• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 81: Goddess of the Sun

After Celestia's duel with Applejack, safe to say that she was on a roll. The Fall Formal was just a few days away and the way Celestia was taking on challengers left and right showed that she was determined to make sure that her match with Isaac would proceed as plan. While this was going on, everybody else was starting to make plans for the Fall Formal itself. So while all eyes were on the match of Isaac taking on Celestia in her retirement match, the students were all still looking forward to a great time. Speaking of Celestia, she was currently almost done with her list of competitors as she was rounding the tail end of her little crusade. Based on how well she was doing surviving up to this point it looked like she would almost definitely secure her match with Isaac. Well that is, if she could get over one last hurdle.

Fluttershy, Sunset, and Pinkie were all currently in the school gardens as they were helping to plant some new seeds. Gone was the summer as autumn was now taking over the entire world, the breeze blew in their faces as the leaves on the trees were starting to change color as a couple of them started to fall. However, despite the change in season, the day was still bearable due to sun providing them some warmth and comfort.

"Thanks for helping us, Sunset."

"Don't mention it Fluttershy. I used to do this back in my old home."

"I just hope that with all the candy that I planted, I can grow some sugar trees." giddy Pinkie as she pulled a cupcake out of her hair and began to eat it.

"I'm not sure that's how it works." said Fluttershy as she planted some more seeds.

After a while, all the seeds were planted as the girls looked at their handiwork. Pinkie was still chomping on some more sweets as she got a message on her phone and saw that it was from Rainbow Dash.

"With all the seeds we planted, we're sure to get some delicious vegetables before the winter." said Fluttershy.

"Yep. Now that this is done, lets go find Rarity. You know the Fall Formal is nearly here so she's bound to want us to model for her dresses." stated Sunset as she was about to leave.

"You may want to take a raincheck on that." Pinkie then showed the girls her phone. She showed them the message she received from Dash and safe to say that Sunset had her eyes widen.

Sunset was now with Twilight, Applejack, and Dash as she was going over what the text Pinkie received.

"So are you sure that's what you heard?" asked Sunset.

"Would I ever lie to you? I told you that ever since Celestia made this little challenge for herself and defeated me, she's been on a roll. This morning she just racked up her 99th win, and with the Fall Formal only a few days away, she felt it be fitting that for her 100th victory she face the person that has faced Isaac on multiple occasions. So she chose you." said Rainbow as she pointed at Sunset.

Sunset had to do a double-take as he struggled to find her wording. "Why?"

"Well sugar, she says it's because you've had the most history with Isaac that dates back to when you were still a bully runnin' this school. She wanted to have one last tough challenge before she goes into her match with Isaac."

Sunset was now thinking back to all her past encounters with Isaac. It was just painful to think back on the early memories since it was when she as a horrible person. The first encounter with Isaac was when she had mentioned that he should abandon his friendship with their friends as it would only get in the way. After that was the time she had to team up with Isaac in a tag team duel during the Fall Formal Tournament; despite being a bad guy at that moment, a part of her was glad that Isaac was willing to help her as he showed that he was willing to protect her from harm. And then they met at the Fall Formal of last year, and boy was that a duel. To think that a whole school year had passed and the students still saw that face to face confrontation between them was one of their favorite duels.

After that Isaac gave her a second chance and she created a new deck to symbolize her change. Of course it was Isaac himself that had given Sunset her Red-Eyes Black Dragon card, since then she dominated with her new deck as she showed that she was just as good of a duelist without magic. They then teamed up as they were on the same team as they took on Crystal Prep in the Friendship Games; after that was the Spring Fling in which Isaac personally hand picked her to be his opponent for the event. That time things were different but she still had a blast as she took on Isaac. Overall, Celestia was right as out of everybody in the group, she was the one to have the most history with Isaac both as rival and as a friend when it came to dueling.

Sunset had finished reminiscing as she looked back at the girls, "I guess you're right. But still, the thought of facing Celestia and possibly defeating her is kind of scary. I mean she proved everybody wrong with how consistent she's been so far. She took you out with ease, Dash. And in your duel against her, she kept stopping you from activating you best cards, Applejack."

