• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 26: New Innovations

"I think I finally got it this time, so if I fuse together my monsters then I can summon this one." Sweetie Belle then flipped over another card from her deck.

"That's correct; you're really a fast learner Sweetie Belle."

"Well, I did have a good teacher. Thanks for taking the time to tutor me, Isaac." Sweetie Belle then gave Isaac a quick hug.

After meeting with the CMC yesterday, Isaac was constantly bombarded with the girls asking for questions and tips on how to improve their skills. It didn't bother him that much because he loved to do stuff like this. Of course, they did always ask him to put on a show. Isaac told them that just because he was champion didn't mean he could just command people to have a duel with. Nevertheless they showed their appreciation for Isaac by always wearing those Dark Magician hats that they seemed to have on hand. Isaac did learn some things about the girls. He knew about the relationship with Applebloom and Applejack; Scootaloo currently lived with her aunts while her parents were off exploring the world. They still kept in touch with their daughter and would constantly update her on what work they were doing. In addition, Isaac found out that Scootaloo had an insane fascination with Rainbow Dash. She idolized Dash and while they weren't blood related, she still considered Dash as sort of a big sister. And as he found out yesterday, Sweetie Belle was Rarity's little sister.

It was amazing to see that each of the girls had a role model in their life; he remembered how each of them wanted to step up their game so that they could fill in the shoes left behind by their sisters. It put some big pressure on their shoulders to live up to this ideal and he was worried that they weren't understanding that they didn't need to be like their sisters. He hoped that by having these little teaching sessions, they could be able to morph their own path instead of trying to copy their siblings.

Isaac was about to suggest that they take a break, when they noticed Rarity starting to approach their table. She waved at her friends and took a quick look at what they were doing.

"My, my Sweetie Belle, you're really spending so much time learning from Isaac. Are you trying to keep him all to yourself, what have I told you about sharing?" Rarity was teasing her sister and Isaac.

"It's not like that Rarity, I just happen to have a favorite teach in Isaac. Besides, I should be asking you about sharing Isaac, mmmh." Now it was Sweetie Belle's turn to tease her older sister.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Rarity tried to deny what her sister was implying but she knew it was fruitless. Thankfully, Isaac didn't seem to have a clue on what they were talking about.

"Well then, Sweetie Belle if you don't mind I need to talk to Isaac about something private."

"Alright, then. See ya, Isaac." Sweetie Belle then grabbed her belongings and left to meet up with her friends.

Once Sweetie Belle had left, Rarity then took a sit next to Isaac.

"So, what did you want to talk about?"

"Well I just wanted to go over the details of our.... date?" Rarity had a hard time saying the world without blushing.

"Oh, well to be honest, I don't really have anything in mind. It's like I said I don't have much experience in the way of romance. I mean dueling is easy because I'm in my element; I just go with the flow."

"Well, don't try to think of it too much. In a way, dating is just like dueling in that you just go with the flow and see where the day takes you. Don't worry about anything, leave everything to me. The only thing you need to do is just show up and we'll take it from there." Rarity tried to assure Isaac that he shouldn't worry about their date. Once they finished going over the details, Rarity then said goodbye to Isaac and left but not before whispering something in his ear.

"Well, I guess the only thing to do is show up. Though what did Rarity mean by 'don't tell the other girls'? Doesn't she want them to know about us going on a date? Well probably means nothing." Isaac then looked at the clock on the wall and then began to leave if he wanted to make it on time for his next class.

Along the way I had run into Sunset who was in a pleasant mood. After making the adjustments to her deck, Sunset found herself to be having fun. Even the other students started to see how much different she was, it took awhile for them to get used to her but eventually they opened their minds and accepted her. Sunset also had decided to change her appearance as a way to show her transformation. Instead of her normal vivid crimson with bright yellow stripes, she now had brilliant amaranth with a light apple green stripes. In addition, she was now wearing a dress under her leather jacket which still manage to catch my eye. All in all, she still had the same bacon-colored hair which I constantly made fun of her to which she just merely gave me a jab in the arm. We started walking to our next class when she asked me something.

"Hey, Isaac. Mind if I ask you something?"

"Sure thing, Sunset. Want did you want to ask?"

"I just wanted to know how did you manage to get so many cards? I mean with the amount of cards you have, I'd expect that isn't easy nor is it cheap."

