• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 155: Hall of Fame

"Why?! Why!!!" shouted Isaac. "Tell me, what did I do to deserve this!?!" shouted Isaac.

"What's he crying about?" asked Rainbow Dash as she entered the living room of the house.

"He's upset." said Twilight as she was petting Spike.

"About what?" said the chromatic girl.

"About the Hall of Fame and how he can't bring his cat along." stated the nerdy girl.

"He wanted to bring his cat to the Hall of Fame?" stated Rainbow.

"I have my reasons." said Isaac as he dropped the somber act for a second before he went back to feeling sad. "Why?! I'm sorry, girl." said Isaac as he was petting Tigre.

"Meow." said Tigre.

(If this was an episode, this where the cue for the intro would be.)

"So remind me, why you wanted to bring your cat to the Hall of Fame?" asked Rainbow.

"I have my reasons." said Isaac. "But first we need to backtrack for the audience to understand."

True to Isaac's words we did need to set the stage. So what started like a normal day was just that. A normal day. Nothing major happening, just everybody attending class. Eventually there would be some excitement as Vice-principal Luna had gotten a call on the phone. Seems it belonged to the dueling committee as they called her to inform her of some good news. That being is that she was selected to be inducted into this year's Hall of Fame class. At that moment, Luna broke down in tears as she thanked the dueling committee; Celestia was nearby as she too was happy for her little sister as now both of them were in the Hall of Fame which was a dream that both of them had and it was finally becoming a realty.

Since Luna was also the recipient of the Favorite Female Duelist of the Decade Award, the committee decided to allow Luna to see where her portrait was going to be hung and where the statue of her would be placed just a few days before she was given her induction speech. They did allow her to bring some guests, but they weren't expecting her to bring a whole group. So as it turned out, Luna had asked Isaac and the girls to accompany her as she wanted to give them a chance to see something that very, very, very, very, very, few people would ever get to see much less visit. The group was ecstatic, but for Isaac when he asked Luna a certain question she quickly shot down his answer as he dropped to his knees and screamed to the heavens as it echoed throughout the school.

"And that's what happened." said Isaac. "Why?! Why?!"

"Again, why do you want to bring your cat to the Hall of Fame?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"I have my reasons!!" shouted Isaac as he went back to petting Tigre who just let out a meow which translated to she didn't know what was going on.

"Well, unfortunately, Luna nor anybody else gets a say in what the rules are for the Hall of Fame. See the Hall of Fame is run by the higher ups of the dueling committee, which means they are very strict on the type of rules that need to be enforced." said Twilight.

"Of, course it is! It's sacred ground!" said Isaac.

"What happen to you crying just a few seconds ago?" asked Rainbow.

"Like what kind of rules?" asked Spike.

"Strict rules." said Twilight. "The place is run by corporate authorities in the dueling committee, what they goes without any question or hesitation. So that's why Isaac is sad cause he can't bring his cat with him, which even I'm wondering, why?"

"I HAVE MY REASONS!!!" shouted Isaac to which the girls just rolled their eyes.

"Okay, what's going on here? I was getting 6 kills... and..." Sunset walked out of her room and saw Isaac on the floor as he tightly hugged his cat. "He still dealing with that issue."

"Well, anyways. That means we're gonna be gone for a like a day or two. The destination to the Hall of Fame is pretty far, even if we got there by air, it's a good distance." said Twilight. "So hope you don't get too lonely, Spike."

"I got nothing to worry, I got the pussy cat to keep me company. Just promise me you stop by the gift shop." said Spike.

"There's a gift shop?" asked Twilight.

"You don't know about the gift shop?!" exclaimed Isaac.

"What gift shop?" asked Twilight.

"You don't know about the gift shop, Twi?" responded Rainbow.

"Everybody knows about the gift shop." said Sunset.

"Ohh, we talking about the Hall of Fame gift shop?" asked Pinkie as she made her presence known.

"The gift shop, that place is stellar." said Rarity as she too added her two cents.

"Are we talkin' bout the gift shop?" said Applejack as she too walked into the room with Fluttershy.

"Okay, can somebody explain to me what's so important about the gift shop?!" demanded Twilight as she was the only one out of the loop.

"You don't know about the gift shop?!" shouted Isaac, Spike and the girls in one collective response.

"What is the gift shop?!!!" yelled out Twilight.

"It's the gift shop!" said Spike.

"Ahhh!!" Twilight let out a scream as she couldn't take it anymore.

"Look, Twi. We can't explain it, cause it's too hard to put it into words. The only way is to experience it yourself." said Isaac.

"How the hell do you all know about it, if you haven't seen it yourselves?" asked Twilight to the whole.

"Know someone!" said everybody.

"Great." groaned Twilight.

"Just when we get to see it, don't lose your mind." said Isaac.

"Like that's gonna happen." gestured Twilight. With that everybody then all got ready for the little business trip that they were going to go on.

Luna and the group all were at the airport as they were boarding the plane that they sent for them as they took care of their bags and attended to their every service needs. After a few hours, they soon were arriving at their destination as it was a sight to behold. There was a giant museum-like building that you could see just from the air. Soon the plant landed down as the entire group got off and followed Luna to the place.

"Here we are, the Hall of Fame." said Luna. "Many great duelists have walked here and left their mark on Duel Monsters. And this place is where they are recorded in history for all to see." Soon they approached the person in charge as he began to go over the rules of this place.

"Welcome all, I'm the caretaker of this place. So welcome to the Hall of Fame." said the caretaker. "Now then to go over the rules that you must absolutely follow. No food is allowed, no pets, no gum chewing, no tracking mud along the carpets. No touching of the statues, you may take any and all pictures that you like. And most importantly, respect this place. This is memorial of the greats of the past. Show the respect they deserve. Understand?"

"Yes!" said the group.

"Now then, come along." said the caretaker.

"Wait!" shouted Isaac. "We can't enter until you all wipe your feet."

"What?" asked Twilight.

"My bad, how could I forget about that. Thanks for reminding me, Isaac." said Luna as she did just that and wiped her feet outside of the door before she entered inside.

"What was that about?" asked Fluttershy.

"It's tradition to wipe your feet before you step inside the Hall of Fame for anything." said Isaac.

"Why, sugarcube?"

"It's to show respect that you're about to enter holy ground, not to mention that it will serve as the place for future duelists who too will be inducted as well." said Isaac.

"Really?" said Sunset as she raised her eyebrow.

"Just do it." Isaac then wiped his feet as he then looked at the caretaker who gave a respectful nod to the boy for following the rules.

The girls saw this and they had no choice but to play along with their passionate friend's advice as they too did the same as the caretaker allowed them to enter as they all went inside.

Soon they entered the place as it was much larger on the inside. Soon they arrived at the lobby area, as they stopped in front of the reception desk. The caretaker then gave a map for each one of them.

"Now you're free to explore this place to your hearts' desire. There are multiple floors here for you all to see. Which means you'll need these key cards to get to see them." said the caretaker as he pointed to the escalators and handed a card to each person. He gave Luna a special keycard. "Now the food court is just past the reception desk on this floor. However, if you look on your maps, there's a section that is only authorized to those who have access. The keycards I've given you are visitor's pass, so they won't allow to access that place. Well, apart from Ms. Luna. Nevertheless, I hope you enjoy your visit." With that the caretaker then left the group as they took it all in.

"Alright everyone, you heard him. We're here to follow the rules and... where's Isaac?" asked Luna.

The girls all look to see the outline of their friend from where he once was standing as he was no longer there. They all looked to the left and right to see if they could find their friend, but he wasn't in sight. Luna just let out a stressed sigh, but soon replaced it with a smile on her face.

"Well, I should have expected this. Perhaps he's right, let's all split up and meet here in a few hours." suggested Luna as the girls nodded as they all broke apart and went to explore the Hall of Fame.

Rarity and Applejack had broken off the group and were now exploring a section of the Hall of Fame. They took one of the many escalators from the main floor as it brought them to their destination. Soon they arrived to the entrance of a huge door as Applejack swiped her card and the door opened.

"Welcome to the History of Fusion Summoning." said the voice as the girls entered the place.

"Woah, doggie." said Applejack.

'My word, darling." said Rarity as the two girls entered the exhibit and were welcomed to the many portraits and statues that were on display for visitors to see. Both girls approached the main podium as Rarity pushed the button and the presentation began to play.

"Fusion Summoning is one of the biggest forms of summoning to ever exist. In fact, it was the earliest form that duelist could do to summon out monsters. Long before they became more implemented in the dueling committee, it was a rare occasion that duelists would fuse monsters together. In the beginning the only card that was available that everybody used was Polymerization. There were three other card that three special individuals used which were the Eye of Timaeus, the Fang of Critias, and the Claw of Hermos." The presentation then pulled them up cards as well as the images of the legendary duelists who used them.

"Soon time passed and Fusion Summoning was introduced. And no one made it more famous that the best fusion duelist of them all. But there were also others." said the voice. Then the presentation pulled up some other images as the girls were now on a moving walkway as it continued to talk and they saw several duelists the voice was talking about.

"One duelist who utilized Fusion to the full extent was a man by the name Zane Truesdale." An image appeared on the walls of the exhibit as the girls listen to the explanation. "A top student of a place called Duel Academy who rose to the tops of his school and the pro scene using his skills, smarts, attitude, and his beloved Cyber Deck. His fusion monsters involved Cyber End Dragon, Cyber Twin Dragon, and Cyber Dark Dragon just to name a few. In addition he had special cards that allowed him to fusion multiple way without always relying on Polymerization." explained the presentation as a small video came up for the girls to watch.

"Incredible." said the girls as the video ended.