"You're telling me, I'm still shook from that crushing defeat. I don't handle losing well, but that lost really made me evaluate my skills as a duelist." mentioned Dash.

"Ah'm still sufferin' the after effects of mah battle with her. Principal Celestia showin' she ain't no pushover, she really wants that match with Isaac and she do anythin' to get her wish." stated Applejack.

"Don't worry about it, Sunset. You'll do fine, just remember that as long as you give it your best, then you can handle whatever Principal Celestia throws your way."

"I guess, thanks Twilight."

Soon the school bell rang as Twilight had her eyes widen, "Sorry, girls. But I have to go, I'm suppose to be helping Isaac with our class." With that Twilight grabbed her bag and began to race to her room, while the girls just smiled at Twilight's desire to be by Isaac's side.

Twilight made it just in time as opened the door and saw the kids taking their seats while Isaac was standing there going over attendance. She stepped into the room as the kids were happy to see her; Isaac notice Twilight entering out of the corner of his eye as he just finished attendance and turned towards her.

"You're late, Ms. Sparkle." said Isaac.

"Sorry, Teach. I had something that caught my attention." said Twilight as she rubbed her neck. "I promise it won't happen again."

"No it won't." said Isaac as he just gave her smile and a hug. "Though I'd expect you to stay after class so we can discuss your punishment" said Isaac in a low voice. Isaac's roleplay had caused Twilight to blush a bit.

With that Isaac and Twilight began their class as they went over today's lesson and some dueling techniques. Safe to say that ever since Celestia made up this new class and put both of them in charge of teaching them, the students were learning some pretty interesting things. Soon the bell rang as it signaled the end of the period as Isaac gave the kids their assignment for the day. After the class all left, Isaac then sat down in the teacher's chair as he looked at Twilight.

"Now that class is over, time to discuss your punishment, Ms. Sparkle." said Isaac.

"I promise it won't happen again. Would it help if I did something for you?" asked Twilight.

"What could you do to make me forget about this little incident?" said Isaac as he had a sly smile on his face.

Twilight then approached Isaac as she cusped his face, "How about this?" She then put her lips to Isaac's as she gave him a meaningful kiss.

Isaac broke from the kiss and wasn't fully content with what Twilight was offering. "Seems I'm not satisfied with what you have to offer, Ms. Sparkle. Seems I'll have no choice but to report you."

"Then how about this?" Twilight then undid her ponytail as she let her hair fall past her shoulders.

She then gave him a sly smile as she sat on Isaac's lap; she then reached up and took off Isaac's cap as she tossed it onto the table. Twilight then brought Isaac for another deep kiss as she wrapped her arms around him. Isaac did the same as he leaned into the kiss as he held Twilight in his arms. Thankfully, they didn't have to worry about anybody walking in on seeing them kiss. Soon they broke apart as Twilight put her head under Isaac's chin as she just cuddled into his chest. Isaac was stroking her hair as he had his eyes closed as he enjoyed this moment with Twilight.

"So, was that enough?" Twilight said with a smile.

"I'm willing to let this one slide. However, the next time I might not be so generous." stated Isaac as he looked at Twilight and booped her nose.

Twilight just giggled as she got off of Isaac and grabbed his cap. She then put it on as Isaac stood up and they began to walk hand in hand to their next class. Along the way, Twilight told Isaac about how Principal Celestia wanted to face Sunset for her final duel before she would take him on. Isaac didn't say much other than he meet with Sunset to discuss somethings, they arrived at their next class. Twilight wanted to give Isaac back his cap, but he said for her to wear it a bit longer as he found it to be rather cute sight to look.

Sunset was currently walking down the hallways as she trying to think things over; she then turned the corner and there was Isaac standing in the middle of her path. Sunset wanted to have a chance to talk with Isaac and it seems she didn't have to look far, she then appeared in front of Isaac as she looked at him. Both individuals just looked at each other as they said nothing, the story was being told by their eyes as they knew what they wanted to talk about.

"How you feeling?" asked Isaac.

"Scared, nervous, but mostly I'm ready to rumble."

"Good, now then let's begin." Isaac then pulled out his duel disk as he activated it.

