• Published 3rd Nov 2016
  • 4,518 Views, 374 Comments

Champion of the Sun - Onomonopia

Luna and Celestia try to stop the wrath of a mad man with the aid of a Megaman.

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As the clocks struck midnight Celestia tip-hoofed down the stairs, creating a faint glow with her horn to illuminate the way so she could silently move. She slowly opened the door to the living room and softly gazed at the people that were sleeping in the room, all of them asleep from having stayed up a bit too late. Celestia had gone to Geo's room for some quiet time, but as she stealthy moved through the living room she couldn't help but smile at the people.

Kelvin and Hope had spent most of the night trying to tease Geo about his relationship, while Mega and Luna had started doing numerous competitions to see who was the best. Sonia and Lyra had been listening and laughing to the Stelars tell stories about Geo, while Geo tried to survive his parents onslaught of embarrassing stories. But now they were quiet, all of them fast asleep next to each other. Kelvin and Hope. Geo and Sonia. Mega on the floor and Lyra on a chair.

'But there is one that is missing. And I bet I know where she is,' Celestia silently thought to herself as she teleported through the front door, not wanting to risk awakening anyone by opening the door. Once she appeared on the other side of the door she began her walk to the place called Vista Point, a place that Geo told her a lot of people went to when they had something on their minds.

'And if there is any place Luna would be at this time of night, it would be here,' Celestia mused as she walked up the stairs next to the school, glancing over at the run down locomotive that rested on a pair of tracks that had long since rusted over. For a moment Celestia lost herself in the memories of the past, of a time when she could hear foals crying out with excitement when the train pulled into the station. Celestia raised a hoof and wiped a tear from her eye before she walked up onto the platform, spying another alicorn gazing up at the stars.

"I thought I would find you here," Celestia said to Luna, who nodded to show that she had heard but kept her eyes glued to the heavens. Celestia walked up beside her sister and joined her in staring up at the stars, happy that she could see the cosmos without any obstruction. "Are you nervous? About tomorrow? I know I am. If what Ace said is to be believed...then tomorrow may be the finally battle with Maestro. Months of trying to think of a way to stop him...and it all comes down to tomorrow."

"Of course I am nervous. We both now what Maestro can do. And in a way, we know him better than anyone else," Luna admitted as she kept her gaze upward. "But I believe in our friends. I believe in Sonia, Lyra, Geo and Mega. They have fought so hard for outsiders like us. For aliens that have no home anymore. Helping them to protect their world is the least we can do for people as kind as them."

"I completely agree...I still miss them," Celestia finally admitted, her words turning Luna's gaze from the heavens to her sister. "I miss the constant letters from Twilight asking if she was doing well. I miss the sounds of the Canterlot populace fight amongst themselves over the dumbest of things. I miss the magic. I miss my home."

"So do I, Celestia. And I know that no amount of magic can undo what was done," Luna said with a somber shake of her head, before she raised her head with confidence. "But as long as we draw breath, Equestria is not dead. Not completely. It will live on within you and me. And we have to make sure that it never dies."

"I agree...so, have you thought about what you wish to do after we finally annihilate the Maestro once and for all?" Celestia asked, getting Luna to place a hoof to her chin and think over her options. "I am thinking about writing a book about Equestria, maybe based on Twilight and her friend adventures. Or maybe about my own history with our world."

"That actually doesn't sound that bad. I'm thinking of becoming a traveling magician," Luna admitted with a nod, liking her idea. She then glanced over at her sister, who was doing everything in her power to keep from laughing out loud. "What? It's a good idea! Especially how the people at that concert reacted to my spells, I know I would have an audience. And it's genuine magic, not like the illusions that some of those charlatans on this planet use."

"It's just that I can imagine the looks on our parents faces if they heard that you wanted to use royal, alicorn magic to become a street performer," Celestia snickered as she shook her head, while Luna began to chuckle to herself as she pondered what her parents would have said. "Oh, they would have been so upset with you. After all, our magic should only be used for the benefit of Equestria, never for personal gain. Oh if only they knew all the times I teleported cookies out of the jar when they weren't looking."

"That was you?! They always punished me for that and I never got a single cookie!" Luna yelled with disbelief, the answer to a question that she had been wondering for years finally answered. "I can't believe this, my own sister letting me get raked over the coals while you sat there reaping the benefits. I'm half tempted to never speak with you again."

"Wow, if I had known that telling you I was the thief would get you to stop talking to me I would have told you years ago," Celestia laughed. Luna gave her sister a nasty glare before a shooting star rocketed across the sky, turning the two sisters gazes back towards the sky once more. "Do you think it's possible that any other ponies survived? I know it seems unlikely, but...maybe another? One more?"

"Actually, now that I think about it Maestro only destroyed Equestria, correct?" Luna asked her sister, who nodded. "Well if he destroyed our world, then human world we know of would be perfectly fine. That would mean that your old student Sunset Shimmer may live. Perhaps after we are done with the Maestro we can go see her?"

"Sunset! I was so distraught with what happened with our world that I completely forgot about her!" Celestia said with joy as she felt a small piece of her heart come back to life. "So then not everyone...everypony we cared about was lost. Maybe there are others on the other Earth as well?"

"Maybe there is. And I promise you once we've dealt with the Maestro that I will go with you to see who else is there," Luna promised her sister, holding out a fist next to her. Celestia looked at it with a small smile before she extended her own hoof and bumped her sisters, getting Luna to make an exploding sound as she moved her hoof back.

"You still doing that?"

