• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 48: The King of Kings

The situation was as is: Isaac competed against Twilight in a heart pounding duel. Then he was able to free Twilight from the evil magic that was controlling her. With that the Friendship Games had come to an end, or so they thought. Because after the Shadow Game ended; Sunset ran to check on the two of them when all of sudden Principal Sombra appeared and was looking to recruit Isaac and Sunset to join them. Naturally they both declined, but Sombra was hell bent on taking away their magic. So both Isaac and Sunset were about to challenge him to handicap duel, until Twilight decided to help them to repay for all the damage she did.

So now the stage was set, it would the team of Isaac, Sunset, and Twilight against the ruthless Principal Sombra. In a Shadow Game, where more than just magic was on the line. Cause should our heroes lose, then there would be nothing to stop Sombra from finishing his ultimate goal. So that leads us to where we're about to start the duel; meanwhile everybody on the outside was watching on another screen as they were about to witness another battle in front of their eyes.

"Hope you're ready to pay for all the damage you've done, Sombra!" said Isaac as he pointed to him.

"You messed with the wrong group of people to piss off." said Sunset as she gave an angry glare.

"On contrary, it will be you three who will fall before me. Because once this Shadow Game starts, there's no stopping until a winner has been decided." exclaimed Sombra.

"Then let's get on with, time to duel!" shouted Isaac.

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said the voice of their duel disks.

Principal Sombra's Life Points: 8000-

Isaac's Life Points: 8000-

Sunset Shimmer's Life Points: 8000-

Twilight Sparkle's Life Points: 8000-

Sombra looked between the three of them and slowly smiled. “I will allow you all to take the first turns. Use them to prepare yourselves.”

“If that’s how you want it.” Sunset looked to the side. “Twilight, go for it.”

Turn 1: Twilight

Twilight swallowed heavily. “Right.” She reached to her duel disk and drew her opening hand, spreading them out in her fingers. "Here goes, draw." Twilight drew her card and looked through her options. "I'll start by summoning my Silver Gadget(1500/1000) in attack mode." Twilight had summoned out a new monster as it appeared in a sphere and then it morphed into a small human like device. "And like every good gadget, it comes with a cool function. My Silver Gadget's ability allows me to special summon another level four machine from my hand, so I get to summon Gold Gadget(1700/800)!" Now Twilight had a similar monster that resembled Silver Gadget.

"Nice. Cool new monsters." said Isaac as he gave Twilight a thumbs up.

Twilight just gave Isaac a quick glance before turning her attention back to the duel to hide a very small amount of red on her cheeks. "Then I'll set one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 2: Sunset

"Looks like I'm up, draw." Sunset drew her card and looked at her hand. "To start, I'll play my Gearfried the Red-Eyes Iron Knight(1800/1600). Then I'll play my spell, Cards of the Red Stone. With this I'll send a level 7 'Red-Eyes' monster from my hand and deck to the graveyard and draw 2 cards." Sunset slotted her card into the graveyard and then picked up cards from her deck. "Then I'll play one card facedown and end my turn. Take it away, Isaac."

Turn 3: Isaac

"With pleasure, ladies. Time to see what I can do, draw" Isaac took his cards and began to access the situation. "I'll start by playing my Queen's Knight in defense mode. Then I'll set two cards facedown. Let's see what you got, Sombra!"

Turn 4: Sombra

"Be careful for what you wish for, Isaac. Because unlike you, I've got a power that is unmatched by anything. Like the power to create the cards I need to win this duel." Sombra smiled as his disk ejected his top card for his draw and he reached down to pick it up.

Sunset turned her head to check on her teammate. Twilight’s hand at her side was shaking, her eyes glued to Sombra. “Twilight.” The other girl looked over at her, and Sunset gave a firm nod. “We can do this.” Twilight inhaled and nodded back.

“Can you?” Sombra said softly, looking over the cards in his hand. “Your confidence is highly misplaced.” He raised his eyes and closed his fingers on two cards. "Now time to show all of you a power like no other, as well as, a new summoning method! I shall begin with this!!" He lifted his cards and flipped them over. “Using the Scale 1 D/D Savant Copernicus and Scale 8 D/D Savant Nikola, I set the Pendulum Scales!”

Sunset’s eyes widened. "What!?"

Twilight let out a gasp. "What did he say?"

"Pendulum what? There's no way that's a thing." exclaimed Isaac as he was unaware what Sombra was doing. Not to mention that he was showing off a new dueling technique.

Beams of blue and red light shot into the air beside Sombra. From the blue rose a massive golden gyroscope, its rings rotating around a central core of bright orange energy. A pair of blue eyes lit up on the outermost ring as the construct slowed and stopped. From the red energy beam came a demonic head emerging from a black cloak encircled by a golden ring. The cloak parted to reveal a red energy core. Sombra chuckled. "I told you'll that I have the power to create new cards; cards that none of you have ever seen before. Would you like to see what they are capable of?” He reached back to his hand. “Allow me to show you. I Pendulum Summon!” Blue and red energy crackled around Copernicus and Nikola, and then shot between them. The energy waves coiled and swirled together above Sombra, forming a circular portal. “From my hand, descend, D/D Orthros(600/1800) and D/D Berfomet(1400/1800)!”

Streaks of blue and orange light shot out of the portal and landed in front of Sombra. From the blue light rose a humanoid canine with two furry grey wolf heads, blue banded armor wrapped around its body and a snake in identical armor curled around its torso. The orange light receded to reveal a figure with a pair of white wings and a black wing emerging from its left arm, its right arm splitting into two sharp claws.

"Amazing, he managed to summon out two monsters in just a single move." said Twilight as she was taken aback.

"How did he do that?" asked Sunset.

"Tell me, where did you get those cards? As far as I know those, a D/D deck doesn't have those types of cards." shouted Isaac.

"Perhaps you didn't hear me when I said my magic was more powerful than yours. I told you that my power is on a whole different level than yours; such as it allows me to create whatever card I want. Like so." snickered Sombra.

"Great, so how do fight someone who can just make up whatever card he wants?"

"You don't, Sunset. That's the beauty of it, now then where were we?" Sombra then hand his arm out. "Ahh, I remember. I activate my D/D Berfomet's special ability, now I chance the level of a monster that I control. I change my Orthros to Level 3.” Orthros briefly lit up in dark orange light. “With that done, I tune my Level 3 Orthros and my Level 4 Berfomet!”

"He can Synchro Summon!?" yelled Twilight as they prepared themselves for what was about to come.

Berfomet glowed green and split into four green rings. The rings floated around Orthros and began to spin, electricity crackling between the rings. Sombra spread his arms in the air. “Demon of feathers and demon of canines, align your power and invoke the form of a storming demon king!” Sombra’s eyes flashed as he grabbed his card from his duel disk. “Synchro Summon! Arise, D/D/D Gust King Alexander(2500/2000)!” The ground in front of Sombra burst apart in a funnel of wind. The winds receded to reveal a towering knight in pale grey armor with a longsword and a flowing green cape. Circular crests on its armor lit up blue as it bellowed and thrust its sword into the air. Sombra smiled and reached to his hand as Alexander descended to the ground. “I now summon D/D Lilith(100/2100).” A thick tendril of plant petals curled out of the ground next to Alexander, and a bloom on the end opened to reveal a feminine figure with glowing yellow eyes. “Summoning Lilith activates its effect, allowing me to return my D/D Orthros to my hand. Further, summoning a D/D monster activates Alexander’s effect, letting me revive my D/D Berfomet.”

Alexander swung its sword to the side and fired a ray of green light from the tip. The light expanded into the form of Berfomet and then faded, revealing the monster kneeling beside it.

“I now overlay my D/D Lilith and my D/D Berfomet! Using my two Level 4 monsters, I construct the overlay network!”

"He can also Xyz summon!?" shouted Sunset as this caused all of them to take a step back.

