• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 113: The Crystal Empire

After the whole incident with Discord, the girls were a bit worried about Isaac. Later that night, both Twilight and Sunset had arrived from their hang out with the rest of the girls. They wanted to find Isaac to discuss what they heard and felt, but when they reached his room. He was fast asleep as he had a smile on his face; they exited out of the room and met up with Spike. They tried asking the dragon what happened while they were gone, but all he told them was what Isaac had said. And that he was quote: "ready". The girls didn't know what that meant as all they could do was ask the colt himself in the morning. Soon the sun rose across the land of Equestria. The warm rays made there way to Isaac's room as he let out a huge yawn and stretched his limbs. He then shook his mane as he put on his jacket and cap; he then stepped out of his room and made his way to the dining room.

Once he got there, he noticed Sunset, Twilight, and Spike already eating and making conversation. When Isaac entered they all went quiet as he took his seat and used his magic to fill his plate.

"What? What are you all staring at me for?" asked Isaac.

"Just... wondering how you're feeling?" asked Twilight.

"When we arrived, you were already asleep." chimed in Sunset.

"Well, I had a busy day. My stamina was kind of drained." said Isaac as he took a bite of his food.

"And nothing else happened." asked Spike.

"Like?" asked Isaac.

"Nothing." said Spike.

Isaac just gave a shrug as he went back to enjoying his meal. The trio just ate their food in silence but they were still staring at Isaac. Soon after breakfast, while Spike was collecting the plates and beginning to wash them. The girls took a moment to talk with Isaac as they wanted some answers. Sunset told Isaac about how she and the rest of the gang were hanging out and then they all felt a magical surge flow through them. It didn't hurt, but the one thing they noticed is that they could sense Isaac and they could hear the speech he was saying when he was facing Discord. Isaac just gave the girls a smile and told them that everything was alright. He told them that he was dealing with a personal issue and that duel with Discord had somehow managed to help him realize something. And once he achieved that sense of tranquility, he was now more confident than ever, especially cause now he was in full control of his demon.

The girls didn't know what Isaac was talking about, but he told them not to worry about it. With that Isaac headed out on his usual patrol while the girls were left to discuss with each other.

"Any idea what he might be saying?"

"I've got no clue, Twilight. It seems that whatever Isaac went through with Discord, seems to have given him a sense of nirvana." stated Sunset.

"Still, Discord showing up. I knew I shouldn't have left Isaac and Spike alone. Discord hasn't fully understood all the friendship lessons we've given him and still causes mischief." said Twilight with some worry in her voice. "And if he was trying to tempt Isaac to something evil, then I..."

"Hey, it didn't happen. Besides, Isaac has a strong mind. From what it sounded, it didn't seem like Discord was trying to persuade him. If anything, it sounded like he was afraid of something. But that's not the case now." said Sunset. "I guess we trust Isaac and believe that everything is okay."

"I guess. Still, I'm a bit worried." stated Twilight. With that both mares then headed towards the map room.

The following days after that was spent with dealing with Duel Monsters and having some fun. It seemed that Princess Luna had received some word that there was another problem arising somewhere else as she could sense the citizens of the place having some nightmares. So she did some digging and found out that they were replaying events of stuff that happened. So Luna sent a message to Twilight and told her the location.

"The Crystal Empire?" asked Isaac as he looked at the map.

"Never heard of it." stated Sunset. "When I was Princess Celestia's student, I don't remember there being anything in any of the books that I read."

"There wouldn't be." stated Twilight. "Few remember it ever existed at all."

"Then how do you know about it?" said Isaac.

"Cause we actually had to stop an evil ruler from trying to take it over again." said Spike.

"His name was King Sombra."

"Did you say, King Sombra?" asked Isaac.

"Yeah, why?" asked Twilight.

"No reason." said Sunset. She then looked at Isaac and remember their encounter with Sombra when he was corrupted by magic during the Friendship Games.

"Well, anyways. One thousand years ago, King Sombra, a unicorn whose heart was black as night, took over the Crystal Empire. He was ultimately overthrown by Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, turned to shadow, and banished to the ice of the arctic north." said Twilight as she told the pair the tale. "But not before he was able to put a curse upon the Empire. A curse that caused it to vanish into thin air. If the Empire is filled with hope and love, those things are reflected across all of Equestria. If hatred and fear take hold... then darkness is spread and consume all in its path."

"Lucky for us, we made sure that didn't happen." said Spike. "When it did return, the princess had me, Twilight and the rest of the gang all head north to protect the empire. From there we found out Sombra had erased everypony's memory and that to restore harmony to the Crystal Empire, we had to throw a Crystal Faire to lift the spirits of the Crystal Ponies so the light within them can power the Crystal Heart, which allows the Empire to be protected!"

"Well, it almost didn't happen. Sombra had hidden the Crystal Heart so that nopony could find it. But after a bit of detective work, me and Spike were able to locate the heart. However, Sombra had one last trap. When I tried to get the Crystal Heart, I was trapped by spikes that rendered my magic useless. So I had Spike be the one to deliver the Crystal Heart to the Faire and in the end Sombra was defeated." said Twilight.

