• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 187: The Last Stand

A pillar of light was seen as it resonated from the back of the school as it came from the field. One of the smaller students saw this as he was walking home from class. He saw what was happening through the fence as he had some fear on his face.

"What is going to happen? It can't end like this." he whispered as a tear trailed down his face.

But then, he felt a comforting hand on his shoulder, and looked up to a hooded person, only a duel disk indicating anything about them... until, from the shadow of their hood did glow a pair of eyes.

"It won't..."

"Now, Ursa Proeliator attack both her Rainbow Dragon and Rainbow Overdragon!" shouted Starlight as her monster then raised forward and flung its spear through both of dragons as they let out a cry.

"Ahh!" said Rarity as she was thrown onto her back as she hit hard.

"Rarity!" shouted Amber as she rushed over to check on her tutor as she had some bruises. Amber had a few tears in her eyes at seeing her mentor being defeated by the girl. She noticed Starlight standing there she pulled out her duel disk.

"Don't even try!" shouted Starlight as her threat got Amber to be shaking. "I don't have time to play with children," was all she said as Starlight began to leave as Rarity was coming to as Amber helped her tutor who looked at the girl walking away as she rubbed her shoulder.

Starlight then disappeared as she met with Sunburst and their other ally. She smiled at them as several more students were behind her as they were looking to join her group and help usher in her idea of change.

Everyday, Starlight's influence was growing more and more by the minute. With each duel she won and each member of the gang she took out, more and more students were starting to put their full trust in the girl as they believed her to the savior that would usher in the change needed for all to be equal when it came to Duel Monsters. For the students, they weren't buying Starlight's vision, as they stuck by their tutors. But given how Starlight was taking them all out one by one, it made you question what would happen if, no, when she was successful in taking out all seven girls. Would it be the final straw to make the students join her side and embrace the vision?

Twilight was walking through the halls as normally it would be full of people talking and walking while greeting their fellow peer. Now... it was significantly less than that as Starlight's influence was strong. She was gathering power and forces to her side. As for Twilight, she was still missing Isaac as it had been now 12 days since the boy disappeared. Not to mention that she was also working on her secret project as it was slowly coming together. Celestia and Luna were busy with their own thing that they couldn't get directly involve with what was happening given the universal rule that everybody followed. That any and all issues were settled in a duel, and since both were retired, it meant they had no power. So it fell on the girls to try to get Starlight to stop, but given that she was nearly done with taking them all out. It seemed like it really was a dark time.

Twilight had been passing by Celestia's office when she overheard the women on the phone as she was communicating with Starlight as it was on the speaker phone for her and Luna to hear.

"With all due, respect, ladies, I think everything that's happened to you both in the last 20 plus years of your lives and careers, has been painfully detailed in that encyclopedia you call a book that you each wrote about yourselves." said Starlight as she was referring to Celestia and Luna's own personal autobiography that each had published for all to read about their journey.

"Now, I don't have such an ego that I would ever pen a book about myself, but if I did I think I would call it: 'What if?' Think about it, 'What if', as in what if Celestia/Luna dueled against Starlight in the last duel you both ever took part in."

"I don't think it really matters what if!!" shouted Luna through the phone as she was angry. "Because I have no doubt in my mind, that either me or my sister would have beaten you in three turns before you even could make a damn move!!"

"I don't believe you," chuckled Starlight through the phone, "And I can tell that not even the two of you believe what you're saying. For all your delusions, you know that's not true. So I'm tell you and everybody reading the chapter, exactly what would have happened. The game of Duel Monsters, as you know it, would not exist. Starlight Glimmer versus Celestia/Luna? That's easy. I'm the best in the world." stated the girl. "I don't need a blessing from legendary duelists or any of the Big 5 you're all close friends with and I know beyond the shadow of a doubt, I would haven beaten you with my two hands causing a chain reaction that would probably result in everybody not being here today."

"I mean you both can call yourselves the King of England. Hell, you could call yourself the 'Phantom Princess' but that doesn't make it true, right, Luna?" said Starlight as she threw some shade at the nighttime girl. "How about 'Queen', huh, Celestia?" mocked the girl as she referred to each woman the nicknames they were given by many of their fans during their time being pros.

"How are both of you ladies' bodies doing these days, huh? Did Isaac take away all the stress from the two of you when you both were begging to be put out of your misery for your own health?" taunted the girl. "No hard feelings, right?"

"You know I don't know what your business is with Isaac, but at least when it came time for our duel, he would show up!" shouted Celestia. "He wouldn't run like the coward you are!"

"Yes, but he beat and retired the both of you. And I beat him, so what does that make me? Speaking of Isaac, where's Isaac right now?" asked Starlight. "Is Isaac there? Oh, did he finally come out of hiding like the scared little bitch he is? Is he listening to our conversation right now? Does Isaac got you girls' back? Did you both ask Isaac to be your white knight to come save you, you old hags? Is Isaac going to run out and save you both when it gets a little too hot for the two of you old seniors to handle?"

"With all due respect--" started Celestia.

"RESPECT!!!!" shouted Starlight. "Respect! Shut the hell up, you old bitches! You don't know a damn thing about respect! You don't know about the meaning of the word! If you both did, you would not speak to me that way! I am the best! And I've been the best longer than any of you two have in your pathetic excuse you call a career! I will bring the change necessary for this game to evolve, and when I do, I will submit my legacy not as the best in the world, but the Greatest Duelist of all time." responded the girl.