"While Zane Truesdale was a top duelist, he also had a little brother by the name of Syrus Truesdale who wielded a Roid deck. In the beginning he was an insecure and unconfident duelist. But overtime he gained allies that gave him the strength to face his fears head on; the biggest thing that weighed on his mind was living up to expectation set up by his big brother. But after winning a duel using Power Bond, Zane knew that his brother was ready to surpass him and take his place." said the voice.

"Other duelists have also made fusion summoning popular, one of them was none than the legendary Aster Phoenix. A pro, one of the best to ever grace the scene and a top student alongside Zane of Duel Academy. Famous for using his Destiny HERO deck, he rose to the ranks of the pro circuit and dominated. A phenomenal duelist who very few could ever hope to match." said the voice as it moved on to the next set of duelists in the era of Fusion Summoning as the girls saw a short video playing.

"Of course, there were several more famous duelists from this batch. One of them was a man by the name of Jim Crocodile Cook. He was a young man who had Fossil Deck and had his own ways of fusing together monsters that didn't require Polymerization. His key card was Fossil Fusion. He was an expert geologist and paleontologist, having taken part in an excavation of a Tyrannosaurus in the past and had a crocodile named Shirley, who he carried around in a specially made backpack wherever he went." said the voice as an holographic image came up. "After saving Shirley from an animal trap, Jim injured his right eye. After regaining consciousness, he was imbued with the Eye of Orichalcum by a man who was touched by Jim's devotion to Shirley. The man who gave it to Jim told him it was supposed to have incredible powers when in the presence of a special comet. Afterward Jim kept his right eye bandaged."

"The next duelist on our list is man who wielded the Crystal Beasts, a young teen by the name of Jesse Anderson." An image now appeared as it caught Rarity's attention.

"I've seen him from before." said Rarity as she remembered the battle simulation she had when they went to Horsolulu. She didn't know it at the time, but turns out that her A.I. opponent was a legendary duelist from the past. And to think that in that duel, he had given her the blessing to handle the Crystal Beasts.

"A great duelist that was hailed by many to come. Of course his trusty Crystal Beasts were a force to be reckoned with. Nobody understood them more than Jesse himself, some even spoke of him having the power to speak with the spirits of his deck. But most importantly was the bond they shared, cause it wasn't Jesse who chose the Crystal Beasts, but rather the Crystal Beasts chose him. His brief duel with Zane Truesdale was one that highlighted the skill cap of each individual."

"What a chillin' duel, ain't it Rares." asked Applejack as the short clip of the battle ended.

"Indeed." Rarity then pulled out her Crystal Beast deck as she looked at it. The brief duel they watched allowed Rarity to see just how deeply connected Jesse was with the Crystal Beast when he was the owner of them. "I hope that they can treat me with the same respect and honor that they gave him."

"I think they do." said Applejack as she placed her hand on her friend's shoulder and gave her a quick hug. They soon turned back to the presentation as it started to wind down.

"Other famous duelists, involved individuals like Axel Brodie who wielded a Volcanic Deck, Tyranno Hassleberry who wielded a Dino Deck, Bastion Misawa who had both an Earth and Water deck. Blair Flannigan who had a Love Deck, as well as Chumley Huffington who wielded an Australian Deck due to his love for Big Koala. These and many other more were just a handful of individuals who changed the way of not only Duel Monsters, but of Fusion Summon." said the voice as the presentation ended and the girls found themselves at the exit as they got off the walkway and proceeded through the door.

Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash had decided to go on their own, well moreso that Fluttershy was scared of being by herself, so she decided to tag along with Rainbow in order to be safe. Eventually the two got on a different escalator as they were heading towards a different section of the Hall of Fame. Soon they arrived at a destination as Fluttershy swiped her visitor's pass and the door opened up.

"Welcome to the History of Synchro Summoning." said another robotic voice.

"Woah!" said Rainbow as she was taken aback by what they saw. The first thing inside this exhibit was a bunch of Duel Runners as she started to remember her trip she took with Isaac and Sunset during their spring break as when they all did some Turbo Dueling.

"Oh my." said Fluttershy as she still remained behind her friend as the two entered the place.

Like with Rarity and Applejack, there was a button that was on a podium as Rainbow Dash pushed it without hesitation. Soon they found themselves on a walkway as the presentation began to play.

"The world of Synchro Summoning is fast, high octane action, and pushing yourself past your limits. Nothing says dueling like tuning monsters together to kick it into high gear. And that is true for when Synchro Summoning was introduced. But more importantly, by several individuals throughout history." Soon the presentation projected a holographic image. "One of the famous duelists to take Synchro Summoning to new heights happened to be a signer. A man by the name of Crow Hogan." The girls then saw an image of the person appear on the walls moving past them as it began to relay some info. "New Domino City was split into two with people living in the city and the others living in a place that was an isolated ghetto called the Satellite. Crow from a young age was a prodigy of the streets and a sort of robin hood. Often time he stole from the rich and other wealthier people, even Sector Security as he had several children who looked up and depended on him. At a young age, he joined forces with several of his best friends as they helped to eliminate all the gangs running around Satellite; but after leaving he would soon wind up several times in the Facility due to his marks on his face."

"How horrible." said Fluttershy as she felt sympathy.

"But he still kept on fighting, and eventually he was soon discovered as the fifth signer as he bared the mark of the Crimson Dragon. He even helped to save the world from the group known as Iliaster alongside his friends, but he also couldn't have done it without the help of his trusty Blackwings." said the voice as a small video was shown of Crow summoning his monsters.

"Man, Penny would have loved to seen another Blackwing user." said Rainbow Dash.

"Synchro duelists aren't just young adults, they can be found in the forms of kids. Especially with these two, Luna and Leo the twins." said the voice as the image of the brother and sister duo appeared. "In the beginning both of the kids lived in the Tops area of the city which was reserved for the wealthy side of society. They spent most of their time together as their parents were usually at work. Despite being the oldest of the two, Leo was lively character, though oftentimes he could be carefree and acted a bit dumbly. Luna on the otherhand, was a polite, sweet, and kind young girl. She often criticize her brother but loved him deeply. Out of the two only one of them was signer and prosed a hidden power; Luna had the ability to sense and communicate with Duel Monster Spirits, her notable spirit partners were Kuribon, Regulus and the Ancient Fairy Dragon. She also was able to travel to the Spirit World due to the connection with the spirits, as well as, had the ability to sense when someone was in danger. All of this was able to show that she was a signer and possessed the mark of the Crimson Dragon. For Luna she wielded a Spirit Deck." mentioned the voice.

"Cute little things." said Fluttershy as she saw some of the cards that were shown in Luna's deck.

"Her brother was the exact opposite as he was a fan of his Morphtronics Deck. His ace was none other than the legendary Power Tool Dragon. While he may not have been a Signer per say, he did serve as the ultimate inspiration for his little sister as she often referred to him as the hero she relied on. So while he may have played the role of the comedy character, he still was an inspiration for future duelists to look up to. Overall the twins proved that just because you're young doesn't mean that you can't be a hero." stated the presentation as it displayed one final image of the siblings with their signature monsters behind them as a small video of them summoning their monster played.

"Not bad for a bunch of half-pints." said Rainbow Dash.

"And together they make a whole pint." smiled Fluttershy.

"Of course, besides our main cast, there were tons more people who revolutionized the world of Synchro Summoning. Some of them were once enemies to our heroes, but eventually they were able to change their ways and soon Synchro was given a new life and since then has been incorporated and improved on by every generation to come." stated the voice as the presentation ended and a few more videos of people synchro summoning played.

The girls found themselves getting off the walkway as they came through the end of the presentation as they saw so many other duelists who existed during the time of the heroes as they too left their mark on Synchro Summoning. With that they exited out of the door and it closed behind them.

Pinkie had gone off to another section, well not really, seems that Luna was hesitant about the young puffy haired girl being by herself, especially since Isaac took off without a trace which meant he wasn't here to keep an eye on her. So she took it upon herself to watch after her student. Eventually the two got on an escalator as they were now heading to another section of the Hall of Fame. Soon they arrived in front of a large door as Luna swiped her card and it opened.

"Welcome to the History of Xyz Summoning." said the voice.

The girls entered and just like the other sections it was lined with stuff used by people who used Xyz summoning.

"Oh, big red button!" said Pinkie as she immediately pushed it.

"Pinkie!" shouted Luna as she already started the presentation and the two listened in as the walkway began to move.

"Xyz Summoning is one of the known and famous methods used by duelists as way to call upon monsters from their Extra Deck. In fact, it is the trickiest summoning method one can learn and even more tricker to master. It involves by vertically stacking two (or more, if needed/possible) monsters with the same Level as the Xyz Monster's Rank, that are listed on it as Xyz Materials. After that, the player Summons the Xyz Monster from the Extra Deck in face-up Attack or Defense Position by placing it on top of the stacked Xyz Materials in an unoccupied Main Monster Zone." said the voice. Soon the presentation switched over to some images of legendary duelists who used Xyz summoning as it began to explain the individuals.

"One of the individuals who was proficient in this type of summoning method was a boy by the name of Reginald Kastle, or more commonly known as Shark. Originally an arrogant and callous person, but overtime he had grown quite humble. He was a mainstay for Duel Monsters as he was both a rival and a friend to the person known as the World Duel Carnival Champion." stated the presentation. "In the beginning he was more of a loner, usually sporting on stoic face/scowl. But he was well respected by his peers and classmates due to his exceptional skills and wielding an Xyz Water Deck. He only ever showed his soft side to two individuals with one of them being his sister, Rio Kastle who was a skillful duelist in her own right. And the other person was the World Duel Carnival Champion himself, who managed to make Shark change his outlook on his life and viewpoint." They looked at the walls that were passing them as a video was playing that showed some of Shark's Xyz summons.