Lilith and Berfomet turned into nebulous black masses and slid together, the writhing form flashing and undulating. Sombra held a hand out towards them. “Demon of petals and demon of feathers, unite your powers and invoke the form of a crashing demon king!” He clenched his fist and brought it back. “Xyz Summon! Come forth, D/D/D Wave King Caesar(2400/2100, OLU: 2)!” A torrent of water sprayed out of the black mass. It tore apart as Sombra’s monster climbed out, a knight in dark purple and silver armor with a massive broadsword in its two hands and two orbs of blue light orbiting it. It swung the sword out with a loud growl and stepped in line with Alexander. Sombra smiled. “Alas that I do not have the ability to Fusion Summon at the moment, or else I would demonstrate for you the full power of my demon kings. But, no matter – the two I have now will suffice well enough!”

"Fusion, Synchro, and Xyz? He knows them all; not to mention that he has a brand new summoning method that neither of us know the proper counter. How can we win this?" Isaac had a bit of worry as he and the girls looked on.

Sombra pointed across the field. “D/D/D Wave King Caesar, attack Silver Gadget!” Caesar hefted its sword back and charged, the ground shaking with its footsteps.

“I activate my facedown!” Twilight called, reaching to her duel disk. "It's my Spellbook of Denial, now I can negate your attack on my monster!" Twilight’s card projected a shield of glowing white light around Silver Gadget, and it held its dagger up. Caesar’s attack struck the barrier and Silver Gadget swung its weapon to knock it back, the monster landing in front of Sombra.

“Very well.” Sombra gave a short nod and then turned his eyes from Twilight. “Let us see if your ally has comparable defenses. D/D/D Gust King Alexander, attack Gearfried the Red-Eyes Iron Knight!” Alexander leapt into the air and dove toward Sunset, its sword over its head.

"She may not have something, but I do!" Isaac called as he touched his screen. "I'll reveal my facedown, Misdirection now by sending a card from my hand to the grave, I can destroy your Alexander!" Isaac's card sparked and sent a lightning bolt up at Alexander.

"Still trying to play the hero; well I'll admit it's admirable that you're trying to protect these girls like you're their knight in shining armor." Sombra then turned back to the duel. “I will respond with the effect of Wave King Caesar.” Sombra tapped his duel disk screen. Caesar flung its hand out, and one of the two lights orbiting it came into its palm and dispersed in a spray of particles. “By detaching my D/D Berfomet as an Xyz Material, Caesar will revive all destroyed monsters at the end the current Battle Phase, but I will take one thousand points of damage for each revived monster at the start of the next turn.” Alexander lit up blue as the lightning struck it. It convulsed and exploded.

“I end the Battle Phase, and my Alexander returns to me from the graveyard.” A flurry of wind next to Caesar appeared and dispersed, revealing Alexander again. Sombra held up a card and set it on his duel disk. “I will set one card and end my turn.”

Turn 5: Twilight

Sunset let out a breath. "Thanks, Isaac."

Isaac return with a smile. "Anytime, Sunny."

Sunset had a quick blush before she started to think. We got through that unscathed. She looked at the field display on her duel disk and smiled. He may have some new cards, but those monsters aren’t, so the only way he’s getting them back if we destroy them is with Caesar, and that comes with a payment. Speaking of…

“My turn.” Twilight drew and paused. “During my Standby Phase, the negative effect of Wave King Caesar inflicts a thousand damage to you!”

Caesar glowed red, and red sparks flew from Sombra’s duel disk. He closed his eyes and grunted at the sensation.
Sombra's Life Points: 7000-

As the red faded, Sombra smiled. “Good.” He flipped a card in his hand over. “You recall I returned my D/D Orthros to my hand, I’m sure. Since I just took damage, Orthros summons itself to my side of the field in defense mode.” Sombra set his card on his tray and the two-headed canine rose next to Caesar out of a blue portal. “Summoning Orthros activates the effect of D/D/D Gust King Alexander, allowing me to revive my D/D Lilith.” Another portal, teal, opened and Lilith rose from it. “This then activates Lilith’s effect, returning my D/D Berfomet from my graveyard to my hand.”

“Have him, draw.” Twilight replied. "I'll then sacrifice my two gadgets to summon out my Emperor of Prophecy(2300/2000). Then I play my Spellbook of Ruling, with this I send the top two cards of my deck to the grave. Then I can destroy two cards on the field, so I'll choose your Alexander and Caesar."

“And I will activate the effect of Caesar, detaching its second Xyz Material to revive my destroyed D/D monsters at the end of your battle phase.” Sombra tapped his duel disk and the second blue orb surround Caesar dispersed.

"But for now, they’re gone.” Emperor pointed his staff out and fired two beams of yellow light as it carried out the effect of Twilight's card. The beams struck Alexander and Caesar and they dissolved in flashes of light.

Twilight’s duel disk beeped, drawing her attention to it. She reached down and took a card from her graveyard. “One of the two cards I milled for my Spellbook’s effect was Prophecy Destroyer(2500/1200). When he’s in my graveyard, I can summon him to my field by banishing 3 'Spellbooks' spell cards.” A figure with huge wings and looked like the devil appeared as it wielded a powerful sword.

“I also will be activating an effect.” Sombra reached to his deck. “When my Wave King Caesar is removed from the field, I can add a Dark Contract card from my deck to my hand.” Sombra’s card ejected into his fingers and he flipped it over. “I will take this, Dark Contract With the Gate.”

“Fine. As for me, I’ll have my Prophecy Destroyer and my Emperor attack your monsters." Twilight's monsters then leaped up high into the air as they had gotten rid of Sombra's monsters with ease.

Sombra gave a small sniff. “As a Pendulum monster, my D/D Orthros goes to the Extra Deck, not the graveyard.”

"What!?" shouted Sunset and Twilight.

"Interesting." Isaac was a bit intrigued with Sombra's new cards and how they functioned.

“I end my Battle Phase,” Twilight said.

“And when you do, my Lilith, Alexander and Caesar are revived.” Sombra smiled as his monsters rose from the ground in swirls of petals, wind, and water. “And since Lilith was summoned once again, her effect activates to add D/D Orthros from my Extra Deck to my hand.”

Twilight nodded. “I set a card and end my turn.” She looked over at Sunset.

Turn 6: Sunset

“My move.” Sunset put a hand on her duel disk. He’s going to keep recycling his monsters over and over with Lilith and Alexander. I need to put a stop to it now. She drew and paused. “It’s my Standby Phase, so you take a thousand damage for each monster revived by Caesar last turn.”

Sombra’s monsters sparked and lit up red.

“I think not.” Sombra calmly reached a finger out and tapped the screen of his duel disk. “I activate my trap card, Life Regeneration. Since I am about to take damage from a card effect, this trap reverses that damage and restores my life points by the same amount.” The red aura around Sombra’s monsters shifted to blue, and the light flowed off of them and around him, swirling into his duel disk.
Sombra's Life Points: 10,000-

Sunset grit her teeth. “Damn.”

“I am not one to make such reckless plays without a form of insurance,” Sombra said. “That is wisdom I advise you to heed, Sunset Shimmer.”

“Thanks for the concern, but I’ve got this covered!” Sunset replied. "Now I'll play me facedown card, Return of the Red-Eyes. Since I control a 'Red-Eyes' monster, I can bring back a normal monster from my graveyard. So rise up, Red-Eyes Black Dragon!" Sunset now called on her pet dragon as it descend from the sky and landed by its master and let out a roar. "Next I'll activate the effect of my Black Metal Dragon, so I'll equip it onto my Red-Eyes to give him 600 more attack points. Now my dragon is strong enough to take down your Alexander,” Sunset called.

Sombra’s eyebrows lifted slightly. “Indeed he is. You had best do so promptly then, before my turn approaches.”

