• Published 3rd Nov 2016
  • 4,519 Views, 374 Comments

Champion of the Sun - Onomonopia

Luna and Celestia try to stop the wrath of a mad man with the aid of a Megaman.

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Silence. That was all that Celestia heard for the longest time after the vortex of magic ceased its spiraling. But after a moment she heard the sounds of birds chirping, felt the breeze of the wind through her mane...and felt hundreds of eyes looking upon her. Slowly the princess opened her eyes to take in where she was and what she saw made her eyes go wider than she would have believed.

The very first sigh that greeted her eyes were the colossal buildings that towered over the park that she was standing in, buildings the likes of which she had never expected to see in her lifetime in Equestria. Then she looked to the base of the buildings to see hundreds of humans all staring at her, humans with strange other lifeforms floating next to them.

The Princess of the Sun said nothing to the humans, still not certain of where she was. She knew of humans from Twilight, but when she saw cars that flew over her head or the strange, energy beings that hovered near the humans she was certain that this world was far different than the world she had known.

But then a groan to her left tore her eyes away from the humans and she spun to see Luna standing beside her, her sisters face a shade paler and she looked like she was struggling to remain standing. Without another second lost Celestia leaned her sister against her and supported Luna with her frame.

"Rest sister, I have you," Celestia said to Luna in a kind and soothing tone. Luna replied with a grateful smile before she began to look around, first to the humans then to the park that they were standing in.

"Sister...there is grass and trees here. There is life here," Luna said with wide eyed amazement as her smile grew wider. For just a moment the Princess of the Night had strength in her eyes as she looked around at all of the humans and other creatures, before the pain took hold as she groaned weakly as she collapsed to her knees. Celestia was by her side in a heartbeat, using what magic she still had left to sooth her sisters wounds. "We...we did it, sister. We made it to another world."

"Indeed we did, Luna. But now my question is could this be the one that Maestro traveled to?" Celestia asked before the wailing of sirens and the flashing of blue and red lights turned her attention away from Luna. Celestia's face set like flint as she rose back up to her hooves and glared at the police cars that encircled the park, completely surrounding the two princess.

"What is going on?" Luna asked weakly as she glanced around at all of the humans in armor getting out of the cars, all of them pointing some sort of device at the two princesses.

"I do not know, but I will deal with it," Celestia promised her sister as she took a step forward, glaring at the humans that had surrounded them with harsh eyes. "I know not who any of you are, but know that I do not want trouble. So I ask that you do not-"

"Supposed to be my day off and here I am dealing with this cluster of viruses," a human groaned aloud as he emerged from one of the cars, his brown trench coat blowing in the wind while a small light shone from the top of his head. He held a megaphone in one hand and some kind of rifle in the other, both of which he pointed at Celestia. "Alright team, looks like we've got either the mother of all viruses or some new aliens here on Earth. Capture them quick and we can take a better look at them back at base."

"Sir, I will give you one warning. Back-"

Celestia snarled as the police began to fire strange blasts of energy from the devices on their wrists, forcing her to erect a barrier of magic to deflect the shots. She found to her amusement that whatever they were firing at her barely even phased her shield, but they her joy was struck from her when she heard her sister cry out in pain. Celestia turned with horror to see that the human in the trench coat had shot Luna, who was seething with pain.

With eyes blazing like the sun Celestia lowered her barrier and stared into the eyes of the human that had shot her sister, before her horn glowed like an inferno. The human was torn from his feat and hurled into one of the cop cars behind him, where a sickening crunch was heard by the other officers as metal collided with flesh.

"Allow me to make myself perfectly clear!" Celestia bellowed in a voice so enraged that fire began to erupt along the grass where her hooves touched the ground. "If any of you take another shot at my sister, I will not stop until I have turned all of you into a shouldering pile of ASH! Am I clear?!"