"Say, Vice-principal Luna?" asked Pinkie. "Did you ever meet some of these people?"

"Well, when me and my sister were younger and full time pro duelists. We did manage to meet other duelists beside the big ones. We even dueled them, safe to say they aren't just legendary duelists for nothing." stated Luna. She remembered back to when one of the times she was a a pro that she actually got to duel the young boy.

"However, young Shark was really himself. Turns out he was a reincarnation of an person from the past known as Nash. He was the emperor of the United Lands of the Poseidon Ocean alongside his sister Rio or her reincarnation, Marin. One day their kingdom was attacked by a rival as they laid waste to their society and their people. It turned worst when Nash's sister sacrificed herself to help repel the invaders and allow her brother to live. After that, Nash made it an objective to get back at those that killed his sister. Eventually he found the person in charge by a person named Vector and the two engaged in a Shadow Duel with the highest stakes imaginable. As each time a person's monster was sent to the graveyard, the more soldiers their armies would die. So the result was bloody as Nash defeated Vector who was sent dragged into the afterlife literally by the people he murdered. As the sole survivor of a viscous war, Nash saw that all his loved one were now gone as he gave up his life to join them." said the presentation.

"That's horrible." said Pinkie as her hair now lost its puffiness as she was now sad Pinkie.

"As sad as it is, there's hope, Ms. Pie." stated Luna as she remembered Shark telling her about his tale. She pointed back at the presentation as it began to explain a bit more.

"After giving up his life, he and his sister were reincarnated as Barian Emperors by an evil force known as Don Thousand. Their souls were connected to Mythyrian 'Number' card, which were used to seal Thousand's power. Nash then became the leader of the Seven Barian Emperors, much to Vector's disdain who also had been reborn as a Barian Emperor. Soon all emperors launched an attack on Earth as Nash once again obtained his cold personality. Ultimately they were defeated by the World Duel Carnival Champion himself as his home and was soon revived by the Numeron Code as he was now human." said the presentation as it finished telling his tale.

"So glad he got a happy ending." said Pinkie. Soon another image of a duelist appeared.

"Another duelist that used Xyz summoning so happy to be the best friend of the World Duel Carnival Champion. His name was Bronk Stone; he was a competitive and adamant person who took pleasure in other people's embarrassment, even if it was his own friends." explained the voice as the girls were taking in the info. "He was a strong-willed person who didn't like to show his emotions, but yet he still showed his support to his best friend even though they were times when he believed that he couldn't turn the tide of the duel into his favor. He displayed his skills using a Gearspring Deck." A video then played as it showed Bronk summoning his Xyz monster.

"What a doozy!" said Pinkie.

"Though sometimes not all duelists need to be likeable people, despite having evil intentions at first, the Vetrix family also paved the way with their Xyz Summoning and Number cards. The four members of this family were, Trey, the youngest of the trio and wielded a Chronomaly Deck. Quattro who was the middle child and loved to toy with his opponents using a Gimmick Puppet Deck. And Quinton who was the wise and older brother while displaying his skills with a Space Deck. To them they were lead by their father Vetrix who, had a Heraldic deck, alongside his boys wanted to get revenge for a betrayal and were hell bent on collecting the number cards. Eventually they were stopped by the World Duel Carnival Champion and his friends as he saved his home from a terrible fate and reformed each of them." Pinkie and Luna then saw the presentation play some videos as it showed off some more famous Xyz summons.

"Of course we can't forget about a pro duelist by the name of Nistro who reigned the duel field with his Heroic Deck and his manager Dextra who displayed her grace and beauty using a Photon/Butterfly Deck." said the voice as their pictures came up and a bit of info was explained. "Originally set to capture the Number cards like the Vetrix family, they were hunters. But after several run-ins with the World Duel Carnival, they changed their ways and the battle for all Number cards was settled in the finals of the World Duel Carnival, they turned over a new leaf. With Nistro deciding to become a full time professional and would soon become champion of Spartan City with Dextra being there to make sure he didn't do dumb decisions as his career of being a pro." Once more the video started to play as it showed off both summoning their monsters.

"And these are just a handful of phenomenal duelists who took Xyz summoning to new heights. Of course there was the World Duel Carnival Champion himself. But together, they all changed the game of Duel Monsters forever." finished the voice as the presentation ended and both girls were at the end of the walkway as they both stepped off as the door opened up and they exited out.

Sunset was off by herself as she wanted to see some of the exhibits herself. She had seen a few that caught her eyes; she then looked at her map as there was one room that caught her eye. She began to head in the direction of said room as she was now standing in front of the door. She then swiped her visitor's pass as the door opened and in she went. Inside were several displays of individuals as Sunset took it all in, she then approached the main panel as there was a button that said: Start. She just shrugged her shoulders and gently pressed the button as the displays were now moving as they were holograms and a small text was there for her to read.

"Every great duelist needs a great opponent to take them to the next level. The history of Duel Monsters is often lead by the leaders of each famous summoning method. However, they wouldn't be the greats without some competition. Whether in the form of a best friend, or rival turned ally. Each great legends had someone there to help improve their skills." said Sunset as she read the small prompt. Soon the video projector played as it showed an image of a duelist as it caught Sunset's eye.

"No way. Him, I've met him before." said Sunset as she looked at the hologram.

"Joey Wheeler. One of the best friends of the great King of Games, Yugi Moto. In beginning he was no more than a rookie, even after he became a pro duelist, he still had a lot to learn. But most importantly were the friendships he made with his close pals. To start, Joey was far from being the duelist he would become, he was a beginner that couldn't tell a trap card from a spell card. Not too mention that he relied on luck to help wins his duels; he still does." stated the voice. "But there was no doubt that young Joseph had potential; and that potential along with his legendary Red-Eyes Black Dragon is what soared the young man into new heights." Soon a picture of Red-Eyes appeared behind the hologram of Joey.

"Red-Eyes." said Sunset as she looked at the shot of the iconic duo. "He was the original owner of this monster. I wonder if I'll reach the same level of success as he did using that card." stated the bacon-haired girl as she pulled out her deck and looked at it. A video of Joey summoning Red-Eyes then played.

"Of course, like stated before, every great hero needs a great rival to battle them. And for the King of Games, his greatest rival was none other than Seto Kaiba. Adopted into the Kaiba family as an orphan, Kaiba was at the helm of the world’s largest multi-national gaming conglomerate, KaibaCorp, serving as its majority owner and CEO. An intellectually gifted and innovative computer programmer, engineer, and inventor during his youth, he invented virtual software for playing video games as a young child prodigy. Nonetheless, an estranged relationship with his stepfather and outsmarting him auspiciously led the young Seto towards a seamless corporate takeover of KaibaCorp. With access to vast wealth, technological resources, and a wellspring of scientific and business expertise, Kaiba sought to expand KaibaCorp's business operations not just across Domino City but the entire world."

"Man, talk about deep pockets." said Sunset as she heard this info.

"Yet, Seto Kaiba was also a great duelist that very few could topple let alone survive in a duel. He was also the biggest rival to the King of Games who he often challenged to prove to everyone what he believed in. And that was that he was the greatest player to have ever existed in Duel Monsters. And some said he had a rightful claim to that title, especially since he wielded the legendary Blue-Eyes White Dragon." The image now showed Kaiba alongside his Blue-Eyes in a fierce looking position. "Kaiba was largely considered an anti-hero, as his motives were usually egocentric and his personality traits were selfish and arrogant, but he did sometimes help Yugi and his friends if it was in his best interest." said the voice. "He also didn't fully respect Joey as he felt like he was inferior and often time used the phrase: 'You're a third duelist with a fourth rate deck'." The line was said in Kaiba's voice as it made it sound so much cooler. Soon another video popped up as it showed Kaiba summoning his dragon, even his Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon.

"Moving on." said the voice as the presentation continued on as it displayed the next duelist. "Being a rival doesn't mean you can't be somewhat helpful in aiding your ally/frenemy. And for the greatest fusion summoner, Jaden Yuki, that was none other than the uptight, Chazz Princeton. Chazz was considered Jaden's primary rival in the same effect that Seto Kaiba was the primary rival of Yugi Muto. He was characterized as incredibly arrogant, self-conceited and often petty. Through his evolution, he went from being a duelist who only respected powerful cards to a duelist who believed that there can be effectiveness in any card, specifically shown in his use of Ojama cards." The image then had the three Ojama brothers appear next to him as they all looked like a tough pair despite being weak monsters. "Despite his begrudging use of the cards and his constant annoyance of their presence, Chazz and the Ojamas had developed something of a close companionship, with the latter being incredibly loyal to him. And with him learning to appreciate any card has valued, his deck consisted of mix of weak and powerful cards." Another video began to play as it showed off some cards that Chazz used during his time.

"The next legendary duelist was Satellite's Shooting Star and to him, none were a tougher challenge than his best friend/rival, the Master of Faster, Jack Atlas." The presentation then moved on as it showed a picture of Jack and his rise to the top in the world of Turbo Dueling.

"Turbo Dueling. I still remember that experience." said Sunset as she remembered the trip she took with Isaac and Rainbow Dash.

"Jack Atlas was Yusei Fudo's former rival as well as one of his many friends. He too was one of the Signers with the wings of the Crimson Dragon on his right arm. Jack's personality was similar in that he could be somewhat cold-hearted, and often acted as an anti-hero. Jack was an arrogant man at the beginning who thought of his opponents as little more than entertainment for himself and his audience. As king, he believed in a pursuit philosophy; where that he would drive himself into his own pinches only to crush his opponents with his absolute comeback strategies. However, after losing to his former friend, Jack realizes what he had been missing as king and decided on starting his own journey to becoming a real duelist. Upon meeting Carly Carmine, he realized the error of his ways, and tried to repay Yusei and the others. He also had a great love for ramen that spanned from his early days when he would eat ramen along with his friends." said the presentation. "And for Jack Atlas, the Master of Faster, he had an incredible and powerful monster in the form of the Red Dragon Archfiend." The image now showed Jack's ace monster as it was just as powerful as it looked as a video played for Sunset to watch.

