• Published 3rd Nov 2016
  • 4,518 Views, 374 Comments

Champion of the Sun - Onomonopia

Luna and Celestia try to stop the wrath of a mad man with the aid of a Megaman.

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A coarse wind blew through the mane of the princess of the night, lifting the mane off of her shoulders for a brief moment before they laid upon her shoulders once more. But to the eternal torment of the princess, her mane was all that moved in the barren wasteland. Luna slowly moved her gaze from left to right as she looked around the barren wasteland, tear slowly streaming out of her eyes as she tried not to think too hard about what had once been there.

Off to her left she remembered having spent time at a small candy store that had once made a number of sweets she enjoyed. To her right used to be a library where she had spent many nights and a few mornings reading up on all the years that she had missed. And before her she remembered a beautiful castle, one that towered over the land and inspired all those that saw it with hope.

Now it was all dust. The once great town that had been a hope to so many was dust in the wind. Those that had once filled the air with the sounds of laughter and happiness were ash. Luna lifted a hoof and wiped the tears away from her eyes as she realized that she could still hear the echoes of their voices. Hear them still happy. Still hear the magic in them.

Then Luna realized that it wasn't just the buildings and the ponies that were gone. There was something else as well. Something that Luna had noticed every time she had walked through the streets, conversing with the ponies and living in their world. The magic was gone.

"Staring won't bring them back."

Luna shook the tears from her eyes and glanced over her shoulder at Celestia, who was knelt down in front of a large archway constructed of the strongest materials that they were able to find. Celestia had her back to her sister, yet just like when they were little somehow she seemed to know what Luan was doing. Luna returned her gaze to the barren landscape before she shook her head and turned to join her sister, gritting her teeth as pain coursed through the right side of her body.

"Are you feeling alright? Do you need me to stop and use another healing spell?" Celestia asked without turning to look at her sister.

"No. I will be fine," Luna said quickly as she glanced down at her left side, making sure to only look at her left. She then lifted her head and stared at the archway, feeling the tiniest hints of rage burning in her veins. "It is more important that we finish this machine...that we don't let him get away with what he's done."

"Indeed," Celestia said as she rose to her hooves and set her horn alight, creating a spiraling ring of energy around her horn that she then poured into the center of the arch. Her white magic was sucked into the sides and caused the arch to come to life with magic, which started to circle around the outlines. "But I hope that this will take us to him. I've scrounged up as much of my tomes on dimensional travels as I could, but I still could be putting us in considerable risk."

"What have we got to lose, sister?" Luna said with a small smirk before the pain smacked it off of her face. "He's already taken our home, our subjects and everything we cherish aside from each other. All we have left to lose is our lives."

"And I swore he would not take mine until I rip his head clean from his body," Celestia snarled as she poured more of her magic into the archway, causing it to roar with power as a vortex of her magic began to swirl within the arch. Luna walked over to her sisters side and gently placed a hoof upon her shoulder, stemming the rage until the proper time.

Luna then pointed her horn at the vortex and fired a stream of lunar magic into the center of the portal. With her lunar magic combined with Celestia's solar magic, the portal let loose a bellow before a hole was torn in the center of the archway before the both of them. Both Celestia and Luna's eyes went wide as they gazed into the vortex that seemed to go into eternity.

"So...this will take us to where he is? The Maestro," Luna said in a near whisper, unable to say the monsters name without shaking with rage. Celestia could only nod her head in agreement before she took a step towards the vortex, but Luna grabbed her shoulder with a hoof to stop her. "Are you certain? We have only just opened it and we have no idea whether it will work or not."

"It will have to. It is all we have left," Celestia said with a bitter snarl. "Come sister. We have a monster to put down."

"Sister...are you sure that you don't want to look one last time?" Luna asked her sister, who stopped in her tracks but only continued to stare ahead. "This is...was our home. And even if you are consumed with this desire for vengeance...are you sure you don't want to lay eyes upon our home once again?"

"Sister...if I look back, I may not be able to leave," Celestia whispered as she hung her head, before raising it once more as she continued to stare into the portal. "So I can only continue to look ahead, towards the next world that we have to go and protect. Because if I look back, I will be stuck here forever."

