• Published 11th Oct 2020
  • 4,588 Views, 856 Comments

Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 67: The Wedding

It had been a couple of days after Isaac's birthday and well let's say things had been interesting. He admired all the gifts that his friends got him as they all had some special meaning; however, the one thing that was on his mind was the gift that Twilight had got him. Isaac looked at it as the feelings of that night returned in a heartbeat. Compared to when the others gave him his gift it filled his heart with warmth, but with Twilight he got all that and more. Like he was experiencing some sort of happiness, Isaac only ever got that level of happiness when he dueled.

"What's happening to me?" said Isaac as he was lying down on his bed. "I've never felt this way before; compared to when I was alone with the others I felt the same thing. But with Twilight I felt all that and then some. Every single one of those girls will always have a special place in my heart, but what her?" Isaac then started to feel put his hand over his heart as it started to beat a bit louder/faster. "What's going on!? I can't eat, can't sleep!" shouted Isaac as he grabbed his head. Just then Isaac's Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl appeared as they heard their master was struggling.

"Is everything ok, master?" asked Mahad.

"You look a bit distressed, Isaac." Mana had a worried look on her face.

"Sorry guys, it's just that I don't know what's happening." Isaac then looked at his magicians. "You remember when the girls celebrated my birthday, right?" Both Mahad and Mana nodded their heads as they remembered Isaac telling them about his time he spent with his friends. What he didn't tell them was about Twilight and how she had given him a gift that not only had a bit more meaning, but it caused him to develop feelings for the nerdy girl. Once Isaac finish regaling his tale, both of his magicians had different expressions.

"Perhaps it's just nerves, master." said Mahad.

"Really, Mahad? You know nothing of women and love." shouted Mana. "It's obvious on what this is; you're in love and with Twilight nonetheless, Isaac." smiled Dark Magician Girl.

"In love? With Twilight? How can that be?" asked Isaac.

"Well when a boy and a girl really like each other, they develop certain...."

"I know how it works, Mana." said Isaac as he wasn't that dense on romance. "I just don't understand why it's happening now? The girls all showed they harbor secret feelings for me and they told me; at the time when I was alone with each one of them, I too felt a special connection. But here Twilight has not once asked me out, and that night she just gave me a gift and suddenly I feel a strong connection towards her." Isaac then sat up. "All of this is making my brain and heart hurt."

"That's the sign right there, she's all you've been thinking about. I can't blame her, after the Friendship Games you and her spent so much time together especially when you gave her private lessons. Not to mention that you two can go on a tangent when it comes to talking about dueling and Duel Monsters." Mana now had a smile on her face as she was happy that her master was experiencing what it means to grow up. "So tell her?"

"What!?" shouted both Isaac and Mahad.

"Mana? You now that this none of our business, whatever our master's lovelife is for his own. We have no right to interfere nor should we be interested. Our sole duty is to protect him."

"And don't you think that Isaac should also have someone special in his life? He can't be by himself for the rest of his life; he should find someone who will stand by his side and provide him happiness. Something that we can't fully do for him. Don't you want our master to be happy?" asked Mana.

"Mana, you know that's my sole purpose in this afterlife. My only wish is to see the master happy." Mahad now had a genuine tone.

"Then you need to understand." Mana then turned back to Isaac. "Isaac, there's only one thing you need to do. You need to tell Twilight about your feelings. It's the only way you'll ever get closure on this issue."

"But what if she doesn't? In the past, it's the girls who have revealed their feelings for me, now it's the other way around. What if she doesn't feel the same way, what do I do then?" Isaac was genuinely in disarray at what he should do about these feelings.

"Just tell her and see what happens? Besides call it a hutch, but she may feel the same way about you?" With that both Mahad and Mana disappear as they left Isaac to prod his thoughts.

The talk with his magicians really helped Isaac in some way, but he was still conflicted. So with a heavy heart he let out a sigh. "Just tell her, easier said than done. Still I want to make sure that what I'm feeling for her is real and not just some made up false lead. I didn't want to do this, but it seems I have no choice." Isaac then pulled out his phone and began to scroll through his contacts till he found the person he was looking for. He then touched the number as the phone started to dial. "I just hope she can help me."

Isaac was now outside of the Sweet Shoppe as he waited for his special guest. He was wearing the necklace/cap that Rarity and Dash had given him. It really did add more to Isaac's character as well as it completed his signature look. "Where is she? She was suppose to be here about 15 minutes ago." said Isaac as he looked at his watch. Even just looking at the thing caused the feelings he had to return. Soon Isaac got his answer as the person he was waiting for called out to him.

"Sorry for being late, Isaac." said the woman.

"About time you showed up." said Isaac with a bit of sarcasm in his voice. He then gave her a smile, "How you doing Cadance? I assume you're getting ready for your big wedding."

"Somewhat, to be honest, I'll feeling a bit nervous about it. But other than that, I also feel happy knowing that I get to spend my entire life with my special someone." Cadance couldn't help but think about Shining Armor and how she was looking forward to her special day. "So what is it that you wanted to talk about?"

"It's a bit complicated. I'll tell you once we grab a little snack." said Isaac.

With that both Isaac and Cadance entered the Sweet Shoppe as they purchased their own individual orders. Cadance had gotten a caramel brulee frappuccino as well as a blueberry muffin; Isaac had gone with a lemonade and got a chocolate muffin. Once they made their purchases, they thanked Mr. and Mrs. Cake and headed out of the store. They made their way to the park as they sat on a bench and began to discuss.

"So, what's the matter?" asked Cadance. "You said you had something that you wanted to discuss?"

"Yeah," Isaac had just finished his muffin as he crumbled up the wrapper. "See, it's about a sensitive topic." Isaac just let out a sigh as he was having trouble explaining this to Cadance.

"Just tell me." said Cadance as she put her hand on Isaac's shoulder.

"Alright, okay. Well believe it or not, I've actually developed feelings for someone." said Isaac as he looked straight.

"Really, now!?" said Cadance with sly smile. "So tell me, who's the lucky girl?"

"It's Twilight."

Cadance had the biggest gasp, "I knew it!"

That quickly got Isaac's attention, "You knew!? Since when!?" asked Isaac.

"Well, I didn't exactly know." said Cadance as she took a sip of her beverage. "See after your first encounter with Twilight, I noticed that her eyes had a certain sparkle to them. Twilight was always contend with her research and her own personal things, but in that moment, I saw something change in her. Fast forwarding, when I first saw you during the Friendship Games, I saw that you too possessed that same sparkle in your eyes. To what extent I didn't know, but I had a strong hutch on what it meant. And it turns out I was right." Cadance now had a huge smile as she looked at Isaac.

