• Published 3rd Nov 2016
  • 4,519 Views, 374 Comments

Champion of the Sun - Onomonopia

Luna and Celestia try to stop the wrath of a mad man with the aid of a Megaman.

  • ...

The Stelar House

The tram was unusually quiet for the afternoon, with only a handful of people and one alicorn sitting on board. Geo and his friends were fast asleep, all of them tired from the long couple of days that they had. Celestia, who was used to working through exhaustion, was reading a news display that Ace had been kind enough to loan to her and she was reading through what was going on in the world. And the two Stelars were looking down at their son, each of them both concerned and proud of their little hero.

"Thank you," Kelvin said to Celestia after a long time of silence, getting Celestia to lift her eyes to glance at him. "For saving my son. For traveling across reality to warn us of the impending danger. We owe everything to you."

"You are welcome," Celestia replied before she went back to reading, interested in the more historical section of the display. She glanced her eyes back at the two Stelars, who were still looking at her, and she sighed before she placed the display beside her. "Alright, you have my full attention. What more do you have to say?"

"We just want to learn more about you," Hope said as she leaned forward with interest. "I mean, talking animals are incredibly rare. A talking Pegasus with a unicorns horn that can use her magic to move the sun? That's something I never thought I would say in my life. We're just...curious about you."

"There is little to say. My sister and I were the rulers of our own land, protecting the ponies that lived within it. Then the Maestro appeared and took away everything we cared about," Celestia said dismissively, yet Kelvin's eyes were sharp enough to notice the hints of sorrow that was hidden beneath her gaze.

"You miss them all, don't you?" Kelvin asked, getting Celestia to close her eyes with a sigh. "You know that for three years my family thought that I was dead?" This got Celestia to open her eyes and as she gazed at the human with curiosity, Kelvin continued.

"I was on a space station that was on a quest to an alien planet. Our goal was to make peace with them and maybe open up a kind of partnership with them," Kelvin said before shaking his head bitterly. "But their king was distrustful and sent his generals to attack us. Everyone onboard was killed. Except for me, thanks to that alien Geo's with that has a wonderful attitude."

"Yer welcome, Kelvin," Mega grunted.

"He turned me into what he is. An EM being. And as an EM being, I escaped from the station and spent years traveling the stars...until I ran into a meteor of noise that was heading for the Earth." Celestia was curious how a meteor could be made of noise could exist in space, but she chose to remain silent as Kelvin continued. "So for a long time I battled with it, trying to move it off course from Earth. Of course later I found out that my efforts were practically for naught, but the meteor was eventually stopped."

"By you?"

"By Geo. Or Megaman, to be more specific. He's saved the world three, now four, times," Kelvin said with pride, before giving Celestia a serious expression. "So I know what it's like to be away from home and not sure whether you'll make it back. But what I don't know is how are you still functioning after losing your world. Losing everything."

"I guess it is because I didn't lose everything. Even with everything I've gone through, I've still got my sister," Celestia said before her face darkened. "And my unrelenting desire for revenge."

"And I can understand why," Hope said before she shook her head. "I just don't know how anyone could be so cruel as to wipe out an entire world without any sense of guilt."

"Simple. Because Maestro isn't a person. He is evil. Simply evil."

The rest of the tram ride was done in silence, with the Stelar's choosing to enjoy sitting with their family while Celestia lost herself to her thoughts. Leaving her to be slightly startled when the tram came to a halt and snapped her free of her thoughts. The teens woke up with the halting of the tram and they all staggered out of the tram, with Celestia and Kelvin being the last to leave the tram.

Even with thoughts of what the Maestro did to her world still on her mind, Celestia felt her gaze soften a bit as she gazed around at the small town of Echo Ridge. The grass was soft under her hooves, there was a calm breeze in the air and from the station she could see kids running around and having fun under what little sunlight they had left.

'This feels...a little bit like home,' she thought to herself before realizing that she had fallen behind from the group and having to walk quickly to catch up with them. Bud, Zack and Luna all separated when they got to their houses, leaving Celestia to walk along with the Stelar's, all of who kept an eye on Geo who was practically sleepwalking at that point.

"And this is our little slice of heaven," Hope introduced to Celestia as she opened the door to a small, nice looking house with flowers out front that were enjoying the sunset as much as Celestia was. For a moment Celestia stared at the sun, amazed to see it moving without any aid from her. And she had tried to move it, only to find that this one didn't listen to her. "Come on in!"

Celestia stepped into their house to find that it was...simple. A nice kitchen, a small living room and numerous doors that Celestia supposed lead to their rooms. But she found that there was a sense of calm in the small house, one that appealed to her more than her castle ever had.

'So this is what a house ruled by love feels like. I suppose the only time I found a place close to this was Cadence and...dammit all,' Celestia thought before she shook her head and smiled at her hosts. "It is a wonderful little home. Nice and comfortable."

"Thank you, I've practically run the place myself, what with this one being in space and this one saving the world," Hope said as she grabbed both Kelvin and Geo and pulled them in tight. The two guys rubbed the back of their heads before Hope released them, walking to the kitchen. "So are you hungry? Because we've got plenty of food for you."

"No thank you, I have eaten," Celestia stated, but her stomach betrayed her by grumbling a moment later. Kelvin and Hope both let out a laugh, while Geo staggered towards the stairs to his bedroom.

