• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 20: The City Boy and the Country Gal

After the first night of the finals had ended, Celestia told everybody to head home as it was getting already late. Thankfully, there wasn't any school due to it being the weekend so everybody was even more ecstatic. After the match with Fluttershy, Isaac met up with the rest of the girls and they began to discuss today's events.

"I can't believe we managed to pull that off." said Isaac.

"I can cause we're awesome! I mean did you see those moves I was busting out. My opponent didn't stand a chance against me." Rainbow was stilling riding the victory train from her duel.

"Don't forget you're not the only one who who made to the next round. Both me and Isaac had our fair share, and we're advancing to the semifinals. Right, partner."

"Couldn't put it any other way, Aj. By the way, congrats on your victory. I bet Applebloom must be super happy that her big sister is moving on."

"You don't know the half of it, after my match she ran to my room and started cheering me like I won the darn thing. It took awhile but I eventually calmed her down. I assured her that it wasn't over and that it would only get harder from here."

"Darlings, lets take a moment to congratulate the half of our group has made it into the top 4. It seems we couldn't ask for a better position because however the brackets turn out, we'll have at least 2 chances to take down Sunset Shimmer. We're one step closer to achieving our goal; lets just take this time to celebrate."

"Rarity is right, the best way to celebrate is with one great big party!" Shouted Pinkie.

Fluttershy then spoke up. "Easy there Pinkie Pie, we're all pretty worn out from dueling that I don't think anybody has the energy for a surprise party. Though I'll say you seem to have a fun time commentating the duels with Celestia. I could tell that you were filled with happiness and your face had the biggest smile we've seen in a while."

"Your correct on that front. I just had marble of a time; being able to watch you guys do your thing while I got to relay the info to the beautiful people at home what was happening. It was the best feeling ever! I just wish I could have helped more, I mean maybe I should have been more serious and then I would have qualified. But instead I just ended up being dead weight." As Pinkie said that, her hair then started to deflate.

Her friends reassured her that everything was alright and that they were proud of what she did. They told her that she did all she could and that was enough to please them. Soon thereafter Pinkie was her usual puffy self as her hair suddenly inflated back to its original state. They continued to talk for a bit, even asking Fluttershy and Isaac how they felt after their incredible match. Fluttershy was the first to speak.

"I'm admit it was scary knowing that I would have to face Isaac, but once I got over those nerves and remembered the promise we made. It was easier for me to stay focused and have fun during the duel." Fluttershy then let out a cute giggle.

"To me I had a rather tough time adjusting. I mean this is my first tournament and I was scared with how well I would perform. When I found out that I qualified to make the top 8, I was happy but then I faced a difficult challenge. Right off the bat I would be facing one of my friends and that person was known other than Fluttershy. I was terrified that in our duel I would crush her dreams; that I would be the reason why she couldn't get better. I was scared that if I won then you all think that I bullied her or worst didn't think she was a good duelist. But luckily, Fluttershy reminded me that no matter what you guys would never turn your backs on me. That despite us being opponents on the dueling field, we can still be friends after it's over."

The girls were happy to know that Isaac had gotten over that hurdle of facing a friend in battle. They knew it could be tough facing someone you know because you never know how they might react after the match. They assured Isaac that no matter what they would always have a bond that can never be severed, not even Sunset could break it. Soon it was time for everybody to head home and so they departed for the night. It seemed they were all pretty busy to hangout this weekend, but promised that they would meet up Monday to discuss the next phase of their plan. With that they all said their goodbye and went their separate ways.

As Isaac was walking home, he began to play the events of today. Everything from teaming with Sunset, to qualifying in the top 8, to even having to face Fluttershy in the first round. All in all today was an interesting day and one he would be proud to remember. After awhile Isaac had made it home and was unlocking the front door leading to his house. The lights were off so he expected that his parents were asleep. That wasn't the case for when he stepped into the living there was his mother and father congratulating him on making it to the next round. It was a surprise that Isaac wasn't expecting as his father started to address him.

"That's my boy. Well done, mijo. You did a wonderful job!"

"Thanks, papi. It wasn't easy I'll tell you that." Just then Isaac's mother then stepped forward as she gave her son a hug.

"That's my son, showing everybody that he's got some major talent. Why I even told your abuelita what you did and she was impressed to say the least."

"No es gran cosa, mami. I was just doing what I normally do and that's having fun. I'm just glad I was able to put smiles on a couple of people's faces, especially you two."

"Mijo, you're always putting smiles on our faces. We couldn't be more satisfied to see you having a good time. Your mother and I are just amazed with how much fun you're having not to mention the many new friendships you've made since we moved here. Keep up the good work, son."

"Now then, it's late and just because you don't have school tomorrow doesn't mean you can stay up late. After all you must be tired from your match, so I expect you to get some rest. If you want to make it to the next round, then you better make sure you get some sleep. Don't make me bust out the cinturon, it's still my house you live in young man. Am I understood?" Asked Isaac's mother who was serious about making sure her son was in great health before his next match.