He’s way too calm… Sunset tensed. She looked over the cards in front of Sombra. He has no face-down cards, and the only cards in his hand are ones I know. Still, I don’t know what his deck is fully capable of. She shook her head. It doesn’t matter. I can’t leave a monster that powerful in play. "Red-Eyes, attack D/D/D Gust King Alexander!”
Sombra's Life Points: 9500-

"Next I'll play my spell Ruthless Aggression, I can activate this card when a monster of mine destroys one of your own. First you take damage equal to the defense points of the monster that was destroyed, and then I can give up an attack of one of my monsters to allow my other monster to conduct another attack."

“I am afraid not.” Sombra lifted his head and smiled. The orange energy turned blue as it struck him and surrounded him. “You see, the benefits of my Life Regeneration trap persists for the rest of the turn I activate it. So I’m afraid the damaging effect of your spell will also be reversed.” The blue aura faded and Red-Eyes stepped back with a scowl.
Sombra's Life Points: 11,500-

Sunset grunted. “Now what?”

“Well, there is still the matter that your turn is not over.” Sombra waved a hand. “You are entitled to attack with Red-Eyes twice, as I recall.”

And then when I destroy Lilith, he’ll regenerate another round of Life Points. Sunset’s hand clenched.“Red-Eyes also attacks D/D Lilith!”

Adagium twirled her mace and swung it up and into Lilith, pitching her back to shatter on impact with the ground.

“And thus do I regain her defense points as Life Points.” Sombra lit up blue again.
Sombra's Life Points: 13,600-

"I end my turn."

"Nearly fourteen thousand…” Twilight whispered.

Turn 7: Isaac

“He’s not staying that high for long! Draw!” Isaac thrust his hand out. "Now I'll play Graceful Charity, so I'll pick up three cards and discard two." Isaac added more cards to his hand and then selected which ones he wanted to get rid of. "Now one of the cards I drew was my Watapon, so I'm allowed to summon him due to his effect. Then I'll sacrifice both of my monsters to play my most loyal companion; appear Dark Magician!" Isaac's two monsters then disappeared as his most powerful spellcaster made his presence known as he floated in front of his master.

"The magic I sense from our opponent is a powerful one, be careful master."

"Don't worry, Mahad. I'll be fine."

"Wait, Isaac did you just speak with your monster?" said Sunset as she had a shocked expression.

"Woah, woah, woah. You can actually see and hear him? That's awesome! Sunset, I'd like you to meet Mahad; he's the spirit of my Dark Magician."

"Pleasure to make your acquaintance, Miss Shimmer." Mahad gave a respectful bow for Sunset.

"Ok, this is really getting freaky. How is this possible?" Sunset was still trying to comprehend how she could actually talk to Isaac's monster as if he was physically there.

"It's the same thing that happened in my duel against Isaac. I could see his monsters' spirits as if they existed, but how?" Now Twilight was the one confused as she was trying to find the answer on how both of them could see the spirit of Isaac's monster.

"Maybe, cause we're in a Shadow Game. These kinds of things happened in past as they actually used the spirits of Duel Monsters to battle. Look we could have a long discussion as to why this is happening, but right now we need to focus on defeating Sombra. Are you guys with me?" Both girls nodded as they just accepted that Isaac could talk with his monsters; Isaac then turned back to face Sombra. "Now since you no monsters to protect you, I'll have my Dark Magician attack you directly. Mahad, Dark Magic Attack!" Isaac commanded his spellcaster as it raised his wand and delivered a massive blow to Sombra's points.
Sombra's Life Points: 11,100-

"I end my turn."

Turn 8: Sombra

“Then it is my turn again.” Sombra drew and reached to his hand. "I was content on taking you out Isaac. But after a recent set of events, I've suddenly found my attention drawn to Sunset. Time to make you pay for rejecting my offer! I’ll begin with this card I’m sure you’re expecting, the continuous spell card Dark Contract with the Gate.” A demonic hand rose from the ground in front of Sombra, clutching a contract written in ancient script. “This affords me the right to add a D/D monster from my deck to my hand once per turn, but I will take a thousand points of damage during my Standby Phase. I will invoke this power now.” Sombra’s deck lit up green and a card ejected; he grabbed it and held it up. “I will add D/D/D Supreme King Kaiser to my hand. “I then invoke the power of the monsters in my Pendulum Zones!” Sombra held up three cards. “Using the Scale 1 D/D Savant Copernicus and Scale 8 D/D Savant Nikola, I Pendulum Summon!” The swirling blue and red vortex that opened between Sombra’s floating monsters shot three streaks of light out, colored orange, blue, and red. “From my hand, I summon D/D Orthros, D/D Berfomet, and D/D/D Supreme King Kaiser(2800/2100)!”

Berfomet and Orthros kneeled on either side of Sombra’s newest monster. Clad in bright silver armor with a flowing red cape and kilt, Kaiser towered over the two, yellow eyes glowing in the shadowed opening of a silver helmet with spikes lining the bottom. Kaiser reached behind its back and swung out a massive curved blade as long as it was tall, gripping the handle with both hands. “Since it was Pendulum Summoned, the effect of Supreme King Kaiser activates.” Sombra snapped his fingers. “For the rest of this turn, the effects of all face-up cards on my opponent’s field are negated!” Kaiser drew back its sword and swung, sending a wave of red energy across the field. Twilight’s Emperor of Prophecy/Prophecy Destroyer sparked red and dulled in color, while the same happened to Sunset’s Gearfried and Black Metal Dragon.

“We’re defenseless!” Twilight hissed.

“Quite right, but I am not yet prepared to attack.” Sombra held up the last card in his hand. “I activate the continuous spell card, Dark Contract with the Swamp King. This allows me to conduct a Fusion Summon using monsters in my hand or field once per turn. But, if I am summoning a D/D monster, I can also banish monsters in my graveyard for the fusion. I will do so now, and fuse the Lilith and Alexander in my graveyard!” Above Sombra, a purple vortex spun out of empty air. The spectres of Lilith and Alexander appeared before him and were drawn into it. “Demon of petals and demon of gales, combine your powers and invoke the form of a miraculous demon king!” Sombra thrust his hand out, his card appearing in his hand in green light. “Fusion Summon! Awaken, D/D/D Oracle King d’Arc(2800/2000)!” A monster in slim silver and gold armor descended out of the fusion portal, a pair of leathery wings spreading into the air behind it. She raised her head, a silver mask covering her eyes with a small pair of wings emerging from the sides, and thrust a slender sword into the air with a cry.

Sombra looked down at his field. “And then of course, there is the matter of Berfomet and Orthros to see to, but I’m sure you already know what is to be done with them. Using my two Level 4 monsters, I construct the overlay network!” Berfomet and Orthros turned into a viscous black mass and pooled together, swirling up into a familiar form. “Demon of feathers and demon of canines, unite your powers and invoke the form of a crashing demon king!” Sombra’s eyes flashed. “Xyz Summon! Come forth, D/D/D Wave King Caesar!” The black mass receded, revealing Sombra’s monster, purple armor shining and sword held over its shoulder.

“For the moment, my Pendulum Monsters have served their purpose. And so, I have no further need of them.” Sombra waved his hand towards his central monster. “I activate the effect of D/D/D Supreme King Kaiser. During the turn it was Pendulum Summoned, I can destroy two spell or trap cards on my side of the field, and Kaiser can perform an additional attack for each. I destroy the two cards in my Pendulum Zones!” Kaiser held its sword up, the metal gleaming. Sombra’s Copernicus and Nikola lit up red and the light pillars around them vanished. The two turned into energy and glowed into Kaiser’s sword, the metal glowing bright red.

"So Pendulum cards, are also spell cards? Now they've really got my attention." exclaimed Isaac as he was fascinated by how pendulum monsters worked.

