• Published 3rd Nov 2016
  • 4,517 Views, 374 Comments

Champion of the Sun - Onomonopia

Luna and Celestia try to stop the wrath of a mad man with the aid of a Megaman.

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Her Moment In the Sun

"A trick? What do you mean?" Harp Note asked before the Maestro was upon them again, grabbing hold of the Solar Knight's face and hurled him into the side of the doomsday weapon. Megaman roared with pain as the whole orbital death station tilted from the impact. Maestro turned towards the Lunar Diva and hurled a right punch at her head, yet she had retained enough of her senses to dodge out of the way. Her injuries made her slowly, however, and Maestro grabbed hold of her wounded arm, getting her to scream with in pain before she was hurled next to the Solar Night.

"It's the only thing I've got that can possibly defeat the Maestro once and for all," Megaman told her as he grabbed her right arm and lifted her back up to her feet, the both of them turning their gaze to the Maestro, who walked towards the both of them at a leisurely pace. "A last resort, if you will. And I have to get to him to fall for it."

Harp Note looked at Megaman with confusion as he reached behind him and pulled out a small container from within his armored suit. He cracked open the container and pulled out the device designed to bring down the Maestro, getting Harp Note's eyes to go wide as she realized what he was holding.

"No Geo...not that," she whispered with horror before she lunged at the Solar Knight, trying to snatch the device out of his hand. Megaman was quick enough to move the weapon out of her reach, but he did have to push Celestia against Harp Note to keep her back. "You can't use that! You heard what Ace said! There isn't a power source on earth that is powerful enough to run it!"

"Then why are you fighting so hard to take it from me?!" Megaman roared in response before flashing the Maestro a glance, seeing that their foe had halted his advancements and was watching the two bicker with interest.

"Because I know what you're going to do!" Harp Note roared before the Maestro shot her in the back, causing her to cry out as she nearly collapsed in Megaman's arms. He raised his shield to protect the both of them before gently laying her onto the ground. She took a moment to take in a few deep breaths before she glared up at Megaman, tears streaming down her face as she did so. "You're going to sacrifice your life to use it. You're going to use your power to fuel it and it's going to kill you. That's the only way it can be powered!"

"It's the only way," Megaman replied before he took out the device and gripped it tight, closing his eyes to fully accept what he was about to do before he glanced over at Harp Note, who was staring at the ground with tears running down her face. "You can't do it. You're too weak right now. Only a power like mine can fuel it. I'm sorry."

"You selfish jerk. Always so quick to sacrifice your life, regardless of what it will do to the rest of us," Harp Note sobbed as she tried to push herself up once more, but the wounds were too great and she collapsed to the ground in pain. She glared at Megaman one last time before she turned her glance towards the ground, unable to look Megaman in the eyes. "My feelings finally got through to you and you felt the same way. I was so happy with you. We're so happy. Please, don't do this."

"I have to," Megaman said as he looked away from her. "I'm sorry."

"As am I, Geo."

A flash of solar and lunar light erupted from the two champions and a moment later Megaman and Harp Note were sent skidding across the side of the cube. They weakly picked themselves up to see two alicorns standing next to one another, looking back at the two champions with smiles on their faces and the weapon in their magical grasps.

"Celestia...Luna..." Megaman whispered. "What are you-?"

"What we swore to do. Protect all of you," Celestia said before she constructed a barrier of magic around herself and her sister to protect her from the assault from the Maestro, forcing Luna to add her magic to barrier to keep it from breaking under his assault. "Maestro is here because we failed to beat him. You have all suffered so much because we failed. But never again. Today, we end this. Once and for all."

"No...princesses!" Megaman roared as he tried to race to them, but before he could take two steps Harp Note tackled him from the side with whatever strength she had left to bring him to the ground. Megaman tried to escape, but Mega appeared next to the both of them and used his strength to keep the both of them pinned. "MEGA! SONIA! Let me go!"

"Sorry kid, but this is for your sake," Mega replied in a tone filled with sadness, before he nodded to Celestia. Celestia nodded in reply before she bellowed with power and used her magical power to push the Maestro off of the both of them.

