• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 118: Tartarus

Cold, wet, dark, but more importantly hell. These word alone couldn't begin to describe just what this place was. A place where the damn are condemned, where the evil are left to rot. And the darkness comes crawling seeking vengeance. The sound of the clanking restraints could be heard from every direction of the dark prison. No one but the worst of the worst ended up in this soul crushing world of never ending darkness, so it’s only natural to hear the clanking sound of metal rattling against restricted flesh. Ever since the two sisters used their magic to guide Equestria into a more peaceful and prosperous place, there have been creatures who wreaked terrible destruction and darkness across the land. Creatures that have proven time and time again that they belong no other place than to be shackled and cut off from the rest of the world for all of time.

But we're getting ahead of ourselves, so let's rewind a bit to set the stage...

It was another peaceful day for the ponies as they were busy doing their normal stuff. As for the gang, they had decided on doing a picnic as a way for them to relax from all the adventures they've had. Even more so is that they all brought their pets so that they could have a 'pet playdate'. Soon they all arrived in the park as the group began to enjoy themselves. Of course, Isaac and Sunset provided the entertainment as they put on a few duels for their friends to enjoy.

"Ahh, isn't this nice." said Isaac as he laid down on the picnic blanket as he looked at the sky.

"Indeed, we all need some R&R." said Rarity as she had managed to bring a fainting couch with her.

"I'm just glad to be with all of you. And the pets." said Fluttershy as she was petting Angel.

"Got to say, it's kind of nice to not worry about evil forces for a while." stated Twilight as she was lying down on the blanket reading a book.

"Too bad it can't always be like that." said Applejack as she was leaning against a tree with her hat tipped down. "As far as we know, we still got a job to do."

"Friendship missions, Duel Monster spirits, personal stuff. Can't we just forget about for one day." stated Rainbow as she was in the air doing some fancy flight maneuvers.

"Yeah, especially when we still have yet to play some of the games, I've brought for this hangout." said Pinkie with excitement.

"Well, when you say it all at once, we all have done a lot in such a short amount of time." said Spike as he was munching on a sandwich.

"That's why I need this." said Sunset. "Plus, it's nice to visit my old home and see how it's changed since last I remember."

"So call we official call this a 'well deserved day off'?" asked Isaac.

"Agreed!" said everypony else. Even their pets made noises.

"Well, if that's the case. Why should I only be the one to relax?" said Isaac as he looked at his deck. "Come on out guys." Soon Isaac's deck began to glow as the spirits of his monsters all appeared in front of their master. "Go on and have fun." said Isaac as he gave his monsters their order.

They all nodded as they began to mingle with each other, though Mahad still remained by Isaac's side as he told the pony that it was his duty to protect him at all cost. Isaac just simply shrugged his shoulders as he let Mahad do his thing. Eventually, Sunset did the same as she let out all of her monsters of her deck as Red-Eyes and his tribe of dragons appeared. Even the Spike's Flame Swordsman decided to join in as he began to talk with some of his old friends. Overall, it was a nice, peaceful day that served everypony.

As good as the gang enjoyed their day off, it was now back to business, especially with some important news. Princess Celestia had received reports from some of her guards. Apparently, they were checking on Tartarus making sure that nothing that was locked inside had escaped. Everything seemed fine, until they noticed a creature nearby. It didn't see the guards as it slipped through a tiny crack in the wall as it entered the place. The guards then decided to check it out as they opened the gates of Tartarus, once they opened it up they saw the many evil creatures that were imprisoned. They then saw Cerberus as he was doing his regular patrol; eventually they heard some nearby noise as they looked down below the main floor. What they could make out was several groups of Duel Monsters as they were talking among the officers with the commander sitting at the head of the table. They didn't hear much other that they were planning on releasing the creatures imprisoned and use them as their army to take over Equestria. The guards then left as they informed both princesses.

Once Celestia and Luna had received the report, she then had her secretary, Raven Inkwell send a message to Twilight. Twilight then got the scroll as Spike burped it out and she read it as her eyes grew wide. She then told Spike to gather Sunset and Isaac as she felt like this would be a tough test.

"Tartarus?" said Isaac.

"Yup." nodded Isaac.

"As in the place talked about in Greek Mythology where the wicked are punished?"

"Yup." confirmed Spike.

"Seems whoever is in charge of that underground group is looking to cause a lot of trouble." said Twilight. "Tartarus is a place where the most evil creatures are kept and most of them are dangerous. Especially, him." said Twilight.

"Who?" asked Sunset.

"Nothing." said Twilight as she didn't want to worry her friends. "Anyways, it seems we don't have much time. Based on what the guards saw, they seem to have enough forces to bust open the cages and then use those creatures as the main force of the army. if that happens, they there's no stopping what's to come. You both need to defeat them."

"Don't you mean, 'we'?" said Isaac as he pointed to her.

"Sorry, I wish me or the others could come. But it seems Pinkie needs our help with planning a party. Apparently she managed to get pony popstar Countess Coloratura to perform here for the Helping Hooves Music Festival. So she needs out help in setting up the event. Which means you two are going to have to handle this yourselves." said Twilight.

"Nothing we're not used to." smiled Sunset. "Well, we better get ready."

