• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 71: The City of Brotherly Love

After Isaac's duel, the other girls took their positions as they begun to battle. Pinkie and Fluttershy engaged in a battle that ended in a tie. Sunset and Applejack went all out in a burtal fight, but in the end it was Applejack who had managed to come out on top. After the final duel, Celestia and Luna then asked their students to take a bow as the kids cheered them for providing them with some quality entertainment. The sponsors were very impressed with the group, especially Isaac as they pulled him aside and talked about he might want to consider becoming a pro after graduation and gave him their business card should he select them to sponsor his career. Isaac just merely said he'll think about it. Regardless, the Canterlot group was successful in that they were able to help the kids gain the funds necessary to give them Duel Monster cards. With that they waved goodbye as they returned back to their hotel.

Celestia allowed them to sight see some more as a reward for all they did. Thankfully, there weren't leaving until tomorrow afternoon so it allowed Rarity a chance to purchase tickets to see Hinny in the Hills on Bridleway. Everyone was excited, but it took the combined efforts of Twilight and Rarity to literally drag Isaac to see the show. After that the group explored more of the city until it was nighttime. It was now about 10 in the morning as everybody packed their stuff, with that they got into the SUVs and drove to the airport to where their private jet was waiting for them. With that they got on board and took their seats as they prepared for Luna and Celestia's next meeting.

"First of all, you'll did an incredible job putting on some show stopping duels for those kids. Now they'll be receiving aid from the dueling community and can start their journey as duelists." said Celestia as she and her sister had a smile on their faces. "We're so proud of all of you."

Isaac and the girls just all gave each other high fives as they felt proud that they could help those kids. Soon Luna got their attention as went over their next stop.

"Now then, our next stop will be none other than Fillydelphia. And our target will be here," Luna then touched a section of the city as it displayed another school. "This school prides itself on showing its students the history of dueling and even brings in some pro duelists from their busy schedule to give these kids a quick lesson in dueling. We'll be doing much more than that."

"Indeed, Luna. See for this school, each one of you will sub in for a teacher and lecture these kids about dueling in general. Now some will be paired up, but your overall goal will be to see if you can get these kids to learn something new."

Once, Celestia finished her statement, immediately all the girls looked at Isaac. Isaac was scared at how his friends were all looking at him with their eyes.

"What!?" shouted Isaac.

"I call Isaac!" said Dash in a quick tone as she now appeared next to him. Soon the other girls made their move as they all tried to stake their claim on being partnered up with Isaac. Isaac was now being surrounded by the girls and trying to fend them off while Luna and Celestia just giggled at what they saw.

"Enough girls!" exclaimed Celestia. "I've already made the arrangements on who will be teaching what. Both Applejack and Fluttershy will be paired up and be teaching the kids in class 101. Twilight will be teaching class 305. Dash and Pinkie will take class 213. Rarity and Sunset will be teaching class 111. And Isaac will take over for the teacher in classroom 005."

Now that each one of them had their assignments they all began to ask Isaac for some tips on how to teach kids. He had a lot of experience with dealing with them and the way he taught allowed anybody to be invested. Isaac just told him that in order to get the kids to pay attention to their lessons, they just had to be themselves and connect with the kids on a personally level so that they viewed you as a friend instead of a teacher. Luna then ran down the matchups for this trip. It would Sunset taking on Fluttershy, Dash vs Aj, and Twilight taking on Pinkie. With that they were now airborne as they were on their way.

This time everybody was asleep as they all had pillows and blankets they were given to them by the staff on the plane. Isaac was currently at one of the tables as he had all of his cards scattered in a huge pile while he looked at them. As always he was looking to change up his deck and see if he could come up with new tactics. Also that he was a bit nervous with the advice he gave the girls for their class. He had a natural talent when it came to dealing with kids, so teaching came second nature to him. After a while his eyes started to slowly close as he put his hand to his face; he decided to call it for the night as he turned off the little lamp on the table. With that he made his way back to his seat and gave Twilight a kiss on cheek as she was fast asleep. He then sat next to her as he threw the blanket over him and lowered his cap to cover his eyes as he drifted off to sleep.

