• Published 3rd Nov 2016
  • 4,519 Views, 374 Comments

Champion of the Sun - Onomonopia

Luna and Celestia try to stop the wrath of a mad man with the aid of a Megaman.

  • ...

Left Behind

"You don't have to sit here and watch me all the time. I mean, I'm grateful for the attention, but I'm fine," Sonia said to one Geo Stelar, who had been sitting beside her bed for a long time. "Geo, there's no permanent damage to my spine. The medical equipment we have here prevented anything bad from happening. A hundred years ago maybe I would be in trouble. But I'm fine. So go down to the command center and talk with Ace about whatever he wanted to talk to you about. I just need a bit of rest, that's all."

"I shouldn't have let you guys go without me," Geo seethed without hearing Sonia's words, getting a sigh out of Sonia as she laid back on her pillow. "What would have happened if it had been the Maestro instead of Solo? All of you would have been dead and it would have been my fault."

"But it wasn't and we're fine," Sonia replied with a smile, one that was lost on the hero of the earth. "Besides, I was totally about to mount my counterattack before you and Celestia interfered. Probably for the best though, because if you hadn't stepped it I would have done far worse to him."

"How can you keep making jokes?!" Geo practically yelled at her, getting Sonia to look at him with surprise. He took in a few deep breaths before he leaned his head against his hands, sighing in frustration.

"Geo. Talk to me. Tell me what's wrong," Sonia said.

"It's nothing. You should just focus on getting better," Geo said as he stood up and tried to walk away, but Sonia wrapped a hand around Geo's wrist. He turned to look at her and found that she was giving him a hard stare, one that made it very hard for him to look into her eyes.


"I'm supposed to be the hero of earth, the guy that comes through when all else fails," Geo said at last, his willpower crumbling under Sonia's gaze. "But I wasn't there to keep you guys safe. I wasn't there to fight off one of the most dangerous forces that has ever stood on this planet. And just like the last time you fought him alone, I almost lost you."

"You're not going to lose me, Geo," Sonia said with a smile before she moved her hand from Geo's wrist to his hand, taking it in hers. "And you've got to stop putting so much pressure on yourself. The fate of the world doesn't rest solely on your shoulders. Me, Bud and Ace are all here to share the burden with you. We'll always be by your side. I'll always be by your side. You're not getting rid of me that easily."

"Thanks...Sonia," Geo replied with a grateful smile before the two stood next to each other in silence for a moment. Then then two let go of each other and Geo walked towards the door to the room. "I need to go see what Ace wanted. You should rest up so you can fight with us the next time we go into battle. I don't know how we'd pull through without you."

Sonia gave Geo a smile in reply as he exited the room. The moment the door shut behind him Sonia spun on her bed and slammed a fist into her pillow. She then grabbed the pillow and put it over her face, screaming into it so that her voice was muffled.

"I'm amazed you managed to hide all of that rage from Geo," Lyra said as she appeared next to the side of the bed. Sonia removed her face from her pillow and rolled over, staring at the ceiling with rage blazing in her eyes. "And I've rarely seen you get this angry. So what were you hiding from him?"

"I'm so useless," Sonia said in a whisper that was simmering with anger. "All that talk about how we're a team, all that talk about how I can handle myself but when it matters I get beaten down just like all the other times."

"So this is about what happened with Rogue?" Lyra asked, shaking her body before she placed a hand on Sonia's shoulder. "Sonia, you know that Rogue is far more powerful than he used to be. The fact that we fended him off without any serious injury is amazing in and of itself."

"You mean that Geo fended him off? Geo saved me, like he always does," Sonia admitted with a sigh as she closed her eyes. "Here I am going on about how I'm his partner, his equal, but when he needs me to help him I can't. But whenever I need saving he'll move the heavens to do it. How am I supposed to help him like this?"

"You've already helped him more than either of you will admit," Lyra reminded Sonia, who sighed and rolled to her side so that she wouldn't have to face her friend. "Being there for someone doesn't mean just fighting alongside them. Just being there for emotional support can make a world of difference."

"But we are going to be fighting alongside each other. And Geo's already got the fate of the world on his shoulders. He shouldn't have to worry about me," Sonia replied before both of them heard the sound of the door to her room being opened. Sonia rolled over to see the Princess of the Night walk into the room, waving slightly as she did so. "Luna. How much did you here?"

"More than I believe I was supposed to. Though to be fair, your voice does carry," Luna admitted as she closed the door behind her, nodding to Lyra before sitting next to Sonia. Sonia looked up at the ceiling and refused to speak, telling Luna that she would need to start the conversation. "You know I find it funny. A few days ago Luna comes to me and asks for my help in become a better part of the commandoes. And now here we are with you, doubting yourself and feeling kind of like she was. Should I worry about Bud and Zack, or will Geo be the next to lose his strength?"

"Geo will never lose his confidence. That's what makes him the hero."

"I see. Sonia, I feel that I must agree with Lyra in this situation," Luna began, getting an appreciative nod from Lyra. "Being there for somepony doesn't just mean physically fighting with them. I'm still too weak to actually do any serious fighting, but my simply being here is keeping my sister from completely giving in to her hatred and sorrow. Perhaps that is what you are doing for Geo. That simply being there for him is enough to keep him going."

"Maybe that's true for you, but it's going to be different here," Sonia replied before she glanced over to see Luna looking at her with confusion. Sonia then held out a hand with four fingers held up. "Four times, Luna. Four times Geo flew off into some world saving battle by himself. And each time he barely makes it back."