The police responded by opening fire on the both of them once more, forcing Celestia to create a shield around both her and her sister. But a moment later she bellowed with fury as her mane erupted into a raging inferno and flames danced along her horn. She ascended into the sky and aimed at the police on the ground, firing balls of fire that decimated the cars that were there. Police and citizens alike ran for their lives as Celestia made fire rain from the sky, driving away any humans that had dared to get too close to her sister. After she was certain that she had chased them back, she descended next to her sister and extinguished her mane.

"That...was not a good first impression," Luna weakly said as she tried to lift herself, but Celestia placed a hoof upon her sisters back and held her down.

"Rest and let me deal with these worms," Celestia said in both a kind and menacing tone as she glared to see that the police were working their way back to her. "I lost everything I ever cared about in Equestria except for you. I will not let anypony take you for me...I will not lose my sister again."

"Do you fools not LEARN?!" Celestia bellowed in a voice that shook the very ground beneath the humans feet, stopping their advance with the strength of her words alone. She extended her wings and tore out chunks of the ground with her magic to make her look far more intimidating. "Take another step closer to my sister and I promise that you will all burn in the sun!"

The police responded by pressing the devices that they wore upon their wrists and pointing them at the ground. To Celestia's amazement beings of strange energy burst out of the ground, beings that looked similar to the officers except that they had strange energy in place of their legs and all looked identical.

"Satella Wizard Force on the scene!" the beings all roared at once before they charged Celestia. The princess snarled in reply before she fired a blast of magic at the oncoming attacker, erupting the ground beneath them and hurling them into the air with blasts of fire. But to her amazement they managed to get back up after her attack and resume their offense.

Celestia then looked back at Luna, who was barely able to move, before she made up her mind and caused her horn to crackle with the power that could move the sun. She then screamed with power before she fired a colossal blast of magic that consumed all of the attacking wizards in its blaze. They roared as they were slowly burned away to ash, while the park that they were standing in erupted into flames from the sheer heat of her magic.

Celestia heard silence once more as she ended her attack, causing her to look up and glare at the police officers that were standing near the park. All of them had looks of absolute horror upon their faces as they gazed upon the alien princess with no idea what to do next. Then, with her eyes blazing like the sun, Celestia slowly began to advance towards them, no emotion upon her face.

"I warned you all. Now you pay for daring to harm my family."

Yet she had only taken a few steps towards the police before she caught movement and leapt back, just in time to avoid a blast of blue energy that exploded in front of her. She snarled as she glanced up in time to see a sphere of blue slam into the ground in front of her, kicking up dust as it did so. But as the dust cleared Celestia saw a figure standing in the dust.

He wore a blue suit with an armored chestpiece, armored shoulder plates and blue boots. His left hand looked like some strange weapon and his hair stuck up in an odd angle in the back. His face was covered by a red visor that emerged from a headpiece, but what stuck out to Celestia the most was how the horror on the humans face behind the being turned to joy when they laid eyes on him.

"Don't worry guys. I've got this," the being said as it turned towards the humans and gave them a thumbs up, to which they responded by crying out,



"So Mega, any idea what that thing is?" Megaman asked his left hand as the two stared up at the Pegasus with the unicorn horn that glared at them, both of them on guard for any sudden movements.

"It ain't an EM being, but that's about all I know about it," Mega grunted, causing the red eyes on the Mega Buster to light up as he did so. "That and that it has access to an incredible amount of power. You saw what it did to those Satella wizards, right?"

"Right. Let's see what it wants," Megaman muttered before he slowly began to walk towards the creature. "Look...I don't know who you are, but you need to come with me. I would prefer peacefully, but if not..."

"Take another step towards me and my sister and I promise that there will be no need for peace talks. Just a funeral," the being spat back in a voice that raged like a wildfire. Megaman stopped in his tracks and slowly held both hands into the air, not wanting to seem threatening. He glanced around the white pony with wings to see another one laying on the ground, one that was missing a wing and half of her body seemed to be burned.

"The white one is protecting the other one, which looks to be wounded," Megaman muttered to Mega. "That would explain why she's being so hostile. She doesn't want any of them harming her sister."

