• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 133: One Final Beat

Imagine being at the top of your game. Being able to say that you conquered every single challenge that has been laid before you; you faced every single opponent that has ever stepped up. And in the end, you've survived them all. So the question is: Are you the best? But what if... just what if... there was someone who just haunted your every waking moment. No matter how many times you try to sleep, no matter how many times you tried to look away, everything single thing reminded you of that moment.

On one of the biggest stages for Duel Monsters, Shining Armor was able to realize a dream that he had been chasing for over 12 years. And he would get it when he would become Duel Monsters Champion.

"And we have a new world champion... Shining Armor!!!" shouted the announcer.

"The amount of people who told me that they cried when they saw me win this duel and become champion. I didn't realize that so many people were touched by this moment. Uhm, but they are, that's a huge responsibility for me, to keep this, to keep fighting for them." said Shining Armor as he was in an interview immediately after his championship match.

"He fought his way through everything that he got here. He pushed his ass to the limit. And this is the moment. Congratulations." said Shining Armor's head agent as they were backstage after the duel answering questions. He then shook his client's hand and gave him a hug as tons of reporters and photographers took pictures.

While one man had taken his rightful spot at the top of a mountain, another man was looking to start his own climb to the same mountain. Isaac the brash, young, outspoken individual. Some who say his skills are on another level; but to him he was but a kid who was fighting for his dream.

"You know growing up, life was hard. The many gangs running around, causing havoc, the many sights you see on the streets of Chicoltgo. It's a lot to take in for such a young age." said Isaac with a deep breath as the scene changed to him sitting in a bleacher sit as he looked outward while his voice still narrated. "I've been in love with this game for over 15 years and since the moment I had my hands on a single Duel Monsters card, I knew... that this is wanted to do in my life. My parents weren't the huge supports of my ambitions, but you know that's just life."

And so for years, both Isaac and Shining Armor would take different paths to achieve their dreams. Shining Armor along with his sister Twilight, would be given their decks when they were just young. From there he took every opportunity he could to battle anyone. And it proved to be effective as he shot up the ranks in his neighborhood; once he entered Crystal Prep Academy, he quickly showed just how much of a master he was when it came to wielding his skills and his deck. But who could blame him, for he had none other than the legendary Blue-Eyes White Dragon which was spoke of in legends and myths; in fact the only one person to have gotten Blue-Eyes so much recognition was its original owner. But that didn't stop Shining Armor from trying to be compared to him, and so he began to forge his path to greatness, and he did so as all of his four years at high school, he reigned supreme as the #1 duelist and would do so well until his graduation as he was undefeated.

Isaac who at his young age was memorized by his idol, the one duelists that was said to rule them all. The one person who could put smiles on people's faces and when you looked at him, you knew you were in not just for the duel of your life, but the fight of your life. Years passed as Isaac would watch countless duels of legendary duelists, but the one that he kept as his favorite was none other than the King of Games. And his love and admiration who continue to manifest when Isaac would finally get his own cards and deck. At the start, Isaac's mother who had secretly gotten him a tin box of cards had surprised her son in giving him a gift; in fact it was enough to break down the kid as he knew the amount of money his mother had to sacrifice to give him this. And on that day, Isaac made a vow that he would do whatever it takes to repay his parents for all they did and to allow them to rest easy during their old age. Isaac hugged his mother and it was that sign of affection that would launch Isaac into the duelist he would become. Years passed, as Isaac honed his craft of dueling, even if it meant he lost more than he gained, in the end he was fueled by determination and passion. And his efforts would pay off, as soon he too would be in possession of a legendary card, the Dark Magician, as this one was held by none other than his idol.

Two different paths, two different childhoods, but they all share the same desire. To be the best. For Isaac he was considered Canterlot High's champion and when the two met for the first time, everybody knew at the moment, they were seeing the birth of a new rivalry. And it showed when both duelists had summoned their ace monsters in an all out fight that took both of them out. And their second encounter was no different as both had stepped up their game and this time they were battered and bruised as they managed to beat the hell out of each. So one could only assume that this next confrontation would not only be as epic, but it would get much more bloody.

"This match is going to be a fight, a simple fist to fist fight." shouted Shining Armor as he looked at the camera.

"When that duel starts and match officially begins, there's no stopping it. There's no stopping this fight until one of us is left standing." said Isaac. "I've beaten him once, I can do it again."

"He's beaten me, great. But you know what it did, it fueled me. It gave something to fight for!! This is a cancer and it's eating me alive and I know the only way to cure this sickness inside of me is to have this duel!! And for me to come out on top." yelled Shining Armor.

"This match, one outcome, one result."

"No bullshit, no interference, no nothing. Two duelists going in with everything they got in their decks and one person walking out." said Shining Armor.

"Somebody's got to give and it won't be me." said Isaac.

"This issue will finally be put to rest, and it will be me standing at the top." stated Shining Armor.

Two duelists in their prime, two great individuals who look to settle this issue and write the final chapter of this historic rivalry. Two top males looking to cement their claim as the "best", and the time was now. Tonight, prepare to witness a duel that will be talked about for all to come. A duel that will have you at the edge of your seat, after that duel ends we'll see who truly deserves to be called "the best."

"One" said Isaac.

"Final" stated Shining Armor

"BEAT!!!" said both boys in unison.

Soon an image of them standing as they looked at each other appeared. They had a determined look on their faces as the images of Blue-Eyes and Dark Magician were shown above their respective masters as they prepared for the brutal encounter that was to come.
(End of Cold Open)

It was now the day before the big match. Everybody in Canterlot had heard about it, in fact, tickets for the event had been sold out as it seemed they were wanted to see this duel. For some it was because the World Champion was here and it would be an honor to see him. But for others, they were looking to see just what these two boys had as they believed they were in for a spectacle. The girls had heard about what Isaac did to the students as they were shocked that he took them all on and won. Though they were a bit happy that he got them to be a bit more motivated to learn from them. Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna knew about the event as told Isaac that they wished him the best of luck and to try to not hurt himself too much in his bout. Isaac said he would do his best and gave them his word that he'd be careful.

"So, make sure you pay attention, kids?" said Isaac as he was talking with the students.

"Trust us, after the ass whupping you gave us. We can't wait to see what you do in your duel against Shining Armor." said Penny.

"I appreciate that. Well, I'll see on Monday." said Isaac as he exited out of the door.

"So, anybody want to come over tomorrow night and watch the duel?" asked Shadow to which they all agreed.

Isaac had stopped by the store as he spoke with Mr. Johnson and his nephew. They just merely wished their business partner good luck as Isaac thanked them. He then pulled out some cash as he told them that he would pay to have his duel broadcasted to their TV for them to watch. With that he left as he was but less than 24 hours from his duel with Shining Armor. Isaac then approached his house as he entered the place and saw all the girls had gathered in the living room. They didn't say much as they just said "good luck". The girls knew that Isaac was getting his mind focused and knew not to disturb him, but they also had faith in that their friend would hopefully win. He just smiled at his friends as he made his way to his room upstairs, which had finally been decorated thanks to the help of the others, as Isaac prepared himself for a long night of studying and prepping.

"Been a while since I've done this." said Isaac as he sat on his bed with his cards all spread out. He then began to work on fine tuning his deck as he wanted this to be the his most powerful one to date and that meant taking out certain cards and implementing more powerful ones. Isaac worked well into the night as he hadn't gone to sleep until almost 3 in the morning.

Soon the sun rose as it was now officially the start of the weekend. But that wasn't what everybody was looking forward to, today was the day of the duel. The duel between Isaac and Shining Armor that everybody was going to be talking about. Isaac had awoken up as he got himself ready as he exited the house and made his way to the arena. Even though it was closed till tonight, Isaac wanted to actually see the event the place where his duel would take place. The security recognized Isaac as they allowed the boy to enter the place as he made his way into the main entrance. The students would be watching the event from Shadow's house while the girls would be watching from the house. Isaac and Shining Armor's parents would be watching from their individual homes, while Cadance, Flurry Heart and Twilight would be at the arena a private skybox requested by Shining Armor.

Once Isaac stepped in the place and was on the main place where the dueling arena would take place, he got a good look at the place. There was tons of people and teams putting up screens and titrations as there were making sure to broadcast this duel for all of Canterlot to see. Isaac saw some sound teams testing the noise and speakers, also saw other teams as they were testing the holograms and making sure that they were as real as they could be. Isaac was taking this all in when a person called out to him.