"Great, so you knew all along." said Isaac. "God, that makes this much more difficult." Isaac let out a stressed sigh as he was leaning back on the bench.

"Yes, love can be rather tricky. Especially, when you're trying to act on certain emotions. So have you told her yet?"

"I haven't, ever since that day, I haven't talked to anybody, let alone Twilight. I guess I just wanted to sort out these feelings, but they're all that I think about. Everyday I wake up, everytime I go to sleep, every single moment that I breathe, all I can think about is Twilight. Ahh! It's making my head hurt!" screamed Isaac.

Cadance still had a smile on her face as she looked at Isaac. She knew the young boy was having trouble with this sort of stuff, especially given that he wasn't the most knowledgeable when it came to romance. Still it made her happy to see that Isaac had it bad when it came to Twilight, which she knew Twilight also had the same thing even if she didn't show or say it. "Well, maybe this will clear your mind? What is it about Twilight that you find so fascinating about her?" Cadance was really interested in hearing this answer.

"Well lets see..." Isaac then began to think long and hard about his answer. Just what about Twilight was it that he was drawn to her, that he found so fascinating. "Well for starters, she's really smart. Not to mention those glasses of hers really add to that factor; always did have a soft spot for smart girls. Uh, she's cute, not to mention really beautiful. Even her habits are adorable; I can't tell you how many times, I've had to calm her down. But then again, I find her freak-outs even attractive. Not to mention all the nervous breakdowns she has when things don't go according to plan as well as her obsession on learning." While Isaac was explaining, he was having a smile on his face. Even Cadance noticed this and saw that Isaac's feelings were true.

"However, I think the one thing that I really like about Twilight is that she can duel her ass off. I've been in love with this game ever since I was just a little kid; that was the first time I truly loved something. I thought nothing else could give me that same feeling, but then I met Twilight. And well she gave me that same feeling and more. I'll never forget the first time I faced her." Isaac then thought back to when he first caught Twilight sneaking around CHS and how they engaged in battle. "That day she showed me that she knew how to handle a deck and throw down. That alone caught my attention. And then after the Friendship Games, she was so insistent on learning from me that I was happy to help her. She even took my place in a duel while we were at Camp Everfree when I was sick. I now look back on it and see that it was our way of spending time with each other, learning about each other, getting to know about one another. And everytime I see her or even think about her, my world just lights up and I'm drawn to her; I want to be there for her, to keep her safe and protect her." Isaac then put his hand over his heart and he could feel some of the pain ease up as he vented what was on his mind. "Wow, I feel a bit better; my heart doesn't hurt as much."

"Well you did it, you took the first step which was admitting your feelings to yourself." Cadance was happy that Isaac was able to let some of the pain he was feeling go.

"I guess I do love Twilight. I'm in love... I'm in love with Twilight. Never thought I would say that or feel like this." said Isaac as he had a very heartwarming smile.

"Now then, tell her." said Cadance.


"Tell her. If she knows how you feel, then she's bound to understand and maybe will return the same feelings." suggested Cadance. Oh she most definitely will.

"It's not that simple." said Isaac. "You can't just walk up to a girl, hand her a bouquet and say 'Hey remember me, we were best friends together. Will you be my girlfriend?' It just doesn't work that way." Isaac let out sigh.

"Well let her know? How?" asked Cadance.

"What do you mean how?" said Isaac as he was confused by what Cadance said.

How does she know you love her? said Cadance in singing voice as music started to play.

"Oh no. Don't!" said Isaac as he knew what was coming.

How does she know...

"People are looking." said Isaac as he tried to get Cadance to stop singing.

She's yours?

"Don't sing. It's ok. Let's just walk. Can we walk? Ok?" said Isaac as both he and Cadance started to get up and leave with the music still playing in the background. It wasn't even half a second before they passed a group of musicians who were playing some percussion instruments as they began to sing.

How does she know that you love her?
Said the lead musician.

"Oh." said Cadance.

"He knows the song too!?" said Isaac as he couldn't believe this was happening. "Of course, why wouldn't he know the song." Isaac just let out a sigh as more people started to gather round and start to sing the chorus.

How do you show her that you love her?"
How does she know that you really, really, truly love her?

"I've never heard this song!" said Isaac as he was trying to ignore Cadance and her leading the song.

How does she know that you love her?
How do you show her that you love her?

Now everybody was starting to move to the rhythm of the beat.

"Really nice work." said Isaac as he put some money in the case of the guitar in hopes of getting them to stop singing. But it didn't.

How do you show her you love her?
How does she know that you really, really, truly love her?

"That's it. Ok. Let's go." said Isaac as he grabbed Cadance as they began to walk away with the group of people still singing behind them as they followed.

It's not enough to take the one you love for granted
You must remind her or she'll be inclined to say

How do I know he loves me?
How do I know he's mine?

They were now crossing a bridge as even more people started to get involved and moved to the beat of the song. Cadance was just twirling around Isaac who just had his hands in his pocket as he tried to drown out the song.

Well, does he leave a little note to tell you
You are on his mind?
Send you yellow flowers when the sky is gray?

Cadance had was on a bench surrounded by old man as she grabbed a whiteboard and wrote the words: "You are Adorable." She then turned it around for all of the seniors to see as the old ladies across saw this and started to gasp. They then joined in the choreography as they got up and presented yellow flowers for the ladies that they pulled from their coat. Soon they begun to dance, as Cadance looked at Isaac who still was trying his best to not believe what he was seeing.

He'll find a new way to show you
A little bit everyday
That's how you know
That's how you know he is your love

"See?" asked Cadance.

"I've seen quite enough. Let's go." said Isaac as he grabbed Cadance by the arm and dragged her off. He really wanted this song to end; the old couples then joined the massive crowd as they followed the two.

You got to show her you need her
Don't treat her like a mind reader
Each day do something to lead her
To believe you love her

Now there was trumpets playing as the musicians they saw at the beginning as well as other bands were now playing in the water on boats. Isaac and Cadance were currently in one as they passed them by, with Isaac doing all the effort of rowing them across the stream while Cadance had one of those parasols that women had with them during the Early Victorian Era. Isaac was still trying his best to ignore what was happening.

Everybody wants to live happily ever after
Everybody wants to know their true love is true

How do you know he loves you?
How do you know he's yours?

Isaac and Cadance were now walking side by side, but there were between a row of grooms and brides. Soon church bells began to ring as they started to join in on the fun as they did some fancy footwork. Soon they surrounded the both of them as the grooms picked up their brides and twirled them around. Now Isaac had his hands up to his ears as he really wanted this to be over. Cadance then grabbed him as they moved onto the next scene of the song. Which so happy to be them in a wedding carriage with everybody throwing flowers and rice at them; Isaac just leaned back as he was unamused by this while Cadance kept singing and had tons of flowers in her arms.

