• Published 3rd Nov 2016
  • 4,519 Views, 374 Comments

Champion of the Sun - Onomonopia

Luna and Celestia try to stop the wrath of a mad man with the aid of a Megaman.

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Feel the Beat

Celestia was nervous. Not the kind of nervous that came when you were about to fight your mortal foe in a battle to the death that would decide the fate of your world. No, her nerves came from the fact that it had been a very long time since she had partied and never with humans before. Even though she had thought she was past embarrassment with the destruction of her world, she found that some emotions were hard to keep down.

"You haven't partied in a while, have you?" Kelvin asked from the seat across from Celestia, getting the princess to turn to look at the human who had an understanding look upon his face. "Been there. Do you know how hard it was to get accustomed to regular life after being gone for three years? The world had moved way past what I remembered."

"You think you had it bad? I was gone for a thousand years. imaging what it was like when I got back," Luna butted in with a smirk at Kelvin before the music she was listening to kicked in and she started to move in her seat along with the beat. "Thank you again for loaning some of your music to me, Sonia, you are quite the singer."

"What, you doubted my words?" Sonia asked with a sly smirk from beneath her yellow hair and strange outfit.

"Not in the slightest. I just didn't know that you were this good," Luna replied before she continued to dance in her seat, making Celestia very happy that Ace had given them a tram all to themselves.

"But yes Kelvin, I am nervous. Not just of going to a dance party, but also because this may be my first real interaction with the public of your world," Celestia voiced her concerns, getting Kelvin to nod in understanding. "I have been shown around by your son and I have gone out a few times, but neither of those times did I dare to approach anyone. I am worried if they will be afraid of me."

"They might be at first, but the people of this planet are really nice, if you're willing to give them a chance," Geo said from next to Sonia, leaning forward in his seat so he could look at Celestia. "Trust me, back when dad first vanished I tried to shut myself off from the world. But they pulled me back in, even if I didn't want them to at first. And thanks to them, I'm where I am now."

"Sitting next to a famous singer and two mystical alicorns from another world?" Celestia replied with a small smile, getting Geo and Sonia to laugh.

"See? You're having fun already," Hope said from beside Kelvin, turning Celestia's attention to her. "Just have fun tonight and don't get so caught up in whether or not people will like you. Whether they do or they don't, it shouldn't interfere with your fun."

"I will take your words to heart. I will try to have fun. And I am grateful that the both of you came with us," Celestia said. "Although I am not sure why the both of you agreed to come, when we could have just gotten an officer from WAZA to join us."

"Hey, I've been reinstated while you guys were off saving the world," Kelvin said as he pulled out a card and showed it to Celestia, proving he was once again a member of WAZA. "So technically I am exactly the kind of person that they would send to keep an eye on your crazy horses."

"And I'm here because Kelvin here hasn't taken me anywhere in a dogs age," Hope replied with a dry smile as she started to elbow Kelvin in the ribs hard, getting him to chuckle before rubbing the back of his head. Hope then motioned for Celestia to lean in close, doing the same once she was certain that Geo was distracted. "And also my son's going to a dance party with a cute girl! I'm here to get pictures," she added before raising a small camera.

Celestia chuckled at Hope's words as she sat back up, glancing over to see that Geo had been watching them with a curious expression. But before he could question either of them the sound of music playing filled their tram car, turning all heads towards the sound of the music. Through the windows they saw spotlights shining in the sky, while the sound of the music got louder and louder with every second.

"Whoo, that is some beat. I can't wait to dance to this," Luna said with a laugh as she started to move her head back and forth, while tossing the music player back to Sonia. "Tonight's going to be a good night, I can tell."

"I think so too, but we must remember to be slightly on guard," Celestia reminded the group, though she found that most of them were too busy watching the lights. "You know, because of the Maestro. The evil villain that destroyed my home and is trying to do the same to yours? Anyone? Sigh."

"Forget about him for one night, sister. Believe me, he will be back in our lives soon enough, whether we want him to or not," Luna said in a bit of a serious tone, but then it was replaced with a huge smile as the tram came to a stop. "But that day is not tonight! To the party!"

"Someone stop her," Celestia said to the group, but Luna didn't even wait for the doors to open before she teleported through them and appeared on the other side, letting out a cheer as she raced towards the sound of music. Celestia let out a small sigh as she and the others got off of the tram when it came to a stop. Luna came to a stop at a railing over looking the party, her eyes going wide when she looked down at the crowd of humans and wizards that had gathered there.

"Oh, this is going to be fun," Luna said with a large smile as she glanced back at the group, who caught up to her in time to see the unreasonable number of people that were already partying. She tried to race into the crowd, but a collar of solar magic appeared around her throat and yanked her back.

"Easy, sister. While you might be already having fun, we have to be careful about this," Celestia reminded Luna, who gave her sister puppy dog eyes in response. "No sister, we can't just run in there like a bunch of party animals. We're aliens and also responsible for a good amount of damage to a section of the city. We need to take this slow."

"No, you need to take it slow. You were the one that wrecked that part of the city and you are the one that no one likes," Luna shot back before she vanished in a flash of magic, getting Celestia to snarl as she glanced up to see Luna already at the back of the crowd. She gave Celestia a wink before racing into the crowd, gaining her a roar from Celestia before her sister pursued.

"And I'm already going to have to get involved. Those two don't waste any time, do they?" Kelvin asked before he hopped the railing and leapt down into the crowd, chasing after the two princesses who were starting to draw attention to themselves.