"Impressive, isn't it?" said Shining Armor as he got Isaac's attention.

"Yeah." responded Isaac as he looked at Shining Armor who was accompanied by another person behind him. Soon they both began to walk towards Isaac. "So... are you ready?"

"Always." smiled Shining Armor as he looked at his rival. "By the way Isaac, I want you to meet someone. This here is Roland, he's my advisor as well as my head agent for my sponsor."

"Please to meet you." said Isaac as he extended his hand.

"Likewise, so you're the duelist that Mr. Shining Armor has mentioned?" stated Roland. "Impressive, for someone your age. Though I see you have potential."

"Roland, why don't we mention that proposal?"

"What proposal?" asked Isaac as he looked at the pair.

"Of course, see Mr. Shining Armor here has told me about your skills. So I've taken the liberty of seeing your duels myself and safe to say I like what I saw. Which is why I offer you this, Mr. Isaac. How would you like to join KaibaCorp and sign with us as pro? I know you're still in your final year in highschool, but you have plans for being a pro. So why not sign with the best dueling agency there is?" offered Roland.

"You're serious?" said Isaac.

"Granted my original boss would have taken a liking to Shining Armor given that he has his favorite card, but since you have the card of his rival, I doubt he would like you much at all." stated Roland.

"I can imagine that." said Isaac as he remember the battle simulation he took part in during his trip to Horsolulu.

"Still, he did teach us to recognize talented duelists, and you are among the best I've seen. Nowadays he's long gone and retired as his brother is now the owner of the company. But I'm sure he would like to have you as a respective. Imagine KaibaCorp having two phenomenal duelists under its umbrella and both potentially becoming champion." said Roland. "We could help you just as we did with Shining Armor, we would grant you all the requests you desire and make sure that you have a successful career."

"Any requests?" asked Isaac.

"Whatever you desire, we make our clients feel happy."

"Even spending time with my friends given my busy schedule." said Isaac.

"If that is your wish, then we will make time for you to have with your friends. We'll inform all promotions and interviews that you're busy doing other things. Whatever you want, we will see to it." said Roland. "You want cards, we will make sure the best are flown overnight and arrive to you in the morning. You want more money to appear at live events, we will make sure that places pay you more. We make sure you get whatever you want out of this business and career path. You won't have to go and make phone calls and beg and plead to be on the cup of 7-Eleven; 7-Eleven will call us and demand that you're on it." stated Roland.

"So, what do you say, Isaac?" asked Shining Armor.

Isaac thought about what Shining Armor and Roland were offering him. He'd be lying if he didn't say that he wanted this, but was it what he truly wanted? The fact that Roland and KaibaCorp were willing to do whatever it took to make Isaac happy if he signed with them, made him think about his friends. That was still the major thing on Isaac's mind as he feared that he would never get to spend much time with them after they went on their separate paths. But if he signed with this agency then he could have all he wanted and more, he wouldn't have to forget his friends, cause he could see them whenever he wanted. But was it what he truly wanted, was it something the girls wanted?

"Look... I... I... appreciate you sticking your neck out for me Shining Armor. I really do, but I don't know. Don't get me wrong, this is something that anybody would automatically say yes, and I would too. But I... I just..."

"Hey, don't worry." said Roland. "I understand you still have to graduate and deal with the other things you're involved in. So you don't have to give me your answer now, you have till all of your graduation to think about it." Roland then gave Isaac his business card as he asked Isaac to give him a call once that time came. "Well then, we must get going Mr. Shining Armor. It was nice to see you, Mr. Isaac. I wish the both of you the best of luck." Roland and Shining Armor then left as Isaac was left by himself with his thoughts. He then looked around the arena as the time was fast approaching.

It was now nighttime as tons of people were filling in as they had their tickets scanned as they made their way to their seats. The students, the girls, and both of the boy's parents had all gathered in their own homes as they prepared to watch an incredible duel that was about to take place. Cadance had arrived with Flurry Heart in her hands as Twilight joined her side with a backpack as they entered the place and were escorted by Shining Armor's agency team as they led them to their private skybox.

"Daddy! Daddy!" shouted Flurry Heart as she was happy for Shining Armor to duel.

"Yes, sweetie. Daddy is going to perform for us." smiled Cadance as she gave her baby daughter a kiss to which she giggled.

"I just hope everything will be okay." said Twilight.

"The boys will be fine, they have their toys to keep them occupied. Speaking of which, Twilight. Tell me, you didn't bring homework to work on during the duel?" asked Cadance.

"No! It's a different reason." Twilight then opened up her backpack as inside was something.

"Hey y'all." said Spike as he gave a wave and a wag of his tail.

"Doggy!" giggled Flurry Heart as she reached her tiny arms towards Spike.

"Twilight!!!!" said Cadance as she raised her voice like an angry parent.

"I know! They have a strict 'No Pets' allowed policy. But I wanted to bring him." said Twilight as she picked up Spike in her arms.

"Very well, just try to not let anybody else see. The boys are focused on their match and they don't need any distractions. Not to mention we'll also get in trouble and kicked if security finds out." informed Cadance as she sat down in seat as she placed Flurry Heart in her lap as she began to bounce her daughter up and down as she let out giggles.

"Alright. You heard her Spike. Don't let anyone see or hear you." said Twilight as she sat down next to Cadance as she had Spike sitting in her lap so that he could see the duel.

"Way ahead of you." responded Spike as he gave her a lick. "Hey, Flurry." responded Spike as he turned towards her.

"Doggy." said Flurry Heart as she reached her arms to pet Spike on his head before wrapping her arms around the mutt's throat as she was giving the poor dog a tight hug that had him trying to break free to breath.

"Ladies and gentleman, the moment has arrived! Now before we begin, please all rise as we listen to the official theme for Duel Monsters." said the announcer.

(Cue your favorite Yugioh theme song)

"Now then, tonight's exhibition duel promises to be a banger. So without any delay, let's introduce the participants. On the right is none other than Canterlot High's champion, please welcome Isaac!" said the MC as he came out from one side of the arena as he made his way to the dueling stage. Once Isaac took his spot, on the titration behind him an image of a duelist appeared behind him for all to see. "And now welcome, the current Duel Monsters World Champion... Shining Armor!!!!" Shining Armor then received his fair share of cheers from the fans as he took his spot and like Isaac, he had an image of a duelist appear on the screen behind him.

The fans in attendance and the people watching the TV were surprised by what the images behind the competitors meant until the MC started to speak.

"Before the duel gets started, we had each of the competitors picked a duelist who they want to honor in this duel. So for Shining Armor, he's chosen the duelist who was the first person to hold the Blue-Eyes and is the brother of the currently owner of KaibaCorp." said the MC. Behind Shining Armor he had a picture of Seto Kaiba as he wanted to dedicate this match to him and his agency for signing him and backing him up as a pro.

"And for Isaac, he's has chosen none other than the King of Games himself." Behind Isaac, there was a picture of Yugi as Isaac wanted to make sure that his idol was looking down on him and wishing him luck. Isaac just briefly looked at the picture of this idol for a moment before turning back towards Shining Armor.

"Now then, we've waited long enough... so let the duel begin!!!" shouted the MC.

"It's time to duel!" shouted both boys as they activated their duel disks with Isaac's projected a gold card tray, while Shining Armor projected a blue card tray.

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said their duel disks.

Isaac's Life Points: 8000-

Shining Armor's Life Points: 8000-

Turn 1: Isaac

"I'll start this duel off with Graceful Charity. This card lets me draw 3 cards and discard two." said Isaac as he picked up his cards. "I'll draw 3 cards and discard Electromagnetic Turtle and Magician's Navigation from my hand. Next, I summon Magician's Rod(1600/100) in defense mode." said Isaac as he summoned his monster.

"A Magician's Rod? Where's the magician, Isaac?" mocked Shining Armor.

"You'll see soon enough. When I summon my Magician's Rod, I get to add a 'Dark Magician' related spell or trap card from my deck to my hand." Isaac then used his duel screen as he looked at all of his options and thought about which one he wanted. "I add Dark Magical Circle. Now I'll activate my Dark Magical Circle and when I activate it, I search the top 3 cards of my deck for a 'Dark Magician' card to add to my hand." Once more Isaac's duel screen showed his options as he knew which one to take. "I add the ultimate wizard himself, the Dark Magician to my hand!"

