• Published 3rd Nov 2016
  • 4,519 Views, 374 Comments

Champion of the Sun - Onomonopia

Luna and Celestia try to stop the wrath of a mad man with the aid of a Megaman.

  • ...

Chapter One

Ace was normally able to control his emotions, but as he gazed upon the four heroes that had saved the world he found that there was nothing else he could do beside smile with pride. A quick glance around the room showed him that everyone else was having the same problem he was. Geo's parents along with Bud's, Zack's and Luna's parents were at WAZA as well, each of them looking upon their child with pride.

But Ace's smile fell a bit when he looked at Princess Luna, who had blank eyes and a somber expression upon her face. 'She will never be the same,' Ace thought to himself bitterly. 'She lost a piece of herself when Celestia stopped the Maestro.' Moving on with the ceremony, Ace cleared his throat and gained the attention of every person in the room

"Let me just start off this meeting by saying how do you guys do it? Five attacks on our planets, four impossible victories," Ace said with pride filling up every word, getting the five kids and their wizards to smile up at him with beaming smiles. Then Sonia let out a swear that shocked everyone in the room before she held a hand to her left arms, seething with pain.

"I'm okay, just hurts like hell," she snarled as she forced the pain back down. "Continue."

"But this one might have been the closest we've cut it yet. The Maestro was a foe the likes of which we had never faced before and in all honestly I thought that he would be the one to finally get his way," Ace said as he shook his head with a small smile. "I should really know by now not to bet against the heroes. You've made me proud, but more importantly, you all saved the world. So I guess all I can say now is thank you."

"Feh, you make it sound like it was difficult," Mega said with a shrug of his shoulders, but before he could continue Lyra elbowed him hard in the side before moving her head towards the Princess. Ace caught the movement as well and dismissed the commandoes, who were immediately swarmed by their families and congratulated them with huge smiles. While they were celebrating Ace walked over to Luna, placing a hand on her shoulder to get her to look up at him.

"Your sister was the bravest of all of us. If not for here our planet might not be here right now," Ace informed Luna, who said nothing as she resumed staring at the floor again. "As someone who's lost dozens of his brothers and sisters, I know what you're going through. But know this. Celestia died a hero. She died protecting the one thing she cared about more than anything in all the worlds. She did it to protect you."

"But we promised..." Luna whispered in reply as she looked up at Ace with eyes that were filled with pain and confusion. "We promised that if the time came to sacrifice ourselves, that we would do it together. Why would she lie to me?"

"Because, if I had to wager, even though she promised you that you would go together, she just couldn't bring herself to let you go through it. If I'm being honest...she loved you too much to let you give your life as well," Ace said to the alicorn as he patted her on the shoulder. "I'd do the same if I was in her position. Here."

Princess Luna glanced down to see that Ace was extended a Hunter VG and a card to Luna, which she took and looked over with interest. "I know that you expressed some interest in being a commando, so I personally put you into the system and made you a full fledged member. Of course, you don't have to take me up on this, but I figured that if you ever want to..."

"Thank you, Ace. The gesture...is appreciated. If you will excuse me," Luna replied before she turned and walked out of the WAZA headquarters, staring up at the sun that blazed overhead like nothing had happened. She stayed alone for a few minutes before she heard the doors open and a teen in a red jacket with spikey hair came to a stop beside her.

"She was proud of you. Thought that you'd like to know that," Geo said to Princess Luna, who nodded her head with a small sob. She regained control of herself a moment later, but when she looked at geo he could tell that the pain would never go away. "She would talk about you all the time when we trained together. In fact, while she did give her life for you...you saved her. Without you, she said that she would have just given up and let the Maestro win. But the thought of the Maestro hurting you gave her the resolve to destroy him before he could hurt you even further. She really did love you. So much that she'd give her own existence then risk losing her sister."

"Thank you for the kind words, Geo. I know how my sister thought of me," Princess Luna thought to herself before tears stung at her eyes. "But that damned fool...always bearing the weight of the world on her shoulders. Always trying to save the world by herself. Always said that it would get her killed. Now it has."

"Hey, as an expert on someone who would try to bear the weight of the world by himself, I'm thankful I got to meet her," Geo began, getting Luna to glance at him. "She saved my life. The both of you saved our world. And honestly, while it wasn't for long, I was glad to meet her. I bet she had a lot of untold stories that I would have liked to hear. But now she lives on in you and your memory of her."