Both ponies then began to head back to their rooms as they prepared for a trip. They both knew the danger of this trip and more importantly it was going to be the dangerous they both had so far. Eventually both prepared their bags as they met in the hallway of the castle. Twilight and Spike had met with the two as they wanted to see the two of them off.

"Okay, just remember. Tartarus is a place that's full of evil; no matter what, don't give in to the darkness. And try to come back alive." said Twilight with a worry tone.

"You make it sound as if we're gonna die." said Isaac. "Chill, Twi. We'll be back, nothing to worry about."

"You're surprising calm with all this." said Spike.

"Hey, Shadow Games. Remember?"

"Oh, right." said Spike.

"Anyways, this spell will help you guys to enter the place. But there's a time limit, you only have two hours to find and defeat the person in charge. After that the spell will wear off and you'll be locked inside." said Twilight. "Also they'll be creatures you haven't seen, whatever you do, be careful."

"Anything else we should know about." asked Isaac.

"Just one, make sure you avoid a certain prisoner. No matter how convincing he is, don't let him fool you." said Twilight with extreme in her voice.

"Alright, we'll be careful." said Sunset.

"Be safe and I pray that you guys are successful." Twilight and Spike then gave Isaac a hug as they wished their friend the best of luck. "Try not to do anything stupid."

"Can't make any promises." said Isaac as he let out a smile. "But don't worry, I'll be back. Besides, I have a princess that I need to protect." Isaac then ran his hoof through Twilight's mane as she moaned at his touch. She then gave a quick kiss on the colt's cheek as Spike gave him a hug.

With that both waved goodbye as they were on their way. Twilight had given the pair a map as it showed the route to take. So they were off to deal with a serious threat that may put Equestria in jeopardy. It took a while as the trek was longer than anticipated. They stopped a few times to rest their hooves before continuing on their way, eventually they arrived at the place that laid before them. It was about sundown as the moon was starting to come up, thankfully it provided some light so that both ponies could see.

"Well, here it is. The door to Tartarus itself." said Sunset.

"Did Princess Celestia ever take you to see this when you were her student?" asked Isaac.

"No. And to honest, I'm glad she didn't." Sunset then approached the door as she placed her hoof on the metal door as she could sense the evil magic flowing through. "Remember, once we cast this spell to open the door, we'll have two hours to finish the job. A second late, and we'll be trapped in there forever."

"Then let's not waste anytime." said Isaac. "On your command." Isaac then grabbed Sunset's hoof as he prepared to do the spell with her.

Sunset nodded as she closed her eyes and both ponies concentrated. They felt the magic flowing from their bodies as it caused them to sweat heavily, soon their horns lit up as it shot against the door and made a huge unlocking sound as it caused the door to open. Immediately it was dark as both ponies took a minute to prepare themselves. They then stepped into the hellish place as the door behind closed with a thud.

The darkness inside was still there as Isaac and Sunset could only see each other's eyes. Soon it started to fade as the darkness lifted. The first thing that both ponies saw were cages as they rattled against one another; the main thing that really caught Isaac's attention was the creatures that were locked inside the cage. He noticed what appeared to be a sort of Chimera as it was a mesh of a tiger and a goat in body with the tail as a snake. Plus it also had a head for each animal part. Another creature, the pair noticed seemed to be some sort of bear, but it had bug parts. It was a giant bear with two sets of arms, wings, and a giant stinger on its bottom. Isaac then looked at a sign that said 'Beware. Don't look directly at Cockatrice.'

"What?" was all Isaac said when he heard a sound. Isaac currently was next to the cage that held the Cockatrice as he still had his head down.

"Isaac. Whatever you do, don't look up." said Sunset as she had her hoof over her eyes to avoid being turned into stone.

"No shit!" responded Isaac. He then slowly walked away as he still kept his head down to the ground.

Both ponies still kept their head down as they walked past the Cockatrice as it let out a cry. Once they were a fair distance, they then lifted their heads up as they looked around and saw other creatures that were growling and snarling as they saw the pair as food. Both of them kept an eye out for anything suspicious as they kept on walking past the many creatures. Soon they came onto a crossroads as it provide the pair with two paths.

"Which way do we go?" asked Isaac.

"We don't have much time. Our best bet is split up and check each path. One of them is bound to lead to our objective." said Sunset. "You go left, and I'll go right. Should we see something, we go get the other immediately."

"Alright, be safe Sunset." said Isaac as he began to walk on the left path.

"Be careful, boy toy." said Sunset as she descended on the right path.

Sunset continued down on her path for a good amount as she kept looking around her. Nothing but cliffs and rock as it felt like she was literally in hell. Soon she heard something as her ear flicked. She then looked down below her and could make out something. She then started to slowly tip to into a hole in the wall as she traveled through the caverns. As she kept walking, she could hear the voices getting louder as she got close. Soon she came into a hole in the wall as she could look in what appeared to be a small discussion room with several Duel Monsters all gathered around the table. Thankfully, none of them could see Sunset as the hole was far too small for them to notice. Soon the noise died down as in came the one in charge.

The one in charge was the Duel Monster spirit Armored Zombie. He was joined by his comrades in the form of Clown Zombie and Reborn Zombie. Soon all three of them sat down as they discussed something.