A couple of hours later Isaac was fast asleep as he was having a pleasant dream. He soon felt himself wake up as somebody was shaking him.

"Isaac, wakeup." said a soft voice.

"Hmm." said Isaac as he lifted his cap up a bit so that he could see. He saw Twilight's beautiful face as she was smiling.

"Hope I didn't interrupt you sleeping. You seem to be enjoying yourself." said Twilight as she let out a giggle.

"I might still be dreaming, since you're here. But then again, I'm content with living in reality." Isaac had a sly smile on his face as he looked Twilight. Twilight gave Isaac a kiss which lasted for a few seconds before she pulled away. "So, what's up?"

"Well, I thought to let you know that we're about to arrive." Twilight then pointed out the window.

Outside the plan was landing as it passed the many buildings in the city, not to mention that the city was know for being an important place in history given how many of the buildings still had a colonial structure. They saw tons of people out and about on the streets talking with each other. Soon the runway came into view as they touched down and slowly came to a halt. The landing of the plane caused everybody else to awake as they all rubbed their eyes. Isaac looked at his watch and saw that it was 11:15 pm. Celestia and Luna then came through the door as they made sure everybody was ready, with that they all got off the plane as they all made their way to the hotel to get some more sleep as they would head over to the school in the morning.

Morning came and after room service brought breakfast for the group, they were now waiting in the lobby asking Isaac for any last minute tips on how to hand teaching kids. Soon arrived Celestia and Luna from their room and called a cab for them to take to the school. They all arrived as classes were just about to start; Celestia and Luna spoke with the school's principal and told them about how her students were the ones who would be special guest in teaching the kids. The principal then met with Isaac and the girls and she was expressing how grateful she was for having them. They all said it was no trouble and with that they all entered into the building.

Celestia and Luna pointed each person to where they were going and told the group that they would check in on how each of them was doing in a little bit. Both women then left as they had to check on the preparations for the auditorium where the duels would take place.

"Alright, girls. You heard Celestia and Luna; lets teach these kids the amazing world of dueling and Duel Monsters." All the girls nodded as they all began to search for their rooms. Twilight was the last one to leave; Isaac gave her one final kiss and with that they both left to their individual rooms. Isaac thankfully didn't have to walk far as his room just so happened to be down the hall and to his right. He peaked in as he saw a couple of kids going over a math lesson and the teacher was at the front speaking. He then entered the room quietly as he leaned against the door and waited for the teacher to finish speaking.

"Now then, tonight's homework will consist you doing problems 9-19 on pages 2-3. Are there any questions?" asked the teacher. Her only response was the groans she got from the little kids as they didn't like getting homework. "Well I take it that everybody understands, now lets move on to another lesson. Duel Monsters." The teacher then pulled down a poster of the game as the expressions on the little ones changed from boredom to interest. "Now normally we have some pro duelist come in and give a few words about how they came to be and that's it. Well I'm pleased to say that our school has partnered with another school from a different city and they've sent a few students to our school to do a bit more. They'll be here to actually teach you a few things."

Isaac knew that was his cue as he finally spoke up. "I guess that's where I make my presence known." said Isaac as the students and the teacher all looked at him. Isaac then introduced himself to everybody. "Hey everyone, my name is Isaac. And I'll be the one talking about dueling today."

"Pleasure to make your acquittance, Isaac." said the teacher as she shook his hand. "Now class, this here is Isaac. He's currently from Canterlot High, both he and his friends are here today where they'll be teaching several classes about dueling in general. During lunchtime, we'll all be treated to some special duels that they'll put for us. With that I'll let you take over Isaac."

"Right, so what your teacher just said is all true. Right now me and my friends are here to teach several of your other classmates about the game and to answer any questions you may have?" said Isaac.

A student raised their hand and Isaac called on them, "What's your rank?"

"My rank?" said Isaac as he had an eyebrow raised.

"Yeah, what's your rank?"

"Uh.. champion?" said Isaac as he was unsure if that was the answer the kids wanted to hear. Regardless, most of them had their mouths open and murmured among themselves. "Is that a problem?" asked Isaac.

