• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 112: Discord

Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock.

"I'm bored. How long has it been?" asked Spike as he was slumped in a chair.

"About 2 minutes since the last time you asked me." said Isaac as he looked at his watch and informed the dragon while he too was slumped in a chair. "I never thought I'd say this, but I wish something would happen. Heck, not even a single Duel Monster has shown up in the past 2 days. First they show up nonstop and now all of a sudden they decided to take a break." complained Isaac.

"I thought evil never takes a holiday." stated Spike.

"Guess, we're wrong." sighed Isaac.

The boys were in the map room as they were bored out of their minds. The Twilight and Sunset had gather all the girls and were taking a little 'girl trip' as they had made plans to hang out with each other. So that left Isaac to hang out with Spike; now normally that wouldn't be a problem, especially cause it allowed the two of them to have a duel, but eventually Spike got tired of it and wanted to do something else. So the boys engaged in several board games that were in the castle as they entertained themselves for the next few hours. However, that soon got them bored as they had nothing left to do.


"Hey." responded Spike. "How long..."

"35 seconds." said Isaac as he knew what Spike was going to say.

"Sweet Celestia, it's so dull!" shouted Spike. "Huh? Wait... I just thought of something we could do."

"Like what?"

"Wait, right here." said Spike as he ran off to find what he was looking for. Soon he came back as he had a box with him as he placed it on the table.

"What is that?"

"Just a 'top secret' thing I do with Big Mac whenever the girls are out of town. Meet... Ogres & Oubliettes!" said Spike as he lifted the lid of the box and revealed the contents inside.

"Ogres & Oubliettes? What's that?" asked Isaac as he had a confused look on his face.

"Ogres & Oubliettes is a fantasy role-playing adventure game." said Spike. "Basically, its using your imagination and pretending to be someone you're not. Don't you have something similar in your world."

As soon as Spike said that Isaac began searching his brain for an answer. "You mean... Dungeons and Dragons?"

"That's what it's called in your world?" asked Spike.

"I guess... no offense, but I've only ever heard of the game. Never had a chance to play it due to another game existing that was that caught my attention a bit more."

"You mean, Duel Monsters?" stated the little dragon.

"Hey, no offense to anybody who plays that game. But Duel Monsters just gives provides me with a bit more excitement. The rush of the duel, back and forth anticipating your move and what your opponent might do, being able to draw the right card that could swing things, heck even having a bit of luck. All of it just made be more invested in Duel Monsters than any other game. Not to mention that you get to see legends and icons of some of the greatest duelists to ever exist." said Isaac as he was now a kid and had wonder in his eyes.

"Right, well anyways. I was thinking that we could get a game in. I'll even teach you." said Spike. Isaac agreed to Spike's proposal as he got up from his chair and began to listen to him explain the game. "Okay, the goal, defeat the evil Squid Wizard, or as I call him... the Squizard!" said Spike. "The Squizard has laid siege to the last free city in Spiketopia. That's the name of the land. He's kidnapped a beautiful unicorn princess named Shmarity. Uh, which is like a normal name in Spiketopia, so, you know, don't think about it too much."

"Don't worry. I won't tell." said Isaac as he rolled his eyes at Spike's romantic delusions. "Just a word of advice, try not to name it after the pony you're in love with."

"Right. Moving on." said Spike as he cleared his throat. "Anyways, right now. I'm currently doing a campaign with Big Mac, but since you're new, I could come up with a new game for the two of us. Assuming that you want to play this?"

"Like you said, we've got nothing better to do." said Isaac.

"Alright then. The character that I am is Garbunkle, a famous magician. I'm a level 30 Enchanter with major skill points assigned to Intellect and Perception. Big Mac's character is Sir McBiggun, a level 27 Black Knight Unicorn from Castle Chadwick! When his king aligned himself with the Squizard, Sir McBiggun would not besmirch his honor. And so it came to pass, the magician and black knight vowed to rid Spiketopia of the evil Squizard." said Spike as he finished telling his campaign. "Anyways, that's what we're working on. But for this, we could create a mini story for the two of us, since you know..."

"I won't be around for long." said Isaac.

"Well... yeah." said Spike. "Anyways, do you have a name for your character?"

"Uh... uh... uh..." said Isaac as he was trying his best to come up with a made-up name. "Uh... uh..."

"Let's skip that for now. Maybe it'll help if you decide on what class you want to be? There's tons of options, there's Archers, Mages, Rogues..." said Spike as he listed off the options.

"Well, you know me and how I have a fond of spellcasters. But seeing as how you're a magician yourself, it wouldn't provide much versatility having two characters of the same class." said Isaac. He then began to look through the different classes as he looked for something that would intrigue him. "How about a paladin?" said Isaac.

"Paladins are the most durable, survivable, and self-sufficient class in the game. As such, they both make excellent solo characters and are excellent additions to nearly any party regardless of existing capabilities. In a party, they serve as a Defender, Face, and Striker. They do have some healing and utility options, but not enough to replace a full spellcaster in most parties. Your choice of subclass will influence which of those roles your character emphasizes, though typically it's just a sliding scale between Defender and Striker." said Spike as he read the class. He then began to fill out Isaac's character sheet with the proper stats.

"Okay, all that's left is to come up with a name? Any ideas?" asked Spike.

"Uh... uh... uh... what about... uh... Rowen... Dragespear?" suggested Isaac.

"Not a bad name." said Spike as he wrote Isaac's character name. "Alright, we're all set."

Soon Spike did his job as Gamemaster and began to do a mini campaign for the two of them. It took a while for Isaac to fully get invested, but once he did, he found himself having fun. And so the two continued this for the next few hours.