"Wow." noted Isaac as he was impressed by their story.

"Well, seems things are different this time." said Sunset as she looked at the map. "If Princess Luna is right, then it means that Duel Monsters have invaded the Crystal Empire. Which means we need to head up north."

"So when do we leave?"

"I thought you might say that." said Twilight as she answered Isaac's question. "Seems Princess Luna told her sister about this development and has decided to send all of us to help Princess Cadance and Shining Armor. Plus, it gives me a chance to see my brother and sister-in-law. Oh, I can't wait to be an aunt." Twilight had the biggest eyes as she dreamed of meeting her niece or nephew.

"I think you'll enjoy it." said Isaac so that only him and Sunset could hear that. Isaac though back to his world and how his version of Twilight acted in a similar fashion.

"Spike, do we have everything packed?"

"Are you kidding me? I'm your #1 assistant. We leave first thing in the morning." said Spike with a smug smile on his face.

The crew then got ready as they prepared for their trip. Both Isaac and Sunset made sure that their duel disks were working and made sure to do one last check on their decks. Once they were satisfied, they then exited out of their rooms and made their way to the main hall where Twilight and Spike were waiting for them. They all exited the castle and made their way to the train station. The girls all arrived as the entire group boarded the train and they were on their way.

The other all packed some winter gear; Isaac seemed to be more or less prepared given that he had a jacket. But as for Sunset she didn't have anything for the cold, thankfully, Rarity had managed to make her a scarf, some ear muffs, and some boots to allow her to stay warm and walk on the snow without getting her hooves wet. She also made an extra scarf for Isaac as he was thankful for her. During the ride, Twilight had told the group some extra info that the princess noted. It consisted of how Duel Monsters were appearing and causing havoc for the Crystal Ponies and the empire. Shining Armor had led his platoon of soldiers and were able to hold off several attacks, but they just kept coming and were getting closer and closer into the city with each wave.

Safe to say that the gang were surprised by how far the enemy had managed to make it into the city. But they knew that if they got access to the Crystal Heart then the entire empire would plunge into darkness. Isaac and Sunset knew that if this kept up then the entire place would become a battle zone, not to mention that the citizens that would get in the crossfire. Twilight told the gang that they would meet with Shining Armor and discuss what to do in regards to the city and the citizens. Soon their destination came into view as they all got dressed for the cold weather. They all stepped out and the wind was blowing in their face.

"Not gonna lie. Kind feels like home." said Isaac as he was used to extreme cold weather.

"Well, we better get movin' before we freeze." stated Applejack.

Soon they all trekked through the snow and eventually came into the city. The group noticed several guards positioned all around the city as they were on high alert. Twilight led the group to the castle as they entered the throne room; upon entry, she saw Shining Armor at a table as he was going over some plans.

"Shining Armor!"

"Twily!" called out the stallion as he rushed over to his sister and gave her a hug as he gave her a ruffle through her mane. "Seems the princess sent some help."

"Believe me, I brought my friends and some extra assistance." said Twilight as she pointed to the girls. She then pointed to Sunset who Shining Armor smiled. When Twilight pointed to Isaac, Shining Armor was now staring at the colt.

Isaac had finally gotten a good look at Twilight's brother and he saw the resemblance. Both stallions took a step forward and stared at each other, Shining Armor was a tad bit taller than Isaac as he looked down at him. Twilight was a bit tense in seeing her friend and brother gazing at each other; the tension was there as it looked like two alphas trying to intimidate each other. For Isaac, he was staring at the pony version of one of his greatest rivals as his memories of their duels came flooding back to him which still gave him nightmares. For Shining Armor, he was staring at a colt who was next to his sister as his brotherly instincts were kicking in. Not to mention that he sensed a strange aura coming from the colt.

"Shining Armor, this is Isaac. Princess Celestia sent him to help with these monsters." said Twilight as she stood next to Isaac and tried to ease the situation with the boys.

"So... you're the hero the princess mentioned?" asked Shining Armor. "Funny, I thought you would have been older; I wasn't excepting a teenager to be the savior of us all."

"Well, I get told that alot." said Isaac.

"So... how can we help?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"Well, it hasn't been easy. Everyday those monsters keep getting closer and closer within the city. My men are tough, but even they have limits. Everytime we take out a wave, more show up faster than we can regroup. It's becoming harder to keep the citizens safe, not to mention Cadance." stated Shining Armor.

"Speaking of the princess, where is she?" asked Rarity.

"She's resting in her room. Ever since she heard you were coming, she's been excited. Come along." said Shining Armor as he led the group to their bedroom. He opened the door of the main hall and let the girls and Spike through. He then put his hoof out in front of Isaac and looked at him once more. "Listen... I don't know what your deal is or what's going on between you and my sister. But know that I'm her brother and I don't care if you're suppose to be the one who can help us. You hurt my sister, and I promise you it's not going be a pretty sight."