Another student spoke up, "It's just impressive that someone who's ranked as champion of their school decided to visit us. Normally, duelist who are ranked in your position, usually spend all the time trying to become a pro and never have time for these sorts of things. Which means, you must be really good."

Isaac just chuckled sheepishly at that response. "Well, I'm glad you think that, but I'm not that good. I'm just very passionate about the game; most of my life I've spent just learning the game and practicing when I was young. I just happened to pick up a lot of stuff and learned it fast."

"So what deck do you run?" asked another student.

"Right now, my deck is mostly made up of spellcasters, with my aces being Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl." said Isaac.

"Can we see them?" asked a little girl.

"Sure." Isaac pulled out his deck and showed the kids his star magicians. The reaction was as expected at they had surprised looks which Isaac was used to. "These two are the heart and soul of my deck. I can't tell how many times we've been together and faced countless of tough foes."

"Impressive," said the teacher as she was sitting at her desk looking at Isaac's cards. "In all my years of becoming a teacher, there's only been a handful of people who wielded either one or the other. However, there's only been one duelist to have both in his deck and use them both to get the top."

"I know what you mean," Isaac knew that the women was talking about Isaac's idol and his success to the top.

"Now class, before Isaac begins his lesson. I've received a video from his principal that she wants us to watch." said the teacher as she pulled up the video. Celestia had sent the teacher a highlight video of some of Isaac's incredible duels that he's had so far. Some of them included: The Winter Ball, Spring Fling, Fall Formal, etc... even the graduation duel at Crystal Prep was shown as that was the duel the kids were most excited for as the back and forth action kept everybody second guessing on what was going to happen.

Twilight was currently going over her lessons with her class, she was assigned to a classroom that had all girls. So in way she was in a natural setting, right now she was finishing her lecture about the different types of summonings. She even made sure to have visual aids to help the kids get a better understanding on what she was saying. "And that girls covers all the know summoning methods that different duelist use." The little girls were all jotting down notes from Twilight's lecture as they were fascinated by what she was talking about.

Twilight then introduced some photos of her friends on her PowerPoint presentation as she explained each of them and what their signature monster/deck was. She told them how each one of them was also teaching another class and the methods they would use to summon said monster. She had just covered Sunset's profile when a student raised her hand.

"Excuse, Ms. Sparkle. Who's that person?" said the little girl.

Twilight looked at the girl was referring to and it was none other than Isaac's portrait. She just simply smile as she forgot that she put Isaac's picture in her presentation. "That is currently the person who's the champion of CHS' dueling division, his name is Isaac."

All the girls let out 'oohs'. "What does he specialize in?" asked a student.

"Really, he's a master of them all. He's just the best," said Twilight as she had a smile on her face. "He's always looking for a way to improve his dueling, not to mention that he's incredible. His ace monsters are his Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl; you have to see him in action to understand what I'm saying. Just know that when he gets on the dueling field, you will always want to pay attention to what move Isaac is going to do. He has saying: Trust in your deck and it will trust in you."

The students were interested in seeing Isaac based on how Twilight was describing him a duelist. "He must be really good." said a student.

"He's phenomenal." said Twilight with a bit of a lovesickness on her face.

"Is he your special someone?" asked another student.

Twilight went red from hearing a little kid say that. To think that even someone as young as them could see the relationship between her and Isaac; showed that they were madly in love with each other. Twilight just nodded at the class as she tried her best to hide her blush. Soon all the little girls asked her how she and Isaac got together and so Twilight began to tell them her story. She told them about when she first met Isaac and from then they would spend time getting to know each other; soon they confessed their feelings towards each other and since then they've been a thing. All the girls had swoon expressions as they thought it was like something out of a fairytale ending, not to mention it got them thinking about potentially meeting someone who could sweep them off their feet in the near future.

Celestia and Luna were roaming the halls taking a peak at how their students were doing. Applejack and Fluttershy were currently going over a lesson on Fusion Summoning, even showing the kids some of their cards and letting them figure out the proper steps on how to fusion. They moved on and both Dash and Pinkie were giving a lesson on the different types of spell/traps cards that a deck could have and knowing when you should activate it. Twilight was going over different deck archetypes as she explained that each one had a certain feature and what it's strength/weakness were. Sunset and Rarity explaining what cards any person could have and then using those said cards to help the early stages of creating your deck. They then checked up on Isaac and he was giving them a story about inspiration and role models; he was telling the kids about his motivation for getting into dueling and telling them about his idol that he looked up to.