"While many consider Shark to be Yuma Tsukumo's rival, some could make the case for this individual. Kite Tenjo." said the presentation as it switched to the next part as it showed the image of the young boy with a serious look on his face. "Kite Tenjo was the son of Dr. Faker, a Number Hunter, who gathered 'Numbers' for his father in order to help his formerly sick brother, Hart Tenjo. He was assisted by a robot named Orbital 7." The screen in front of Sunset then showed the images of the three for a brief second before moving on with its explanation. "When Hart was cured, he became friends with Yuma and Astral and cooperated with them in the Interdimensional War between the Astral World and Barian World, becoming directly involved with the Legend of the Dragons of Light and Time. After defeating Mizar on the moon, Kite deemed Mizar the true Dragon Tamer and entrusted him to complete his quest after succumbing to the vacuum of space. He was later revived by the power of the Numeron Code."

"Space?" asked Sunset. "Am I really suppose to believe this happened?" stated the girl while quickly shooting a glance at the fourth wall before returning back to the presentation.

"Kite initially carried a pious and self-righteous demeanor as he aimed to crush any opponent with a religious fervor in his duels. He also shared a brotherly bond with Hart similar to that of Seto Kaiba when it came to protecting his younger brother, who was his 'everything', from any danger. Kite clearly cared more about Hart's safety than his own, as he kept using the Photon Transformation to hunt Numbers, not caring that it damaged his body and was constantly ignoring Orbital 7's warnings because he needed the 'Numbers' to heal Hart." explained the presentation. "In the beginning, Kite despised those wielding the Numbers due to Hart's condition and the lies told to him by Mr. Heartland and his father as well. However, during the duel against his own father, Kite found that his reasons for hunting the Numbers were all a lie, his perception of those using such cards was wrong as he stated that all those he hunted were innocent souls. After Hart was cured and having reconciled with his father, Kite showed a much lighter disposition, but remained feeling guilty about the actions he committed when he collected the Numbers. Although Yuma helped to convince him to move on. He also had his trusty Galaxy Eyes Photon Dragon as it was the key to taking down Number cards." Another video began to play as it showed off Kite's skills.

"And the recent entries in the past few years is dedicated to Pendulum Summoning." said the presentation as it had one more piece of info to give. "Declan Akaba is the second CEO of the huge Leo Corporation across the sea. Declan is the youngest Duelist in history to be certified to Duel in the professional circuit, having done so at age 15." said the presentation.

"That young, wow." stated Sunset as she was impressed by that.

"In general, Declan had a grim and serious demeanor, but he took an interest in the pioneer of Pendulum Summoning, Yuya Sakaki. He was utterly polite without fail, save rare moments of a loss in composure. Declan was calm and collected, and was shown to be extremely level-headed and strong-willed. Despite his advanced skills, he was not overly arrogant, merely truthful; he took winning for granted and did not care for other duelists, though that changed after meeting Yuya. While he did not consider empathy as beneficial on the battlefield, he did seem to enjoy himself while Dueling, and even requested Yuya to demonstrate, his father, Yusho's Dueltaining. He was shown to smile when Yuya exerted his full strength. He later admitted that while Yuya's feelings gave birth to a great power, that would not always be the case and emotions could cost one on the battlefield. Eventually, he warmed up to Yuya as he acknowledged his skills." said the presentation as it displayed the image of Declan for Sunset to see. Soon a video then began to play as it displayed Declan's skills and it caused Sunset's eyes to widen.

"If Sombra is like this Declan person, being able to know all the summoning methods. Then I'm glad we where able to defeat him during the Friendship Games; who knows what might have happened if we failed." stated Sunset as she looked at the hologram of Declan. "He's good, and to think that Sombra probably got his inspiration from him." Soon the walkway she was on came to the end of its destination as the presentation was over. "No wonder Isaac looks up to these legends, look at all the rivals and friends them made in their careers." Sunset then exited through the door as it closed behind her.

Twilight had already gone through the Xyz wing of the Hall of Fame about an half an hour ago and was starting to make her way towards the other places she wanted to see.

"Alright, now to check out this section of the place. The rivals of Duel Monsters. Sounds interesting." Twilight was now starting to make her way towards the place that Sunset had been in just a little while ago. She got on an escalator and began to head up, eventually it came to the top as she got off and came to a huge door as she swiped her card as the door opened up for her.

Twilight entered the place and immediately was surprised by what she saw. "Huh? This doesn't seem like the place, did I take a wrong turn?" Twilight looked at her map and saw that she was in a different place than she expected. She then looked up and saw several portraits of female duelists as they all stood side by side. They made have been holograms, but they seemed so life-like. She then noticed a podium as it had a button and a prompt for her to read.

"For every great male duelist, there is a female lead. Whether she's a duelist or not, she tends to be a relatively important part for our main hero. Despite many changes throughout history, the formula that creates a main cast stays relatively the same. Usually they always have a main protagonists which is usually a male character, they have a main rival, they have a main villain, and they also have a main leading lady to some degree." read Twilight. "Well, I mean we sort of follow that rubric." stated Twilight as she began to figure out which one of their friends fell into what category of the formula. "Not to mention we also make up for the low percentage of women duelists, since Isaac's the only guy in our group." She then pushed the button as she finish reading the prompt and soon the magic began. Twilight soon found herself moving on the walkway as the presentation was starting.

"What does history say? Behind every great man there is a great women that follows him. Well, that's partially true. See the legendary duelists are some of the most well renowned people to have every existed, but what kept them going? Was it their drive to be the best, their money, fame, or perhaps their skills? Well, it was all of that, but it also had to do with the person who support them the most. And oftentimes that was the same person that they deeply cared about. To start, let's take a look at the very beginning." The presentation then showed a picture of Yugi for Twilight to see as standing next to him was a girl.

"The great Yugi Moto, or King of Games, was an incredible duelists who swayed the hearts of young girls. With his looks, to his cute, innocent demeanor. To even his voice, he became the attraction of so many young teen girls and women in generally. But there was one person that deeply cared about him and her name was none other than Téa Gardner." Twilight was now looking at the girl as she began to listen. "While she was never a duelist per say, she did usually partake in the game by Yugi and their friends. Téa was very good at dancing and had a dream of becoming a professional dancer, not to mention she was one of Yugi's friends since childhood. Out of the whole group, she served more as the role of a cheerleader as she was the one who lended her support the most to her friends. At time over the years, she harbored secret feelings for her friend, especially once they finished high school. Eventually she got to live her dream and became a dancer as for Yugi he kept his title intact. Years passed and eventually the two met and well... they got together and settled down for the rest of their lives." said the presentation as it now showed images of Yugi and Téa during their later part of their lives.

"Seems Isaac's idol also found love." mentioned Twilight. The scene now changed to a different female as Twilight began to listen.

"The next female lead was in fact a duelist. And she attended a place called Duel Academy as she was ranked as an Obelisk Blue. Despite Jaden Yuki being a Slifer Red, it didn't stop him from catching the attention of a certain girl named Alexis Rhodes." The images now showed a picture of the female duelist as it caught Twilight's attention. "Alexis was generally very confident, sweet, caring, brave and strong willed, yet she did not follow the crowd nor did she regard herself as better than other people like many of her Obelisk peers, though she did show some respect for them. Alexis was known well for her beauty, and many male students demonstrated an infatuation with her. Because she was the most beautiful girl in Duel Academy while also a great duelist, she had earned the names 'Madonna' and 'Queen of Obelisk Blue'. However, she was kind, humble and not prideful, and did not intentionally use her looks to her advantage, which most likely attracted the male students to her even more."

"I mean, I can't blame her." said Twilight as she too admitted that Alexis was pretty.

"Ironically, she actually did developed a crush on Jaden Yuki, whom was one of the few males not to show an infatuation with her. Her crush on him progressively became more obvious and stronger though she never had the courage to tell him. She finally wanted to confess her feelings to him, but decided not to and instead just said she was glad to have met him. He responded with the same thing as the two went about their separate ways for quite awhile. Eventually, years passed and the two did end up getting married. Seems the duel that happened when they were first year students proved right after all as Jaden really did become Alexis' finance. As far as the deck Alexis used it was a Cyber Girl Deck." Soon some images of Jaden and Alexis were shown as it was photos from the time they spent at Duel Academy and all the adventures they both were a part of. There was even a picture of the duel where she was brainwashed into the Society of Light by Sartorius as Jaden defeated her and set her free. A small video played that showed off Alexis summoning her monster.

"The next female duelist was a young women by the name of Akiza Izinski." The image changed once more as it was now showing Twilight a different person. "Known by her nickname as the 'Black Rose', Akiza possessed an extremely strong special ability which set her apart from the rest of humanity, and even the rest of the Signers. This ability enabled her to materialize and bring to life monsters and the effects of Duel Monsters cards, allowing her to freely control them similar to other duelists."

"Physic powers. Well, if me and the rest of the gang weren't use to seeing magic existing, I would find this hard to believe." stated Twilight.