"Nothing is happening between the two of us. We're just friends." said Isaac as he stared back at Shining Armor.

"Nice try, but you can't fool me. There's something going, but for now, I'm not going to upset my sister." said Shining Armor with authority in his voice as he exited out the door with Isaac following behind.

The group then followed Shining Armor as he led them to him and Cadance's room as there were guards positioned in front of her doors. He gave them a salute and they opened the door for the group.

"Twilight, it's so good to see you." said Cadance as she got out of bed.

"It's good to see you too, Cadance." said the purple mare as she hugged her sister-in-law.

"Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake! Clap your hooves and do a little shake!" said both princess as they did a little dance and let out a giggle.

The others watched this interaction and had smiles on his face. Even Isaac saw this and couldn't help but smile; though he did noticed that there was a slight bit pudginess to Cadance's stomach.

"How's the baby?" asked Twilight.

"They're coming along nice. The doctor told me not to strain myself too much to avoid any problems." stated Cadance.

"In addition, to dealing with these monsters, I've also been checking up on Cadance." said Shining Armor as he approached his wife and gave her a kiss.

"Well, don't worry. Me and my friends are here to make sure that nothing bad happens." stated Twilight as she showed her friends.

"Good to know." said Cadance. She then saw Isaac and in a moment, she could sense the love magic flowing between Twilight and the colt. "Ohh, who's this? Did the studious Twilight finally get a coltfriend?"

"No!" shouted Twilight in a instant. Twilight then cleared her throat, "It's not like that. Cadance this is here is Isaac, he along with Sunset Shimmer have been sent by Princess Celestia. They're here to help with the problem."

"Well now." said Cadance as she approached Isaac.

"It's an honor to meet you, your highness." said Isaac as he gave a quick bow.

"Please, no need for formalities. And call me Cadance." Cadance then began to stare at Isaac and using her magic she could tell that both him and Twilight's eyes had a certain 'sparkle' to them.

"So how have you been holding up, your highness?" asked Fluttershy.

"I'm doing well, I just wish that we could say the same about our forces. Those creatures are getting closer and closer." stated Cadance.

"Well, don't worry. Now that we're here, we'll take care of those monsters."

"It's not that simple, Rainbow." stated Sunset. "Keep in mind, that Isaac and I are the only ones who can take these monsters in a head to head battle."

"And how are you going to do that?" asked Shining Armor.

"Well..." started Sunset.

"Pardon me, your highness. But those monsters have returned." stated a guard.

"Already? I thought they wouldn't return for a while." said Shining Armor as he grabbed his helmet and raced out onto the balcony as he saw the wave of monsters already making their way into the city.

The others all rushed out onto the balcony and saw the sight. Tons of monsters were starting to destroy the houses and buildings as the guards were doing their best to fend off. Soon they started to retreat as they were being overwhelmed.

"I need to get down there. We need to repel them." stated Shining Armor. He then turned to the guard and told them to regroup and hold a position. "At this rate, they'll breach the castle gates in a matter of moments."

"Then let's stop them." shouted Rainbow.

"We can't just rush in. We need a plan." stated Rarity.

"Rarity's right, if we don't have a way to stop this properly. Then they'll just come back." said Twilight.

"Well, guess this is where me and Sunset take over." stated Isaac. "You ready?"

"Always." said Sunset.

"Good. Now then." Isaac then hopped onto the railing as he looked at the enemy fast approaching.

"Isaac, wait. What are you doing?" asked Fluttershy.

"Well, I can't sit here and do nothing. Don't roll like that. Now then... here we go!" shouted Isaac as he jumped off of the railing and started to fall to the ground. The others were shocked by what he did as they didn't expect Isaac to just jump head into danger without a plan. Isaac then used his magic as he encompassed himself with it and then tucked in his legs as he was moving fast.

The enemies saw something fast approaching, soon it was coming at them in a blazing speed as it collided with the ground and caused some of the enemies to be thrown back and burst into particles.

"Superhero landing." said Isaac with a smile.

"Ehh, I give it an 8. A little rough on the landing." said Pinkie as she held a scoreboard up.

"Oh, come on!" shouted Isaac. The monsters then started to charge at Isaac who just had a smile on his face. He then activated his duel disk and called upon his monsters. "Mahad, Mana. Showtime!" said Isaac as he summoned his most trusted magicians. Mahad and Mana then fired their wands as they cleared a path straight down the middle.

The others up above were shocked by what they saw. Shining Armor and Cadance were most surprised with seeing how Isaac was able to clear a huge wave all by himself.

"Now I see why the princess asked for his help." said Shining Armor.

"Regardless, Isaac can't hold them off by himself. He needs backup." said Sunset as she used her magic and teleport down to the ground to where the fighting was taking place. She saw a couple of monsters had made it past Isaac and were dealing with the guards. "Alright, time for me to have some fun." said Sunset as she turned on her duel disk and then called out her Gearfried and Red-Eyes B. Dragon as they took care of the minions and rescued the guards.

Soon the whole group had teleported down to Sunset thanks to Twilight and Cadance's magic.