"Si senora." With that I said good night to both of my parents and gave them a hug and kiss before I made my way upstairs to my room where I got ready for a long night of sleep.

The whole weekend went by without a hitch. I spent most of my time going over my deck making any changes that I saw necessary for my next match. I knew that I managed to hold my own against Fluttershy but whoever my next opponent, whoever it may be, was going to be an even tougher challenge. So I had to come up with new ways to use my cards. Time flew by relatively quick because it was soon Monday and that meant a couple of things. One that it was the start of a brand new school week; two the semifinals of the Fall Formal tournament would be taking place, and three the Fall Formal itself was at the end of the week. That meant that if both duels crowned their winners today then it would only be just a matter of time before they would face each other on the grandest stage. Plus there was the issue of finding something suitable to wear to the dance itself, but Isaac would worry about that later. With that in his mind, he packed his stuff for school and headed out the door and began on his way. Once he got there he saw that most of the students were starting to make their way into the building. Before Isaac was about to do the same he saw the girls hanging out by the stairs.

"Hey Isaac."

"Hey Rainbow Dash. So what were you guys just waiting for me?"

"This time, yeah. Look we're one step closer to defeating Sunset. In fact, in this next round one of us is guaranteed to face her, the question is who?"

"Simmer down Dash, it doesn't matter who gets to face her first. What matters is we stop her before she causes even more damage. Y'all saw how much carnage she was able to create in her duel against Flash. That kind of skill is going to be tough to beat. So no matter what we've got to stick together and remember what we're fighting for."

"We understand Aj. It's just we're so close that we can't afford any mistakes. Plus if anything I'll be the one winning this whole thing. I mean if I can beat Sunset as fast as I did my last opponent then we've got nothing to worry about." Isaac and Applejack just rolled their eyes as Dash's statement. They all then headed inside and made their way to the gymnasium. Once they made it to the room, Fluttershy, Rarity and Pinkie all went to find a seat while the rest of their friends made their way to the dueling stage. Isaac and the two other girls approached the dueling stage they saw Sunset waiting for them and giving each of them a death glare. They all took their positions when Celestia arrived on the stage and spoke into the microphone.

"Welcome everybody, I hope that you've had a fantastic weekend. Standing before me is the final 4 duelist who will be battling it out today and the two people who win their duel will then go head to head this Friday at the Fall Formal where we will crown CHS duel champion. Now it's time to see who will be facing each other so please direct your attention to the screen." Celestia pointed at the screen and it began to randomize the portraits as it would determine what the brackets would be determined; after a bit of suspenseful few minutes it calculated the results and determined the match order. "Looks like it'll be Sunset vs Rainbow Dash in one duel and in the other it will be Isaac taking on Applejack. Now that the duels have been determined, duelist make your way to your respective rooms and await further instructions. Once we're all set up we'll contact the pair of duelist who will be starting things off." With that the four competitors then departed and each went to the rooms they were previously held in during the first round.

Once Isaac made it back to his room, he began to go over his deck putting together any last minute strategies he could think of the counteract Applejack. "Based on my previous experience with fighting alongside AJ, I know she has a plant based deck. Not to mention that she'll be looking to fusion summon them as fast as she can. Not to mention the possibility that Aj might have a surprise waiting for me; if Fluttershy is any indication then I can expect Applejack to have some sort of secret weapon." Isaac then pulled a card out of his pocket and looked at it. "I was hoping to avoid using this card but it couldn't hurt to have some extra firepower." With that Isaac put that card in deck.

Applejack was in her room looking through her deck. She was going over her plan to beat Isaac. "Well we knew this was going to happen eventually, not too mention that Isaac is one tough cowboy. That city slicker sure knows how to handle himself; it's kinda charming if I think about. No matter what, Isaac is not afraid to get down and dirty. I like that about him." Aj had a tiny blush on her face when she said that, but was interrupted when she heard a knock her door. She approached the door and opened it too see her little sister standing there. Applebloom then gave her big sis a hug to show her love.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything important. I just wanted to see you before your match."

"It's alright, sis. Actually if I'm being honest I wanted to see you too. I know you look up to me, and that you want me to win this tournament. I'm not saying that I'm going to lose but rather it's going to be tough. I'm facing one of my friends and then if I manage to get by I'll have an even tougher opponent waiting for me."

Applebloom looked at her sister's eyes and saw the message she was trying to tell her. "I understand Applejack, but I really want you to win. Not just for me, but for our family. You're single handedly the best duelist to come out of our family legacy. And if you win then it could mean tons of new connections for our business."

Applejack gave her sister a pat on her head while making sure to not mess up her pink bow. "I get it, but Isaac isn't one to be taken lightly. You saw first hand how much of fighter he is. This is going to be my toughest duel to date and you know Isaac won't go down without a fight."

