• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 128: Meeting the Master

Isaac couldn't believe what he was seeing. To recap, Luna had been invited to take part in an exhibition match in Manehattan. So she figured why not have Isaac as her opponent as she figured this would be a way for not only get to have a fantastic duel, but also let Isaac have a chance to show the dueling committee what he could do. Safe to say her plan was a success as during the duel, all the people and sponsors that attended saw the skills Isaac had as they could see he had potential. They immediately saw talent and did their best to claim it for themselves. However, there was another reason on why Luna wanted Isaac to face her. Turns out she had hidden agenda in that her body was starting to tell her that she couldn't go on anymore with all the stress she had piled on with running a school and still competing on the pro scene even after her own sister was done. Luna could feel the pain that her body was saying even if her brain was saying that she could still go; so she made the decision to have one final duel with Isaac as she hoped she could go out on top and on her own terms.

It seemed to work as she was pushed to her limits by the the young teen that she was forced to continue even though her body was hurting. During the duel, Isaac proved to be a formidable foe as he was able to counter and keep up with Luna. Ultimately, it served as the sign that Luna needed as she knew Isaac was the right choice. And in the end, Isaac granted Luna's dying wish as he ended her career and officially retired the nighttime girl; to Luna she felt much, much better as she no longer had to constantly worry about the stress that was on her shoulders as she could finally enjoy retirement and gain back some of her youth. And so as a result, Luna was glad to give her torch to Isaac as she knew he earned it. After the duel, Luna had one surprise in store as she lead the two of them to a secret room where a special guest who had arrived for the event had been watching the duel. That person turned out to be none other than a dueling legend as Isaac was now meeting with the Master of Pendulum Summoning himself, Yuya Sakaki.

"Isaac, meet Yuya Sakaki." said Luna.

"Sup." responded Yuya.

"Uh, hey." said Isaac as he was in awe. "Sorry, it's just that I don't believe it. Am I actually talking with the Yuya Sakaki? The pioneer and master of pendulum summoning from across the sea?"

"Well, is there anybody else?" chuckled Yuya. "So, you're Isaac. Nice to meet you."

"It's an honor." said Isaac as he shook Yuya's hand. "So what are you doing here, uh not that I'm not grateful."

"Believe it or not, I was invited here by the dueling committee. I heard about this exhibition duel taking place and they informed me. Granted I wasn't that much invested, but when I heard it was Luna competing, I told my traveling team that I was going across the sea to see an old friend." smiled Yuya.

"You mean?" said Isaac as he looked back at Luna.

"I told you that I had to keep it a secret. Besides I wanted your attention on our duel." stated Luna.

"It nice to see Luna duel again, what's it been 6 years since I first you and your sister?" asked Yuya.

"Indeed, it was around the time you had 'supposedly' traveled to other dimensions to save them all." said Luna as she still didn't believe Yuya's adventure.

"I'm telling you it's true. I really did have to do that." responded Yuya. "Anyways, Luna also informed me about a special individual she and Celestia had. And so I also wanted to see with my own eyes. And well, I'm impressed."

"Thanks for the praises, but compared to you. I'm just a novice duelist." said Isaac.

"I don't know, based on that duel with Luna and how well you performed, I say your skills are a cut above the rest." responded Yuya.

"You'll also be pleased to know that Yuya here is now the latest duelist to have reached the legendary class status as the other members of the Big 4." said Luna.

"You mean?" started Isaac.

"Yup, looks like it's the Big 5 now." stated Yuya.

"One for each summoning method. Fusion, Synchro, Xyz, and now Pendulum." said Luna. "Of course, our side of the world has yet to be fully introduced into the world of Pendulums."

"Speaking of pendulums, I hear you got some of your own. Mind if I take a look?" asked Yuya.

"Oh, sure." said Isaac as he reached into his deck box on his belt as he pulled out the pendulum cards for Yuya. "They're nothing special, at least not compared to yours."

"I'll be the judge of that." Yuya then took Isaac's pendulum cards as he got a good look at them. Safe to say he could feel the magic that flowed through each one of them as he could sense their connection they had with Isaac. Yuya saw that each one of them was happy to have Isaac as their own as it gave him the same feeling with his cards. "Not bad, these are some great cards." said Yuya as he handed them back to Isaac.

"Well, I only have 6 so far. You've got nearly deck full of them." said Isaac as he smiled at Yuya.

"Well then, seems everything is in order. I'll let you talk with Yuya, Isaac. I'll be waiting in the lobby area when you are two are done." Luna then exited the room along with the other security guards as Yuya dismissed them and told them that he would be fine. Soon it was just the two boys as they began to talk.

"So, how are things across the sea?" asked Isaac.

"Can't complain. Everything is nice, not to mention all the Action Duels that happen on a regular basis." said Yuya. "It was nice to take a break from traveling schedule as a Dueltainer."

"I can imagine, always having to wow the crowd. Keeping them on the suspense, not to mention trying to tell a story with your dueling. It must get a lot to handle all at once." said Isaac.

"It can be at sometimes, but I have people who are there to remind me to take things slow and enjoy the little moments." Yuya then pulled out his duel disk as he tapped on it and showed Isaac some pictures of him and his friends.