"Do you hear that, girls?" asked Starlight. "That ovation these people that used to cheer for you both when you got on the dueling field? Well that is the respect and that is the admiration and that is the ovation that I deserve in every arena and every dueling field across the world when I compete! But you two, you two, your just like Isaac. You're overstated, you're overhyped, you're overrated. They say 'Legends never die', but they sure as hell can outstay their welcome. And Celestia and Luna, one last warning, you both get involved in any way, not only will I report you both to the Board of Education for breaking your retirement agreement, but I put you both to sleep, permantly. I'm going to turn both of you into a beaten, broken down, empty shell of a man even more than you two are now. So I just ask one thing left from the two of you and that's to apologize to me. I know the great Celestia and Luna don't apologize, but you're gonna apologize to me, hell you're not just gonna apologize to me, but to the readers as well, for being the biggest hypocrites I've ever seen in my life!"

You will apologize for keeping people like me down so that duelist like you can rise to the top. I've had friends, friends who have given their all to this game and have been unceremoniously held down because of people like you!"

"It wasn't out fault!" shouted both girls.

"It wasn't your fault, because you girls can't realize talent in front of you. Because you were buddy-buddy with the Big 5!" shouted Starlight. "You apologize to me for my friends, because they can't be here to stand up to the people like you, and let their voice be heard. But I am Starlight Glimmer and I am the voice of the voiceless! And you two will apologize and you both will like it!"

Both Celestia and Luna looked at each other as they heard Starlight's demand.

"Apologize! Apologize! Apologize and spare your school and yourselves from any further embarrassment."

"We don't give a damn what you say!" shouted Luna.

"That's the problem Luna and Celestia! You both don't give a damn anymore, but I do!!! You both may not give a damn, but my problem is I do!!!" yelled the girl. "Am I a bad guy? Absolutely, I don't wear a white hat, but I am damn sure in touch with these people and the readers; and right now I think they want to hear an apology!!"

"Sorry. We're sorry." muttered both women.

"What?" mocked Starlight as she heard them, but she wanted it to be louder.

"We said: we're sorry."

"What?" mocked Starlight as she had a smile on her face on her end of the call.

"We apologize you son of a bitch!!" shouted Celestia and Luna as on Starlight's end she was grinning ear from ear.

"This is better than winning the Superbowl multiple times." snickered Starlight. "The great Celestia and Luna just apologized to Starlight Glimmer." The call was then cut off as it ended.

Both ladies let out a sigh as they didn't know what to do, Twilight had heard this as she knew that Starlight needed to be stopped.

Twilight was busy as she had a notepad in her hand as she was going over what lesson she wanted to meet with her student. And also going over the past duels from her friends, she had collected the data from the girl's duel disks when they battled Starlight and she had been collecting data on Starlight's latest monster. She looked at the many replays as she was closely examining Starlight's key card. She wrote down all of its abilities and the requirements necessary for the monster to be summoned and work. With that piece of info, Twilight was working out her strategy necessary for her evitable duel with the girl as she knew that sooner or later, it would be her turn that Starlight would come hunting for. And it seemed even sooner.

"AHHH!!" echoed a scream as it got Twilight to stop in her tracks.

"Pinkie." said Twilight. She then began to race to find her friend as she followed the voice. Soon she pushed over some doors as she came to the field as she saw the final moments of the duel.

Pinkie was hit by a direct attack from Starlight's new monster as she took a hard hit. She then fell down as there was Shadow nearby who Pinkie was protecting from Starlight.

"Pinkie!" said Shadow as he was concerned for his tutor as she had sacrificed herself to protect him. "Pinkie, are you okay? Say something."

"Shadow, don't worry about me." smiled the party girl as she had some scuff marks on her body.

"Number six." said Starlight as she put another check mark on her list.

"Pinkie!" shouted Twilight as she rushed over to check on her friend to see if she was hurt. "Shadow, what happened?"

"Me and Pinkie were having our daily lesson, when we were interrupted by Starlight. Pinkie knew it meant trouble so she told me to stay behind her as she showed no fear in challenging Starlight to a duel. But as you can see... no matter how hard Starlight hit her, Pinkie didn't dare move from this spot, Starlight was relentless in throwing Pinkie for a loop." said the boy.

Twilight was checking on her friend as it seemed Pinkie would be just fine. She let out a small smile as she turned her attention to Starlight who was still there as she had a sick smile on her face. Twilight then stood up as she looked to confront Starlight. For the two girls this was something that both had been waiting for a long time. For Starlight, she wanted to take out the last bit of resistance that could foil her plans and the last remembrance of Isaac. And for Twilight, she was looking to get even with the girl who took out her friends and her boyfriend. So this duel that was now set to happen was going to be a personal one.



Both girls so similar, yet so different.

"How are you holding up. Twilight? Miss Superman." taunted the girl.

"I don't know what you did to Isaac, but I know this. He started the job, and I'm going to finish it."

"Oh, you finally started to grow up. Did playing the damsel in distress really get that boring? Doesn't it feel good, when Isaac wraps his arms around you? He holds, pulls you closely into his chest where you just feel the safest. He always comes to save the day and protect his princess from danger. Truly a happy ending." mocked Starlight.