Well, does he take you out dancing
Just so he can hold you close?

Now it was Cadance dancing with Isaac as they joined in with tons of other people. "I don't dance." said Isaac. Safe to say that Isaac felt a bit uncomfortable about dancing with someone who was about to be engaged, not to mention that the song was still getting to him.

Dedicate a song with words
Meant just for you?

"And I really don't sing." added Isaac as he just stood there while Cadance continued to dance.

He'll find his own way to tell you
With the little things he'll do
That's how you know
That's how you know he's your love
He's your love
He's your love

Soon they reached a massive stage that a play was taking place as she kept on singing as everybody joined in. Soon everybody threw their hands up in the air as they copied Cadance's movements. Isaac was just sitting in the crowd as he reliantly stood up and put his hands up a little as he put on his best fake smile.

That's how you know he loves you
That's how you know it's true

Because he'll wear your favorite color
Just so he can match your eyes

They then passed by some street performers who were doing flips and acrobatics. Even some people on roller skates and skateboards were dragging along Cadance as she kept on singing with Isaac slowly right behind her. Then another group of people came in as they did parkour moves while wearing the same color as Twilight's eyes; one of them even had a picture of Twilight in his hand.

Plan a private picnic
By the fire's glow

Now Cadance and Isaac were on a hilltop as they sat on a picnic blanket and a picnic basket between them. They also had other people behind them doing the same as they moved their bodies from side to side as they enjoyed the music. Once person even came by as he put on a candle centerpiece. In the background there was now even more bands joining in as brass instruments added to the tone of the song. Isaac still had his hand to his head.

His heart will be yours forever
Something everyday will show
That's how you know
That's how you know

That's how you know
That's how you know
That's how you know
That's how you know he's your love

Now there was a massive crowd that was trekking through the park as they danced and singed to the music. Cadance was at the head of the crowd as she lead them. Soon they reached a giant water fountain that was in the center of the park as everybody began to dance with all the men picking up the women as they held them high in the air; Cadance was being held by several men as she was in the center. Isaac was in the horse carriage behind them as he saw this and to his surprise he nodded his head a bit as the song was getting to him. He quickly realized it as he stopped himself from getting to drawn in.

That's how she knows that you love her
That's how you show her you love her (That's how you know)
You've got to show her you need her
Don't treat her like a mind reader (That's how you know)
That's how she knows that you love her
That's how you know that you love her
It's not enough to take the one you love for granted (He's your love)

The crowd then lowered down Cadance as they helped her into the carriage as she sat across from Isaac. Then everybody around them began to dance as the song was drawn to an end and they did their last choreography with all the men holding up the women up high as they stood still for a second. Once the song was over, everybody gave a grand cheer as they resumed like everything was normal. Isaac couldn't believe that something like that had just happened and nobody dare question it, he just simply shrugged his shoulder and let out a sigh. With that their driver commanded their horse to move as both of them were now riding in a carriage.

"Well that was a thing." said Isaac. He still couldn't believe his eyes on what he just witnessed.

"So, do you know what you have to do?" asked Cadance as she fixed a bit of her hair.

"I think I got the gist of it from the song." Isaac still let out a sigh. "I just don't know how I'm going to do this. I mean it needs to be when it's just the two of us; I know the girls won't laugh but I feel better if it was just me and Twilight. That way in case, she rejects my feelings then I won't have to embrass myself in front of others." Isaac put his head down.

"That sounds like a nice plan." Cadance then put her hand on Isaac's shoulder. Isaac lifted his head up and saw Cadance giving him a smile as it caused him to return one back.

"Now then, I just have to figured out how I want to tell her?" asked Isaac. "If only there was a way for it to be just the two of us, with nobody to interrupt."

"Leave that to me." said Cadance.

With that their carriage had reached the end of their ride as the driver opened the door and helped Cadance out. Isaac then followed suit as he saw that they were now near the entrance of the park. Cadance told Isaac not to worry about finding a way to tell Twilight about his feelings. She just told him that he should expect a call from her later and with that she thanked Isaac for a great hang out and left. Isaac just stood there trying to figure out Cadance's riddle, but he came up clueless. So with that he headed home. It was about a few hours later when Isaac was in his room and he got a phone call from Cadance. Isaac answered it and the gist of it was that Cadance had been able to convince Twilight to invite Isaac as her plus one for her wedding. It took a while, not to mention that Twilight was blushing when Cadance offered her suggestion, but she eventually agreed. Isaac then checked his messages and true to her word, he received a text saying that Twilight was asking him to accompany her to Cadance's wedding. Isaac thanked Cadance for her help and hung up.

"Well, I guess all that's left to do is tell Twilight how I feel." Isaac then clutched his heart. "I just hope that no matter what happens, we're still be friends after this." Isaac then decided to head to bed as he felt like he could actually get some decent sleep in days.

Soon it was the day of Cadance's and Shining Armor's wedding as they had chosen to rent out a private room of a restaurant as their wedding venue. Twilight had talked with Isaac's parents about letting their son go with her to attend her brother's wedding. It also helped that her brother had actually requested Isaac come to his big day as he had something planned for him. So with their consent, Isaac's parents allowed their son to attend. The day came as it was about 9 in the morning when Twilight, Spike, and Cadance had picked him up, so from there it was but an hour drive to the place where the ceremony would take place. According to the invitations they sent out, it would be mostly Shining Armor and his family, along with a couple of their close friends. Shining Armor had also managed to invite some of his best pals to serve as his best men. Once they got there, Isaac got a good layout of the place. The building was where the dinner, as well as the festivities would take place once the marriage was official. There was even a garden that had a small fountain where there was a ton of birds who sang and flew about. There was a flower archway onto of a little stage which Isaac assumed was where the official marriage would happen.

There was a couple of chairs that were set up with family members sitting up in the front, with friends and acquaintances seating behind them. Seeing as how Isaac was Twilight's guest, he would actually sit up front with her family more specifically he would be sitting next to her. There was even a ballroom inside the venue; there was even more trucks that had tons of people setting things up from the DJ, to the receptionist, to even the catering people. Safe to say that both Cadance and Shining Armor were looking forward to making this day very special to them.

"Wow, you guys really went all out." said Isaac as he got out of the car. He was in his signature look as he took in the sight that lay before him.

"Well, what did you expect? This is the most important day of my brother's life, and everything needs to be just right. Which is why, Cadance has put me in charge of helping the receptionist in making sure that nothing bad happens." said Twilight as she felt proud about her responsibility. With that Twilight then started to head into the place as she began to go to work.