"Wow, you got some incredible friends." stated Isaac.

He then saw a picture of Yuya with another person. This person was a girl as she had blue eyes and dark pink midback-length hair, which was tied up in pigtails, clipped down by blue, spherical hair clips. Her hair also featured two lighter pink bangs that fell to the side of her face. She had an outfit that consisted of a sleeveless light-blue and white shirt with a green musical note on the right collar, along with a pink tie, which she wore with a maroon skirt, dark stockings, and pink sneakers.

"Close friend of yours?" asked Isaac.

"Yeah, her name is Zuzu Boyle. She's been my childhood friend since we were little." responded Yuya.

"Oh, let me guess, girlfriend?"

"Actually, fiancé. I recently took the next step and asked her to marry me. Granted I've only done the proposal and we've yet to even sit down and plan our wedding due to both of our lives being busy with me as a Dueltainer and her trying to run her father's school while also taking part in some duels of her own. But we still make time for each and spend every second we can, we plan to hopefully settle down in the next few years and potential start a family."

"She's one lucky girl." smiled Isaac.

"Thanks, what about you? Got someone in your life?" asked Yuya.

"You could say that? Though, I don't what our future holds given that once graduation starts, we'll go our separate ways. We both have different career paths."

"Hey, chin up. If I can handle being a Dueltainer while on the road and still make time for my special someone. Then you got nothing to worry about." smiled Yuya.

"I appreciate that."

"So, I heard you got some stories. Care to take a walk with me?" asked Yuya as he started to exit the room as Isaac followed.

During the walk, both boys began to exchange tales with one another as they were surprised to see what the other had managed to accomplish in such a short amount of time in their lives. Yuya got to talking to Isaac about how he had to travel to alternate dimensions as he had to save Zuzu and stop an evil force that wanted to bring about destruction to all. Thankfully, he was able to stop them and was able to save Zuzu as they both lived the rest of their lives together. For Isaac, he told Yuya about his life growing up and how he was in love with Duel Monsters since he was a kid. He mentioned about the King of Games being his idol as he hoped one day to be just like him. Soon thereafter, Isaac told Yuya about him coming to Canterlot High and how he had to stop Sunset who was bent on taking over the school and spread her reign of terror. He defeated her and was able to give her a second chance at redemption.

From there, Isaac explained about the time he competed in the Friendship Games and how he competed in a rival school competition. Then there was the graduation duel with Shining Armor, Camp Everfree, the trip he took with the girls last year in traveling across the country. Isaac then began to tell Yuya about Celestia's retirement which he seem to have known about. So Isaac told Yuya how Celestia had picked him to be her final opponent and in the end he granted her request; then he talked about how he got his pendulum cards as they just magically appeared. From that point on, he started to do a couple of research on how pendulum cards were played and how to incorporate them into his play style which most of the videos revolved around Yuya.

"Man, to think you've been through all this since you enrolled at CHS." said Yuya as they were still walking.

"I guess. But come on, you went to different dimensions and saved the world. That's way more impressive than all the adventures I've had put together."

"Still, didn't you go to another world yourself and had to save it from evil Duel Monsters? That's not something to be taken lightly. Plus you got some cool friends that are always willing to stick by you, no matter what. That's the real treasure." said Yuya.

"Like you and your friends." stated Isaac to which Yuya just smiled.

"Speaking of Duel Monsters, Luna and Celestia also told me that you've master all the known summoning methods. That's something very few duelists have accomplish."

"Like you. I know that you have several monsters for each of the summoning methods. Ones that revolve around your dragons with your ace being at the top." said Isaac as he showed off his knowledge about Yuya. "Besides, you've had a chance to meet to the other members of the Big 4 at some points in your life. Speaking of which, was it like?"

"It's an experience like no other. In fact, after my little adventure, I actually got a chance to duel one of them." said Yuya.

"Care to share?" asked Isaac as he was interested.

"Well, it all started..."


Yuya was currently in his house as he was going over his deck. It had been about 3 months since he returned from his little adventure and saved Zuzu. During that time, his career as a Dueltainer had taken off as tons of people wanted to see him perform. He also mustered up the courage to confess his feelings for Zuzu as the two had started to date to which everybody all said they made a cute couple. Though she also did her job of reeling in Yuya whenever he wasn't taking things seriously. One day, Yuya was in his house when his girlfriend barged into his room.

"Yuya!" shouted Zuzu as it caused the young boy to fall out of his chair and land on the floor. "What are doing? I've been trying to contact you for the 20 minutes."

"Ease up, Zuzu." said Yuya as he rubbed his back. "What's going on?"

"Here." Zuzu then handed Yuya a small envelope.

Yuya then grabbed it as he began to open it up and read the letter that was inside. "It says that I've been invited to part take in an exhibition duel. Against someone, but it doesn't who."

"Well does it matter, this is your chance to wow the crowd like your dad would." said Zuzu.

"Problem is, I'm already booked. The traveling team already has my schedule planned out, not to mention Nico Smiley is expecting me to show the world my pendulum skills. Guess, I'll have to decline."