"So, what's the status so far?" asked Armored Zombie.

"Well, my liege. According to our scouts, it seems we're one of the last remaining ones left. Battleguard King had fallen, Fire Kraken burnt up, and Mobius met his demise up north. Which means we only have one person left to content with if we want our side to be victorious." said Reborn Zombie.

"Well, that means we have more fun for ourselves. I'll admit the ones who have taken down our foes are doing wonders for us." cackled Zombie Clown. "They were fools to pick places where the denizens of this land can strike them. We managed to pick a smart place, in which is no one would ever dare step foot."

"Even so, that means we don't have as much forces as the others did. But that can be fixed with the creatures in the upper level. Once we make the final preparations, we'll free the animals and force them to fight on our side. Then we break down the door to Tartarus and let the evil that reigns in this world come alive." said Armored Zombie.

"And what about our special guest?" said Reborn Zombie. "Based on what he told us when we first got here, it seems he isn't the 'team player' type."

"I have no intentions for him, unless he's willing to join our side." said Armored Zombie. "Now then, both of you. Prepare your groups, we leave to carry out our plan very soon." stated Armored Zombie as the others nodded and they all left.

"I need to find Isaac." said Sunset as she began to make her way out of the cave and in search for the colt.

Isaac was walking along the path as he kept looking around him as he saw tons of rocks and caves. He soon noticed his path was starting to head upwards. Isaac then heard a rumbling as he saw a giant monster in front of him. More importantly, it was a three headed dog as it let out a roar.

"I guessing your Cerberus." said Isaac. He then pulled out a ball from his saddle bag as he waved it in front of the beast who immediately turned into a giant puppy. "Fetch boy!" shouted Isaac as he threw the ball and Cerberus chased after it. "Good thing Pinkie has balls stashed around all over Equestria, in case of ball emergencies." He then started back on walking as he noticed something at the top of his path. Eventually Isaac came to the end of his trail as he noticed a cage in the center but inside was something or someone.

"I swear when I get out of these wretched, vile chains; I will show those accursed ponies what REAL power looks like." said the thing inside the cage which was some sort of centaur. "Those princesses…they think they’re so smart with their magical powers. They’d be nothing but glorified swine without their precious magic." Soon the sound of hoofs was heard as it caused the creature to cease his mumbling. "Finally come to gloat, Princess..."

Isaac stood there as he looked at the creature inside. It had red skin and was rather skinny.

"A pony? No... there's something different about you. Of course, a human."

"You know what I am?"

"But of course, I can sense the magic that flows within you. Perhaps you could share some of that power with me?" snickered the centaur.

"Why would I do that? I don't even who the hell you are." stated Isaac.

"Forgive, my name is Lord Tirek. The rightful ruler of Equestria."

"Ahh, so you're Tirek." said Isaac. "Twilight told me all about you."

"Did she now?"

"Yup, told me how she whooped your ass all over Equestria." smiled Isaac smugly.

"Well, your little princess forgot to mention that I forced her to give me her magic in exchange for her pathetic friends. And I would have won if it wasn't for them." said Tirek. "But that's all in the past, and I'm willing to turn over a new leaf. So why don't you let me out of this prison and we could work together to defeat Celestia and Luna."

"Yeah, going to take a hard pass on that. Seems Twilight was trying to warn me about you." said Isaac. "Besides, I have a job to do."

"Aww, yes. Your mission. Despite being locked away, news has a way of spreading in Equestria. Not to mention, I've felt the shift in balance when it comes to magic."

"You mean you know about these Duel Monster spirits that've been appearing." asked Isaac.

"I felt them the moment they stepped foot in Equestria. I knew then that would be my opportunity to escape this hell. But I also noticed another force, one more powerful than them. Almost as if it was destiny itself." said Tirek as he looked down at Isaac.

"You mean me?"

"Correct. I can see that the demon that was once locked inside of you; begging to be release, trying to take control of you. You managed to join your spirit with it." said Tirek as he licked his lips. "A power like that is definitely a tasty meal. Perhaps you could give me a taste." Tirek then opened his mouth as he tried to suck the magic out of Isaac. Isaac just stood there as a barrier appeared around the colt as Tirek's absorption just bounced off. "What sorcery is this? Explain yourself colt!" demanded Tirek.

Isaac just simply smiled as the barrier around him disappeared and the spirit of his Dark Magician appeared.

"As long as I'm here, no harm shall come to the master." said Mahad. "So try your best, beast. For I will do all I can to protect my master. As his loyal servant, it's my duty."

"Hmm, you're a strong one colt. You would make a fine ally." said Tirek.

"It's alright, Mahad. I can handle him." said Isaac as he dismissed his Dark Magician. He then sat in front of Tirek as he pulled out somethings from his saddle bags.

"What are you doing?" asked Tirek.

"You're right, all of this talking is making me hungry." smiled Isaac smugly. He then pulled out a couple of foods that ranged from sweets to sandwiches to even some honey-glazed gems that could be editable for ponies. "Man, so much to choose from. I can't decide what I should eat. The creamy flavor of the cupcakes; the rich vanilla bean as it touches your tongue not to mention the chocolatey frosting that melts on it. But there's the daisy sandwich, rich in flavor and the satisfy crunchy sound when you bite into it." said Isaac as he was like a master chef describing the food in the most mouth watering description. "And that's not to forget about the honey-glazed gems, the right amount of coatness to get that savory taste. The way it melts in your mouth and sticks to your teeth."