Geo patted Luna on the shoulder before he headed back into the WAZA headquarters, leaving Luna alone with her thoughts. She then sighed to herself as she gazed up at the sun once more, a thin smile crossing her face as it felt as if her sister was looking down on her, watching over her even then. She then thought back to her conversations with her sister and what she spoke of doing once they had dealt with the Maestro. And how much fun they had wasting nights while talking about the new world.

'Sister, if you can hear me, know that I will live on. For us. I will not let your memory die or be trapped within solely me. I will show the world the hero that they never knew they had. I will tell them of who you really were, how much you had suffered...and how you were a sister the likes of which I didn't deserve,' Luna thought to herself before she turned to head back into WAZA headquarters, knowing what she needed to do.

"That was kind of you," Ace said to Geo as he walked back inside, getting the teen to shrug as he entered. Geo tried to walk over to his friends and family, but Ace placed a hand on his shoulder to stop him. "We're going to continue work on those anti-Maestro weapons. And while I'm truly sad that we lost Celestia...I'm relieved that we can still form the Lunar Diva if necessary."

"Why are you saying this? Maestro is dead," Geo responded, but to his horror Ace's face fell and he shook his head.

"I don't know, Geo. Everything seems like it worked, but...I don't know Geo, evil like his never seems to stay dead," Ace replied before he let go of Geo and walked away, leaving Geo to watch him with a grim look on his face.


Bud and Zack did their best not to cry as they placed Luna's suitcases down on the deck of the tram station. Despite being late in the day, the group of teens were the only ones at the station, allowing Sonia to flip back her hood and remove her yellow wig. All of them gave Luna a sad glance as she began to count up her belongings, but their looks weren't lost on her and she let out a sigh before giving her friends a stern glare.

"Come on you guys, you've been nothing but downers since this morning. Can't you be happy for me and the fact that I'm going off to do something positive with my life?" she asked them while placing her hands on her hips, but she rolled her eyes when Bud and Zack shook their heads with a few sobs. "Ugh, you guys. I swear if you weren't such crybabies this would be a lot easier on all of us."

"Don't be too hard on them Luna, they're just upset that they won't get to see you as often," Geo said with a bitter smile before he shrugged. "They're not the only ones. I'm going to miss you as well. Hanging out with you, I mean. I won't miss your bossiness or the way you get mad at us or how you like to-"

"You know for supposedly a heartfelt goodbye you really are getting under my skin," Luna replied with a smirk before she walked forward and hugged Geo, who gingerly hugged her back as well. Luna let out a small sigh before she forced herself to let go, giving Geo a bitter smile as she did so. "Thank you, Geo. For changing my life in a way I could have never predicted. These last four years have been...a ride."

"Hey, if not for you I might still be siting in my house staring at the stars. You've been a, mostly, positive influence as well," Geo replied with his own sad smile. "I'm going to miss you."

"Oh for the love of-we can still talk over the phone and I'll try to visit you guys on the weekends," Luna replied with a smirk before she lightly punched Geo in the shoulder. Bud and Zack slowly walked forward, trying to say something to Luna but were unable to due to the amount of tears that were falling from their eyes. They gave up and simply pulled her into a hug, making Luna's eyes widen for a moment before she closed them and hugged her best friends back.

"Don't worry you guys, I'll call to talk to you every night if you want," Luna promised them, getting them to smile weakly as they rubbed the tears off of their face. Luna then glanced over at Sonia, who was standing awkwardly by herself. Luna and her caught the others eye before Luna moved her head to the end of the tram platform. Sonia nodded and followed Luna to the end of the platform, where she teens rested their arms against the railings and stare out at the city.

"You've wanted to say something to me for a while now, haven't you?" Luna asked Sonia, who nodded in response. "Well, go on. Spit it out."

"Why?" Sonia asked, getting a chuckle out of Luna as she knew that would be the first thing Sonia asked. "Don't get me wrong Luna, I consider you my friend, but...I know that you feel the same way about Geo as I do. And for these past couple of years I've considered you a...love rival, if you will."