Their game had ended as the sun was starting to fall, Spike had made dinner for the both of them as they ate their food. Once they finished, Spike let out a yawn as he was tired out from their little session. With that Isaac decided to wash the dishes as he said good night to the little drake. Once Isaac finished cleaning the dishes, he then began to walk out of the kitchen as he was taking a stroll in the castle halls.

"Man, wonder when the girls will be back?" said Isaac. Soon he heard a chuckle as he turned around. "Huh? That's strange. I thought I heard something." Isaac kept walking a bit more until he heard another chuckle. He turned around again, but there was nothing. He then turned back around and came face to face with... himself?

Isaac was stunned by what he saw; he then lifted his left hoof as the mimic did the same. He then raised his other hoof and the mimic did the same. Isaac then did a couple more movements and each one he did, the mimic did the same thing. Soon he had a raised eyebrow as he was trying to figure this out.

"Okay. This doesn't make sense." said Isaac.

"Make sense?" chuckled the mimic as they laughed evilly. "Oh, what fun is there in making sense?"

"Alright, I've had enough! Who are you?" demanded Isaac as he took a step back.

The mimic then started to be surrounded in a green light and soon he started to change. Isaac looked on and standing before him was a draconeqqus. He then showed his face to Isaac as he laughed manically.

"Another leader?" asked Isaac as he prepared his duel disk for a fight.

"What, no hello? After all this time, I finally have a chance to meet you. And this is how you show your hospitality, Isaac."

"Huh? How do..."

"I know your name? Well, it's plain simple. I'm none other than Discord, the spirit of disharmony and chaos." said Discord as thunder and lightning appeared behind him.

"Who?" said Isaac as a record scratch sound appeared as Discord had a stunned look.

"You're joking. I'm sure Twilight has told you about me." said Discord.


"Not even Luna and Cay-Cay. That's what I call Princess Celestia, what a hoot!" snickered Discord.

"Like I said, who the hell are you?" said Isaac.

"Seriously!?! Ugg, I really need to get in touch with my agent." said Discord as he pulled out a banana and started to talk into it like a phone. "June, honey. We need to talk about my publicity."

"Ok-ay." said Isaac as he slowly started to walk away from the draconeqqus.

"Now hold on!" said Discord.

Isaac heard a 'POP' and felt a small weight on his back. He turned his head to find that Discord had shrunken down to the size of a squirrel and was lounging on Isaac.

"What do you want, Discord?"

"I'm glad you asked! I want to know about you."

"If you knew my name, then you probably know about me." stated Isaac.

"No doubt. I've heard about you from Fluttershy. I've even listened in on some of your conversations with Princess Twilight. It's amazing what you can listen when you're but a simple fly on the wall." snickered Discord. "So tell me, how's the princess?"

Isaac knew what Discord was implying, but he didn't show his expression. "She's a reliable friend." stated Isaac as he kept on walking.

'Oh, please. I want the juicy details. Despite me listening, I can't seem to enter Twilight's room due to her magic keeping intruders from listening in on her room. But I know that when she needs something from you, she always calls you to her room. So... what are you two doing in there?" suggested Discord.

"Like, I said. Nothing, I'm just answering questions she has about me." said Isaac as he made up a white lie to which Discord didn't press the issue anymore.

"Regardless. I'm more interested in you as a person. So tell me, how do you manage to be the hero this long?"

"Dumb luck, I suppose."

"Oh? I doubt that's the only factor here."

"What do you want!?!" demanded Isaac.

"Oh, you're no fun!" said Discord.

The weight disappeared off of Isaac's back and Discord rematerialized in front of the colt, full size this time.

"You're a incredible duelist that has the highest level of skill and talent for someone your age. Not to mention that you've got buddy-buddy with a certain group and have someone special and you think it's all dumb luck?!" stated Discord as he had a list manifest as he read from it with it wrapping around Isaac.

Isaac just stepped around the draconeqqus and kept on walking.

"Oh, and did I mention about your idol?" said Discord with some evil in his voice. Isaac immediately stopped and turned his head at Discord. "Now, I've got your attention." snickered the draconeqqus.

"Say what you want to say. But don't make me anger."

"Or what? You? Threaten me? ME!! AS if you could anything to the Lord of Chaos! Ha!" laughed Discord. He then used his magic to encase Isaac as he pulled the colt towards him. "Let me clarify some things, my little pony. I'm not like anybody you've intimidated in the past; I'm a whole different breed. I am a god! And with a snap of my fingers, I could send you away and nobody would even bat an eyelash. So... care to rephrase how you address me?"

"Kiss my ass!" said Isaac as he stared at the draconeqqus.

"HA! HA! HA! Oh, I knew I would have fun with you. Ahh Isaac. You're really quite entertaining-- the way you scowl and sneer. So defiant." taunted Discord as he released the stallion from his grasp. "Your friends are the source of your power and yet take them away and you find yourself in a helpless state. It's no wonder you're so hesitant on your future."

"Watch what you say!" shouted Isaac.

"Tell me, Isaac. You say you duel out of love. But what about your desire? Is it simply to be the best, or is there another reason?"

"I dunno. I mean, why do mountain climbers climb mountains? It's because they're there. Isn't that what they say?" replied Isaac.

"So in other words, you have no reason. There's nothing driving you but thrill, ambition... perhaps boredom." stated Discord. "But I know your type, you crave a duel. You want a duel that has you riding full throttle on the cutting edge with everything to lose and everything to gain! Is that not the kind of duel you want in on, Isaac?"

Isaac didn't say anything as he looked at Discord and absorbed his words. "I can neither confirm nor deny that."