"I can take care of myself!" shouted Twilight. "I don't need Isaac to always save me. And I'll prove it in our duel."

"Perfect, but... not today. Tomorrow afterschool, where I will kill the last remaining force of your little group." suggested Starlight as she informed Twilight of the place for their duel.

"Whatever," said Twilight as she looked to help Shadow get Pinkie to somewhere she could recover as both had her shoulders over theirs as they all prepared to walk.

"Just know Twilight, I plan to win our duel. And unlike you, my word is my bond. So tell me, did you give your mother your word?" said Starlight as that got Twilight to look at the girl.

"Didn't you promise your mother that you graduate from Crystal Prep? Didn't you promise your mother that you duel and retire undefeated? Didn't you promise your mother that you were going to get married and give her some grandkids? Didn't you promise that you would be a successful card designer?" said Starlight as she was trying to get under Twilight's skin as it seemed to be working.

"I'm impressed Twilight, not by what you've done in your life, but moreso to how far you've come by doing the absolute minimal effort. Tell me, how did it feel to finally be important cause you were dating Isaac. You got to be the leading lady of this story, because you were smooching it up with Isaac. You didn't earn that position, it was given to you cause you were with Isaac." said the girl.

"This has nothing to do with that, sure my relationship with Isaac gave me more eyes on me. But I earned that spot, I've shown that I can duel and hang with the best." said Twilight. "Isaac saw it in me when we first met and battled."

"You're right, though I doubt he'll want to be with you anymore. Like Sunset said, she could so easily take your man away from you. And I don't blame her, cause if I was Isaac, I definitely would go for the bigger steak. I mean Sunset's a pretty face with a wonderful body, and has a bit more to offer Isaac then you can." said Starlight as she pointed to Twilight's own body and her assets.

Twilight just ignored Starlight's threat as she wanted to get her friend to safety.

"I mean, think about it, Twilight. All Sunset needs to do to steal Isaac is show her ass and tits to him and he'll break up with you in 5 seconds." said Starlight.

At that moment, Twilight clenched her fists as she let Shadow carry Pinkie as she immediately started to tackle Starlight to the floor as she was furious at the comment she made. It was now a straight up catfight as both girls were kicking and punching each other as they weren't holding back. Both girls were trying to rip each other's hair out as they rolled around in the grass. Soon a pair of hands grabbed Twilight as they tried to get her off of Starlight. Sunset, along with Rainbow and AJ had happened to past by when they saw Twilight and Starlight fighting as it took all three of them to get their nerdy friend off of the girl. Twilight was struggling to break free as she wanted to continue to slung at Starlight for saying that last remark. Starlight was about to continue to jump at Twilight when she felt her won pair of arms wrap around her as it lifted her up in the air and dragged her away.

"Sunburst, let me go!!" shouted Starlight as she was kicking and screaming to get her friend to let go. "Let me go, Sunburst! Let me at her!"

"Starlight, calm down! Remember the plan." said the boy as he was tried to do his job in getting her to calm down.

"Let me go girls!" shouted Twilight as she too was kicking and screaming as she tried to get free.

"Twilight, settle down."

"Shut up, Sunset!" yelled the girl at the person who was holding her back.

"Tomorrow, Twilight! This ends!" shouted Starlight as Sunburst fully dragged his friend off the field.

"She's gone." said Applejack as she informed their friend as it got her to settle down.

Twilight then broke free as she looked at Sunset with a furious look on her face as the comment Starlight made about Sunset using her body to steal Isaac was on her mind as it got Twilight to be angry. She then left her friends as she started to walk away as the others looked at their friend with concern on their faces. Then they helped Shadow in getting Pinkie to recover from her duel.

Twilight now entered her room as she slammed the door as Spike was on her bed and heard the noise as it got the small pup to curl up. His animal instincts told him that Twilight was pissed off and he had better stay out of the way or risk suffer his owner's wrath. Twilight then began to work on her deck and strategies as she was determined to end Starlight and stop her plan. Four hours passed as it was now midnight as Twilight had finished rebuilding her deck as she had it perfected for her duel.

"Twilight." asked Spike.

"This ends, Spike. Starlight is going to pay for all she's done." said the girl as she prepared for the upcoming battle.

"Do you need me..."

"NO!" shouted the girl. "This is something you can't do, besides, this issue is personal to me. Starlight will stop at nothing to get her objective, and the means harming those who we care about. So it's safe to say that if you show up, she won't hesitant to use you to get in my head. So I'm getting rid of that possibility." stated Twilight.

"Just promise you'll be careful." stated the small mutt.

"No promises." was all Twilight said as she prepped for her duel.

The next day had arrived as it was a day that was long awaited. For the girls, they heard from Sunset, RD, and AJ that Twilight was going to challenge Starlight to a duel and she made a promise to stop her from finishing her plan. For the girls, they certainly hoped that Twilight could do what neither one of them could as they watched their friend on the field as she had her arms crossed and her eyes closed as the wing blew in her face as her hair and skirt fluttered in the wind. Twilight then opened her eyes as she saw Starlight making her way onto the field as she wasted no time in activating her duel disk which Twilight did the same as both projected their color card trays.

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said their duel disks.