"Well, you're right it's not easy or cheap. In turn most of the cards I have came from that box I have. In fact, that box of mine was given to me by my mother. She saw how invested I was when I saw my first duel live on television. Like most parents, they don't understand why certain things attract little kids. So when she found out how much I was in love with the concept and saw how the other children in my neighborhood had cards of their own; she went out of her way to save up and get me a box of cards to give to me. It made me happy because I never asked her, in all my time growing up I never once bugged my mother to get me some cards. Of course I was happy to find out when she did that I gave her the biggest hug; from there she just watched me play nonstop. My mother just thought it was a phase and that I would grow out of it, but I think she knew deep down that I was destined to be in love with this game." Isaac then stopped walking and pulled out his deck to look at it. "That's why I have to make my parents proud. After all they done, the sacrifices they made for me growing up, the least I can do is make sure that they can relax when they're in their old age. I believe that this deck can serve as a way to repay them for all they've done."

Sunset then put her hand on Isaac's shoulder and looked at him. She was giving him a genuine smile as she felt touched by Isaac's story and how he made it his mission to make his parents proud. Sunset then gave Isaac a hug to show that she understood his motives. After a couple of seconds, they broke away and began walking to their next class. Along the way Sunset was also asking Isaac about his ace monster.

"What about your Dark Magician? I know that you rely on him a lot and I don't blame you. He's a very powerful monster and has a lot of synergy with different cards, but why him? Surely, there could have been other monsters to choose from so why have him as your ultimate monster?"

"Well, you're right there's a ton of monsters out there that are a bit better than my Dark Magician. So why choose him? Well to be honest I didn't pick him rather he chose me. I know it's silly but I'm being honest, the first time I saw the card I was in awe. I kept thinking how awesome it would be to have a card like that, but I also felt like I wasn't worthy of it. But then I felt a strange connection like it was calling out to me, like it was saying that it wanted to be by my side and that it chose me to be its master. Ever since then, I've always relied on him to bust me out of situations; over the years I stopped seeing him as a servant and more as a friend. He was my most trusted companion and I know he would always stand by my side. And the rest is history. Over the years, as I got older I improved my deck and collected a bunch of cards/monsters that I was happy to call my allies. That was also how I got my Dark Magician Girl. Of course I didn't know how much of a popular card she was, especially when it came to boys. But for me I didn't see her for just that, sure she was pretty cute, but I also saw she had brains as well as beauty. Nevertheless I added her to my deck and I got the feeling that she was happy due me thinking that she gave me a wink."

"A wink? You sure that wasn't your imagination taking the better of you? I mean you did say she had a certain effect on boys." Sunset had a sly smile on her face when she was addressing Isaac.

To be honest I would have thought the same thing too. Still even before I was able to talk with the spirits of my monsters, I had a feeling that I knew what she what I was thinking and she just saying thank you to me for becoming her friend. "Yes, well, believe what you want. Anyways, we need to hurry if we're going to make it on time." With that Isaac and Sunset picked up the pace as they barely made it into the room and their seats as the teacher was about to enter the room.

The rest of the day went as planned with Isaac and Sunset attending their classes. During that time, Isaac had been made issued to a challenge by one of their fellow classmates. With the teachers permission, they were allowed to battle but instead of using their duel disks they stuck to the old format that Isaac had encountered yesterday when he was with the CMC. The battle was interesting to say the least; however, it wasn't long till Isaac was able to secure the win and congratulated his opponent for a good battle. After that everybody went back to the teacher's lecture. Once the final bell rang, everybody was getting ready to leave until the P.A. system went off.

"Would the students Sunset Shimmer and Isaac, please report to my office?"

We were both confused as to why both me and Sunset were suddenly called to Celestia's office. So we grabbed our things and headed in the direction of the Principal's office. Once we found the door, I gave a quick knock to which we heard a response that said come on. We then entered the room and there was Principal Celestia sitting in her chair going over some paperwork. We made our presence known and she looked up from her work.

"Ahh, Isaac, Sunset. Please have a seat."

"I hope we haven't done anything to upset you, Principal Celestia."

"Don't worry, Isaac. Neither you or Sunset are in any major trouble. In fact, I wanted to talk too you two about a new development. As you know the Fall Formal not only displayed what you two are capable of; it also showed that both of you are some of Canterlot High's top duelists. I couldn't be more proud of what you guys accomplished which is why I've got some exciting news. The School Board has been impressed with what they saw that they're fully funding us to get new duel disks equipped with the latest technology."

Both me and Sunset were excited to hear that. To think that we would be able to get new duel disk and be able to experience Duel Monsters on another scale was enough to make me cry.

"There are some new things that they will give us, for example each student will have a preference of what color they want their duel disk to be. That being said I've had the privilege of being sent a couple of duel disks and I was thinking if both of you would be interested in taking part of a special exhibition duel to showcase these new devices. Of course, I'll allow you two to keep them after the duel is over, but I have to ask: Are you both okay with this?"

