. So we're talking 2300 total attack points!" stated Isaac.

"Impressive." said Cadance as she was amazed by what Isaac was able to do.

"Oh, trust me. You haven't seen anything yet." stated Twilight as she was giddy in excitement at watching Isaac duel.

"Now, Breaker attack Abyss Warrior!" Breaker heard Isaac's command as he leaped into the air and brought his sword down on Abyss Warrior as he took it with a slash straight down the middle as its target turned into particles.
Mobius' Life Points: 7500-

"With that, I'll place one card facedown and end my turn."

"Yeehaw, looks like the city slicker is on the right course to win." stated Applejack.

Turn 3: Mobius

"Not bad, now by banishing my Abyss Warrior I can special summon my Aqua Spirit(1600/1200) in attack mode. Then I'll play the spell Medallion of the Ice Barrier which means I can add an 'Ice Barrier' monster from my deck to my hand." Mobius' duel disk then slotted out the card he wanted. "Next, I'll summon my Dewdark of the Ice Barrier(1200/800). But it won't stop there, cause now I'm preparing to synchro summon!" stated Mobius.

"What?!" shouted everyone behind Isaac.

"I tune my Level 2 Dewdark of the Ice Barrier with my Level 4 Aqua Spirit." Dewdark then changed into two green rings as Aqua Spirit jumped in between them as they were combining to call upon a new monster. "I Synchro Summon, Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier(2000/1400)!" Out came a giant pillar of snow as on top of that was a white tiger that wore armor and let out a roar. Soon it had its eyes locked on Isaac as he imagined the colt was his dinner as he jumped down from his position and landed on Mobius' field. "Now I'll activate my tiger's effect, so by returning my facedown back to my hand, I can increase my cat's attack points by 500. So time to pounce!" shouted Mobius. Dewloren then leaped into action as it raced over to Isaac's side of the field as it jumped on Breaker and with one swipe of its claws pinned him to the ground and destroyed him.
Isaac's Life Points: 7800-

"Since Breaker was equipped with Bound Wand, he gets to come back." said Isaac as his monster appeared in defense mode.

"So be it, I'll place one card facedown and end my turn. Now my tiger's attack points return to normal."

Turn 4: Isaac

"My turn then," said Isaac as he drew his card, "I'll just set one more card facedown and then summon Gamma the Magnet Warrior in defense mode. That's all."

Turn 5: Mobius

"Interesting, now then," said Mobius as he drew his card and had a smile on his face, "Since you have two or more cards in your spell/trap zone, I'm allowed to summon Escher the Frost Vassal(800/1000) in defense mode. Then I'll play Cryomancer of the Ice Barrier(1300/0)." Out came a male sorcerer as he wielded a frost staff. "Now thanks to my Cryomancer's special ability, since I control another 'Ice Barrier' monster, you can't attack with any Level 4 or higher monsters."

"Not good." said Isaac with disdain.

"Come on, that's gotta be cheating, right?" asked Rainbow.

"'Fraid not. In Duel Monsters, that's a legal ability." informed Sunset.

"So, basically Isaac can't do anything." stated Rarity.

"Not really, see monsters with abilities like that are strong, but it does have a draw back. If Isaac wants to attack, then he needs to take out that Synchro monster. Once it's gone, then Cryomancer can't use its ability." said Sunset.

"Right, and don't forget girls. Isaac may not be able to attack, but that doesn't mean he can't take out his opponents monsters with his spells and traps." added Twilight.

"Now, I'll activate the effect of my tiger, so I return my Escher the Frost Vassal so that it can gain 500 more attack points till the end of the turn." Escher then turned into a light as it returned to Mobius' hand as Dewloren gave a roar as it felt the power up. "Now my tiger, take out his Gamma! Then I'll have my Cryomancer take out your Breaker." Cryomancer then raised his staff as he casted a freeze spell that caused Isaac's warrior to be turned into a block of ice as it cracked and was destroyed. Dewloren then used its claws as it took out Isaac's other monster.

"Now, with that I'll end my turn and my tiger returns to his original attack points."