Starlight's Life Points: 8000-

Twilight's Life Points: 8000-

Turn 1: Twilight

"I'll start off." said Twilight as she drew her card. "I'll summon my Amores of Prophecy(600/200) in defense mode. Then I'll activate my Amores' ability, so I reveal my Spellbook of the Library Crescent so that I can special summon one level 4 or lower spellcaster from my hand. So I choose my Hermit of Prophecy(1200/700)." Twilight's second magician then emerged next to her first one as it was an elderly man. "Next, I'll play my Spellbook of the Library Crescent since I currently have no 'Spellbook' in my graveyard, I can select three from my deck and you choose one of them to add to my hand. So I reveal my Spellbook of Life, Spellbook of Secrets, and Spellbook of Divinity." said the girl as all of her cards appeared for all to see as they all flipped over.

"Not that it matters, I'll pick the card on the left." said Starlight as she made her choice.

"Very well, then." said Twilight as she took the selected card and then placed the other two on top of her deck as the autoshuffler kicked in. "Next, the effect of my Hermit of Prophecy activates, so now he gains 2 levels and his attack points increase by 300." informed Twilight as her magician was now Level 5 and had 1500 attack points.

"I now place one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 2: Starlight

"My draw!" shouted the girl as she looked at her hand. "I'll play the continuous spell card, Constellar Star Chart. Then I'm activating the card, Photon Veil. So now I shuffle 3 Light monsters from my hand into my deck and then I can add any 3 Light monsters that I want." Starlight then took the 3 monster cards in her opening hand as she placed them all on top of her deck as the autoshuffler kicked in. She then touched her duel screen as she was selecting the monsters she wanted as she pressed confirm and they all slotted out from her deck as she grabbed them.

"Now since you control monsters and I don't, I can special summon my Constellar Siat(100/1600). Then I summon my Constellar Shertan(700/1900). And by summoning my Constellar Shertan, I can add a 'Constellar' monster from my deck to my hand." Starlight now had both of her monsters in defense mode as her duel disk ejected the card she desired. "And now I activate Siat's ability, so now he can copy the level of another Constellar, so now he's Level 3." informed Starlight.

"I now overlay both of my monsters to build the Overlay Network!" Starlight's monsters then transformed into two dark orbs of light as they hovered in the air for a bit as a portal opened up in front of the girl. Soon both lights entered the portal as a pillar of light emerged. "I unite the light of the waterbearer and the light of the ram! Open a path to the cosmos and gallop towards a shining new star! I Xyz Summon, Constellar Hyades(1900/1100)!" The monster emerged as it held both of its weapons in its hands.

"And now the effect of my Constellar Star Chart allows me to draw an extra card when I Xyz summon a 'Constellar' monster. I'll then lay one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 3: Twilight

"My draw, and now I'll activate the effect of my Amores once again. So I reveal another 'Spellbook' in my hand so that I can summon my Strength of Prophecy(1500/1400)!" Out emerged a female spellcaster as she had some magical runes on her weapon. "I then activate the effect of my Spellbook of Secrets so that I can add any 'Spellbook' I want." Twilight's then selected the card she wanted as it slid out for her to grab. "Now I'll activate my Strength of Prophecy's special ability, so now I can target one faceup spellcaster on the field and not only give it 500 more attack points but also increase its level by 1 and I choose my Strength of Prophecy. Then I'll sacrifice my Amores of Prophecy so that I can summon my Emperor of Prophecy(2300/2000). But I'm not done, cause now I'll overlay both of my Level 5 Strength of Prophecy and Hermit of Prophecy to build the Overlay Network!" Twilight's two monsters then transformed into dark orbs of lights as they hovered in the air as a portal opened up in front of her. Soon both lights entered the portal as a pillar of light emerged. "I Xyz Summon, Empress of Prophecy(2000/1700, OLU: 2)!" shouted the girl as she now had two of her monsters sitting on top of their own respective thrones as the married couple looked at each other with a loving smile.

"Now my Empress of Prophecy's effect allows her to gain 300 additional attack points for every Xyz material she has attached, so right now she has 2600 attack points. But I'll use one overlay unit right now, and by doing so, I can now look at the top 5 cards of my deck and for every Spellbook that I reveal, I can destroy a monster." Twilight's duel disk then projected her next five cards for Starlight and her friends to see as they saw her options. "Looks like I have Spellbook of Power and Spellbook of Divinity, so that's two spellbooks which means I can destroy your monster!" shouted Twilight as Starlight's monster blew up.

"Now I can take those five cards and put them in any order I choose on top of my deck." Twilight then moved the order of the cards in her hand as she placed them back on top of her deck. "And with no monsters left on your side of the field, I'll now move in for a direct attack! Empress let her have it!"

"I reveal my facedown, Constellar Equinox! So now I can avoid taking any damage by ending the battle phase, but I have to send a 'Constellar' Xyz monster from my graveyard as a cost for activating this spell." Starlight then sent a copy of her Constellar Omega to the graveyard as he managed to avoid Twilight's attacks.

"Now bad, I end my turn."