"I know. Just promise me you'll give it your all."

"I will, sugarcube." With that Applejack bent down to Applebloom's level and gave her a hug. Applebloom then started to leave to let her sister prepare for her showdown before making one last comment. "You know Granny Smith has taken a shine to Isaac, in fact she's waiting on you to snag him. Says that she wants some grandkids before she retires, don't want to disappoint her." With that Applebloom left in a hurry before her sister could hurt her. Applejack was about to scold her sister for saying something like that which caused her to have a blush on her checks. She didn't have time to express her thoughts due to the speaker system going off.

"Will the duelist Applejack, please make your way to the stage? Your match will begin shortly."

So Applejack composed herself and grabbed her duel disk. She started to make her way down the hallway and towards the stage. While he was walking, a part of herself was thinking on what Granny Smith had said. That her family had taken a liking to Isaac and were waiting for her to make her move. She thought about what made Isaac so unique that she started to get lost in her own personal thoughts as was evident by her face starting to become slightly a bit red.

"Will the duelist Isaac, please make your way to the stage? Your match will begin shortly."

"Well it's time. To get to Sunset, I'll have to go through Aj." With that I grabbed my deck and made my way to the stage.

Meanwhile the whole school had already filled the room to its max capacity as the students were getting themselves ready for the entertainment. Fluttershy and Rarity were sitting with the CMC who were cheering on for both Isaac and Applejack. Pinkie Pie was getting ready to join Celestia at the commentary table. Once they made sure everything was ok with the sound and the cameras; Luna then gave her sister a thumbs up to signal they were ready to start the show.

"Welcome ladies and gentleman, we hope that you've all had a relaxing weekend. Based on how much excitement we got from the duels on Friday, I think I speak for everybody when I say we all needed some time to cooldown. But we're now back with the semifinals of this tournament. In these next duels, 4 individuals will enter with only two emerging victorious. Those two winners will then earn the opportunity to go head to head with each other this Friday at the Fall Formal itself which we will gladly broadcast for viewers at home. Allow me to once again introduce my co-host, Pinkie Pie. Now Pinkie perhaps you could shed some insight on what we potentially see."

"Gladly Principal Celestia, Isaac and Applejack are both tough duelist. In fact they may be the most hard working individuals I've come to know in my life. Not too mention that their best friends; Isaac even once teamed up with Aj during a family gathering that she held a little while back. So it's safe to say that they've had plenty of time to study each other's decks and strategies and have come up with a solution to counteract each other."

"Then let's get this show started! On my left, please welcome CHS very own apple loving gal, Applejack. And facing her on my right is none other than the phenomenal holder of the Dark Magician, please give a warm welcome to Isaac." When Celestia had finished announcing both duelist, the crowd was split down the middle. It seemed it would not only be a battle on the field but also with who could get the crowd more on their side. Applejack and Isaac met in the center where they looked at one another for a minute.

Isaac was the first to break concentration. "Well Aj, here's to a hard fought battle. May the best duelist, win."

"Same to you, sugarcube." With that they both shook each other's hands and took their respective positions.

Luna then began to do her job as the official referee. "If both duelist are ready, then begin!"

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Intiatiing. Commencing duel." said the mechanical voice of their duel disks.

"Let's duel!" they both shouted.

Applejack's Life Points: 8000-

Isaac's Life Points: 8000-

Turn 1: Isaac

"I'll start things off, draw." Isaac looked at his opening hand and began to form his plan. "I'll start with playing Beta the Magnet Warrior in attack mode. Then I'll end my turn with a facedown. You're up partner."

Turn 2: Applejack

"Cute impression, draw." Applejack drew her card and looked through her cards. "I'll start by summoning my Predaplant Flytrap(400/800) in defense mode. Now I'll activate its special ability now once per turn, I can place a Predator Counter on your monster. If it's level 2 or higher then it becomes level 1 as long as it has the counter. Now since you have a monster with a counter on it, I can summon Predaplant Helimaphorhynchus(1200/2400) from my hand in defense mode. I'll then set 1 card facedown and pass it over to you."

Turn 3: Isaac

"Alright, my draw!" Isaac drew his card and began to think. So far Applejack just has a couple of monster on her field. Her Flytrap will continue placing counters on my monsters which reduces their level to 1, which isn't a big deal but she must have a reason for doing that. Then there's her other monster which is acting like a wall to protect her. "I'll play my Magician's Valkyria in defense mode. Next I'll activate the spell Graceful Charity, now I draw three more cards and discard 2." Isaac drew his cards and picked which two he wanted to get rid of. "Since I just drew my Watapon by card effect I can summon him to field, so I'll play him in defense mode. I'll then place 1 card facedown. Now Beta attack her Flytrap." The magnet monster then raised its magnetic fist and crushed Applejack's monster.