"Shining Armor, get your troops to regroup and then stay behind me. I'll clear the way with my monsters and they take care of any stranglers." stated Sunset as she started to blast some monsters as well.

"You heard her!" shouted Shining Armor as he told the guards nearby.

"We need to get in on the action." said Rainbow as she and Applejack raced forward to join Isaac who was up ahead still dealing with his side.

"What took you so long?" joked Isaac as he blasted some monsters with his own magic.

"Can't let you have all the fun, sugarcube." said Applejack as she started to buck creatures left and right.

"Besides, there's no way I'd let you outshine me." said Rainbow as she flew by and delivered a uppercut to some more enemies.

Fluttershy and Pinkie helped to gather up the guards, while Twilight and Rarity stayed by Cadance as they provided long distance support for Sunset. Soon there was two forces moving about as Isaac was up ahead with Aj and Dash as they cut the forces in half, while Sunset and her squad took care of the forces behind the main group. Even the soldiers got in on the action as they took care of any monsters that dodged the magic blasts. Spike found himself taking part as the card that Isaac gave him started to glow as he looked at it and soon Flame Swordsman came out as he did his duty to protect the little dragon. Eventually, our heroes were not only making progress, but they were actually pushing the enemy back. With each step Isaac took, he and his magicians blasted about a hundred monsters as they were gaining some of the territory that they had lost to begin with. Soon the enemies realized that they were in a losing effort as they all decided to pull back.

"They're retreating!" shouted Pinkie.

"Keep pushing!" shouted Isaac.

Soon our heroes had the enemy on the run. Isaac had blasted a couple more of the huge force in front of him when he turned behind him and saw the enemy trying to run. "Mana! Mahad! Finish this!"

"As you wish!" they both shouted.

"Double Dark Magic Attack!!!" shouted all three of them as they fired off a powerful attack that took out the enemies in front of Sunset and her team. Eventually they managed to take out all of the enemies.

"We did it!" shouted Aj.

"Of course we did." stated Rainbow Dash.

"Good job, everypony." said Cadance. One remaining monster was on top of a building as he had his weapon in his hand. He looked to attack the princess as he leapt high into the air and was ready to strike her down. Soon a cry was heard, and everything was silent.

Isaac had his eyes closed as he appeared by Cadance's side in a blazing speed as he had a smile on his face. "Too slow." said Isaac as he had managed to use his magic and slay the monster that would have severely injured Cadance as it disappeared into particles.

Everybody was shocked at how fast Isaac reacted, had he been a second too late, then Cadance would have been hurt. Even Shining Armor was impressed by the colt's reflexes and how he was able to protect his wife and soon to be born kid. Cadance was surprised by Isaac's actions, but was gratefully that he was able to protect her.

"I think that's all of them." said Sunset.

"Sir, the enemy has moved way out of position. We've got some more territory than we did before." reported a guard.

"Good work. Have the men rest. Then we'll set the defense; they'll be back. Though it does buy us sometime to get ready." commanded Shining Armor. "And you...", said Shining Armor as he looked at Isaac, "I can't thank you enough. Had something happened to my wife, I would be devasted. Good job, soldier."

"Doing my duty, captain." said Isaac as he gave a salute.

After clearing the huge force, our heroes were riding a huge wave of momentum as they had managed to repel the invaders and gain some ground that was previously occupied. Shining Armor along with the rest of the guards thanked Sunset and Isaac as well as their monsters for helping out. Soon they all began to get to work as they looked to use this time to get some rest and prepared should the enemy come back. Nighttime had fallen on the Crystal Empire; Twilight had managed to have Spike send a report to both of the princesses to tell them about their small victory they gained. During that time, the group was treated to a dinner made by the ponies in the castle. Soon everybody decided to turn in for the night as they had a big day to come. The girls were all given their individual rooms to sleep in, while Spike was given a bed so that he could sleep in the same room as Twilight.

Shining Armor told his guards to be on high alert incase the enemy should try a sneak attack. Isaac was walking the hallway when he was approached by the captain.

"Hey, Shining Armor. What's up?" asked Isaac in a straight tone.

"Come with me." said the older stallion as he led the young colt.

Shining Armor brought the two of them to his room as he opened the door and let Isaac in. He then closed the door behind him as the caramel stallion was left alone. Or so he thought.

"So glad to see you." said a voice.

Isaac turned his head and saw Cadance who was laying in bed as she looked at him. "Pardon me, your highness. I think Shining Armor led me to the wrong place."

"No, he brought you here cause I told him to." said Cadance as she sat up. "Relax, I just want to talk. And please, just call me Cadance. Come here, I wish to see your face." suggested Cadance.

Isaac did as the princess told him to do as he approached the bedside of Cadance. Cadance then looked at Isaac's face as she examined each of his facial feature. She was able to see his maturity for someone his age despite still looking so young. She saw Isaac's passion for Duel Monsters as it emitted an aura from him; she even could tell about Isaac's recent struggle with his inner demon and how he had managed to control it. But there was another big thing that really caught her attention and she didn't need to use her special talent to see what that was.