Turn 6: Isaac

"Right then." Alright, what to do? As long as he has another 'Ice Barrier' monster on the field, my monsters can't attack. Which means I need to take out one of his monsters. And I think I may have something to help me out. "Now, I'll summon my Magician's Rod. Now my Magician's Rod allows me to add a 'Dark Magician' related spell or trap card to my hand." Isaac then used his duel screen as he selected the card he wanted as it was added to his hand. "Now, I'll end my turn by placing one card facedown."

"That's all?" asked Pinkie.

"I mean, Isaac's good. But even he needs time to figure out a plan." said Sunset.

"The question is: can he survive to figure out one?" stated Fluttershy.

Turn 7: Mobius

"Well now, I was expecting more. Once again, I'm allowed to summon Escher from my hand. Next, I'll summon my Numbing Grub in the Ice Barrier(1300/1800) in defense mode." Out came a caterpillar as it was munching on an icicle.

"Nasty." said Sunset.

"Repulsive little thing." mentioned Rarity.

"Now since I summoned my grub, I can select 1 unused Monster Zone." Mobius' insect then shot some ice over to Isaac's field as it frozen one of his monster zones. "Now so long as my grub is out, you can't use that monster zone."

"Just great." said Isaac.

"Now, Isaac can't attack with his high level monsters, but he just lost a monster zone? This doesn't look good." said Spike.

"Have faith, Isaac is a tough and smart duelist. He'll figure this out, I hope." stated Cadance.

"Now, I'll use my tiger's effect once more, so I return Escher back to my hand and give my Tiger 500 more attack points! Now time to pounce!" shouted Mobius as he gave his tiger its command and started to charge at Isaac's monster.

"I was hoping you would do that." smiled Isaac.

"Come again?" asked Mobius.

"I reveal my facedown, Magical Dimension. So now I tribute my Magician's Rod so that I can call forth an even more powerful monster. So make way as I summon my Dark Magician!" The coffin absorbed Isaac's monster as it closed and then opened up as his ultimate spellcaster took to the field. "And now my Magical Dimension can destroy one of your monsters, so now your Dewloren is now extinct!" said Isaac as the tiger was gone.

"Clever move, in that case, I'll switch my Cryomancer into defense mode." said Mobius as he ended his turn.

Turn 8: Isaac

"Now that your monster is gone, time for me take control of this duel." said Isaac as he drew his card. "Now, I'll reveal my facedown Dark Spear. With his spear it allows my Dark Magician the ability to deal piercing damage to a monster in defense mode."

"Keep in mind, that since I control another 'Ice Barrier' monster, you can't attack with your monster." stated Mobius.

"Don't you think I know that, which is why I play this card: Thousand Knives! Now with this, I can destroy one of your monsters on the field and I choose your Numbing Grub in the Ice Barrier!" Soon tons of small daggers appeared next to Dark Magician as they started to fly and then got rid of Mobius' insect. "With your grub gone, my monster zone that was frozen has now melted. And in addition, your Cryomancer's effect is now nullified."

"No!" said Mobius as his eyes widen.

"Now, Dark Magician, attack his Cryomancer!" shouted Isaac. Dark Magician then raised his spear as he leaped into the air and took out Cryomancer as Mobius the Frost Monarch lost some huge points.
Mobius' Life Points: 5000-

"Nice shot!" shouted Spike as he applauded the colt's move.

"With that, I'll end my turn."

Turn 9: Mobius

"My move, now I'll summon my Pilgrim of the Ice Barrier(1500/1000) in attack mode. Thanks to my Pilgrim's effect, it can't be destroyed by monsters with 1900 or more attack points." stated Mobius. "Now, I'll activate my facedown, Call of the Haunted, so now I bring back my Cryomancer of the Ice Barrier." Mobius now had two monsters on his side of the field. "And as you know my Cryomancer makes it so that since I control another 'Ice Barrier' monster, you can't attack with your Dark Magician."

"Again?" said Fluttershy.

"Now, I'll end my turn with a facedown."

Turn 10: Isaac

"Alright, my draw. Now I'll play Bond Between Teacher and Student. So now that my Dark Magician is on the field, I can call upon my Dark Magician Girl. Come forth!" Isaac now had his two most loyal companions as on his field. "Now I'll activate my Dark Burning Magic which means all cards that you control are destroyed!"