"I'll then end my turn."

Turn 4: Applejack

"I draw. I'll then play the spell Predapractice, now I can special summon 1 'Predaplant' monster from my hand and add 1 from my deck to my hand. So I'll add my Predaplant Ophrys Scorpio to my hand, and summon my Predaplant Spinodionaea(1800/0). Next it's effect kicks in and it grants a counter on your monster that reduces its level to 1, so I'll choose your Magician's Valkyria. Next I'll activate the spell Predaprime Fusion now I can conduct a fusion summon. So I'll fuse together my 2 monsters on the field; I Fusion Summon my Predaplant Chimerafflesia(2500/2000)." Applejack had summoned a vortex and with it her 2 monsters vanished into it. Then a light emerged from the tunnel and out came a creature that Isaac was familiar with. "Then I'll summon my Predaplant Ophrys Scorpio(1200/800) and with it I can send 1 'Predaplant' from my hand to the grave and summon a different one from my deck, so come out my Predaplant Moray Nepenthes(1600/1000)." Just like that Applejack was in full control of the duel as the crowd cheered for her.

"My Nepenthes has his own ability in which he gains 200 extra points for every counter on the field, so since you have 2 he gains an extra 400 points which raise it to 2000. Now I'll have all of my monsters attack, my Chimerafflesia will attack you Magician's Valkyria and its effect allows it to gain an extra 1000 points when it targets a monster. Then my Scorpio will attack your Watapon. And lastly, my Nepenthes will get rid of Beta." Applejack gave her plants their orders and they got rid of Isaac's creatures.
Isaac's Life Points: 7600-

"Now since my Nepenthes destroyed a monster, I can then attach that monster to it. I'll then end my turn."

Turn 5: Isaac

"Not bad, Aj. But I'm still standing, draw. Time to turn up the heat, ready. Here goes. I'll start by summoning a new card, please give a warm reception to Palladium Oracle Mahad(2500/2100)," Isaac revealed his card and out came a warrior/spellcaster who wore gold and white garments it landed on one knee before standing up and bowing its head in front of Isaac.

Applejack and everybody in the crowd was in shock that Isaac had revealed a new monster. It seemed similar like his Dark Magician but possessed a new power. Isaac showed his respects to his monster and together they turned to look Applejack in the eyes.

"Now I'll have my Mahad attack your Chimerafflesia. Go my loyal servant."

"You sure you don't have hay in your ears, partner? My Chimerafflesia has an effect that allows it to gain 1000 extra points while yours loses 1000, so my creature is going to come out on top."

"True under normal circumstances that would happen, but my Mahad has an ability that when it battles a Dark type monster his attack points double during the damage step. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't your monster a dark type Aj?"

Applejack was surprised that Isaac had not only managed to surprise her but found out how to use her own monster's type against her. Isaac's Mahad then powered up as it got rid of Aj's monster. The plants that were left behind started to wilt and eventually fade away.

"Talk about getting rid of some killer weeds, I'll then end my turn."
Applejack's Life Points: 6500-

Turn 6: Applejack

"My draw." Isaac really threw me for loop, he found a way to use my own deck against me, but that doesn't mean I can't get rid of his monster another way. "You may have summoned a new creature, but it will still fall the same. Now I'll activate my spell Plant Invasion, now if I send a card from my hand to the grave then I can destroy 1 card on your field. So I'll send my card and target your Mahad; so much for having a monster to protect you." Applejack's card then morphed into millions of plants that started to grow and make their towards Isaac's monster. When they made contact the plants wrapped around Isaac's spellcaster and began to draw it to the grave, until it broke out of the grip and remained unscratched. Applejack was confused, she thought for sure that her spell would have gotten rid of his monster.

"You didn't think you could get rid of my Mahad that easily, did you Applejack? I reveal my trap Monster Calling, now since I have a monster on my field I can bring back one from my grave as long as it's the same type. Now I call upon my Palladium Oracle Mana(2000/1700). Now once per turn, she can make my Mahad immune to being destroyed by card effects." Out from the grave came a beautiful young female spellcaster who wore similar garments like her teacher. She casted a spell that protected Isaac's Mahad from Applejack's spell. Once that was done she turned to her teacher who gave her a warming smile. Mana also looked at her master who gave her smile full of gratitude.

"Yeesh, your magicians are more tough to get rid of than fleas on a cow's hide. I'll end my turn with a facedown."

Turn 7: Isaac

Isaac drew his card and looked at his spellcasters and then looked at Applejack to address her. "Hey Aj, you notice something about my monsters?"

"What do you mean?" Applejack was genuine confused at was Isaac was talking about.

"I mean don't they look rather familiar, take a good long look?"

Applejack was still not understanding what Isaac was talking about, so she took a look at Isaac's monsters. At first, she didn't see anything. But upon further look she saw what Isaac was talking about. Palladium Oracle Mahad had the same eyes and face as his Dark Magician; and Palladium Oracle Mana had the same features as his Dark Magician Girl. She had to take a double take to make sure she wasn't hallucinating.