"Oh, but if you had to choose? If you had to choose?" said Discord as he was looking to get Isaac to talk.

"Leave me alone!" shouted Isaac as he began to walk.

Discord snapped his fingers as the carpet that Isaac was walking on turned into an escalator. Isaac tried to walk faster but it was keeping him in place as Discord continued to have his way with the colt.

"You didn't think we were done? We're just beginning to have fun." smiled Discord smugly. "Besides, what about Princess Twilight?"

"What about her?" asked Isaac. Discord then snapped his fingers as he made a quarter appear in his hand before he tossed it to Isaac who held the thing in his magic. "What's this for?"

"I figured you would like something to test just how firm her flank might be." snickered Discord. "Why I bet you could bounce one half ways to Canterlot off that fine backside. Hmm." said Discord as he raised his eyebrows.

"No!" shouted Isaac as he tossed the coin away. "I'm not doing that! I'm not the kind of person to have dirty thoughts about my friends." said Isaac.

"But you've thought about it, haven't you. It's naturally, you're a teen and who wouldn't get like that with Princess Twilight whenever she's close to you."

"Enough!" said Isaac. "I had enough of your mischiefs and temptations, Discord. I can tell you're trying to get under my skin and you want me to lose my cool. Well, I'll tell you something. You can't shake me; as a duelist, I've learned to have confidence. Growing up the life around me, seeing stuff happen on the streets, I've grown tough skin and seen some unpretty sights, even for a kid. So know that this little mind game you're trying to play, it's not gonna work." said Isaac as he got off the escalator and was walking away.

"Oh, we're not done!" shouted Discord as he snapped his fingers and transformed the entire room.

"Huh?" said Isaac as he noticed his surroundings changing. "What's going on? Tell me, Discord."

"Why, we're playing a game. A game you're quite familiar with." snickered the draconeqqus. "A game of Duel Monsters." said Discord as he transported them to an empty space filled with nothing but black.

"Let me out! Now!" shouted Isaac.

"Not after I'm done with you. Consider this a fighting chance. Beat me and you're free to go. But lose and well... Ha! Ha! You don't want to know." said Discord with the most manically tone in his voice as a duel disk appeared on his arm.

"If it's a duel you want, then game on!" said Isaac as he activated his duel disk and projected a gold card tray. "It's time to duel!" shouted Isaac.

Believe me, Isaac. I plan to find what I'm looking for.

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said their duel disks.

Discord's Life Points: 8000-

Isaac's Life Points: 8000-

Turn 1: Discord

"Tall, dark, and handsome creatures go first." said Discord as he drew his card. Now then, time to pick your mind, young colt. What's inside of that head of yours? Discord then used his magic as he allowed his eyes to look into Isaac's soul; he then gasped as he found what he was looking for. Discord couldn't help but let a small laugh, despite Isaac having a tough wall around him, he had a poor defense in hiding his personal demon.

"You think you can beat me? Well, let's find out who destiny favors?" snickered Discord. "I play one card facedown and end my turn." said Discord.

Turn 2: Isaac

"My turn!" said Isaac as he drew his card. That facedown card is obviously a trap, he's either baiting me or trying to scare me out of attacking. Time to find out which one it is.

"Don't tell me you're getting cold feet? Or are you still toying with your demon about your destiny? snickered Discord.

"What do you know about 'my destiny'?" shouted Isaac. "As far as I'm concern, that's none of your business!!!"

"Oh, believe me. It is my business!! Just as it's everybody's else to find out what your true 'destiny' is."

"You don't get it!"

"You don't get it!!" shouted back Discord. "There are incredible forces at play here, Isaac. You humans are just a means to an end. You're not important! You're disposable cogs in a machine. Your individual lives mean nothing!"

"Now by sending one card to graveyard, I can special summon my Apprentice Illusion Magician. And doing so, I can add Dark Magician from my deck to my hand!" stated Isaac as he got rid of one card. His duel disk then slotted out his Dark Magician as Isaac added it to his hand. "Now, my monster attack his life points directly!!" shouted Isaac. Isaac's magician heard his command as he raised her staff above and shot a powerful spell at him.
Discord's Life Points: 6000-

"With that I'll place one card facedown." said Isaac as he ended his turn.

Turn 3: Discord

"It's my turn now, from my hand I activate the field spell, Malefic World!' shouted Discord as the field around them started to change as they were surrounded by huge buildings with odd colors. "Now, instead of drawing a card during my Draw Phase, I'm allowed to add a random Malefic monster from my deck directly to my hand. Next, I'll send my Cyber End Dragon from my Extra Deck to the graveyard, which means Malefic Cyber End Dragon(4000/2800) now appears!" True to Discord's word, out appeared Cyber End Dragon but this version was much more evil and had certain parts of it covered in metal armor despite it having metal skin.

"That's all for now, I'll give you a chance." said Discord as he ended his turn.

Turn 4: Isaac

"My turn, and I'll summon Magician's Valkyria in defense mode. And place another card facedown." said Isaac.

Turn 5: Discord

"That's all, please. Now my field spell activates, so I'll add a random Malefic monster to my hand. Then I'll send Rainbow Dragon from my deck to the graveyard, which, as you saw before, means I can summon Malefic Rainbow Dragon(4000/0)!" Once again Discord had gotten rid of a monster's good version to allow their evil persona to arise; Malefic Rainbow Dragon appeared as it too had pieces of metal across its body.

"Now, Malefic Rainbow Dragon, attack! Spectral Surge!" shouted Discord as his monster took out Isaac's Magician Valkyria with ease. "Malefic Cyber End Dragon, attack!" shouted Discord as he had his second dragon take out Isaac's other magician.