“And now, my Battle Phase!” Sombra thrust his hand out. “D/D/D Supreme King Kaiser, attack Red-Eyes Black Dragon!” Kaiser charged across the field, sword raised. It jumped in front of Red-Eyes, bringing the blade down over it. Red-Eyes screeched as it was bisected and shattered, a blast of wind washing over Sunset, her arm raised to shield her face. “Next, I attack Gearfried the Red-Eyes Iron Knight!” Kaiser pivoted on its heel and sliced through Gearfried, the monster exploding.
Sunset's Life Points: 6600-

"Now you're defenseless, time to wipe out the rest of your life points. Kaiser attacks you directly!”

Sunset looked up as Kaiser stomped toward her, eyes gleaming in its helmet. It lifted the sword and swung it down. The ground cracked under the impact, Sunset tumbling backward.

“D/D/D Oracle King d’Arc, attack Sunset directly as well!”

D’Arc coiled its legs and sprinted forward, sword held back. Sunset sat up as the monster reached her, and she dove away as its sword stabbed into the ground, dirt and grass flying.
Sunset's Life Points: 1000-

Sombra let out a low chuckle. “A pity for you that I have one monster still left to attack.” Opposite him, Sunset pushed herself onto her hands and knees and looked over her shoulder. Sombra gave a small smirk. “You did your best, Sunset. But your best wasn’t enough.” He thrust his hand out. “D/D/D Wave King Caesar, attack Sunset directly!” Caesar ran forward and leapt, twirling its sword over its head.

"Sunset!" called out Isaac as he put his arm out.

Sunset looked at her duel disk. There must be something I can do… no face-downs, nothing in my hand. She raised her head to Caesar. No… Sunset was preparing to meet her fate.

“Activate trap card!”

Sombra’s eyes widened and he snapped his head to the side. Sunset looked over, as well as Isaac.


Hand on her duel disk, hologram shimmering in front of her, Twilight looked up at the descending Caesar. “I can activate Call of the Earthbound when you declare an attack. For this battle, I can select your attack target! I make Wave King Caesar attack Prophecy Destroyer!" Destroyer vanished from in front of Twilight and reappeared above Sunset, sword raised between its palms. Caesar’s sword struck it and cleaved through it, Destroyer shattering after.
Twilight's Life Points: 7700-

“Twilight…” Sunset climbed to her feet and smiled. “You saved me.”

Twilight nodded. “Of course. I’m not going to let my teammate lose if I can help it.”

“A touching but futile effort.” Sombra’s voice prompted the two to turn their attention back to him. He folded his arms over his chest. “My Life Points are over eleven thousand and my field is full of powerful monsters, while one of you clings with a handful of points and neither of you has any monsters left at all. Except for Isaac.” Wisps of green energy coming from his eyes, Sombra shook his head. “This duel is as good as over for the both of you.”

Turn 9: Twilight

Twilight put a hand on her deck. “My turn.” She drew and looked at her card, then set it on her duel disk. “I activate the spell card, Pot of Greed. ” Twilight’s deck ejected two cards, then she picked them up. "Then I'll summon my Amores of Prophecy(300/2000) in defense mode. Then I'll play my Spellbook of Secrets and with it I'll add a 'Spellbook' from my deck to my hand." Twilight then touched her screen as she looked through her deck to select the card she wanted. "Next I'll reveal my Spellbook of Destruction, to summon my Charioteer of Prophecy(1800/1300)." Twilight now had a total of three spellcasters on her field. "Next I'll play my Spellbook of Destruction, and like the name suggest it can destroy a card I choose. So I'll tribute my Charioteer of Prophecy and destroy a monster on your side of the field." Twilight pointed. “I choose your Wave King Caesar!”

“I will activate Caesar’s ability.” Sombra tapped the screen of his duel disk and one of the blue orbs floating around Caesar dispersed and rained down over it. “By detaching one of its Xyz Materials, any destroyed monsters will be revived at the end of your Battle Phase.” Twilight's spell struck Caesar and it shattered in a burst of light. Sombra took a card from his duel disk. “And since Caesar was sent to the graveyard, I will use its effect to add another Dark Contract with the Gate to my hand.”

Twilight nodded. "I set a card and end my turn. Since I didn’t conduct my Battle Phase, your Caesar isn’t revived."

Turn 10: Sunset

Sunset looked back at Sombra. “It’s my turn, now.” She drew and set her card on her duel disk. "I'll play my Black Stone of Legend(0/0). Then I'll activate my monster's effect, by tributing this card, I can special summon one level 7 or lower 'Red-Eyes' monster from my deck. So I choose my Red-Eyes Alternative Black Dragon(2400/2000)!" Sunset now had a monster out on her field as she was raring to go. "Next I'll play my spell card, Inferno Fire Blast. Now you'll take damage equal to my Red-Eyes' attack points."

“You insult me, Sunset.” Sombra snorted. The ghostly image of Oracle King d’Arc appeared in front of him and the lightning passed through it, turning blue before it hit Sombra. “Did you not think I would maintain a defense against that effect? As long as my Oracle King d’Arc is on the field, any effect damage I take is reversed into healing.”
Sombra's Life Points: 13,500-

"Then I'll takes things up a notch by playing Polymerization and with I'll combine my Red-Eyes with the Summoned Skull in my hand. I Fusion Summon, B. Skull Dragon(3200/2500)!" Out on Sunset's field was a creature that had a dragon skeleton body as the wings on its back unfolded and spread as it let out a mighty roar. "Now B. Skull Dragon, take out his D/D/D Supreme King Kaiser!” B. Skull Dragon flapped its wings and flew across the field and opened its mouth as it shot fire balls. The attack shot and struck Kaiser, the silver-armored demon groaning and stumbling. B. Skull Dragon reached it and slammed its claws into its chest, sending Kaiser falling back to shatter as it hit the ground.
Sombra's Life Points: 13,100-

"I'll then end my turn."

Turn 11: Isaac

"Time for me to takeover." Isaac drew his cards and assessed the situation in front of him. Both Twilight and Sunset had managed to dwindle down Sombra's field, so that he could get in there and deal some massive damage. He knew he couldn't let them down. "Now I'll play the spell Bond Between Teacher and Student, now since I have Dark Magician on my field, I can call upon my Dark Magician Girl!" Isaac played his card on his card tray and out came a stunning female spellcaster who struck a pose before looking around.

"Oh my, it looks like we have quite the tough-looking foe on our hands."

"Do not falter, Mana. With us and our master joining forces, victory is assured!"

"Mahad is right, the three of us have faced even tougher opponents. We even faced some power hungry lunatics who were bent on shaping reality." Isaac then realized what he said as he quickly looked behind to see Sunset and Twilight giving him looks. "No offense, girls."

"None taken." said Sunset. "So this is the two spirits that you're constantly allows talking to. Nice to finally meet them, even if it's not under normal circumstances."

"Pleasure to meet both of you; I must say that Isaac picked some wonderful girls to hang out and get close to." Mana gave both Sunset and Twilight a wink that made both of them blush a bit as they understood what she was saying. Isaac was just confused as to what his Dark Magician Girl had just told them as he was scratching his head.

"Mana, I told you before to not do things that will embrass the master." Mahad was starting to give his student a stern talk.

"And I told you Mahad that...."

Soon it evolved in Isaac's two magicians starting to argue and bicker amongst themselves. Isaac just had a smile on his face as he did his best to dissolve the issue and get his monsters back on the same page. Meanwhile, Sunset and Twilight were just watching the scene play out in front of them as they watched the three of them interact with smiles on their face.

"That's Isaac for you. Always enjoying himself with his monsters, even when they're bickering they all stay friends. It's one of his many qualities that I found rather charming." said Sunset as she began to twirl her hair a bit.

"Yeah, I can sense the bond that he shares with his monsters. It creates a wonderful feeling; I'm starting to understand what he means when he says that he sees his monsters as his friends. They've got a connection like no other." Twilight was now finding another reason why Isaac was catching her interest, yet she didn't know why.

Isaac had just managed to get his monster to refocus as they stared back at Sombra. "Due to my spell, I'll set a card which is my Dark Magic Twin Burst. But it won't stay facedown for long, because I'll then activate it. Now my Dark Magician Girl gives my Dark Magician a power boost that's equal to her attack points. So now his strength is 4500. So go my magicians, take out Sombra and his monster!"