Turn 4: Starlight

"My draw, and I'll summon Constellar Algiedi(1600/1400) and by summoning Algiedi, I can also summon another Level 4 'Constellar' monster from my hand, so I summon my Constellar Kaus(1800/700)!" Starlight’s first monster descended from the golden portal above her, a slim figure in silver armor wielding a club with a blue gemstone set in it. Algiedi raised its club and fired a ray of light at the ground. Within the circle of light rose a second monster, in silver armor jumped in front of Starlight, this one wielding a large silver and gold bow. Starlight pointed at Kaus. “I activate Kaus’ ability. Up to twice a turn I can increase the level of a Constellar monster by 1. I boost the level of Algiedi and Kaus.” Kaus turned and fired an arrow at Algiedi and itself. The knights glowed gold as they were struck.

"I now overlay both of my Level 5 Constellar monsters to build the Overlay Network!" stated Starlight as her two monsters then transformed into dark orbs of light as they hovered in the air for a bit as a portal opened up in front of her. Soon both lights entered the small portal as a pillar of light emerged. "I unite the light of the crab and the light of the archer! Open a path to the cosmos and gather the light of the stars! I Xyz Summon, Constellar Pleiades(2500/1500, OLU: 2)!" Starlight's new warrior raised its weapon high up as it struck a fierce pose.

"And by summoning my monster, my Constellar Star Chart allows me to draw an extra card. Now I'll activate my Constellar Pleiades' special ability, by using one overlay unit, I can return one card on your side of the field back to your hand. So I'll return your Emperor of Prophecy!" said Starlight as her monster then swung its axe as it generated a huge wind effect as it caused Twilight's monster to be surrounded in a golden light as it returned to her hand. "And now Pleiades attack her Empress of Prophecy!" shouted Starlight as her monster then brought its axe down on Twilight's monster.
Twilight's Life Points: 7800-

"I reveal my facedown, Book of the Ancients! Now whenever one of my monsters is destroyed, in battle, it allows me to send one card in my hand to the graveyard so that I can draw another card. And if happens to be a monster, I can summon it straight to the field." Twilight then selected her card she wanted to get rid of she drew her card and looked at it. "Seems it wasn't a monster, so instead it goes to my hand. But I did what I accomplish, cause the card I sent to my graveyard was my Spellbook of Divinity. So now I take one card from my deck and remove it from play for three turns, then after those three turns, I can use the card." Twilight knew which card she wanted as she wasted no time in making her choice as she grabbed her card and put it in the banished compartment of her duel disk.

Hmm, curious. Why would Twilight remove a card from her deck for three turns? Out of all the girls of their little friend group, she's doing something that I wasn't expecting. She must be planning something, but what?

"I end my turn."

Turn 5: Twilight

Alright, my plan in motion, now to let the next three turns play out.

"I draw, and now I'll summon my Spellbook Magician of Prophecy(500/400) in defense mode. Then when he's summoned, I can add a 'Spellbook' from my deck to my hand." Twilight now had a small boy appeared as he put his left hand to his mind as he produced the card his mistress wanted as it appeared in front of Twilight for the girl to grab. "I'll now play Graceful Charity so that I can draw three cards and then discard two." Twilight picked up her cards as she sent her Emperor of Prophecy and one other monster to the graveyard. "Now that I have the card I want in my graveyard, I can activate its special ability, so by banishing 3 'Spellbooks' from my graveyard, I can special summon my Prophecy Destroyer(2500/1200)!" Out emerged on Twilight's field was a devil-like fiend as it had wings and giant sword it carried by its side. It let out a roar as it caused the girls to cover their ear.

"He's not like my other monsters, but it doesn't hurt to have a dark side." stated Twilight as despite her Prophecy Destroyer being an evil creature, she still trusted her monster to have him on her team. And it was that trust by his mistress that the fiend swore an oath to serve and follow Twilight's command.

"Well, he won't be on the field for long, cause I activate Pleiades' effect, so by using the last overlay unit, your Prophecy Destroyer is now sent back to your hand!" said Starlight as her warrior absorbed the last Xyz material as it created another wind that caused Twilight's monster to be sent away to her hand. "So much for that."

"Actually, it was part of my plan." smiled Twilight.

"What?" said Starlight.

"Cause now I play my Spellbook of Miracles, with this I can target one Xyz spellcaster in my graveyard and 2 banished 'Spellbook' spell cards. So now the monster rises up and those 2 banished spellbooks become overlay units for my monster to use. So welcome back, my Empress of Prophecy!" shouted Twilight as she had her female monster returned as she sat on her throne with her overlay unit circling around her.

"Nice, Twilight was able to outsmart Starlight." said Sunset.

"Now, as you know my Empress gains 300 extra attack points for every Xyz material it has attached, but right now I'll use one right now. So I can now look at the top five cards of my deck and then for every 'Spellbook' I reveal, I can destroy a monster of yours." Twilight then looked at her five cards as they projected for all to see. "This time, I drew 3 different 'Spellbooks', so that's more than enough then I need to destroy your monster!" said Twilight as her Empress raised her staff and fired a spell that took out Starlight's monster. "Now I can put those five cards in any order I choose."

"And now you have to defend yourself, Empress attack Starlight directly!!" commanded Twilight as her monster lifted her staff and blasted her monster as Starlight covered up.
Starlight's Life Points: 5700-

"I now end my turn."

"Nice, Twilight got the first major hit against Starlight. She's doing better than either of us ever did." stated Rainbow.