"Ok, I see what you're up to. Your old tricks again, Isaac. I truly admire your skill in wielding the Dark Magician's strength, but in this new age of dueling, it doesn't stand a chance. My monsters are far superior to your magician." said Shining Armor.

"We'll see about that, Shining Armor. I set one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 2: Shining Armor

"I draw, first I activate my field spell card, Mausoleum of White." Soon the entire field started to change around the boys as they were now in a mausoleum building that was lined with columns and pillars of ancient structure. It was still transparent for the audience to see and for the people watching at home. "This field spell card sets the stage for my triumph and your demise, Isaac. Now I special summon Kaiser Vorse Raider to my field. My Kaiser Vorse Raider(1900/1200) has 1900 attack points and while I control no monsters, I can special summon it from my hand. Next, I summon Maiden with Eyes of Blue(0/0)!" said Shining Armor as he played his monster and out came a beautiful women. Shining Armor made sure to look at Cadance when he play that card as he blew her a kiss to which she blushed heavily.

"Once per turn, whenever she's targeted by a card effect, I can special summon a Blue-Eyes White Dragon from my hand, deck or graveyard. I activate the effect of my Mausoleum of White, by sending a Blue-Eyes White Dragon from my deck to my graveyard, I target my Maiden with Eyes of Blue and increase her attack and defense points by 800." Shining Armor's maiden then felt the light give her power as she put her hands together. "Now that I've targeted my Maiden with Eyes of Blue, I activate her effect. Come forth, Blue-Eyes White Dragon!" said Shining Armor as he summoned his pet from his deck. His dragon let out a cry as it caused everybody watching to be in shock as the sight of the creature; soon Blue-Eyes looked at Isaac as it bared its teeth at him as he wanted to tear Isaac to shreds due to the scent he got from the boy.

"By summoning your Blue-Eyes White Dragon, you played right into my hand." smiled Isaac. "I activate Magical Dimension. I tribute my Magician's Rod to allow my Dark Magician to descend from my hand and take its place. Come forth, Dark Magician!" shouted Isaac. Now it was his turn to amaze the crowd as out came his signature monster and most loyal companion. Just like with Shining Armor, everybody was amazed by how easily Isaac had summoned his magician and now the tension was here.

Both Blue-Eyes White Dragon and Dark Magician laid eyes on each other while their owners looked at one another. Not to mention that both monsters looked at the picture above their respective owners as it ignited all different types of feelings in them. Seems the next generation of their former owners was now present as Shining Armor and Isaac were locked in an intense fight. The stage and the moment couldn't be better if you asked for it, the only best way to describe it was you had to see it to believe it and feel the electricity that flowed throughout the duelists.

"That's not all." spoke Isaac. "My Magical Dimension also allows my Dark Magician to strike down one of your monsters when it's summoned. Dark Magician destroy Shining Armor's Maiden with Eyes of Blue." said Isaac as his magician took out Shining Armor's monster.

"Even with my Maiden with Eyes of Blue gone, I still have two powerful monsters on my field."

"You won't for long." said Isaac. "My Dark Magic Circle enhances the power of my Dark Magician while it's face up on the field, Dark Magic Circle allows my Dark Magician to banish one card from your field when it's summoned. I banish your Blue-Eyes White Dragon from the duel!"

"Oh no!" shouted Shining Armor as he watched Isaac's magician point his staff and with a spell removed his beloved pet from the field.

"Now you only have your Kaiser Vorse Raider and that monster is far too weak to take down my magician."

"I set one card facedown and end my turn." said Shining Armor with bitterness in his voice.

Turn 3: Isaac

"It's my move, I draw. I summon Kuribandit(1000/700) to my field, I now activate Kuribandit's effect. By tributing Kuribandit, I draw and reveal the top 5 cards of my deck. I reveal my Spellbinding Circle, Thousand Knives, Seven Tools of the Bandit, Mystic Box, and Dark Illusion." said Isaac as all the cards he drew materialized for all to see in attendance and watching at home. "Since all five of the cards I revealed are spell/trap cards, I keep all five of them in my hand. Now I attack, Dark Magician use your dark magic attack to destroy Kaiser Vorse Raider."

"I activate my trap, Shadow Spell!" shouted Shining Armor. "This card stops your attack and reduces your Dark Magician's attack by 700."

"Not so fast, Shining Amor. I banish Magicians Navigation from my graveyard, I can banish Magician's Navigation to negate the effect of one of your face-up spell or trap cards. I'll use my Magician's Navigation to negate your Shadow Spell until the end of the turn." With that Isaac's magician then took out Shining Armor's monster as he dealt some damage.
Shining Armor's Life Points: 7400-

"Your monster is destroyed and you've already taken damage." said Isaac with a smile.

"True, but that means my Kaiser Vorse Raider's effect activates. Since your Dark Magician destroyed my Kaiser Vorse Raider in battle, your magician loses 500 attack points. "

"I set two cards facedown. It's your move."

"Now that your turn is over, my Shadow Spell once again shackles your magician dropping its attack points to just 1300."

Turn 4: Shining Armor

"I draw, first I activate Pot of Greed. This lets me draw 2 cards, next I summon Alexandrite Dragon(2000/100) in attack mode. Now I activate Silent Doom. This card lets me special summon a Blue-Eyes White Dragon back from my graveyard. Take flight, Blue-Eyes White Dragon!" Once more Shining Armor had his faithful pet appear on the field as he let out a cry. "Oh, and that's not all. Now I activate the second effect of my Mausoleum of White."

"Second effect?" said Isaac.

"Hmm. My Mausoleum of White is more than just an attack boost, once per turn, my field spell card lets me normal summon an additional monster as long as that monster is a Level 1 Light tuner."

"Light tuner? But... that must mean..." Isaac was now had his eyes widen as he realized what Shining Armor was about to do.

(Cue epic Kaiba theme)

"That's right, Isaac. I normal summon my Level 1 tuner, Sage with Eyes of Blue(0/1500). And activate its effect to add The White Stone of Ancients to my hand. Next, I activate Cards of Consonance. This lets me discard my White Stone of Ancients to draw 2 cards from my deck." said Shining Armor as he sent his card away and picked up the top cards of his deck. "Finally I tune my Level 1 Sage with Eyes of Blue and Level 8 Blue-Eyes White Dragon." Sage with Eyes of Blue then transformed into one giant green ring as Blue Eyes had appeared inside of it. "I Synchro Summon, Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon(2500/3000) in attack mode!" said Shining Armor as he had a new monster as it let out a cry.

"Incredible." said Isaac as he was staring at the face of Shining Armor's new monster.

"I knew I would need to step up my game to defeat you, Isaac. And just because I now have powerful access to powerful new monsters, well that doesn't mean I can't summon powerful old monsters, I banish Kaiser Vorse Raider and Sage with Eyes of Blues from my graveyard to conjure up the forces of chaos that will lead to your demise. I special summon Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End!!" Shining Armor now had a trio of powerful dragons as they let out a collective roar while looking at Isaac and his magician as they wanted to tear them apart.

"My dragon has the same stats as my Blue-Eyes White Dragon but also packs a devasting effect, by paying 1000 life points, my dragons lets me send all cards on the field and in our hands to the graveyard and inflicts 300 points of damage to your life points for each card sent to the graveyard. I activate my dragon's effect." said Shining Armor. "You'll never survive the aftermath of my Chaos Emperor Dragon's effect. You finished, Isaac."
Shining Armor's Life Points: 6400-
(End Theme)

"Hmm. I wouldn't be so sure about that, Shining Armor." smiled Isaac with a smug look. "I discard Clear Kuriboh from my hand to negate the activation of your Chaos Emperor Dragon's effect. Clear Kuriboh negates the activation of any effect that would inflict to my life points." Soon out came a tiny monster as it pumped its little arms and headed straight towards Chaos Emperor Dragon as it look to take down the mighty beast only for it to bump into the dragon's chest before he fell down with swirls in his eyes as he disappeared. Still he had managed to do his job as Chaos Emperor Dragon couldn't activate it power. "It looks like my life points and my cards are perfectly safe."

"Even with my dragon's effect negated, I still have 3 powerful monsters with which to attack. Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon attack and destroy Isaac's Dark Magician."

"I activate the effect of my Electromagnetic Turtle, by banishing it from my graveyard, I can end your battle phase." said Isaac.

"I activate the effect of my Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon, whenever you activate the effect of a card in your graveyard, my Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon can negate its activation."