"Uhh. Ohh..." said Isaac as he was flung by the attack and thrown onto his back.
Isaac's Life Points: 6000-

"I'll now place a facedown. But before I end my turn, I'm activating the Destiny Activator spell card! Now all I need to do, is draw the top card from my deck and send it to my graveyard. From this point forward, if what you draw is the same type of card that I send, then your life points are cut in half!" said Discord as he sent Malefic Paradigm Dragon away. "The card I sent away was a monster card, so make your next move, Isaac. And hope against hope that you don't draw a monster card."

Turn 6: Isaac

"Here goes." said Isaac as he drew his card and revealed so that both could see it.

"HA! HA! It's a spell card." laughed Discord. "Looks like destiny is toying with you."

"My turn, now I'll discard a card so that I can play my Card Rotator spell card. Now this forces all of your monsters into defense mode." Soon all the monster's on Discord's side changed battle positions. "Next, I'll play the card I drew, Pot of Greed. So now I'll pick up two more cards. Now, I'll banish my Apprentice Illusion Magician and Magician's Valkyria in order to summon my Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning!" shouted Isaac as he had a powerful monster on his field.

"And then I'll have my Black Luster Soldier attack. So charge, Black Luster Soldier! Vanquish that Malefic Cyber End Dragon!" shouted Isaac as he gave his monster it's command. Black Luster Soldier then dashed forward as he brought his sword down and stabbed Malefic Cyber End Dragon in the chest as a red light came out from it as it fell apart and was destroyed. "Oh, and by the way, Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning's ability allows him two attacks in this one battle!" said Isaac with a smirk.

"Two attacks?" said Discord in disbelief.

Black Luster Soldier then came back around as he had his sights set on another monster. Just like before, he grabbed his sword and slashed it across the chest of Malefic Rainbow Dragon as it left a mark on the monster. Soon a bright light emerged and then an explosion happened as Discord's other monster was gone.

"You've heard about knights slaying dragons before, well how about taking down two at once." said Isaac with a smile.

"Let's see if you're still smiling after this. I play the trap Malefic Tune." said Discord. "Now, since a Malefic monster has been destroyed, I get to draw two cards from my deck."

"Fine. I'll end my turn."

Turn 7: Discord

"It's my turn, but instead of drawing, I'll use my field spell to add a random Malefic monster to my hand." said Discord as the card ejected for him to grab. "Excellent! Now I have all that I need to win this right at my fingertips. I send Stardust Dragon from my Extra Deck to the graveyard. Now, rise up. Malefic Stardust Dragon(2500/2000)!" Like before out came Discord's monster as it had several pieces of armor over parts of its body.

"Next I summon Malefic Parallel Gear. Now, Parallel Gear, tune with my Malefic Stardust Dragon!"

"What?" shouted Isaac.

"You're not the only one here who can Synchro Summon, Isaac." Parallel Gear then transformed into two green rings as Malefic Stardust Dragon jumped between them. "Behold, as the shadows drip down through the cracks of time, and witness how the darkness pools together to create pure evil!! I Synchro Summon, Malefic Paradox Dragon(4000/4000)!" shouted Discord as he had a more powerful monster on his side of the field.

"Not good." said Isaac with concern.

"And next, I'll activate its special ability! You see, since I Synchro Summoned, I'm allowed to bring back a Synchro Monster from my graveyard straight to the field. So rise once more, Stardust Dragon!" stated Discord.

"Two dragons again?"

"That's right, Isaac, and now Paradox Dragon reduces the attack points of your monster by the attack points of the monster I just revived. So, Black Luster Soldier, power down!" stated Discord as Isaac's warrior was reduced to 500 attack points.

"Black Luster Soldier, no!" shouted Isaac. If this keeps up, I won't last much longer!

"I would say you put up a good fight, only you didn't. Malefic Paradox Dragon, destroy Black Luster Soldier!" Malefic Paradox Dragon then powered up its attack as it looked to take out Isaac's monster.
Isaac's Life Points: 2500-

"I reveal my facedown, Miracle's Wake! With this, I can revive a monster that was destroyed in battle. So now, my Black Luster Soldier rises up one more time. Return to battle!" said Isaac as he had his monster back in play.

"I'm sorry, Isaac. But even your best, won't be good enough here, not so long as I have Stardust Dragon, because due to Malefic Paradox Dragon's ability, your monster's attack points decrease by Stardust Dragon's attack points!" stated Discord as he reduced Black Luster Soldier. "Next, I'll place two cards facedown to end my turn."

Turn 8: Isaac

"Then it's my move now! So get ready!" shouted Isaac.

"Don't forget about my Destiny Activator, should you draw a monster card, your life points are cut in half." stated Discord.

Isaac drew his card and this time it was a trap card.

"Now then, I'll play my Card of Sanctity so now we each draw till we're holding six cards in our hand. I then activate the spell card known as Ancient Rules. With it, I'm allowed to summon a Level 5-or-above monster directly from my hand. So take to the field, Dark Magician!"

"As if I didn't see that coming." said Discord with an uninterested look on his face. "However, he's still subject to Paradox Dragon's power-down effect." With that Discord's monster lowered Dark Magician's stats.

"From my hand, I play the spell Bond Between Teacher and Student! Since I have Dark Magician out on the field, I can summon his student, Dark Magician Girl in defense mode!" shouted Isaac as he had his two ace magicians with him. "Next, I play the spell Magic Gate of Miracles. Now, since I have two spellcasters out on my field, I can switch one of your monsters to defense mode and switch it to my side." Isaac's card then had two transdimensional gates appeared as a set of hands came out to grab one of Discord's monsters.