"Such is the risk when you try to save the world."

"And four times I was stuck on the sideline, unable to help him because of some asinine reason," Sonia grumbled with anger. "The first was because he asked. The second was because Rogue kicked the crap out of me and put me in the hospital. The third was because an energy called noise prevented me from going. And the forth was because I wasn't worthy to go where he needed to. And after each of those battles, it's taken longer and longer for him to come back to us..."


"But this luck can't last forever. Eventually his luck is going to run out," Sonia said with fear in her voice, making her whisper. "He'll go off to save the world and most likely save us all. But eventually, he won't make it back. And then where would we be...where would I be? Sitting on the sidelines, like usual. Unable to be there when he needs me the most."


"Sorry, I'm just ranting," Sonia said with a shrug of her shoulders before she rolled over to avoid looking at Luna. "Thanks for taking the time to listen to me whine. I know that he'll be fine and save the day, like he always does. You should probably go see what Ace has called the commandoes for."

"Feh, if you think he'll let me in on any of those meetings then you're crazy," Luna said with a small chuckle. "Even thought I'm the Princess of the Night, even though she said she'd let me fight with her, they're still keeping me out of briefings. Because I'm wounded they say, but I know the truth. It's just because I'm Celestia's little sister and she doesn't want me getting hurt."

"Sounds like she's being a good older sister," Sonia suggested, getting a laugh out of Luna.

"We're a lot alike, Sonia. Both of us aren't happy with how strong we are or how useless we seem to be when everything matters to most," Luna said, looking over at Lyra with a smile. "Back on my world we had six heroes that would always save the day whenever things went wrong, despite my sister and I being the rulers of the land. And guess where we were the entire time they were saving the world?"

"On the sidelines?"

"Actually most of the time we were captured, but I guess that works," Luna said with a shake of her head. "And despite wanting to help them, I knew I was powerless to do so. They told me that they would handle it and that we didn't need to worry. So we relied on them to save the world over and over, eventually getting used to it. And then the Maestro showed up and killed out defenders with no effort. So the safety of the world fell to us, ponies that had been out of action for a long time."

"What are you saying?" Sonia asked, sitting up in her bed and turning to face Luna.

"Don't listen to them. When they tell you to stay out of it or stay back so they can save the day, don't," Luna said in a tone filled with regret and sorrow. "Because we weren't there to support our heroes and they paid the ultimate price. And if I were to wager, there will come a day where you aren't there for Geo and will spend the rest of your life wishing you were. That is the same way I feel with my sister. If I'm not there when she needs me the most, then I'll spend the rest of my life regretting it. They think they can hold up the world by themselves. But they can't. And they're the only ones that can't see why."

Sonia and Luna sat in silence together for a long time after that, both of them lost in their thoughts. Lyra floated between them, not sure what to say to either of them while also understanding what Luna was telling Sonia to do. After about twenty minutes Sonia let out a sigh and smiled at Luna.

"I guess we are pretty similar, aren't we?" Sonia asked before she smirked and shook her head. "Of course, you never gave into temptation and tried to take over the world because you felt cheated and angry." To both Lyra and Sonia's surprise, Luna threw back her head and laughed at the ceiling for a good minute.

"Never tried...oh my dear Sonia, let me tell you about the time I went by the name Nightmare Moon."


With an air of confidence Luna pushed open the doors to the main meeting room, walking inside with Sonia standing beside her. Everyone that was seated in the room turned with surprise to look at the two, who found a pair of empty chairs and sat down in them. Sonia and Princess Luna looked around the room to find the other commandoes, Celestia, Zack, Luna and Geo's parents all sitting in the room with them, each of them giving the two the same look.

"Oh, don't mind us. Go on with what you were talking about," Sonia replied with a smile as she put her boots up on the table in front of her.

"Sonia, what are you doing here? You should be resting," Geo tried to tell her, but Sonia smirked at him before she made herself comfortable.

"Maybe, but I can rest far more comfortable in the presence of friends," Sonia replied as she put her arms behind her head. "And since all my friends are here, I figure this is the most comfortable place to rest." Geo smiled and shook his head at Sonia before Celestia gave her sister a look.

"You should not be here, Luna. This isn't anything that-"

"If it involves the fate of this world in some way, then it involves me," Princess Luna replied curtly, not letting her sister finish. "So we can waste everyponies time with the whole 'Too dangerous for you' speech or we can spend that time going over whatever it is you are all talking about."

"Heh, I like her," Bud said before he looked at the floor when Luna gave him a look. Celestia looked to Ace for some kind of help, but with a smile on his face he shrugged his shoulders helplessly.

"Don't look at me, Celestia. The looks they've got on their faces right now are the same Tia gives me when I'm about to lose an argument. All we can do is take Princess Luna's advice and move on with the meeting to save time," he said before he pressed a few buttons on his Hunter, changing the floating image behind him to an image of the sphere that Maestro had created. "Also, since you two most likely don't know, Kelvin and Hope wanted to sit in and see what's going on. As Kelvin has done so much for us in the past, I couldn't say no."

"Hiya mister Stelar," Sonia said with a wave to Kelvin, who waved back with a similar smirk to what Ace was wearing. Celestia looked at the group before she sighed in resignation, motioning for Ace to continue before she accepted that she had lost.

"So for our two commandoes that showed up late, we've been talking about Maestro's sphere and what its means for this world," Ace began before a smile crossed his face and he placed his hands on the table. "And as I was about to tell the group here before you two walked in...I think we've found a way to bring it down."