Sunset then did the same as she put on her duel disk and slotted in her deck. Both still had intense stares as they looked to due battle. After a couple of practice battles, Sunset had managed to score a win or two against Isaac. Soon they decided to call it a day as Sunset collapsed to her knees and was breathing hard. Isaac then offered her some water as she began to rehydrate; he then helped her back up to her feet as she wiped her forehead.

"Thanks. I think I know what to expect in my duel tomorrow with Principal Celestia." stated Sunset.

"Just remember to do your best and don't hold back. You show weakness against her and she will use that to her advantage."

"I hear you. Just don't be too upset when I win; I know you seem excited for your duel against at the Fall Formal. But I can tell that even you are still scared about facing her." said Sunset as she placed her hand on Isaac's shoulder. "Just know that I promise to give her proper sendoff," Sunset then had a smirk on her face. "Then you're all mine, boy toy. Don't think I've forgotten about our last encounter and you know that based on our practice, I can beat you."

"There's a difference between beating someone in practice and beating them when it actually counts." said Isaac with a smug smile.

"Then I look forward to beating you cause once I defeat Celestia, you're next." Sunset then started to move forward as she gave her hips a little sway. Isaac was now taking a few steps back as Sunset had managed to corner him into the lockers. "And believe me, I haven't forgotten about our little hands-on experience." said Sunset with slight seductiveness in her voice.

"You know what the consequences of this are, Sunset." Isaac was trying to warn Sunset about her actions.

"Please, what Twilight doesn't know can't hurt her." Sunset now placed her hands on Isaac as she was feeling his body. She then placed her hands to his face as she whisper into Isaac's ear. "Besides, if I really wanted to take you, I would have done that a long time ago. Plus I still can." Sunset let her breath near Isaac's ear as he got a bit tingly.

"Sunset?" Isaac was now becoming nervous on what Sunset's intentions were.

Sunset just simply gave him a wink and then grabbed Isaac's face as she pulled him in for an intense kiss. Sunset was not letting up as she kissed Isaac with intensity as she continued to feel the bits of muscle on his body. Isaac didn't know what to do so he just simply stood there and eventually wrapped his arms around Sunset as he stroked her hair. Soon Sunset broke apart as she was simply smiling at her handiwork. Isaac was just dumbfounded at how Sunset didn't seem to care about getting in trouble, almost like she wanted it. He assumed that Sunset would do the right thing and inform Twilight about this incident, but she just simply stuck her tongue out at him and smiled as she flipped her hair and began to leave. However, Sunset made sure to give Isaac a wink as a way to tease him. Isaac was now left putting his hands to his head as he was trying to figure out how he was going to tell Twilight about this.

It was now the next day and the Fall Formal was just right around the corner. But before anybody could think of that, they needed to see the duel that was about to take place. Principal Celestia had already won 99 different duels and so she felt that her 100th win deserved to be against someone who was in the same category of Isaac in terms of ruthless aggression. So with that she made her decision to face Sunset as it would serve as the final hurdle before her big clash with Isaac, assuming she could get pass her last challenge. Well everybody had gather in the auditorium as they awaited for the competitors.

Isaac and Twilight were already in their chairs watching from the side as their friends were in the bleachers with the rest of their student class. Soon both Celestia and Sunset walked in as they stood face to face as they shook hands.

"Now Sunset, you know the rules."

"Of course, I win, you retire and I face Isaac at the Fall Formal. You win and then there's nothing in the way of you facing him."

"Very well, then let's have a great duel." Celestia then gave one last heart warming smile as she and Sunset took their positions and activated their duel disks.

Luna then did her job as the referee; she gave one last look at her sister and wished her the best of luck. "Now then let the duel... begin!!" shouted Luna.

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said their duel disks.