"Then let us not look to our failures. Let us look ahead to what we need to focus on," Luna agreed as she stood beside her sister, wrapping her left wing around her sisters shoulder. Celestia glanced over at Luna and winced on reflex, still having trouble looking at her sisters burned right side and missing right wing. But when she looked to her sister she found only confidence and belief in her with her sisters eyes.

"Indeed. Let us go."

The two took in a deep breath before they walked into the vortex, vanishing within the spiraling vortex of energy and magic. The moment that they were gone, the archway collapsed into a pile of dust, joining the rest of the world that had once been called Equestria. A strong gust of wind took hold of the dust and spread it to the corners of what was left of the world...which was now truly empty.


"Gonna be late," the blue and green alien known as Omega-Xis reminded with a smirk as he watched a fourteen year old boy race around his bedroom, looking in vain for his visualizers. Omega-Xis let out another chuckle as the kid growled in frustration as he ran up the stairs to his loft, tearing off the covers on his bed in hopes that his glasses were under them.

"And she is going to be mad. Might wanna step on it, Geo," Omega taunted with a smirk as Geo hurled himself down the stairs, landing with a grunt on the ground before he shot up to his feet. The teen glanced around with frustration building in his eyes, getting Omega to sigh as he rested against his arm made of waves. "We were safe five minutes ago. Now we'll be ten minutes late and also in trouble."

"I'm looking, Mega!" Geo roared in reply before he glanced up at the ceiling, narrowing his eyes with his confusion when he spied the greenish visualizers that he had been searching for dangling from the ceiling. "Mega, how in the world did they-"

"You tossed them up there last night after a tough battle with some EM viruses," Mega reminded Geo as the alien slammed a fist into the wall, knocking the glasses loose from the ceiling. They fell into Geo's awaiting hands, where he quickly slid them over his head.

"How do I look?" Geo asked.

Mega glanced up and down Geo, surprised to see that he was wearing a tan long sleeved shirt underneath of his sleeveless red jacket. Mega approved of the blue pants that went all the way down to the kids red boots, but what he wasn't certain of was why Geo suddenly cared about fashion all of a sudden.

"You look fine. Perfect for a funeral," Mega replied with a shrug, smiling when Geo raised an eyebrow in confusion. "What I mean by that is that we are fifteen minutes late, which essentially makes us dead men walking. Because by the time we get there-"

"Oh crap! We need to go!" Geo yelled as he raced towards the door, getting Mega to smirk before he vanished back into Geo's wizard carrying device. From within the personal terminal Mega watched as the teen slid through his living room, waving to his mother before he burst through the door and raced into the streets of Echo Ridge.

Geo sprinted towards the bus stop as fast as he could go, barely stopping to wave to the residents who waved to him. Mega knew that the effort was futile, but he gave the teen props for holding on to the faintest glimmer of hope as he ran. The two reached the bus stop after a two minute run, but when Geo rounded thee corner he found a very angry looking girl and two nervous looking boys awaiting him.

"Well look who it is," said a girl wearing a proper outfit snarled, her massive ponytail bouncing along with her rage. Geo's face fell as he placed a hand behind his head as he started to stammer out an excuse, while Omega-Xis noticed how the girls ponytail looked like a giant turbine when she got angry. "Ten thirty, Geo. That was what we all agreed on. What time is it now? Bud, what time is it now?"

"It's, uh, ten fifty," the larger and more muscular of the two boys said nervously.

"Correct. Ten fifty. Not ten, not fifteen but TWENTY minutes after we agreed to meet up," the girl snarled as she got right into the face of Geo.

"Now Luna, I know that I'm late, but I have a good reason," Geo tried to explain, but Luna held out a hand and silenced him on the spot.

"I do not care for your excuse. All I know is that if you are late once more-" Whatever she was going to say was silenced when Omega-Xis erupted from Geo's personal device in a flash of EM waves, roaring to the heavens as he did so. Luna yelped as she staggered back, getting a chuckle out of Mega as he stretched one of his shoulders. "Mega! What are you doing scaring me like that?!"