"Why bother with this, Celestia? Neither you nor your sister are a match for me without the aid of your champions," Maestro informed the both of them, but to his surprise Luna and Celestia chuckled to themselves at the Maestro's words.

"We know that. We know that fusion is the only way to stand against you," Luna replied, before she gave the Maestro a sinister smile. "But my sister and I talked it over and we realized something. We were able to combine with Geo and Sonia because they're our closest friends on this world."

"But if all it took to combine with them was being close friends, then surely we would be able to do the same with another who we also felt a close connection to. All it would take to do so is a desire to protect those we care about, like those two humans there," Celestia finished, getting Maestro to tilt his head before Celestia and Luna clasped their hooves together. An explosion the likes of which Megaman and Harp Note have never felt before erupted between the two of them.

A shadow of energy eclipsed the sun and blotted out the moon, casting a shadow upon all of the combatants. But within the torrent of magic and power the two EM champions could see an alicorn walking forward, an alicorn that was much larger than Celestia and Luna had been. Her coat was a pitch black with galaxies and stars upon it that helped her to mirror the very stars above. Her two wings looked like a galaxy while her mane flowed the length of her body, swirling like the cosmos. But what drew the Maestro's attention was her eyes, eyes that shone like the heavens.

"The Princess of the Eclipse. How long it has been," Maestro whispered to himself before he took a shot of magic to the chest that both tore into his armor and attacked his very being. He snarled in reply before vanishing in a flash of shattered magic, appearing next to the fused alicorn. He hurled his fist at them, but to his surprise the blow slammed into a vortex of sunlight, which hardly even budged from his attack.

"Alone we are strong. Together we are invincible," Eclipse said to him as she turned and pointed her horn at his chest, blasting him with another attack that sent him rocketing across the side of the cube, a new hole punched through his armor.

"Celestia?" Megaman asked with surprise.

"Luna?" Harp Note added.

The princess turned back to give them a quick smile. "Do not worry you two, neither of you shall lose the other today. You have given us so much in our brief time here. It is only right that we give you something in return. But sadly, all we have to give...is our lives."

The princess spread her wings and charged after the Maestro, slamming into him just as he was getting back up to his feet. He roared with fury as he fired blasts after blast of shattered magic into the side of Eclipse, but she fought through the pain before she drove the two of them into the heavens. Within moments they were clear of the cube, allowing Eclipse to toss the Maestro off of her before she unleashed magic akin to shooting stars at the Maestro, who weaved out of the way to avoid being hit.

His hands crackled with so much shattered magic that the very stars seemed to quiver under his power, yet when he unleashed all of his shattered magic upon Eclipse he found that she had vanished. He let out a snarl before spinning around to catch a blade like a black hole that had tried to impale him, struggling against the might of the ultimate alicorn.

"You power is formidable. But then again, I'd expect nothing less of the two most powerful magic users in Equestria combined," the Maestro said with a small smirk before he shattered the blade with his grasp, stunning the princess of eclipse long enough to drive a fist into her face. Her head was snapped to the side and she was sent tumbling into space, but a spread of her wings allowed her to recover and she swirled the stars around her into her magic. A beam of heavenly light erupted from the end of her horn and tore across space to destroy the Maestro, but he vanished and appeared beside her in the same breath.

"And it is clear that it is more than a match for you!" Eclipse roared as she spun and fired a blast of magic that could have cleaved a continent into two into the chest of Maestro, who roared as his metal chest was completely bent outwards. He seethed as he clutched at his chest with a hand, but then he began to chuckle as he glanced up at the alicorn. She was about to ask him what was so funny before her form began to flicker, making her look down at herself with shock.

"Yes, it's power might be able to contend with this form, but as with all great powers there is a catch. And the catch for this form is that there is a time limit. You cannot hold more than a few minutes at your current level. Perhaps with some training you could even go a full five minute," Maestro said before his fist crackled with power. "But if you believe that I will give you another chance, you are sorely mistaken."

Eclipse realized that his words were true, meaning that she didn't have much longer to defeat him. 'And with the shape that Geo and Sonia are in, then there is little chance that even if we can get back to them that they'd be able to defeat Maestro. We must end this now...no matter the cost!'