"It's time."

"Right-- to kick some butt!" shouted Mana.

Dark Magician then raised its staff as it shot a powerful blast that took out Oracle King d’Arc; Dark Magician Girl then pointed her wand at Sombra as she fired off a powerful shot, but not before giving him a wink. The magical attacks hit Sombra and he stepped back with a grunt. He stumbled and collapsed to the ground.
Sombra's Life Points: 9800-

"I'll then end my turn." Isaac’s monsters rested on his field as the face-down card materialized behind them.

Turn 12: Sombra

Sombra slowly climbed to his feet, breathing deeply. He reached to his deck and drew. “Impressive. My turn.”

“And since it’s your Standby Phase, you take a thousand points of damage for your Dark Contract cards,” Sunset called.

Sombra looked down at the two hands emerging from the ground, the contracts in their hands glowing red. His body lit up in the same light and he cried out as he was shocked.
Sombra's Life Points: 7800-

“Well done indeed,” Sombra hissed. He sneered and reached to his hand. “Your perseverance in the face of superior ability is admirable. But I won’t allow an upstart to think they can control this duel.” His eyes lit up bright green. “I consider your efforts a personal insult, now. An insult that will not stand.”

Sunset tensed. Oh no.

“I activate a second copy of Dark Contract with the Gate, and invoke the power of both copies to add two D/D monsters from my deck to my hand!” Sombra’s eyes flared brighter. His deck glowed the same green as two cards materialized on top of it and slid into his fingers. He grabbed the cards and held them in the air. “Using the Scale 0 D/D/D Crystal Queen Frashokereti and Scale 13 D/D/D Crystal King Fimbulwinter, I set the Pendulum Scales!” The ground shook. The cards in Sombra’s hand vanished and reappeared above him, rays of blue and red light shining from them. The card in the blue light shifted and grew, forming a purple-skinned demon in a deep blue cloak and long blue hair, her lower body vanishing into an orb of blue light. In the red light, the other card turned into a grey-skinned demon in a red cloak with black hair, its lower body connecting to an orb of red light. Both of their eyes lit up green as pillars of light rose around them, blue and red.

“Scales of zero and thirteen?” Twilight whispered. “He could summon anything!”

“Yes, but now I will summon this.” Sombra set his drawn card on his duel disk. “I summon D/D Nighthowl(300/600).” A large pair of disembodied jaws with rows of fangs appeared on Sombra’s field (300/600). “When Nighthowl is summoned, I can revive a D/D monster in the graveyard. Return to my field, Oracle King d’Arc!” Nighthowl turned its jaws and fired a ray of dark light at the ground, d’Arc rising within it. Sombra swept his hand out. “And then, I tune my Level 3 D/D Nighthowl with my Level 7 D/D/D Oracle King d’Arc!” Nighthowl split into three green rings and circled d’Arc as a cyclone of wind rose around them. Sombra’s eyes glowed green. “Demon of fangs and demon of miracles, align your powers and invoke the form of an indomitable storming demon king!” Sombra held his hand out to the side, his card appearing in his fingers. “Synchro Summon! Arise, D/D/D Gust High King Alexander(3000/2500)!”

A massive silver and green sword sliced through the cyclone, dispersing it and revealing a demonic knight in gleaming silver and red armor, orbs on the armor glowing bright blue. A flowing green cape fluttering on its back as it hefted its sword and bellowed. “I now invoke the powers of my Pendulum monsters.” Sombra thrust his hand out. “Pendulum Summon! From my Extra Deck, come forth D/D Savant Nikola and D/D Savant Copernicus!” The Pendulum Summoning portal opened between Sombra’s Pendulums, glowing red, blue, and green. Nikola and Copernicus descended to his field, Nikola’s cloak rustling and Copernicus’ gyroscope slowing to a halt. “Since I have summoned a D/D monster, the effect of Gust High King Alexander activates, reviving my D/D Berfomet in the graveyard.” Alexander pointed its sword at the ground and a rush of wind heralded the appearance of Berfomet, kneeling. “I then activate the effect of Berfomet to change the level of my Copernicus to 6.” Copernicus’ gyroscope clicked and turned, the orange core in the center glowing brighter.

“I overlay my D/D Savant Copernicus and D/D Savant Nikola! Using my two Level 6 monsters, I construct the overlay network!” Nikola retracted until it was only its red power core and floated into Copernicus, its gyroscope spinning as dark energy consumed it. “Demon of astronomy and demon of technology, unite your powers and invoke the form of an indomitable crashing demon king!” Sombra thrust his hand into the air. “Xyz Summon! Come forth, D/D/D Wave High King Caesar(2800/1800)!” A column of water burst up out of the combination of Sombra’s monsters. The waters lowered to reveal a massive demon in blue and grey armor, a large spiked club in its hands. It swung the club into the ground, creating a tremor, and then spun it back onto its shoulders. “Finally, I activate the effect of Dark Contract with the Swamp King. I banish D/D Berfomet and D/D/D Supreme King Kaiser in my graveyard to perform a Fusion Summon!” The two monsters appeared above Sombra and swirled together in a purple vortex. “Demon of feathers and demon of conquest, combine your powers and invoke the form of an indomitable blazing demon king!” Sombra held his card up. “Fusion Summon! Awaken, D/D/D Flame High King Genghis(2800/2400)!” A spiral of flame erupted from the vortex and washed over Sombra’s field. They dispersed to reveal a demon in black armor, red and blue bands wrapped around its limbs. Four arms raised three flaming swords and a shield into the air and clanged them together, then swept them out.

Sombra chuckled softly as his three monsters glowed in front of him, his eyes flashing green. “Now that my monsters are set, I will invoke the powers of my Pendulum monsters. First, D/D/D Crystal Queen Frashokereti. Once per turn, I can destroy a Dark Contract card on my side of the field, and add another Dark Contract with a different name from my deck to my hand. I destroy Dark Contract with the Swamp King, and add to my hand Dark Contract with the Eternal Darkness". Frashokereti glowed with a blue aura, her cloak fluttering and her power core flashing. One of the hands in front of Sombra holding a contract glowed the same light and retracted into the ground. Sombra’s duel disk beeped and ejected a card to his hand.

He looked at Sunset and Isaac, a small frown on his lips. “A pity that your monsters have provided you such potent protection, or else I would eliminate you from this duel. But, no matter.” He turned his eyes to the side. “Your partner’s defenses are far easier to circumvent.” Twilight tensed as Sombra thrust his hand toward her. “I will activate the Pendulum effect of D/D/D Crystal King Fimbulwinter! By destroying a Dark Contract on my side of the field, I can destroy a card on my opponent’s side of the field! I dispose of Dark Contract with the Gate and destroy Twilight's set card!” Twilight gasped. Above Sombra, Fimbulwinter glowed red. A hand in front of Sombra turned into red energy and was sucked up into Fimbulwinter’s power core. The orb flashed and fired a ray of red light across the field. The hologram of Twilight’s trap sparked and exploded as the light struck it.

“And now.” Sombra’s outstretched hand clenched into a fist. D/D/D Flame High King Genghis, attack Emperor of Prophecy!” Genghis ran forward, its three swords twirling in the air over its head. It reached Emperor and brought the blades down in a tri-directional cleave. Emperor shrieked and shattered. “Next, D/D/D Wave King Caesar, attack Amores of Prophecy!” Caesar charged, the ground shaking under its steps, and swung its massive sword through Amores. Amores was bisected and exploded. “Now your monsters are gone.” Sombra sniffed. “I do believe this is the time to note the effect of D/D/D Gust High King Alexander. Since I control three D/D/D monsters, Alexander gains three thousand attack points.” He pointed at Twilight. “D/D/D Gust King Alexander, attack Twilight Sparkle directly!” Alexander raised its sword, gusts of wind swirling around it, and jumped across the field. Twilight’s eyes widened. Alexander’s sword lit up blue and green, the two colors trailing around the blade. Alexander descended on Twilight and slammed its sword into her, sending her flying back in a wave of wind and water.
Twilight's Life Points: 1200-

“Twilight!” Sunset ran over to her and knelt. Water dripped from her hair and small cuts were dotted around her uniform where the winds had torn them. Sunset checked her breath and saw that she was just knocked unconscious as she looked back at Isaac with thumbs up.