"Hopefully she doesn't freak-out." said Isaac as he looked on.

"The odds of that happening are 1 in a million. I'd have better luck winning a lifetime supply of dog treats than Twilight freaking out." said Spike as he was next to Isaac.

"Speaking of which, why are you here? No offense, Spike. But you don't typically bring a dog to wedding."

"Hey, I'm practically family." said Spike. "Besides, I'm just here to raid the table."

"Yeah, okay. Well just try to not to talk around the other guests. I mean we've all got used to you talking, but I doubt any other people know. Best not to cause a panic at the wedding, save that stuff for Shining Armor." snickered Isaac as he and Spike did fist bump.

"But yeah, Twilight is definitely gonna freak-out." said Spike as he began to search for Twilight and explore the gardens.

"Then it's a good thing you're here. See other than helping you in getting Twilight alone, I also asked her to invite you so that you can keep her in check. You know how she likes to micromanage every little thing, so I figured if anybody can keep up with her outbreaks and calm her down it be none other than her best friend who's not her pet." Cadance had a smile on her face when she said that to Isaac. "Don't worry, she knows about it. And as for tonight, I think it's best time for you to tell her." With that Cadance then walked in the venue as Isaac was left outside.

"Well, that's hoping everything goes well. Kinda suck if I came all this way only to return with a heartbreak of sorts." Isaac then gathered himself as he entered the place.

Once inside he saw the dining room as it was covered with lovely cloth with baskets of bread and some butter in the middle. Not to mention that there was some fancy silverware as it was neatly put in orderly fashion. There was even the long table at the far end where the bride and groom would be sitting along with their best men/bridesmaid. There was even a stage next to them as the Dj was helping his band get set up, there was drums, guitars, even an electric piano keyboard. There was a couple of microphones as the sound technician was running some tests ahead of tonight. Isaac kept on walking as he passed by the dressing rooms that both the groom and the bride were kept in once they got dressed and the wedding began. Soon Isaac found Twilight in the main hall as she had a headset on as well as a clipboard as she was directing traffic.

"Flowers. Check. Music. Check." Twilight was taking this job very seriously as she checked off things on her checklist. "Keep it up, people. This is going to be the best wedding ever." said Twilight with such pride.

"That's a bit of a stretch don't you think, Twi?" said Isaac as he entered the room.

Twilight looked behind her as she saw Isaac enter. "Oh, Isaac. Well I just want to make sure that both my brother and Cadance has a wonderful time. I just can't believe that I'm going to gain a wonderful sister-in-law. I can't think of anything better than that."

"I can think of one thing that may make you happy." said Isaac in a low tone so that Twilight didn't hear him.

From there Isaac leaned against the wall as he watched Twilight go to work on planning and organizing this wedding. Safe to say that he found another reason why Twilight had caught his interest; he just loved watching her be herself as she organized stuff. She looked like she was a kid all over again. While Twilight was busying organizing, Spike had managed to return from his stroll in the garden as he saw the two of them. Isaac decided to entertain himself by playing fetch with Spike as it allowed the two to do something while time passed. Every now and then, Twilight would ask Isaac for his input on certain things, to which he did his best to offer advice despite not knowing anything about a wedding. Thankfully it was just a suggestion on what color something should be and whether or not things were positioned correctly. There were a couple of times that Twilight experienced some freak-outs, but Isaac knew his role and was able to calm her down long enough for her to get her mind straight. Even Spike helped out by licking her face as it caused her to smile. Now the main room was complete as it served for the photographer were he would take pictures, as well as there was a mini bar set up with a bartender. Not to mention that this room was connected to the dining room and when it opened up the screen doors it extended so that it could serve as the dance floor. Soon Isaac looked at his watch, this thing was really coming in handing.

"Twilight, it's about time. We should probably get ready." said Isaac.

"Right," Twilight then spoke into her headset. "Thank you everybody. Now let's make sure that this wedding goes off without a hitch. Come along, Spike." With that they both left to get themselves dressed, Twilight along with Spike, went to check on Cadance while Isaac went to the men's room as he had to grab and pick out a suit.

Isaac arrived and saw that nearly everybody was getting ready as they all had their suits on. Most of them began to leave the room as they made their way to the garden to take their seats. Isaac was left alone on choosing his attire, thankfully it was black suit that was required so that made Isaac's choice that much easier. Eventually, Isaac picked out a nice black suit with a gold bow tie. He also had some gold cufflinks as well as he had a fedora on his head with red band wrapped around it as it had a little rose in it. He took a good look in the mirror and admired what he was wearing.

"Hopefully, I don't upstage Shining Armor too much with my look." said Isaac as he talked to himself and his reflection.

"You look well, master." said Mahad as he appeared.

"My, do you look dashing." giggled Mana. "I dare say that Twilight will definitely be swept off her feet."

"Thanks for the words of encouragement, Mana. But this is Cadance's and Shining Armor's big day. I can't go making it all about me." With that Isaac bid his magicians farewell as he made his way towards the garden. He then passed by the groom's room as his name was called out.

"Where do you think you're going?" said someone who was leaning on the door. "Trying to upstage me on my big day, Isaac?"

Isaac just smiled at who had addressed him. He then turned his head and his suspicions were confirmed. "Well, it's not my fault that I can pull off this look, Shining Armor." They both laughed as they grabbed each other's hand and pulled into a bro hug. "Besides I think everybody else will be more interested in what you're wearing than me." Shining Armor had gone with a military style suit as it was bright red and he special sash that had the same symbol that was on his shirt when he was a student at Crystal Prep Academy.

"Well it's no wonder I got the attention of a girl like Cadance. I mean I am handsome, not going to lie." said Shining Armor as he struck a pose to which Isaac just rolled his eyes. "Anyways, I was hoping to catch you. I've got a few things we need to talk about."

"Like what?" Isaac had a feeling he knew what Shining Armor wanted to discuss.

"Cadance told me, I know that you've got some feelings towards my little sister. And I'm fine with that, during the Friendship Games, she couldn't stop talking about you based on the many videos she collected on your battles. It was even more clear when she enrolled at Canterlot High and then at the graduation duel, she picked you to win over her big bro. I respect that, and I couldn't be more happy on trusting someone other than you to take care of my little sis. So as her brother, you have my full respect. Take good care of her, you hear?" said Shining Armor, "I know she's in good hands."

Isaac just nodded. "I haven't even told her how I feel, I was hoping to tonight when I can get her alone. Besides, I want to know how she feels. But regardless if she doesn't return my feelings, I promise to take care and keep her safe. You have my word, sir," said Isaac.