Eclipse let out a bellow that shook all of the galaxy that they controlled before they teleported the device into their grasp, slamming it into the chest of Maestro before hurling the two of them towards the sun. Eclipse began to pour her power into the device, activating it and causing it to shine with the colors of the cosmos.

"How cute, an energy draining device. But sadly, it will not...what?" Maestro asked himself as he tried to summon his magic, but to his horror he realized that it would not come to him. He glanced down to see Eclipse chuckling to herself, before glaring up at him with hate fueled eyes.

"It all ends now, Maestro!" she roared as they got closer and closer to the sun, her form beginning to fade away as more and more of their life force was poured into the device. The device in turn began to suck not only the Maestro's power into itself, but also Maestro's very spirit as well. Maestro bellowed with fury as he began to hammer away at Eclipse, able to hear bones break with each of his strikes. But to his horror he found that she would not release her grip, even though her life force was practically gone.

"This is for everypony that you took from us," Eclipse said as the sun approached, her form practically gone. "And while we may die, know that we avenged them. And know, in your final moments, that we were able to defeat you. Even if it costs us our lives! So I hope you spend your last few moments shaking in-"

A flash of light shone from Eclipse and a second later Celestia and Luna floated next to each other. Luna's eyes went wide as she glance down at herself, wondering what had happened. But before she could think of an answer a barrier of sunlight wrapped itself around her and hurled her away from the Maestro and Celestia. Luna spun to face her sister, who was still driving herself into the side of the Maestro and hurling the both of them to the sun.

"SISTER! No! Don't do this!" Luna screamed at Celestia as she tried to break through her sisters spell, but to her horror it held strong. She slammed herself against the side of the barrier, but when that proved futile she gazed through it up at Celestia, who was smiling sadly down at Luna "WHY?! We promised that we would go together! You promised..."

"I'm sorry, sister. But this will be the first time...I break a promise to you," Celestia whispered, but Luna still heard her as clear as day. "Even though we promised, even though we are inseparable...I want you to be safe. I want you to be happy. I want you to live...I love you, little sister. That is why I do this. Live and live happily. For me."

Tears poured down Luna's eyes as she tried one last time to break the sphere, but then Celestia let out a roar that could pierce the heavens as she unleashed the rest of her power into the device. She then flapped her wings once more and plunged both herself and the Maestro into the sun. Even though she was the princess of the sun, her body quickly melted away under the intensity of the star.

"Sacrificing yourself to save your sister. What a boring ending," Maestro said to her in a weak voice, his entire body cracked and drained of its shattered magic. Celestia could see that his essence was being dragged into the device and that bits of his armor were falling off, as if there was no longer any thing to control them.

"Hearing the disappointment in your voice the moment before you die. What a satisfying way to go," Celestia replied as her body practically faded away as well. She then closed her eyes and poured the last of her being into the device, which in turned caused Maestro to roar as his soul and power was sucked in as well. An explosion went off inside of the sun, one that was so large and powerful that it could be seen across the heavens. At first it was nothing more than a giant ball of fire, but after a moment the explosion took on the form of a horned being with wings. The alicorn shaped explosion shone across the entire cosmos, signifying who had been victorious, before it faded away and allowed darkness to return to space.

Unbeknownst to those that were battling amongst the stars, the people at WAZA all began to celebrate when they saw the explosion from the Earth. Their technology had told them that not only had the device been successful in capturing the Maestro and eternally trapping him, but also that Megaman and Harp Note were both still alive.

The two EM warrior were holding each other close from the side of the cube, watching the explosion as it died down. They then glanced at each other with somber expressions and pulled the other closer, believing both Celestia and Luna to be gone.

Then Mega pointed out the small sphere of solar light that was flying towards them, getting the both of them to rise to their feet and hurl themselves after it. They reached the sphere a moment later, eyes going wide to see that Luna was not only inside, but she was alive and unconscious. Smiles crossed their faces as they began to move the sphere back to what remained of the orbital weapon. Their excited smiles turned into tired smiles as the pain caught up with them, but they felt nothing but happiness and success, as communication coming from Earth told them that the Maestro was gone. Everyone had made it.

Everyone, except for a piece of Luna's heart that would be gone for the rest of her immortal life.