"Same," Luna replied, getting Sonia to look at her with confusion. Luna glanced over to see the confused look Sonia was giving her and it made Luna chuckle. "Sonia, I've know how you've felt about Geo. And I considered you the greatest of rivals, while also being my friend. You were popular, beautiful and hands down the nicest person I've ever meet. I knew I would have to pull out all the stops if I was to beat you."

"But...then why haven't you?" Sonia asked, getting Luna to sigh as she lowered her head.

"The same reason I'm doing this. Because of Maestro," Luna admitted, completely confusing Sonia. "Remember when he had us all trapped in his magic? Remember when he was killing Geo? Remember when there was nothing any of us could do?"

"Yeah, I busted out and then busted his head," Sonia replied, getting Luna to smile at Sonia with approval written on her face.

"That was the moment. The moment I realized something. Sonia, when you love a person they say that you'll always do what's best for them, right?" Luna asked, waiting until Sonia nodded before Luna let out a sigh and continued. "The day the Maestro trapped us, the day you achieved the Lunar Diva was also the day I realized something. You are who's best for Geo."


"You're kind. You're caring. You're always there for him with a smile and some friendly advice. You make him happy. And when you're around it brings out the best in him. Not to mention...Geo's never going to stop fighting. I know that. We all do. And...while I can support him, I can't fight with him. I can't protect him. I can't save him when he's in over his head and needs someone there to fight his foe for him," Luna replied in a bitter voice before she smiled at Sonia. "But you can. You already have. You've proved that for the last four years...hell, you've nearly given your life for him so many times. I've never even taken a step off the sidelines."


"But I promised that I would change. And after all that's happened, maybe I have. But I want to do more. I want to be a hero like you and Geo...even if that means I can't be with you guys. After realizing that, I made a promise to myself. I promised that if Geo chose me, I would be happy. And if he chose you...then I would be happy for you," Luna said as she glanced away from Sonia, trying to hide her face. "And we know the results. And the two of you have been happier than I've seen for a long time. I'm...happy for you both. You're perfect for him."

Sonia felt her eyes water a bit before she reached out and pulled Luna into a small hug, one that caught her completely off guard. Luna then chuckled before she patted Sonia on the back as well, before they looked up to see a tram approaching the station.

"Come on. I need to load up."

The tram came to a stop and opened up, allowing the boys to move Luna's luggage onto the tram. After they finished loading up, the group all stood on the platform together for the last time, none of them really knowing what to say.

"It's been a ride. And I wouldn't trade these memories for anything," Luna said with a proud smile as she looked at each and every one of them. 'I'm proud to call each of you my friend. I'm proud of all the years that we got to spend together. And I'll miss all of you. More than I will ever show."

The group nodded as well to show that they were thinking along the same lines, before the wizard driving the tram said that it was time for Luna to get on. She bowed to him before waving to her friends one last time, before she turned and walked onto the tram. She stopped in the doorway and turned to look at her friends.

"Bud. Zack. Try to get to bed on time and don't stay up like you both always do," Luna instructed to them before looking at Geo. "Geo, try to do your best not to work yourself so hard. With school coming up along with your hero duties, make sure you take the time to rest. And Sonia...take care of him. Heaven knows if he doesn't have someone to be there for him he'd run himself into the ground."

"Don't worry, I'll always be there for him," Sonia promised, getting Geo to smile at Sonia. The doors began to close and forced Luna to back up, closing her off behind the doors. A moment later she appeared at the window and began to wave to her friends as the tram began to move, getting them to wave and wish her luck in return. With the speed of the tram Luna was forced to go back inside a few moments later, leaving her friends to watch as the tram tore off into the distance.

Bud and Zack sobbed silently to themselves while Geo hung his head sadly. Sonia took his hand in hers and stared off to where Luna had gone, a newfound respect for her friend and rival growing within her. She then glanced up at Geo and nudged him with her shoulder, getting Geo to glance at her before nudging her back.

"See you later, Luna. I know that whatever you want to be, you can do it," Geo thought to himself before the group turned and left the station, each of them thinking about how Luna would do without them.

"Y'know something, Geo."

"What's that, Sonia?"

"I really admire Luna. She's braver than she believes. Wish I could be a little more like her."


The stars shone brightly overhead, shining on despite the near world ending event that had happened recently. Beneath their light sat a single, dark colored alicorn and a pair of teenagers, who stood at the other end of Vista Point. The two teens talked amongst themselves about the days to come while the princess of the night was working on something quietly, something that drew the attention of the two teens every once in a while.