"Believe me, she'll return your feelings." said Shining Armor as he started to walk pass Isaac towards the back. He then stopped and told Isaac one final thing. "And that's big brother to you," said Shining Armor, "Trust me. It's gonna be your turn for all this before you know it." He gave Isaac a wink, making him blush and chuckle sheepishly. Shining Armor chuckled to himself as he went on his way.

Isaac was left to digest what Shining Armor just told him. "That's thinking way too far ahead, I'm not sure if even I can see myself at that point. Well that's not important right now." Isaac then shrugged the thought off as he made his way to the back into the gardens.

Isaac stepped through the entrance and saw that there was already a mass of people gathering as they all were seated and awaiting for the arrival of the bride and groom. Isaac then made his way to his seat where he sat down and saw Spike already sitting next to him, it didn't take long as Twilight and her parents were now walking down the aisle way. Isaac was able to get a good look at Twilight's outfit and he couldn't take his eyes off of it. Twilight was wearing a cyan blue dress with blue sunflowers along the bottom of the skirt and a giant yellow-orange bow on the back as well as a blue sunflower beaded necklace around her neck. Her bangs had been styled while her hair had been done in a rather loose hair bun. She still wore her signature glasses as Isaac couldn't get enough of that.

"Well, what do you think?" Twilight asked as she took her seat next to Isaac. She grabbed Spike and placed him in her lap.

"Wow, you look like an angel." said Isaac as he just let his mind speak. Isaac's comment caused both him and Twilight to blush as they turned their head a bit.

"Thanks, you look handsome yourself." said Twilight.

While the two were looking, Spike noticed this and just simply looked away. Soon Shining Armor came down the aisle as he now was standing on top of the stage, soon it was time. The music started to play as everybody stood up and turned towards the back; there was the flower girls who were ahead as they spreaded out flowers along the red carpet and behind them was Cadance. Her dress consisted of a white and yellow floral crown with the wedding veil attached to it. The dress itself had a large yellow rose brooch, a blue and yellow trimmed top with a double layered skirt that had gold trimming on the shorter layer as well as a giant pink bow in the back of the skirt. Cadance then made her way onto the stage as she looked at Shining Armor who was just in awe with how beautiful she was.

Then the minister began to speak, as the song Bridal Chorus came to an end and everybody took a seat. "Ladies and gentleman," said the minster, "We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of Mi Amore Cadenza-"

"Just Cadance is fine," said the bride. Twilight, Spike, and Isaac all giggled to themselves.

"Hm. The Union of Cadance and Shining Armor," The minister continued, "The strength of their commitment is clear. The power of their love, undeniable. May we have the rings please?" The ring bearer then held out a pillow with a pair of wedding rings on it. The rings were then given to the minister.

"Now, Shining Armor take this ring and place it on Cadance's finger." Shining Armor then did that as he looked at his soon to be wife. The minister then cleared his throat as he addressed the bride. "Now Cadance take this ring and place it on Shining Armor's finger." Cadance did just that as their wedding vows were now exchanged. Now there was one final thing to seal the deal. "Now then Shining Armor, do you promise to love Cadance in sickness and in health, to cherish her till the end of time or till death do you part."

"I do!" said Shining Armor.

"And do you Cadance take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband and promise to be there for him in sickness and in health, to cherish him till the end of time or till death do you part."

"I do!" shouted Cadance.

"Then by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride." said the minister and everybody stood up as they applauded/cheered at Shining Armor kissing Cadance. The newlyweds then made their way to the dining room as everybody followed; Isaac then stood up as he offered his arm to Twilight to which she gladly accepted as she hooked her arm between his. Spike followed behind as they all entered the main hall. Everybody was now taking a seat as their food was brought, but before they could eat, they watched Shining Armor and Cadance share the first dance with Twilight singing them a song.

Everybody applauded the couple's dance as well as Twilight's singing. Shining Armor and Cadance then began to head to their table as they signaled all to eat. Twilight now took her seat as she was seated across from Isaac as Cadance made sure that they both got their own private table, as she wanted to help Isaac in any way possible.

"Well now, Ms. Sparkle. You really wowed the crowd there." said Isaac.

"I'm not just great at dueling. I tend to sing from time to time." smiled Twilight as she looked back at Isaac.

"Then I look forward to hearing more from you." said Isaac. He then lifted his glass full of sparkling water as Twilight did the same and they clinked their glasses together as they took a sip and then began to eat their food.

"Hey, what about me?" asked Spike as he was next to their table as he had his food and water.

Everybody was enjoying themselves at they ate and began to talk among themselves. Twilight and Isaac were engaged in several conversations as they enjoyed each other's presence. Spike was thoroughly enjoying himself as either Twilight or Isaac would sometimes give him a treat while the waiter wasn't looking. Every now and then all of them would both look back at the happy couple and smile with just how happy they were. Soon Shining Armor then stood up as he grabbed a microphone.

"Could I have everybody's attention? I have an announcement to make." Soon everybody turned towards Shining Armor as they all listened to what they had to say. "First and foremost, I want to thank everybody for coming here to celebrate the marriage between the me and lovely wife. But I'm also a duelist and I wanted to have a wedding that is different compared to others, so as entertainment I will give you all a show by putting on a duel." Shining Armor the grabbed his duel disk as he slotted his deck. He then made his way to the middle of the room as he prepared himself, "So care to wow this crowd a good show... Isaac?"

All eyes now turned to Isaac as they waited to see what he would do. "I think I know why he asked for me." said Isaac as he let out a chuckle. He then looked at Twilight who gave him a smile to which he returned back. Isaac then stood up from their table and then slotted on his duel disk while putting in his deck. "You really want me to embarrass you at your wedding, Shining Armor? Especially before your honeymoon?" said Isaac with a smug tone.

"Like I'd let that happen." Shining Armor then activated his duel disk as it projected a blue card tray.

"Then let's do this, it's time to duel!" Isaac activated his disk as a gold card tray came out.

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said the voice of their duel disks.

Shining Armor's Life Points: 8000-

Isaac's Life Points: 8000-

Everybody was watching from their seats/tables as they were interested to see what would happen. Some even were placing bets on who they thought the winner would be. Cadance was fully invested for a certain reason. Twilight had place Spike in her lap as the two prepared to watch both her brother and her friend battle.

Turn 1: Shining Armor

"I'll start things off, draw." Shining Armor drew his card. "Lucky me, I'll start by playing Pot of Greed. Now I'll draw two more cards," Shining Armor then picked up his cards before he played his monster. "Next I summon Battle Ox(1700/1000) in attack mode. That's all for this turn, your move Isaac."