Celestia's Life Points: 8000-

Sunset's Life Points: 8000-

Turn 1: Celestia

"I'll start things off," Celestia then drew her card as she began to formulate her plan. "I'll start by playing my spell card, Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen. Now since I control no monsters, I can special summon one Fairy monster from my hand. So I choose my Athena(2600/800). Then I'll summon my Defender, the Magical Knight(1600/2000) in defense mode." Celestia now had two monsters on her field. "My Defender's ability allows me to put a spell counter on him and then I can remove said counter to prevent my spellcasters from being destroyed. Then I'll place one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 2: Sunset

"Time to see what I got," Sunset drew her card and looked at Celestia's field. Seems she's using a different deck; which means I got to be on guard for anything she might throw. "I play my Spear Dragon(1900/0) and then I'll banish him so that I can special summon from my hand, my Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon(2800/2400)." Sunset's monster was now replaced as an even bigger one was replaced as her dragon let out a roar. "Now I activate the effect of my Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon, so I can special summon my Red-Eyes Baby Dragon in defense mode. Now I'll have my Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon attack your Athena."

"I reveal my facedown, Shift. Now this trap allows me to change the target of your monster's attack, so now your dragon will target my Defender. And thanks to his ability, I'll remove the counter to make sure that he isn't destroyed." Celestia's Defender then raised his shield up as Sunset's dragon unleashed a fireball as it caused him to be push back but he still held his ground.

"Knew it wasn't going to be that easy. In that case, I'll place two cards facedown and end my turn."

Turn 3: Celestia

"Seems you're preparing for what I might have planned, is that right Sunset?" said Celestia with a smile on her face. Sunset just simply stared at Celestia as she didn't answer her question; Celestia just drew her card as she prepared herself. "Now then I'll play the continuous spell card, The Sanctum of Parshath. I'm sure you know what it does."

"I do, that's why I had this set. I reveal my Dark Bribe, now whenever a spell/trap card effect is activated, I can negate and destroy it. The upside for you is that you get to draw a card." stated Sunset.

"Am I to assume that you're trying to prevent me from making my cards immune to your card effects?" said Celestia as she added the extra card to her hand. "Instead, I'll play my Honest(1100/1900) in defense mode. Now the effect of my Athena activates, now since I summoned another Fairy monster you get dealt 600 points of damage." Athena then lifted up her weapon as she threw it at Sunset who put her arms up to protect herself.
Sunset's Life Points: 7400-

"Then I'll play my Cards from the Sky spell card, so I'll banish a Fairy monster from my hand to draw two cards from my deck." Celestia then choose the one she wanted to remove as she picked up some more cards. "I'll then place a card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 4: Sunset

"My turn," Sunset picked up her card as she began to decide on what she wanted to do. "I'll start by playing the spell card, Cards of the Red Stone. So now I send two level 7 'Red-Eyes' monsters from my deck and my hand to draw two more cards." Sunset then selected the cards she wanted to get rid of as she drew her cards. "Next I play The Black Stone of Legend and then activate its special ability. So now I can tribute it to summon out my Red-Eyes Black Dragon! And then I'll reveal my facedown, Metalmorph. So now I'll equip it to my Red-Eyes B. Dragon and it gains 300 attack/defense points." Sunset now gave her dragon a metal armor as she looked at Celestia. "Now time to attack, so I'll have my Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon take out your Defender and my Red-Eyes will take out your Athena. Oh and by the way, Metalmorph makes it to whenever my monster attacks it gains half of the attack points of the target he's attacking. So we're looking at strength of 4000 attack points." Sunset's dragons then took flight as they took out Celestia's monsters.
Celestia's Life Points: 6600-

"That's all, so I'll just place a card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 5: Celestia

"Time for my turn, I'll first play the spell Emergency Provision. So I'll get rid of my Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen to gain 1000 life points. Next I'll play Pot of Greed, this card lets me draw two more cards from my hand." Celestia then drew her cards as a shower of gold particles sprinkled over her restoring her life points.
Celestia's Life Points: 7600-

"Now I play the ritual spell card, Super Solider Ritual. So I'll send my Evening Twilight Knight along with my Beginning Knight to call forth the ritual monster. I Ritual Summon, Black Luster Soldier - Super Soldier(3000/2500)!" Out came a warrior that was covered in head to toe with a shiny armor as it wielded a sword and shield. The students were amazed by what they saw their principal was doing. "Now since I used both Evening Twilight Knight and Beginning Knight, my B.L.S. - Super Soldier gains their effects. But my Super Soldier has his own abilities, like this one for example, I attack your Red-Eyes Black Dragon." Super Solider then leaped up high as it brought its mighty sword and slashed through the armor and caused Red-Eyes to let out a cry as it was destroyed. "When my monster sends your dragon to the graveyard, you take damage equal to its attack."
Sunset's Life Points: 4700-

"I play my trap, Red-Eyes Spirit. Now I can bring back my Red-Eyes Black Dragon." A light then appeared as Red-Eyes appeared once more by Sunset's side as it led out a cry.