"Wow, do you think you'll be as good as him?" asked a student.

"That's dream isn't it." said Isaac. "You grow up idolizing someone and you do everything you can to be just like them. But you have to realize that you can't just simply copy them, it's an insult to both you and that person. Would I like to be in the same category as him, yeah. Do I think I can be like him? That remains to be seen. And as far as facing him, if only?" Isaac let out a sigh as he shared his thoughts with the kids.

Soon their was a knock on the door as Celestia and Luna came in. They asked the kids if they were enjoying Isaac's lesson to which they all nodded. They both gave Isaac smiles for doing his job; they then told him it was time and with that Isaac told the class to line up as they were now making their way to the auditorium for the duels that were going to take place. Isaac led his class into the auditorium where he noticed his friends having their own little group as they all looked at each other. Soon everybody began to take a seat as they each wished their respective teachers good luck.

Isaac and the girls all met up and they began to talk among themselves on how they felt teaching a class. Safe to say that the reception was heartfelt as the girls understood why Isaac had a blast teaching others. Soon Celestia and Luna approached them as it was time for the festivities to get underway. With that Rainbow and Applejack got ready as they would be the ones to kick things off. The rest of the group just watched from the sidelines as both Aj and Dash activated their duel disk.

The battle was intense as both duelist were hitting some vicious strikes at one another. The kids were into the match as they Aj and Dash just slug it out. The rest of their friends were used to the two of them battling each other still they were more focused on the smiles that the kids had on their little faces. Soon their battle came to an end as it was Rainbow Dash that was the last women standing. With that they gave each other a fist bump and everybody watching showed their respect for both competitors. With their duel over, it was time for Fluttershy and Sunset to take center stage as it was their turn. Both gave each other a high five and then took their positions.

"You ready, Fluttershy?" asked Sunset as she activated her duel disk projecting a red card tray.

"Always." said Fluttershy with conviction as she turned hers own and projected a yellow card tray.

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said their duel disks.

Fluttershy's Life Points: 8000-

Sunset's Life Points: 8000-

Turn 1: Sunset

"I'll go first, " Sunset then drew her card and looked at her hand. "I'll play my Gearfried the Red-Eyes Iron Knight in attack mode. Next I'll play the ritual spell card Dark Dragon Ritual, so now I'll send my Spear Dragon to the graveyard. I Ritual Summon Paladin of Dark Dragon!" Sunset now had a monster that had both rider and dragon covered in dark, black armor as it wielded a lance. "With that I'll just end my turn. Your up, Fluttershy."

Turn 2: Fluttershy

"Alright, draw. I'll play my Baby Racoon Ponpoko in attack mode." Fluttershy played her card and out came a tiny racoon that had a little bongo as it played it for the kids. "When my Baby Racoon is summoned, I can special summon a Level 2-Beast type monster from my deck in facedown defense mode." Fluttershy then used her screen as she selected the card she wanted as she grabbed it and placed it on her card tray. "Now I'll place two cards facedown and end my turn."

Turn 3: Sunset

"Back to me," Sunset now began to formulate her plan. "I summon Red-Eyes B. Chick in defense mode." Out came an egg and it hatched to reveal a very small dragon that let out a small roar that caused a small ember to spark. "Now I'll attack both of your monsters with mine, attack."

"Not gonna be that easy, I play my trap card Beast Soul Swap. So I'll switch out Baby Racoon Ponpoko and tag in my Mogmole in defense mode." A small anthropomorphic mole with goggles and a giant hand drill popped out of the ground. Gearfried then slashed down on the monster only for it to pop up again. However, the monster Fluttershy had placed facedown was destroyed by Sunset's ritual monster. "The monster that you destroyed was my Baby Racoon Tantan, since he was flipped up, I'll activate his ability. So now from my deck, I'll play my Catnipped Kitty in defense mode."

"Impressive," said Sunset. "Well then, I'll just place this facedown and end my turn."