Turn 2: Isaac

"Very well, Shining Armor. I draw." Isaac looked through his hand as he considered his options. "Now I'll play the spell Dark Magic Veil, so by paying 1000 life points. I can summon my Dark Magician Girl from my hand, descend Dark Magician Girl." Now Isaac had his ultimate female spellcaster as she gave a wink to both Isaac and Shining Armor who just had a smile on his face as he knew Cadance was the one girl that he had his eyes on. "But of course, she's never alone. Next I'll play Sage's Stone and with it, I can call upon my most loyal monster. Come forth, Dark Magician!" Isaac's ultimate wizard now came out as he took his position by his master. "Now I'll play Thousand Knives and with it, I'll destroy your Battle Ox." Isaac's spell then got rid of Shining Armor's monster with ease." Now my magicians attack Shining Armor directly, Double Dark Magic Attack!" shouted Isaac as his magicians dealt a big blow to Shining Armor.
Shining Armor's Life Points: 3500-

Isaac's Life Points: 7000-

"I'll then set a card facedown and end my turn. Your move."

Turn 3: Shining Armor

"Good to see your skills haven't rusted, my turn." Shining Armor looked as his card and then he looked at Cadance. "Say Isaac, you're a fan of stories right?" asked Shining Armor.

"What are you playing at, Shining Armor?"

"Let me tell you, in ancient times they spoke of a young blue-eyed girl who was physically weak.. But in times of trouble, she unleashed an incredible power caused she carried the spirit of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon inside her." said Shining Armor.

"Sounds like a tall tale to me." said Isaac.

Shining Armor just had a smile on his face at Isaac's comment. "It may just be a story, but this card I'm about to play is real. Plus this card represents the one person in my life who holds so much value, because like her she too possess a power and will always stand by my side." Cadance was clutching her heart at hearing her husband's speech as it brought a smile to her face. "I summon Maiden with Eyes of Blue(0/0)!"

Out on Shining Armor's field came a young female who had long hair and was beautiful. Isaac could see why Shining Armor thought this card resembled Cadance to how stunning they both were. Shining Armor looked at Cadance as he summoned his new monster and blew her a kiss to which she caught it. Shining Armor then turned his attention back to the duel.

"Don't you be fooled by Maiden's zero attack and defense points, her true strengths are hidden from sight. But I'll reveal that in due time, next I'll play this spell Double Summon and with I'll summon another monster to the field. And what better monster for my Maiden to be with than this one, I summon Kaibaman(200/700)." Now it was a male monster who wore white clothing. "Don't they make a lovely couple, kinda like yours truly?" said Shining Armor as he pointed to him and Cadance. "What do you think, sweetie?" He gave Cadance a wink to which she blew him back a kiss.

"Ugh, give me a break." said Isaac to which Twilight giggled at his comment. Spike just rolled his eyes at Twilight's action.

"Now then as lovely as this couple is, it's time to take things up a notch. So now I bid farewell as I activate my Kaibaman's special ability, now I tribute him to summon a Blue-Eyes White Dragon!" Kaibaman then gave his maiden a farewell kiss as its spirit descend and then called upon Shining Armor's ace monster. "Now that my pet is here, it's time for him to play. But first, I'll activate this my Cards of Consonance spell card. So I'll send the White Stone of Ancients from my hand to the grave to draw two more cards." Shining Armor then did just that as he picked up his top cards. "Now my dragon, take out Isaac's Dark Magician Girl. White Lightning Attack!" shouted Shining Armor as his dragon's attack took out Isaac's magician.
Isaac's Life Points: 6000-

"With that I'll end my turn with a facedown. And with that, the effect of the White Stone of Ancients activates which allows me to special summon a Blue-Eyes monster from my deck. So I'll play my second Blue-Eyes White Dragon!"

Turn 4: Isaac

"My turn, draw." Isaac picked up his cards and looked through his options. "Don't think my Dark Magician Girl is gone for good. Now I'll reveal my facedown card, Bond Between Teacher and Student. Just like you have a card that has a special connection, I do too." said Isaac as he was referring to Twilight with his spell. "So welcome back, my Dark Magician Girl." Isaac now had his trusting magician back on his side. "Now thanks to my spell, I set Dark Magic Twin Burst. But it's not staying facedown for long, cause I plan to use it now. And with it my Dark Magician gains a boost in power thanks to my Dark Magician Girl. Now he has enough attack power to take out your pet." Dark Magician then powered up as he looked at Blue-Eyes. "Now my magicians take out Shining Armor's dragon and his maiden! Finish this duel!" commanded Isaac.

"Hold on, I activate my Maiden with Eyes of Blue's special ability. When she's targeted for an attack, I can negate it but I change her to defense mode. Furthermore, I can special summon 1 'Blue-Eyes White Dragon' from my hand, deck or graveyard." said Shining Armor.

"Oh no!" shouted Isaac.

Shining Armor then grabbed his card from his deck as it slotted out for him to grab. "You may destroy my first Blue-Eyes, but I'll quickly replace it with another one. Come forth, my third Blue-Eyes White Dragon!" Shining Armor's first monster was destroyed but it was soon replaced as another descended on the field.
Shining Armor's Life Points: 2000-

"In that case, I'll just set two cards facedown and end my turn." said Isaac as he was now worried about Shining Armor gaining even more powerful monsters.

Turn 5: Shining Armor

"Now then I'll activate my spell Draw Sacrifice, so now I destroy my Maiden so that I can draw two more cards." said Shining Armor.

"Why would you destroy your own monster!?" shouted Isaac.

"Cause my maiden has another effect, since she's targeted by a card effect, I can special summon a 'Blue-Eyes White Dragon from my hand, deck, or graveyard. So I revive my first Blue-Eyes! Come back to my dragon!" Soon a white light started to shine brightly.

"Oh no!" shouted both Isaac and Twilight.

"Now that all my monsters are here I think I'll attack so now my first Blue-Eyes take out his Dark Magician Girl!" Blue-Eyes then did what its master told it to do and took out Isaac's magician with ease.

"Dark Magician Girl!" shouted Isaac as he put his arms up to cover himself.
Isaac's Life Points: 5000-

"Now time for Dark Magician to join her, go my two remaining dragons attack Isaac's monster and his life points." Shining Armor's dragons then started to open their jaws as they prepared to attack.

"Hold on, Shining Armor! I reveal Magical Hats! Now you'll have to find my magician." Isaac's trap then caused four hats to appeared as they covered Isaac's monster and then shuffled around.

"This again, huh? Very well then, my second Blue-Eyes attack the hat on the far right."

"That's a miss." said Isaac.

"My third Blue-Eyes attack the middle hat!" shouted Shining Armor.

"Strike two!" replied back Isaac.