"My does your face tell a story." smiled Cadance.

"I've heard that before." said Isaac.

"Thank you. Had you not leaped into action, then I couldn't imagine what might have happened to my kingdom. Or to me for that matter. I owe you my life."

"No biggie, Cadance." said Isaac nervously.

"So, mind telling me something." asked Cadance as she used her magic and brought a chair for Isaac to sit on.

"What do you what to know?"

"Tell me a bit about yourself. I can tell you're not from here."

"That obvious." chuckled Isaac. "Well, you're right. I'm not from here, in fact, I come from an alternate world. It's sort of similar to this place, but we're slightly more advanced and everyone is human."

"And the thing on your leg?" asked Cadance.

"This is a duel disk. See where I come from people play a game called Duel Monsters. And we use these devices to summon our cards and monsters. It's also how I've been handling these monster sightings since arriving here."

"I see. I can tell you're passionate about it."

"Ever since I was kid. There wasn't a moment that went by that I didn't watch every single duel that I could see." said Isaac.

"I'm sure. So... do you have someone special back home?" asked Cadance with a sly smile.

Isaac turned his head at that question as he stuttered. "About that... I mean... I... y-yes."

"Do tell?"

"Her... name is... Twilight." said Isaac as he closed his eyes as he was afraid of what Cadance might say. He then opened them and saw that she was just smiling with a huge grin as she captured the colt in a hug.

"I thought I noticed Twilight having a bit more pep in her step." said Cadance as she hugged the colt.

"Hold on! It's not what you think." Isaac tried to clarify as he broke the embrace.

"Don't worry, I know. I know that you're struggling with missing the person you love back in your world. And when you saw the Twilight of this world, it kind made you feel like she was here. You miss her." stated Cadance.

"I do. A lot, actually. Especially, cause..."

"Cause of what you're going through. Your run-in with Discord and you accepting your destiny." said Cadance as she was able to read Isaac's feelings. "I tell that you were trying to run away from all this, the idea of someone telling you what the rest of your life will be and what you'll ultimately become. I can tell that it was manifesting in you and just waiting to be release. It's the reason why Discord wanted to get under your skin. He was hoping that you would let that demon take control of you, but in the end your will overcame that and now you're in control."

"Yeah, I... I no longer feel a burning ache inside of me. I guess you could say I'm ready for what fate has in store for me." stated Isaac.

"And I'm sure that you'll turn out fine. As long as you remember those that matter to you, then you never have to feel like you're all alone." smiled Cadance. "And as for Twilight, well, just while you're here make her happy."

"I will, you have my word." said Isaac.

"I know you will." said Cadance. She then gave Isaac a kiss on his forehead as she thanked him for saving her and her child.

"Well, I should let you rest. Shining Armor has asked me to do a bit of guard duty in case the enemies tries a sneak attack. So I need to get a move on." said Isaac as he got up from his seat and started to walk towards the door.

"Isaac, don't let Shining Armor get to you. He's just protective of his little sister." responded Cadance.

"Believe me, I already know that." said Isaac as he thought back to his memories when he first got with Twilight in his world. "Well, good night princess. If you need anything, I'll be outside your door for a few hours." stated Isaac as he opened the door and closed it behind him.

The next few hours, Isaac stood outside of Cadance's door as he kept an eye out for any signs of danger. He did a few perimeter checks while also keeping an eye on the other girls. Soon a guard came to relieve Isaac of his duty as he could finally get some sleep. Isaac then made his way to the room he was staying in as he let out a yawn and climbed into bed.

The morning came as the sun rose over the Crystal Empire. The girls and Spike all woke up as they made their way to the throne room. Shining Armor was already up as he was talking with some guards. Seems they reported some more monsters that were coming from the frozen land outside of the city. And based on how far they were it would only be a matter of time before they reached the city.

"What's the word, Shining Armor?" asked Twilight.

"Well, given what we were able to accomplish yesterday. It won't mean much if we don't hold off the massive force that's headed out way." said Twilight's brother. "From what we gathered in our reports, they'll be striking several places at once."

"No sweat! We just do what we did last time and whip their sorry butt." said Rainbow.

"Except, the enemy will be more prepared. We caught them off guard last time, but now that they know about Isaac and me, they'll be that more difficult to deal with. Not to mention that we need to be able to protect all the zones were they're gonna attack." stated Sunset.

"Which is why, we need a plan." said Cadance as she entered the room.

"Cadance, you should rest." said Shining Armor as he was concerned for his wife. "You know the doctor said not to suffer from too much stress, it could hurt you and the baby."

"I'm fine, dear. Besides, I can still do stuff without too much physical labor. Plus, I can't just stand by and watch my citizens be scared for their lives, they need a leader who will stand in the face of danger."


"But nothing!" shouted Cadance. "Like it or not, I'm sticking with you till the end. Plus, I want to make sure that the baby has a chance to see their father."