"Oh! I play a trap-- Malefic Force!" said Discord as he was caught offguard by Isaac's move. "And by equipping Malefic Force to my monster, it can't be affected by your spells, which means Paradox Dragon is no longer up for grabs." snickered the draconeqqus.

"Yes, that's true, but Stardust Dragon still is." said Isaac as he managed to outsmart the Lord of Chaos.

"No! You... you sneaky... little pony." stated Discord as he was angry.

"Correction, I'm a human. And this human just outsmarted a god." stated Isaac with a smug smile on his face. "Speaking of Paradox Dragon, its ability is no longer in affect, which means my monsters' attack points return to normal." said Isaac as his Dark Magician and Black Luster Soldier gained their stats back.

"Bravo, Isaac. But so what if you restored your monsters' attack points? My Paradox Dragon still has them beat with a total of 4000! Face it. You're simply outmatched."

"I wouldn't say that," smiled Isaac, "Now my spell allowed to set another card. And now I activate my Dark Magic Twin Burst! With this, Dark Magician's attack points increase by the attack point total of Dark Magician Girl!"


"Now your monster is the one who's outmatched, Discord. And not only that, it also happens to be outnumbered, two to one. So, attack, Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl!" commanded Isaac.

"You heard the master, Mana." said Mahad as he leaped into the air.

"Right, Mahad." shouted Mana as she too joined in with her teacher.

Both then combined their weapons as Mana transferred her power to Mahad as they created a huge ball of dark energy.

"Here goes." shouted Mahad.

"Now!" responded Mana.

"Twin Dark Magic Attack!" yelled both of them as they shot their attack and took out Paradox Dragon.
Discord's Life Points: 5500-

"And then, Black Luster Soldier take a swipe at his life points!" shouted Isaac as he commanded his monster to attack and took another chuck of Discord's points.
Discord's Life Points: 2500-

"You may have gotten rid of my monsters, but you've also cleared the way for something else-- something grand, something almighty!" stated Discord.

"Spit it out!" shouted Isaac as he was annoyed.

"I activate the trap Malefic Paradigm Shift! With Malefic Paradox Dragon destroyed, by sacrificing half of my life points, I can summon my most wicked beast, Malefic Truth Dragon(5000/5000)!!!" shouted Discord. Soon a portal opened up and out came a massive dragon that was the biggest Isaac had ever seen. It let out a loud roar as it towered over Isaac and his entire field; Discord was on top of the dragon's head as he looked down at the pony with a sick smile on his face.
Discord's Life Points: 1250-

"Ok, I've seen some big monsters in my life, but that behemoth definitely takes the cake! Hell, it probably ate it too!" said Isaac as he couldn't get over the size of the dragon.

"This is your doing, Isaac! I hope you're pleased with yourself." snickered Discord.

"I place two cards facedown and end my turn."

Turn 9: Discord

"It's my turn," said Discord as his field spell activated giving him a card, "and I activate Malefic Selector! By removing Malefic Parallel Gear and Malefic Cyber End Dragon, I'm allowed to add two cards from my deck to my hand. Next, I'll send two monsters in my deck to the graveyard and summon forth their counterparts, Malefic Blue-Eyes White Dragon(3000/2500) and Malefic Red-Eyes Black Dragon(2400/2000)!" shouted Discord as he got rid of the cards and in their place rose two dragons as they also had pieces of metal over certain parts of their bodies.

"Both Blue-Eyes and Red-Eyes?" said Isaac as he was a bit worried.

"That's right. And now for a taste of their power! Red-Eyes take out his Dark Magician Girl!" shouted Discord as Red-Eyes shot a fireball heading towards Isaac's female magician.

"Ohh!" said Mana as the attack was heading towards her.

"Oh! And since Malefic Truth Dragon is out, if one of your monsters goes down, all of your other monsters are also destroyed." shouted Discord as his attack was getting really close to Dark Magician Girl who closed her eyes and prepared for the worst.

"I'll save you, Mana." shouted Isaac. "I reveal my Spellbinding Circle! So now Red-Eyes loses 700 attack points and can't change battle positions. Which means Dark Magician Girl is safe!" shouted Isaac as he managed to save his magician and cause Discord to lose some more life points.
Discord's Life Points: 950-

"Thanks, Isaac." said Mana as she thanked her master and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"You may have saved your 'girlfriend' from being destroyed. But my other dragons can still attack. Go, Blue-Eyes! Pick up where Red-Eyes left off! Take out his Dark Magician!" shouted Discord as his dragon fired off a power attack as it took out Isaac's other magician.

"Aaah!" yelled out Mahad.

"Mahad!!!" shouted Isaac as he watched his friend be destroyed in front of him.
Isaac's Life Points: 2000-

"Next, Malefic Truth Dragon's special ability activates, which means all the remaining monsters you have on the field are destroyed." Soon dark spikes appeared as they levitated in the air and then all headed towards Isaac, as one nearly struck him if he hadn't move his hoof out of the way, as it was embedded into the ground.

"Sorry, Discord. Don't think so! I activate Stardust Dragon's special ability, so by releasing my dragon, I can negate your dragon's effect and then destroy it altogether."


"So say good-bye!" shouted Isaac. Soon the spike turned direction as they were now heading back to Discord.

"Not so fast. I play Truth Dragon's other ability! By removing Malefic Rainbow Dragon in my graveyard from play, Truth Dragon is saved, and you know what that means! It can carry out its attack!" shouted Discord as he prepared to take out Isaac's Black Luster Soldier and end the duel.

"I reveal my second facedown, Book of Moon. So I'll switch my Black Luster Soldier from face-up to facedown position." said Isaac as he managed to protect his life points as his monster was destroyed.