"You really are a villain." said Tirek as he too fell for Isaac's way of speaking as it got his stomach to grumble.

"But all this food and I can't decide. Maybe I should ask the magic conch." said Isaac as he pulled out a seashell that had a little string on it and a speaker. "Magic conch, should I eat the cupcakes?" asked Isaac as he pulled the string.

"Yes." said the shell.

"Good enough for me." said Isaac as he began to eat in front of the centaur. "Oh my bad, did you want some?" smiled Isaac smugly.

"Give me. This place doesn't serve the most well prepared meal." said Tirek as he tried to grab at Isaac and the food.

"Ah, ah. You gotta ask the magic conch." said Isaac as he pulled out the shell for the centaur to use.

Tirek just swiped it as he couldn't believe he was falling for the colt's antics, but he was famished. "Magic conch, should I have the sandwich or the gem?" asked Tirek as he pulled the string.

"Neither." said the shell in a sassy voice.

"Oh, how about the cupcakes?"

"I don't think so." replied the shell.

"Could I have something to eat?"


"Could I have something to eat?"


"Could I have something to eat?"


"Can't you say anything else but no?" asked Tirek as he yanked on the string as he was now fully mad.

"Try asking again." replied the shell.

"Can I have something to eat!?!" shouted Tirek.

"No." said the shell as it pushed Tirek over the edge as he threw the small piece into the abyss below him.

"Ha, ha. That was priceless." said Isaac as he couldn't stop laughing at what he saw. His laughing was soon interrupted by Sunset who had found the colt.

"Isaac. Enough fooling around, I found our targets and need to move fast." said Sunset as she called out to the stallion.

Isaac then stood up as he prepared to chase after Sunset when he turned back and looked at Tirek who had just turned away in his cage in disgruntle. Isaac then used his magic as he pushed the food into the cage as the centaur was surprised by what the colt did as he looked at him.

"I may be temporary a pony, but I'm still human. So I hope you accept my act of humanity." said Isaac as he raced back down the path.

Tirek just looked at the food that had been laid out for him as he watched Isaac disappear back down the trail. He then began to eat away at the food as he let a tiny smile on his face.

Isaac had found Sunset back at the crossroad where they split as she led him down the path. Isaac looked at his watch and saw that an hour had already passed and if they wanted to complete their mission and get out, they needed to hurry. So Sunset and Isaac raced down the path she had followed earlier as they passed the hole that Sunset walked into to listen in on the conversation. They reached the end of the trail as it winded down in a spiral as they found themselves at the bottom. Soon they heard some noise as it cause both of them to hide in a small crack; due to it being a tight fit, Sunset had to push herself up against Isaac as they remained quiet. They noticed some minions walk by as they were Ghostrick Ghoul and Ghostrick Mummy.

They soon passed by, but just as Isaac and Sunset were about to step out, Reborn Zombie appeared as he looked at his forces.

"Hurry up. We're on a time limit. Once we get up there, we're to free those freaks and use them to our advantage." stated Reborn Zombie as he gave his command. Soon all of them disappeared into another cave as they went on their way.

Isaac peaked his head out a bit to check his surroundings. "I think the coast is clear." said Isaac as he pulled his head back.

"Good." said Sunset. She then got a sly smile as she realized the position they were in. She then placed her hoof on Isaac's chest as it stopped him from exiting their spot.

"Sunset, what are you doing?" asked Isaac.

"Just having a bit of fun." said the orange unicorn as she gave Isaac a seductive look. "Been awhile since we found ourselves in this position. Better make the most of it." Sunset then planted her lips on Isaac's as she let out a moan. Isaac was caught off guard by Sunset's actions but he didn't have much space to move around as he let the mare finish. Sunset then retracted from Isaac's lips as a trial of saliva was left hanging before she nuzzled her neck against Isaac's and nibble his mane a bit before yanking playfully his ear.

"Finished?" asked Isaac with a sly smile.

"I'm satisfied... for now." said Sunset. With that she got out first as it allowed Isaac to now move around.

Both of them then took a quick look around before they heading into the cave that Reborn Zombie came through. They came into a much larger room as it had several blackboards and tables covered with tons of designs and maps. From what both ponies could make out it seemed to be all of the plans that this group of monsters were hopping to do once the gates of Tartarus were opened. They even had specific locations of all the places they looked to strike.

"Seems they plan an all out invasion." said Sunset.

"What's this?" said Isaac as he looked at a piece of machinery on a nearby work table. Isaac then picked it up with his magic as he examined the small device. It wasn't anything special as it just had a few writing on it that Isaac could barely make out.

"Be careful, we don't know what it is." said Sunset. Soon she heard some more voices as she used her magic to pull Isaac down underneath the table as she was on top of him.

Walking into the room was none other than Zombie Clown and a few of his minions. "Time for the mayhem to commence. Ha, ha, ha." cackled the clown. "Now then, let's see. Whoppie cushion, jack in the box. Of course a circus, an evil circus. Time to give these ponies a fright then won't soon forget." laughed Zombie Clown. "Now then, let's get the show on the road!" laughed evilly Zombie Clown as they disappeared into the tunnel that Isaac and Sunset entered through.