"A chance to get a new duel disk and experience dueling like never before. Sign me up!"

"Well..." Sunset was a bit hesitant about Celestia's offering.

"Come on, Sunset! A chance to try out some new duel disk and to show everybody how much you've changed since the Fall Formal. How can you not pass up this opportunity?" Isaac had a smile on his face as he looked at Sunset.

"Anybody ever tell you how annoying you can be sometimes?" said Sunset with a sarcastic tone/smile. While she didn't think she was ready to showcase her deck on the big stage, she knew that Isaac was giving her that smile of his. Eventually, she agreed to take part in the duel.

"Splendid, now all you two need to do is give me your preference of what color you would like your duel disk to be? Thankfully, I have them in this briefcase." Celestia then pulled out a briefcase and opened it up for us to see.

"Now that's what I call fast service. So when we do we get to test them out?" said Isaac with so much excitement that he could hardly contain himself.

"Settle down, Isaac. I know that you're ecstatic about any challenge involving dueling. Before I can give them to you, I first need your preferences on what color scheme you want your duel disk to be. In terms of when the duel will take place, I've decided to hold the special match tomorrow during lunchtime. That shouldn't be a problem for either of you, is it?"

"None from me."

"I'm good with that."

"Very well." Celestia then handed Isaac a tablet to which he and Sunset looked at it.

It was the design of the new duel disk and from first glance it had so many cool new functions like an extra slot that the extra deck was kept in. Also the little screen that was incorporated into the device, which allowed the duelist to simply tap the picture of a card on the field and they could see the info about it. Of course it also made sure not to reveal an opponent's facedown until it was revealed. The most incredible function was that when it wasn't active it simply folded up into the shape of a touchpad and when it turned on out came some kind of energy that took the shape of the duel board used to play cards.

"Now that you've seen the blueprints and the final model of the device. All that's left is for you to give it some color."

With that both Isaac and Sunset inputted the final designs/color they wanted into the tablet and handed it to Celestia. She then took the tablet and connected it to her computer where the plans were uploaded and saved into the duel disks. Sunset had gone with a red color scheme as the base and had yellow stripes running along the sides with a black outline. She also had her signature sun imbedded on the device with a sun and inside it were two symbols that resembled yin and yang.(Basically just picture her cutie mark). Isaac on the other hand had gone with a black and gold color scheme. In terms of what he wanted as his symbol, he just simply had a picture of a Duel Monster card and a mini portrait of his signature monster on it.

"Perfect, now once I've downloaded these designs into the duel disk, you'll both be ready to go. Come by tomorrow morning to pick them up and then during lunch we'll hold the special exhibition. Well, that's all from me. You two are free to leave unless you have any questions? If not then I wish you both the best of luck." With that Sunset and Isaac thanked Celestia and left her office.

They then made their way to Isaac's locker while discussing the new duel disk and how pumped they were for tomorrow's presentation.

"Oh man, I can't wait for tomorrow. I'm getting excited just thinking about it."

"Easy there, boy toy. We need to get plenty of rest before our big day tomorrow. Besides while I did agree to help Celestia, I just don't know if I'm ready to get back on the dueling field so soon." Sunset put her head down a bit.

"I thought you got over that. Look Sunset, you've proven that you change. I gave you a second chance to improve yourself and you did just that. I also helped you to find your inner strength and reconnect with your passion for dueling. While you may think it's too soon, I feel like you're ready. You're ready to show the world just who the hell you are. And that's none other than Sunset freaking Shimmer!" Isaac was giving Sunset a pep talk to motivate her which was doing the trick.

"You're right, Isaac. I have changed and more importantly I'm ready."

With that both of them made a promise to each other that they would give it their all and give their fellow students a spectacle of a show. The next day came by fast as it was time for the exhibition duel. Both Sunset and Isaac had grabbed the new designs from Celestia during the morning and were stoked about today's duel. Lunchtime rolled around and Celestia had made the announcement that a special duel would be held to test the next generation of dueling. Soon there was a decent sized audience in the crowd who came to witness what this exhibition match was all about. Celestia then appeared with her sister Luna by her side and began speaking into the microphone. Even their friends had showed up, but even they didn't know what was happening.

"So what do you think this is about anyway? Hopefully it's about me being Isaac's next opponent to challenge him for the rank of champion."

"Hold your horses, Rainbow. Don't forget you're not the only duelist here. Besides if anybody is destined in line to challenge Isaac, it has to be someone who's not talking bout her own ego every 10 seconds."

"Mind saying that again, Applejack?" Rainbow was a bit angry at Applejack's comment.