"Those monsters, they look just like your Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl. But how can that be, I got rid of them?"

"Let's just say that long ago there was a great pharaoh who had friends and were his most loyal servants. In order to protect him, they passed on a great power and with that power they became spirits that would watch over him. Let's leave it at that for now. Now my spellcasters will attack the rest of your monsters. Go Mahad and Mana, clear Applejack of her field." Just like the pharaoh they used to watch over a long time ago, both servants understood their master's command and took to battle. They collided with Applejack's monsters and destroyed them.

"I'll activate my Nepenthes' effect, now I can detach the monster equipped to it and gain life points equal to its attack.
Applejack's Life Points: 8100-

"I'll then end my turn with a facedown."

Turn 8: Applejack

"You're really making me work for my victory. But I wouldn't have it any other way, draw. Now I'll reveal my facedown Garden of Hope, not I can bring back up to two monsters from my grave but their effects are negated. So I chose to revive my Flytrap and my Predaplant Dragostapelia, then I'll play the spell Polymerization and fuse my two creatures. I Fusion Summon my Greedy Venom Fusion Dragon(3300/2500)!" When Applejack played her card, a mirror popped out. The mirror pulsed and glowed purple, its surface cloudy. The mirror cracked down the center, the image of glowing purple eyes appearing in either half. The mirror shattered and a massive dragon flew out of the frame. Its serpentine body was glowing blue, purple, and yellow, streaks of light along its limbs. Wings like the growths of a plant spread behind it, crackling with energy.

"Now I activate my Dragon's ability now once per turn, I can target 1 face up monster you control and change its attack points to 0 and all of its abilities are negated. I choose you Palladium Oracle Mahad, now my Dragon take out his monster."

Isaac was panicking. I've got to think fast or else my monster is a goner. At that very moment, Isaac slotted something into his graveyard as his monster was destroyed.

Applejack was smiling to see that her dragon had gotten rid of Isaac's monster, but when she check his life points they remained the same.

"How did you survive that, you should have taken some heavy damage?"

"I was able to activate the effect of Kuriboh from my hand, by sending him to the grave all battle damage I take this turn becomes zero. Thank you old friend." Kuriboh's spirit then emerged and gave Isaac a smile and rubbed against him before disappearing.

"Now I'm really starting to get annoyed with you. I end my turn."

Turn 9: Isaac

"Draw, first since my Mahad was destroyed I can summon my Dark Magician back from my grave. Next I'll do a fusion summoning of my own, I play the spell Eye of Timaeus and fuse it with my magician. Now I Fusion Summon Dark Magician the Dragon Knight(3000/2500)." Isaac played his own dragon and when it appeared on the field, it looked at Applejack's dragon and began to give an intimidating roar. Both beasts were looking each other in the eye as they prepared themselves for battle.

Isaac looked at his dragon and knew what he had to do. "I'll then end my turn with 1 card facedown." This is it, all the pieces are now in place to take down Aj's monster. I just have to time this right.

Turn 10: Applejack

"So you want a battle of dragons, huh? Draw! Now I'll activate my monster's effect and reduce your monster to 0. Now my Venom Dragon take out Isaac's monster."

"Hold on, Applejack I activate my facedown Monster Shield, now I sacrifice my Mana so that I can keep my monster from being destroyed as long as I negate her ability. So I relinquish my Palladium Oracle Mana to protect my dragon!" A shield then formed around Isaac's dragon as it took the impact, however the damage was still enough to cause Isaac to fall to his knees.
Isaac's Life Points: 4300-

"I figured you do something like that, that's why I had this reveal my Wild Nature card, now since a my monster failed to destroy your creature in battle it can attack again but with double attack points. My dragon now has 6600 attack which is more than enough to end this duel, now finish this!"

"Well done, Applejack you were able to stand up to my magicians. But I'm going down without a fight, I reveal my final facedown: Equal Treatment." A light emerged from the card and covered the entire field.

"Now if there was a change in my monster's attack points, I can activate this card. Now when both our monsters battle instead of being sent to the graveyard, they're banished from the duel. The next thing is our life points are then reduced to half of what we started with.

The light from the card then surrounded Isaac's monster and when it collided with Applejack's creature they created so much force that it knocked both duelist off their feet and the audience was trying to hold on as they felt the impact from the attack. And just like that the entire field was decimated.
Isaac's Life Points: 4000-
Applejack's Life Points: 4000-

Pinkie and Celestia couldn't put into words on what they just saw. The folks at home couldn't believe what they saw. After a moment, both Isaac and Applejack started to get back on their feet and look at each other. They stared for a couple of minutes while leading out deep breaths, which then turned into laughter. Both were laughing that the crowd was becoming confused on what they were seeing.