"No!" said Isaac as his move was halted.

"Your turtle is powerless against my dragon and now your Dark Magician is a goner. "

"I activate my facedown my trap card, the Spellbinding Circle. This card paralyzes your Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon and reduces its attack points by 700. My Dark Magician is safe." A magical circle then shot out towards Shining's dragon as it stopped it in its tracks. "Plus by activating my Spellbinding Circle during your turn, I've unleashed the effect of my Magician of Dark Illusion(2100/2500). Come forth my magician." Soon another spellcaster descended from Isaac's hand and onto the field in defense mode. "While face up on my field, my Magician of Dark Illusion is one and the same as the Dark Magician which means its empowered by my Dark Magical Circle. Magician of Dark Illusion use the power of Dark Magical Circle to banish Shining Armor's Chaos Emperor Dragon from the duel." said Isaac as his other magician removed Shining Armor's dragon from the field.

"I still have one monster with which to attack and your Dark Magician only has 1300 attack points. Alexandrite Dragon attack and destroy Isaac's Dark Magician." Shining Armor gave his order as his dragon opened its mouth and took out Isaac's spellcaster as it caused him to put his arm up to cover up.
Isaac's Life Points: 7300-

"I set one card facedown and end my turn. In my end phase, the effect of The White Stone of Ancients activates, since it was sent to the graveyard this turn, I get to special summon a Blue-Eyes White Dragon from my deck." Once more, Shining Armor had another one of his great beasts join the field.

"Shining really does love his pet." said Cadance as she smiled at her husband while also giving him a lovesick look.

"Daddy! Rawr!" said Flurry Heart as she tried to mimic her dad's dragon.

"With my Blue-Eyes White Dragon joining my Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon and Alexandrite Dragon, you don't stand a chance. It's your move."

Turn 5: Isaac

"I draw, first I activate my spell card, Thousands Knives. My magician hurls a thousand knives at your spirit dragon to destroy it."

"Sorry, Isaac. But I chain my Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon's effect, I tribute my Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon to special summon a new synchro monster. Azure-Eyes Silver Dragon(2500/3000) in its place. It looks like your magician missed the mark." said Shining Armor with some smug in his voice. "When my Azure-Eyes Silver Dragon is special summoned, its effect activates. Now the dragons I currently control can't be targeted or destroyed by card effects until the end of the next turn."

"Impressive, Shining Armor. But my turn is far from over. Since I activated a spell card while my Magician of Dark Illusion is face up on my field, I now get to special summon Dark Magician from my graveyard. Return my ultimate wizard!" said Isaac as he had his most loyal companion appear. "Now the power of my Dark Magical Circle activates banishing your Mausoleum of White from the duel." Isaac's monster then casted a spell that caused the whole field to change as they were now back in the area.

"Now behold as ancient powers enter a new era, I build the Overlay Network!" Both of Isaac's monsters then turned into dark orbs of light as they merged together into a portal that opened up in the ground as a pillar of light emerged. "I combine my Level 7 Dark Magician with my Level 7 Magician of Dark Illusion to Xyz Summon, Ebon High Magician(2300/2800) in defense mode!" Out came a powerful monster on Isaac's field as he had the orbs circling around him.

"And just because I used some advanced summoning techniques, doesn't mean I can't summon old favorites just like you did. I banish Magician's Rod and Clear Kuriboh from my graveyard to invoke an ancient chaos summoning technique. As the forces of light and darkness combine, a new soldier is born. Come forth, Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning!" shouted Isaac as he now had his own powerful monster as it appeared. "My Black Luster Soldier has 3000 attack points and 2500 defense points plus an incredible effect. My solider has the ability to banish one monster and/or attack twice each turn."

"Thanks to my Azure- Eyes Silver Dragon's effect, my monsters are safe from your banishing effect."

"But they will not be spared from his attack. Black Luster Soldier attack and destroy Shining Armor's Alexandrite Dragon!"

"I activate Negate Attack!" shouted Shining Armor. "Your attack is halted and ends your battle phase."

"I chain my trap card, Seven Tools of the Bandit!" countered Isaac. "I give up 1000 life points and my seven tools disarms and destroys your Negate Attack trap card. Black Luster Soldier continue your attack!" Isaac's soldier then leaped high into the air as he brought his mighty sword down on Shining's dragon as it left a mark on its chest before it disappeared. "Now Black Luster Soldier attack and destroy Shining Armor's Blue-Eyes."
Isaac's Life Points: 6300-

"Both of our monsters have the same attack points which means both of them are destroyed." said Shining Armor.

Black Luster Soldier heard Isaac's command as he looked at Blue-Eyes and with a mighty throw, he tossed his sword straight into the heart of Blue-Eyes as it let out a cry as it fired off its own attack before perishing. Black Luster Soldier then lifted his shield up as he did his best to protect himself before being destroyed as well.
Shining Armor's Life Points: 5400-

"I set one card facedown before ending my turn."

Turn 6: Shining Armor

"Normally a monster summoned by Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon would be destroyed in the end phase of the turn in which it's summoned, but my Azure-Eyes Silver Dragon's effect stops that from happening which means my Azure-Eyes is here to stay. It's my move." said Shining Armor as he drew his card. "I draw a card and then activate the effect of my Azure-Eyes Silver Dragon, during my Standby Phase, my Azure-Eyes Silver Dragon's effect lets me special summon a Blue-Eyes White Dragon from my graveyard. Return Blue-Eyes White Dragon!" shouted Shining Armor as he once again had his pet on the field.

"Jesus, it really is his pet at this point." snickered Twilight as it seemed that Blue-Eyes would always return to Shining Armor when he needed it the most.

"Now I activate Card of Demise. This lets me draw until I have 5 cards in my hand as long as I discard my hand in five turns, but I can promise you this duel won't last long, Isaac. I will defeat you long before then."

"We'll see about that." responded Isaac.

"Next, I activate a Wingbeat of Giant Dragon. By returning my Blue-Eyes White Dragon back to my hand, I destroy all spell/trap cards on the field." Blue-Eyes then flapped its wings as it caused a huge wind to blow over as Isaac had to shift his weight to avoid flying away. "Now you're defenseless, Isaac."

"That's not true." said Isaac as he slowly put down his arm as he revealed a smile on his face. "I still have my Ebon High Magician."

"We'll see what good that does you. I activate Trade-In, this card lets me discard a Level 8 monster to draw 2 cards." Shining Armor then sent his Blue-Eyes to the grave as he picked up the top cards of his deck. "And the card drawing doesn't stop there, Isaac. I activate Pot of Desires, now I banish the top 10 cards of my deck facedown to draw 2 cards. Next I activate Silver's Cry. This lets me special summon my Blue-Eyes White Dragon back from the graveyard, welcome back my pet." smiled Shining Armor as it appeared. Shining Armor put his hand out as he started to pet his dragon's side as it gave a roar of affection towards its master. "Now I activate Swing of Memories, this lets me summon another Blue-Eyes White Dragon from my graveyard."

"2 Blue-Eyes White Dragon?!" said Isaac as he was now worried.

"Unlike my Blue-Eyes by Silver's Cry at the end of my turn, this Blue-Eyes White Dragon will become just a memory as it returns to the graveyard from which it came. But one turn with Blue-Eyes White Dragon is all I need, Isaac. Cause I plan on wiping you out with an onslaught of monsters, right now! I summon Luster Dragon(1900/1600). Finally, I switch my Azure-Eyes Silver Dragon into attack mode. You're finished Isaac, I use the Blue-Eyes White Dragon that I summoned back to the field with my Swing of Memories to attack and destroy your Ebon High Magician!"

"I activate my Ebon High Magician's special ability, by detaching one of its Xyz materials, I can activate a spell or trap card from my hand during your turn. I detach an Xyz material from my Ebon High Magician to activate Magic Cylinder from my hand." said Isaac.

"Magic Cylinder!?!" shouted Shining Armor. "

This card reflects your Blue-Eyes White Dragon's attack right back at you."

"I won't go down that easily, I chain my spell card Enemy Controller! I tribute my attacking Blue-Eyes White Dragon to unlock my Enemy Controller's hidden mode. Not only does this prevent the backfire of my dragon's attack, but it also lets me take control of your Ebon High Magician. Hand it over, Isaac!" demanded Shining Armor.

"Not so fast, Shining Armor! I activate my Ebon High Magician's special ability once again, by detaching its second Xyz material, I activate Dark Illusion from my hand. My Dark Illusion negates the activation of your Enemy Controller and destroys it. My Ebon High Magician is staying right where it is."

