• Published 3rd Nov 2016
  • 4,519 Views, 374 Comments

Champion of the Sun - Onomonopia

Luna and Celestia try to stop the wrath of a mad man with the aid of a Megaman.

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Wall to Wall Tour

"It is so nice to be spending a day with royalty!" Luna said with pride as she and the rest of her friends got off of the tram to Spica Mall, with Celestia trailing after them. As she got off the princess looked behind her at the numerous people that were all staring at her with disbelief, bowing to them slightly before joining Geo and his group. "And I still can't believe that I share names with your sister! It must have been fate that brought us together."

"Highly doubt it. The reason you have your name is because you satellite around others, while Princess Luna actually controlled the moon back on her world. Which one of those sounds better?" Geo teased, but in a flash Luna glared at him with the intensity of the sun.

"Watch it Stelar, you're not out of the woods with me yet," Luna snarled in a tone that made Geo, Zack and Bud walk much faster than her, leaving Celestia next to Luna. "Sorry about that. Have to keep them in line or who knows what they'd get up to. As royalty, surely you've had to do the same."

"Yes...I have," Celestia replied with a small frown before she started to look around the mall. The moment they had stepped into the main entrance to the mall, her eyes had been assaulted with numerous flashing lights and loud noises caused by annoying music that blared over the speakers. "This place seems to have an...interesting way of attracting customers."

"Yep, the newest in EM display technology and some of the best music available on the radio. Numerous teens and kids like to hang out here because of the arcade and cool places to visit," Luna explained with a proud tone, while Celestia created earplugs out of magic to aid her in keeping the pounding music out of her head.

"Welcome to Spica Mall!" a display shouted as it popped up in Celestia's face. "Why don't-" A blast of magic obliterated the display and tore a hole through the wall that was behind it, causing everyone that had been standing nearby to glare at the clearly startled alicorn. She realized what she had done and blinked twice, before she stood up and glanced around at everyone watching.

"Yes. I can do that," she said to all of them in a calm voice, but the fact that she could talk seemed to startle everyone more than her magical abilities. She then looked down to see Luna and her group staring up at her. "I am sorry about that, but that...advertisement caught me off guard. And with everything that has happened, I've been on a hair trigger as of late."

"Hey, we can't blame you. You've been through way more than us," Geo said in agreement, before Luna cut in front of him and pointed at a large sign.

"Look there princess, the best place to shop for clothing in all of the city! What do you say we go check it out?" Luna asked.

"Yes...clothing for the six foot alicorn with wings and a horn. I am certain that they would have those," Celestia replied with a dry smile, causing Luna's face to fall before she glanced around in desperation for something to impress Celestia with.

"How about we stop there for a little bit?" she offered as she pointed to a food court that was a small ways away. "The sundaes that have there are to die for. Or so I've heard."

"I don't know. I already ate..." Celestia muttered, but before she could argue further Luna lead the group over to the food court. Celestia watched with raised eyebrows how Geo and the other teens didn't seem to question Luna's decisions, even though she could clearly see Bud eyeing a game store and Zack seemed interested in a bookstore.

"I'm sorry about all the people staring at you," Luna apologized for those around them as she chose a table for five and sat down, motioning for Geo to get the princesses seat.

"No thank you Geo, I'll stand," Celestia replied when Geo started to walk over to her. Luna ordered a small glass of water for herself before motioning to Celestia, but the princess shook her head with a smile. "I am fine, thank you."

"Well princess, what would you like to see first?" she asked Celestia, who shook her head with a shrug of her shoulders.

"I do not know. There is so much here and with the lights and music...it is a lot to take in," Celestia muttered, yet her words seemed to inspire Luna into action.

"Well, then how about Geo, Bud and Zack look around for you?" she suggested, turning to the teens before the teens had the chance to answer. "Each of you look around and search for a place that Celestia might like to visit."

"Actually Luna, I was going to-"

Luna cut off Zack's argument with a snarl, causing the teen to yelp slightly as he raced off into the mall. She gave Bud and Geo similar looks and they took off as well, leaving Celestia to give Luna a look before the waitress arrived with the water for Luna.

"I hope they can find something for you. They can be so unreliable at times," Luna said with a shake of her head as she began to drink from her water.

"From what I have seen and been told about them, they all seem to be very capable and brave souls," Celestia replied, getting Luna to glance at the princess over the rim of her glass. "Aside from Geo being the hero of earth, Bud also leapt into the battle with Maestro without a thought for his own safety and even Zack tried to protect Geo after he had fallen. He is luck to have friends like them."

"Of course you're right. They're the best friends anyone could ask for. They just need to listen," Luna replied with a shake of her head, getting a small sigh from Celestia. Luna's face then fell and for a moment she stared into her drink. "Hey Celestia...when the Maestro attacked us before, he said that I was...a waste of life. Do you know what he meant by that?"

"I think that he is a sicko and you shouldn't listen to a word he says," Celestia replied with a growl that made Luna slightly afraid of the princess. "He called my entire race a large experiment and the proceeded to wipe a city off the face of Equestria. He is a psychopath Luna, you cannot let his words get to you."

"Thanks. I won't," Luna promised before Zack came running back over. "Yes Zack, what is it?"

"I...found a store...that Celestia might like to visit," Zack wheezed out, getting a large smile to cross Luna's face as she rose to her feet.

"Splendid. Zack, lead us to this store right away," Luna instructed, winking back at Celestia when he did so. "See? I knew that they would be able to find you something you would enjoy."

"Yes..." Celestia muttered as she glanced to her side to see the bookstore. "Zack, can you halt for a moment?" Zack did as he was asked and both of the humans turned to face Celestia. "If you would not mind changing our destination, I am actually interested in this store right here. I have always enjoyed reading and would love to see some stories from your world."