"Girls, no sense in arguing. We're here to see what this announcement from Principal Celestia is all about." said Rarity as she tried to get them to calm down.

"Yeah, from what been going on it has something to do with taking the world of Duel Monsters to the next level." Pinkie was so excited that she had brought a confetti cannon and when she pulled the string tons of confetti was shot out.

"Speaking of Duel Monsters, has anyone seen Sunset or Isaac for that matter? I doubt he'd miss this kind of thing." Fluttershy was looking around the room for their missing friends but it was at that moment Celestia began to talk.

"Welcome everybody in attendance. I'm pleased that you could make it. As you know the world of Duel Monsters is drastically changing, so much so that we are constantly looking for ways to improve its gameplay and bring the best entertainment possible. As you know duels are at their best when you can feel the action as if you were the one dueling yourself. Well I'm pleased to announce that I've received a generous gift from the School Board and they've decided to provide us with the latest duel disk. Now there won't be the need for having such a large space to duel, instead you can simply enjoy playing a duel while also feeling the effects of battle as if they were happening in real time. In addition, it's portable so that way it's easy to carry around. In other words, this allows the world of virtual reality to come to life and you can be able to witness the full effect of a duel." Celestia then pushed a button on a remote and she showed everybody the prints/designs of the duel disk. Almost everybody there approved of what they saw and were already desperate on getting their hands on them.

"Now that being said, in the next week you'll all be able to get one. What's great about this is that each duel disk is tailor made to fit your accommodations; the only thing that we ask when registering for one is being able to pick the color scheme and the design you want your duel disk to look like. But it seems all I've been doing is talking, so why not just show them in action. Please welcome our two volunteers in today's exhibition duel, give a warm welcome to Isaac and Sunset Shimmer!" Isaac and Sunset then walked out from behind the curtain and took their positions next to Celestia. "Now then lets get ready to battle. Both of you please take your positions and activate your duel disks."

Isaac and Sunset then hopped off the stage and took their positions in the middle of the room with the crowd looking on. They manage to show off the new model to their fellow peers who immediately took an interest in it and couldn't wait to see the new incredible functions that it was capable of. They slotted the duel disk on their arms and when they pushed the power button, a beam of energy came out as it took the shape of the dueling board that their old duel disks had. Sunset had a red dueling board, while Isaac had a bright gold coming out of his. They then slotted their decks in and the auto shuffle began to take effect. Once that was done, they then looked at each other before starting.

"Well Sunset, time to see what these babies can do. You ready?"

"Of course, the question is: Are you ready to lose?"

"Me? Lose? As if? Just don't go all evil like you did last time?"

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Intiaiting. Commencing duel" said the mechanical voices of their new duel disks.

"Let's duel!" they both shouted.

Sunset's Life Points: 8000-

Isaac's Life Points: 8000-

Turn 1: Isaac

"I'll start things off, draw." When Isaac drew his card, his duel disk registered what he had picked up and on the screen showed a portrait of the card and it displayed its stats and any abilities it may have had. "Nice feature, I'll start by playing my Skilled Dark Magician(1900/1700). Next I'll place 1 card facedown and end my turn." Isaac had played his monster on the duel energy and slotted his facedown into the slot above his deck holder and it displayed a picture of the card Isaac had played. He was able to tap it once to serve as a reminder of what he put down and to activate it he would need to tap it twice. "Already, these new duel disks are very helpful and functional. Try it out, Sunset."

Turn 2: Sunset

"Here goes, draw." Just like Isaac, Sunset also got to see the picture of the card she drew and it explained its function. "Well, I'll start by playing Red-Eyes Baby Dragon(1200/700)." Sunset played her card and on the field out came a tiny baby dragon that looked at Sunset before jumping into her arms. Sunset could actually feel like she was holding her monster and not only was it cute, but it was also a tad bit heavy. Red-Eyes Baby Dragon let out a cute roar that almost melted Sunset's heart. Eventually it gave out a cry as it said 'Momma' and then leaped out of her arms and was ready to battle. "Alright, my sweet baby let's show Isaac what else we've got. I'll then activate the spell Red-Eyes Insight, now I can send 1 'Red-Eyes' monster from my hand/deck to the graveyard and in exchange I get to add 1 'Red-Eyes' spell/trap to my hand." Sunset then slotted her card on the side of her duel disk. She then touched her screen and began to look through her deck for the card she wanted; once she found the one she wanted, she touched it and it slotted out for her to grab. "This makes it so much easier to find the cards you want. Now I don't have to constantly pull my deck out and reshuffle. I think I'll play it safe and end with a facedown."