Turn 4: Fluttershy

"My turn, now I'll activate the effect of my Gallis the Star Beast in my hand. So by revealing it, I can send the top card of my deck to the graveyard and if it's a monster, then you take damage equal to its level by 200. In addition, I get to special summon my Star Beast to the field. However, if it's anything other than a monster, then I destroy the card." Fluttershy took a deep breath as she placed her hand on her deck. She then drew her card and looked away for a second preparing for the worse; Fluttershy then looked at her card and it was indeed a monster as she let out a smile. "The monster being sent to my graveyard was my Nimble Angler and he's level 2, which means you get dealt 400 points of damage. Furthermore, I now get to summon my Gallis the Star Beast(800/800) to my field." Fluttershy summoned her new monster and then let out a roar that sent a soundwave towards Sunset as it dealt the damage to her.
Sunset's Life Points: 7600-

"Now my Nimble Angler's effect activates, since it was sent from deck to my graveyard, I can special summon up to 2 Level 3 or lower 'Nimble' monsters from my deck. So I'll summon a pair of Nimble Beavers." Out came two beavers as they had a piece of wood in their mouth once they emerged from the river. Fluttershy now had a field full of monsters and she still had yet to complete her move. "Now then, I'll overlay my two Nimble Beavers in order to Xyz Summon." The two Nimble Beavers turned blue and slid together, then lowered into the water. "With these two cuddly monsters, I build the Overlay Network and Xyz Summon Cat Shark in defense mode." A black and white aquatic monster jumped out from the pool and landed in front of Fluttershy in a spray of water, two orbs of blue light circling it. It stood on a pair of hind paws and waved a pair of front flippers in the air. A fish tail slapped the ground behind it and a cat’s face with whiskers and fur topped its body.

"But it doesn't stop there, everybody. Next I summon my tuner monster Valerifawn, Mystical Beast of the Forest." Fluttershy now had a little fawn deer as it pranced to the field with its friends. Sunset had a worry look on her face as she knew what Fluttershy was about to do. "Now I'll tune my Valerifawn with my Gallis the Star Beast, I Synchro Summon Thunder Unicorn!" Fluttershy placed her monster on her card tray and dark clouds formed as her unicorn raced down from the heavens landed as the sound of thunder went off.

"Damn, Fluttershy just went off on that turn." said Dash as she was surprised with what the shy girl just did.

"Sheesh, with moves like that I dare say she be next in line to challenge you, Isaac." stated Applejack.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves." said Isaac as he had a sly smile. "Sunset's no pushover, she still needs to be on guard for anything."

"Now, I'll activate my Thunder Unicorn's special ability. Now I can select one monster on your side of the field and it loses 500 attack for each monster that I control. Since I have 4 monsters, your Paladin of Dark Dragon loses 2000 attack points."

"What!?" shouted all the girls except Isaac who just had a smile on his face.

"Next, I'll play this spell card, Horn of the Unicorn to give my Thunder Unicorn an extra 700 attack/defense points. Now my beast, take out Sunset's monster." Thunder Unicorn then charged forward as its horn powered up and it speared through the lance from the rider on Sunset's monster as it broke and then disappeared as the shockwave caused Sunset to take some serious damage.
Sunset's Life Points: 4700-

"Because I used my Thunder Unicorn's ability, it's the only one I can attack with. So with that I'll end my turn. You okay, Sunset?" asked Fluttershy as she was concerned on whether or not her friend was hurt.

Turn 5: Sunset

Sunset was kneeling as she pulled herself up and was fine. She dusted her jacket and pants before letting Fluttershy know she was fine. "I'm okay, Fluttershy. Got to say, I'm impressed. I don't think anybody was expecting that from you."

"Oh... thanks." said Fluttershy in a soft tone.

"Which means if I want to win this duel, then I'll need to step up my game." Sunset put her hand on her deck and drew her card. "Time to get serious, I'll start by playing the spell Pot of Greed. So I'll draw two more cards; next, I'll activate the spell Polymerization and with I'll fuse together the Red-Eyes B. Dragon with my Meteor Dragon Red-Eyes Impact. I fusion summon my Meteor Black Comet Dragon!" Sunset now had a powerful monster as parts of itself was wearing flames like some suit of armor. "Now I'll tribute my Gearfried to summon my Red-Eyes Archfiend of Lightning." Sunset now had two powerful monsters on her field as she looked to take control of this duel.