"Well played, Isaac. Well played, but your Ebon High Magician has no Xyz materials left. That means you're cut off from any more spell or trap cards this turn. Blue-Eyes White Dragon attack and destroy Isaac's Ebon High Magician." Shining Armor's dragon then opened its mouth as it fired off an attack as Isaac lost his monster.

"Since you've destroyed my Ebon High Magician, I get to activate its effect. When its sent to the graveyard, I get to special summon a Dark spellcaster from my deck in attack position. I special summon, Dark Magician Girl!" Isaac now had his favorite female magician as she appeared with a twirl and gave a smile for all to see. Isaac then quickly looked up at Twilight as he gave her a wink to which she just put her hand on her chin as she gave her boyfriend a flirtly look. "My Dark Magician Girl gains 300 attack points for each 'Dark Magician' in my graveyard giving it a total of 2300 attack points. Then thanks to my Ebon High Magician's effect, my special summoned magician strikes down one monster on your field. Since your Azure-Eyes Silver Dragon's effect prevents me destroying it and your Luster Dragon is your only other monster that hasn't yet attacked, I'll strike down your Luster Dragon." Dark Magician Girl then raised her wand as she blasted her target with ease. Isaac gave her a thumbs up to which she just smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Azure-Eyes Silver Dragon attack and destroy Isaac's Dark Magician Girl." Shining Armor then had his dragon take out Isaac's remaining monster. "I set two cards facedown and end my turn."
Isaac's Life Points: 6100-

Turn 7: Isaac

"It's my turn, I draw. I activate Card of Sanctity. Now we each draw from out decks until we're holding 6 cards in our hands."

"Thanks for the cards, Isaac." snickered Shining Armor.

"I've drawn Palladium Oracle Mahad(2500/2100). When I draw this card, I can special summon it to the field." Soon out came Isaac's spellcaster as he appeared on the field in bright colorful garments. "Mahad is a trustworthy and ancient protector of my deck; he is a powerful ally and I am proud to have him by my side." said Isaac as he looked at his monster. Mahad then looked at Isaac as he too let out a smile at his master. He then looked up at the picture behind Isaac as he saw his king. For Mahad, he could see his king's spirit in Isaac as it brought memories of him fighting alongside his former owner as they took on countless of challenges.

"Next I activate Pot of Greed to draw 2 more cards, but that's not all of the card drawing I'll be doing. I activate Pot of Desires, just like you did on your previous turn, I banish the top 10 cards of my deck facedown to draw an additional 2 cards."

"Yeah, are you just gonna draw cards or are you gonna actually play them?" taunted Shining Armor.

"If you insist, Shining Armor." said Isaac with a smug tone. "I activate a new spell card, Mirage Staff. Now this card allows me to banish another spell from my deck and then all of its power is transferred over to my Mirage Staff. So I'll banish my Magic Formula from my deck so that I can give my Mirage Staff its power and with that I now equip my Mahad with the power Mirage Staff. Which means he now gains 700 extra attack points due to the effect of Magic Formula card that I copied." Mahad's strength then rose up to 3200. "Finally, I activate this spell card, Diffusion Wave-Motion. I give up 1000 life points to allow Mahad to attack all of your monsters. Pallidum Oracle Mahad channel your power and attack Shining Armor's Blue-Eyes White Dragon!" Mahad did just that as he took out Blue-Eyes. "Now Mahad attack Shining Armor's Azure-Eyes Silver Dragon!" With that Mahad then took out Shining Armor's other monster as he dealt some more damage.
Isaac's Life Points: 5100-

Shining Armor's Life Points: 4500-

"Your field is empty. I set four cards facedown and end my turn. It's your move."

Turn 8: Shining Armor

"My field may be empty, but thanks to your Card of Sanctity, my hand is full. I draw, I activate the effect of The White Stone of Ancients by banishing it from my graveyard, I add a Blue-Eyes White Dragon from my graveyard to my hand. Now I reveal a Blue-Eyes White Dragon from my hand to special summon Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon(3000/2500)!" Shining Armor had called upon another mighty dragon that was just as powerful as his regular ones. "Now I activate its effect, once per turn, my Alternative White Dragon can destroy any monster on your field. I activate it's effect to destroy your Mahad."

"Oh no!" said Isaac as he covered to avoid the explosion in his face. "But's that okay, when Palladium Oracle Mahad leaves the field, it leaves behind a Dark Magician to protect me. Come forth, Dark Magician. Plus when you sent my Mirage Staff to the grave, it had the other effect of the Magic Formula it copied which means I gain 1000 life points since it left the field." stated Isaac.
Isaac's Life Points: 6100-

"Your Dark Magician doesn't stand a chance. I activate Return of the Dragon Lords. This card let me return a Level 7 or 8 dragon from my graveyard to the field. Return to me, Blue-Eyes White Dragon! You're finished, Isaac. I activate Polymerization! I fuse the Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon on my field with the Blue-Eyes White Dragon on my field and the Blue-Eyes White Dragon in my hand." Shining Armor then held all 3 of his cards in his hand as the spirits of all of them appeared as they were combing together into a vortex that appeared behind them. "I Fusion Summon, Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon(4500/3800)!!" said Shining Armor as a great new beast let out a cry as it landed with a thud as it caused everybody to cover their ears.

"4500 attack points!" shouted Isaac as he looked up at the beast as he was bit scared.

"Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon attack Isaac's Dark Magician!!"

"If you want to attack my magician, then you'll have to find him first! I reveal my trap card, Magical Hats! Magical Hats Materialize!" shouted Isaac as he had four hats appear as they covered his magician and then shuffled them as they spun in a circle before spreading out in a row. "My Dark Magician is hiding under one of these four hats, good luck finding him."

"Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon attack the rightmost hat!" shouted Shining Armor as his dragon fired a powerful blast.

The hat exploded as it resulted in smoke to appear while Isaac had a smile on his face. "It looks like you missed."

"Unfortunately for you, I get to try again. I activate my ultimate dragon's special ability, by sending a 'Blue-Eyes' fusion monsters from my Extra Deck to my graveyard, I get to attack again. I send my Blue-Eyes Twin Burst Dragon to my graveyard and attack the middle hat!" stated Shining Armor.

"Missed again." said Isaac as he still had a smug smile on his face.

"My Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon still has one attack left, I send my Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon to my graveyard to strike once more. Attack the hat on the left!" said Shining Armor as he fired off another attack as another one of Isaac's hat exploded.

"Strike three." taunted Isaac. "Now that my Dark Magician's location is no longer concealed, I dispel my Magical Hats." said Isaac as the smoke disappeared and there was Isaac's monster left standing.

"Even though all three of my attack failed, I still intend to win this duel. I reveal my facedown card, Ring of Destruction!" shouted Shining Armor as a ring appeared and latched itself on his dragon. "My Ring of Destruction destroys my dragon and inflicts 4500 points of damage to both of our life points."

"You would sacrifice your dragon to take out both of our life points?" asked Isaac.

"Ha ha. My dragon yes, but my life points, no. I activate Ring of Defense!" said Shining Armor as another ring popped up. This card shields my life points from the explosive impact of my Ring of Destruction. Now only you lose 4500 life points!"

"You're right about one thing Shining Armor. And that's who will be evading the damage, cause it'll be me." smiled Isaac. "I reveal my trap card, Mystical Refpanel! My Mystical Refpanel displaces your protective ring, shifting it from your side of the field to mine." Shining Armor's card then appeared on Isaac's side as it was now working for him. "Your ultimate dragon is vanquished by your Ring of Destruction."

"I thought you might try something like that, Isaac. Which is why I held on to this, I activate Diffusion!" said Shining Armor. "I split my monster back into the three dragons that I used to summon it." Shining Armor then had his monster split as he had 3 dragons appear. "My life points are safe. Plus since there are 4 minsters on the field, my life points are about to get a big boost. I activate my trap card, Gift of the Mystical Elf. This card increase my life points by 300n for each monster on the field. Since there are 4 monsters on the field, I gain a grand total of 100 life points." Shining Armor then saw his life points shoot up.
Shining Armor's Life Points: 5700-

"Since I'm still in my Battle Phase, I still have three more attacks to finish you off. Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon attack and destroy Isaac's Dark Magician!" commanded Shining Armor.