"Initially, Akiza was very insecure and unsure of herself and had a very cold and distant demeanor, a result of spending years being treated as a monster. She viewed everyone around her as her enemy and eventually stopped caring about other people's feelings. It wasn't until Sayer showed her compassion that Akiza began to have hope in her life again. Despite this new feeling of self-worth from Sayer, Akiza's rage at the world continued to grow, which Sayer intentionally drove her towards. After meeting Yusei, Akiza began to question the path she took of distancing herself from normal society. Finding conflicted emotions between both Yusei and Sayer's words, Akiza began to lose her focus and by extension her performance began to slip. When Sayer disappeared and Akiza lost her last 'place' to turn to, her parents, the people who unintentionally drove her down her hate-filled path, showed how sorry they were for their mistakes and wanted her back with loving intentions. With assistance from Yusei this allowed Akiza to finally find peace and be willing to join normal society again."

"Harsh, I can sort of relate to when I was still a student at Crystal Prep Academy. I felt out of place and that nobody seemed to care about me." said Twilight with a soft tone. "But then I met Isaac and he changed my life, just like Yusei did for Akiza."

"After joining Yusei and his friends, Akiza's demeanor had become much more caring, sweet, brave, heroic, kind-hearted, and valuing of true friendship, and she had become more eager to help those close to her whenever possible. Akiza had also developed feelings for Yusei, as many of their friends would point out whenever it came to his safety she often get too worked up. She also deeply cared for children which was one of the many inspirations in her wanted to study medicine and become a doctor." said the presentation as it showed off some achievements by Akiza as she had won several awards in the field of medicine and was proclaimed as one of the best doctors.

"I have the dream of becoming a card designer. Am I going to have any awards let her? Will people hail me as a great card designer?" asked Twilight.

"Eventually the pair got married and settle down back in New Domino City. During the time they were apart, Akiza studied hard as a doctor. While Yusei became a doctor in his own right creating a generator that fueled his beloved city into the new generation; he also still kept on riding as he continued to Turbo Duel. Once the two got engaged, it brought a smile to their faces and to their friends." The presentation then ended with showing Akiza summon her signature dragon.

"Following that, the next person was a girl by the name of Tori Meadows. She was Yuma's best friend since childhood and always traveled with him throughout all his duels despite the dangers. Due to her unyielding personality, she tended to tease Yuma for his mistakes; despite this, she still cared for him and never left his side. Tori wasn't much of a duelist but she still showed her support for her friend." Twilight now saw the image of the girl as the presentation continued. "Tori was a very cheerful girl with the ability to manipulate computers, as demonstrated when their friend Flip framed Yuma and she discovered the whole fiasco. She was also protective and fiercely loyal to Yuma, when she believed in him despite the fact that there was 'undeniable evidence' against him and how she never laughed at Yuma when he challenged the impossible; she admired his unwavering will and determination of constantly challenging himself. Despite the fact that Tori sometimes got annoyed by Yuma's naivety and childish outbursts, she appeared to harbor a deep crush on Yuma, evidenced by how she blushed and became slightly angered when Yuma said some dumb stuff or when she smiled at Yuma's antics. In the end, she mustered up the courage to confess her feelings to the young boy and the two lived a happy life together." It even showed a small clip of Tori, Xyz summoning.

"What a fairytale ending." smiled Twilight as she had a few tears of joy in her eyes as she wiped them. Soon one last image was shown as it was the latest one to be told.

"And the last female leading lady was a girl by the name of Zuzu Boyle. A childhood friend of Yuya Sakaki and gave powerful pep talks. Her father owns the You Show Duel School, a duel school that she and Yuya attended, where they spent their time honing their dueling skills as well as becoming Dueltainers." Twilight was now looking at the image of Zuzu as the photos of her duels and adventures were shown. "Zuzu had a kind, strong-willed personality coupled with an extremely short temper, the latter often resulted in her actions causing huge consequences. One example of this was when she smashed her fists down on the Solid Vision technology computer at the You Show Duel School out of annoyance at how Yuya was Dueling, which ended up destroying the machine. Zuzu also had a tendency to hit people on the head with a paper fan, primarily Yuya and her own father, whenever they did something foolish."

"Maybe I should do something like that whenever Isaac does something stupid and foolish. It may help keep him in line." stated Twilight.

"She is was also quite argumentative, even went so far as to argue with a spectator who insulted Yuya and his father before his Duel with the Sledgehammer, showing that she can be just as defensive and caring of Yuya and his belief in his father. She harbored feelings for Yuya, especially when someone would mention it as she would do her best to deny said feelings. Zuzu's kind, gentle, truthful personality with a strong sense of justice made her the person that people from all over the world adored. She was a fusion duelist who displayed her skills using a Melodious Deck. As she and Yuya got older they started to used their acrobat skills to become successful Dueltainers; eventually they managed to finally get together and recently got engaged. Only time will tell on what the future holds for her and her beloved." said the narration as it showed off a small clip of Zuzu fusion summoning.

"These great female leads all lended their support for the great male duelists of Duel Monsters. And in the end they got to spend the rest of their lives with the person they loved the most." The presentation then ended as Twilight found herself at the end of the walkway as the presentation was over.

"I admit these ladies helped to keep their man in check. And they all got together with the person they deeply cared about, so... what does this mean in terms of my situation? Are me and Isaac going to have something similar or do we just go our separate ways after graduation? I don't know." Twilight then exited out of the room as the door closed behind her.

Twilight had now made it back to the main floor as the others too were arriving.

"Hey, Twilight." called out Sunset. "Man is this place full of history. So, how'd your visit go?"

"It was... interesting. My section was fascinating to say the least." said Twilight.

"No wonder Isaac ran off, with the amount of different sections there are. It's amazing to think he had enough time to see all of them." stated the bacon-haired girl.

"Hey, y'all!" called out Applejack as she and Rarity were coming from another escalator. "Y'all won't believe all the Fusion stuff we saw."

"It's truly extraordinary, darlings."

"Please, you should have seen the Synchro section." stated Rainbow Dash as she and Fluttershy now arrived. "It was filled with tons of cool duelists. Right, Fluttershy?"

"Oh, definitely." said the shy girl in a low tone.

"Oh my gosh, girls. You won't believe it, but Luna knows so many duelists from the Xyz section." said Pinkie as she appeared between the two girls.

"Ahh! Pinkie!" shouted Rainbow. "Don't scare people like that!"

"Hehe, sorry." giggled the pink haired girl as she bounced up and down as Luna was no present.

"Well, it seems you all enjoyed and got to learn something about Duel Monsters' history. Even you Ms. Dash." stated Luna with a smug smile as Rainbow turned red from embarrassment. "Still no Isaac?" asked the vice-principal as the boy still had not shown up since disappearing at the very start.

"Do you think he's lost?" asked Fluttershy.

"No way! That geek would never get lost in a place like this. This looks like a home to him, all these different duelists he looks up to. This is like his own personal heaven." stated Rainbow as she got glares from her comments from the others. "What, it's true."

"Do you reckon we go find the city slicker?" asked Applejack.

"Don't bother. Isaac will join us eventually, now then let's head over to the café. I hear they're serving something special. Also..."

"The gift shop!!!" shouted the girls except Twilight as they were all excited.

"Okay, what's so great about the gift shop?" asked Twilight. Soon the scene changed as she was standing inside of said gift shop. "This is the greatest gift shop ever!!!!!" yelled out Twilight as she couldn't contain her inner excitement.

Isaac was now at the upper, upper levels of the Hall of Fame as he just finished checking out the latest exhibit. After he quickly snuck away from the group in the first 5 seconds, it took him but less than an hour to see all the other exhibits that the girls all went through as he absorbed each detail with a smile on his face. For Isaac, this was the greatest moment of his life. It was like he had found what the meaning of life actually was and he didn't want to ever leave this place. So much rich history that was preserved here and he was walking on this scared, holy ground that generations and generations before him were. Isaac then took another escalator as he was now heading upwards even more; soon he stopped at the top as he was now standing in front of a large door. He looked at his map and it matched with what was in front of him.

"Well, this here is the special wing. The caretaker said that our visitor's pass, aside from Luna's, won't grant us access into the room. Man does that suck. I really wanted to see what is in there." Isaac then looked at the lock pad as he got an idea. "Well, can't hurt to try." Isaac then pulled out his card and then swiped it, for a second nothing happened, but then he heard something.

"Scanning... Access.... D-D-D-Deni... Granted." said the voice as the door was now slowly started to open.

"Wait, what?!" shouted Isaac as he didn't think that his card allowed him to get access into this room. He thought it must have been a mistake, but it was indeed a visitor's pass that he held and he was somehow able to open the room. "Well, you only live once." Isaac then took a deep breath as he stepped inside of the room.

The room was unlike the other exhibits because it was. All around Isaac in the display cases were memorabilia and other stuff used by the legendary duelists of the past. Soon he came to a giant wall that was hung as in the middle he read the name of this room.

"Welcome to the room of the Legendary Duelists. The Big 5." read Isaac. He had to do a double take to make sure that he was reading that right and it was true. Isaac was now in the private section that very few people had access to as this was the place where all the info about the Big 5 were held. He also noticed something scribbled in small writing as he did his best to read it.

"To be qualified as a Yugioh protagonist, you must meet 3 requirements. One, your name must have the letters, YU, in it. Second, you hair must be more than one color. And three, your signature monster must have 2500 attack points." read Isaac as he looked at his name and observed his short black hair. "Oh, well two out of three ain't bad. Am I right, folks?" asked Isaac as he looked at the fourth wall and gave a quick wink at the joke. He then looked back at the panel as he pushed the button in the center.

"Hello, and welcome to the exhibit of the Big 5 duelists. These fine folks took the Dueling World by storm and left their individual mark on the game." said the voice. "Now then what would you like to know?"

"Everything!" responded Isaac immediately as he was now a little kid with a huge smile on his face.