"Don't forget about my dragon's effect remember, when one goes, they all go!" stated Discord as Isaac's Dark Magician Girl let out a cry as she too was destroyed. "Oh, and did I mention? For every monster destroyed by this special ability, you take 800 points of damage!" shouted the draconeqqus.
Isaac's Life Points: 1200-

"Next, I play the spell Malefic Divide. With it, I can bring back one Malefic monster from my graveyard until the end of this turn, and the Malefic monster I choose to bring back is... Malefic Stardust Dragon!"

"No!" said Isaac.

"Malefic Stardust Dragon, unleash your fury!" shouted Discord as he commanded his dragon. "This is it-- the moment destiny has been pushing towards!"

"I reveal my last facedown, Flute of Summoning Kuriboh. Now I can add Kuriboh to my hand." The card then materialized in Isaac's hand. "Now I activate Kuriboh's ability which allows Kuriboh to take the hit instead of me and reduce all damage to zero." Kuriboh then appeared in front of Isaac as he did its best to neutralize the attack.

"Ugh! Aah!" let out Isaac as the attack was so powerful it threw him for a loop as he was sent flying. His cap was flown off and his jacket came off of his body as he laid on the ground with scratches and scuffs.

"That's right, lie there and prepare to accept your fate!" stated Discord.

"Can't... give up. I... have to keep fighting no matter what." said Isaac as he tried to lift himself off of the ground.

"Keep fighting? You can't even defend yourself!" laughed Discord. "With that I'll end my turn." said the draconeqqus as Malefic Stardust Dragon disappeared and Stardust Dragon reappeared on Isaac's side.

Turn 10: Isaac

Isaac was still a bit sore from the attack, but he managed to stand up. He then used his magic to dust off his clothes as he put them back on and his cap. He then slowly made his way back to his position as he looked at Discord up above. Discord couldn't help but laugh as he sipped a glass of iced tea leaving the drink itself while the glass went down his throat.

"Isaac! What are you waiting for? Ha ha ha!" chuckled the draconeqqus with the most evil voice possible. "Are you too scared to draw? It's understandable if you are, as I would be too, if half of my life points depended on what kind of card I picked."

"I'm not scared!" shouted Isaac as he drew his card. This time however, Isaac had managed to draw a monster card.

"Well, you should be since you just drew a monster card. Now because of that, the Destiny Activator spell activates and all but ends this duel!" shouted Discord as his card took away even more of Isaac's points as the pony dropped to the ground once again.
Isaac's Life Points: 600-

Isaac shook off the attack as he took a deep breath and got himself back on his legs.

"Ha ha ha. Destiny has you in its grasp. It's crushing you." said Discord as he used his magic powers once more to look at the colt and could see the demon inside of him starting to grow. "This duel is over."

"It's not over till the last card is played." shouted Isaac.

"Impressive. You have the will to fight on after all. I suppose you inherited that stubbornness from your idol, even more so the legends that you look up to. How fascinating that after all these years, after all your legends have moved on with their lives. They managed to spark hope in one person who looks up to them; who spent countless time growing up trying to study everything there was about Duel Monsters, hoping to perhaps become the next legend himself and here you are without realizing that this was all planned. And you think destiny's not in control." snickered Discord.

"I've had enough!" shouted Isaac as he felt he had enough of people mention that this was his 'destiny'. "The only destiny is the one we make, Discord!" Soon Isaac's body began to glow.

"Strong words, Isaac, especially for someone hanging on by a thread, but you're up against a force with power you can't begin to comprehend." stated Discord. "You are special, Isaac. Destiny has hand-picked you, you've been marked for greatness. Destiny has chosen you, Isaac. And no one can hide from their destiny forever."

"Stop this!" shouted Isaac as he tried to silence the draconeqqus from talking anymore about his 'destiny'.

"This is destiny's hour, Isaac, but don't be too discouraged. You've done what you were suppose to, you've played a very pivotal role in this incredible story." stated Discord.

"SHUT UP!!!!!" yelled out Isaac as he had fury in his eyes and looked at Discord.

Discord noticed this and he was smiling, he saw the demon inside of Isaac as it had now merged with his soul. He decided make a chair pop out as he leaned back and prepared to watch Isaac destroy himself. While the demon inside of Isaac had been lurking, his body was still glowing as it was transmitting something, almost like it was reaching out for someone or rather someone(s).

Back in the human world...

Rainbow Dash was busy practicing some soccer drills as she had the ball in play. She was also trying to dodge some obstacles as she guided the ball with her feet. Just when she was about to reach the end of the course, she felt a jab in her heart as it caused her to tumble and fall down on the ground.

"Rainbow Dash, you okay?" called out one of her teammates.

"Yeah, I'm good." she said. "Just... felt something." What was that? It's almost like... Isaac is calling out to me.

Whitetail Woods was home to many animals. As well as it was full of tons of volunteers and employees that did their best to care for the wildlife that lived here. Fluttershy was tending to some wildlife animals as she was giving them some food.

"Here you go, everybody. Remember to share." she said as he brought them their meal.

Just as she was about to give the animals their food, she felt a surge flowing through her body as she dropped to her knees. The animals also sensed this as they rushed over to her side to check up on her. Soon it passed by as Fluttershy saw the animals worried about her.

"Thanks, everyone. I'm fine." said the shy girl as she calmed down the animals. But... I can hear Isaac.

Rarity had been sewing some pieces of clothing as she was putting the final touches on her outfit.

"I dare say this is your best work yet, Rarity." said her partner.