"You crafty city slicker, you just never cease to amaze me."

"Well, you're one tough country gal. Never thought I would have to work twice as hard just to win."

Everybody then started to make noise for the two as neither one of them was giving up an inch in this incredible tug of war. Pinkie and Celestia were even offering their praises at seeing how even the two were. Both Isaac and Applejack knew that if either one of them wanted to win then they would need to go to a place they never thought possible. They would need to push past their limits and unlock something hidden in them.

"Talk about a hard reset. Both Isaac and Applejack threw their best shots at each other and it still wasn't enough to keep them down for the count. Everybody here in the crowd is into it and I know everybody at home is!" Pinkie then started to scream into the camera as she was showing everybody how excited this battle was making her.

Celestia then chimed in, "Indeed, it seems like both duelist have found their second wind and I think the real battle is about to begin."

"Well, you heard her partner. The real fight starts now, think you can keep up?"

"I can do this all day."

"Good, then I believe it's your turn."

Turn 11: Isaac

"Right then, I draw! I'll start by summoning Nitro Synchron(300/100) in attack mode, then I'll place 2 cards facedown."

Turn 12: Applejack

"Hey now, what's with these new cards you're playing? Did you keep them a secret in hopes of catching me off by surprise?"

"Maybe, the only way to know is to find out."

"Well you're not the only one who changed her deck before our duel. Now Isaac, let me show you one of new monsters, I summon Witch of the Black Rose(1700/1200) in attack mode. Next I'll use its effect to reveal the top card of my deck and if it's a monster, I can add it to my hand." Applejack drew her card and looked at. "It seems I got lucky, I drew my Lord Poison."

"You may have gotten an extra card, but I'm about to get two more. I activate my facedown Card of Sacrifice, since my monster in attack position is weaker than yours I get to draw 2 cards." Isaac then drew his cards from his deck.

"But like you said, your monster is weaker than mine, which means my witch will have no problem turning your monster into scrap metal. Attack Nitro Synchron!"

"Not so fast, Applejack. I activate Scrap-Iron Scarecrow. This card not only blocks your monster's attack but it returns facedown so that I can use it again later." A scarecrow that was made of metal parts then appeared and stopped Applejack's witch from attack.

"Very well, I'll set 1 card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 13: Isaac

"My move, I activate my One For One spell card. This card lets me send 1 monster from my hand to the graveyard to special summon a level 1 monster from my deck. I'm trading in my Quillbolt Hedgehog to summon Tuningware(100/300) in defense mode. Next I'll play a card that's a fan favorite, I play Junk Synchron. As long as I control a tuner monster, I special summon Quillbolt Hedgehog(800/800) in defense mode."

Applejack was a bit concerned with what Isaac had managed to do. "That's a lot of monsters to summon in one turn."

"Well, actually Applejack. I'm about to invite one more to the party. Get ready! I tune my level 3 Junk Synchron with my Tuningware and by the way, when I'm synchro summoning, Tuningware's effect lets me treat it as a level 2 monster. From two come one, and from one will come great power! Watch as they merge their might! Combine their courage to Synchro Summon, Junk Warrior(2300/1300)!" Out came a monster that was made of metal parts as it made an intimidating pose before landing on Isaac's field.

Once again everybody was in awe as not only did they see something brand new. But the fact that Isaac was once again showing his vast knowledge of duel monsters by performing a dueling method he hadn't done. Applejack still held a solid resolve even when Isaac displayed his new monster.

"Big deal! I'm going to send that Junk Warrior to the junkyard."

"You can try, but my Tuningware has another effect. When it's tuned to a monster, I get to draw a card. My Junk warrior may start with 2300 attack points but it will gain a boost of all level 2 or below monsters on the field. Then I'll perform a second synchro summon!"

"Two in one turn!" shouted Applejack.

"That's right! I'll tune Nitro Synchron with my Quillbolt to Synchro Summon Armory Arm(1800/1200). Next I'll use Armory arm's effect and equip it onto my Junk Warrior to boost its attack points by 1000. But that's not all when the monster equipped with Armory Arm destroys your monster, you lose life points equal to the attack points of your monster. Go Junk Warrior attack with Scrap Iron Fist and end this duel!"

Applejack had a calm demeanor on her face when Isaac called his move. "Lucky for you sugarcube, I'm in a sharing mode. I activate Nature's Reflection! Now all damage from your Armory Arm is negated and reflected right back at you. I'll still lose the normal 2600 from you destroying my monster, but you'll lose the other 1700. Better luck next time, sugar."
Applejack's Life Points: 1400-

"I end my turn. Your up, Applejack."
Isaac's Life Points: 2300-

Turn 14: Applejack

"My move." Applejack put her hand on her deck and prepared to draw. This is it, time to show everybody here my new creature I added to my deck. This may be able to help me win this battle and advance. Just gotta draw the right card, put my trust in my deck and it will trust in me. Here goes! Applejack drew her card which had an green light that trailed behind it with a few particles as an afterglow effect.