Isaac then turned back to Sombra with a face full of fury. "You sadistic son of bitch! How dare you do that to Twilight!? She has no business with you, this is between me and you. Leave her out of this!"

"My it seems I've touched a sensitive spot; you must really care for her seeing as how you haven't know each other for that long. Besides, if I recalled correctly, she decided to get involved and you did nothing to stop her. So this fault is on her, but more importantly on you. You put her in harms ways, you live with that!" Sombra then put a card facedown.

"I'm going to end you! You hear me, Sombra! You'll pay for hurting my friends!" Isaac's rage then started to show as his magic/aura was starting to manifest. Sunset saw this and made her way to Isaac as she grabbed his hand to calm him down. It worked as Isaac saw the look in Sunset's eyes and it reminded him that they needed to defeat Sombra to end this madness.

"Now lets continue. I believe I'll end my turn and pass it over to Twilight." Sombra then had a sly smile. "Oh my, it seems Twilight is unable to compete, oh well if she can't stand, she can't duel. Then I guess it will pass to Miss Sunset. Make your move, Sunset Shimmer,” Sombra said loudly.

Turn 13: Sunset

Sunset put her hand over her deck and glared at Sombra. "You're going to pay for that! Draw!" Sunset drew her card. "Now I'll play the ritual spell card, Red-Eyes Transmigration. So I'll send my Red-Eyes Baby Dragon and Red-Eyes Wyvern to perform a ritual summon." Sunset's two monsters then disappeared in a flash of light as they were combined together and out came her brand new monster. "I play my Lord of Red! Then I'll have my B. Skull Dragon attack your D/D/D High Gust King Alexander! Molten Fireball Attack!"

"Not going to happen! I'll activate my Dimension Prison, now I can banish your monster entirely from the duel!" shouted Sombra.

"No!" Sunset was forced to watch as her most powerful monster was none gone within a matter of seconds. She looked back at her hand and saw nothing else she could do. "I'll set a card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 14: Isaac

"My turn, I'll play the spell Pot of Duality. Now I can excavate the top 3 cards of my deck and add 1 of them to my hand. Then I shuffle the rest back into my deck; however because I activated this card, I can no longer special summon this turn." Isaac's duel disk then showed him his choices and after careful thinking he touched his screen as he selected his choice and grabbed his card. "I'll then play my Magician Valkyria in defense mode. Then finally I'll play the spell Double Summon and with I'll bring out my King's Knight also in defense. Then I'll switch my magicians to defense before throwing one card facedown."

Turn 15: Sombra

“That’s it?” Sombra snorted. “A pitiful display from both of you. Is this the limit of how far your powers can take you?” He reached to his deck and his eyes glowed green. “Very well, then. Let us end this.” He drew, his card bright green in his hand. “During my Standby Phase, the effects of my two Dark Contracts each inflict a thousand points of damage to my Life Points. But, as I’m sure you’re aware, such inconveniences are disagreeable to me. I thus use the effect of D/D/D Crystal Queen Frashokereti. Any effect damage inflicted to me by a Dark Contract card is reversed to healing.” Sombra spread his hands as Frashokereti fired a blue beam of energy at him, his body glowing.
Sombra's Life Points: 9800-

Sunset held up her hand. “I’ll then use the effect of my Lord of Red. Once per turn, during either player's turn, whenever a card or effect is activated, he can target 1 spell/trap card on the field and destroy it. I destroy your Dark Contract with the Gate!” Lord of Red raised its hands as it shot a powerful fire attack that burned up Sombra's card.

“No matter. I do not need further monsters than what I have.” Sombra turned over his drawn card. “I activate the spell card, Dark Contract with the Crystal King.” A crystal hand rose from the field at Sombra’s feet and unfurled a rolled piece of parchment, the text glowing red. “For this turn, my D/D/D monsters are forbidden from performing direct attacks. However, for each spell and trap card I control at the start of my Battle Phase, a D/D/D monster can perform two attacks on monsters. Then at the end of the Battle Phase, for every two monsters they defeated, I can destroy a spell or trap card on the field.” Sombra thrust his hand out. “And to start things off, I'll finish off Sunset by getting rid of her only monster. Let us begin! D/D/D Gust High King Alexander, attack Magician Valkyria and wipe out Sunset's remaining life points!”

Sunset stood there with fear as she had nothing to save her. It was all over for her.

"No! I'll send Kuriboh from my hand so that Sunset takes no battle damage this turn. Her monster may be destroyed, but at least her life points will be safe!"

"Isaac?" Sunset looked at Isaac as she couldn't believe what he just did.

Kuriboh then appeared in front of Isaac. "Protect her buddy." Kuriboh understood its orders as it gave Isaac a salute.

Kuriboh then appeared beside Sunset as it gave her a rub before stepping forward with her Lord of Red as they did everything in their power to protect Sunset from the maximum force of the attack. Alexander swung its sword and sent a wave of wind across the field. Kuriboh and Lord of Red recoiled and braced themselves as it struck them, the two eventually tumbling back and shattering. They both were obliterated and the attack threw Sunset for a loop and caused her to fall on her back and loses conscious just like Twilight. Now it was Isaac all by himself.

"You may have saved Sunset, but at what cost!? She can't even stand up to fight!" growled Sombra. “Next, D/D/D Wave High King Caesar, attack King's Knight and Dark Magician Girl!” Caesar slammed its sword into the ground and a tidal wave washed over the field, striking King's Knight and Dark Magician Girl and carried them away to be lost under the water. “Finally, D/D/D Flame High King Genghis, attack Dark Magician!” Genghis pointed its swords out and shot two streams of flame from the tips. Mahad cried out as the blasts wrapped around him before they exploded. Sombra’s contract lit up. “I end my Battle Phase. The effect of my Dark Contract now allows me to destroy up to two spell or trap cards.” Sombra pointed at each card as he spoke. “I destroy Sunset's set card and your set card on the right.” The light of the contract shot two orbs of red light at Sunset and Isaac.

“I end my turn.” Sombra crossed his arms. “Nothing on the field, nothing in your hands. And no teammates or friends to back you up. Face it, Isaac. You're all alone! There's nothing you can do! Take your final turn before this duel ends.”

Turn 16: Isaac

"All this pain, all this suffering! You're the one to blame, Sombra. It's people like you that I despise; people who think they can use innocent lives and get away with it! Well not today, I will defeat you Sombra! You bet your ass I will!"

Sombra was unimpressed. "I respect your desire to fight to the end, but you must be real with yourself. Nothing can help you now, I proved that my magic is superior to yours and now you and everybody here at both schools will pay the price!"

"No!" Isaac then stared at Sombra. "It's like you said my magic is strong. Well I believe that my magic is stronger than yours and I'm going to prove it now!"

You insult me, Isaac.”

“Oh, I’m going to do more than insult you!” Isaac snapped. His body lit up red as he reached to his deck. “I’m going to beat you and win your magic from you. Not to use it, but to make sure you can’t anymore! To make sure someone like you can’t abuse their powers to hurt anyone ever again!” Isaac’s arm tensed. “For the sake of both our schools, Sombra, this is your end!" Isaac's eyes then began to glow as he felt the surge of energy flow through him. "Now before I draw, I'll activate a card from the grave!"

"From the grave!? What do you mean!?"