"Can he do that?!" asked Shining Armor.

"Trust me, it's one of Isaac's signature moves. Plus a very powerful one." stated Sunset.

"Now that your field is empty, it means that I can wage a direct attack. Now my magician, Double Dark Magic Attack!!" Isaac gave his command as his two magicians pointed their wands and together they took out Mobius' entire field and nearly all of his life points.
Mobius' Life Points: 500-

"With that, I'll end my turn."

Turn 11: Mobius

"Your skills well developed for someone your age." said Mobius. "Now, I'll summon my Zuijin of the Ice Barrier(500/300). Then I activate its effect, so I can tribute it so that I can summon General Gantala of the Ice Barrier(2700/2000)!" Now Mobius the Frost Monarch had another monster as this one was a warrior who wore ice armor over certain parts of is body and had a symbol on his forehead.

"Now time for my monsters to strike. Medium of the Ice Barrier take out his Dark Magician Girl, and my General Gantala of the Ice Barrier will take out your Dark Magician." Mobius gave his monsters their command as they were successful in taking out Isaac's monster who stood his ground.
Isaac's Life Points: 7400-

"Now the effect of my General Gantala activates, during the end of my turn I can special summon 1 'Ice Barrier' from my graveyard, so arise Defender of the Ice Barrier in defense mode." Mobius now had three monsters on his field as they all looked at Isaac with anger on their faces. "Now, I'll end my turn."

Turn 12: Isaac

"Very well, now I'll activate Pot of Greed, which means I can draw two more cards. I'll summon Magician's Valkyria in defense mode and end my turn."

Turn 13: Mobius

"This whole duel, I've been able to restrict you in one way or another. And now I've got you right where I want you." said Mobius as he drew his card. "Now, I'll activate the effect of my Zuijin of the Ice Barrier from my graveyard. Now I can target a Level 3 or higher Water monster that I control and lower its level by 2. So I choose my General Gantala of the Ice Barrier." General Gantala's level then went from 7 to 5. "With that it allows me to bring back my Zuijin back in defense mode. Then, I'll summon my Shock Troops of the Ice Barrier(1500/800)." Mobius now had a field full of monsters as he looked to summon an even more powerful monster.

"Prepare yourself, young colt. Cause I tune my Level 3 Defender of the Ice Barrier with my Level 5 General Gantala and my Level 3 Shock Troops of the Ice Barrier!" Soon all three monsters jumped into the air as Defender of the Ice Barrier turned into three green rings with the other two jumping in between. "I Synchro Summon, Trishula, Zero Dragon of the Ice Barrier(2700/2000)!" Out came a dragon as it was covered in ice armor as it shined the brightest and let out a cry. "My dragon has an incredible ability, when its synchro summoned, I can banish up to 3 cards that you control. So say goodbye to your entire field. Trishula then opened its mouth as a harsh blizzard came upon Isaac's field as all the cards he had were gone and he was left defenseless.

"Now that you have nothing to protect you, my monsters are free to attack. So Trishula attack the colt and Medium of the Ice Barrier follow up!" shouted Mobius. Soon both of his monsters then let out an attack that caused Isaac to cover himself as he was thrown onto his back.
Isaac's Life Points: 2500-

"Isaac?!" shouted the group as they were worried for the colt as he had taken a huge dent in his life points.

"I'm fine." said Isaac as he got back up and shook himself of the snow that was on his clothes.

"Now, I'll play my Monster Reborn and bring back my General Gantala of the Ice Barrier. I'll then set one card facedown. And since we've reached the end of my turn, Gantala's effect activates which means I can also bring back my Cryomancer of the Ice Barrier. And thanks to him, you can't attack with any monsters that are Level 4 or higher." snickered Mobius.

"And he's down to his last 2500 life points. Which means if he doesn't find a way to turn things around, then it's over." informed Sunset.

"Come on, Isaac. You've been in tougher situations before." said Twilight as she tried to give her friend some support.

Turn 14 Isaac

"My turn, I'll play Graceful Charity. Which allows me to draw 3 cards as long as I discard two."