"Not bad, Sunset. In that case, I'll just place this card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 6: Sunset

"Doesn't look too good for Sunset." said Fluttershy as she watched from the stands.

"Ah reckon your right, partner. Principal Celestia is really givin' her a beaten."

"Alright, no more messing around, draw. Now I'll play my own ritual spell card, Red-Eyes Transmigration." shouted Sunset.

"Sorry to disappoint you, Sunset. But I activate my facedown, Ultimate Providence. So now I'll send a spell card to my graveyard and now I can negate/destroy your spell card." smiled Celestia.

"Arhh!" screamed Sunset. "I'll play Return of the Dragon Lords so that I can summon out my Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon from my graveyard. But it won't stop there, now I overlay both of my level 7 Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon and Red-Eyes B. Dragon to build the Overlay Network. I Xyz Summon, Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon!" Sunset now had an even more powerful monster as it had two orbs circling around it as it let out a roar.

"This is probably the best thing that Sunset could have done." stated Twilight as she was taking some notes.

"Now I'll activate the effect of my Black Metal Dragon from my hand, so I'll equip it to my Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon to give it 600 more attack points. Making his strength rise to 3400. Next I activate my Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon to special summon my Red-Eyes Alternative Black Dragon!" Sunset now had a field full of monsters looking to take deal some damage to Celestia. "Now I'll have my Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon take out your Black Luster Soldier - Super Soldier, Red-Eyes Alternative Black Dragon will take our your Honest and then I'll have my Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon will attack your life points directly!" shouted Sunset as she thrusted her hand out. Black Luster Soldier - Super Soldier raised its sword as it went head to head with Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon only to have its weapon knocked out of his hands and was destroyed. Soon Sunset's other dragons zeroed in on their targets.

"The effect of my Black Luster Soldier - Super Soldier activates, whenever it's destroyed by battle, I can special summon a 'Gaia The Fierce Knight' from my deck." Celestia then used her duel disk screen as she selected the card she wanted. Soon it popped out for her to grab as she placed it on her card tray in defense mode. Soon her new monster met the same fate as the other monsters, but its did its job of protecting Celestia.
Celestia's Life Points: 7200-

I thought that would work, had it did, the scoreboard would have been a bit more even. "I'll just end my turn. But before I forget, my Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon's effect kicks in. Since you activated a card effect while my dragon has Xyz materials, you take an additional 500 points of damage." Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon then fired off a fireball as it collided with Celestia who put her arms to protect herself from the attack.
Celestia's Life Points: 6700-

Turn 7: Celestia

"My draw," Celestia drew her card and she was now worried at on what Sunset had managed to mass on her field. "For now I'll play a monster in defense mode. Next up, I'll play my Graceful Charity. So I'll draw three more cards and discard two."

"Don't forget that since you activated a card effect while my dragon is on the field, you take 500 points of damage." stated Sunset as her dragon fired another fireball that dealt some more burn damage.
Celestia's Life Points: 6200-

"Then I'll end my turn."

Turn 8: Sunset

"It's my turn, draw. Now I'll have my Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon will attack your only defense and when it does, I'll have my other two dragons attack your life points. Take it away my pet!" shouted Sunset. Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon then unleashed its jaws as it attacked Celestia's monster.

"The monster that you attack was my Marshmallon. Thanks to its special ability, it can't be destroyed by battle. Further more you take 1000 points of damage." Celestia's monster was then thrown for a loop as it bounced around from Sunset's monster.
Sunset's Life Points: 3700-

"With that monster out, my other attacks will be useless. However, that's another effect that you activated so now you lose another 500 life points." stated Sunset as Celestia lost some more life points.
Celestia's Life Points: 5700-

"A small price to pay to keep my monster in play." said Celestia.