"No you don't mister!" said Zuzu as she hit Yuya on the head with her fan. "This is a big chance for you. I get that being a Dueltainer is alot, trust me I understand. But this is once in a lifetime opportunity; imagine the many new duelists you can meet. You have to take this opportunity."

"And if I don't?" asked Yuya.

"Then I'm going to drag you there myself!" said Zuzu as she was serious about that detail as she prepared to give her boyfriend another whack on the head.

"Okay, okay. I get it, settle down Zuzu. I just hope the crowd will like what I have to offer."

"Trust me, if they see what I see in you, then you'll be fine. Just promise you won't do anything reckless, we've had enough of that given our latest adventure."

"I promise. Just hope you don't miss me too much." said Yuya.

"I'll think I'll be fine." said Zuzu as she leaned forward and the two shared a kiss.

After that Yuya was already on a plane ride as he was being flown across the sea to partake in his duel. He arrived at the stadium as the crowd was ecstatic for what they were about to see. They had heard about Yuya and the way he was taking the dueling scene by storm on the other side of the world, but they had yet to see it for themselves. And with this event, they were hoping to a good show. Especially given who was selected to be Yuya's opponent.

"Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls. We welcome you to today's event. Now please give it up for our duelists!" said the announcer.

"Hello, everybody!!" shouted Yuya as he came out onto the stage. "I hope you all are enjoying the show and are having a great time."

"Oh, I'm having an incredible time. I've seen lots of cool new cards and strategies that I can't wait to test out." said another person as they appeared on the stage as they were Yuya's surprise opponent.

"That's great, but who are you?" asked Yuya.

"My name is Yusei Fudo and I'm turbo duelist. Perhaps you've seen my red motorcycle outside." stated Yusei. "I love the fast pace and speed of a duel."

"Dueling is done best when it's for the entertainment of an audience, don't you agree?" said Yuya.

"I don't see why a duel can't be fast-paced and exciting. How about you and I duel Yuya, that way I can test out some new strategies and we can put on a show for this great audience."

"That is a fantastic idea!" smiled Yuya as he slid on his duel disk.

"Watch out, Yuya. Cause I'm not pulling any punches. Let's rev it up!!" shouted Yusei as he activated his duel disk as it combined together.

"It's showtime!!" shouted Yuya with his catchphrase as he activated his duel disk and projected a card tray.

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said their duel disks.

Yuya Sakaki's Life Points: 4000-

Yusei Fudo's Life Points: 4000-

Turn 1: Yusei

"There's something strange about this Yuya kid. I can't underestimate his abilities, I better be careful." said Yusei as he drew his card. "I set two cards facedown and end my turn."

Turn 2: Yuya

"Is that all you got?" said Yuya as he drew his card. "I'll start things off by summoning Performapal Skullcrobat Joker(1800/100, Level 4, Scale 8) to my field." stated Yuya as his monster appeared on his field. "My Skullcrobat Joker's effect lets me a 'Performapal', 'Magician', or 'Odd-Eyes' monster from my deck to my hand. I'll activate its effect to do just that."

"Woah! That's alot of searching abilities attached to just one monster. I can tell that you're relying on your Skullcrobat Joker to unite the different monsters in your deck. That's why I'm activating a powerful effect of my own. I discard Effect Veiler from my hand to negate the effect of your Performapal Skullcrobat Joker." said Yusei as his monster came out and zapped away Skullcrobat Joker's power.

"As nice as it would have been to search for any card I want. I have plenty more cards already in my hand. Let's swing into action!!" shouted Yuya as the dueltainer inside of him started to come out. "Ladies and gentleman, it's time to put the pendulum scales in place."

"Pendulum scale? What in the name of red motorcycles are you taking about?" asked Yusei.

"Oh, I will tell you, Yusei. Don't you know what pendulum scales are, you can't pendulum summon without them." said Yuya.

"I can't what, what in the hell are you talking about?" shouted Yusei.

"Oh, I'll show you and the crowd. I activate Performapal Odd-Eyes Light Phoenix and Performapal Odd-Eyes Unicorn in my Pendulum Zones."

"Wait! Wait! What's a pendulum zone!?!" stated Yusei.

"Pendulum zones are where pendulums go." responded Yuya.

"What on earth are talking about, man!?!"

"I will tell you. Pendulum monsters are unique cards that are both spells and monsters. It can be placed in the Pendulum Zone as a spell card or summoned in the Monster Zone as a monster card." explained Yuya.

"Okay? And what do they do?" asked Yusei.

"Each pendulum card has a separate effect depending on whether or not it's in the Pendulum Zone or the Monster card zone. But most importantly each pendulum card placed in one of my two pendulum zones gives me a Pendulum Scale. Performapal Odd-Eyes Light Phoenix gives me a pendulum scale of 3 while Performapal Odd-Eyes Unicorn gives me a pendulum scale of 8. Now I can perform a pendulum summon." said Yuya as both of his monsters appeared in columns of light with their numbers showing in front of them.

"This isn't good." said Yusei.

"Oh no it isn't." responded Yuya. "Since the two cards in my Pendulum Zones have a scale of three and eight, I can special summon any monsters with levels 4 through 7. I'll special summon my Performapal Bubblebowbow(2300/1000, Level 6, Scale 5), and my Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon(2500/2000, Level 7, Scale 4) to the field."

