• Published 3rd Nov 2016
  • 4,519 Views, 374 Comments

Champion of the Sun - Onomonopia

Luna and Celestia try to stop the wrath of a mad man with the aid of a Megaman.

  • ...

After the Show

"Calling this impressive would be an understatement," Ace said with a whistle as the Lunar Diva placed her guitar upon her back and walked out of the training room where she left dozens of training bots laying on the ground. "In fact, I'd have to call it a down right miracle."

"Or you can call it a hero saving the day, like they always do," Zack said with a proud smile at the Lunar Diva.

"You were so awesome yesterday! You just ripped the Maestro apart!" Bud roared with amazement, pulling the Lunar Diva into a hug. She rubbed the back of her head with an embarrassed smile before she glanced over at Luna, who was staring at Harp Note, but not really looking at her.

"What's the matter, Luna?" she asked.

"Nothing. Just...thinking," Luna replied in a soft voice as Celestia stepped forward.

"We got lucky that the two of you managed to fuse into this form before the Maestro could kill us. You two saved our lives the other day," Celestia stated as Luna and Harp Note separated, the kind words of their friends causing the alicorn and the singer to smile with pride. "And here I was thinking that Geo and I would have to be the ones protecting you the entire time, yet here we are."

"It is like I said, sister, we protect each other. That is what family does," Princess Luna reminded Celestia before she looked around the room. "Speaking of the champion of the sun, where is he?"

"He is...outside, helping to clean up," Celestia said with a sad sigh, shaking her had as well. "He feels guilty for all the lives that were lost during the Maestro's attack on the base. He feels that if he had handled it differently, then perhaps no lives would have been lost."

"He should know better. When dealing with the Maestro, there are going to be casualties," Princess Luna said with a shake of her head. "It is a miracle that we all managed to make it out alive, in spite of everything that he did to kill us. And how he will try to kill us in the future."

"Regardless, he is beating himself up over it and wants to help try to make up for what he did...or what he thinks he failed to do," Celestia continued, getting Sonia to sigh before she placed her hands in her pockets.

"And if I know him he'll be that way for a good while. I'll go talk to him and see if I can convince him otherwise," she said as she started to head for the door, but before she could reach it Ace placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Sonia, I need to talk to you for a moment. Nothing serious, just some advice," Ace said. Sonia shrugged and the two walked away from the others. "I want you to go to whatever school Geo and his friends will be going to this fall," Ace stated, getting both Sonia and Lyra to look at him in surprise.

"Um, Ace? I don't really go to school. Celebrity and all that," Sonia reminded him, but he nodded his head with a smirk.

"I know that. But life keeps on moving. We can't just hole up here and wait for Maestro to attack us," Ace said as he munched at a snack bar. "You guys may be the strongest fighters our world has, but you're still teens. You still need to live your lives. Go to school. Get in fights. Party hard. I've talked with Luna, Bud, Zack and Geo and they all agree that we can't let the Maestro ruin our lives. But we can't ignore him either. So it would be best if you all stuck together, at least until we've gotten rid of him once and for all."

"I see where you're coming from," Sonia said as she crossed her arms, thinking over what Ace was saying. "But wouldn't staying here be best? What if he attacks us at school? We could be putting innocent at risk?"

"Everyone is at risk as long as Maestro is here. If he wanted to kill all of them, it be best if you were there to stop him. Remember, this is the psycho that brought down at building just to see who would live," Ace reminded her. "But you and Geo are the only ones that can stop him, as long as you're with Celestia and Luna. So we have to make sure that the two of you are safe."

"...you're right Ace, as usual. It's just...school. Wow, when was the last time I went to that?" Sonia asked Lyra with a chuckle, getting a kind smile in reply. "Alright Ace, I'll go with them. Who knows, maybe I can use this experience for new music."

"That's the spirit."

"I'm going to go find Geo now. He's probably kicking himself if what Celestia told us is correct," Sonia said as she turned and headed towards the exit of the training room. She exited the room and headed down the hallway to leave the base, but to her surprise she found Luna leaning up against the wall, clearly waiting for the singer. "What's up, Luna? I thought you were going to go home early?"