"How are we doing on time?" asked Sunset.

"We've got 30 minutes." said Isaac.

"Then we need to act now!" said Sunset. "Let's check this room." suggested Sunset as she pointed her hoof the way Zombie Clown came in from.

Both of them then entered through the entrance way that their enemies came from as they saw a flight of stairs. They began to quietly walk up as they approached the door. They then slowly opened it as they came to a throne room of sorts as it had skulls hanging on the walls along with torches lined along the path to the throne. In the middle of the room was Armored Zombie as he was kneeling down on the floor almost like he was doing a ceremonial practice.

"There's our target." said Isaac.

"Boss, we're just about ready." spoke a minion that was contacting Armored Zombie through his helmet.

"Excellent. Get ready, once I get there. We move out." said Armored Zombie.

"We need to stop him now." said Sunset.

"But we also need to take care of the his sub-officers. Think you can handle this guy." asked Isaac.

"Please, I can take him. Good luck, Isaac." said Sunset. Isaac then went back down the stairs as he made sure to not let anybody disturb Sunset as she stepped foot into the room. She did her best to remain quiet as she hoped to perform a sneak attack while he was distracted. Just as she got closer, Armored Zombie opened his eyes and shot out some shurikens as Sunset noticed this and put up a magic shield that protected her from being hit by them.

"You're quick on your feet." said Armor Zombie.

"I'm here to stop you." stated Sunset.

"I'm afraid you're too late. My forces and I am already set on invading all this land has to offer. And I should thank you, because of you and your friend. We've gotten that much closer to being the winning side between the other factions. Not all we need to do is wipe out the other group and then Equestria will ours for the taking." said Armored Zombie as he stood up.

"Well, I plan on stopping you." said Sunset as she took her position.

Isaac was outside as he was guarding the stairway when he heard voices.

"Boss, what's taking so long?" shouted Zombie Clown.

"We need to continue on with the plan." informed Reborn Zombie.

"I'm afraid your boss is busying at the moment." said Isaac as he got the attention of both officers. "Besides, my friend has an important meeting with him that's not to be interrupted. So for the time being, you both are going to have to deal with me." said Isaac as he activated his duel disk and projected a gold card tray.

"Seems the only way this is going to end is with one of us winning this duel." said Sunset as she activated her duel disk and projected a red card tray.

"A fitting place for someone like you, to be left alone where no one will ever find you." said Armored Zombie as he slid on his duel disk.

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said their duel disks.

Armored Zombie's Life Points: 8000-

Sunset Shimmer's Life Points: 8000-

Turn 1: Armored Zombie

"I'll begin, to start I summon Spherous Lady(400/1400) in defense mode. And then play one card facedown and end my turn." said Armored Zombie.

Turn 2: Sunset

"I'm up, so here goes." said Sunset as she drew her card. "I'll play the ritual spell card, Dark Dragon Ritual. So I'll send my Gearfried the Red-Eyes Iron Knight so that I can ritual summon Paladin of Dark Dragon." Sunset then sent her warrior to the grave as a portal up above opened up and out came a dragon and a rider that were covered from head to toe in black armor. "Now I'll have my monster attack Spherous Lady." shouted Sunset. "My monster has a unique ability in that at the start of the damage step, it can destroy that monster. With that, I'll end my turn."

Turn 3: Armored Zombie

"Impressive, now I'll play the continuous spell Vampire Domain. Now once per turn, I can pay 500 life points to conduct an additional summon this turn. So I'll do just that." said Armored Zombie.
Armored Zombie's Life Points: 7500-

"Now, I'll summon my Vampire Hunter(1600/1600)." Out came a male that wore a cape and held a whip. "But that's not all, cause I'll also call out Vampire Sorcerer(1500/1500)." This time a female sorcerer appeared as she wielded a staff and gave a mean look. "Now time to attack, Vampire Hunter take out her Paladin of Dark Dragon."

"Go right ahead, my monster is stronger than yours." said Sunset.

"Oh, I guess I forgot to mention Vampire Hunter's special ability. At the start of the Damage Step, when it battles a Dark it can destroy that monster."

"What?!" said Sunset. Soon her dragon raised its lance only for it to be knocked out of its hand and then struck down by Vampire Hunter's whip.

"And now, Vampire Sorcerer will attack you directly!" shouted Armored Zombie. Vampire Sorcerer then casted a spell that shot towards Sunset.
Sunset's Life Points: 6500-

"And now the second effect of my Vampire Domain activates. So whenever you take battle damage, I gain the amount you lost." said Armored Zombie. "With that, I'll place one card facedown and end my turn."
Armored Zombie's Life Points: 9000-

Turn 4: Sunset

"My turn, I draw." This isn't a good spot, that spell card of his allows him to pay 500 life points to summon another monster and then he just gain more life points whenever I take battle damage. Not to mention that his Vampire Hunter makes it so that whenever it battles a Dark monster, it's instantly destroyed. "I'll now play the Black Stone of Legend then I'll activate its effect so that I can summon my Red-Eyes B. Dragon." Sunset now had her ace dragon as it let out a mighty roar. "Next, I'll play Hammer Shot to destroy your Vampire Hunter." said Sunset as the monster was gone. "So now Red-Eyes take out his Vampire Sorcerer!" Red-Eyes then shot a fireball that took out Vampire Sorcerer as it exploded into flames.
Armored Zombie's Life Points: 8100-

"Now the effect of my Vampire Sorcerer activates, now I can add 1 'Vampire' monster or 1 'Vampire' spell/trap from my deck to my hand." said Armored Zombie. Soon he made his choice as his duel disk slotted out the card for his to grab.