"Just like that you're able to summon 2 high-level monsters to the field at once? This is insane!!" shouted Yusei.

"Yeah. That's the power of the pendulum summon." laughed Yuya with a smile on his face. "Now it's time to attack. I'm gonna wipe you out with one single attack."

"What?" responded Yusei.

"Yes, sir. I attack with Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon and activate the effect of the Performapal Odd-Eyes Unicorn in the pendulum zone. Once per turn, while my Performapal Unicorn is in my pendulum zone, I can increase the attack points of an attacking 'Odd-Eyes' monster by the attack points of one of my 'Performapal' monsters. I'll increase the attack points of my Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon attack points by the attack points of my Performapal Bubblebowbow giving it a grand total of 4800 attack points." Odd-Eyes then let out a roar as it felt the power surge. "You're finished, Yusei. It looks like the entertainment isn't going to last as long as I hoped."

"Hold it right there, Yuya. I activate Defense Draw! This card defends me from your attack and lets me draw one card from my deck." Soon a wall of cards appeared as they protected Yusei from Yuya's attack. "My life points are safe."

"You're still in danger. Performapal Skullcrobat Joker attack Yusei directly." Yuya's monster then leaped high into the air as it made contact with Yusei as it landed a hit.
Yusei's Life Points: 2200-

"Now it's my Bubblebowbow's turn to attack. Bubblebowbow finish Yusei off!" shouted Yuya.

"I activate Scrap-Iron Scarecrow!" Soon a metal scarecrow came out as it blocked the attack. "This card negates your monster's attack and then goes back facedown so that I can use it again later."

"Oh, since you didn't know what a Pendulum summon was, I thought this was going to be a quick and easy duel. But it looks like I was wrong. You made it through one of my strongest opening plays. It's your move."

Turn 3: Yusei

"My turn, I draw. First I special summon Unknown Synchron(0/0) from my hand as long as you control a monster and I don't. Next, I activate One for One. This spell card lets me send one monster from my hand to my graveyard to special summon a Level 1 monster from my deck. I send Quillbolt Hedgehog to my graveyard to special summon Tuningware(100/300). Next, I summon Synchron Carrier(0/1000); this card lets me normal summon an additional summon 'Synchron' monster this turn. Now I'll tune my Level 1 Unknown Synchron and my Level 1 Tuningware and my Level 2 Synchron Carrier." All three of Yusei's monster then combined together as they were being called upon an even stronger monster. "I Synchro Summon, Armory Arm(1800/1200)!"

"Wow!" said Yuya as he had seen his fair share of Synchro Summoning, but the way Yusei did it gave off an aura.

"Whenever Tuningware is used to Synchro summon, I get to draw a card. Next I activate this spell card, Tuning. This card lets me add a 'Synchron' tuner monster from my deck to my hand and then send the top card of my deck to the graveyard. I'll add Junk Synchron to my hand and then discard the top card of my deck. Are you still with me?" asked Yusei.

"I sure am." said Yuya with an excitement in his voice.

"I'll use the extra summon granted to me by my Synchron Carrier to normal summon Junk Synchron." Yusei now had his favorite tuner monster on the field. "I activate Junk Synchro's effect to special summon Tuningware from my graveyard. Welcome back, Tuningware it's been too long. Next I activate the effect of my Quillbolt Hedgehog from my graveyard, while I control a tuner like Junk Synchron, I can special summon Quillbolt Hedgehog from my graveyard."

"I see you have your own ways of summoning multiple monsters to the field." said Yuya.

"That's right, but it doesn't stop there. Now it's time for a second Synchro Summon, I tune my Level 3 Junk Synchron with my Level 1 Tuningware and Level 2 Quillbolt Hedgehog." Junk Synchron then pulled a cord on itself as it transformed into three giant green rings as Yusei's other monsters jumped in between the rings. "I Synchro Summon, Stardust Charge Warrior(2000/1300)! When Stardust Charge Warrior is summoned, I get to draw a card plus I get to draw an additional card thanks to my Tuningware."

"My Performapal Bubblebowbow and Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon are both stronger than your Stardust Charge Warrior and your Armory Arm."

"Well they won't be for long, my new friend. I activate Armory Arm's special ability, I equip my Armory Arm to my Stardust Charge Warrior to increase my Stardust Charge Warrior's attack by 1000 points to a grand total of 3000. Whenever my Stardust Charge Warrior destroys one of your monsters and sends it to the graveyard while equipped with Armory Arm, you lose life points equal to your monster's attack points. My Stardust Charge Warrior also has a special ability that lets it all of your monsters. You're finished, Yuya!" shouted Yusei. "Stardust Charge Warrior attack and destroy Yuya's Skullcrobat Joker." Yusei's monster then rushed over to its opponent's side as it took out his target.
Yuya's Life Points: 2800-

"Then thanks to my Armory Arm's effect, you'll lose another 1800 life points when your Skullcrobat Joker goes to the graveyard." Soon Yusei's duel disk sent him a message as it informed him about something which caused Yusei to look at Yuya's life points and saw they didn't change. "Wait, what is happening? What's going on? Why isn't your Skullcrobat Joker in your graveyard and why didn't you lose 1800 life points?" asked Yusei.