Turn 3: Isaac

"Alright, now that we've had a chance to test some of these new features out, time to kick it up a notch. Draw. First since you played a spell card, my magician gains a counter." Just then one of the three lights on Isaac's Skilled Dark Magician lighted up. "Next I'll summon my Magician's Valkyria in attack mode. Next I'll play the spell Pot of Greed." The duel disk then slotted out 2 cards for Isaac to pick up. "Now my magician gains another counter, then I'll have my Valkyria attack your Red-Eyes Baby Dragon and then my Skilled Dark Magician will attack you directly." Isaac's spellcasters then took off with Valkyria taking out Sunset's monster; then his other magician took aim and prepared to fire its spell at Sunset's life points.

Sunset's screen showed her a message, she tapped it and it displayed the effect of her monster and told her that she could activate. "These things just keep getting more awesome with each minute; since you destroyed my Red-Eyes Baby Dragon I can activate its effect. Now I can special summon 1 level 7 or lower 'Red-Eyes' monster from my deck and equip it to give it a 300 attack boost. So make way for Red-Eyes Toon Dragon(2400/2000)."

"In that case, I'll call off my Skilled Dark Magician." Isaac's magician then halted as Sunset put her arms up as the previous attack made contact with her.
Sunset's Life Points: 7600-

"Well Sunset, how do you feel?" asked Isaac as he was concerned with how real that attack felt.

"I'll tell you right now, that I could actually feel that attack. It didn't hurt that much but I still felt a bit of pain only for a couple of seconds. These new duel disk are really amazing, I just can't get enough." Sunset was acting like a kid on Christmas morning.

"You're telling me; I'm practically in love with this thing." Isaac just kept admiring his duel disk and all its cool functions.

"Easy there, boy toy. Don't forget that I still have you all to myself right now. I'd hate for you to keep me waiting." Sunset was teasing Isaac while throwing him a bit of flirtation.

"Right, well then my lady. I'll end my turn."

Turn 4: Sunset

"My turn. Now I'll play the spell Pot of Duality, I excavate the top 3 cards of my deck and select 1 to add to my hand. Then I put the others back into my deck and shuffle." Sunset's screen showed her top 3 cards and she picked the one she wanted. Then the auto shuffler kicked in as it shuffled Sunset's deck.

With Sunset activating her card, the last light on Isaac's magician lit up and Isaac was having a smile on his face.

"Then I'll play Red-Eyes Wyvern(1800/1600). Now I'll have my Wyvern attack your Magician Valkyria." Sunset then commanded her dragon to take out Isaac's spellcaster. Her monster then took flight and unleashed its claws at it got rid of its target; now it was Isaac's turn to feel the effect of the new VR system.
Isaac's Life Points: 7800-

Isaac then put his arm up to cover his eyes as he felt the impact from Sunset's attack. It wasn't like anything in his prior duel against Sunset where almost all of the damage was real. This sure felt life like but after the initial reaction it soon died down and he was feeling fine.

"Well, how do you feel?" asked Sunset.

"Please, that was nothing more than a light breeze at most. I felt more pain than that when you were still an evil manic, no offense."

"None taken, now I believe it's your turn."

Turn 5: Isaac

"Right, draw. Now that my magician has 3 counters on him, I can now activate his spell ability which means I tribute him to summon out my ultimate monster Dark Magician. Come on out buddy!" Out came Isaac's great monster and it even looked better with all the new VR stuff that it looked like he had actually come to life. Isaac was amazed with how his monster had looked and even the crowd was in awe at how Isaac's magician looked.

"Well now, seems we're in a battle against Ms. Sunset. Not to mention that I'm feeling the effect of your new duel disk; now then how will we handle this situation, master?"

"Don't worry, Mahad. I've got something planned, just follow my lead." Isaac then turned to address Sunset. "Now I'll play the spell card Mystic Box." Isaac played his card and then box started to encase Isaac's magician.

Sunset was a bit confused at what Isaac was planning. "So tell me, what's the deal with the box?"

"Hold on, Sunset. The trick isn't over yet." Isaac then snapped his fingers and then swords started to appear out of thin air and they slotted into one of the many holes in the side of the box until not a single one was left. While all this was happening everybody was left clueless as to why Isaac would do such move.

"So what now, you just destroyed your own monster?" Just then another box formed around Sunset's Toon Dragon which really threw her off.

Everybody was silent as they were waiting to see what would happen next. Isaac then opened his eyes and gave a sly smile and with a snap of his fingers the box on Sunset's field opened, and out came none other than Isaac's Dark Magician as it was completely unharmed and escaped death without a single scratch. The box on Isaac's side opened and there was Sunset's Red-Eyes Toon Dragon in its card form as it had been severed by the many swords that had been interjected.

