• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 164: Hanging with Spirits

The weather outside was blowing hard as both snow and wind combined into one to cover the town and the citizens that lived in it. The amount of rain and sleet that was coming down from the heavens was brutal, you couldn't see 3 inches in front of you if you stepped out of your house. And the roads were covered in ice as the sanitation team did their best to put some sand and salt to help the cars avoid any unwanted crashes. As for everybody else, it was declared that everybody stay indoors until the storm blew over before heading out. The gang were all currently in the house all tucked in with their warm sweaters and hoodies as the heater was working its magic in keeping the house all nice and toasty. The girls were all in the living room as they were currently watching their favorite movies. However, there was one person missing as he told the girls that he was not to be disturbed as he had some important business to attend to.

Isaac was currently in his room as he was busy doing something that required his attention. He was currently sitting on his bed as he had his eyes closed as he was thinking back on some memories.


"You know you're not a bad Turbo Duelist, kid." said Yusei as he was overlooking the city from the skyline they were on.

"Thanks." said Isaac as he got off of the Duel Runner as he stood next to Satellite's Shooting Star as they watched the sunrise coming over the city. "So, why?"

"Why? That's easy, I wanted a challenge." said Yusei.

"You think I gave you a challenge?" asked Isaac.

"Listen, Isaac. I've seen tons of duelists in my time, you're someone who pushed me to my limits who aren't my friends. You're talented, and don't downplay your skills. I'm saving this from the bottom of my heart, you've got a bright future kid." said Yusei. "Let me see your Synchro monster."

"Sure." said Isaac as he pulled out his Dark Sorcerer Magician and gave it to one of his role model. "It's not much."

"You're right, not much." said Yusei as he reached into his back pocket and pulled out three cards. "I think these belong with you."

Isaac then took the three cards as he flipped them over. One of those three cards that Yusei had given him was his tuner monster, Enchantress of Melody. And the other two cards were both synchro monsters. Isaac was shocked on what was given to him by one of the legendary duelists that when he was about to say 'thanks' to Yusei, he saw the young man getting on his Duel Runner as he prepared to leave.

"Hey, hold on." called out Isaac as he got the attention of Yusei. "Will, I ever see you again?"

"That depends, keep on pushing forward kid. And maybe I'll pass you by when I'm on the road." smiled Yusei. "I hope that you can fulfill your potential, and those cards can help you get to the next level." Yusei then put his eye shield down as he started his engine and then gave one last salute to Isaac as he drove off down the road.

Isaac watched the man drive down the road as in the distance of Yusei's direction were 5 other figures that Isaac could make from their outlines. Once Yusei passed them, they all followed behind their leader as they disappeared into the sunrise as it was now high into the sky as morning arrived.


Isaac was still trying to process what happened that he didn't notice the two of them approach him. Soon he looked up as he saw Yuma standing over him and offering his hand. Isaac still had tears in his eyes as he saw the display of respect being shown to him by one of his inspirations. He then wiped his tears as he took Yuma's hand and stood up. They stood up not once breaking the handshake or eye contact from each other as they stared.

"You did good."


"You're definitely ready. Remember this experience and use it to help make your dueling that much better." said Yuma as he broke the handshake. "You've got what it takes, Isaac. And I'm proud to have faced you, the future is now in your hands. Make the most of it."

"I will."

Yuma then put his fist out, Isaac then did the same as both knuckles touched. "I'll see you around, buddy."

(Brief Pause)

"Yuma." said Isaac as he remembered it was that battle he acquired his new Xyz monster, Chaos Mageía.

(Next transition)

"No I'm not, I want to see what makes you go. Plus, I want to test your abilities out myself, not to mention your Pendulum Summoning." Yuya was now looking at Isaac as the pendulum around his neck started to glow, he could now see Isaac's passion and spirit as it shined the brightest from the boy. Yuya could sense that Isaac was destined for great things and that he too would join him along with the others in the ranks of greatness.

"If it's a duel you want, then I'll happy grant your request." said Isaac as he pulled out his duel disk and slotted in his deck as it projected his own card tray color that matched Yuya's.

After the duel...