"I activate my facedown card, Mirror Force! This card reflects your monsters attack right back at you, destroying all of your Blue-Eyes White Dragons."

"Not so fast, Isaac! I activate the effect of Return of the Dragon Lords, by banishing it from my graveyard, I protect all of my dragons that are threatened by any one of your card effects. Your Mirror Force is nullified. Seems my monster's attack continues. Which means your Dark Magician is destroyed and you lose 500 life points." said Shining Armor.
Isaac's Life Points: 5600-

"My Dark Magician." said Isaac in a somber tone as he watched his best friend be destroyed in front of him.

"Isaac." said Twilight as she too was sad for her boyfriend.

"Now it's my next Blue-Eyes turn to attack. Blue-Eyes White Dragon, attack Isaac directly!!" shouted Shining Armor.

"I activate my last facedown, Nutrient Z!" said Isaac. "This card gives me 4000 life points right before your dragon strikes." Soon Shining's dragon then fired off its attack as it shot directly at Isaac who put his arm up as he tired to cover up before he was flung onto his back.
Isaac's Life Points: 6600-

"I'm still in this duel." said Isaac as he got to one knee.

"For the moment, yes. For the moment, but I still have one more Blue-Eyes with which to attack. And since you have no more cards to activate on your field, and only one card in your hand. You have nothing to protect you from my last dragon's attack. Blue-Eyes White Dragon attack Isaac directly!!!" shouted Shining Armor as he thrusted his arm out.

"I may not have any cards to activate on my field, but that doesn't mean that I'm out of this duel quite yet. I discard Kuriboh from my hand to prevent all damage that would be inflicted by your Blue-Eyes White Dragon!" said Isaac. Kuriboh then appeared as he put his tiny, cute arms out as he did his best to protect Isaac as he was sweating hard. Eventually the tiny furry monster did his job as he floated on the ground as he let out a breath from exhaustion. Isaac then bent down as he gave the tiny thing a pat on the head as Kuriboh nuzzled himself against Isaac's cheek as he smiled and disappeared. "Thank you, Kuriboh."

"Your Kuriboh may keep you in the duel for one more turn, but it's only prolonging my inevitable victory." stated Shining Armor. "I enter Main Phase 2 and activate Dragon's Mirror! This card lets me banished the 3 Blue-Eyes monsters on my field to fusion summon my Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon back from my Extra Deck!" Shining Armor's monster rose once again as it gave out a loud roar. "I set one card facedown before ending my turn. It's your move, Isaac. But with 4500 attack points on my field, this duel is as good as over." said Shining Armor as he laid the final card in his hand facedown.

Turn 9: Isaac

"I draw. I activate my spell card, Monster Recovery. This card lets me return all of the cards in my hand and on the field and draw a brand new hand of 5 cards. That's five more cards for me to use to defeat you Shining Armor." said Isaac as he now had refilled his hand. "It seems I've drawn Watapon(200/300), when this card is added to my hand, I can special summon it to the field. Next I activate Premature Burial, by paying 800 life points, I special summon Magician of Dark Illusion back to my field. Now I activate my Upstart Goblin, this spell card gives you 1000 life points and lets me draw one card from my deck." said Isaac.
Shining Armor's Life Points: 6700-

"But more importantly, since I activated it while my Magician of Dark Illusion is on the field, I get to activate my magician's effect to special summon Dark Magician from my graveyard. Return to my field, Dark Magician!" Isaac now had a trio of monsters on his field.

"So you managed to summon 3 puny monsters. None of them are as strong as my Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon." stated Shining Armor.

"True, but my turn isn't finished." said Isaac. "I tribute Watapon, Magician of Dark Illusion and Dark Magician to summon the almighty, Slifer the Sky Dragon!!!" shouted Isaac as he held his card up high.

At that moment, everybody came out of their seats as electricity and energy flowed from the card as Isaac held it up and place it on his card tray. A pillar of light shot up as it was being used to call upon one of the most fiercest Duel Monster ever know to exist. Soon thunder could be heard as a flash of lightning occurred outside of the arena as it messed with the broadcast of the duel for a second, then it happened. Everybody looked up at the skyline as they could see the giant creature descending from the heaven as it landed with a thud that caused everybody to hold on as it felt like an earthquake was passing by. Slifer let out a roar that literally shook the entire building as it caused every single person to cover their ears.

"Scary!" said Flurry Heart as she turned her head to hide her face in her mother's shirt as she had a few tears rolling down her eyes.

"It's okay, sweetie." responded Cadance.

Cadance as she did her best to cover her ears while trying to keep her daughter from being frightened by the massive creature she saw. Spike tucked his tail between his legs and hid under Twilight's chair as he was starting to fear for his life at seeing the giant creature as he shivered. Just the size comparison alone was enough to make him feel minuscule.

"Your monster pales in comparison to my Egyptian God!" stated Isaac.

"Ah, no way! You've summoned an Egyptian God card!?!" yelled out Shining Armor as he couldn't believe it. Even his agent team and Roland were surprised that Isaac was in possess of a legendary card that used to belong to another the rival of his former boss.

"That's right, I've summoned Slifer the Sky Dragon!" said Isaac as his monster had his body wrapping around him as he showed his loyalty to the young boy while giving out a roar.

"Even while you control Slifer the Sky Dragon, I control the strongest monster on the field." stated Shining Armor. "Slifer the Sky Dragon only gains 1000 attack and defense points for each card in your hand. Which means it only has 2000 attack and defense points. My ultimate dragon's 4500 attack points are far higher. My dragon will wipe out Slifer on my next turn."

"Your ultimate dragon's attack may be higher for now, but they won't be for long. I activate Double Spell, by discarding Makiu the Magical Mist from my hand, I get to activate a spell card in your graveyard." Isaac's duel disk screen showed all of Shining Armor's card as he selected the one he wanted to use. "And I choose... your Card of Demise!"

"Oh no!" shouted Shining Armor as he realized what that meant.

"Now I draw until I have 5 cards in my hand as long as I've discard my entire hand in 5 turns, consequently Slifer's attack points shoot up to 5000." said Isaac as his Egyptian God powered up. "Slifer the Sky Dragon use your Thunder Force attack to destroy Shining Armor's Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon!!" said Isaac. Slifer then opened its mouth as it charged up its attack and then unleashed a very powerful attack that blasted right through Shining Armor's dragon and headed towards him who put his arm up and was flung onto his back.
Shining Armor's Life Points: 6200-

"Your dragon is destroyed. I set one card facedown and Slifer's attack points drop to 4000. It's over, Shining Armor. Nothing you draw can defeat my Egyptian God card." said Isaac as he was telling his rival that he was set to win this duel.

Turn 10: Shining Armor

Shining Armor had gotten back to his feet as he stared at Isaac and looked at Slifer. "Okay, okay, okay. I draw!" said Shining Armor as he still believed he had a chance to take down Isaac and his god. He then looked at the card he drew as the expression on his face turned into a creepy smile. "Perfect, seems you were wrong, Isaac. I did just draw something that can take your Egyptian God down." Shining Armor then revealed his card to Isaac.

"No! No! Is that..." trailed off Isaac.

"It's my Egyptian God!" said Shining Armor as the card he just drew so happen to be Obelisk the Tormentor.

"You may have drawn Obelisk the Tormentor, but with no monsters to sacrifice on your field, you still can't summon it." stated Isaac.

"Hehehe, my facedown card will change that, Isaac. I activate Return from the Different Dimension!!!" shouted Shining Armor as he revealed the final card he had set. "Now I give up half of my life points to special summon 5 of my banished monsters back to the field. I special summon Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End, Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon, and all three of my Blue-Eyes White Dragons!!!" Shining Armor's entire field was now flooded with some of his most powerful creatures as they all let out a collective roar.
Shining Armor's Life Points: 3100-

"My Slifer's lightning blast activates, eliminating 2000 attack points from each of your five monsters. All their attack points are now reduced to 1000." said Isaac. Slifer then opened its second mouth as it fired off 5 blasts as it struck each one of Shining Armor's dragons as they lost power and had smoke and steam emerging from their bodies.

"Ha, that's all I need because they're about to be tributed for something greater. I tribute all three of my Blue-Eyes White Dragons!! Come forth, Obelisk the Tormentor(4000/4000)!!!!" shouted Shining Armor.