"You lucked out this time, but it won't save you. I'll set a monster facedown in defense mode and then set a card. With that I end my turn."

Turn 6: Isaac

"Back to me," Isaac then back to think about how he was going to deal with Shining's monster. "To start, I'll play my Graceful Charity. So I'll draw three cards and discard two." Isaac then looked at his cards and then picked the ones he wanted to get rid of. "Then I'll place another card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 7: Shining Armor

"Nothing to help you? Not that it wouldn't mattered." Shining Armor then picked up his card, "Now my dragons finish this duel, attack the hat on right." Blue-Eyes then fired a powerful beam as it guessed right and took out Isaac's monster.

"Dark Magician!" shouted Isaac.
Isaac's Life Points: 4500-

"Now that you field is empty, time for my two dragons to strike back. Go Double White Lightning Attack!!" shouted Shining Armor as he thrust his hand out.

"I reveal my trap card, Emergency Provisions. Now I'll send my two facedowns to the graveyard and in exchange I gain 2000 more life points." said Isaac. Isaac then stood his ground as he took the attack from Shining Armor's dragons.
Isaac's Life Points: 500-

"You managed to live, but I'll finish you next turn."

Turn 8: Isaac

"Barely managed to hang on," Isaac then looked at his hand as he was trying to figure out what to do. "I'll play my Swords of Revealing Light, now you can't attack for three whole turns." Hope this buys me the time I need. "Next I'll play my Breaker the Magical Warrior in attack mode. Now Breaker attack Shining Armor's facedown monster."

"You've attacked my Cyber Jar!" shouted Shining Armor.

"No!" screamed Isaac.

"Now all monsters on the field are destroyed, in addition, both players reveal the top five cards of out deck and then if any of them are level 4 or lower monsters, we get to special summon them." All the monsters now disappeared as Isaac and Shining Armor drew their cards. "I summon my Vorse Raider and my Master with Eyes of Blue(300/1200) both in defense mode."

"As for me, I'll summon my Queen's Knight and King's Knight to the field in attack mode." Isaac now had two brand new monsters on his field. "Now the effect of King's Knight activates and with it I'll summon Jack's Knight from my deck. Now my knights take out Shining Armor's monsters and his life points." Isaac commanded his warriors as they leaped high into the air and took some significant damage.
Shining Armor's Life Points: 100-

"With that I'll end my turn."

Turn 9: Shining Armor

"So close on taking me out, but now it's time I finish this duel." Shining Armor drew his card as he had a smile on his face. I play Monster Reborn and with it, I'll summon back my Blue-Eyes White Dragon." Shining Armor's mighty beast let out a cry as it made its presence known. "Next I'll reveal my facedown, Magic Jammer. So I'll discard a card and get rid of your Swords of Revealing Light. Now my Blue-Eyes is free to attack. Go my pet, attack Queen's Knight and end this duel! White Lightning Attack!!"

"I'll activate the effect of my Electromagnetic Turtle, so I'll banish him to immediately battle phase." shouted Isaac as a little turtle appeared and created a wall of static that caused Blue-Eyes to be paralyzed.

"Still fighting, but no matter. You don't have a card that come to take down my Blue-Eyes, so I'll end my turn."

Turn 10: Isaac

"Time for me to end this, Shining Armor." Isaac took a deep breath as he drew his card. "I play the spell, Card of Sanctity. Now we each draw till we're holding six cards in our hand."

"Draw all the cards you want, it'll make no difference when it comes to my Blue-Eyes." said Shining Armor with confidence.

"Well then, I hate to disappoint you. Because I just drew the card that will win me this duel." Isaac then looked at his card and knew it was time. Time to show everyone. "Now I'll sacrifice my three knights in order to call upon a monster with supreme power, I summon Slifer the Sky Dragon(X000/X000)!" The spirit of Slifer then appeared as it couldn't fully appear due to them being in such a small area.

"Slifer!?!!" shouted Shining Armor in disbelief.

Cadance and Twilight couldn't believe their eyes at the card that Isaac played. Spike was literally scared as he was whimpering as he saw this massive creature appeared as it looked like if it wanted to it could eat him in one bite. He tucked his head into Twilight's dress as he prayed that the creature wouldn't take notice of him.

"Now Shining Armor let me explain Slifer's special ability. Slifer's attack is equal the number of cards that I hold in my hand by 1000, so since I'm currently holding 5 cards. Slifer's stats raise to 5000. Now Slifer attack Blue-Eyes White Dragon and end this duel. Thunder Force Attack!" Isaac then thrusted his arm out as his monster delivered the final blow.
Shining Armor's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Isaac

The duel ended and Isaac was declared the winner. Soon the holograms disappeared as the crowd gave a standing ovation. Isaac then made his way over to Shining Armor as he extended his hand. "Good game."

"Right back at cha." Shining Armor then shook Isaac's hand in respect. "Now then it's time for your reward."

"Ohh, a reward huh. What is it? Some fancy new card of yours? Money? What is it?" asked Isaac as he suddenly got interested.

"You're going to sing a song for me and wife." said Shining Armor with a smug look on his face.

"Hold on! What!?" said Isaac in disbelief. "No way! What kind of prize is that!?"

"That's what was going to happen if you beat me, the winner would sing for me and my wife. And you won, fair and square." smiled Shining Armor.

"No! No! If I had known that was the prize, I would've lost on purpose. God damn it! Why do I have to be so good at this game!?" screamed Isaac as he couldn't believe his luck. "Hell no, I'm not doing that!"

"Too bad, cause I already told the band. Plus they're waiting on you." Shining Armor still had a smug look on his face as he started to walk away from Isaac. He still had a smile on his face when he heard Isaac getting pissed as he made his way back to join his wife. "Seems your plan worked, Cadance. Though you know how I feel about throwing a duel."

"@#$%% you, Shining Armor." said Isaac as he was venting his emotions. Isaac then huffed and puffed as he made his way to the stage. The band saw him and they knew he was the one who was requested to sing. Isaac was still mumbling to himself for doing something against his will. He then tapped the microphone as he got everybody's attention.

Isaac cleared his throat, "How's everybody doing tonight?" Silence. "Know any good jokes lately." chuckled Isaac sheepishly. Still silence. "Yeesh, tough crowd. Well, it seems by some stupid request I've being forced against my will, mind you, to sing a song for the happy couple. But let's be honest, nobody wants that right."

"YES!!! YES!!! YES!!!" The crowd was now chanting that they did want to hear a song. Isaac was now mentally punching himself as he knew there was no way out of this now. "Alright, settle down! Me and my big mouth. Let me think." Isaac really didn't want to do this, but the massive crowd wasn't giving him much of a choice. Isaac thought about it and eventually he remembered a song that he heard when he was little. He then whispered to the band to see if they knew it and to his surprise they did. "Alright, this song is from when I was little. So I dedicate this to the happy couple and every other couple here." Isaac cleared his throat as the music started to play and he sang.