"Very well, I'll end my turn."

Turn 9: Celestia

"Now then I'll a monster facedown in defense mode. Then since I have at least 4 Fairy monsters in my graveyard, I can special summon my Archlord Kristya(2800/2300) from my hand." Celestia now had another monster as it unfurled its wings and was surrounded in a blazing light.

"Another effect means you lose another 500 life points." stated Sunset as she burned away some more of Celestia's life points.

"Trust me, that dragon of yours won't be a trouble for much longer. Now then I'll have my Archlord Kristya take out your Red-Eyes Alternative Black Dragon." Celestia gave her monster its command and it pulled out a sword made of light as it slashed Sunset's monster.
Sunset's Life Points: 3300-

"Now I'll place one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 10: Sunset

"My turn, now I'll reveal my facedown, Red-Eyes Fang with Chain. So now I equip it to my Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon so it can make two attacks. Next I'll sacrifice my Red-Eyes Baby Dragon to bring out my Summoned Skull." Sunset's baby dragon then disappeared as a giant fiend took its place as lightning fell from the sky. "Now I'll have Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon take out your Archlord Kristya and then it'll take out your facedown monster. Then my other monster will swoop in to finish the job." Sunset's dragon took out Celestia's monster with ease and then went to take out her facedown creature.
Celestia's Life Points: 5100-

"I reveal my facedown, Fairy Assistance. So now since a monster of mine was destroyed, I can add one Fairy-type monster to my hand." Celestia then selected the card she wanted.

"Once again, another card effect activated means you lose 500 points." stated Sunset as her dragon prepared to fire off another fireball.

"Not this time, cause the card I add to my hand will save me. I discard Angel of Descending Light and another Fairy monster that not only can I removed both of your dragon's Xyz materials, but destroy him as well." Celestia's tiny monster then glowed in a golden shower as it shot towards Sunset's great beast while destroying it in a burst of light.

"My dragon may be gone, but my other monsters are still attacking." Sunset's other monster then took out Celestia's remaining field as she had nothing left to protect herself.

Celestia however had a smile on her face as her plan worked. "Thank you, Sunset. Cause the monster that you just attacked was none other than Cyber Jar." Celestia's monster then manifested as a tiny machine appeared and then it opened its eye as it a timer started to countdown. "Now all monsters on the field are destroyed."

"No!!" shouted Sunset as she had nothing to save her monsters.

Soon the timer reached zero and then a huge explosion went off as a huge blast enveloped the field. Both Celestia and Sunset covered their eyes till it died down. Once it was done, there was nothing on the field as all the monsters that were there a second ago where gone as there was nothing but smoke and ashes.

"Now the other effect of my Cyber Jar activates, so now we reveal the top 5 cards of our deck and we summon any level 4 or lower monsters."

Both Celestia and Sunset's duel disk projected each person's five cards as everybody could see what they had.

"Seems the only monster that I had is my Red-Eyes B. Chick and I'll summon it in facedown defense position." Sunset grabbed her card as she placed it on her card tray and added the rest of her cards to her hand.

"Seems I'm in the same boat as the only monster that I've drawn is my Harvest Angel of Wisdom." Celestia then did the same but unlike Sunset, she placed her monster in attack mode. She then added the rest of the cards in her hand. "Now then anything else that you'll do this turn." asked Celestia.

"Not much, I'll just end my turn."

Turn 11: Celestia

"Now then I draw, so now I'll sacrifice my Harvest Angel of Wisdom to bring out my Airknight Parshath. Now I'll have my Airknight Parshath attack your monster. My monster's ability allows it to deal piercing damage and when it does inflict battle damage, I can draw a card." Airknight then took flight as it took out Sunset's monster while dealing damage to her; Celestia then picked up a card.
Sunset's Life Points: 1400-

"With that I'll end my turn. Time to see what you can do Sunset."

Turn 12: Sunset

"This duel is taking a toll on both of them." said Isaac.

"How so?" asked Twilight.

"Based on how they've both played their cards so far, they're starting to run out of steam. It's only a matter of time before a winner is declared." Isaac then looked at Sunset. If you want to win, Sunset. Now is your chance, believe that you can draw the right card to turn this duel around. Isaac then shot a glare at Celestia, So what else are you hiding, Celestia?