"Now, I'll end my turn with a facedown." said Sunset.

Turn 5: Armored Zombie

"Now, I'll reveal my trap Vampire Awakening. Thanks to this, I can special summon a 'Vampire' monster from my deck but at the end of this turn it's destroyed. So I choose to summon my Vampire Dragon(2400/0)." Out came a dragon as it had fangs and one eye as it looked at Sunset. "Then, I'll activate the effect of my Vampire Sorcerer so by banishing her I can normal summon a Dark 'Vampire' monster without tributing. So join the ranks, Vampire Fraulein(600/2000) in defense mode." Armored Zombie now had two monsters on his field as it caused Sunset to get a bit worried.

"Now that I have two Level 5 monsters, I'll now build the Overlay Network." shouted Armored Zombie as both of his monsters transformed into dark lights as they were sucked into the vortex. "I Xyz Summon, Crimson Knight Vampire Bram(2500/0, OU: 2)." Out came an undead warrior as it wielded a sword and shield while letting out an undead cry. "Now time to strike, Crimson Knight Vampire Bram attack Red-Eyes B. Dragon." said Armored Zombie as his monster slayed Sunset's dragon.
Sunset's Life Points: 6400-

"As per my spell, I now gain the life points you lost." said Armored Zombie. "I'll then end my turn."
Armored Zombie's Life Points: 8200-

Turn 6: Sunset

"My draw, to start I'll activate the effect of my Black Stone of Legend to add it back to my hand and shuffle Red-Eyes back to my deck." Sunset's duel disk then slotted out her Black Stone card for her as it moved her Red-Eyes card back into the deck as the autoshuffler kicked in. "Now, I'll play the spell Red-Eyes Fusion and with I'll combine my Red-Eyes Black Dragon with Summoned Skull from my deck." Sunset's monsters then appeared as they were being combined together a new more powerful beast was coming. "I Fusion Summon, Archfiend Black Skull Dragon." said Sunset as her new monster landed with a thud.

Outside, Isaac and the other officers could hear the sound of Sunset summoning her monster as it shook the ground.

"What was that?" asked Reborn Zombie.

"Oh, nothing." smiled Isaac. "Now then let's back to our duel, Dark Magician take out the rest of Clown Zombie's life points." said Isaac. His magician heard Isaac's command as he fired off a powerful spell that took out the rest of Clown Zombie's point as he fell back and turned into particles. "Just one left." smiled Isaac.

"Now time for my monster to strike. Archfiend Black Skull Dragon has a special ability, when it attacks or is attacked, you can't activate any cards/effects till the end of the Damage Step. So take aim and destroy that vampire!" shouted Sunset. Her monster then opened its mouth as it shot off a fireball that took out the undead monster.
Armored Zombie's Life Points: 7500-

"And you're about to lose some more life points." said Sunset. "Cause my Archfiend has another ability, in which I can return my Red-Eyes B. Dragon back to my deck and as a result, you take damage equal to its attack points." shouted Sunset. Red-Eyes then appeared as it spirit was engulfed in flames and sent crashing into Armored Zombie.
Armored Zombie's Life Points: 5100-

"With that done, I'll place one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 7: Armored Zombie

"Not bad, now then." said Armored Zombie as he picked up his card. "To start, I'll play Graceful Charity so that I can draw three more cards." Armored Zombie then picked up his cards as he selected the ones he wanted to get rid of. "Now, I'll reveal my facedown Call of the Haunted. So now I can revive my Vampire Scarlet Scourge(2200/2200)." Out came a monster that wore a red cape as bats flew from it. "Now, since my Scarlet Scourge was summoned, I can pay 1000 life points to revive another 'vampire' in play but it can't attack. So arise, my Vampire Red Baron(2400/1000)!" The ground opened up and a knight covered in red armored appeared as it rode on a horse who also wore red armor.
Armored Zombie's Life Points: 4100-

Now he has two Level 6 monsters.

"Now, with these two monsters, I build the Overlay Network once again." said Armored Zombie. Both monsters then transformed into orbs as they were sucked into the portal that opened in the ground. "I Xyz Summon, Dhampir Vampire Sheridan(2600/1000, OLU: 2)." Out came a monster that was dressed in a proper suit as it was white and had a skull on its shoulder pads. "Now I'll activate my Sheridan's ability, so by using one Overlay Unit, I can target one card on your side of the field and send it to the graveyard. So say goodbye, Archfiend Black Skull Dragon."

"Oh no." said Sunset as she watched her monster be sent away.