"Haha, let me teach you a little lesson, Yusei. Because my Performapal Skullcrobat Joker just like each of my other monsters on my field is a pendulum monster. And when pendulum cards are destroyed or would have otherwise be sent from the field to the graveyard, they go to the Extra Deck instead." explained Yuya. "Since my Skullcrobat Joker didn't go to the graveyard, Armory Arm's effect doesn't reduce my life points."

"Wait, a group of monsters that start out in the main deck but move into the Extra Deck over the course of the duel? That's the craziest thing I've ever heard." said Yusei. "Either way my Stardust Charge Warrior isn't finished with you. Stardust Charge Warrior attack and destroy Performapal Bubblebowbow!"

"Just like before, my Bubblebowbow goes to my Extra Deck." said Yuya as he picked up his cards and slotted them in the Extra Deck compartment of his duel disk.
Yuya's Life Points: 2100-

"Now Stardust Charge Warrior attack Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!" With that Yusei had managed to clear out Yuya's entire field. "You may have survived the turn, but your field is empty and you've fallen way behind. I set two cards facedown and end my turn. It's your move."
Yuya's Life Points: 1600-

Turn 4: Yuya

"My field was empty, but I'm about to fill it back up." said Yuya as he drew his card.

"How? You only have 2 cards in your hand?" asked Yusei as he didn't believe Yuya.

"You'll see soon enough. First I activate Pot of Greed, this card lets me draw 2 more cards from my deck. Next, I summon Performapal Secondonkey(1000/2000) to my field. Since I have 2 cards in my Pendulum Zones, Secondonkey's effect lets me add any 'Performapal' monster from my deck to my hand and I'll add Performapal Pendulum Sorcerer to my hand. Next, I pendulum summon, Performapal Bubblebowbow, Performapal Skullcrobat Joker and Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon from my Extra Deck and Performapal Pendulum Sorcerer(1500/800, Level 4, Scale 2)." Yuya now had a portal open up as four lights came out with his monster arising as his newest monster to summon was in defense mode.

"No way! You can Pendulum summon monsters from your Extra Deck and your hand?" shouted Yusei.

"That's right. Now I have 5 monsters on my field. Next I activate the effect of my Performapal Pendulum Sorcerer, by destroying the 2 cards in my Pendulum Zone, I get to add 2 'Performapal' monsters from my deck to my hand. I send Performapal Odd-Eyes Unicorn and Light Phoenix to my Extra Deck, I'll add Performapal Springoose and Performapal Sleight Hand Magician to my hand." Yuya then send his pendulum cards to his extra deck as his duel disk slotted out his cards from him to grab. "Next, I tribute Performapal Secondonkey to special summon Performapal Sleight Hand Magician from my hand. Now I activate my Sleight Hand Magician's effect, by discarding a card from my hand, I can destroy your Stardust Charge Warrior."

"Oh no." said Yusei.

"Now your life points are wide open. Performapal Sleight Hand Magician finish Yusei off!!" shouted Yuya.

"I activate Stardust Re-Spark! Since your Performapal Sleight Hand Magician's attack points are greater than my life points, this card negates your attack and lets me draw a card. Then I special summon Stardust Dragon from my Extra Deck. Come forth, Stardust Dragon!" Yusei's ace monster then appeared as it let out a roar. Soon both Odd-Eyes and Stardust got a look at each other as they felt the presence of one another and their owners. It seems both were communicating as they tried to intimidate the other.

"Your Stardust Dragon is the only thing standing between me and victory. And my Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon is just as strong as it is. Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon attack and destroy Stardust Dragon!"

"Hold it right there, Yuya! I'll activate my Scrap-Iron Scarecrow. Just like before, it negates your attack and flips down for me to use again later. "

"I set one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 5: Yusei

"You may have 5 monsters on your field, but as long as I have Stardust Dragon on my field, I'm still in this duel." said Yusei as he drew his card. "I activate my facedown, Graceful Revival. I bet you remember my old friend, Tuningware. It can used as a Level 1 or Level 2 monster in a synchro summon and lets me draw a card when it's sent to the graveyard as synchro material. Graceful Revival summons it back to the field. Next I activate the effect of Jet Synchron in my graveyard, by discarding a card from my hand I can special summon Jet Synchron back to the field. I discard Rush Warrior to special summon Jet Synchron(500/0)." Yusei now had a total of 3 monsters on his field. "But that's not all, Yuya. I activate the effect of my Rush Warrior, by banishing it from my graveyard, I can return any 'Synchron' monster from my graveyard to my hand. I banish Rush Warrior from my graveyard to return Synchron Carrier to my hand." Yusei then did all the necessary things as he added his monster back to his hand.

"Next I summon Synchron Carrier. Now I tune my Level 1 Jet Synchron with my Level 2 Synchron Carrier and my Tuningware." Jet Synchron then turned into a giant green ring as the other monsters jumped into it. "I Synchro Summon, the tuner synchro Accel Synchron(500/2100) in defense mode!" said Yusei.

"So it's a tuner and a synchro." said Yuya as he was impressed by what Yusei just did. "That is fascinating."