Now it was his turn as he held his card up high into the air. Soon a bright light was coming from it as all three of Shining Armor's dragons were being sacrificed as their energy were being used to call upon an even greater force. Soon his monster was descending from the heavens as it appeared in a blue pillar of light as everybody could see Shining Armor and his god card. Obelisk let out a cry as it made its presence know; it then looked across the field as it got a glimpse of Isaac. Seems even he was sensing the spirit of the young boy as it reminded him of another duelist. It then looked up as it saw Slifer as it turned angry and let out a cry as Slifer let out a roar of his own as each were trying to not back down from the others.

"Ladies and gentleman, don't adjust your screens. This is truly happening, 2 of the legendary trio of the Egyptian God cards are here. How long has it been since the last time these 2 great beasts were seen in the same room!!" shouted the MC. The crowd was now into it as they were in awe by seeing such powerful cards ever to have been created.

"Slifer the Sky Dragon's effect kicks in and your Obelisk loses 2000 attack points until the end of the turn." said Isaac. Slifer then opened its second mouth as it unleashed a powerful attack that collided with Obelisk it clutched his side as it felt its power being drained away. "Perhaps, you'll think twice about summoning a monster in Slifer's presence." stated Isaac as he addressed Shining Armor.

"My Obelisk the Tormentor may be weaker than Slifer for now, but it will show you no mercy!!" shouted Shining Armor. "I activate Obelisk the Tormentor's effect, I offer my Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End and Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon as tributes to Obelisk." Obelisk then grabbed both of Shining Armor's remaining dragons as it absorbed their strengths and powers with his eyes as both monsters let out a cry. Soon they disappeared as Obelisk's power shot through the roof. "Now my Obelisk's attack points rise to infinity!!! And it attacks everything you control with its Fist of Fury! Your Slifer the Sky Dragon is no match for my Obelisk and your life points will not withstand its attack. It's over, Isaac!!!!" shouted Shining Armor. Obelisk then raised its powered up fist and look to make contact with Slifer and end Isaac.

Everybody was leaning in as they were wanting to see what would happen. Twilight was leaning in as she bit her nails as she feared for her boyfriend. Isaac saw the attack coming and he too had sweat coming down his face, soon his expression changed on a dime.

"It's not over yet, Shining Armor." said Isaac in a low, confident voice. "I activate my trap card... Zero Gravity!!!" shouted Isaac as he activated the last card that he set previously. "This card changes the battle position of all monsters on the field."

"It's naïve of you to think that a change in gravity will interfere with the infinite powers of my Obelisk. Yeah... my attack continues unimpeded!!!" yelled out Shining Armor as his monster pushed forward.

"Perhaps, but a slight change in gravitational force is just what my Slifer the Sky Dragon needed to switch into defense mode." With that Slifer then changed positions just as the attack from Obelisk made contact with it. "Now that my Slifer the Sky Dragon is in defense mode, it will guard my life points from your Obelisk's attack." said Isaac.

"Even so, your Slifer is destroyed and Obelisk remains on my field." stated Shining Armor. Obelisk's attack caused Isaac to buckle his knees as he did his best to stand his ground before he was thrown off his feet.

"AHH!!" shouted Isaac as he tumbled onto the ground as he landed on his back as his cap was tossed off of his head as he had scuffs on his face and clothes.

"I end my turn and Obelisk's attack points return to 4000. You're defenseless against my Egyptian God card, Isaac. Without a god card to defend you, my Obelisk will wipe out what's left of your life points on my next turn. I am about to prove to everyone once and for all that I am the stronger duelist!!" yelled out Shining Armor as he ended his turn.

Turn 11: Isaac

"Ugg! Uhh!" said Isaac as he slowly got back to one knee.

He was now sweating like on a hot summer day as his energy and stamina was now starting to take effect on him. Isaac looked at Shining Armor and he too was breathing heavily, both boys were tired and spent. The fact that they had the energy to even summon their own god cards was a testament to how much they were willing to push past their limits, but also it meant that their life energy was now depleted as they struggled to stand up as their legs were shaking and losing their strength. Isaac wiped his mouth of the scuff that appeared as he took several deep breaths while looking at the god towering before him before looking back at his deck.

He had a point, I have nothing left on my field. And none of the cards in my hand can beat an Egyptian God card. But I can't give up, though the odds are slim, they aren't impossible. It may not be easy, but if I take a chance and believe in the heart of the cards, I'm sure that I can win this. Isaac then looked up at the image of his idol as it was on the screen behind him as he remember all the things the King of Games would say. He knew that if he was here right now, he would tell him the same thing. So Isaac then willed himself to stand up as he muscled through the pain. Heart of the cards, guide me. Isaac then closed his eyes as he pictured his deck as he tried to call out to it to help him. Soon the spirit of Isaac's idol appeared beside him as he infused his spirit with Isaac's and together they mimicked each others move as they both drew the top card of the deck. Isaac opened his eyes in awe as he sensed his idol's spirit as he looked at the card that he drew.

"I activate my spell card, The True Name."

"The True Name? What in the world is that?!" asked Shining Armor.

"This card lets me predict the name of the card on the top of my deck, if I'm wrong the top card of my deck is sent to the graveyard and with nothing left to defend me against your Obelisk, I will lose this duel. But if I'm right about which card is at the top of my deck, the named card is then added to my hand and I get to add a 'Divine' monster from my deck to my hand." said Isaac.

"Divine monster?!" said Shining Armor as he wasn't sure of what Isaac meant. Until, he really got to thinking, "But... t-that means..."

"The card I name is Monster Reborn!!" shouted Isaac.

"You're going to gamble the outcome of this duel on one single guess?" asked Shining Armor as he thought Isaac was insane.

"I reveal the top card of my deck." said Isaac. He then drew his card to see what the result was as everybody was wanting to see if he was right or wrong. "I reveal... Monster Reborn!!!" shouted Isaac as he showed his card off for everybody to see.

"NO WAY!!!" shouted Shining Armor as he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"I add Monster Reborn to my hand and search my deck for... The Winged Dragon of Ra!!!" said Isaac as he now had the card in his hand.

"Even though you have The Winged Dragon of Ra in your hand, you still have no monsters on your field that you can tribute to summon it!" stated Shining Armor.

"That's about to change, Shining Armor. I activate Monster Reborn to resurrect my Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning. Next I activate Dark Magic Veil, by giving up 1000 life points, this spell card lets me special summon a Dark spellcaster from my hand or graveyard. I sacrifice 1000 life points to special summon the Dark Magician of Chaos(2800/2600) from my hand. Now my Dark Magician of Chaos' effect activates, allowing me to return a spell card from my graveyard to my hand. I return Monster Reborn, but it won't stay in my hand for long. I activate Monster Reborn to bring back my Dark Magician." said Isaac as he now had a trio of monsters.
Isaac's Life Points: 5600-

"No way!" yelled Shining Armor. "You managed to summon to summon 3 monsters to the field!"

"That's right, Shining Armor. Now prepare to face the ultimate Egyptian God, I tribute my Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning, Dark Magician of Chaos and Dark Magician!!" Isaac's monsters all then turned into energy beams as they were now being used by their master as he called upon a mighty beast as a yellow light came from the card he held high. Isaac then had his eyes close as he pulled the card down as he started the chant. "Oh mighty protector of the Sun in the sky, I beg of thee, please hear my cry. Transform thyself from orb of light and bring me victory in this fight. I beseech thee, grace our humble game." Isaac then opened his eyes as he finished the saying, "But first I shall, call out thy name! Winged Dragon of Ra!!!" Soon a bright yellow light enveloped the whole field as it caused everybody to shield their eyes.

Soon a giant yellow orb appeared as it descended onto the battlefield. Then a yellow glow appeared as it started to unlock as The Winged Dragon of Ra emerged from its sphere and soon it was on the field as it let out a cry. Now people were taken back by what they saw as they couldn't believe that they got to witness all 3 of the legendary Egyptian God cards in one place.

"Now The Winged Dragon of Ra emerges with attack points and defense points equal to the combined power of my tributed monsters, with the strength of my tributed Black Luster Soldier, Dark Magician of Chaos, and Dark Magician. The Winged Dragon of Ra has 8300 attack points!!" said Isaac.

"8300?!" shouted Shining Armor as he couldn't believe the stats on the Egyptian God card he saw standing in front of him.

"And The Winged Dragon of Ra's power doesn't stop there. Next, I'll give up all but one of my life points to increase The Winged Dragon of Ra's attack points by the number of life points I sacrificed." Soon Isaac transferred almost all of his life points as Ra felt the power coming from the young master as its attack rose to 14,299.
Isaac's Life Points: 1-

"It's over, Shining Armor. Your Obelisk's 4000 attack points pale in comparison to the Winged Dragon of Ra's 14,299 attack points!" said Isaac.