Turn 6: Starlight

"My turn," said Starlight as she picked up her card, "I activate Xyz Revenge. So now I can target one Xyz monster in my graveyard and bring it back. So Constellar Pleiades is back. Then I can take one Xyz material from your monster and give it to mine." said Starlight as she stole Twilight's overlay unit from her Empress as she lost her extra 300 point as she now had 2000 attack points.

"Now I'll use my Constellar Pleiades to construct the Overlay Network!" Starlight's sole monster then turned into an orb of light as it hovered in the air for a bit as a portal opened up in front of the girl. It then entered the portal as a pillar of light emerged, the crowd went wild as Starlight’s monster glowed brightly, a golden silhouette weaving in the air around it. “With the galaxy as your guiding light, gallop down the path to the cosmos and take flight among the brightest stars!” She thrust her fist into the air. “Rank-Up, Xyz Evolution!” Constellar Pleiades burst apart in rays of light, the rays striking the silhouette around them and filling it out. “Using a Constellar Xyz monster I control as the sole Xyz Material; I Xyz Summon, arise and unleash your celestial fury, Constellar Ptolemy M7(2700/2000, OLU: 1)!” The shape shattered to reveal a large silver and gold dragon, wings of the night sky spread into the air and its tail coiling down and around Starlight.

"Now Ptolemy M7 attack and wipe out her Empress!" commanded Starlight as her dragon let out an attack as it took out Twilight's monster.
Twilight's Life Points: 7100-

"With that I'll end my turn with a facedown."

Turn 7: Twilight

"My turn, and I'll play Spellbook of Knowledge so I'll send my Spellbook Magician of Prophecy to the graveyard so that I can draw 2 cards. Then I'll activate the field spell, The Grand Spellbook Tower!" Twilight then activated her field spell as soon a giant tower emerged behind her as it was very tall. "Next, I summon my Temperance of Prophecy(1000/1000). And then activate her effect, so since I activated a 'Spellbook' previously, then I can tribute her so that I can summon one Level 5 or higher Light or Dark spellcaster from my deck, and I choose my World of Prophecy(2900/2400)!" Temperance then had her cups fill with smoke as they were beginning to overflow as they soon started to surround the women as it caused a layer of smoke. Soon it disappeared as standing in her place was Twilight's new monster as it levitated in the air as it was full of vibrant colors and let off a powerful aura.

"Now I activate my World of Prophecy's special ability, so since it was special summon by the effect of a spellcaster, I can now take 2 of my Spellbooks in my graveyard and add them to my hand. So I'll take my Spellbook of Secrets and Knowledge." said Twilight as her duel disk ejected her cards as she grabbed them. "Then I'll activate the other effect of my monster, so I reveal Spellbook of Secrets, Knowledge, Power, and Immortality so that my magician can destroy every other card on the field!" shouted Twilight.

"No!" stated Starlight.

Twilight's World of Prophecy then raised its arms up as it casted a powerful spell as it was condensing into a energy ball as soon it shot out in multiple rays of light as the entire field was nuked as both players lost all their cards, except for Twilight as her monster was still safe.

"With that, World of Prophecy attack her directly!" shouted Twilight as she gave her monsters its orders as it then shot another beam at Starlight as she was pushed back a bit by the attack.
Starlight's Life Points: 2800-

"Next, I'll activate my Spellbook of Secrets so that I can add any Spellbook I desire. Then I'll set two cards facedown and end my turn."

Turn 8: Starlight

"Grr. My draw, and just what I need, I play Card of Sanctity so now we draw till we're holding six cards!" stated Starlight as she and Twilight refilled their hands. "With that I now activate the spell card Constellar Star Cradle, so now I can take two 'Constellar' monsters back from my graveyard to my hand. However, I can't conduct my battle phase this turn. But that won't matter, cause the monsters I want back are Constellar Kaus and Siat." said the girl as her duel disk ejected her cards as she grabbed them. "Now since you control a monster, and I don't, I can summon Constellar Siat to the field. Then since I control a 'Constellar' monster I can also summon Constellar Caduceus(1600/1550). Then I'll summon Constellar Kaus!" Starlight now had a total of three monsters on her field as she looked to bring out a powerful monster. "Caduceus' ability allows me to add a 'Constellar' spell/trap card to my hand. Now Kaus' ability activates so I raise the level of him and Caduceus by one. Then activate Siat's effect so that he can copy their levels." With that sudden change all three of Starlight's monsters were now Level 5.

"I now overlay all three of my Constellar monsters to build the Overlay Network!" shouted Starlight as her three monsters then transformed into dark orbs of light as they hovered in the air for a bit as a portal opened up in front of her. Soon all three lights entered the portal as a pillar of light emerged with a golden shining effect and particles flew out. "This is the end for you, once this monster strikes the field, all shall be destroyed by its celestial light! Annihilate everything in your path, Constellar Ursa Proeliator(4000/3000, OLU: 3)!!" Out emerged a warrior made whose body was made up of the night sky and star as the outline of its body was white lines connecting the stars as it wielded a spear and shield as it rode on a huge bear as it stood at 7 feet tall on its hind legs as it had fangs along with its mouth as it let out a roar as it too had the same shape and appearance as its rider as both wore white and gold armor.

"There it is!" said all the girls as they were seeing Starlight's mighty beast as it was the sole one responsible for taking out Isaac and all of them. And now it looked to end Twilight.