"Now I'll activate my Archfiend's special ability, so now I can destroy all your monsters that have defense points that are less than my Archfiend's attack points." Red-Eyes Archfiend of Lightning hit the ground as almost all the monsters on Fluttershy's field erupted in a pillar of fire as the only monster left was Thunder Unicorn. "Now Meteor Black Comet Dragon, take out Thunder Unicorn!" Sunset gave her command and her dragon took flight as it looked to take out Fluttershy's unicorn.

"I activate my facedown, Half Unbreak. Now I'll say my Thunder Unicorn from being destroyed, in addition the damage I take is cut in half." Thunder Unicorn then was surrounded in a shield as it was being protected. It then noticed Fluttershy doing her best to keep her balance, so it ran over to her and wrapped Fluttershy around its body as he did his best to protect its owner. Fluttershy held onto her unicorn's chest until the attack stopped.
Fluttershy's Life Points: 7700-

"Thanks." said Fluttershy. Thunder Unicorn then let out an affection neigh as he rubbed his face against her as she petted him.

"Quick thinking Fluttershy, I was banking on that attack to get rid of your monster. Now then, I'll tribute my Red-Eyes B. Chick to special summon Red-Eyes Alternative Black Dragon from my hand." Sunset now had trio of monsters that were ready to strike. "Now I'll just end my turn with a facedown."

Turn 6: Fluttershy

"Back to me." Fluttershy drew her card and then started to think about what she wanted to do. "To start, I'll play the spell Graceful Charity. So I'll draw three cards and discard two." Fluttershy picked up her cards and then selected which ones she wanted to get rid of. "Next I'll play the card, Animal Call; so with it I can revive a monster in my graveyard. So rise up my Behemoth, the King of All Monsters!" Fluttershy now had a huge creature on her field as it let out a roar as it stood next to its owner for her to pet. "That's not all, I'll now play another Nimble Beaver. And when I do that, I can also summon another Level 3 or lower 'Nimble' monster. So I choose my Nimble Manta(800/100). But they won't be on the field for long, cause I play to use them for an Xyz Summon. I overlay my Nimble Beaver and Manta and build the overlay network. I Xyz Summon Number 64: Ronin Raccoon Sandayu!" Now Fluttershy had a field full of some powerful monsters as taking the lead was a small rodent dressed in armor.

"Now I activate Ronin Raccoon's special ability, by using an overlay unit, I can create a 'Kagemusha Raccoon Token’ with attack points equal to the strongest monster on the field. So since your Meteor Black Comet Dragon has 3500 attack points, my token now has 3500 attack points." The token then showed off its little muscles as it powered up. "But I'll give him some more power with this equip spell card, Beast Fangs. So now my token gains another 300 attack/defense points; which means he now has 3800 attack points. Now my monsters, attack Sunset's field." Fluttershy's entire critters then followed her token as they engaged into battle wiping out Sunset's monsters and that left Ronin Raccoon to do some over the top flips before hitting her.
Sunset's Life Points: 2900-

"My monster may be destroyed, but their not gone. I reveal my facedown, Red-Eyes Spirit. So I bring back my Red-Eyes Archfiend of Lightning. In addition, you've trigger the effect of my Red-Eyes Alternative Black Dragon. Since it was destroyed in battle, I can now special summon my Red-Eyes B. Dragon to the field from the grave. However, this time it has double the attack points!" Sunset now had a couple of monsters on her field, especially her favorite monster as it out a huge cry.

"I'll then end my turn." said Fluttershy.