"How? What did you do with my monster?"

"It's simple, Sunset. My Dark Magician merely switched places with your monster and allowed me to destroy it. Now I'll then play Magician's Rod(1600/100); now I can add 1 spell/trap that specially list the 'Dark Magician' and add it to my hand." Isaac then used his screen to look through his deck and get the card he wanted and it slotted it out for him to grab. "Now time to attack, first my Dark Magician will attack your Red-Eyes Wyvern. Then my Magician's Rod will attack you directly."
Sunset's Life Points: 6900-

Dark Magician had no problem getting rid of Sunset's monster, then just before his Magician's Rod was about to make contact Sunset activated her facedown.

"Not this time, I activate my trap Red-Eyes Spirit now I can special summon 1 'Red-Eyes' from my grave. Welcome back, Red-Eyes Toon Dragon!"

"Then I'll call off my attack and end with a facedown."

Turn 6: Sunset

"Now my turn. I activate the continuous trap Return of the Red-Eyes, now as long as I control a 'Red-Eyes' monster I can special summon 1 level 7 or lower 'Red-Eyes' from my deck and I'll choose my Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon(2400/2000). Furthermore, the second effect of my Red-Eyes Baby Dragon allows me to add 1 level 1 dragon type to my hand. Next I'll play the card that I just added, I play The Black Stone of Legend(0/0). Thanks to my Black Stone's ability I can tribute it to summon out my beast. So now time for everyone to meet Red-Eyes Black Dragon!"

Out came Sunset's new star monster as it descend on the field and joined its fellow comrades in battle. It led out a mighty roar that caused everybody in the crowd to covering their ears. Red-Eyes then looked down at Sunset before bowing its head down and showing Sunset some love.

"Now time to show you want I can do, now I'll play the spell Change of Heart which I can control one of your monsters till the end of your turn and I choose your Dark Magician." Just like that Isaac saw his greatest ally leave his side of the field and join Sunset. It pained him a little, especially since he saw a tiny bit of sadness in his monster's eyes. "Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt him. I'm just going to use him to create an even more powerful monster to take you down. First since I have 2 level 7 monsters on my field I think I'll overlay them. I now overlay my Zombie Dragon and my Toon Dragon to construct the Overlay Network, I Xyz summon Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon(2800/2400, OLU: 2)." The top of Sunset's duel disk opened up and it slotted out her Xyz monster from her extra deck. "However, I'm not done because next I'll play Polymerization and this time I'll fuse my Red-Eyes Black Dragon with your Dark Magician."

A vortex opened up and it then sucked in Sunset's dragon; however, Dark Magician still remained on the field almost like it had a mind of his own. Sunset saw what was happening and tried her best to reason with him.

"Look I get it, it's tough fighting your own master. But know I would never do anything to hurt you or him. I'm just asking for you to lend me your strength. Please?"

Dark Magician then looked at Sunset with a concerning face. He knew she would never do something intention to hurt Isaac. It still didn't feel right, he swore to protect the one he was given to watch over and here he was fighting against him. He then looked at Isaac who had a smile on his face.

"It's alright, buddy. Do as Sunset tells you to do."

"But master, I can't. It's my duty to..."

"Mahad! Listen to what Sunset is telling you, that's an order!" Isaac yelled at his card which seemed to have gotten the message across. It was the first time he had heard the young master raise his voice and yelled at him for disobeying a direct order. "It's okay. I'm going to be alright; I promise that we'll see each other again real soon." Isaac gave his spellcaster one more smile to which he returned back. He then turned at Sunset and bowed his head in forgiveness and then leaped into the vortex.

Sunset was at a lost for words with what had transpired between Isaac and his monster. Nevertheless, she was still in a duel and Isaac was still her opponent. "Now with the combined strength of my monster I Fusion Summon Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon(3000/2500). Now my Dragoon's effect kicks in, once during my main phase I can destroy one of your monsters and you take damage equal to its attack, so say goodbye to your last line of defense. Now my dragons will then attack, go my beasts unleash your fury on Isaac's life points." Sunset then unleashed her monsters as they set their sights on their prey.
Isaac's Life Points: 6200-

"I activate my trap Counter Gate, now I can negate your attack and as a result let me draw a card. And due to the other effect, if it's a monster then I can summon in attack position."