"Indeed, now I draw one card thanks to the effect of my Tuningware. I activate the effect of my Accel Synchron, by sending Turbo Synchron from my deck to my graveyard, I reduce my Accel Synchron's level by 1. Now Stardust Dragon attack and destroy Yuya's Performapal Skullcrobat Joker!" said Yusei as his signature monster took out its target with ease.
Yuya's Life Points: 900-

"I'll return my Skullcrobat Joker to my Extra Deck." said Yuya as he sent his card away.

"It's over, Yuya. I activate Limit Overdrive, this quick-play spell card lets me combine a synchro tuner and synchro non-tuner to summon a Synchro monster whose level is equal to the sum of my two monsters' level. I combine my Level 8 Stardust Dragon and Level 4 Accel Synchron to summon my ultimate monster, Stardust Sifr Divine Dragon(4000/4000)!" shouted Yusei as he had a brand new monster that was added to his deck as it appeared for all to see. "My Stardust Sifr Divine Dragon stands strong with 4000 attack/defense points and since I'm still in my battle phase, it can still attack. Stardust Sifr Divine Dragon attack Performapal Bubblebowbow and end this duel!" commanded Yusei.

"I activate my trap card, Command Performance! As long as I control a 'Performapal' monster, this card stops your attack and switches your Stardust Sifr Divine Dragon into defense mode."

"Good move, Yuya. But even in defense mode, you're still need to overcome my dragon's 4000 defense points. It's your turn."

Turn 6: Yuya

"I can still win this duel, I draw." said Yuya as he drew his card which was followed by a streak of light. "First I activate Pot of Riches. This card lets me send 3 of the pendulum monsters in my Extra Deck back to my hand and draw 2 cards. What an awesome draw!" said Yuya as he looked at his cards. "I place Performapal Monkeyboard in my Pendulum Zone. This card's pendulum effect let me search my deck for any Level 4 or lower 'Performapal' monster and add it to my hand. I'll use its effect to grab Performapal Camel Lump from my deck. Next I'll place Performapal Camel Lump in my Pendulum Zone and activate its effect. Once per turn, I can use my Camel Lump's effect to decrease one of your monsters defense points by 800 and let one of my monsters inflict piercing damage. I'll use Camel Lump's effect to reduce your Stardust Sifr Divine Dragon's defense points to 3200 and allow my Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon to pierce through it."

"My Stardust Sifr Divine Dragon is still way stronger than your monsters." stated Yusei.

"For now. I activate the effect of the Performapal Springoose I discarded earlier, by banishing Springoose from my graveyard, I get to return 2 of my Performapal from my field to my hand. I use my Springoose's effect to return Performapal Monkeyboard and Performapal Camel Lump back to my hand. Next I activate the effect of the Performapal Sleight Hand Magician, by discarding Monkeyboard from my hand, I get to destroy your Stardust Sifr Divine Dragon!" stated Yuya.

"You didn't think that my Stardust Sifr Divine Dragon was going down that easily, did you? I activate my Stardust Sifr Divine Dragon's special ability, once per turn, I can negate the effect of one of your monsters and then destroy a card on your field. I'll negate your Performapal Sleight Hand Magician's effect and destroy your Sleight Hand Magician." stated Yusei as he took out Yuya's monster.

"What a show!" shouted Yuya as he was excited from the back and forth action he and Yusei were putting on for these people. "Now I can reactivate Performapal Camel Lump in my Pendulum Zone. This time I'll activate its effect to allow my Bubblebowbow to inflict piercing damage and reduce your Stardust Sifr Divine Dragon's defense points by another 800. Now it's just down to 2400 defense points. Now I'm inviting one more pal to the party, I summon Performapal Elephammer(2600/1800)."

"What?" said Yusei.

"I can normal summon my Elephammer without tribute whenever I have 2 or more 'Performapals' on my field. Now I switch my Performapal Pendulum Sorcerer into attack mode. Finally I activate this spell card, Performapal Dramatic Theatre." Soon the whole field started to change around them as the stage had been morphed to fit an opera setting. "This field spell lets me increase the attack points of each of my monsters by 200 for each type of monster on my field, since I have a beast, spellcaster, and dragon on my field, each of my four monsters gain 600 attack points. Elephammer attack and destroy Yusei's Stardust Sifr Divine Dragon!"

"Let me play an old friend once again, I activate Scrap-Iron Scarecrow to negate your attack." Yusei once again was able to protect his monster from being destroyed.

"I still have 3 monsters that can attack. Bubblebowbow use your 2900 attack points to attack and destroy Yusei's monster."

"Well thanks to my Stardust Sifr Divine Dragon's effect, the first time any of my cards would be destroyed each turn, it's not destroyed. That means my Stardust Sifr Divine Dragon isn't going anywhere."

"Even so, since my Camel Lump's ability let my Bubblebowbow deal piercing damage, you lose life points equal to the difference in my monster's attack points and your monster's defense points. That means you lose 500 life points." stated Yuya.
Yusei's Life Points: 1700-

And now that your Stardust Sifr Divine Dragon had already protected itself once, it's vulnerable to my next attack. Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon attack and destroy Yusei's Stardust Sifr Divine Dragon! Spiral Force!!!" shouted Yuya as his dragon took out Yusei's dragon. "And now Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon's ability kicks in, whenever it attacks a Level 5 or higher monster, any battle damage it inflicts is doubled. Go Reaction Force!!" shouted Yuya as his dragon dealt even more damage to Yusei as he put his arm up to protect himself.
Yusei's Life Points: 300-

"This isn't good." said Yusei.