"The good thing is that since Starlight played her Constellar Star Cradle to help set her up in summoning that monster, it can't attack." stated Sunset.

"So Twilight is safe." stated Fluttershy.

"For now, but come next turn, Starlight won't hesitate to attack." informed Pinkie.

"We'll just have to wait and see what Twilight is gonna do on her turn." responded Applejack.

"So this beast is the one who hurt my friends and took Isaac from me." said Twilight as despite her hand shaking a bit at being in the presence of this monster, she kept on a determined look to show she wasn't backing down or afraid.

"Now then, I end my turn with two cards facedown."

Turn 9: Twilight

"My turn, and now my field spell activates, so since I currently control a spellcaster, I can target one spellbook in my graveyard and place it on the bottom of my deck so that I can draw an extra card." Twilight's duel disk then ejected her card as she grabbed it and slid it on the bottom stack as she put her hand on the top.

Alright, this is it, I have all the cards I need in my hand to help execute my plan. But I'm still missing one piece of the puzzle, so I need to draw it, and right now, I could really use it. If Isaac was here he'd say: "Put your trust in your deck and it will trust you". Well, time to put my trust in my monsters and my friends. Never thought I'd say this but, Heart of the Cards, guide me.

Twilight then let out a deep breath as she drew her card very slowly as she extended her arm out. She then opened her eyes and looked at the card as she had a smile.

"I now reveal three Spellbooks in my hand, Spellbook of Power, Life and Magic." said Twilight as she revealed her cards with the third one being a new one that the others didn't see before. "By doing so, I can special summon my partner, arise my High Priestess of Prophecy(2500/2100)!" Out came the beautiful lady as she radiated majestically with her red hair as she sat down in the air with her legs crossed and a book in her lap.

Twilight looked at her Priestess as she felt her connection with her monster as it was growing stronger. Priestess looked at Twilight as she so wished she could communicate with her master to inform her that Isaac was okay. Both nodded as they understood what the plan was as Twilight's body started to glow with a purple aura. The others took noticed of this.

"Guys?" asked Aj.

"Twilight isn't..."

"She is..." said Rainbow as she answered Fluttershy's question.

"But is it going to help?" wondered Sunset.

"Now, I send my Spellbook of Magic to the graveyard!" said Twilight as she sent away her card.

"Huh?" asked Starlight and everybody.

"Don't worry, you'll see it in due time. Now I'll banish Spellbook of Knowledge, to activate my Priestess ability, now I can destroy one card on the field and I choose your monster!" shouted Twilight as she pointed at Ursa Proeliator as her Priestess opened her book and fired a spell as it was making its way towards Starlight.

"I reveal Xyz Reflect! So now I can negate the effect of your Priestess and deal you 800 points of damage." said Starlight as the effect backfired.
Twilight's Life Points: 6300-

"I'll end my turn!"

Turn 10: Starlight

"My turn, and now I'll play my equip spell Xyz Unit, so now my Ursa Proeliator gains 200 more attack points times its rank. So since my monster is Rank 5, it gains 1000 more attack points so now it has 5000 attack points!" said Starlight as her monster got even stronger. "Now, time to end this duel, I activate my Proeliator spell ability, by using one overlay unit, I can return all of my 'Constellar' Xyz monsters from my graveyard to my Extra Deck and then for each one my monster gains 500 more attack points!" Starlight's monsters were shown as they then zoomed back to the spear of her monster on the field as it now had a total attack power of 7000.

"7000!" shouted the girls as they were shocked to see the monster have that much power.

"Now Ursa Proeliator attack her World Of Prophecy, and by the way, since I used Caduceus as an Xyz material, my Constellar monster gains this effect. When it battles a Light or Dark monster, I can banish that monster, so your World of Prophecy is gone!" shouted Starlight as her warrior pointed its spear and took out Twilight's monster. "And don't forget it can attack twice, so now attack her High Priestess of Prophecy!" shouted Starlight as her monster then charged forward as it collided and took out her monster in one hit.

"AHH!!" shouted Twilight as she felt the hit from her monster as she was tossed onto the grass as her glasses were knocked off and landed next to her.
Twilight's Life Points: 1800-

"I now end my turn." chuckled Starlight as she knew the end was near for the girl.

"Twilight!!" shouted the others as they saw their friend lying on the ground.

"Can't... give... up..." stated Twilight as she had some bruises and scuff marks on her skin as she grabbed her glasses as they were still intact as she put them on. She sat on up as she looked at Starlight and her monster as she reached up and touched the necklace around her neck as she was reminded of Isaac. With that, Twilight then willed herself to get up and continue the duel.

Turn 11: Twilight

"My turn, I draw!" shouted Twilight as a portal opened up in front of her.

"What?" asked Starlight.

"Three turns have passed since I played my Spellbook of Divinity, so now the card I sent away is now in play. So rise... Dark Red Enchanter(1700/2200)!" Out emerged Twilight's monster as it was a sorcerer who wore red clothing as he wielded a staff. "Time to win, I activate the effect of my Spellbook of Magic from my graveyard, now I select a monster out on my field and whenever that monster is destroyed, at the end of the battle phase, the monster that attack it is also destroyed. And I know that your monster's ability can stop it from being destroyed, but only in battle, not card effects." informed Twilight.

"So what? All I need to do is attack your Dark Red Enchanter next turn and you lose!" informed Starlight.