"Don't think so because my Dragoon has another ability by sending 1 card in my hand to the grave, I can negate the activation of your card and it allows my monster to gain 1000 attack points now my Dragoon has 4000 attack points. So my attack continues and your life points are about to take a big hit!" The dragons then opened their mouths and fired a fireball which merged together as they dealt a huge blast to Isaac who was thrown on his back as his life points dropped really quick. "Go Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon, fire your attack." Isaac put his arm up as it caused him to be pushed back as he dropped to a knew.
Isaac's Life Points: 2200-

"Now I'll have my Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon finish you off!" shouted Sunset.

"I'll send Kuriboh from my hand to the grave, so that all battle damage this battle becomes zero." Isaac slotted the card to graveyard as a tiny little creature came out as he stood before Isaac as he put his arms up as he did his best to protect his master. Soon the attack faded as Isaac's life points were spared.

"Very well, my Flare Metal Dragon still has an effect. While it has Xyz material, you take 500 points of damage everytime you activate a card or effect." Sunset's other monster shot another fireball as Isaac barely got out of the way.
Isaac's Life Points: 1700-

"One more attack and it's all over, I end my turn."

Turn 7: Isaac

Isaac had managed to get up from that attack and took a couple of deep breaths. He just barely survived Sunset's onslaught. Not to mention that he had no monsters on his side of the field to protect his life points. Isaac knew that if he was going to have a chance to stay in this game, he needed to find a way to stay in. He then looked at his hand to see what his options were and then put his hand on his deck.

"I'm proud of you Sunset. Not only do you have me backed into a corner, but you've shown just how much you mastered that deck in a short amount of time."

"Thanks, although I couldn't do it without you. You gave me the wake up call I needed and now look at me, I'm back dueling with passion instead of revenge. Not to mention that I've got you, the champion, on the ropes. Seems your reign at the top is coming to a very short end."

"Hey now, I'm not out of this duel just yet. I've still got life points which means I still have a chance to turn things around. Now then, draw!" Isaac drew his card and then tapped his screen to see the effects of Sunset's monsters before planning his move. "I'll start things off with the spell Monster Reborn and with it I can bring back my Dark Magician."

"Not bad, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to throw a wrench in things because I'm activating my Metal Dragon's ability, now by using 1 overlay unit I can special summon a 'Red-Eyes' normal monster from my graveyard. so now my Red-Eyes Black Dragon is back too. In addition, since you activated a card effect, you take another 500 points of damage." Sunset now had her trusting monster as it fired off another attack at Isaac.
Isaac's Life Points: 1200-

"It doesn't matter how many monsters you bring out, I'll find a way to take them down and defeat you. And it starts with this spell card Book of Effect, now not only can't you target this card but I can now remove an ability from your monster. And the one I choose is the effect of Red-Eyes Metal Flare Dragon!" The book then opened up and out came a powerful spell that surrounded Sunset's monster and then zapped away its special abilities.

"So you may have removed my monster's ability, but you choose the wrong monster to target. You should have chosen my Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon."

"Believe me, Sunset. I picked the right dragon because of what I'm about to do. I'll then set my final facedown and then end my turn with summoning out Winged Kuriboh(300/200)." Isaac played his monster and the moment Winged Kuriboh came out all the girls lost their shit. They just so admiring of how cute and cuddly Isaac's monster was. It was so small and soft, not to mention the little wings that it had on its back which made it look like some kind of mini angel. It also made all the girls want to run up and hold it in their arms. Kuriboh just simply gave them a wave and let out a small cry which was just as adorable as it was. Then it tried to put on an immediating face as it looked at Sunset's field and her monsters.

Sunset couldn't help but smile as the tiny monster as it tried to put on a brave face. "I'll admit your monster has me just clutching my heart from how much cuteness it's resonating. Not to mention how he's trying to stand up to my big bad monsters; I can see why you have someone like him in your deck. He's sort of like you in a way, always standing up to danger and never backing down."

"Don't be fooled by appearance, Sunset. My Winged Kuriboh is more powerful than any of your monsters and I'll use him to win this duel."

"No offense to you or Kuriboh, but that little cute fuzzball doesn't come close to the attack points of my dragon. The closest thing that it could come to defeating is a cat."

Turn 8: Sunset

"Well time to end things, now my dragons take flight and end this duel. Take out Isaac and the last of his life points!"

"Time to activate my trap Mirror Force, now your attack is redirected right back at your monsters."

"Like I didn't see that coming. I'll activate my Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon's effect. I send a card to my grave to negate the activation of your Mirror Force and then my Dragoon will gain another 1000 attack which now makes him have a grand total of 5000 points. Looks like your out of tricks to save you, seems I outsmarted you this time."