"Come on, that was how we finished our secret hoofshake back when we were young. It's practically apart of who I am," Luna said with pride before she gave Celestia a smirk. "Of course in your old age it's clear that you've forgotten all about it. Why within a few years I'll have to tell you who you are every morning because you'll have forgotten."

"Old?! You dare to call the one that controls the sun old?!" Celestia roared with indignation, getting Luna to laugh aloud at her sisters face. "Why you little-I am still a symbol of beauty and youth! Hundreds of thousands would come to the castle just for the chance to try and earn my favor!"

"And once they saw how old you were they turned tail and hoofed it back home," Luna finished. Celestia lit up like a small sun and sent light cascading down on Echo Ridge, but after a moment of glaring at Luna the two began to laugh aloud and Celestia extinguished her light. The two of them then went back to watching the shooting stars, smiles plastered upon their faces. "Thanks for being such a greater older sister, Celestia. I couldn't ask for a better sibling than you."

"And thank you for always being there for me as well. Without you I would not be the pony I am today," Celestia replied as she extended a wing and hugged her sister with it. "And everyday I thank the creator for the fact that I still have you. Because if Maestro had taken you as well, then I would have most likely just given up and allowed myself to die in my home."

"Same, sister. I thank the stars that you are here with me," Luna replied with a smile. "And know that I would give anything to protect you. Even my life, if it came down to it."

"Same Luna. Same. Now come, Mega said he wanted to tell me something. It seemed urgent."


All of their friends were gathered around to see them off. As the two champions of the heavens stood in the center of the WAZA canyon, they couldn't help but reflect back on how much things had changed in a matter of months. Geo glanced at the EM wave transporter that had once taken him to the Crimson Meteor, which has been dusted off and repurposed so that it would take the group right to the death station.

Sonia stood at his left with Lyra floating behind her. She was doing her best to look confident, but Geo could tell that she was still feeling nervous. To his right stood the alicorns, both of who only had one emotion in their eyes. Vengeance. He then looked back at Mega, who floated behind him with arms crossed. Mega gave the teen a thumbs up, getting Geo to smile as he faced forward once more. He then looked down at the container that was resting by his feet, feeling the weight of the world resting on his shoulders once more.

"I take it I don't need to tell you guys what's at stake here, so instead I'll tell you that we all believe in you," Ace said to the heroes of the world with absolute confidence in his voice, but Geo was aware that his eyes flicked down the container every few seconds. "You have never failed us before and I doubt that you will do so today. But I know that you are all feeling the pressure. That you may be afraid. That's okay. It'd be stranger if you weren't scared going into this situation."

"Thanks for the pep talk Ace, I feel completely better," Sonia said with a nervous laugh before she rubbed her arms and glanced around.

"Don't worry Ace, I promise that we'll do our best. We'll save the world," Geo said to his commander before he looked around at everyone else. His parents waved to him with proud but worried looks upon their faces, while Luna simply nodded at him, as if she knew he'd be fine. Zack was doing his best not to worry, but Bud seemed to be put off by something.

"Alright, I believe you," Ace said with a smile before he turned on the machine and moved out of the way. "I'd like to give a speech, but we're on borrowed time as it is. Go. Save the world. And then I'll give the both of you the greatest victory speech you've ever heard."

"It better be amazing if it's worth saving the world over," Geo said with a snicker before he held out his hunter, Sonia following suit as their EM beings vanished into them. "EM wave change."

Two flashes of light went off and the teens transformed into their EM forms. The moment they became EM beings, two columns of solar and lunar power burst forth as well as the alicorns fused with the EM beings. A moment later the Solar Knight and the Lunar Diva stood side by side, radiating the power of the heavens. Megaman walked to the EM station first, but when he got to it he stopped and looked back at Harp Note with worry in his eyes.

"Sonia..." he began, but Harp Note held up a hand to silence him.

"Geo, I love you, but if you saying anything remotely along the lines of me staying behind, then I will unleash a tidal wave of lunar fury upon you the likes of which the world has never seen," Harp Note replied in a dead serious tone. For a moment the two stared at each other before Megaman smiled and shook his head.

"I was actually going to say stay close to me, but that works too. Bud, I need you here keeping an eye on things. I wouldn't put it past Maestro to try something while we're gone," Megaman instructed before he waved Celestia's armored head next to the EM station, turning him into EM waves and rocketing him up into the heavens. Harp Note watched him take off before glancing back at everyone else, who was waving to her.

"Take care of our son," Hope said to her.

"Don't worry. I won't let his side for a minute," Harp Note promised before she waved her guitar next to the station and flew off into the heavens as well, leaving the rest of the people to watch them vanish. The trip was a short one and a few moments later the Lunar Diva landed on a metal surface that was floating just at the edge of the atmosphere, glancing over to see the Solar Knight standing next to her. He didn't look over at her as she landed, getting her to glance up to see what he was looking at. Then her eyes went wide.

She knew what they were standing on immediately. It was a massive cube, one that hummed with so much power that the Lunar Diva felt weak in comparison to it. Cracks in the sphere held the EM and shattered power that had been collected, with all of that power aimed at the blue and green planet beneath them. Hundreds of EM demons flew through the sky around them, their numbers uncountable. But then Harp Note realized that Megaman wasn't looking at any of that. He was looking at a single figure that was standing at the end of the cube across from them.

"Maestro," both Megaman and Celestia said at the same time, getting the metal being to turn around to face the six heroes. Megaman pointed Celestia at him while Harp Note raised her guitar and aimed it at the heart of the Maestro, but all he did was open his arms in a welcoming fashion.

"Ah, Megaman. Harp Note. Princesses and EM beings. Welcome, to the end of your world."