"You have no cards on your field that you can use and only 300 life points left. It's over Yusei, Performapal Pendulum Sorcerer end this duel with a direct attack!!" shouted Yuya as he put his hand out.

"Hold it right there." smiled Yusei. "Are you guys ready for this move? I discard Swift Scarecrow from my hand to stop your attack and end your battle phase!!" Soon Yusei's monster came out as it created a protective wall that stopped the attack.

"Good save, but with no cards left in your hand and only a Scrap-Iron Scarecrow on your field, this duel is as good as over."

"I don't know about that Yuya, let's see how it plays out."

Turn 7: Yusei

"As long as I'm still standing, this duel isn't over. I draw." said Yusei. "I activate Pot of Desires! Now by banishing the top 10 cards of my deck facedown, I draw 2 cards from my deck. Just what I wanted!" said Yusei. "I activate the effect of my fallen Stardust Sifr Divine Dragon, by banishing it from the duel, I get to special summon any 'Stardust' monster from my graveyard. I banish Stardust Sifr Divine Dragon to special summon Stardust Charge Warrior back to the field. Now I equip my Stardust Charge Warrior with Fighting Spirit and United We Stand. Fighting Spirit increases my Stardust Charge Warrior's attack points by 300 for each monster on your field for a total of 1200. United We Stand increases my monster's attack points by 800 for each monster on my field. Even though my Stardust Charge Warrior is by itself on my field, it's never alone. Its friends are all here in spirit, now my Stardust Charge Warrior has a grand total of 4000 attack points." stated Yusei as his monster powered up to the max.

"No way!" said Yuya.

"Yes way! Stardust Charge Warrior attack and destroy Performapal Elephammer!" said Yusei as his monster did just that.
Yuya's Life Points: 100-

"And don't forget, my Stardust Charge Warrior can now attack all of the special summoned monsters on your field. It's over. Stardust Charge Warrior, attack Yuya's remaining monsters and end this duel!!" shouted Yusei as he thrusted his arm out. His monster then soared high into the sky as it came crashing down as it took out Yuya's monster and the remainder of his life points.
Yuya's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Yusei

The duel ended as the battle came to close. The crowd cheered for such a wonderful show put on by two of the top duelists.

"I can't believe I lost." said Yuya as he was still on his knees.

"Believe it." said Yusei as he stood over the young boy. He then offered his hand up as he helped the kid up.

"I really could have used some action cards, but I couldn't find any." joked Yuya as both he and Yusei let out a laugh.

"That was a tough duel, Yuya. And I bet it was as entertaining as a high-speed turbo duel."

"You're right, Yusei. All that matters is that the audience enjoyed it." said Yuya as the crowd responded to his comment as they cheered loudly for both boys. "I'm going to keep practicing my dueling skills so that I can master all sort of new strategies. And then I want a rematch." Yuya looked at Yusei with a determined look.

"I'm looking forward to it." Yusei then stuck his hand out as Yuya shook to signal the respect earned by both duelists.

Soon thereafter, Yusei introduced Yuya to the rest of the Big 4 as he immediately bonded with them. He saw the other legends and saw the King of Games as they welcomed the new kid into their group. After that Yuya headed back home as he began to tell his friends of the amazing duels he had encountered with each of the Big 4 as they opened his eyes to new tactics. Zuzu was happy that her boyfriend got to have fun as she knew he made the right call. Over the next 6 years, Yuya would continue to wow the crowd in his home as he became a celebrity in Action Duels and was ranked as one of the best Dueltainers that he even surpassed his father's legacy. He still kept in contact with the Big 4 as they would often check in on each other.

"And that's my tale." said Yuya as he finished telling Isaac his story.

"Woah, man what I wouldn't give to be in that exact moment." said Isaac as Yuya's story had given him goosebumps. "To think you battled against Yusei and as a result it led you to meet the other members of the Big 4 and how you all kept in contact with each other over the years. Now look at you, you're now in their league and now there's 5 legendary duelists."

"Yeah, well it wasn't easy. But in the end it was well worth it, especially cause of Zuzu. Without her motivation and constant nagging, I probably would never have gotten the chance I did. I owe everything to her, which is why I look forward to officially getting married to her and settling down to start our own family." said Yuya as he and Isaac came to a door. "Here we are." Yuya then pushed the door open as both duelist entered.

"Uh, this isn't the place Luna said to meet her?" asked Isaac as Yuya had brought both of them to an empty room.

"Who said we were going to meet Luna? Besides, I think she knows what we're about to do. So... you ready?" said Yuya with a smile on his face as he slotted on his duel disk as it projected his card tray.

"You're joking? Right?" asked Isaac as he couldn't tell if Yuya was being serious.

"No I'm not, I want to see what makes you go. Plus, I want to test your abilities out myself, not to mention your Pendulum Summoning." Yuya was now looking at Isaac as the pendulum around his neck started to glow, he could now see Isaac's passion and spirit as it shined the brightest from the boy. Yuya could sense that Isaac was destined for great things and that he too would join him along with the others in the ranks of greatness.