"Pardon me for interrupting this tender moment, your highness." said Rarity. "But we still need to deal with those ruffian that are fast approaching."

"Rarity's right. We need a plan. Any ideas, y'all?" asked Applejack.

"Uhm, hide." said Fluttershy.

"That's your answer for everything." responded Rainbow.

"I know you're all probably aware, but we're seriously outnumbered here." stated Spike. "In other words, a frontal assault isn't an option."

"Sunset, Twilight?" said Pinkie.

"At the moment... the first thing we need to do is to defend all the places." requested Sunset. "Which means we need to get to those positions and secure them."

"Even so, that still may not be enough. One thing about fighting is that while numbers can be an advantage, it all depends on which side has the better strategy. While I'll admit, defending the places will give us some foothold, the enemy will quickly overwhelm us." stated Twilight. "Not to mention that they aren't going to just let us take them, though. If we can find a way to get most of the army to focus on one specific section of the battlefield, it may allow us the chance to defend the other places and then start to push forward and converse on the main army. Then all we to do is finish them off."

"If we were to do that, we would need to make sure that the enemy delivers all their attention to that one spot. We need a diversion." said Shining Armor.

"Somepony to catch their attention by coming at them head on." chimed in Cadance. "But who?"

"Hey, now. Why didn't anypony wake me up?" asked Isaac as he came into the throne room. "I wake up and find that none of you are in your rooms. So what's going on?"

"I think we found our volunteer." smiled Cadance. Soon all the girls gave similar looks as they eyed the brown stallion.

"Why do I feel like something happened while I was gone?" asked Isaac as all the girls were surrounding him like he was a piece of meat and they were hungry lionesses.

"Well, I won't argue with this plan. But why do I have to be the bait?" asked Isaac as he was in the middle of the town as he was waiting for the enemy to arrive.

"Cause you're the one who pissed them off." said Sunset as she spoke into a tiny ear bud in Isaac's ear.

"Hey, it's not my fault I have that effect on everyone."

"Can we focus on the plan?" shouted Twilight.

"Chill, Twi. Anyways, mind going over it one last time?" asked Isaac.

"From what Shining Armor mentioned, the enemy will be attacking the Stadium, the Spa, and the Library. All of these places are spread out and will be too much for us for a frontal assault. So to make up for that, we will place a small strike force to repel any invaders coming in. Meanwhile, the main group will approach the center of town and once they see Isaac, they'll be focused on attacking him." stated Twilight as she relay the info through everypony's ear buds.

"Again, do you have to word it like that?" complained Isaac.

"All good, Twilight. Me, Pinkie, and Spike are just arrivin' at the Spa." informed Applejack.

"Rarity, Fluttershy, and I have made our way to the Stadium." stated Rainbow Dash.

"Excellent, Sunset and I will take the Library. And Shining Armor will defend the home base along with Cadance. Remember, we have to hold them off and then push them back." stated Twilight. "And Isaac, it's your job to make sure that not too many enemies slip by you. Plus be careful, from what Sunset and Spike mentioned about you doing this during your adventure in the Dragon Lands, you nearly ran out of breath."

"Don't worry, Twilight. I'll pace myself; you guys just focus on clearing out your sections and then meeting me in the middle." said Isaac as he activated his duel disk.

"It seems we all know our plan. May Celestia protect us all." said Cadance as she spoke from the throne room and looked out from the balcony. She looked down at the castle entrance and saw her husband getting his troops ready should they make it to them. She looked out into the city and could see the three small groups as they prepared to fight back. She then looked up a bit pass Isaac's position and could see the massive army heading towards the colt's position. "Here they come!" shouted Cadance.

This time the enemy consisted of several monsters. Instead of there being just Abyss Warriors, there was also Blizzed, Defender of the Ice Barrier, Giant Red Seasnakes, and even some Turtle Tigers. And they were all marching through the streets as they headed into the center of town. Isaac had decided to sit down on his hind and closed his eyes as he cleared his mind for a while. Soon they all approached the town square and saw the brown colt just sitting there as if he was waiting for them. Isaac opened his eyes as he had a smile on his face.

"Been waiting for you, so... how was the trip?" asked Isaac with a playful smile.

The enemies all let out a cry as they saw Isaac. They remembered what he did the previous day and were looking to get revenge on the pony. Soon they all started to charge at him.

"Well, that worked." said Isaac as he pulled out some of his cards. "Let's go, Beta, Apprentice Illusion Magician, and Marshmallon!" shouted Isaac as he had a few of his monsters appear. Soon they all charged forward to meet the enemy as Isaac stood his ground and began to blast some with his magic as they ran forward to the pony.

The sound of the fighting could be heard as they heard and saw some magical blast coming from Isaac's position.

"Well, seems Isaac has pissed them off even more." said Sunset.

"Then we have no time to waste." said Twilight as she relayed the info to the rest of the groups.