"I summon Twilight Rose Knight(1000/1000). When I summon Twilight Rose Knight, I can also summon a plant monster from my hand. And I reckon you remember my old friend, Lord Poison(1500/1000)."

Isaac knew what Applejack was about to do as he had a frighten look on his face. "Uh oh, don't tell me you're going to do what I think you're going do?"

"Well let's find out together, sugar. I tune my Twilight Rose Knight with Lord Poison. A cold flame envelopes the world, within its blinding light, a black flower blooms! Appear Black Rose Dragon(2400/1700)."

When Applejack summoned her new monster the entire field was showered with rose petals and when they converged together out came a dragon of both strength and beauty. It had a rose petals covering its entire body as well as sharp thorns on its scales. It led out a roar as it landed on the field and appeared by Aj's side. Isaac on the other hand was holding his position due to the fact that he couldn't believe that Applejack had managed to obtain a rare card of her own. From what he remembered, he heard tales about the card and how its original owner used to to crush her opponents. If the stories were true, then Isaac knew he may not last much longer in this duel. Applejack admired that even after summoning her new beast, Isaac still stood his ground and was preparing for the worse. Even when it seemed like the odds were against him, Isaac still looked at her dragon in the face with determination. That sight only was able to make Applejack's heart beat even for a few moments. She then turned her attention back to the battle at hand.

"Prepare for destruction! My Black Rose Dragon destroys all cards on the field when it's synchro summoned." Black Rose Dragon then whipped out its thorns as it destroyed everything in its sight.

"Oh no, my monsters all gone!"

"I'll then set 1 card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 15: Isaac

"I draw and I'll set 2 cards facedown and end my turn."

Turn 16: Applejack

"My draw, I'll also set 2 cards facedown and end my turn."

Turn 17: Isaac

"I draw and I'll activate my trap Descending Lost Star to revive one of my monsters. I special summon Junk Warrior in defense position, however it loses a level and can't change battle modes and has 0 defense points."

"So why go through all the trouble to summon it? If it can't defend you, so it's practically useless. You're not making a lick of sense... unless..." Applejack then started to piece together what Isaac was about to do.

"That's right, I going to summon a monster that I've also added to my deck for this duel." Isaac then flashed back to when he was getting ready prior to his duel with Aj; he had pulled a card out of his pocket and put it in his deck. Hope the crowd isn't tired, because I've got one final surprise for them. "I summon my level 4 tuner Bri Synchron(1500/1100) and tune it with my level 4 Junk Warrior. Behold as the cosmos creates a monster of galactic might, behold as I Synchro Summon Stardust Dragon(2500/2100)!" Isaac play the card on his duel disk and out came a dragon that was white and blue as its entire body was covered in stardust particles that shinned very brightly under the spotlight.

"Thanks to Bri Synchron's effect my Stardust Dragon gains 600 attack points until the end of the turn. Stardust Dragon attack Applejack directly with Cosmic Flare!"

"I activate my trap card: Wicked Rebirth! I pay 800 life points to special summon a synchro monster from my graveyard; in addition I'm also chaining it with my other facedown: Overdoom Line. This card gives an extra 1000 attack points to any monster that's special summon from my graveyard. My Black Rose Dragon now has 3400 attack points, do you still want to attack with your measly 3100 attack sugar?"
Applejack's Life Points: 500-

"No thanks, I'll end my turn."

Turn 18: Applejack

"Draw and I'm going to end this duel now! I banish Lord Poison from my grave to activate Mark of the Rose. This card allows me to take control of your monster during my turn, now I have 2 synchro monsters and since Stardust Dragon negates any destruction effect your facedown can't help you. Black Rose Dragon attack Isaac directly!"

"My facedown may not help me, but this card in my hand will. I discard Swift Scarecrow to negate your attack and end your battle phase!" Isaac then slotted his card to the grave and stopped Applejack's attack.

"I'll set this card facedown and end my turn."

"With that your effect wears off and Stardust Dragon returns to my side. Good to have you back, my friend."

Turn 19: Isaac

"I'll discard a card from my hand to special summon the level 5 tuner Quickdraw Synchron(700/1400), next I'll summon Shield Warrior and tune it with my Quickdraw Synchron in order to synchro summon Junk Destroyer(2600/2500). When he's summoned I get to destroy 1 card. Time to tear the petals away from your Black Rose Dragon."

"Not on my watch, I activate Star Siphon. Before my Black Rose Dragon is destroyed, I get to summon a siphon token to protect my life points. My level 8 siphon token reduces your Junk destroyer to level 1."

"Even if it's level 1, my monster still has 2600 attack point. Now Stardust destroy Applejack's siphon token and Junk Destroyer attack her directly and finish her!"