Turn 7: Sunset

"Time to swing this duel into my favor," Sunset drew her card and she knew what to do. "To start off, I'll play the spell card, Cards of the Red Stone. So I send a level 7 'Red-Eyes' monster from my hand to the graveyard and another level 7 'Red-Eyes' monster from my deck to the grave to draw two cards." Sunset then sent two cards to the grave as she picked up two cards from her deck. "Next, I'll activate another ritual spell, Red-Eyes Transmigration. So I'll send my Red-Eyes Wyvern, Red-Eyes Baby Dragon, and Red-Eyes B. Chick in order to ritual summon my Lord of the Red!" Sunset now had a monster that arrived in pillar of fire as it looked at Fluttershy. "Now I'll reveal my facedown, Red-Eyes Fang with Chain. So I'll equip it onto my Red-Eyes B. Dragon and now it can make up to 2 attacks this turn. With that I'll then chain the effect of my trap to activate my Lord of the Red's ability. So now I can destroy one spell/trap and one monster on the field. So I choose to get rid of your Beast Fangs spell card and your raccoon token." Sunset snapped her fingers and her Lord of the Red struck the ground as it got rid of its targets.

"Next I'll use my Red-Eyes Archfiend of the Lightning to get rid of all of your monsters." Now the field was cleared as the only monster that remained was Thunder Unicorn and Ronin Raccoon. "Now time to end this duel, Red-Eyes take out Thunder Unicorn. Inferno Fire Blast!" Sunset's dragon then took flight and it unleashed a huge fireball that took out Thunder Unicorn with ease.
Fluttershy's Life Points: 5800-

"Your Ronin Raccoon was able to survive due to you having another beast-type monster. But now that you have none, I can destroy it. So now my monsters take out Fluttershy's monster and the remaining of her life points!" Sunset thrusted her hand out and all of her monsters shot out a pillar of fire that converted into a bigger one as it took out Ronin Raccoon and Fluttershy's remaining points.
Fluttershy's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Sunset

The duel ended and the holograms ended as Sunset helped Fluttershy up and gave her a hug. Their friends all nodded their heads as they gave a round of applause which the little kids and the rest of the staff soon followed. Celestia and Luna were impressed as well as the principal of the school. With that Fluttershy and Sunset gave a bow as they thanked everybody for being a good audience. With that they joined the rest of the group as the next two people were up.

After the incredible duel between Sunset and Fluttershy, Pinkie and Twilight then ended the showcase by having their duel. In the end, it was Twilight that ended up gaining the win as all the kids were satisfied with all the amazing duels they saw. With that Celestia and Luna thanked the school for their hospitality and told the kids that based on how impressive the sponsors were by the battles, they would be receiving extra funding so that they could have a dueling arena installed for the students to practice. All the kids were ecstatic as they thanked Isaac and his friends for all they did. With that they all waved goodbye as they returned back to their hotel. After taking some time to relax, the girls invited Isaac as they wanted to explore the sights of Fillydelphia.

Thanks to Twilight's obsession with reading, she acted like the tour guide for the group as she explained the significant history behind some of the most famous landmarks that the city had to offer. Safe to say that Fillydelphia had a lot of interesting history behind it; they even stopped by the harbor as they all took a sailboat trip. Pinkie had gone full pirate as she had pretended they were hunting for buried treasure. She was so committed to her role that she anointed Isaac as the captain of the ship, while the girls were assigned as his crew. She even went so far as to come up with the name 'Captain Isaac Sparrow'. Isaac just rolled his eyes as he saw how happy his little sister was. The one thing that Isaac had to deal with is Applejack getting seasick, during the first half she seemed fine. But the longer they stayed out in the water, the more queasy her stomach got that she had to throwup off the side of the boat. Isaac made a mental reminder to never allow Aj to be out on the water for too long.

Once they made sure Applejack could walk straight, they then passed the Fillydelphia Zoo which pleased Fluttershy to a tee. She was so ecstatic that she grabbed Isaac and started to drag him with her as she couldn't wait to see the cute little creatures. Twilight just smiled at how Fluttershy was acting and just let it slid that her friend had run off with her boyfriend. From there they visited some more museums as they saw the many forms of art which got Sunset as giddy as a little girl. Isaac even bought Twilight a plushy from the gift store to which she hugged it and gave her boyfriend a kiss. Soon it was nighttime as the group made it back to the hotel and prepared to get some sleep as they had to leave to get to the next city on their list. So far the trip was proving successful as they were making kids happy and they got to see many new places.

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