"Not bad, Isaac." said Yuya as he was thoroughly impressed by Isaac's ability to pendulum summon. "To think that you mostly were able to practice this all on your own, that's worth a praise from me."

"Thanks, it means alot." stated Isaac.

"Here." said the boy as he pulled the small black box out of his pocket and tossed it at Isaac. It was the same black box that he was still keeping hidden.

"What's this?" asked the boy.

"A little gift from me to you. But don't open it yet." stated Yuya.

"Why?" asked Isaac.

"Just keep it safe for now and when the time is right, you'll know when to open it." smiled Yuya.

"Ok-ay, I trust your judgement." said Isaac as he held the small item in his hand as both boys returned back to meet with Luna.

(Scene change)

"You alright?" asked Jaden as he approached Isaac who was exhausted from their duel.

"Yeah, just taking a quick breather." joked the boy as he grabbed Jaden's hand as he pulled him up and looked the boy in his eyes.

Their duel was a hard hitting affair as both boys were all out until the final result was determined. Right now both still had their hands locked in a firm handshake as the story in their eyes was saying it all. The look, the facial expressions, the spirit that both possessed all of it was being seen by the other.

"I have to know." said Isaac as he still had the firm handshake locked with Jaden. "Our duel, just now. I have to know."

"Yes." said Jaden as he answered Isaac's question. "Good luck, and I'll see you soon." smiled the legend as he let go of Isaac's hand as he started to walk away, but not before he passed along a special skill for the boy to learn.

"Will, I?" called out Isaac.

"Hey, I'm real aren't I?" joked Jaden as he soon left through the door and it closed behind him as Isaac was left by himself.

(End of memories)

"Yusei, Yuma, Yuya, and Jaden." said Isaac as he remembered all the duels he had with each of them. He was looking at his hand as he thinking about what each one of them said to him about his future and the career he was about to embark on.

"Troubled mind." said Black Robe Mentalist as she appeared. She took of the hood of her cloak off as she only did it when it was just the two of them.

"Just thinking about something. Wondering if, I'm just setting myself up for failure? You know, these legends they believe I'll be fine, and I tell myself that to a certain degree, but what if it's all a lie. What if I'm just saying what I want to hear? The results of all the duels I had with them, allowed me to grow and learn, but is it enough?" stated Isaac as he was still looking at his hand.

"Unfortunately, my powers can't figure that out for you, master. I'm still a mentalist, but I can sense your desire. And I believe that everything will come in due time." smiled Isaac's goth magician as she managed to cheer up the boy. "Now about a little fun between the two of us?" suggested Black Robe Mentalist as she began to have some one on one time with her master.

"I'm a male. If Albert's son is my son's father, what is the relationship between Albert and me?" said Isaac as he repeated the question that was asked by his Black Robe Mentalist.

"Well?" asked Black Robe Mentalist in her goth voice.

"Uhm... uhm," Isaac was really trying to think of the answer to this riddle, "Isn't it, you're Albert's son?"

"Correct." said Black Robe Mentalist.

"Finally." said Isaac as fell back and laid on his bed. "My brain hurts from all these riddles."

"But your suffering is fun for me." smiled Black Robe Mentalist.

"Great, that makes me feel so much better." said Isaac in a sarcastic tone as his magician just smiled. "Nice to see you smiling."

"I'm not smiling." said Black Robe Mentalist as she got rid of her expression and went back to her moody mood.

"You sure about that?" snickered Isaac.

"Do want to see demons in your dreams?" asked Black Robe Mentalist as her hand was lighting up with her magic.

"Alright, alright." said Isaac in a panicked voice as he stopped his teasing of his magician.

"Did I mention how much I love seeing you get scared?" snickered Black Robe Mentalist. Soon another spirit was starting to make their presence as she quickly put the hood of her cloak back on as Isaac just rolled his eyes.

"How's it hanging, Captain?" asked one of Isaac's male teen magicians as it was his Sorcerer Swordsman. "You won't believe what I found on my latest treasure hunt." said the male as he pulled out his sword and infused his magical powers as he made the chest appear in front of Isaac as it was full of jewels and doubloons.

"Woah." said Isaac as he let out a wolf-whistle at the amount of treasure that his magician found on his latest crusade.