While the main army was focused on taking down Isaac, they also had their mission. Soon several members broke off from the main group as they headed towards their destination. A small group of Turtle Tigers were now heading down the street towards the Spa, while a few Blizzed, Defenders of the Ice Barrier had started to make their way towards the Stadium and the Giant Red Seasnakes all were slithering to the Library. That left Isaac to deal with majority of the Abyss Soldiers and a few of the other enemies as he prayed that he could buy the time the girls needed.

Applejack was on the ground floor as she stretched her muscles getting ready to fight. Pinkie had been stationed above the Spa and had several of her party cannons stationed along some nearby buildings as she would bounced between them and fire them off at the enemy. Meanwhile, Spike was to assist Applejack on the ground. Thankfully, Spike had his Flame Swordsman out as he gave a pat on the little dragon's head to show that he would protect him and his friends. Now they all waited which wasn't long as they were coming into view.

"Yeehaw, get ready y'all. Mess with the bull, you get the horns!" stated Applejack as she stood her ground and clawed her right hoof into the ground as if she was getting ready to charge.

"Locked and loaded." said Pinkie as she and Fluttershy finished preparing the cannons.

"Here we go." said Spike as the enemy was now in front of them and were racing towards the group.

With that Applejack and Flame Swordsman raced forward as they began to take out some Turtle Tigers. Spike was able to provide some long range support as he used his fire to shot out some flames that caused the Turtle Tigers to be afraid of the fire and the ones that got hit by it all burned and turned to particles. Pinkie was bouncing between the roof tops with a smile on her face as she pulled the string to fire food and confetti at the enemy as they were blinded and allowed the ground force to attack them. Once she fired the cannons, she then got to work on reloading them for another pass. Soon all four of them were starting to hold their ground.

In the stadium, Rarity along with Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were preparing themselves for what was about to come. They had set up a little barricade for themselves as they had a few of the guards with them due to their lack of firepower in terms of Duel Monster cards to help them. Rainbow Dash would provide assistance from the air as Fluttershy would play support and help any pony that would get hurt. Soon they saw several Blizzed, Defenders of the Ice Barrier as they were in the air.

"Time to kick some frozen butt!" shouted Rainbow Dash.

She then took off as she met the force head on in an air battle. Most of them focused on the rainbow pegasus while others disbursed and went after the others. Rarity was using her horn as she blasted any ones that came into her line of sight. Some of them landed on the ground as it allowed the guards to get in as they sprung into action. Overall, they were doing their best to fend off their site.

At the library, Twilight and Sunset had put up a magical barrier. This was so they could offer some protection as it would force the enemy to enter inside and engage the two. They didn't wait long as they saw several Giant Red Seasnakes appear as they approached the barrier. Some started to bang on it in order to let the others through, soon one by one they started to slowly trickle in one by one. Twilight and Sunset started to fire at them with spells; it worked for a while as soon the enemies started to split their advance and create another line as it caused Sunset to take even drastic measures as she called on a couple of her monsters to assist. Twilight kept a close eye on the shield as it was holding but eventually cracks were starting to form. All they could do was try to push the enemy back.

With all four teams doing their best to hold the enemy off, safe to say that it was at a stalement. The small groups were doing their best to hold their position, Isaac however had the tough job as he was in a 1 vs 1000 position. The good thing is that most of the army was focused on taking him out as they were driven by revenge. Isaac was doing his best to dodge the attacks by the Abyss Soldiers as he did some dodge rolls and used a bit of his parkour skills to evade.

"How we holding up, everypony?" asked Isaac as he talked into his tiny ear bud.

"All good on our end." shouted Pinkie.

"Sunset and I are starting to push them back."

"Not so much on our end." said Fluttershy as she was frighten. "Could maybe we get help?"

"Our forces are spread too thin." informed Sunset.

"Maybe not." said Isaac as he blasted another monster in the face. "Black Arts Trickster, Rune-Eyes Illusionist, and Mage Annette." Isaac's three magicians then appeared in front of him. "Go help the others at the stadium. Now!" shouted Isaac. They all gave their master a nod and went on their way as they ascended into the air. "Fluttershy, I'm sending over some reinforcements."

"What do you mean?" asked Fluttershy.

Before she could get an answer, she noticed Rainbow had been hit by an icicle and was sent tumbling into the ground. She rushed over to check on her friend and saw that the tips of her wings had ice, not to mention she had managed to land on it when she hit the ground.

"Rainbow Dash, are you hurt?"

"I'm fine, ow. No I'm not." stated the rainbow mare.

"I hate to say it, but we lack the firepower like the other groups." said Rarity as she rushed over to her friends.

"They're surrounding us!" shouted one of the guards as they were starting to be overrun.

"Fall back!" shouted another guard as they slowly were stepping back.

Eventually they all gathered up with the three mares as they were surround from all ends by the monsters. Fluttershy was doing her best to tend to Dash's wing.

"I guess this is how we go out." said Fluttershy was she closed her eyes and prepared to meet her fate.