"I activate Seed of Deception, this card lets me special summon a level 2 plant monster from my hand to block your attack. I'll special summon Dark Verger(0/100) in defense mode."

"In that case, I'll destroy your monster and end my turn."

"When my Black Rose Dragon is destroyed after Wicked Rebirth brought it back earlier, I can special summon it during your end phase plus since Overdue Line is still on my field my dragon once again gains an extra 1000 attack points making it stronger than both of your monsters.

Turn 20: Applejack

"It's my turn to draw! First thanks to my Mark of the Rose I'll take your Stardust Dragon once again. Next I'll equip my Black Rose Dragon with this spell card: Thorn of Malice. This card gives an extra 600 attack points to my dragon for a grand total 4000 attack points. Black Rose Dragon attack Junk Destroyer! You lose 1400 life points, but since Thorn of Malice is equipped to my monster your monster isn't destroyed by my attack however your monster loses 600 attack point at the end of battle bringing your Junk Destroyer down to 2000 attack points that makes it much weaker than Stardust dragon. Stardust Dragon attack Isaac's Junk Destroyer!"
Isaac's Life Points: 900-

"I'll save my monster by using Shield Warrior, by banishing him from my graveyard I can protect my monster from being destroyed."
Isaac's Life Points: 400-

"I'll end my turn and give you back your Stardust Dragon. Since I've had Overdoom Line on the field for two of my turns it gets destroyed but my Black Rose Dragon gets to keep all 4000 of its attack points."

Turn 21: Isaac

"I draw. I summon Effect Veiler(0/0), whenever there's tuner monster on the field I can special summon Boost Warrior(300/200) from my hand in defense mode. That's not all, behold as both power and speed surge towards each other and collide to create the synchro tuner Formula Synchron(200/1500). When I summon Formula Synchron I get to draw a card. Then I activate Give and Take now I'll give you Tuningware from my grave, so that my Stardust Dragon gains a level which bumps it to level 9. Now Applejack it ends here, I tune my level 2 Formula Synchron with my level 9 Stardust Dragon and level 1 Junk Destroyer! I Synchro Summon Shooting Quasar Dragon(4000/4000)! My Shooting Dragon not only has 4000 attack points but it can also attack the same number of times as the number of monsters used to synchro summon it. That means it can attack 3 times. First I'll attack the Tuningware I gave, next I'll attack your Black Rose Dragon!"

"Both of our monsters have the same amount of attack points, so they'll both be destroyed."

"That's true, but I never make mistakes Applejack. Shooting Quasar Dragon doesn't leave the field without leaving something special behind, when my monster is destroyed I get to special summon Shooting Star Dragon! And it looks like your field is wide open. Shooting Star Dragon attack Applejack directly and finish this duel with Stardust Barrage!" Isaac's dragon took flight and it soared high up in the sky then it came descending down on Applejack who was completely helpless against it as it reduced her last remaining points to zero.
Applejack's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Isaac

Just like that the duel was over. Just like that Applejack had been defeated by Isaac. The first few moments after it ended there was nothing but dead silence. Not a word was said, nor a breath taken as everybody just stared at what they had witnessed. Not even Pinkie and Celestia were saying anything as they had their jaws open and their eyes staring at the two individuals. Eventually Luna made her way on the stage and made the announcement.

"The winner of this duel and advancing to the finals of the Fall Formal Tournament is Isaac!"

Then the entire room came undone as everyone in the crowd started to show their appreciation for what had been one hell of a duel. Even Applebloom and her friends were standing up cheering on Isaac and Applejack for putting on some quality entertainment. Isaac gave a quick wave to the crowd before running over to check on Applejack. She didn't seem to hurt but Isaac helped her to sit up while he had his hand behind her.

"Hey Applejack, you okay?"

Applejack took a second to register her surroundings and when she looked at Isaac, she saw how close he was to her and that he was holding her. It felt nice but she did her best to avoid the red blush forming on her face.

"Woah, there lover boy? Give me some space, will you? Don't want to spread some false rumors?"

With that she got back on her feet as Isaac helped her up. They then turned to the crowd and took a bow as a way to say thank you. Celestia then made her way to them with a microphone in hand. Before she made her announcement, she personally gave both Isaac and Applejack a handshake as a sign of respect and gratitude for bring so much fun into everybody's lives. She then turned to the camera and addressed everybody watching.

"Once more lets give both Isaac and Applejack a round of applause for putting on a wonderful show. They poured their heart and soul into this match just to earn the chance of becoming duel champion. In the end, Isaac proved to be the winner and will meet the winner of our next duel this Friday at the Fall Formal Tournament. With that said, we'll take a short break before we begin our next match."

With that both Isaac and Applejack left with Aj joining her friends in the stands while Isaac went back to his room. Just when he was leaving there was a trail of something magical and potent as it traveled through the air and landed on Isaac's deck as it emitted a green glow.

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