Sunset was breathing hard as she looked at her hand and then placed her other hand on top of her deck. Almost there, I have all the cards I need in my hand. But I just need to draw the right card. Alright deck, don't fail me now. Sunset let out a breath as she drew her card, she then looked at it and had a smile on her face. "Time for me to take things up a notch. And I'll start by playing my Monster Reborn and with it I'll bring back my Red-Eyes B. Dragon." Sunset now had her ace monster as it rose once more.

"Now I tribute my Red-Eyes to bring out an even more powerful beast. I special summon my Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon(2400/2000)!" Soon a pillar of fire appeared as it surrounded Red-Eyes, then it disappeared as a new and bigger beast appeared. This new monster was covered in head to toe in the color black as it had razor sharp wings. "Now my great beast's ability activates, for every dragon in my graveyard, my Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon gains 300 attack." Soon all the spirits of Sunset's monsters appeared as they let out roars, "Currently there are 10 dragons in my graveyard so my Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon gains 3000 attack points. But it won't stop there, cause from my hand I play the equip spell, Megamorph. So now since my life points are lower than yours, I can double the attack points of my monster. So now my dragon has a total of 10,800 attack points!"

"No way!!" shouted Dash.

Everybody was now staring with wide eyes as they saw Sunset have a powerhouse of a monster. Even Celestia was starting to slowly stare into the face of defeat as she feared she may be forced into retirement.

"Now then time to end this. Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon attack Airknight Parshath!!! End this duel!!!" Sunset then thrusted her hand out as her dragon took flight and began to put the final nail in the coffin of Celestia's career.

Time seemed to be slowing down as Sunset's monster started to close in on Celestia's remaining life points. Celestia then slowly looked at Isaac which he just gave her a serious look. Celestia then closed her eyes as she knew what she had to do if she wanted to stay alive in this duel.

"I activate my facedown, Nutrient Z. Now whenever I'm about to take 2000 points of damage, I gain 4000 life points!" shouted Celestia.
Celestia's Life Points: 9100-

With that Sunset's dragon took out Celestia's monster as it caused Celestia to cover up and eventually she was brought to her knees as the attack nearly wiped her out. Celestia then touched her duel screen once more as she activated her other facedown. "Now I play my other facedown, Damage Vaccine Ω MAX. So now all the damage I just took I regain." Celestia's duel disk registered what she did as her life points went from 100 to back to 9100. Still, had Celestia not played her last card then she would definitely be done for.

"So close, but I'll just end my turn." stated Sunset. This is it, my last facedown that I previous set is Trap of Darkness. Sure it'll cost me 1000 life points to activate, but the good thing is that it allows me to copy a trap card in my graveyard. So with it, I'll copy my Red-Eyes Fang with Chain. That will allow my monster to attack twice, so whatever monster Celestia summons, I'll take it down and if need be I can launch a second attack.

Turn 13: Celestia

Celestia slowly got back to her feet as she stumbled a bit. She then looked at her hand and saw that she was trembling, to think that her life flashed before her eyes and her dueling career was almost gone. Celestia had put this little crusade together in hopes of showing that she still had the skills she knew she had, and she wanted to have one final match with one of the greatest duelist she got to witness. And to think that she nearly lost that opportunity; Celestia wanted to face Isaac. Correction: She needed to face Isaac, and given what had just occurred, she knew what she had to do.

Celestia then put her hand on her deck. "My turn, draw!" Celestia could sense the card she drew as she knew what it was without looking at it. I must do whatever it takes to face Isaac at the Fall Formal. Whatever it takes!! "Now I play the spell card Necromancy." Celestia's card then caused souls to appear as they started to enter Sunset's graveyard.

"What's going on?" asked Sunset.

"My Necromancy spell card allows me to select up to 4 random monsters in your graveyard, Sunset. And then I can special summon them in faceup defense position." Soon out came Red-Eyes Metal Flare Dragon, Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon and Red-Eyes B. Dragon.

"I don't get it, why summon monsters from my graveyard onto my field?" asked Sunset.