"Trust me, the battle with the Kraken was no easy task." said Sorcerer Swordsman as he took off his pirate hat and dusted it off making sure to not mess up the feather on it.

"This is why I told you to steer clear of that creature." said another one of Isaac's female teen magician as it belonged to his Mirage Magician. "My outfit got soaked and the rest of your skeleton crew were looking me when I got wet. All they said was, 'Pretty lady'." stated Isaac's magician as she took off her masquerade eye mask.

"Hey, it's not my fault you wear clothes like that." said Sorcerer Swordsman as he pointed to his friend's appearance as he was referring to her fishnet sleeves and stockings as well as a white corset that all matched with her cerulean trench coat that she dawned.

"How about my hair?!" shouted Mirage Magician as he managed to have a crab sticking out of her long black hair.

"Hey, he likes you." chuckled Sorcerer Swordsman.

"Why did I choose to stick with you when we first appeared in Isaac's deck?" said Mirage Magician to herself as she snapped her fingers to send the crab away.

"What are you two doing here?" asked Black Robe Mentalist as she didn't like seeing her comrades show up unannounced.

"What, we can't hang out with our captain?" asked Sorcerer Swordsman.

"Are you really trying to keep Isaac all to yourself?" snickered Mirage Magician.

"Don't be ridiculous. He drives me insane with all of his positivity." said Black Robe Mentalist.

"I'm right here, you know." stated the boy as he didn't appreciate that comment. "Damn, you're ruthless, girl."

"Ignore that emo, cutie." said Black Arts Trickster as she appeared out of her magical box as flaunted her beauty. "It's not our fault, we all got along with each other. While you just lock yourself in your room and become all dark and broody."

"I like the quiet, it gets me way from you guys and your crazy antics."

"You need to find a new hobby, girlfriend. By the way, care to see my new trick, Isaac?" asked Black Arts Trickster.

"I'll think I'll pass. Remember the last time you did this."

"It told you before, that not all 'Black Magic' is bad." said the women. She then took off her leather jacket as only her mini skirt, and her yellow vest with a white undershirt remained. "See, I can make a bunny appear out of my jacket. I know the light and friendly stuff that your so called 'magicians', perform at kids' parties." The bunny then snuggled against Black Arts Tricksters as she gave it a petting before making a carrot appear as she feed the little thing.

"Guys, guys. Enough of the bickering." said another voice as it belonged to a male magician as Isaac's Sleight of Hand Magician appeared with his decks of cards levitating around him. He then straighten out his blackjack dealer outfit before snapping his fingers as a poker deck of cards appeared in front of him as he used his fast hands to shuffle and do a couple of tricks. "I say nothing more than kicking back with a friendly game of Blackjack."

"I'm not one for trusting a card shark." said Mirage Magician.

"Hey, I'm no card shark. I'm fair when I'm dealing, you just suck at luck stat." stated Sleight of Hand Magician. "Plus, whenever you guys come to visit, I make sure that my friends have all the good luck they required to win big, plus I'm the casino's star dealer. So they need me more than I need them." stated the magician.

"If that's the case, why don't they make you the owner?" asked Isaac.

"Too much work, I just enjoy playing a game of chance." said Sleight of Hand Magician as he had a small table appear in front of him as he dealt some cards for himself and his master.

"Well, what will it be Isaac?" asked Sleight of Hand Magician as he looked at his master's card as one of them was the clubs of seven.

Isaac then looked over the other card and saw it was the five of diamonds, coupled that with the seven he already had, Isaac was currently at 12. That being said, he looked at the pair of cards that his magician had as he had currently had the Jack of Spades, along with the nine of hearts which gave him a grand total of 19. So the ball was in Isaac's favor on whether or not he would risk it.

"Hit me." said the boy as his magician pulled out the top card of the deck as it was the seven of hearts.

"We're tied, Isaac. So, are you gonna hit again?" asked Sleight of Hand Magician.

Isaac was thinking on whether that was a good move, as he stand to lose more than to gain. His other magicians all looked at their master as they were waiting to see what he would do. Black Robe Mentalist took a quick peek into her master's mind as she already knew his answer.