"I heard enough of your chit-chat and decided to end the conversation a little early," Mega replied with a smirk as he stretched his neck from side to side, smirking down at the slightly nervous girl. "So we can drop this whole thing here or I can chase you around for a few minutes like we used to do. Your choice."

With a grumble Luna accepted her defeat, moving to the side and allowing Geo to walk over to his other two friends. All three looked at each other for a moment before they all let out a nervous laugh, knowing that they had all gotten out of trouble for the time being.

"Crazy way to start a morning, eh Geo?" Bud asked as he clapped Geo on the back, causing the kid with the spiky hair to stagger forward a bit.

"Indeed. There was only a ten percent chance that you would be late. And nine percent of that involved your Megaman activities," Zack, a short boy with glasses and a very studious outfit, said to Geo as he pushed his glasses back up the bridge of his nose.

"Well, something happened. Then another thing happened. You guys know how it goes," Geo said with a shrug before all three of them glanced back to see Luna and Mega yelling at each other over something. "So how are you guys doing? With all my police work I haven't had the chance to catch up with you in a while. Anything new?"

"Yeah, only the second half of Sonia's new show started airing," Bud said, chuckling aloud when Geo whipped his head to face him. "Yep, it's been the talk of the town. Everyone has been singing their praises about it and how good of an actor Sonia is."

"She really is something else, isn't she?" Geo said with a warm smile as he stared off at the clouds for a moment, wondering how his best friend was doing.

"Yes, but a lot of people are also upset with the show and the fact that they've given Sonia a potential love interest,' Zack cut in with his eyes completely hidden by his glasses reflective surface, a devious smile spreading when Geo looked down at him with a blank expression upon his face.


"You heard me. Seems they found another famous teenage actor that everyone loves and is making him the love interest on the show," Zack continued on with a shrug of his shoulders and a sly smirk upon his face. "Handsome, talented and famous. I can see why they would want him. I bet him and Sonia would make a great couple."

Geo stared ahead for a moment while Bud elbowed Zack in the back of the head, shutting the smaller teen up with a hard glare before walking over to Geo. Before he could say something to comfort his friend, Geo's Hunter VG began to ring and snapped the teen out of his thoughts.

"Hello?" Geo asked as he pulled up the device.

"Hey there, Hero of Earth. How's it going?"

"Ace?" Geo asked with some surprise, a smile crossing his face when a man with shiny black hair materialized in front of him. "What's up? Considering it's only been three days since we last spoke, I assume that this is important?"

"Of course it's important," Ace said as a serious expression crossed his face. "Downtown, near the mall, we've detected high levels of energy. Like nothing we've ever seen before. Every scientist we've got at the base says that this is an entirely new form of power. And it looks to be tearing open a hole in the fabric of reality."

"So, end of the world or beginning of the end of the world?" Geo asked with a smile, before he put on his game face and saluted. "Don't worry, I know what you want me to do. Go there and stop whoever is trying to tear apart space and time. Right?"

"Haha, that's the hero for you. Always knows what to do," Ace said as he retuned the salute, before the screen went to static as it vanished. Geo tucked away his Hunter before giving a glance at the two boys, both of who gave him the thumbs up. He smiled in response before he turned to face Luna, who had an annoyed expression on her face.


"I know already. Just be quick about saving the world so that you can be back in time for the movie," Luna said with a sigh as she waved him away. Geo nodded his thanks before he and Mega took off running, Geo whipping out his Hunter once again as he did so. He then thrust the Hunter into the air as Mega lined up perfectly behind him.

"Transcode! Megaman! ON! THE! AIR!"

A blue light wrapped around Geo as a deep blue body suit formed over him. Mega disappeared while his armor attached to Geo. The shoulder plates fit into place while the chest piece and boots slid over their respective places. And finally a head piece fitted onto Geo's head, with a red visor sliding into place over his eyes. He thrust his left hand forward as a buster formed on it, red eyes glowing as the two finished their transformation.

Megaman then rocketed into the sky, heading off to save the day once more.