"Quite simple, first off your dragon gains 300 attack points for every dragon in your graveyard. So by taking out 3 dragons, your Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon loses 900 attack points making its strength drop to 9900." stated Celestia.

"Even so, my monster still has enough attack to finish this duel on my next turn. So what was the point of all that?" Sunset along with everybody else was confused on why Celestia would do such a move.

"Because it all sets up for my victory." Celestia looked at the monster she was holding and she could feel its mighty spirit waiting to be unleashed. It's time old friend. "Now I play the spell card, Soul Exchange. So I'll take control of those 3 dragons that I summoned from your graveyard as I prepare to tribute them!" Soon Celestia held her card up high as a blinding yellow light was starting to light up the entire room.

Isaac looked at his deck box on his belt as he pulled out his deck. He could feel one card in his deck as its spirit was calling out to him; Sunset and everybody were waiting to see what monster Celestia was about to summon. And lets just say that it was something that nobody was ready for.

"Now I tribute the 3 dragons to call upon a monster that's been known since ancient times. A creature that was invoked with the power of a god. Now everybody behold as I summon the one, the only... The Winged Dragon of Ra(?/?)" shouted Celestia as her ultimate monster now appeared as the students were amazed by what they were witnessing. Out came a monster that was so huge that it looked like it could burst through the building, it had a yellow body covered from head to toe as it let out a huge cry. Soon it felt like the entire room started to get even hotter.

No one was more surprised than Isaac who suddenly stood up from his chair so fast as it was thrown onto the ground which shocked Twilight. "No way!!" said Isaac as he was in both awe and anger that Celestia kept such a card that even he didn't know about.

Sunset was now staring in the face of one of, if not the strongest Egyptian God card. Sunset was terrified by what she saw. All the girls knew that Isaac was in possess of Slifer but to think that their very own principal had an even stronger card than Isaac caused them to have fear.

Celestia just smiled as her new monster appeared. Good to see, friend. "Now my Winged Dragon of Ra's attack and defense points are determined by the total number of points of the monsters that I used to summon it. So now my creature has a total of 8000 attack/defense points."

"8000?" Sunset was in disbelief with how Ra worked. "Still my dragon is still the strongest on the field."

"Then allow me to explain another effect of my Winged Dragon of Ra, I give up all but one of my life points and the rest go to Ra himself." With that Sunset then put her hand on her duel disk as all her points were used to power up her monster. "Now my Winged Dragon of Ra now has a combined strength of 17,099 attack points!!" shouted Celestia.
Celestia's Life Points: 1-

"This can't be!!" yelled Sunset as she just realized that her dragon was no longer stronger.

"I said that I would face Isaac at the Fall Formal. And I'm willing to do anything to make sure that it happens. Even if it means I have to use this card," Celestia then looked at Isaac who had a mean look on his face as he stared at what Celestia was doing. "Now Winged Dragon of Ra, attack Sunset's dragon and end this duel!!!!" Celestia then thrusted her hand out as Ra opened it's mouth and fired up a powerful attack. It then fired off a powerful beam that had the actually power of the sun and a god combined as it burned up Sunset's dragon like an egg being overcooked. The force of the attack was so powerfully that Sunset didn't have time to cover up as she was thrown onto her back.
Sunset's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Celestia

"I win." said Celestia with a smug smile on her face. With that the spirit of Ra disappeared as the whole room was in silence.

Isaac was now pissed off with Celestia at how she had kept a card like The Winged Dragon of Ra a secret. In fact, he almost felt like challenging Celestia right there and now. If she wanted to have a duel so badly, then whose to say that they had to wait till the Fall Formal. Thankfully, Twilight saw how Isaac was acting that she immediately got up from her seat and stepped in front of Isaac and put her hands on him to stop him from doing something rash. All that could be done was the glance that both Celestia and Isaac were looking at each other; Celestia had won her 100th win and now the match was guaranteed to happen. The Fall Formal was ready to be one of the biggest events as both champion and challenger were looking to go to war with one another. While both Isaac and Celestia were giving intimidating looks/expressions, the spirits of both Slifer and Ra appeared as they looked to be ready for the battle that was to come.

All right, Celestia. Game on!!!

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