"That's all? Out of everything he could play, he chooses that card." said Rainbow.

"Now, I'll banish my Breaker the Magical Warrior along with my Mystical Elf so that I can special summon Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning!" Isaac now had two powerful monsters on his side of the field.

"Don't forget, my Cryomancer makes it so that your powerful monsters are useless." stated Mobius.

"Which is why I have a way around it, I activate the effect of my Black Luster Soldier. And with I can banish a monster, so your Cryomancer is no more. And with him gone, I'm now free to attack. So from my hand, I play Guiding Wisdom which allows me to summon another spellcaster with 3000 or less attack points from my deck, so I play Palladium Oracle Mahad. Now Mahad attack Medium of the Ice Barrier!" shouted Isaac.

"Before my monster is destroyed, I'll activate this: Gift of the Mystical Elf. So now my life points increase based on the total number of monsters by 300. Since there's currently 5 monsters on the field, I gain 1500 life points." Mobius the Frost Monarch then got a huge boost as his monster was destroyed.
Mobius' Life Points: 1700-

"You may have gotten a life point boost, but I'm now free to play as many spell/traps as I want. And so, I'll now play this, Card of Sanctity. Now we each draw till we're holding six cards in our hands. Then I'll set one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 15: Mobius

"Now then, I'll summon my Secret Guards of the Ice Barrier(100/1600). Thanks to him, now all of my 'Ice Barrier' can't be targeted by your monster's effects. Which means you can no longer banish them. And now, I'll have my Trishula, Zero Dragon attack your Palladium Oracle Mahad!" Trishula then opened its mouth as it took out Isaac's monster.
Isaac's Life Points: 2300-

"Since Palladium Oracle Mahad was destroyed, I can now special summon my Dark Magician from my graveyard. Arise once more my friend." said Isaac as he had his signature magician back.

"Well, I'll just get rid of him again. General Gantala take out his Dark Magician once again!" For the second time, Mobius the Frost Monarch was able to get rid of Isaac's magician.
Isaac's Life Points: 2100-

"Now, my Gantala's effect activates which means I can revive my Blizzed, Defender of the Ice Barrier in defense mode." Once more Mobius the Frost Monarch had nearly a full field of monsters as he ended his turn.

Turn 16: Isaac

"My draw, I may not be able to banish anymore of your monsters. But my Black Luster Soldier has another ability, so I'll have my monster take out your General Gantala!" Isaac's soldier then swung its sword as it took out his target with ease. "Which means his ability kicks in, so since he destroyed a monster he can now wage a second attack. And this time he'll target your Trishula, Zero Dragon!" Once more, Black Luster Soldier brought its mighty sword as it slayed the dragon in front of him.
Mobius' Life Points: 1100-

"Thank you, cause now my Trishula, Zero Dragon's effect kicks in. Which means I can now summon Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier from my Extra Deck but its attack increases to 3300." Soon the dragon on Mobius' field started to crack as out of the ice came an even more powerful dragon as it let out a roar. "And now your monster loses half of its attack points and its special abilities are negated." Black Luster Soldier then powered down as its attack reduced to 1500.

"I'll just end my turn."

Turn 17: Mobius

"Now then, I'll summon my Dance Princess of the Ice Barrier(1700/900). Then I'll activate my princess' ability, so now I'll reveal another 'Ice Barrier' monster in my hand and then I can return your set facedown." Dance Princess then looked at Isaac as she gave him a wink and blew a kiss as it caused his card to be teleported back to his hand. "With that done, Trishula, take out his Black Luster Soldier!" Mobius gave his dragon its command as it opened its mouth and took out Isaac's monster.
Isaac's Life Points: 1800-

"Next, I'll have my Dance Princess attack you directly!" Mobius gave his other monster her command. Dance Princess then began to do a dance routine as she made her way over to Isaac's side of the field. Isaac was confused by what she did as he had his eyebrow raised, so instead of attacking the colt she simply blushed and gave Isaac a small kiss on his cheek as it counted as her attacking.
Isaac's Life Points: 100-

"Well, that was something." said Isaac as he wiped the mark left on his cheek. Meanwhile, the other girls were a tad bit angry by what Dance Princess did.