"If it's a duel you want, then I'll happy grant your request." said Isaac as he pulled out his duel disk and slotted in his deck as it projected his own card tray color that matched Yuya's.

"Good, now then I activate the Action Field..." said Yuya as he touched his duel disk screen.

"Crossover." said the A.I. as it started to change the boy's surrounding. Soon tiny platforms started to appear as they would serve as stairs in which the duelists could move all around the place. "Action cards disbursed." said the A.I. as Yuya snapped his fingers. Up above a giant bundle of cards that had the back embedded with an 'A' were shot out as they scattered all over the place.

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said their duel disks.

"Let's duel!" shouted both boys.

Isaac's Life Points: 4000-

Yuya's Life Points: 4000-

Turn 1: Yuya

"I'll kick this show off, ready or not!" said Yuya as he drew his card. He looked at it and then looked at the field as he started to move. Isaac was surprised by this until he saw Yuya moving with quick speed and agility as he did a couple of flips and hopped from platform to platform as he saw what he was looking for. Yuya then snatched the Action card as he added it to his hand.

"Sick moves!" said Isaac.

"Of course, you need to be quick in this type of environment if you want to win." stated Yuya. "But enough chitchat time to get this show officially started. Now then, I'll set the Pendulum Scale with Scale 1 Stargazer Magician and Scale 8 Timegazer Magician!"

"He's already pendulum summoning?" said Isaac in disbelief.

"I'm taking control of this duel, starting now!" shouted Yuya. Yuya's duel disk registered what he was doing as he placed the Pendulum cards on the far side of his card tray as the word 'Pendulum' in rainbow coloring spelled out to signal it worked. Yuya's two cards then appeared in columns of light as they stood still as the numbers showed in front of them. "I'm allowed to summon monsters from level 2 through 7, all at the same time. Swing far, pendulum! Carve the arc of victory! My monsters are ready to swing into action!" Yuya then thrusted his hand into the air as his monsters were summoned.

"Scratch your way to victory, Performapal Silver Claw(1800/700, Level 4, Scale 5)! Slice and dice 'em, Performapal Sword Fish(600/600)! Turn up the heat, Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!!" Yuya now had 3 of his Performapal monsters with one of them being his ace monster.

"Incredible." said Isaac as he was starstruck. "He makes it look so effortless."

"Oh, you haven't seen anything yet. But what kind of show would that be, I have yet to see what you can do. So Isaac, care to give me a demonstration of your power?" asked Yuya.

Turn 2: Isaac

"Be careful what you wish for." warned Isaac. "Now my turn."

Isaac drew his card as he looked at it and had a smile on his face. He then took off the ground as he started to climb the platforms that had been spread out as he started to show off his own parkour moves as he jumped between the landings as he too was searching for something. He soon found it as he rolled onto the landing pad as he picked it up and looked at Yuya who was standing across from him with a smile on his face as all of his monsters were next to him.

"Time to see how you judge my pendulum summoning. Now then, I'll set the Pendulum Scale with the Scale 1 Sorcerer Swordsman and the Scale 8 Mirage Magician. I'm taking control of this duel, starting now!" shouted Isaac. Isaac's duel disk registered what he was doing as he placed the Pendulum cards on the far side of his card tray as the word 'Pendulum' in rainbow coloring spelled out to signal it worked. Isaac's two cards then appeared in columns of light as they stood still as the numbers showed in front of them. "It's showtime. I'm allowed to summon monsters from level 2 through 7, all at the same time. Back and forth, to and fro, what's coming next? You'll all soon know! So swing far Pendulum and carve the arc that will lead me to victory! My monsters are ready, to swing into action!" Isaac then thrusted his hand into the air as three lights came out of the giant portal above him.

"She's certainly an eye-catcher, but don't be too distracted by her natural beauty, please welcome Magician's Valkyria! Make way for the lady of the hour, Dark Magician Girl! And lastly, please give a warm welcome to the star monster of the show, Dark Magician!" Now Isaac had three monsters on his field as he had his own pair of ace monsters.

"Not bad, Isaac." said Yuya as he was thoroughly impressed by Isaac's ability to pendulum summon. "To think that you mostly were able to practice this all on your own, that's worth a praise from me."

"Thanks, it means alot." stated Isaac.

"Now then, what are we waiting for!" said Yuya as he put his googles on and climbed onto his Odd-Eyes as he was riding on top of its head. "Time to battle!"

"You asked for it!" said Isaac as he looked at Mahad and Mana as they nodded their heads at their master.

"It's time to swing into action!!" shouted Yuya as his Odd-Eyes leaped into the sky.

"Mahad! Mana! Let's go!" shouted Isaac as he and his magicians raced forward to meet with Yuya in the middle.

Both boys had a smile on their faces as time was slowly moving. To both they were excited as they were having one of the best and most fun duels they could ever ask for. Soon Odd-Eyes started to dive through the air with Yuya on his back, as Isaac and his magicians leaped into the air as all of them made contact with each other as the entire scene faded to black with the last image of them about to hit each other.

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