"O-Of course!" Zack replied with a large smile as he lead Celestia inside. She glanced around with a nod, impressed by the number of books they head on display. But by books, she realized that those books were actually just data pads, with, as she read on the tags, the stories inside of them. "The books here can be read in the traditional sense, or they can be acted out using holographic images! It's the newest way to read!"

"That is actually very fascinating," Celestia muttered as picked out a classic even she knew of on the foreign world, Rapunzel. She cracked open the pad and selected holographic, her eyes widening when she found a full 3D version of the story appear before her. She then moved onto another book, just as impressed as she was before. Celestia spent a good hour browsing, before she nodded her head. "This is amazing. Think of the possibilities."

"My thoughts exactly. I can show you around, if you want your highness," Zack offered. Celestia pretended to think it over a minute, before she shook her head with a smile.

"No. I think I am done here for now. But why don't you spend more time here and enjoy yourself. You clearly wish to look at these." Zack beamed up at Celestia before he took off into the store, leaving Celestia to turn and exit with a confused Luna following after her.

"You weren't really interested in the books, were you?" she asked.

"Oh no, I found that holographic technology of theirs very interesting," Celestia replied with genuine interest. "But Zack would need to be with me all day if I was to wrap my head around anything even remotely harder to understand in there."

"We could ask him to..." Luna stated, before Bud came lumbering over to them." Hello, Bud. What would bring you running over here so quickly?"

"I...found a place. But couldn't...find you," Bud panted even heavier than Zack had, glancing over his shoulder as he did so. Celestia followed his gaze and found he was looking at an art store, with a look of disdain that she noticed a second later. "So...if you want too...I can take you to-"

"That arcade game store I saw earlier. Lead the way," Celestia replied, getting Bud to tilt his head in confusion. When she motioned for him to continue, he did so with a shrug. Celestia was aware that Luna was looking at Celestia with the same look of confusion, but the princess chose to avoid eye contact. For the time being.

"What an interesting place," Celestia muttered aloud when they reached the store. Bud practically ripped the doors off of their hinges to get into the place, allowing an embarrassed Luna and an impressed Celestia to follow after him.

"This is where I come to buy the newest games!" Bud said as he spun in the center of the room with his arms extended. Celestia looked around at all of the strange devices on the shelves, catching the cashier's eye. The two stared at each other for a moment before the cashier shrugged and went back to their hunter. "Oh princess, you've got to try this one!"

"Bud, I don't think that Celestia-"

"Alright. How do you play it?" Bud gave Celestia a quick set of instruction, but after twenty minutes of playing it was clear that Celestia stood no chance against Bud's superior skills. "And I think that is enough for today. But I thank you for introducing this store to me, Bud. Perhaps I will come back here in the future."

"Really, princess? Well, if you want to play against me you know where to find me," Bud said before he got a serious expression upon his face, clearly getting ready to play for real.

"Bud, we should-"

"Have fun, Bud. Meet up with us later," Celestia said before she walked out of the store, leaving a really confused Luna to tag after her. Celestia then found a nice bench in a large area that she sat down on, grunting uncomfortably as she tried to maneuver herself to actually sit on it. Eventually she settled for laying on it, leaving Luna to sit across the bench from her. "Speak you mind, Luna. Clearly you have something that you want to say to me."

"We just spent a good portion of our day looking at a place Zack and Bud wanted to see, but we didn't go anywhere you wanted to see," Luna put forward. "Today was supposed to be showing you places you would enjoy, yet those morons got sidetracked. I'm so sorry."

"Luna...weren't you paying attention?" Celestia asked the girl, who looked at the princess with confusion. "I was enjoying myself. I was having fun watching Zack get excited over the books or watching Bud get serious for a change over his game. I had fun learning about the people of this world and how they react to me. So just because I didn't go where you wanted us to didn't mean it wasn't fun."

"But I was suppose to lead you around. I was suppose to show you all the cool places," Luna said with a huff as she crossed her arms, getting Celestia to shake her head. She sat in quiet for ten minutes, enjoying watching the people interact, before she glanced over to see Geo and his friends approaching. "Oh now you all decide to show up. Did you get tired of ignoring our guest?"

"Calm yourself Luna, I am glad they enjoyed themselves," Celestia cut in with a smile to the teens. "So now that you have explored where you wanted to, and yes Geo, I know you did as well, perhaps we can move on to other areas?"

"Sure," Geo replied, a bit startled by Celestia's words and the glare that Luna gave him afterwards. Yet Celestia had just gotten back up to her hooves when an explosion of EM waves went off next to them, causing the teens to yelp as they leapt back, while Celestia activated her magic and prepared for battle. But the figure in the midst of the explosion confused her, for it was not who she was expecting.

He had an all metal suit which was similar to the Maestro's, but the metal was as black as the void and had a strange symbol on it. His left had was comprised entirely of shattered magic and in his right hand he clutched a horrendous looking blade. But what drew Celestia's eye was the visor in the shape of an X over his face and his pure white hair...as well as the fact that his eyes were as sinister as they were powerful.

"So you must be the being of the sun," he said in a voice that was cold and merciless. "You look far weaker than I expected you to."

"Clearly you know who I am, but I do not share that same grace," Celestia spat back, already able to tell he was trouble. "Your name, if you have any manners at all?" The sound of Geo transforming caused Celestia to look to her side, finding both Megaman and Taurus Flame standing beside her, looks of rage on their faces while Zack and Luna hid a ways back.

"Allow me, princess. This is who Ace was talking about," Megaman spat out, already transforming his left hand into a sword.

"This is Solo. Or better yet, Rogue."