"Now my turn has come to an end." stated Mobius.

Turn 18: Isaac

"Right then, draw!" said Isaac as he hoped to turn this duel around. "Perfect, now I'll activate the effect of my Magician's Souls. So by sending my Apprentice Illusion Magician from my deck to the graveyard as well as my Magician's Souls, I can revive my Dark Magician!" said Isaac as his ultimate wizard was back in play. "Next, I'll play the tuner monster, Nitro Synchro. And now time for me to end this duel, cause I tuning my Level 2 Nitro Synchron with my Dark Magician and when using Synchro Material he counts as Level 6 instead of 7." Nitro Synchron then changed into two green rings as Dark Magician hopped in between them. "I Synchro Summon, Dark Sorcerer Magician!" Out came Isaac's monster as he made the gang have their mouths open as they were stunned by his appearance.

"With that, it's time to end this duel! Dark Sorcerer Magician attack his Trishula!" stated Isaac.

"My monster has more attack points." informed Mobius.

"Not after I activate my magician's ability, now once per turn, my Dark Sorcerer Magician can cut your monster's attack points in half and then Dark Sorcerer Magician can gain those points. Which means your Trishula is reduced to 1650 while my monster's strength rises to 4150! And that's just enough to end this battle."

"Uh-oh." said Mobius as he realized what the result was.

"Now Dark Sorcerer Magician, end this with Stardust Blast!" Isaac's magician then pointed his staff as the magical symbols all started to appear around him in a circle with a stardust effect. He then concentrated all of his power into casting the spell as it connected with Trishula and took out the dragon in one shot as Mobius was flung onto his back.
Mobius' Life Points: 0-

Winner: Isaac

The duel had ended as Isaac was declared the winner. Mobius the Frost Monarch was seen kneeling down on the floor as his duel disk transformed back into a sword as it laid in front of him. Isaac then began to walk over to his opponent as he looked at him in the eyes.

"You've proven to be a worthy opponent." said Mobius the Frost Monarch. "And I'm a man of my word, we are defeated." said Mobius. Soon his entire army started to to turn into particles as only Mobius remained. "It looks as though... my path... will end here. You, young pony... claim your victory." Mobius then presented his sword to Isaac as he was giving it to him so that Isaac could strike the final blow himself. "Strike me down. You must! Even now... across this land, there is still chaos and mischief. If you do not act now, this conflict... will go on forever. The inhabitants of this world, shall forever be scarred in an unforgiving war. Your path... lives across my grave. It is time for you to find the courage to walk it. If I must fall... let it be by your hand."

Isaac picked up the sword with his magic as he looked at it. The others were worried by what he was going to do; they looked to stop him, but Shining Armor put his hoof in front of them as it served that they shouldn't interrupt. Isaac looked between the sword and Mobius who had gotten on his knees and closed his eyes as he had his arms out. He was ready to accept his fate; Isaac twirled the sword around a bit as he then held it high above him as he looked at Mobius. Then with a deep breathe, Isaac brought the weapon downwards as there was silence. Nothing was said, not a sound was made as there was complete silence.

Mobius opened his eyes and saw that he was unharmed as he saw his sword was plunged into the ground next to him. He then looked back at Isaac who stood there with a serious look; soon Isaac offered his hoof to the monster.

"Someone as honorable as you does not deserve an end like this. Your strength is remarkable." said Isaac. "So then. Let me ask you a question. What does strength mean to you?"

Mobius thought about Isaac's question as he gave his answer. "To some, you need strength to fight, win, and take everything. But to me, strength is the ability to make that which you believe in, a reality." answered Mobius. He then grabbed Isaac's hoof as he gave a respectful smile to Isaac which the colt returned as Mobius started to fade into particles and disappeared.

Isaac watched as he let out a nod and as he was honored to have faced a worth opponent in battle. With that he then turned around as he headed in the direction of the castle as the entire group stepped to the side and allowed him to walk. The girls and Spike were a bit confused on what had transpired between Isaac and the monster. Shining Armor just simply had a smile on his face as he had given Isaac his full respect as a soldier/warrior, but also as a pony.

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