"Why don't you get something for our guest, I'll set up her bed," Kelvin said to Hope, who nodded before she headed towards the fridge. Celestia glanced over at Kelvin to see him press a button on a device and a moment later a bed materialized in the middle of the room. Celestia raised an eyebrow in amazement, before she turned around to see Hope working hard on numerous salads and vegetable dishes.

"So you think he's dead?" Kelvin asked Celestia in a near whisper, not having to specify the who he was talking about.

"I don't think so. If he was so easy to kill I'm certain that somepony in one of the others billions of worlds he has supposedly been to would have killed him," Celestia stated bluntly, eyes narrowing as she thought about what Maestro had said to him. "And that may have not been his actual body. From the way he was talking, it seems he was more annoyed about being destroyed than afraid. No, I don't think we've seen the last of him."

"I see...perhaps I should join up with WAZA and help you guys in fighting him, if he does pop back up," Kelvin muttered aloud as he crossed his arms. "I haven't fought in a while, but I'm certain that with a few weeks of practice I should be able to aid you guys against him."

"Now I see where Geo gets it from. You would be of no aid to us in a battle against him," Celestia stated, silencing Kelvin with a royal glare before he could argue. "Your son said the same thing you are about to and then the Maestro nearly killed him. I do not say you would be of no use because of my opinion. It is nothing more than a fact."

"I suppose you would be the expert on that," Kelvin admitted begrudgingly.

"Dinners ready!" Hope interrupted, placing numerous dishes on the table for the both of them. Kelvin seemed to forget all about their conversation as he raced to the table, while Celestia moved the chair from her side as she was clearly too big for it. "So Celestia, have you done any sightseeing while on Earth?" Hope asked as the group started to eat.

"No. My biggest concern was making sure my sister was okay, then using all of my power to kill the Maestro," Celestia said with narrowed eyes, before taking a bite of her food. "And the only time I "saw the sights", you son was attacked by my mortal enemy and was nearly killed. So no, I have not taken in the sights."

"Wow. Way to kill the mood," Hope muttered under her breath, not knowing that Celestia could hear her. Celestia sighed as she realized she had unintentionally been cold to her guest, something that she found herself doing more and more.

"Sigh...where would you recommend me looking if I had to go sightseeing?" Celestia asked, getting the two Stelar's to raise their eyebrows in surprise. "Hopefully it is some place close by."

"Yeah, there's a really cool mall near here that kids love to hang at these days," Hope said as she put a finger on her chin. "Then there's a neat little shopping center that has a movie theater. Did you have movies on your world?"

"Yes and all of them were terrible," Celestia replied with a smirk, having been bored to sleep by most of the movies she had seen.

"How about letting Geo show you around tomorrow? Him and his friends could use a break and you could definitely use some down time," Kelvin suggested as he polished off his dinner. "Not to mention Ace told you to stay close to Geo incase of attack, so this way everything works out."

"You are very trusting with your son, aren't you?"

"Well yeah. He is the hero of Earth and is way more responsible that practically every other kid his age," Hope said with a laugh. "You shoulder hear all the mothers at school telling me they wish their kids were like Geo. Speaking of, do you have any kids, Celestia?"

Hope realized what she had said the moment after it left her mouth and she clapped two hands over her mouth. She tried to apologize, but Celestia held out a wing to stop her before she could speak.

"No, I do not have any children. And also no, the Maestro did not kill them. I was single," Celestia clarified, getting Hope to sigh in relief as she held a hand to her heart. "And it wasn't that I didn't have any suitors, it's just...I may not look it, but I am immortal. Age wise, at least. I've been around for two thousand years at this point."

Kelvin dropped his fork in disbelief while Hope stared at Celestia with amazement and a bit of envy. "So getting into a relationship...it didn't appeal to me as much. I had just had sent my sister to the moon and when you outlive everyone you love, including your children...it motivates you to stay alone."

"Geez, I'm sorry to hear that," Kelvin muttered as he took a drink.

"Well, at the very least it meant that I didn't lose anyone I loved when the Maestro destroyed my world," Celestia said, trying to put a positive spin on it, before her face fell. "We just lost everypony else."

The three sat in silence for a long time, each of them lost in thought. Then Celestia stood up and bowed to Hope slightly. "Thank you for the meal. I would now like to take a walk to clear my mind. Is there any place nearby that you would recommend me to visit?"

"Yeah, Vista Point. It's right by the school, so you can't miss it," Hope replied. Celestia nodded before she left the building, walking out of the house to realize it was already night. She took in a deep breath, taking in the quiet and peace of the small town before she headed off towards the school. A sign told her that the Vista was to her left and a moment later she was standing on a metal platform that was on the edge of a drop, where she could see all of the stars in the sky perfectly.

'This is a nice world. It reminds me a bit of Equestria, but with technology instead of magic,' Celestia thought to herself. 'It would not be a bad place to live, if I was left with no other options. And honestly...I'm not. Even if we manage to kill the Maestro here, I can't go home. Not that I would want to, not with the shape it is in.'

'And then there is that sphere that the Maestro has built here, the same kind of sphere that he constructed on our world,' Celestia said with a sigh, staring into the heavens. 'Father. Mother. I know that I have failed you. That I have failed the world that you left in my care. But I promise you that I will do everything in my power to save this one. These people...now I know we can beat him. Now I know that he's not invincible, like I thought he was back on Equestria.'

'But he knows that as well. So he will be back and he'll be back with a plan,' Celestia realized as she grimaced. 'And whatever it is, I hope we are ready for it. Because I am tired of watching families be ripped apart by this monster. A monster I failed to stop.'