"This can't be happening!!!!" yelled out Shining Armor.

"It is. The Winged Dragon of Ra, attack Obelisk the Tormentor and end this duel!!!" shouted Isaac as he thrusted his arm out as he had his monster opened fire with its attack as it made contact with Obelisk.

"NOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!" shouted Shining Armor as he tried to cover up only for him to be thrown onto his back as his monster was destroyed.
Shining Armor's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Isaac

The duel ended as the image of Isaac was projected onto the screen around the arena and at home.

"The winner... is Isaac!!!" shouted the MC.

The fans couldn't believe it as they gave a thunderous applause at had occurred. They got to witness one of the most intense duels to ever take place in the history of Duel Monsters. The images of the 2 duelists that each competitor had chosen to honor in the battle, now had so much more meaning behind them, as they felt like if they were here in person they too would consider that match a worthy duel of their caliber. For Isaac he had taken some heavy breaths as he fell to his knees, confetti and pyro went off as Isaac was being awarded for his victory. All around him, Isaac could see the fans in attendance all standing up and applauding not just him, but also Shining Armor as both of them just went to war and left their heart and soul on the battlefield. Shining Armor was being to stir as he slowly sat up and looked at Isaac; both boys were tired and sore as the only thing said was a nod. Both boys understood what it meant as they didn't say anything else.

Isaac was still on his knees when he felt something behind him as it almost caused him to fall to the floor. He soon felt a pair of arms wrap behind him.

"Isaac!" yelled out Twilight as she had made her way down to the arena and had rushed the stage. She had managed to pick up his cap as she fell to her knees and started to wrap her arms behind her boyfriend as she began to bombard him with kisses along side his neck and cheek. "You did it! Congrats." said Twilight in between kisses.

"Yeah, I did." said Isaac as he put his hand over Twilight's as she just brought him into her chest as she had her head on top of his as she smiled as she embraced her boyfriend. "Thanks for your support." Isaac then looked at Twilight as she pulled out a small handkerchief from her pocket as she started to wipe Isaac's forehead from all the sweat as she put his cap back on his head. Isaac responded by reaching up into Twilight's hair as he undid her ponytail and let her hair fall as he grabbed her face and pulled her into a deep kiss as both were on their knees as they closed their eyes.

The kiss lasted for a while as they broke apart for a few seconds only for Twilight to pull Isaac back into another kiss. Soon they broke apart as they looked up at the private box Twilight was watching the duel from as Cadance, Flurry Heart, and Spike were all cheering and smiling at them. The pair then saw Shining Armor being helped by his agent team as Roland held Shining Armor as he had his client's arm over his shoulder. Shining Armor was banged up but he still made an effort as he leaned on Roland as he made his way toward Isaac. Isaac then stood up as he was now leaning on Twilight as she had his arm over her shoulder. Shining Armor then let go as he found some energy to stand on his own two feet as he stared at Isaac.

"I finally have my answer." said Shining Armor as he was now cured of the cancer that plagued his soul and health. "Here take it, you deserve it." Shining Armor then tossed Isaac a card as he caught it in his hand. Isaac turned the card over and was shocked by what he saw.

"You sure?" asked Isaac as he was currently holding Obelisk the Tormentor.

"It belongs with you." said Shining Armor as he look at Roland and gave him a nod a he understood his boss' orders as he began to take him to get check out by their medical team.

"Shining, wait!" called out Twilight. Her brother then looked at his little sister. "Where did you get that card?"

"You remember the incident with the thief and how they stole Slifer. Well, turns out Sombra was in possession of Obelisk. If you recall, Mr. William's grandfather had copies made of the god cards and hid them in separate locations. His grandson and his company would be in charge of Slifer, Luna and Celestia were tasked with guarding Ra, and he gave the last one to Sombra." informed Shining Armor. "So when the incidents with the Shadowbolts occurred, it was Sombra's plan should the person strike again, he wanted me to confront him using Obelisk; I had been secretly training with it and with Sombra. Even when he was corrupted, Sombra saw that I had the power necessary to wield a god card and he helped me to harness it." stated Shining Armor. "And now it's yours. Besides, my deck is perfectly fine without it." With that Roland then helped Shining Armor get checked out by the medical team as they brought him to a medical room where Cadance and Flurry Heart were waiting for him.

"Daddy! Daddy!" said Flurry Heart as she reached for her father.

"Hey, princess." said Shining Armor as he was sat up on a medical bed as he grabbed his daughter in his arms as he gave her a hug and kiss. "Did you watch, daddy?"

"Yeah, funny daddy." giggled Flurry Heart. "Big drgoon, magic, Isac."

"You did well, sweetie." smiled Cadance.

"Yeah, but the outcome doesn't matter, cause I have a much better prize than being known as World Champion. I have a loving family and drop dead gorgeous women as my wife. What more could I ask?" smiled Shining Armor. He soon found himself pulled into a deep, passionate kiss as Cadance was kiss her man with so much emotion and passion.

While Shining Armor was being helped to the back, Isaac was still out in the arena as he took in the sight that laid before him as the fans were still cheering his name. He then looked at the Obelisk card that Shining Armor gave him as he had his other hand reach for his deck and pull out the other 2 god cards. He then put the 3 of them together as they seemed to be resonating and responding to Isaac's soul as they searched him for any signs of evil. Soon all of their spirits had deemed Isaac as a worthy duelist to wield the them and promised to lend him their power whenever he needed it.

"Obelisk the Tormentor. Combine that with the other ones, I now have all 3 of the Egyptian God cards. It's been a long time coming and I never thought in my life, I would ever hold them, much less be in possession of them all, let alone one. But now that I have them in my deck, what am I suppose to do with them?" said Isaac to himself. "Well, I made a promise that I would keep them safe and that I honor their trust."

Soon a thought ran through Isaac's head as he remembered his earlier conversation with Shining Armor and his agent.

"If that is your wish, then we will make time for you to have with your friends. We'll inform all promotions and interviews that you're busy doing other things. Whatever you want, we will see to it." said Roland. "You want cards, we will make sure the best are flown overnight and arrive to you in the morning. You want more money to appear at live events, we will make sure that places pay you more. We make sure you get whatever you want out of this business and career path. You won't have to go and make phone calls and beg and plead to be on the cup of 7-Eleven; 7-Eleven will call us and demand that you're on it." stated Roland.

Twilight then looked at Isaac as she could tell what was on his mind, so she just simply grabbed his hand with hers as she smiled and gave him another peck on his cheek to show that she would stand by him. Isaac returned the smile as he kissed Twilight's forehead, he then looked up at the picture of his idol that was still being shown on the screen. For a second it looked like Isaac saw the image move as his idol gave the young boy a smile and thumbs up. Isaac blinked and the image returned to its natural pose; Isaac didn't know whether his mind was playing tricks on him or he was just too tired, but either way he could sense his idol helping him to draw the card he needed in his duel and he couldn't be more happy. Isaac then held the god cards as he lifted them high into the air as their respective lights came out from the cards as Isaac stood there with Twilight by his side and a smile on his face. Soon the entire scene faded to black as the music in the battleground played.

Author's Note:

What a match. What a way to end a rivalry. Not to be perfectly honest, I didn't plan out for Isaac to gain each of the god cards in the way he acquired them. Gaining Slifer, then Ra, and lastly Obelisk was just a pure coincidence that happen to work out and doesn't have any correlation with the years of high school. Regardless, this was match that I wanted to have both duelists just go all in and lay it on the line. I did think about having both Isaac and Shining Armor have a battle that referenced Yugi and Kaiba's duel in the coliseum as their final matchup, but I decided against that as I wanted to do something original. And I hope that it was enough to live up to that certain level of dueling and expectations.

I did have both duelists have a sort of tribute to them as a way to acknowledge the kind of battles that both Yugi and Kaiba would have as everytime you would watch them duel, it was the best thing to see, especially as a kid watching the show. Anyways, enough said. I'll see you in the next chapter and hope that you all enjoyed this. Though I will leave you with some thought.

Now that these two have ended their rivalry, the question now is: Which of the 3 duels did they have was considered the best one? Was it the Friendship Games, the graduation duel, or this one? Something to really get your brain going.

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