"Oh, believe me. Sassy Saddles. This is just the first part of the line that..." Rarity didn't get to finish her statement as she dropped her measuring tape and fell to her knees as she clutched her arm.

"Rarity!" shouted Sassy Saddles. "Are you hurt?"

"Oh, strange. I haven't felt a rush like that since... Isaac." It's as if... I can feel his presence.

"Come on, Applejack." shouted Applebloom.

"Easy there, sugar. Dinner is just about ready." said Applejack as she finished cooking the stew and was carrying it out to the table as her family was already seated. "Hope y'all are hungry. Cause this here is..." Applejack then dropped the pot she was carrying as it hit the floor and a bit of the stew splattered.

Her family was shocked by Applejack's actions that they raced over to her to check if she was okay as she fell onto one knee.

"Aj? What happened?" asked Applebloom as she was worried for her big sis.

"I... dunno know. It's like I was suddenly weak all of a sudden." said Applejack. Soon she felt her strength come back as her brother helped pick her up from the floor while Granny Smith and Applebloom got to work cleaning the mess. Applejack then took a seat as she let out a deep breath. Strange, it's as if Isaac was talkin' to me.

"Order #45! We need it at table 3!" shouted a manager.

"Got it!" shouted Pinkie as she roller bladed and picked up the meal and brought it to the table.

"Order #17!" shouted a chef.

"Okey-dokey lokey!" said Pinkie as she zoomed off.

Back and forth this went as Pinkie was constantly rushing between the kitchen and the dining room as she took orders and delivered the customers their food. Despite all this, Pinkie was not once tired which really made the owner of the restaurant happy as he had a committed worker. He soon approached Pinkie as she was counting the resister.

"My, Ms. Pie. You've certainly have outdone yourself. Thanks to you this place has become a popular place for people to come in. Not to mention that we've been receiving some wonderful ratings." said the manager.

"Aw, shucks. It's no big deal. I just follow Pinkie Pie's certified TLC. Which are..." stated Pinkie before she felt herself being drained of her excitement and soon slumped against the counter.

"Pinkie? Are you okay?" asked the manager as he checked up on his employee.

"Wow. What a doozy." said Pinkie as she had her head to her forehead as she was out of energy. "It felt like, I had no stamina."

"You're probably tired. Why don't you take a break and let the others handle the rest of the orders?" said the manager as he led her to the break room.

"Yeah." said Pinkie as she agreed with her boss' order. Still... I sense big bro.

At Industrial Illusions, all the people that interned were given their own private workspace so that they could study. Twilight was busying working at her desk as she was trying to solve a problem about a certain card. Spike was sleeping next to her desk as Mr. William was generous enough to let Twilight bring her pet along with her. The only thing was that Spike didn't cause too much trouble. Twilight then took her glasses off for a second as she rubbed her eyes; she had been at work for hours trying to come up with a solution.

"I'm close. I know it. If this works, then we could have a major break through on our hands." said Twilight.

"Still hard at work, Twilight." said Mr. William who appeared in the door way of Twilight's workspace.

"Oh, Mr. William. Sorry, I just can't sleep if I can't figure out the problem. I know that once I do, they'll be ready for testing and then potentially the world." said the smart girl.

"I admire your dedication, Ms. Twilight. But even geniuses need their rest, Einstein himself got some much needed sleep before he became a Nobel Prize winner." stated Mr. William.

"I know, just... I feel like I'm close." said Twilight.

"Very well, just try not to stay up too late." said Mr. William as he wished Twilight a good night.

Twilight then gave Spike a pet as he just shifted over to his side. She then looked at the two pictures on her desk as one was of the whole gang as Twilight missed having her friends around. She knew she would see them; she then picked up another photo as it was her and Isaac on one of their past dates as they were holding hands and smiling.

"Isaac. I just hope you're not missing me too badly." said Twilight as she took her seat.

However, the moment Twilight sat in her chair she felt the same surge the other girls felt as it caused her to fall out of her chair and onto the ground hitting her back. Spike heard this and woke up as he saw Twilight lying on the ground and went to check up on her.

"Twilight, you okay?" asked Spike.

"I think." said Twilight as she sat up and looked at her hand. "But what was that? It's like I can hear and feel Isaac."

True to what each of the girls said, they could feel Isaac's presence. While they couldn't exactly see, they could hear his voice calling out to them. Soon the magic that connected them started to manifest in each of the them as they heard Isaac speak. Sunset was with the rest of the girls as they were doing a fun activity; however, during that she and the entire group all felt a surge flow through their bodies as they too heard Isaac. Soon both groups could sense Isaac's presence as they heard him talk and could listen in to his speech that he was giving Discord.

Back to the duel...

"Discord, I've listened to you go on long enough. You do terrible things, then you say it's all just destiny's will. Well, I've got some very bad news for you, Discord-- There is no such thing as destiny!!!!" shouted Isaac. "There's only what you do and what you don't do!!! But listen, I understand that life is a long series of chain reactions. If I didn't discover Duel Monsters, then I probably wouldn't be here right now. I probably would never have met some incredible people in my life. Hell, I probably end up in the streets with the gangs running around. Making my parents worry that one day that their son wouldn't come home and that he'd be found dead in the streets!!!!" yelled out Isaac as he had a couple of tears in his eyes. "But I am who I am, I'm not some cosmic chess piece. And as for my friends and all the bad stuff they've had to go through, don't tell me that's fate!! Don't tell me everything happened 'cause it was meant to!!"

"Isaac." said both groups as they heard him.

"That's bullshit!!!! It happened because of you and the choices you made!"

"If only you knew how wrong you are." stated Discord.