"Then I better make this turn count, I play Spellbook of Power to raise my monster's attack points by 1000 and Dark Red Enchanter's effect allows him to gain a counter whenever a spell is activated. So with that he rises to 3000 this turn."

"No he won't, cause I'll activate my Ursa Proeliator's ability, by using one overlay unit, I can negate the effect of all your spells and traps you currently have on the field. So your cards won't work!" shouted Starlight as her monster then absorbed another Xyz material as it got rid of all of Twilight's cards in her backrow.

"To end my turn, I'll send this card, my Spellbook of Friendship." said Twilight as she sent another of her cards to the graveyard.

Turn 12: Starlight

"Time to end this, now! Ursa Proeliator take out her Dark Red Enchanter and end this duel!!" shouted Starlight. Her monster then raced forward as it aimed its spear and threw it with so much power that it collided with the monster as a huge explosion went off as a beam of light was shot in the sky.

It was so visible that anybody walking by would see from the school fence. Which so happen as a small kid saw the beam of light.

"Isaac!!!" screamed Twilight as she grabbed her necklace tightly.

"NO!!!!" shouted the girls as they watched their friend's monster be destroyed as the attack made contact.

"HA HA HA! I've finally done it!!!" chuckled Starlight manically as she had managed to not only beat Twilight but also take out the very last resistance that stood on her way. Soon something caught her mind.

"What's this?"

The smoke cleared and the beam of light disappeared as standing there was Twilight who now had more bruises and scuff marks on her skin, but the most surprising thing was that she was still standing.
Twilight's Life Points: 50-

"This can't be, that last attack should have ended her!" said the girls as they were stunned.

For Twilight the lens of her glasses had been bent and cracked a bit from the attack, she could still see as she took deep breaths.

"Now... I... I... my Spellbook... of Friendship saved me... and now since... my... D-... Dark Red Enchanter... was destroyed... my Spellbook of Magic...with it... your... monster... is also gone!!" shouted the girl as a rainbow coloring surround Starlight's monster as it then zapped seven different colors as the monster as it was helpless against the card. Soon it was gone in a powerful laser attack as Starlight's great beast was no more.

Turn 13: Twilight

"She's done it!" said Sunset.

"I can't believe it darlings, Twilight is going to win."

"My... draw..." Twilight felt so weak from the attack as it really her hurt that she was weak in energy as she wobbled a bit. "I play... Monster Reborn to bring back my High Priestess... then play... Spellbook of Mimicry... so that I can copy the... effect... of... my... Spellbook... of... Power..." said Twilight as her monster rose as it had been powered up to 3500 attack points.

"Hurry up and call your attack, Twilight!" shouted Rainbow.

"I... I..." was all Twilight could say as she ran out of energy and fell down facefirst as she was exhausted. In her hand, was the necklace she loved so much as it dropped from her grip and landed in front of her.

"Twilight!!!!" shouted the girls.

"Duelist unable to stand. Forfeit. Winner: Starlight Glimmer." said Twilight and Starlight's duel disks as they checked the vitals of the girl as it seemed they scanned Twilight to see she was in no condition to continue the duel.

"It can't be." said Fluttershy as she was shocked to see their friend couldn't call her final attack to win.

Starlight just smiled as how Twilight couldn't get the job done, she knew the girl didn't have what it took to beat as she pulled out her checklist and marked off the last checkbox. Starlight then began to walk towards Twilight's fallen body. Twilight opened her eyes as she saw herself lying on the floor. The necklace was in front of her as she heard her friends starting to run and check on her. She then moved her hand to grab the necklace when another hand swiped the item from the ground and held it over the bookworm's head as it caused Twilight to gasp.

"This thing, Isaac gave it to you. Well, consider it payment, for embarrassing me at the Duos Cup. I said that I would get my revenge on you, and this seems like the perfect thing. Imagine if I smashed it." said Starlight.

"No!" said Twilight as she had tears coming from her eyes. She tried to reach for it, but her body was too tired to function.

"You wanted to talk about breaking down doors, bitch please. I've broken down more doors than you ever could have imagined." shouted Starlight as she put her foot on Twilight's hand as she applied pressure and lifted the item up high as she looked to drop it. "The only door you ever broke down was the door to Isaac's bedroom!!"

"No!!" shouted Twilight as Starlight was bring her arm down.

All round time was moving slowly with Twilight's friends still running to help her friends as Twilight screamed at Starlight to stop. Starlight had a sick evil smile as her arm was slowly coming down. Then something happened.

"Huh?" said Starlight as her arm wasn't moving. She then looked as there was a hand that grabbed her arm as she followed it to see it belonged to a cloaked person. The person then took the cloak in one swift motion as they revealed themselves. Everybody stopped as they let out a gasp.

"Please, let's have a bit of respect for people's personal things." smiled Isaac as he grabbed the necklace from Starlight's hand as he held it.

"No, how! I thought you were dead!" shouted Starlight.

"My death was greatly exaggerated." chuckled Isaac.

"Isaac?" said Twilight as she saw the boy standing in front of her.

Isaac then tossed Starlight's arm as it caused her to be thrown back a bit.

"This can't be." said Starlight as she looked at the boy in front of her. It was almost like she was seeing the ghost of her past return.

"It can and it is." said Isaac with a smirk smile. "I'm back."

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