"Very well, let's start with the recent summoning method. Pendulum Summoning. Though it has only been introduced for a few years, it's mostly popular across the sea with ort comrades. Though here's hoping that our side of the world will soon have them transported so that everyone over here can learn about them. Anyways the person who introduced Pendulum Summoning was none other than the pioneer himself..."

"Yuya Sakaki." said Isaac as he finished the sentence and a picture of Yuya came up. Soon some music began to play.

"Yuya Sakaki was a born-entertainer who attended the You Show Duel School to advance his dueling expertise and became a Dueltainer, a specific type of professional Duelist similar to his father. A fun-loving and energetic boy, Yuya is very theatrical and loves to entertain people, traits he seems to have inherited from his father. He idolized and loved his father very much and wishes to become an entertainer like him one day. After his father disappeared during an important match, Yuya was left heartbroken and traumatized by the event because his beloved father was labeled as a 'coward'. During his duel with the Sledgehammer, Yuya proved to be quite clever and skilled in Action Duels, having learned everything from his father. However, after his duel with the Sledgehammer, during which he reportedly 'reinvented' himself, Yuya displayed a more serious demeanor, saving his theatrical persona for his finishing combos. Due to Yuya's initial buffoonery, his friends and other people were often baffled by Yuya's behavior and believed he didn't take things seriously." said the narration.

"Well, when I first met him, I kinda got that kind of vibe." said Isaac.

"Yuya believed that dueling is for the purpose of making people happy, and he was disgusted when it was used for war. As a spectator, he protested against any duel conducted with violence, hatred and/or anger. Eventually he ended the war between dimensions and soon everything was back to normal. He went on to become a successful Dueltainer, and has certainly surpassed his father as he continues to wow the crowd with his skills and Pendulum summoning. Of course, he couldn't be the success he his today without some help from his friends, Gong Strong who used his Strong-Style type of dueling mixed with his Superheavy Samurai deck, Sylvio Sawatari who possessed an Abyss Actor deck and often proclaimed himself to be better than Yuya. Other people that helped Yuya to reach the level of success that he encountered were individuals like Sora Perse who was a fusion summoner, and sort of acted like Yuya's student when he wanted him to teach him, he showed off his skills with his Fluffal/Frightfurs; Shay Obsidian who was a powerful Xyz summoner who used his trusty Raidraptors to soar to new heights and take down his foes; also his fiancé Zuzu Boyle who stood by his side and is the driving force that propelled young Yuya to take his game to the next level. These are a just a few individuals that Yuya was to touch the hearts of. And he often followed his duels with his famous line: 'It's time to swing into action'." The presentation then showed Yuya and his friends as it had photos from their adventures. Soon a video played that showed Yuya pulling off all the known summoning methods.

"Yuya and Pendulum Summoning." said Isaac. He then saw the presentation switch over to another member of the Big 5. Isaac then began to hear some music as the presentation was getting ready to play.

"Yuma Tsukumo was a young Duelist who aspired to be the greatest, despite his amateur skills. He found himself reluctantly partnered with a Dueling spirit called Astral. Together, they pursued the Numbers to recover Astral's scattered memories, becoming a Number Hunter while cultivating his dueling abilities during their adventures. After being victorious in the World Duel Carnival, Yuma became the Duel Champion of Heartland City. He was also the Original Number's other half that was separated from him, during Astral's battle with Don Thousand long ago. As Yuma cooperated with Astral and assisted him in the gathering of his Number cards, Yuma learnt the truths that connect him to his destiny through his beloved father, Kazuma Tsukumo, and became the most important participant in the Interdimensional War between Astral World and Barian World, bringing an end to the hostilities." said the presentation.

"I still remember the duel I had with Yuma. I may have been in Equestria and been a pony at the time, but I got to see and feel firsthand just how good he was." said Isaac.

"Yuma was a hasty, energetic, and cheerful young boy who liked to challenge himself to do anything that seemed impossible, which he normally failed at. Undaunted by his failures, he stated that doing these challenges got him fired up and will eventually accomplish what he sets out to do. Yuma greatly loved his parents and treasured the key they gave him, forthright and honest, Yuma was shown to assist others if they are in trouble, despite their protests. Due to his short-temper and stubbornness, Yuma was easily annoyed, and frequently clashed with Astral. Yuma tended to disobey Astral's instructions when they Duel, which lead to him making mistakes. He only started obeying when he was about to lose, as he believed the duels were his and listening to him would mean he needed help to win. Overtime, Yuma and Astral started working together, mostly after he called Astral his friend." The presentation then showed off some images from Yuma's adventures as Isaac saw the action that two friends went on. "They saved the world several times and because of their actions, we remember them for all they did. Of course, Yuma always did love to say: 'I'm feeling the flow!'." Another video played of Yuma showing off his skills.

"Yuma. Thanks." said Isaac as he looked at his deck and his Chaos Mageía. He then saw the video switch over to another individual as Isaac immediately knew who it was. Especially with the next song that was playing.

"Welcome to Neo Domino City. Where dueling evolved into a petal to the metal, way of life. A life lived in the fast line and no one lives it faster than Satellite's Shooting Star, Yusei Fudo." The image was now showing Yusei as it brought Isaac back memories of the night he 'supposedly' encountered the man and challenged him to a Turbo Duel. "A master mechanic who's dueling metal enabled him to rise from the slums of Satellite and break down the barriers surrounding New Domino City. Yusei's unrelenting desire to make a better world for those around him was the catalyst that sparked a time of renaissance in New Domino City. Everytime he would rev up his duel runner, it was as though he was revving up something deep inside each and every one of those around him." The imaged then showed Yusei being accompanied by his friends and the battles they all fought.

"He inspired people to believe that there was a brighter future in store for all and there was. Especially, once Yusei discovered he was one of five signers linked by destiny to uncover the secrets of the Crimson Dragon. With the power of the Crimson Dragon and unwavering support from his friends, there was no stopping Yusei. Even though there were many who tried like the Dark Signer Roman and his Earthbound Immortal. And Director Goodwin who wanted to destroy the world and rebuild it in his image." Isaac now saw some images of Yusei's battle with the leader of the Dark Signers and Goodwin himself. "Soon thereafter a new threat would arise in the form of three Emperors of Iliaster, who wanted to end humanity as they believed that Synchros would end the world as we know it. When the odds were against Yusei, he always kicked things into overdrive. He had to steer through some hard times, but one thing was for sure. When Yusei was in the driver's seat, you knew the next stop was victory. Especially when he said: 'Let's rev it up'!" said the video package. It then switched over as it showed Yusei summoning his signature monster as well as his other synchros in his deck.

"Yusei, thanks for that great Turbo Duel." Isaac then pulled out some cards from his deck as he had three cards that were given to him by the man as one of them was his Enchantress of Melody and the other two were a secret.

"Now let's meet our next duelist, the star pupil of a school with one major: Duel Monsters. Let us meet, Jaden Yuki." said the presentation as it carried on to the next star as once again some more music played.

"Jaden had every intention to be the best, but when school got hard, Jaden hardly studied. During tests without fair, Jaden always failed." said the voice as it showed pictures of Jaden slacking off and sleeping in class.

"Reminds me of Rainbow." said Isaac.

"He might have not been the most studious of students, but when it came to dueling, he was at the top of his class. Jaden had the rare and special power to communicate with Duel Spirits, such as Yubel and Professor Banner. Jaden used that power to help his friends which was a good thing because they had a tendency to always get in trouble, but it's when the stakes were really high that Jaden truly got his game on. Like the time he took on the fiendish Kagemaru and the Sacred Beasts. Or when he fended off the depraved Sartorius who wanted to turn the world into mindless zombies. And when he schooled Professor Viper, an instructor who had a sinister agenda. And of course Yubel." The images of all of Jaden's adventures were shown to Isaac as he took it all in. "Yes, it's true Jaden never made the honor roll, but he was certainly on a roll when it came to dynamic dueling. Especially his catchphrase: 'Get your game on'!" said the voice. It then showed off some of Jaden's fusion monsters.

"Well, I guess Jaden showed that you don't have to be the smartest person. So long as you have the skills necessary to win a duel." said Isaac. He then started to notice something as he counted the individuals that were still there. "There's four... which means... the last one is..."

"Yugi Moto." said the voice. But the thing was that Isaac's brain didn't register the name Yugi Moto, moreso that his brain was telling him 'King of Games'." In fact, whenever the presentation said Yugi's name, Isaac's brain blocked that name out as it was always replaced by his nickname the King of Games.

"Long ago, when the pyramids were still young, Egyptian Kings played a great and terrible power, but these Shadow Games erupted into a war that threatened to destroy the entire world. Until a brave and powerful Pharaoh locked the magic away imprisoning it within the mystical Millennium items; now 5000 years later, a boy named Yugi unlocks the secret of the Millennium Puzzle. He was infused with ancient magical energies for destiny had chosen him to defend the world from the return of the Shadow Games, just as the brave Pharaoh did 5000 years ago. The ancient Egyptians could have never predicted that their mystical battles would evolve into the most popular card game in the world and to date: Duel Monsters." Images were shown of all kinds of Duel Monsters that got Isaac's eyes to widen. "And one of the best duelist to ever play this game was Yugi Moto; he was always up for a challenge. One day, his grandfather decided to give Yugi his greatest test to date: the impossible task of assembling of a five thousand-year-old artifact known as the Millennium Puzzle. But it wasn't impossible for Yugi, he solved the puzzle and when he did, he also unleashed the power of an ancient pharaoh. The two became great friends." It then showed images of Yugi's adventures and all the villains he faced.