"So, first day of highschool tomorrow, huh?" Geo asked Sonia, who nodded in reply with a smile. "First day of a brand new adventure. You know, i'm actually more nervous about this than I have been some of the foes that we've fought. Kinda like..."

"Butterflies in your stomach? Yeah, I know how that feels. Feeling it right now, actually," Sonia revealed with a small sigh. "Can't believe that tomorrow is my first day back to public school in who knows how long. It'll be an experience that's for sure. I'm glad I have you and the others there to help me get accustomed to it again."

"Yeah. Too bad that the whole gang won't be there," Geo said with a sigh, before giving Sonia a curious look. "So what did you and Luna talk about at the station? It seemed important, whatever it was."

"That's between me and her. If she wants to tell you, she will," Sonia replied with a look, telling Geo that's all he was getting out of her.

"You have any plans for tomorrow or are you just going to wing it?" Geo asked, getting to conversation back on track.

"Think I want to see what the school's music club will be like. I've always wanted to learn the trumpet," Sonia said with a shrug.

"That's awesome. I might join their space club or their underwater explorers club. I've always wanted to explore great unknowns and the principal was right. The ocean is way more unexplored than space," Geo answered before he smiled over at Sonia. "I am looking forward to spending the school year with you, though. It'll be nice to be with you for more than just a few days every couple of months."

"Awe Geo, you're making me blush," Sonia replied with a smile of happiness before a thought came to her mind. "Actually there's a lot of things that I'd like to do, but for a few of them I'd like to do them with you. Would you mind trying out a few new things this year? Y'know...together?"

"Sure, like what?" Geo asked as he turned to look at her, only for his eyes to go wide when Sonia stood on her tips toes and gently placed her lips onto his. For a brief moment they stayed like that before Sonia turned her head to the side and did her best to hide her blazing face while Geo stared ahead in a haze. He had no idea how to respond to what Sonia did, so he turned to look at Princess Luna, who was smiling over at the two. "Um, w-what are you writing, Luna?"

"A book. One that my sister would have liked," Luna replied, her words gaining both Geo and Sonia's attention. She then showed them the cover, which had a white alicorn and a blue alicorn circling around a symbol. "I've used my magic to make sure that it will never degrade. It will carry on for as long as me, which should be a long time."

"That looks so cool. What's it about?" Sonia asked.

"It's about Equestria. Or to be more specific, the story of a pair of alicorns that thought they had all the answers," Luna replied as she cracked the book open, taking up a quill and continuing to write once more. "I want to get some of it done before I go looking for an old student of my sister's. I'm only on chapter one, but I have a feeling the world will enjoy this tale. That a certain alicorn would enjoy this tale. I wrote it...in memory of her, after all. This one is for you, sis."

Author's Note:

As the stars go out in this story, I'd like to thank everyone that came along for the long ride. Don't know why this one was so long, but I guess I really love Megaman Starforce. But this story shall be remembered by all upon Earth for years to come.

But the next story is about one who has been forgotten. One that no longer exists. But just because one is not remembered, doesn't mean that they can't be used. For in the next story, there are secrets to be unlocked. Secrets of light and darkness...and the heart.

And to unlock something, you need a key.

Comments ( 41 )

Key? So imma guess that it's a character from Kingdom Hearts. Also, great story! I liked it from start to finish.

PS. Does that new icon mean anything for a Vegeta fic in the future?

It'll be interesting having someone from the Kingdom Hearts multiverse team up with a pony to fend off the Maestro.

It does make me wonder if Maestro is actually been defeated or have we seen the last of him?

And so the story comes to a close... but the heroes... shall not be forgotten...

So it seems Kingdom Hearts is next... but who will the character in the story be? Sora? Or one of the mysterious members of Organization XIII? We shall see...

7903288 of course not! Are you crazy? There is a whole bunch of heroes that is gonna band together to defeat him just like it was prewiously done with the last bad guy of this series.

Hmm, i think i know Who we will see next. Here's a hint: 14

sounds like a story about no one no 1 no1X noiX

A DBZ character, but not Vegeta...

This story inspired me to play Star Force. It's actually a pretty good game once you get the hang of it. And this story does the series justice, I say. So good job once again, Ono!