"Thanks Sombra by getting rid of our entire spell and trap cards, you cleared the way for me to win. Because you destroyed a card that Twilight set earlier and was waiting for it to be gone, so that its effect could kick in. I activate Spellbook of Harmony!" Soon lots of lights started to shoot out from Twilight's card as it started to surround Isaac and Sombra.

"What's going on!?" shouted Sombra.

"I'll show you, now by paying half my life points, this card allow me to destroy every single card on the field!"

Sombra’s eyes widened. “What?”

Isaac glared at Sombra as he issued the order. “Destroy everything in sight!” Soon the entire field was caught in a blindly white light as it decimated everything. Isaac smiled. "Now it’s your field that has been wiped out.”
Isaac's Life Points: 4000-

As the smoke cleared, Sombra lower his arm and sneered. “Not quite.”

Above him, two glowing silhouettes emerged from the shadows, one red and one blue. Isaac recoiled as he recognized them. “Your Pendulums?”

“Not anymore.” Sombra spread his hands. “When my D/D/D Crystal Queen Frashokereti(3500/3200) and D/D/D Crystal King Fimbulwinter(4000/4000) are destroyed while in my Pendulum Zones together, I can summon them to the field as monsters.” Frashokereti’s cloak settled around her, her blue power core gleaming. Next to her, Fimbulwinter chuckled deeply, its eyes and core glowing red. "A bold last ditch effort, I'll admit I was caught off guard. But I was also prepared; you took your best shot and missed! HA! HA!"

Isaac still had a smile on his face as Sombra gloated. "Who said I was done with my turn? I have still yet to draw."

"It doesn't matter what you draw, my monsters will wipe you out on the next turn!"

"Don't be so sure!" Isaac then drew his card. "I'll activate the spell, Card of Sanctity. Now we each draw until we each are holding six cards in our hands. This is for my friends, here we go!" Isaac's powered flowed into his deck as it shined the brightest it had ever been as it was filled with all the colors of the rainbow; he drew his cards which created an arch. "Now it's my turn, I'll set the Pendulum Scale with Scale 1 Sorcerer Swordsman and Scale 8 Mirage Magician. I'm taking control of this duel, starting now."

"You can't use Pendulum cards!?"

Sure enough Isaac's duel disk registered what he was doing as he placed the Pendulum cards on the far side of his card tray as the word 'Pendulum' in rainbow coloring spelled out to signal it worked. Isaac's two cards then appeared in columns of light as they stood still as the numbers showed in front of them. "Now I'll activate my Sorcerer Swordsman's Pendulum ability, I can return any number of monsters in my graveyard to my hand so long as they fall in between the scale! So I'll add my Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl!" Isaac's cards then slotted out as he added them to his deck. "With that done, it's showtime. I'm allowed to summon monsters from level 2 through 7, all at the same time. Swing far Pendulum, carve the arc that will lead me to victory! My monsters are ready, to swing into action!" Isaac then thrusted his hand into the air as his monsters were summoned. "Taking first position is none other than Dark Magician of Chaos. Make for the lady of the hour, Dark Magician Girl! And lastly, please give a warm welcome to the star monster of the show, Dark Magician!" Now Isaac had three more monsters on his field as he looked at Sombra.

“An impressive line-up,” Sombra said. “But what do you think it accomplishes beyond grandstanding?”

Isaac closed his eyes and inhaled. “I’ve used this deck to master Fusion Summoning, Synchro Summoning, Xyz Summoning, and even created Pendulum Summoning. If this is the power my bond with my friends and their bonds with each other can produce, then it really is capable of anything. And everything.” He snapped his eyes open, rainbow light shining bright. “I combine the power of all magicians on my field!” The three monsters rose up, floating level with Isaac’s Pendulum monsters. Strands of light in seven colors whirled around each of them, the seven glowing brighter and brighter. As one, the lights shot into the sky as a rainbow of light, the clouds of the Shadow Game parting. Isaac put his hand over his duel disk, magic pulsing over him as swirls of light ran over his limbs. "I harmonize the spirits of my monsters, and open the dimensional gates to call upon a shining spirit of hope.” Isaac’s magic burst into a spectacle of colors. “Unitatis Summon! Ascend, Harmony Magician Warlock!”

The rainbow light vanished, the new monster hovering in the air where it had been. Out came a powerful looking spellcaster as its robes were covered in vibrant colors and wielded a staff that was full of powerful magic as it had the seven symbols of friendship floating around the top. It wore a golden hat with sun emblems crossed each other as the being spread his hands, sending more rays of light out.

Sombra gaped. “Unitatis Summon?”

Both Twilight and Sunset awoke at that very moment and took in the sight that was in front of them. The had never seen anything like this as the light that radiated off of Isaac's new monster filled them with warmth and made the bruises they suffered become a thing of the past. “It’s beautiful…” they both said.

Eyes shimmering, Isaac held his hand out. “Harmony Magician Warlock can be summoned by tributing any number of spellcasters on my side of the field, be they in the Monster or Pendulum Zones. For each card tributed from a Monster Zone, he gains that monster’s attack points, and for each card tributed from a Pendulum Zone, he gains an additional attack this turn.”

Sombra gasped. “Then, with all five…”

“The combined power of Dark Magician of Chaos, Dark Magician Girl, and my Dark Magician is transferred to Harmony Magician Warlock. So his total attack power is 7300. And by the power of Mirage Magician and Sorcerer Swordsman, he can attack three times.”

Isaac nodded firmly. “Harmony Magician Warlock, attack D/D/D Crystal Queen Frashokereti and D/D/D Crystal King Fimbulwinter!” Harmony Magician Warlock raised its arms and fired two beams of gold magic. The beams struck Sombra’s two monsters and they lit up gold. Sombra stared, horrified, as their power cores cracked apart, light shining from them, and shattered, the monsters exploding.

“No!” Sombra growled as Harmony Magician Warlock loomed above him, his arms brought together to form an orb of light. “This can't be possible! Your magic can't defeat mine!”

“Yes, it can. I’d explain how, but I have a feeling you wouldn’t understand.” Eyes blazing with rainbow light, hair and clothing fluttering behind him, Isaac thrust out his hand. “Harmony Magician Warlock, attack Sombra directly!” Magician Warlock spread its hands and the orb of light between them fired forward. Sombra screamed and raised his hands as the light impacted him, swirls of rainbow light erupting around it. His eyes and hands lit up with green magic, flickering rapidly.

Green light shot into the air around Sombra, piercing the clouds of the Shadow Game. The purple mist rapidly faded, the evening sky shining down. Around the field the spectators of Canterlot High and Crystal Prep reappeared beyond the darkness, watching the field. Isaac's monster dissolved and the light faded. Sombra, head tilted back, eyes bright green, let out a weak groan. The green faded and he fell to his knees before collapsing to the ground.
Sombra's Life Points: 0-
Winners: Isaac, Sunset, and Twilight

Sunset and Twilight stared at the fallen form of the Crystal Prep principal. Sombra lay on the grass across from them, moaning weakly. Isaac looked at the two new cards he had drawn and gave them a smile. "Thank you, my friends." Then the cards started to fade away and disappeared into thousands of little particles as soon Isaac was holding nothing.

“Sombra?” The three turned their heads and watched as Dean Cadance ran onto the field and knelt next to him. The Shadowbolts approached them and watched as the two spoke. Isaac’s friends clustered around him and Sunset, chattering loudly. “What happened?” Rainbow’s voice rose above the others and they fell silent as they waited for Sunset to answer.

“Sombra challenged us to a duel for our magic,” Sunset whispered. “But Twilight, Isaac, and I beat him together.”

“Together?” Pinkie gasped. “Wowee, that must have been a heck of a show!”

Across the field, Sombra, having stood up with Cadance’s assistance, said something to her and then began walking toward Twilight, Isaac, and Sunset, the Shadowbolts behind them. The three tensed as he approached, but Isaac’s expression softened as he examined his face. He looks confused.

“Twilight. Isaac.” Sombra bowed his head. “I see that you were able to conclude your duel.”