"It wasn't long until Yugi and the Pharaoh would be working together to save the world from all sorts of wicked forces. Like the ruthless Seto Kaiba. And Pegasus, the cold-hearted creator of Duel Monsters who coveted Yugi's Millennium Puzzle. And the most fearful of all, the maniacal Marik Ishtar who wanted to get revenge on the Pharaoh. Yugi fought and won many battles earning him the title that is known by the world over and to this date: the King of Games. And what reign Yugi had! It wasn't long before a whole new generation of duelists would follow in his footsteps and learn the ways of Duel Monsters, but it all started here." The presentation had reached its end and a video played that showed off Isaac's idol.

"The King of Games." said Isaac as he still referred to him by that title and not his actual name. "All these legendary duelists, to think that I've met most of them. Whether by sheer coincidence or not, I'm grateful. But do I deserve to share the same spotlight as these 5. Am I really someone who's going to reach the same status as them? Or is this just fairytale ending I keep telling myself?" said Isaac as he took a step back to look at the huge wall in front of him as the holographic images of the Big 5 were displayed in front of him. Isaac just let out a deep breath as he began to admire his roles models.

Soon a noise was heard as it sounded like someone was crunching something.

"Boy, they really went all out with the presentation." said the person as he was munching on an eggwich.

Isaac looked to his side and saw the person as he blinked. He then turned back to hologram images as he turned back to the person standing next to him as he did several double takes. He then gasped at who was standing there next to him. The person wore a Slifer Red uniform, unbuttoned, and a black shirt underneath. A deck box was strapped above his waistline, largely hidden beneath the lower rim of his jacket. He wore an Academy-issued Duel Disk on his left arm that was customized with red outlines; his brown eyes were positioned directly beneath the bangs of the layer closest to his face and he wore dark pants.

"So what are you doing here, bro?" asked the person.

"W-wait. You're... Jaden Yuki." said Isaac.

"Yeah, so?" stated Jaden as he finished his eggwich and let out a burp as he threw his wrapper away. "No big deal."

"No big deal! Wait, a minute are you real or just a figment of my imagination?" asked Isaac.

"Don't know how to answer that. Never paid much attention to Professor Crowler's lessons." stated Jaden.

"This can't be real, there's no way the real Jaden Yuki would be standing here. Let alone seeing his own Hall of Fame shrine." said Isaac. "Speaking of which, why are you even here?"

"I go everywhere I want, bro." said Jaden as he gave Isaac hard pat on the back as it made his deck fall out of his duel disk.

"My cards!" said Isaac as he bent down and began to scramble on picking them up.

"Sorry about that, let me help." offered Jaden as he too began to pick up some of Isaac's cards. Seems upon touching them, Jaden felt the magic that followed through Isaac and his cards as he detected their bond.

"I think I got them all." said Isaac as he started to count them. "I'm missing one."

"You mean this?" said Jaden as he held the card out for Isaac. "Figure you'd need it for our duel."

"Thanks. I couldn't begin... what? Hang on, did you say duel?" said Isaac as he didn't quite hear what Jaden said.

"Yup." Jaden then pushed a button on a nearby wall as the entire room was now starting to change.

Both boys now saw the walls change as they pushed back a few feet. The floor they were standing on now started to rise a bit into the air as the padding below it morphed into an dueling arena as it then lowered the floor the boys were standing on back into place as they had plenty of room to duel.

"Didn't notice that button there before? And how did he know what it did?" asked Isaac.

"Sweet! Been a while since I've done this. So, got a name kid?" asked Jaden as he began to shuffle his deck and then slotted it in as it combined together and extracted it into a card tray.

"It's Isaac." said the boy as he pulled out his deck and looked at it for a bit. He then let out a breath and slotted it into his duel disk as the autoshuffler kicked in and produced a gold card tray.

"Well, then Isaac. Hope you're ready to get your game on!" said Jaden as he said his famous line and did his signature pose.

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said their duel disks.

Jaden Yuki's Life Points: 4000-

Isaac's Life Points: 4000-

"Let's duel!" shouted both boys.

"You can have the first move." offered Jaden.

Turn 1: Isaac

"Appreciate it." said Isaac. And I better make it count, cause knowing Jaden, this isn't going to be easy. He's a master at Fusion, he's probably already got the cards he needs to win this in his opening hand. Then I better make the most. "I draw! To start I'll play Polymerization to fuse together my Berfomet and Gazelle the King of Mystical Beasts." Isaac then held his three cards high above as their spirits were shown as a vortex appeared behind the boy. Soon the spirits of Gazelle and Berfomet then were sucked into the vortex in a color of purple and orange lights. "I Fusion Summon, Chimera the Flying Mythical Beasts(2100/1800)." Out emerged a two headed creature as it had wings and had a snake for a tail.

"Brings back memories." said Jaden as he began to have some flashbacks.

"I'll end my turn. You're up."

Turn 2: Jaden

"Hey, not bad. But now it's my move, so stand back." stated Jaden as he drew his card. He didn't even look at it as he already knew what it was. "Now let me show you how I do it, I play Polymerization and fuse together my Elemental HERO Clayman and Elemental HERO Sparkman in order to create the Elemental HERO Thunder Giant(2400/1500)!" Out came a HERO monster as the top half of its body was green and was bulker and had electricity flowing through his hands.

"Impressive. With ease he fusion summons a monster." said Isaac. "Mines pale in comparison."

"Now I activate my Elemental HERO Thunder Giant's special ability, now it destroys one monster on your field with attack points that are less than my Thunder Giant. So time to take out your Chimera." said Jaden as he pointed at Isaac's monster. His Thunder Giant then raised his fist and struck the ground a bolt of thunder traveled towards Chimera as it exploded in which Isaac covered himself with his duel disk.

"My Chimera!" shouted Isaac.

"Now to attack!" stated Jaden.

"Well, your monster's not the only one with a special ability. When Chimera is destroyed, I can bring back either Berfomet or Gazelle. So I pick Berfomet in defense mode!" Isaac's monster then rose up in defense mode as it was now in the way of Jaden's monster as it took it out by slamming its fists.

"Nice move, bud. I'd give that an A if I were your teacher." smiled Jaden as he gave Isaac one of his goofy smiles.

"Thanks, but your move was way better than mines." said Isaac.

"Don't doubt yourself just yet. I can see the power you possess." said Jaden as one of his eyes changed color as Isaac noticed this.

"Well, well, Jaden. Seems you found someone who too possess great power." said Yubel who appeared next to the boy.

"Yeah, now to see what the kid's got." stated Jaden.

Turn 3: Isaac

"My turn, and I'll start by playing my Mage Annette(1300/1700) in defense mode. And when she's summoned, I get to draw an extra card." Out came a female kid magician as she wore her white shoulderless dress with a book in her hand as she had glasses on her face that complimented her brunette hair.

"Here you go, Isaac." said Mage Annette as he opened up her book and there was a card inside of it as it levitated towards Isaac.

"Thanks, Annette." said Isaac as he grabbed the card given to him by his magician.

"Hey, she's cute." said Jaden as he was able to see Isaac talk with his magician.

'Huh? Oh right... I forget he can see Duel Monsters spirits." said Isaac as he lightly facepalmed himself. "Well, then I'll throw a facedown and end my turn."

Turn 4: Jaden

"Then it's my move, so here goes something." said Jaden as he drew his card. "I summon Card Trooper(400/400)." Out emerged a robot on Jaden's field as it had a spotlight on its shoulder.

"I activate my trap, Dark Renewal. So now I'll tribute your Card Trooper and my Mage Annette so that I can summon my Dark Magician!" shouted Isaac. A magical coffin then appeared on Isaac's field as it started to absorb Isaac's monster and Jaden's Card Trooper as both monsters were sucked in and it closed. It then opened up as out emerged Isaac's star monster.

"Ah." said Jaden as he felt the power that flowed between Isaac and his monster. "So... this is your power?"

"Yeah." replied Isaac as he knew what Jaden was asking him.

"Well, then. What are you waiting for, hit me with your best shot!" shouted the boy.

Turn 5: Isaac

"Alright, then! Dark Magician attack Thunder Giant! Dark Magic Attack!" shouted Isaac. His magician then raised his staff as he pointed it at Thunder Giant and took it out with ease. The attack caused Jaden to cover his face as he had a smile on his face.
Jaden's Life Points: 3900-

"With that, I'll lay a facedown and call it a turn." stated Isaac. "Wow, I... I... I actually... dealt Jaden damage. I can't believe it, even though he's a legend, I got a hit in."

"Way to play, dude. Top notch move." smiled Jaden as he gave Isaac a thumbs up. "Those are some sweet cards of yours."


Turn 6: Jaden

"Which means if I'm going to win this duel, then I need to step up. So here goes." said Jaden as he drew his card. "I summon Wroughtweiler(800/1200) in defense mode. Then I'll play Mirage of Nightmares, now thanks to this during your turn, I draw till I have four cards in my hand, but come my next turn, I have to discard four cards. So I'll throwdown a facedown and call it."

Turn 7: Isaac

"Then it's my turn." said Isaac as he drew his card.

"Well, speaking of turns, now my spell activates." Jaden then drew until he had four cards in his hand as he smiled at what he got. "Then I'll reveal my facedown, Emergency Provisions so now I'll send Mirage of Nightmares to the graveyard to gain 1000 life points." With that Jaden had managed to pull off a pro move as he not only refilled his hand, but got more health and avoid the consequence of Mirage of Nightmare.
Jaden's Life Points: 4900-

"Wow, what a play." admired Isaac. "Well, let's see if I can follow that up. I'll now play my Magician's Valkyria(1600/1800). Now Magician's Valkyria attack that Wroughtweiler!" shouted Isaac as his monster then pointed her staff at the dog as it blasted it off the field with ease.

"Now Wroughtweiler's effect activates, when it's destroyed, I can bring back an Elemental HERO and Polymerization from my graveyard. So I'll take back my Elemental HERO Sparkman." stated Jaden as his duel disk then slotted out his cards for him to grab.