"Now, I'll have my Dhampir Vampire Sheridan attack you directly!" shouted Armored Zombie. His monster then heard its command as he delivered a powerful attack to Sunset.
Sunset's Life Points: 3800-

"And don't forget that since my Vampire's Domain is still in play, I gain the amount of life points you just lost. Next, I'll end my turn."
Armored Zombie's Life Points: 6700-

Turn 8: Sunset

"My turn, now I'll play the Black Stone of Legend once more. Then I'll sacrifice it so that I can summon my Red-Eyes Alterative Black Dragon." Sunset's stone then cracked as out came a dragon as it let out a roar. "Then I'll place one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 9: Armored Zombie

"Poor move, now I'll activate my Vampire's Domain, so by paying 500 life points I can conduct another summon this turn." said Armored Zombie.
Armored Zombie's Life Points: 6200-

"Which means, I'll summon my Vampire Familiar(500/0) and then sacrifice it to summon my Vampire's Curse(2000/800). Then I'll activate my Sheridan's effect, so using the last Xyz material, I can send your dragon to the graveyard!" Sheridan then pointed his staff at Sunset's monster as it was gone in a red light. "And now that your field is empty, my two monsters will wipe out the remaining life points. Sheridan attack her directly!" shouted Armored Zombie as his monster leaped into the air as it looked to strike down Sunset.

"I activate the effect of my Battle Fader, when you declare a direct attack, I can special summoned this monster and end the battle phase." said Sunset as her monster came out and made a huge clanking sound as it brought Armored Zombie's monster to a stop.

"Lucy break. Well, I'll just end my turn with a facedown."

Turn 10: Sunset

"Back to me, now I'll activate the effect of my Black Stone of Legend..."

"Not gonna happen, cause I reveal my facedown, Vampire Domination. So now the effect of your Black Stone of Legend is negated, which means you can't add it back to your hand." stated Armored Zombie.

"Not good." said Sunset as that was a move she was always relying on. "I now play this, Cards of the Red Stone. So by sending one Level 7 'Red-Eyes' from my hand and deck, I'm allowed to draw two cards." Sunset then sent a pair of Toon Red-Eyes as she looked at her deck. I hope this works. Sunset took a deep breath as she drew her cards. "Now, I'll play my Red-Eyes Baby Dragon in defense mode. And with that, I'll end my turn with a facedown."

Turn 11: Armored Zombie

"A small dragon, well I can't blame you. Now I play Graceful Charity so that I can pick up 3 cards and discard 2. Then I remove my Vampire Lord from play so that I can summon my Vampire Genesis(3000/2100). And now, I'll have my Dhampir Vampire Sheridan take out your Red-Eyes Baby Dragon." Sheridan then unleashed its power as Sunset's tiny monster tried to hang on only for it to be blown away.

"And now it's time for me to win, cause now my monster's effect activates so that means I can summon a Level 7 or lower 'Red-Eyes' monster from my deck. So arise, Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon! And I can equip my Red-Eyes Baby Dragon onto my new monster to give him an extra 300 attack points." Sunset now had her own undead monster as it appeared on the field.

"Well, your dragon is still weak. Now Vampire Genesis take out her beast."

"I reveal my facedown, Negate Attack. So now the battle ends once mode." said Sunset as she managed to dodge an attack for the second time.

"I've had enough of this! Fine then, I'll just end my turn." shouted Armored Zombie as he was angry.

"Time to finish this, now Black Arts Trickster end this." shouted Isaac as he gave his female spellcaster her order and she casted her magic from her hands as it took out the rest of Reborn Zombie's life points as he dropped to his knees and then turned into particles. "Well, that's taken care of. Better check on Sunset." said Isaac as he deactivated his duel disk and began to climb the stairs to check on his friend. Isaac opened the door and was surprised by what he saw.

Turn 12: Sunset

"Time for me to win this, cause we go, I draw!" shouted Sunset as she hoped to get the card she needed. "Perfect, now I summon Red Resonator and since I summoned Red Resonator, I can also summon a Level 4 or lower monster from my hand, so come on out Red-Eyes Wyvern!" Sunset now had four monsters on her field as she looked to do something new. "And now the stage is set, behold I tune my Level 2 Red Resonator with my Level 1 Battle Fader and Level 4 Red-Eyes Wyvern!" shouted Sunset as her tuner monster split into two green rings as the other monsters jumped in between.

"No way? Sunset is synchro summoning?" stated Isaac as this was the first time she was doing this type of summoning method with her own deck.

"I Synchro Summon, Red-Eyes Zombie Necro Dragon(2400/2000)!" said Sunset. Out came a dragon that looked similar to Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon as it was engulfed in blue flames as it let out an undead roar.

"Talk about nothing, that dragon is even weaker than your other one." stated Armored Zombie.

"Then I should probably explain my monster's effect, see Red-Eyes Zombie Necro Dragon gains 100 extra attack and defense points for every Zombie that's in the graveyard and on the field." smiled Sunset.

"What? Repeat that?" asked Armored Zombie as he was surprised.