"Hit me." said Isaac as he was willing to take a chance.

"Twenty-one." said Sleight of Hand Magician as he managed to deal Isaac the two of clubs that allowed him to win. "See, I give good luck to my friends." stated the magician to his comrades.

"Yeah, cause Isaac doesn't have good luck already." said Black Arts Trickster with a sarcastic tone as she was still feeding the bunny in her hands.

"Hey, anybody else hear elephants?" asked Isaac as he heard a faint sound. Soon a portal opened up as out came his last pendulum monster as it was his Rune-Eyes Illusionist in his ringmaster outfit.

"Well, that routine didn't go as plan." said Rune-Eyes Illusionist as he adjusted the relic in his left eye.

"You better not stampede those things into my room!" shouted Black Robe Mentalist as she hated having her mediation session interrupted by her friends' shenanigans when it came to his acts.

"Lighten up, my crew is rounding them up as we speak. Plus, I needed a break from testing out my relics." said the spellcaster. "So what's going on?"

"Nothing much." said Isaac as he looked at all of his pendulum cards in front of him as they began to interact with one another. Isaac saw the scene as he couldn't help but let out a sigh which didn't go unnoticed by his monsters.

"Something the matter, Isaac?" asked Rune-Eyes Illusionist.

"Just... thinking about stuff." said the boy.

"The future." said Black Robe Mentalist as she gave Isaac a look that reminded him that she could read his mind.

"A little. I'm almost set to graduate in a few months and I've done a lot since I first came to CHS as a sophomore. My destiny was one that I didn't want to accept fully when Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna mentioned it. But after taking sometime to process it all and meeting some influences, I'm ready." said the boy. "I just hope that when the time comes for me to move on, you'll all be by my side."

"We'll always stick with you, Isaac." said a pair of kid voices as Isaac's Magician Boy and Mage Annette appeared as they hugged their master from the side.

"We had so much fun battling with you." said Magician Boy as his hat was starting to fall over as he slipped on his overgrown clothes.

"Here you go." said Isaac as he helped his tiny magician up and put his hat back on his head as he fixed it.

"God, don't be a klutz in front of Isaac." said Mage Annette as she facepalmed herself.

"Hey, I slipped, Annette."

"This is why I tell you to get robes that match your size." said the small girl as she was starting berate her best friend.

"I told you, they look cool." said the boy magician.

"God, you're pain to deal with." said Annette to herself.

"You know, Annette. You could tell him." said Mirage Magician as she gave a wink to her ally.

"No." said Annette in a voice so that only she could hear her. "Besides, it's not like I like him or anything." stated the small girl as she looked away to avoid eye contact with her best friend.

"What are you girls talking about?" asked Magician Boy.

"Nothing! Just butt out!" said Mage Annette as she had a bit of red on her face as she looked at her friend.

"Hey, Isaac. Can I show you my new spell?" asked the kid boy as he looked at his master.

"Go for it, little guy." said Isaac.

"Yes." said the young boy as he rolled up his oversized sleeves and then struggled a bit to pick up his staff and to avoid falling off of Isaac's bed. Once he got a steady grip, he then concentrated as he chanted some words. Soon some magic began to come from his staff as it fired off and he was pushed back as he fell into Isaac's lap.

"You okay, bud?" asked Isaac as he looked at his tiny magician.

"Yeah, nothing hurt but my pride." said Magician Boy.

"Thanks for the kale." said Black Arts Trickster as she grabbed the piece of vegetable that remained from Magician Boy's spell as she rubbed the kid's hair as she feed her rabbit.

"It wasn't suppose to be that." said the boy.

"This is why I say you need to read." said Annette as she started to lecture her friend as she pointed to the book in her hand.

"Come on, Annette. Don't kick me when I'm down." said the boy as he let out a groan as he hurt his back a bit from the blast of the spell. Annette just rolled her eyes as she did her job of taking care of her friend.

Isaac just smiled at seeing his kid magicians interact when a tap on his shoulder got his attention.

"Isaac?" said Berry Magician Girl as the small baby held a book in her hand as she sucked on the pacifier in her mouth.