So, it seems Maestro's done with this world, but I have a feeling he's not quite gone yet despite Celestia's sacrifice. Maybe Geo will figure it out and join some other heroes searching for him...

And next up, it sounds like a KH character's coming. Looks like a Nobody with a Keyblade: Roxas or Xion?

7903491 So long as it isn't Goku...

Glad to see that you enjoy the games. And yes, we will be getting a nobody with the key. But which?

Yeah, Maestro may have be STOPPED here but he isn't gone...we still have Wonder Woman and Ryu out for him!

I'm definitely looking forward to the new series

Kingdom hearts is next one. I knew it.

7903491 Ooh... can't wait to see a DBZ fic. Can't wait to see who it's gonna be. Knowing how you seem to do things, it'll probably be a character with unresolved issues from the show. I wouldn't put it past you though to have a good guy or a bad guy. Buu seems kinda likely. Trunks (either future or not) could be an interesting story. I can't imagine Goten or Gohan that much. Goku and Vegeta definitely seem out. Bardock would be a great story. Hercule would be hilarious. Krillin would make sense, and Yamcha is some way. So many choices... it's gonna be hard waiting for it to come out.

I am glad though I managed to force myself to finish this story. I was never good with Megaman, the only one I really got far in was Battle Network 2. It was a good story though, a little cringy at parts, but I read through it to get to the next stories. The Thor (at least I think it's Thor) should be interesting. I wonder if it's gonna be Thor, or some pony/other creature who wields the hammer, kinda like in the Green Lantern story. The Kingdom Hearts one is gonna be hard though... Never was a big fan.

But keep up the good work!

7903491 .... Dude, you have a very small idea how hyped I am right now. And that's only for one of your great stories.

I hope I can live up to the expectations.

this one has definitely earned its place in my favs. well done.

kingdom hearts

Freiza or Cell, maybe Broly? Since Goku would be pridictiable. Though Goten is possable i hope I'm close

Oh man as a Huge KH fan I'm excited that's gonna be one of your next set of stories. Based on the description it would have to be Xion, course I might be overlooking someone else but either way being KH means I'll read it regardless.

ok either way it will be interesting

Another good story. I need not repeat what everyone else has said already; your imagination is quite prolific. Question, though: if Maestro is dead, then how come there's still more stories? Is Maestro still alive, or is it another Maestro from yet another parallel universe?

That body of the Maestro was destroyed. And there is no alternate version of the Maestro, but we'll get to that later.

8163448 Huh? Is Maestro some kind of omnipresent extradimensional being or something? (If the answer is too spoilery, please shoot me a PM.)

Something along those lines

And then Discord return as he was having some vacation in another dimension, snap the fingers everyone is revived and put a door so that they can visit Megaman. Happy Ending. See? It's not hard.

Also... Did Discord help with Maestro?

They needed a great amount of power to make it work... Why not use the Doomsday weapon? That should have enough power, and at the same time could delay Maestro, instead Celestia decide to sacrifice herself...

And where was our friendly ghost of creation?

Before I officially get into reading this for the first time, is the Maestro one of the obscure Marvel villains? Cause I've heard the name thrown around from time to time.

Oh, so its just a character you personally made?

Beyond loved this. Great job!

That’s pretty nice way to tie things up. I think I’ll check out some Starforce next chance, this was a pretty good ride.

question the romance who is getting to edger?

At first, I thought he was referencing that obscure Marvel villain. I think in Marvel Comics the Maestro is like the evil alternate future version of The Hulk

Holy shit this was forever ago.

And yeah, that would do it. Saitama never once uses more than a fraction of his strength.

Welp, this was a trip. Have a credits music that fits the feels.

So far I have Liked several of Onomonopias stories. Ono is a very strong writer and this story is no different. Writing is solid, but for some reason, I just couldn't keep my interest. My attention just kept sliding and I found myself having g to replay sections because I realized I wasn't paying attention.

I just kind of moved onto my next story. "Girl That Never Was."

Again there is nothing wrong with this story that I can put my finger on, it just couldn't engage me.

The Monk
“Not telling you too much about humanity's special power, but I can give you a big hint! It is pure, concentrated spite.” -Knight Breeze

Yeah kinda like the Beyonder from that old Spiderman cartoon I totally forgot about xD. But hey, I like characters like those.

The Maestro? In other words, Spanish for 'teacher'?

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