The two shared a look before Twilight answered. “Yes. Isaac won.”

"He did now, well then I'm sure it was quite a contest." Sombra then stuck his hand out for Isaac to shake. "Congratulations, Mr. Isaac."

Sunset gasped softly, her eyes widening. He’s lost his magic. Then… “You didn’t see their duel?”

“Not that I can recall.” Sombra frowned, his eyes looking away. “I am uncertain as to why. This tournament is quite important to me. But, if Twilight admits to her loss, I will accept her word.” He tilted his head and gave Twilight a knowing look. “She has been rather persistent in her efforts to overcome you, Isaac.”

Isaac then shook Sombra's hand. "Thank you for your praises, Principal Sombra. Despite this being one of the weirdest Friendship Games to take place, I'll admit this has been the most fun duels I've experienced so far." Isaac then looked at his friends and then at Twilight. "Besides, I got to experience it with my friends and that's good enough for me."

Footsteps caused both groups to look over at Celestia and Luna stepping across the field. "A fine display of both skill and honor. I'm so happy that this event has revitalized what the Friendship Games are suppose to be about. I knew I made the right decision about choosing you as the captain for Canterlot High." Celestia smiled at her as well. “You didn’t just win a duel, Isaac. You’ve won the Friendship Games on the behalf of Canterlot High. You have done well, Isaac. And I couldn't be more proud of you."

"Thanks, Celestia."

The stands of CHS erupted in cheers. Isaac looked up at them as Sombra let go of his hand and awkwardly waved, causing the cheers to grow louder. Rainbow Dash and Applejack whooped, Rainbow throwing her arm over Fluttershy’s shoulder.

Chuckling softly, Celestia turned to Sombra and shook his hand. “Thank you for coming, Principal Sombra.”

Sombra turned her hand and gently pressed his lips to it. “And thank you for hosting us, Principal Celestia. I look forward to the next Friendship Games.”

“As do I.”

Sombra released Celestia’s hand and looked at the students behind him. “Be good sports. We are duelists, after all.”

The Wondercolts and Shadowbolts looked at each other cautiously. They stepped toward each other, and the Shadowbolts looked at Isaac. Soon they all put their hands out and Isaac and his friends all did the same as they returned the gesture. They each exchanged gratitude for putting on some high octane action duels; and gave each other praises. Each of the Shadowbolts, then took a chance to speak with Isaac as they applauded him for showing his skills as a crafty duelist for not only thinking twelve steps ahead, but also catching each one of them by surprise in their individual duels. Isaac just told them that he didn't do much but just change his friend's decks so that they would fit the situation. Safe to say that the Friendship Games was a success as it brought the two schools closer than ever before. Soon it was time for the awards ceremony and Celestia and Sombra both awarded all members of Team Canterlot High with medals around their neck. Once everybody got their medals, they all stood before the large crowd of students and took a bow with Isaac in the middle as tons of confetti, balloons, streamers, and even fireworks went off to celebrate such a momentous occasion.

Soon everybody broke into the school auditorium as Pinkie was hosting one hell of a party. The atmosphere was so electric that everybody was getting along with each other. Some of the students between Crystal Prep and Canterlot High even exchanged dueling tips amongst each other. Twilight was sitting down on the stage as she looked at the party happening in front of her; she was taking in the view until Cadance came in front of her.

"I guess that was one way to finish up the Friendship Games. I guess you'll be thinking about applying to your independent study program."

"I've been thinking about it and... I'm not so sure now is the time for me to apply."

"Really?" asked Cadance as she raised an eyebrow.

"I may know about a lot of things and dueling, but friendship isn't really one of them. And I'm definitely not gonna learn more about it by being alone all the time." Twilight was then staring at Sunset and her group of friends.

"So, you're staying at Crystal Prep?"

"Well, it seems the students here at CHS know an awful lot about the subject. I don't suppose..." trailed Twilight as she shifted a bit to her side.

Cadance knew what she was suggesting and she couldn't be more happy for her. "You could transfer to this school instead."


Cadance just gave her a smile. "You'd certainly be missed at Crystal Prep. But I think that's a great idea! I'll be sure to speak to Principal Celestia about it right away." Sure enough Cadance spoke with Twilight about the issue and sure enough Celestia was ecstatic that she accepted Twilight's transfer in a heartbeat.

Meanwhile, Sunset and her friends were talking with each other as they discussed the events that happened.

"So, talk about a school event that we'll remembered for a while." said Rainbow as she was eating a cupcake.

"You're telling me, the wear and tear on my wardrobe will take me days to get out." Rarity then began to look at her outfit as she was in disgust at how she looked. However, the other girls just simply rolled their eyes as they saw Rarity's clothes were fine.

"So what are we going to do about the magic?" asked Applejack.

"I'm not sure; but I think I have an idea on how it may work. We power up when we're showing the truest part of ourselves. I was so busy waiting for someone else to give me the answers that I gave up looking for them myself. I'm sure that we'll face tons of new magical problems in the future. But I know that as long as we have each other and remember the bond between us all, we'll overcome it no matter." All the girls agreed with what Sunset was telling them.

Just then Celestia approached them as she was being accompanied by Twilight. "It seems we have a new Wondercolt here at Canterlot High!"

"I know I haven't been the nicest to you girls, but I want to change. Plus I now know there's more to dueling that just numbers/stats. Maybe all of you could teach me something; I'm not sure how much help I could be. But I'd like to try. If you would all give me a chance."

Celestia smiled at the sight in front of her. "I'm sure I can count on you girls to help her feel at home."

"You sure can." Sunset and the rest of the girls then pulled Twilight into a giant group hug as Pinkie let out a squee.

Looking over the group, Sombra swept his arm to gesture to the stairs off the field. “Come along, students. We should get going.” The Shadowbolts slowly migrated towards Sombra and fell in line with Cadance leading them away.

Shining Armor said goodbye to his sister as he told her to be safe and that he would see her back at home. With that Twilight gave her brother a hug and waved goodbye to her fellow Shadowbolts and classmates. Soon all of Canterlot High did the same as they watched Crystal Prep board the buses and the limo as they waved goodbye to their fellow competitors.

While all this was happening, Pinkie suddenly thought of something. "Hang on a minute, where's Isaac?"

Isaac had managed to slip away from the party as he was now standing on top of the roof as sitting on the edge. He was taking in the scene in front of him with the sun slowly starting to set behind the horizon. He was letting the warmth of the rays of light soak in as it felt good. His scratches and bruises and healed up for the most part, but they still showed on his face. Isaac was still wearing the cap that Celestia gave him as he felt it matched with his signature look/hoodie. Nevertheless, Isaac was enjoying the small bit of silence as he wanted to enjoy some peace. Isaac eventually saw that Crystal Prep were leaving as they boarded their vehicles and he saw his friends along with Twilight waving goodbye. His gaze remained on them until they disappeared out of his view. Isaac let out a sigh as he was glad things were back to somewhat normal; Mahad and Mana then made their presence known as their spirits appeared before Isaac.

"Well, we did it. I couldn't have done it without you two and everybody else; thanks for everything."

"We just doing our duty, master."

Mahad then smiled which shocked Isaac and Mana. Sure in the past, Mahad had smiled, but this was the first time he geniunue did it on his own accord and it made both of them chuckle. Soon both Mahad and Mana decided to sit next to their master on each of his side as they compelled themselves to watch the sunset with Isaac as they took in the peace. Isaac knew that there was still a tons of things that needed answers and there would be situations his magic would rise up. But that was for another time, right now he just wanted to relax.

Author's Note:

Well we finally did it. The way the schedule worked out between writing this chapter weeks ago and publishing it, it landed on none other than the final day of this year. Just want to say to everybody, Happy New Year's Eve/Day and hopeful this new year will be better than the one we just experienced. However, just because this arc is done, doesn't mean we're done with this story. So till then have a safe New Years and I'll see you all soon.

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