"Is it time already?" stated Isaac as he grabbed the small story book from his baby magician as she sat on Isaac's shoulder and got comfy. "You all want to hear a story?" asked the boy to his other magicians as they all nodded.

"Care for some musical accompaniment, Isaac?" asked Enchantress of Melody as she appeared with her lyra in her hands.

"Sure." said the Isaac.

So they all gathered around the boy's bed as he opened the small book and began to read. "There once was a man from Nantucket. Whoops wrong story, give me a sec." said the boy as he flipped through the pages.

Isaac then found the right story as he read it to the crowd of his magicians that were present as they listened to their master telling the story. Berry Magician Girl who was on his shoulder just leaned against his cheek as she sucked on her pacifier.

"And so the forces of evil were defeated and our valiant heroes who were brought together by fate purged the darkness that plagued the land. And together they ushered in a reign of peace that would last for the next thousand years. Or at least until another evil appeared that threaten to harm their home land, but that's another story." said Isaac as he closed the book. "Like it?"

"Yeah." said Berry Magician Girl as she took the book back in her hands as she nuzzled against Isaac's cheek and gave him a wet kiss.

"I love the dragon part." said Magician Boy as he started do some growls as Annette just facepalmed at how her friend was acting.

Just then there came a knock on Isaac's door.

"Isaac? Everything okay in there?" called Twilight.

"Lady Sparkle." said all of Isaac's magicians as they recognized the voice of their master's beloved.

"Yeah, everything's ok, Twi." said the boy.

"Okay, just checking up on you for the girls." said Twilight before she retreated back downstairs to join the others.

"Lady Sparkle really is a wonder." said Magician's Valkyria as she now made her presence known.

"It's no wonder, she caught Isaac's attention." said Apprentice Illusion Magician as she appeared alongside her friend.

"She's the fairest maiden I've seen on the seven seas." stated Sorcerer Swordsman.

"Isaac, do you love Twilight?" asked three more voices as they belonged to Lemon, Chocolate, and Apple Magician Girl as the trio appeared.

"Well, yeah. I mean, I'm her boyfriend."

"I think the girls are referring to something else." said Kiwi Magician Girl as she now appeared. "What they mean is, do you love her?"

"Uh, uh,... well, I mean..." Isaac was having trouble on answering that question posed by his monster as all of his magicians were waiting to see what their master would say. "Look... I love Twilight... and... well... I... maybe or maybe not..."

"Great, you broke him." said Black Robe Mentalist as she saw her master's mind as it was struggling to work.

"Guys, look I don't know what's going to happen between us when we graduate. As far as I know, Twilight's got her career path that she wants to follow. So, I can't just ask her to stick with me. We both would feel miserable, since we can't spend any time together, plus we've got different careers. So that alone means it wouldn't work out." said the boy.

"Is that what you think?" asked Mirage Magician.

"You really think that when you grow up, Twilight and you can't keep in contact?" stated Magician's Valkyria.

"Look, Isaac. We may be spirits, but we've also got a sense of humanity. And we can tell that answer isn't fully honest." said Rune-Eyes Illusionist.

"Well, I don't have an honest answer!" said Isaac with a bit of volume to his voice as it caused all of his monsters to back up a bit as they heard their master's response. The spirits of Isaac's monsters all were now cautious as they heard their master's outburst and were feeling a bit sorry for making him shout. Isaac then let out a sigh as he laid back on his bed.

"A lot of things are changing for me and in my personal life. Come graduation, that's it. I'm done, it's over, never to be seen again. I'm going to be a pro, and that takes time and dedication which is not an easy thing. All the adventures I've had, the memories, even the girls themselves, those all become afterthoughts cause I'll be solely focused on my career. You've all seen my life through my memories, and you all know that I'm trying to do the best that I can with what I'm given." Isaac now sat up as he looked at the nightstand next to his bed as he saw the picture of his family, next to it was his deck as he grabbed it. "I've put my full trust in these cards, in you guys. Before, I had nothing, then I met all of you. Despite our roles being that I'm the master and you all are the servants, I don't see it that way. I see you guys as my friends, and all I've asked in return from each of you is that you trust me."

"And we do." said Mage Annette.

"You're one of the few people who actually treat us like we're human." said Black Arts Trickster.