"You're kidding yourself. There's no way we could know what happens. Look at it this way-- if I never discovered Duel Monsters, I never would have came to CHS. I might have not met with the others and become best friends. Good things lead to bad things leading to more good things, and that's just life!!" said Isaac. "And at the end of the day-- we all have choices. We aren't 'destined' to make them. You're just using destiny as an excuse, or who knows-- maybe it was my 'destiny' to say all this. But either way-- I'm finishing this duel!!" stated Isaac as he looked at Discord. "Ya know what-- all that really matters is that we listen to ourselves. And that we do what think is right. Maybe there is destiny. But if that's the case, then you were destined to fail!" shouted Isaac as the magic inside of him and his demon were now merging. "Now it's to end this!!!" Isaac had the magic inside of him now start to infuse with his soul, the card(s) in his hand were now glowing in a rainbow coloring.

"Now, I place my Black Arts Trickster in my Pendulum Zone. Then I'll activate her effect, which means I can add a pendulum monster from my deck and then place it in the other Pendulum Zone. So I'll set the pendulum scale with the Scale 1 Sorcerer Swordsman and the Scale 3 Black Arts Trickster. I'm taking control of this duel, starting now!" shouted Isaac. Isaac's duel disk registered what he was doing as he placed the Pendulum cards on the far side of his card tray as the word 'Pendulum' in rainbow coloring spelled out to signal it worked. Isaac's two cards then appeared in columns of light as they stood still as the numbers showed in front of them.

"Impossible!" said Discord as he wasn't expecting this. He thought for sure that the demon residing in Isaac would take over, but it seemed that he was rather bonding with it. He was merging his soul with it along with the magic from his friends, it allowed Isaac the power to control it instead of letting it take control.

"Now I activate the other effect of my Black Arts Trickster, if there's a 'magician' in my other Pendulum Zone, then I raise the scale of her up to 10." Soon the number in front of Black Arts Trickster then went up. "Alright, pendulum. You swung his way, now you're gonna swing my way. Now I activate my Sorcerer Swordsman's Pendulum ability, now I add monsters from my graveyard to my hand so long as their level falls in the scale I've set. So I'm adding 4 monsters back to my hand." said Isaac as his duel disk ejected his cards. "Now time to pendulum summon! I'm allowed to summon monsters from level 2 through 9, all at the same time. Back and forth, to and fro, what's coming next? You'll all soon know! So swing far Pendulum and carve the arc that will lead me to victory! My monsters are ready to swing into action!" shouted Isaac as a portal opened up and out came four lights.

"Make way for Magician's Valkyria. Time to shine some light in the darkness, Apprentice Illusion Magician. Give a warm welcome to the lady of the hour, Dark Magician Girl. And lastly is our star attraction, Dark Magician!" shouted Isaac as he had a field full of monsters. "Now! Behold as I combine the power of all my magicians on the field!" The four magicians rose up, floating level with Isaac’s Pendulum monsters. Strands of light in seven colors whirled around each of them, the seven glowing brighter and brighter. "I harmonize the spirits of my monsters, and open the dimensional gates to call upon a shining spirit of hope.” Isaac’s magic burst into a spectacle of colors. “Unitatis Summon! Ascend, Harmony Magician Warlock!” Out came Isaac's new monster as he started to light up with his aura starting to shine brighter than ever. "Harmony Magician Warlock can be summoned by tributing any number of spellcasters on my side of the field, be they in the Monster or Pendulum Zones. For each card tributed from a Monster Zone, he gains that monster’s original attack points, and for each card tributed from a Pendulum Zone, he gains an additional attack this turn.”

"This can't be!!" said Discord.

"Now my Harmony Warlock Magician now has a total of 8100 attack points! And thanks to my Pendulum monsters, my monster can attack a total of three times! So now Harmony Magician Warlock, end this duel!!" His monster then raised his staff as he brought it down and with one swipe took out all of Discord's monsters as he was caught up in the blast as a light surrounded everything.
Discord's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Isaac

After that attack, the connection with all of the girls disappeared. They still didn't know what that was all about, but they could sense that Isaac was okay. Inside that huge white light, Isaac had his eyes closed as he was in his human form. He soon opened them as he saw his demon inside of him appear in front of him; they both looked at each other with intense focus. Soon behind Isaac, the spirits of the Big 4 appeared as they looked at him. Isaac looked back at them as he knew what they were telling him; they all gave him a nod as Isaac did the same. He then turned back to the demon as he put his hand out; the demon then did the same as both started to fuse together as it entered Isaac's body. Isaac could feel the demon inside of him, but he also felt the magic as well as the presence of the Big 4 as they too entered Isaac's body. Soon Isaac could feel himself in control as he had finally reached clarity.

The light died down and Isaac was back in the castle hall in his pony form as he opened his eyes. Discord was also back as he was in front of him. Seems the battle with Isaac had not gone the way he wanted, but he also sensed the power that Isaac had. To be honest, what Isaac did in that moment with the speech he'd given, gave Discord a legit scare as he could tell the power that Isaac had.

The boy has a strong will. And now that he's conquered his demon, he's finally ready. Discord then started to give a clap to Isaac as it caught his attention. "Bravo, bravo. Seems what I had originally intended has actually helped you. I look forward to seeing what else you can do, Isaac. And I know that destiny can't be stopped, but maybe you can have a say in it turns out. Farewell." Discord then snapped his fingers as he disappeared in a shower of particles.

Soon the door to Spike's room opened up. "Isaac. You okay? I heard you shout." said Spike as he had awoken from his sleep hearing Isaac's shouting.

"Yeah." said Isaac as he looked straight. "I guess... I'm finally ready." stated Isaac as he had a smile on his face and was prepared for what his fate was to be.

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