"Leave it to the Satelle police to screw up like that," Mega said with a bit of snark. "Try to talk her down, kid. As long as you don't get too close it seems like she's willing to listen to reason. Not to mention I don't want to tangle with the kind of power she's packing."

"Alright...look, whoever you are, we don't want to hurt your sister. I would prefer not to harm any of you," Megaman said in as friendly a tone he could muster as he smiled at the pony, who returned his smile with a glare. "But you've caused a lot of damage here, not to mention wounded quite a few people. So I'm going to need you to come with me so we can sort this all out. Please."

"Until I am certain that my sister has recovered enough to move on her own, I will not go anywhere," the pony replied with a dark tone that instantly put Megaman on guard. "As for my name: Celestia. And while you seem to mean well...for all I know you could be one of his. So I will not move. Now leave us alone."

"Well, there goes reason. What's next, Mega?" Megaman asked as the pony turned and began to walk back to her sister.

"We need to take this Pegasus down before she causes any more harm," Mega responded as he changed Megaman's left hand into a cannon. "Avoid trying to hit the bluish black one. She looks like she already was beaten down by something else. Not to mention that hurting her would probably send the other into a frenzy."

"I would prefer to settle this peacefully," Megaman complained as he took aim at the white pony with his buster.

"We tried that kid. And it failed. Now we need to make sure that she can't hurt anyone else, like she did those wizards. Or those people." Upon being reminded of the police, Megaman's teeth gritted and he fired a mega blast at the back of the pony. The shot caught her in the back of the head and sent her sprawling into the dirt. A moment later she rose up with her eyes set ablaze, along with the horn on her head.

"You shouldn't have done that," Celestia said in a cold whisper, but before she could launch her own attack the cannon transformed into a sword and Megaman lunged at her. She snarled in reply as she fired blasts of magic at him, but right before they impacted his form flickered at the blasts passed right through him. Her eyes widened in shock, barely giving her enough time to leap back out of the way of the sword strike.

Megaman's left hand switched back to the cannon and he fired two shots into Celestia's chest, causing her to roar with pain before she retailed with a concentrated blast of magical energy. But once more Megaman's form flickered and her blast went clean through him without leaving so much as a scratch. He leapt into the air and spin kicked her in the side of the head, sending Celestia crashing into the ground once more.

"Stay down. You can't win," Megaman said in a calm voice as he pointed his buster at Celestia. Her response was to use her magic to cause the ground beneath Megaman to erupt in an explosion, sending him flying into the air. She roared with fury as she grabbed the hero with her magic and slammed him into the ground with enough force to generate a crater.

"You should have just finished me off, instead of talking to me," Celestia said in a cold tone as she walked over to the crater, only for her eyes to go wide when she saw that Megaman wasn't in it. He reappeared right behind her, with his buster fully charged and pointed right at her head.

"Well good thing for me I'm a quick learner," Megaman replied as Celestia's eyes widened, knowing that there was nothing she could do to stop his attack.

"STOP!" the other pony roared with such ferocity that both Celestia and Megaman turned to look at her. Despite the burns that covered her right side she managed to push herself up to her hooves, weakly looking from her sister to Megaman before bowing to the latter. "Please halt your attack. This battle is yours. We surrender."

"What?" Celestia asked in disbelief. "But Luna, we-"

"We came to their world, attacked their defenders and now you are trying to bring down a human that sounds a lot like a teenager," Luna replied in a very tired voice before she turned back to Megaman. "Please, do not harm my sister. I am...I am all she has left of the world we came from. So she is very protective of me."

"What do you mean, all you have left of the world you came from?" the cannon asked the two, surprising the both of them as the looked down at the weapon. Celestia and Luna shared a look before Luna weakly walked forward with her head hung low, but Megaman held out a hand to stop her before she could start.

"Let me take you somewhere where we can get those wounds treated," he said to the both of them as he stared at Luna's burned side and missing wing. "After we've made sure that you're both fine, then you can tell us what you're doing here...and what happened to your home."