"So let's give a quick roll call." said Sunset as all the Zombie cards that had been in play so far appeared as their spirits were giving power to her dragon. "Thanks to you, there's a total of 11 'Zombie' cards so that means my Red-Eyes Zombie Necro Dragon rises up to 3500 attack/defense points." Red-Eyes Zombie Necro Dragon then felt its flames get bigger as it felt the power surge. "Now, I'll activate the effect of my Black Metal Dragon and give my Red-Eyes Zombie Necro Dragon another 600 attack points to give him a grand total of 4100 attack. Lastly, I'll reveal my facedown, Red-Eyes Fang with Chain to grant my Red-Eyes Zombie Necro Dragon a second attack. And now, Red-Eyes Zombie Necro Dragon attack Vampire Genesis and Dhampir Vampire Sheridan." said Sunset as her dragon shot a blue flame as it took out its targets.
Armored Zombie's Life Points: 3600-

"And my Red-Eyes Zombie Necro Dragon's effect activates, which means since another 'Zombie' monster was destroyed in battle, I can revive a 'Zombie' monster on my side of the field. So I choose to bring back your Dhampir Vampire Sheridan." said Sunset. Dhampir Vampire Sheridan then appeared on Sunset's field as it came from a coffin.

"No!" said Armored Zombie as he realized the situation dawned on him.

"Looks like this duel is all wrapped up, now Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon and Dhampir Vampire Sheridan finish this duel!" shouted Sunset. Her monsters heard her command as they combined their attacks and shot it towards Armored Zombie who was thrown against the wall as he fell to the floor before disappearing into particles.

Sunset let out a deep breath as she fell on the floor a bit.

"Not bad." said Isaac as he entered the room. "Didn't expect you to Synchro Summon of all things?"

"Well, this seemed like the perfect situation for me to do it." chuckled Sunset as she got back to her feet. "Which means you better what out, boy toy. Not that I know how to perform all 3 summoning methods."

"It takes more than just one Synchro summon, okay Sunny." mocked Isaac. "Anyways, we need to hurry. Cause we only have... 5 minutes?!" shouted Isaac as he looked at his watch.

"What are waiting we for?! Hurry up!" shouted Sunset as she and Isaac raced out of the door and began to run.

Both ponies put everything they had into running up the path they used as time was ticking down. They manage to get to the main level as they took a few seconds to catch their breaths as they had only a minute and a half before the spell wore off.

"I don't think we're gonna make it." shouted Sunset as she could feel her horn sending the message that the spell was wearing off.

"We have to!" shouted Isaac. Soon a light began to glow from Isaac's pocket. It caused the colt to stop and pull out the device he kept from the worktable. "Huh?"

"Isaac?!" shouted Sunset as she was on the outside of the entrance as the doors were now closing fast. She tried to use her magic to keep it open, but it was like trying to pull someone who was heavier as her feet dragged on the floor.

Isaac was still looked at the small device he held in his magic as the light was starting to get brighter and brighter as it caused him to close his eyes to avoid being blind. Soon the doors closed and Sunset fell on the floor as the sound of unlocking was heard. Sunset was scared as she saw that Isaac wasn't out.

"No! No!" shouted Sunset as she banged on the solid metal door. "Isaac?! What am I gonna tell Twilight?" said Sunset as she started to cry a bit. Soon she heard something as the door was starting to make sounds as if it was being unlocked; Sunset then took a few steps back as she was unsure of what was happening. The door then slowly opened as she saw something that shocked her. There was Isaac, but he was now in the clothes of his Dark Magician almost like they were one in the same.

"Sunset! I can't hold it forever, mind giving me a hand." said Isaac as his horn was lit up as he was keeping the doors open.

Sunset gave a nod as she used her magic to surround Isaac and put everything she had into pulling him out of the damn place as they collapsed on the floor with him landing on top of her as his appearance changed back.

"Thanks, Sun..." was all Isaac said before he was kissed by the orange unicorn.

"You idiot!" shouted Sunset. "Why did you stop moving?"

"Well, something was happening to the device I picked up." stated Isaac.

"Still, you couldn't have done that after we got out!" Sunset was still angry at Isaac. She then wrapped her hooves around Isaac as she gave him a strong hug as she was scared he would do something stupid if she let go. "I... was... scared. Scared that you wouldn't get out and that it be my fault. Imagine what I would have to tell both Twilights?"

"I understand, and I'm sorry." smiled Isaac as he lifted her head to look at her face.

"You better be. What would I do without my favorite boy toy?" she said as she looked at the stallion. "Let's go, I want to go home."

"Alright." said Isaac as he began to walk with her.

"By the way, why were you wearing your Dark Magician's outfit?" asked Sunset.

"Well, it seems that device is more than what it appears to be. Apparently it attached to my body and well become some sort of chest plate. Next thing, I knew was my Dark Magician appeared in front of me and then we just sort of combined together. Almost like our souls were connected." said Isaac. "I could see and feel everything that Mahad was seeing as well as vice versa."

"Why do you get all the cool shit?" asked Sunset with some sass.

"Hey, protagonist powers. Blame the person that came up with that idea that almost every show and movie follows." said Isaac.

Both ponies just let out a laugh. Soon they started to make their way back to Ponyville. They had managed to reach the hilltop overlooking the town as nighttime had already fallen on the town. Both of them saw the massive crowd of ponies gathering around the stage as Countess Coloratura was singing a powerful song and brought Aj and the CMC on stage with her as they performed one last song. Isaac and Sunset just simply watched from the hilltop as they relaxed as their job was completed.

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