"Guess we should get down there as well," Sonia said, though there was none of her usual confidence in her voice.

"What, you don't think you're disguise will work? Trust me Sonia, no one aside from us will be able to tell that it's you under there," Geo comforted her, before glancing into the crowd to see Luna dodging Celestia while laughing all the while. "And even if they did, I think for once you wouldn't be the center of attention tonight. You're good."

"Thanks, Geo...shall we go?" Sonia asked with a bit more confidence, getting Geo to bow sarcastically for her. She rolled her eyes and gently pushed him out of the way as she walked down the stairs, before Geo followed after her with a smirk. Hope followed after the both of them, an excited smile on her face as she pulled out her small camera and followed her son.

The three of them reached the crowd to find that the music had stopped and that a good number of people were staring at something that was going on in the center of the people. Geo, Sonia and Hope forced their ways through the people and wizards to find that Celestia and Luna were in the center of the crowd, but what the two of them were doing nearly made the three burst out laughing.

Celestia and Luna were wrestling with each other, with the elder sister holding the little sister in a magical headlock. Celestia also had a cup over her horn and some kind of drink staining her face, while all Luna had upon her face was a large smile. Geo looked around to see that the crowd of people had uncertain looks upon their faces. Geo walked over to his dad and got his attention.

"Don't you think you should be telling everyone that there's no danger?" Geo asked.

"Already did that, but I'm not getting in-between these two," Kelvin said in reply as Luna managed to break free of the headlock and teleport, appearing up on the stage where the band had stopped playing to watch the fight. The crowd gasped at Luna's magic, gluing all eyes onto the princess of the night.

"Hello people of Echo Ridge!" Luna roared with her royal voice, getting the crowd to flinch slightly. "Are you ready to have some fun tonight?! I am Luna and I am here to party!" Before the people could answer she channeled all of her magic into her horn, sending a giant blast of lunar magic into the sky. The crowd gasped as the magic created images of wonder and awe that none had seen before, distracting them long enough for Luna to turn to look back at the band.

"Alright you guys, lets make this a night no one will ever forget." The members of the band all looked at each other and shrugged, before they began to play a piece that filled the entire park with the sound of music. Celestia looked nervously at the people, who continued to stare up at the alicorn rocking out on stage.

And then the crowd cheered.


Taurus Fire roared as he was sent hurtling backwards from the force of the attack, sending him crashing into a wall with such force that it shattered beneath his weight. He groaned in pain as he forced himself back up to his hooves, glaring at Acid Ace with fire blazing in his eyes. Acid Ace smiled in reply before he vanished, reappearing behind Taurus a second later.

"You have to keep an eye on your surroundings," Acid Ace said before he placed a boot in the back of Taurus head, not enough to hurt him but enough to make his point. Taurus spun around and threw a fist at Acid Ace, but by the time he had spun around Ace was already gone. Taurus drove his fist into the wall behind him, before breathing heavily as he turned to see Ace leaning up against the training room wall.

"Come on Bud, all you have to do is hit me once and then I'll buy your dinner," Acid Ace reminded Taurus Fire, who, motivated by the thought of food, erupted with fire before he charged towards Ace. Acid Ace shook his head before he pointed his blaster at Taurus, firing a wave of water into the oncoming bull. Taurus had just enough time for his eyes to go wide before the wave stuck him, causing him to roar with pain before he collapsed to the ground, his momentum making him slide right up to Acid's feet.

"Come on Bud, even a blind man could have seen that one coming," Acid Ace said with a shake of his head before he walked to the other side of the arena, allowing Taurus to get back up to his hooves and slowly turn to face Acid Ace, who smiled back at him.

"Bud isn't doing too well, is he?" Zack asked Luna, who was watching from the other side of the glance with a worried look on her face.

"This isn't even fair. Ace is just toying with Bud. That's so mean, especially after Bud poured his heart out to us," Luna said with some rage, before wincing as she watched Taurus run head first into a wall. "And Bud can't win. Ace is just too clever for him."

"Ace isn't as clever as he thinks," Zack replied, getting Luna to look at him with surprise. "He thinks he's hiding his attacks well, but all of his move have a pattern to them. He's about to move across the room and fire another water wave. I can tell."

Luna snapped her eyes up to see Ace teleport across the room, getting Taurus to turn and glare at where Acid Ace was standing. He pawed the ground once before he began to run towards Ace, who lifted his buster with a smirk.


Taurus's eyes snapped open and he hurled himself onto the ground, just in time to avoid a wave of water that sailed over his head. Ace's eyes went wide under his helmet as Taurus sprang back up to his hooves, taking aim with his horns and driving them right at Acid Ace's chest. Acid Ace teleported out of the way just in time to avoid the attack, but when he appeared at the other end of the room his eyes were narrowed.

"That was quite the reactions you have there," Acid Ace said to Taurus, who was looking over at where Luna and Zack were with some confusion. "I mean, I've never seen your react like that. How'd you do it?"

"I...don't know," he replied with some confusion.

"I'm confuse too. What happened?" Luna asked Zack, who had a coy smile on his face.

"I think you've been ordering Bud around for so long that listening to you has become second nature to him. So when you told him to duck, he did it without needing to think," Zack pondered, before narrowing his eyes with a smile. "And you told him to duck because I predicted what Ace was going to do next...say Luna, I think I've found a way to help Bud win this thing. But you're going to bark orders like you've never barked before."