Isaac just had a smile on her face as Sunset kept talking. "You might want to check your math again, Sunset. You see a magician's greatest challenge is being able to use misdirection to get people to think what they want to believe. There's an old saying: Fool the mind and the battle is yours. In other words, Mirror Force wasn't even my actually trap; I just used it to bait out your monster's ability. But before that I'll activate the ability of my Effect Veiler in my hand, so I'll discard him to negate the effects of your Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon till the end of the turn. Now I reveal my other facedown Transcendence Wings with this I can evolve my Winged Kuriboh into Winged Kuriboh LV10(300/200)." Isaac's spell then proceeded a shower of feathers and when they pulled back the curtain they revealed a bit of a dragon with Kuriboh in the center of its chest.

"That still doesn't surprise, all you did was make him look prettier. You didn't change his attack points or anything?"

"Like I said, never judge a book by its cover. Because something did change with my monster and it's his special ability. Now I activate it, during your battle phase I can tribute my Winged Kuriboh LV10 and as a result I can destroy every single monster on your side of the field and here's the best part, Sunset. You take damage equal to the combined total of all your monsters' attack points!"

"Wait, what!?" Sunset couldn't believe what she was seeing. Not only did Isaac manage to trick her into using her monster's ability on the wrong card, but the fact that his weakest monster was the one who had managed to defeat her mighty dragons.

Winged Kuriboh LV10 then flew high into the atmosphere and unleashed a blinding light that caused almost everybody to cover their eyes except for Isaac who had a stern smile on his face. Sunset's dragons were then enveloped in the blinding light and when it died down there were gone. All that was left were thousands upon thousands of feathers that started to rain down then they started to land by Sunset's feet as they drained the last bit of her points.
Sunset's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Isaac

The duel had ended and they deactivated their duel disks. They gave each other a smile and turned to their fellow peers as they gave a quick applause as well as Celestia and Luna. They each took a bow before looking at each other and then their duel disks. They were amazed with how well these things worked not to mention the cool new functions they got to witnessed. Celestia and Luna approached the two and congratulated them on putting on a good show. Luna then lifted up both of their arms to showcase they both were winners. After that Celestia told everybody that they should come to her office to register for their duel disks and told them that they would receive the new devices by next week. Once school had ended, there was a massive rush of students who raced to Celestia's office. It took awhile but Luna eventually got them to line up in an orderly fashioned as they placed their orders.

The girls had managed to come up with their ideas on how they wanted their duel disk to look. Pinkie had wanted her base color to be pink with having pictures of candy, streamers and balloons embedded into the outer skin of her device. Applejack went with a green color scheme with a touch of yellow/red shaped as apples that were scattered around it; she even a picture of her stenson hat embedded on her duel disk. Fluttershy went with a yellow/pink color scheme had a bit of swirls with a floral design; she also had a butterfly embedded on her duel disk. Rarity had a ton of fun with the designs, ultimately, she settled on a purple/indigo color scheme and had tons of jewels embedded on her duel disk including her signature 3 diamonds. Lastly, Rainbow had went with a rainbow colored scheme based and had tons of storm clouds/rainbow that were collabed into a cool design and she had a lighting bolt embedded in her duel disk. Once they had placed their orders they then met up with Isaac and Sunset and discussed how excited they were for the duel they witnessed.

"Well you two seem to be enjoying yourself. So much for not telling us about your special duel?"

"Sorry, Rainbow. But Celestia came to me and Sunset yesterday and told us about the new duel disks. It was then she told us if we wanted to partake in the exhibition duel as a way to show off these bad babies." Isaac and Sunset then showed their friends their new duel disks and they were excited as they couldn't wait to get their hands on their own.

"Lighten up, Dash. It's not like we're the only ones who are getting these things. Everybody in school will get one we just had to test them out for everybody to see. Let me tell you these things are amazing. Also Isaac, I want to say that I'm sorry for what I did to your Dark Magician. I know it must have been tough for you to see your own monster turn against you." Sunset was begging Isaac for forgiveness.

"It's alright, Sunset. As a duelist it's expected that sometimes you'll have to face some cards that are special to you, even if they happen to be your own monster. Nevertheless, you still pulled off an incredible combo with it when you summoned your monster. He's one tough creature to beat."

"Maybe, but in the end it was you who came out on top. You really surprised everybody with that cool finish using your Winged Kuriboh. I see why you depend on those little fuzz balls, they've got some awesome hidden power."

And just like that everything was back to normal. Both Sunset and Isaac had managed to try out the new duel disks that CHS would be receiving. Not to mention that their friends would soon get their own set and then they could take dueling to new heights. It seemed like all was well for the time being, well almost because after that day the rest of the week flew by. Soon it was the weekend and that meant it was time; time for Isaac's biggest and probably most intimidating part of his social life: his date with Rarity.

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