Soon all the enemies jumped into the air and were about to finish the small group as they all closed their eyes. Soon a couple of blasts could be heard as screams came after that. The group expected them to be torn to shreds, but found themselves to be perfectly fine. They saw the enemies around them as they were being defeated and turned into particles. The entire group looked up and saw Isaac's magicians as they had arrived just in time as they took care of the enemies surrounding the ponies. Mage Annette then appeared in front of Rainbow Dash as she opened up her book and with a flick of her wand, she was able to heal Dash's wing immediately.

"Guess, Isaac sent some help." said Fluttershy.

"Alright, back in the fray!" shouted Rainbow as she took off and delivered a solid right hoof to the creatures.

Soon the others joined in as they got back into action and started to fight back. With the addition of Isaac's magicians, they were having a much easier time as they started to push the enemy back and were starting to make their way out of the stadium and onto the streets. Back with Aj's group, they were starting to make similar progress as the small force of Turtle Tigers found themselves retreating due to how hard they were being destroyed. Pinkie was relentless in her assault as she kept on firing her cannons nonstop. On the ground, Flame Swordsman and Applejack were making some leeway as they started to have their side push back the enemy. Even Spike had gotten on Aj's back as he provided some cover fire. The same thing was happening on Sunset and Twilight's side, it took a while but the girls were able to push back their obstacle just as the barrier was about to break. Soon all three sides were beginning to converse which was especially true as Isaac was starting to run low on steam.

"They just keep coming, but I have to do my part." said Isaac as he wiped his face with his leg to get rid of the sweat. He saw his latest row of monsters be destroyed as they all turned towards him. "Time to bring out the big guns. Mahad! Mana! Showtime!" shouted Isaac as he called out his ace magicians.

"Remember, we hold the line. No matter what." commanded Isaac. Both of his magicians gave a nod as they stood their ground and all three of them casted their magic and a huge ray of beam came out as it took the enemies in the face as they started to walk forward as a team while still casting the attack. "Keep pushing!" shouted Isaac as he and his magicians were slowly moving up.

"Need a hoof!" shouted Applejack.

Isaac and his magicians stopped their attack and they looked to their left to see that Applejack, Pinkie, along with Spike and his Flame Swordsman had managed to push back their line of enemies back into the main army. Isaac then turned to his right and saw Twilight, along with Sunset and her monsters also pushing back their line and joining the main force. He then looked up and saw Rainbow, Fluttershy, as well as his three monsters he sent to help them as Black Arts Trickster was carrying Rarity in her arms.

"Good to see you haven't collapsed." stated Sunset.

"Were you doubting me." said Isaac with a smug smile. Soon both Mage Annette and Mana casted a spell on their master as it restored even some more of his vitality. "Thanks you two. Now let's finish this!" said Isaac as he stood up and took the front position of the group. Isaac then looked at the remaining forces in front of him as he had a smile on his face. "You girls might want to cover your ears, cause this is going to get real loud. Now Mage Annette, Black Arts Trickster, and Rune-Eyes Illusionist lend me your strength so that I can call upon an even more powerful beast!" Isaac's three magicians then used their energies and combined together as they ascended into the heavens. Soon the roar of thunder could be heard as it caused everypony around them to look up and they saw the shadow of a massive creature.

"Now come forth, Slifer the Sky Dragon!!!" shouted Isaac as he called upon one of his Egyptian God cards.

"What is that!?!" shouted Spike and the girls as they couldn't believe the sight of the creature that Isaac called upon. Sunset and Twilight were the only ones who had a smile on their face as they knew about it.

"Now, Slifer, Mana and Mahad! Strike the final blow!" shouted Isaac as he gave his monsters their command.

Both Mana and Mahad jumped on Slifer's head as they all charged their attacks, once it was fully charged, they all let out a cry as they fired off their attack. Soon it all came together as it wiped out the remaining forces in an instant. A huge white light caused everybody to cover their eyes. Once it died down, there was nothing but a huge smear in the ground.

"Well, we did it." said Isaac as he fell on his behind as he was a bit tired. Fluttershy approached Isaac as she began to check on his health.

"Steady. You took some massive amounts of energy trying to fend them off." said Fluttershy softly.

"Just trying to buy you guys time."

"Well, it worked. Also, thanks for sending your magicians to help. They really saved us." said Fluttershy as she gave Isaac a quick peck on his cheek.

"You're welcome." said Isaac as he was helped by the shy mare.

"Hey, everypony." shouted out Shining Armor as he was racing towards them.

"Good news, big bro. We managed to repel the invasion."

"That's nice, Twily. But I just received word that this invasion isn't over. While you'll were busying dealing with the main force; there was a couple of enemies that snuck into the castle. Thankfully, we were able to stop them. But they dropped something." Shining Armor then presented the scroll to Twilight as she looked at it with her friends.

"This doesn't look good." said Twilight as she showed it to Sunset.

"Figures. Guess we now know who's in charge of this massive invasion. And based on how we were barely able to hold off this attack, I doubt we can last another one." stated Sunset. "You thinking what I'm thinking, Isaac." asked Sunset as she showed the scroll to Isaac.

"Seems we got another mission." said Isaac as he looked at the scroll and it had the picture of the monster that was in charge.

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