The music ended as Isaac finish singing. Everybody applaud him on his wonderful voice as Isaac just simply waved to the crowd as he stepped off the stage. The Dj took over and now everybody started to get up and couple up as they made their way to the dance floor. Cadance and Shining Armor were in the center of that mass as they were in complete happiness. Isaac was already uncomfortable from singing that he didn't want to be anywhere near the dance floor, so with that he headed out of the main room and made his way to the back gardens. The sounds of the night critters mixed with the wind and cool air gave Isaac a sense of peace/tranquility. He then started to walk as he let his mind wander; soon Isaac came to the fountain in the middle of the garden as he looked at the water and saw his reflection. He then sat on the edge of the fountain and looked up at sky.

"There you are." said Twilight who was wondering where her best friend went.

Isaac looked down and saw that Twilight was standing in front of him. "Been looking for me, Twi."

"Well, you suddenly left after that amazing song, that I wanted to check on you to make sure that you were okay."

"I'm fine, Twilight. I'm still pissed that Shining Armor had to make me do that. Some constellation prize." Isaac let out a sigh.

Twilight let out a giggle as she took a seat next to Isaac. "Well for the record, I thought you did amazing. You really touched everyone's heart in there, even mine." Twilight now had a blush on her face when she said that, even Isaac turned red at Twilight's comment that they both turned their heads.

"Where's Spike?" asked Isaac as he tried to ease this slight awkwardness.

"Don't know, he just simply said he didn't want to get in the way of the two of us? Whatever that means?" said Twilight as she was turning even more red.

"Ohh? Uhm.." said Isaac as he looked to the side with some slight redness.

There was a good amount of silence that was between them as neither knew what to say. Soon Isaac decided that this was the time, the time to let Twilight know about his feelings. So he took a deep breath before addressing her, "Twilight?"

"Yes, Isaac?"

"I don't know how to word this, but I'm just going to come out and say it." He took another deep breath as his heart started racing, "I... I... I've developed feelings... for you."

"W-What!?" said Twilight in a soft tone.

"It's true, I've developed feelings for you. I don't know how it happened but when I'm with you, I feel happy. Like when you're in a thrilling duel and every second makes your heart race. I feel that exact emotion when I'm with you." Isaac then did something bold as he grabbed Twilight's hand which she didn't resist. "From the moment, I laid eyes on you. I saw that you were a strong, smart, beautiful girl. Overtime, we got to know each other and well I guess all that bonding turned into something more, at least for me." Isaac realized that he was going on a tangent. "What I'm trying to say is that well, I like you, Twilight. And I want to always be by side no matter what." Isaac finally had expressed what he was feeling to his best friend and now he was waiting to see what she would say.

"Wow... wow. This is unexpected." said Twilight. "I... don't..."

"I get it if you don't feel the same way. But I figured I'd at least tell you how I'm feeling." said Isaac.

"It's not that, it's well quite the opposite. I too have feelings for you." That response brought a smile to Isaac's face as Twilight gripped his hand more tightly. "For a while, I've too seen you in a different light. You've been my best friend since I enrolled at CHS and we will always be best friends. But I sometimes wished that maybe we could be more. When I first saw you, I didn't think much of it. But looking back, I couldn't get you off my mind. What started out as wanting to see who you were from a scientific standpoint turned into something of a personal project." Twilight then brought Isaac's hand up as she leaned into it and closed her eyes. She then opened them as she stared at Isaac, "You're brave, mature, very cunny and talented. Not to mention quite charming/handsome. You don't blur the lines, you say what's on your mind. But most importantly, you're always willing to help out others no matter who they may be. That to me shows you're an incredible individual and an even better duelist." Soon both Isaac and Twilight started to get closer. "I want to be by your side, now and forever."

Isaac's heart was melting as he was listening to Twilight. He then grabbed the rose that was in his fedora and gave it to Twilight who smelled it and was now blushing the most red she had ever been. "I'm glad you feel the same way." Isaac then loosened his right hand from Twilight's grip as he reached into her hair and undid her bun as he watched Twilight's hair just fall majestically past her shoulders. "You know that's a good look. With your hair down, I find you even more attractive." Isaac was now super close to Twilight as his lips were just centimeters away from Twilight's

Twilight then was under the same spell as she too leaned a bit closer. Her lips could feel the breath of Isaac's as they were just mere seconds from touching. "I... love you... Isaac."

"I... love you... Twilight." said Isaac as he closed his eyes.

With that their lips made contact as both Isaac and Twilight kissed as they closed their eyes. Twilight had managed to take off Isaac's fedora before she touched her lips with his and placed it in her lap. Isaac brought his right hand up as he cusped Twilight's face; Twilight did the same as she brought her right hand and placed it on Isaac's cheek. It didn't last long, but it was so impactful for the both of them. They broke away after a few seconds and looked at each other while their foreheads were pressed together and they smiled at one another.

"You know, that's my first kiss that I've ever had with being in love." said Twilight.

"Same here," said Isaac as he pushed away some hair from her face. "And you know what, I'm about to do it again." Isaac then kissed Twilight once more as he placed his left hand on top of Twilights. He put more into the kiss as did Twilight. Soon they broke away once more as they ran out of breath. They still didn't take their eyes off of each other nor did they stop touching foreheads.

"I want to be a part of your world." said Twilight as she brushed Isaac's cheek. "Not just as a friend, but as someone who holds a special place in your life. Isaac, I want you to love me; because I love you."

"Then, Twilight. Would you like to be my girlfriend?" asked Isaac.

Twilight then gave Isaac her answer with another kiss. She pulled away, "Only if you'll be my boyfriend?"

"Consider it done." Isaac gave her one final kiss as Twilight just melted in Isaac's presence.

Right now nothing else mattered, all the world around them started to fade as they just focused on each other and being in the moment. Soon they broke apart as they just stared nonstop looking at each other. Never once did they take their eyes off, soon Twilight leaned forward as she fell into Isaac's arms who just held her while stroking her hair. They both closed their eyes as they enjoyed each other's warmth. They both had managed to express their feelings to each other and were a bit hesitant on being in a relationship given that it was a first for both of them; but they both were confident that anything they faced they would do so together. Right now all that mattered was how much more happy they were knowing they had someone special in their lives. Cadance saw from the window as she felt the spark and magic flow from the two lovebirds; their connection had been connected and now she wanted to see how this young love would blossom into something special.

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