"Maybe, but now you're defenseless. So Dark Magician attack Jaden directly!" stated Isaac as his monster raised his staff and fired off a spell that made contact with the boy as he put his arms up.
Jaden's Life Points: 2400-

"With that, I'll lay a facedown and end my turn."

Turn 8: Jaden

"Then it's my draw, and I'll play Polymerization once more so that I can fuse my Elemental HERO Avian and Elemental HERO Burstinatrix to form the Elemental HERO Flame Wingman(2100/1200)!" Jaden's two monsters then entered a vortex as they combined together to call upon on his best monster.

"What a monster." said Isaac as he finally got to see Jaden's first fusion monster that he ever summoned with his own eyes.

"Now Flame Wingman attack Magician's Valkyria!" shouted Jaden. His monster then soared into the sky and brought its fist on Isaac's magician as it took her out with ease.
Isaac's Life Points: 3500-

"Then Flame Wingman's special ability activates, since it destroyed a monster in battle, you now take damage equal to its attack points." Flame Wingman then appeared in front of Isaac as he had the dragon fist open its mouth and shot a fire at Isaac as he protected himself from the flame with his arm.
Isaac's Life Points: 1900-

"Master!" shouted Mahad as he saw Isaac being surrounded by fire.

"It's... fine, Mahad." said Isaac as the flames around him stopped as he shook his clothes of the smoke and embers.

"Now I'll play the spell card, E - Emergency Call. Now I can add a monster with 'Elemental HERO' in its name to my hand." Jaden knew what card he wanted as his duel disk slid out his card for him to grab. "With that I'll throwdown a facedown. You're up, Isaac."

Turn 9: Isaac

"My turn, and I'll play of Pot of Greed to draw two cards. Oh yeah, just want I needed. Now I summon Lemon Magician Girl(800/600) in defense mode. And now Dark Magician attack his Flame Wingman!" shouted Isaac as his monster leapt into the air and pointed its staff as Jaden's monster.

"I activate my trap card, A Hero Emerges!" shouted Jaden as his facedown flipped up. "Now since you declared an attack, you now have to pick a card from my hand, but if it's a monster then I can summon it to my field otherwise it goes to the graveyard. So what's your choice?" Jaden's cards then projected in front of him as the backside was shown facing Isaac.

Isaac was looking at the three cards in front of him as he was considering his options. Given that he added Elemental HERO Sparkman to his hand due to Wroughtweiler and that Jaden played his E - Emergency Call last turn to add another Elemental HERO to his hand, it meant that Isaac had a 66% of choosing a monster. The question was would he pick something that was powerful?

"Alright, I'll pick... the card on the left." said Isaac as he made his choice.

"Nice pick, well for me that is. It's my Elemental HERO Neos(2500/2100)!" shouted Jaden as his ace monster was now on the field as he appeared in front of his master.

"Either way, I'm still taking out your Flame Wingman. Mahad, continue your attack!" stated Isaac. Mahad heard Isaac's command as he blasted a spell that took out Flame Wingman.
Jaden's Life Points: 2000-

"And with that, we're now even." said Isaac as he and Jaden had the nearly the same amount of life points by a mere 100 difference. "I end my turn with another facedown ."

Turn 10: Jaden

"Then it's my move, and I'll also play Pot of Greed to draw two more cards. Sweet, I'll play Neos Space!" Soon the entire field started to change as both boys were now surround by constellations and quasars. "Thanks to this sweet field spell, my Neos gains 500 extra attack points. But I'll sup him up even more with this, Neos Force to raise his attack by another 800 points making him have 3800 attack points."

"This doesn't seem good." said Isaac.

"You got that right. Especially cause any monster that my Neos destroys with Neos Force, you then take damage equal to its attack points. So Neos, time to end this duel! Attack Dark Magician!" shouted Jaden. "His monster then leaped into the air and started to create a ball of energy as it looked to finish Isaac off.

"I reveal my facedown Magical Hats! Now if you want to destroy him and end the duel, you'll have to find him first. But be warned cause if you pick the wrong one, then it'll be bad news for you." said Isaac.

"Man, talk about not going down without a fight. I love it!" exclaimed Jaden with excitement. "Alright, Neos attack the hat on the far right." Neos then shot his energy ball as the force of the attack caused a huge explosion to go off that could be heard if anybody else was nearby as it caused both boys to cover up as powerful wind blew over. The hat exploded into smoke as it stayed on the field for a bit, soon something happened as something came out of the hat as it attached to Neos who couldn't move.

"Hey, what gives?" asked Jaden.

"I said to be careful in which hat you chose, cause I also hid another trap card under my hats. And you sprung it with ease, my Spellbinding Circle. Now Neos can't attack and loses 700 attack points, and since my Dark Magician survived the attack, I'll dispel my other hats." said Isaac as his magician returned to the field unharmed.

"Oh, man. I walked right into that one; keeping calm under pressure and then countering me with a great move. You're a good duelist, Isaac." smiled Jaden as he was impressed by the boy. "You're ready for anything and that means not just knowing how to use all of your cards, but knowing how to play them to. And you play your cards well, Isaac."

Isaac had tears in his eye as Jaden said that statement. "Thanks, that means a lot coming from someone as masterful as you. Sorry." said Isaac as he was trying to wipe the tears.

"Hey. Chin up. You're going to do great." smiled Jaden as he knew Isaac would have a bright future.

"Right. I promise to not let you down." smiled Isaac as the boys just enjoyed this moment.

"So then, let's continue our duel. Cause now I play my Neo-Spacian Air Hummingbird(800/600). Now guys, time to work our magic. Hummingbird, Neos. Contact Fusion!!" shouted Jaden as both of his monsters then soared high into the air as they made contact as they fused together. "Please give a warm welcome to Elemental HERO Air Neos(2500/2000)!" Jaden's new monster now appeared as it spreaded its wings as Isaac was in awe at seeing Jaden and his amazing power with his new monster.

"Wow!" said Isaac.

"Now I've shown you my power, so bring whatever you got, Isaac! I'm ready!!" shouted Jaden with a stoic face.

"Alright then! Let's go!!!" yelled out Isaac as he commanded his Dark Magician to charge forward to clash with Jaden's new monster.

Luna was currently in the hallways as she was trying to find Isaac. After the girls had been distracted by the gift shop, she decided to head out on her own to find her lost student. She knew that Isaac had to be somewhere in this giant place as she began to look all over the place. Eventually, while she was passing by she heard some noises coming from a nearby room. Luna then looked up at the name of the room and her eyes widen.

"Well, if Isaac would be anywhere. This would be the place." stated Luna.

Luna then swiped her card as it granted her access with ease. She then stepped in and looked around. Upon first glance it seemed like everything was normal, soon a giant viewing screen came on as it showed Isaac battling, but there was no opponent for her to see. Luna was surprised on seeing Isaac just battling by himself, but soon she felt something. It was the presence of someone she hadn't seen in a longtime and she smiled as it was a dear old friend.

"So... you're guiding young Isaac, huh? Very well." Luna then turned to leave as she closed the door at that exact moment Twilight appeared.

"Vice-principal Luna, where's Isaac? He's still missing." said the nerdy girl as she was getting worried about her boyfriend.

"Calm yourself, Twilight. Isaac is fine, I just saw him." stated Luna.

"Where is he, then?" Twilight then turned towards the door Luna exited as she too heard sounds of battling. "Is he behind the restricted area? What's he doing in there?"

"He's fulfilling his destiny." said Luna.

"His destiny? What are you talking about? Who's in there with him?" asked Twilight as she was now full blown worried.

"No one." answered Luna truthfully.

"No one? Then why do I hear sounds of battling? I need to check up on him." said Twilight as she tried to get past Luna who put her arm out in front of Twilight.

"I'm sorry, Twilight. But you can't interfere. What Isaac is doing right now, is for his benefit and for his future. No one must intrude. And that's not me saying it, it's fate that has decided this." said Luna.

"Fate?" said Twilight as she was confused and scared by what Luna was talking about.

"Isaac will be fine, he's going to be taken care of. We just need to wait for him to finish." said Luna in a calm voice.

"Ok-ay." said Twilight.

"Come along, let's go meet with the others and wait for Isaac." said Luna as he began to lead herself and Twilight away to allow Isaac some peace and quiet. Isaac, you're nearly there. Your destiny is almost fully complete. And... I'm glad to have felt your presence, one last time... old friend. My sister would be jealous she missed the chance to see you again. Take care of my student, he's the future.

Author's Note:

What a rush! This chapter could also be labeled as 'Nostalgia'. So some behind the scene info, when I was making this chapter it took me literally 12 hours to write and edit it. There was so much that I wanted to include when talking about the legends of Duel Monsters/Yugioh that I couldn't fit it all, if I did this would be too much for my brain to possess and try to transcribe it to you guys. So I did my best with mentioning people that almost everybody remembers and tried to give each person a spotlight, and of course those that didn't, I made sure they got an honorable mention. Plus, you won't believe how much time I spent online trying to find clips for each person, but could only get a handful. Regardless, I wanted to create a chapter that everybody could just suspend what's going on in the real world and just look back at some fond memories of our childhood. For us, these characters gave us some stellar moments, and the way they connected with us, just made it all the worth. So here it is, a chapter for everybody to just look back at the characters we fell in love with. This was a feel good chapter. With that, I'll leave you guys to relish in some memories and see you in the next chapter.

P.S. For those that have been paying attention to this story since the beginning, you'll notice that whenever Yugi's name is brought up or mentioned, usually everybody calls him by that. But for Isaac he refers to him by his title 'King of Games' and not his actual name, why is that? Something to really think about.

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