"Most people just look at their deck and see nothing more than monsters, soldiers even. They just summon us to do their bidding in battle." stated Kiwi Magician Girl. "But you treat us as comrades, allies, friends. We know the dangers of getting on the battle field, but we do so knowing that we trust you to lead us to victory."

"You're a great master that we all are lucky to have." said Chocolate Magician Girl.

"We believe that you're going to do fine with your life. And we'll be there right beside you, every step of the way." said Magician Boy.

"We love you, Isaac." said Berry Magician Girl as she wrapped her small arms around her master's neck.

"Thanks, everyone." said Isaac as he looked at his magicians.

Soon his monsters from his Extra Deck all appeared as they too expressed their happiness on having the boy as their master. Then both Mahad and Mana appeared as everybody went silent at seeing Isaac's star monsters. They all bowed down as in respect as they waited in silence as they allowed the three to talk.

"So, have you two been listening to all of this?" asked Isaac.

"Well, we saw nobody was home. So we figured they must have gone somewhere, just didn't expect them to all appear before you." said Mana.



Both just looked at each other; for Mahad he had a duty to uphold and that was to keep his master from harm and to be there whenever he was in trouble. Isaac knew that he was connected with his deck as his monsters could feel and sense his feelings. They knew what the other was thinking, that they feared that they would let down each other and ultimately themselves. That thought alone was what kept each other going as it pushed them forward and hoped that they could be the leader that their other comrades looked up to.



"I... I... I hope..."

"I understand." said Mahad as he looked at Isaac. He then snapped his fingers as he made a book appear in front of the boy. "Open it."

Isaac then did what his Dark Magician requested as Isaac opened the book. He saw some very old and worn down photos of Mahad and Mana from when they were human in ancient Egypt. It looked like there were standing next to someone who Isaac assumed it was their original master as he couldn't make out their image. He then flipped over some more pages as he was now seeing some modern photos as it had him in it and they were moving. Isaac saw the first time he actually talked with his magicians as it was the day of the Fall Formal where he took down Sunset from her evil reign. There were even more photos, like their battle against Shining Armor and his Blue-Eyes in the Friendship Games, then when they took on Slifer, the graduation duel at Crystal Prep for Shining Armor, Camp Everfree, his concert duel with Rara, his 18th birthday and Cadance's wedding where he and Twilight became an item, the trip they went on as they got to perform in front of Isaac's hometown. Then their encounter with Starlight and Sunburst at the Duos Cup, then facing Celestia in her retirement match as he ended her career. After that was when they joined forces with his pendulum comrades, then the incident with the Gamemaster, then the adventure they had with going to Equestria. Isaac then saw his battle with Luna as he put her to rest in her farewell match, and lastly was him teaching the kids. Of course, there was also photos of Isaac's duels with the four legendary duelists that he mentioned earlier.

All of these precious memories, Mahad had made and captured them in this spellbook as it served to him as a reminder of all of his adventures so that he could look back on his young master. He may not show much emotions due to him being loyal to his duty, but he did care about Isaac and he wanted to show the boy just how much.

"These are all the adventures we've had." said Isaac as he looked at the pages. He felt his eyes started to tear up as small drops fell onto the pages as he smiled.

"You matter to us, master." said Mahad. "No matter what you go through, no matter how much you change when you grow up, this will always remain constant. We believe in you, and we will always be there for you. We've been there for you since you were young, we may not have been able to communicate, but we had your back. And we will continue till the end of time."

"No matter if you get old and wrinkling, you're still the only man who I have eyes for." said Mana as she sat next to Isaac as nuzzled against his cheek. "You made me feel like a human, even after becoming a spirit. That's the best thing I could ever ask, and I love you because of that. I'll be there for you."

"Thanks, Mana." said Isaac as she kissed his cheek.

"Together." said Mahad as he extended his hand out to the boy.

"Together." said Isaac as he put his hand on top of his magician's. Mana then did the same as the three of them all smiled and looked at each other. The other magicians all lifted their heads and saw the touching moment between the three as they smiled.

Black Robe Mentalist even smiled despite nobody else seeing her face. Soon a rush of energy came at her as her eyes were now white. The images from when she peaked into her master's mind were now coming back to her as she clutched her head. Once more she saw the image of two duelists battling as they were shrouded in darkness as she still couldn't make them out. But this time there was more to it as it changed scene and it had one of those shadows falling down onto their knees and then laid on the ground. The second vision she saw once again had two shadows as one of them was a duelist as they were taking on something big. Like before, she couldn't figure it out but this time the scene changed as it showed the same duelist now facing off against someone who was sitting on top of a throne as they were surrounded by tons of other duelists as they prepared to fight against the one lone survivor. Then the last image she saw for the second time had a person walking towards a door as it slowly opened up as a white light came from it, standing on the other side were several similar shadows as if they were waiting for the person to arrive as they raised their duel disks up. But for this one, everything stayed the same. However, it did allow a whole new and totally different vision to appear as all the girl magician could see was the three god cards, and two other monsters as they had magical powers in them as they blasted a spell at the three gods and everything went white. She was trying to figure out what they meant, but they were still faded out and were nothing but shadows.

"AHHHHHHHH!!!" shouted Black Robe Mentalist as she fell to both of her knees while she clutched her head with both hands. Her hood becoming undone as everybody could see her true face.

"You okay, girlfriend?" asked Mana as she rushed over to her friend's side as everybody else was worried too.

"Is she alright?" asked Isaac as he got off of his bed and rushed over to his monster's side.

"I'm... fine..." said Black Robe Mentalist as she slowly stood up as she kept a hand to her head.

"Sit her down." said Isaac as he cleared the path from his magicians as he got his Black Robe Mentalist to take a seat to ease her headache. "You okay?"

"I said... I'm fine, Isaac." said the goth magician. "I just... felt a presence. More like a vision."

"What was it?" asked the boy.

"I don't know, the images that I've been seeing and trying to figure out. They're all difficult to see, they're shroud in darkness. They've developed, I'm now seeing more visions. But yet, there's still the while light that I see." said Black Robe Mentalist.

"What does it mean?" asked Mana.

"I can't figure it out. But... I can say this. This will the last time, we all will be here in this same room. All of us, together for a quite a while." said Black Robe Mentalist as her response caused everybody to have their eyes widen as there was nothing but silence.

"Is there anything else?" asked Isaac as he was concerned about that part.

"All I can say Isaac, is be strong." said Black Robe Mentalist as she started to disappear. All the other magicians then did the same as they vanished back into Isaac's deck.

Only Mahad and Mana remained as they looked at their master with some concern on their faces. Isaac too had some concern on his face as he was trying to figure out what these visions that his Black Robe Mentalist was seeing that said some form of darkness was approaching. He then looked at his faithful magicians as they put on a determined look on their face.

"Be strong, Isaac." said Mahad as he and Mana disappeared back into his deck.

Isaac looked at his stack of cards as he could feel all of his monster's presence. He then closed his eyes as he gripped his deck tightly and put it close to his chest as he prayed that whatever evil his magician had detected he would be able to defeat. Cause he didn't know it right now, but something was telling Isaac that whatever was coming was not only bad news, but it may be his greatest challenge to date. While Isaac closed his eyes the demon that lurked inside of him appear as well as the spirits of the legendary duelists that Isaac had faced up to this point. However, there was only 4 duelists out of the Big 5.

Author's Note:

Once again, planting the seeds for the final arc. Now I said, during the Hall of Fame chapter, that Isaac doesn't call Yugi by his name, but rather by his title. And I asked why is that? Well, I'll give you guys a hint, it's the same reason why Isaac called all the other members of the Big 5 by their title and not their actually name. Before he met them, he referred to them as their title/nickname. But after his experience, he now calls them by their actual name. So taking that into consideration, maybe will help you to starting thinking about why Isaac doesn't call Yugi by his actual name. And no it's not as simple as, them meeting and saying my name is... There's more to it than that.

P.S. When we do get to the final arc, which is whenever I feel I can finally start it, it will be beneficial to reread certain chapters not only to get a refresher but since they contain parts that will be brought up in the final arc. But don't worry, I'll tell you what chapters to reread when we get there, so don't worry. With that, I'll see you all in the next chapter.

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