"I was, but then..." Luna began, but she cut herself off and stared at the ground for a moment, getting Sonia to raise an eyebrow in confusion. "Thank you, Sonia."

"You're welcome. What are you thanking me for again?"

"For what you did. We were all trapped and Geo was dying. The Maestro was going to kill him and there was nothing we could do...nothing I could do," Luna whispered, but Sonia could still hear her. "And as I watched from that sphere, I thought I was going to watch someone I really care about...die. All I could do was stand there and watch. I knew there was nothing I could do."

"But you didn't believe that. You forced yourself out of the sphere. You pushed yourself through the pain and agony that the Maestro inflicted upon you to save Geo. And when all seemed lost, you and Princess Luna unleashed a power that could rival the Maestro...all to save Geo," Luna finished, getting Sonia to look at Luna with a concerned face. "You were there when he needed someone the most."

"Luna...what are you saying?"

"That he's lucky to have someone like you. Someone that will always be there for him," Luna said after a moment, but her words sounded strangely calm. "And that we're all so lucky to have a friend like you."

Luna turned and walked away from Sonia, who could only watch the teen go with confusion at what she had just been told. She glanced over at Lyra, who shrugged her shoulders, before the two of them exited the building. Sonia had to avert her eyes for a moment as she gazed out at the canyon, due to all the destruction and the blood stains that bathed the ground.

"He's over there," Lyra said to Sonia, pointing towards an area near the building. Sonia steeled her courage and walked over to her friend, finding Geo hard at work trying to move stones to repair some of the damage to the area. She stealthy walked up behind him before poking him on the shoulder, getting Geo to jump. He spun around prepared for a fight, but when he saw Sonia he held a hand to his heart.

"Hey Geo. Celestia told me that I might find you out here," Sonia said with a smile, but Geo averted his gaze and glanced at anywhere but where Sonia was. "She said that you might be still upset over what happened with Maestro the other day. But you can't let him get to you like this. You need to-"

"Thanks Sonia, but I'd really like to get back to work," Geo cut her off in a hurried tone before he began to move to another area. "Thanks for the words, but I just want to get my mind off things. See you later!"

"What was that about?" Sonia asked Lyra as Geo took off, glancing down at her EM friend. Lyra watched Geo go with a shake of her head, before she glanced up at Sonia with a bitter smile on her face.

"He doesn't want to talk to you right now. Or rather, he doesn't know how to talk to you anymore," Lyra said, getting Sonia to raise an eyebrow at her friend with confusion. "Sonia, whether or not you meant to, you, in a way, confessed to him the other day. Remember? Right before you and Princess Luna became the Lunar Diva?"

Sonia's eyes widened and she turned her head back to where Geo working, noticing that he occasionally glanced back at her before snapping his eyes forward. As the realization sunk in Sonia's face turned red and she held her hands to her face.

"What should I do?" Sonia asked through her hands.

"Give him a day or so. He'll hopefully have calmed down by then," Lyra said before she flashed a smile at her friend. "But eventually the two of you are going to need to talk about this. And I'd recommend sooner rather than later."


The stars shone overhead with a splendor and majesty that made Princess Luna almost jealous of how well they could shine without her. But she admitted to herself that the view from Vista Point was just as good as her sister said it would be, though she didn't know about the name. Yet the cool air along with the beauty of the sky made her quickly forget about her problems, though she was still thinking about the Lunar Diva.

"It's a really pretty place, isn't it?" Princess Luna turned her head to see Luna walking towards her, a look on the teens face that the princess couldn't read. Luna walked up beside the princess and rested her arms on the railing, staring up at the heavens with eyes that seemed to be seeking something.

"Indeed, it is. I am glad that even with all the light pollution that this world creates that there is still this amazing a view of the stars," Princess Luna agreed, following Luna's example and resting her forearms on the railing. The two stood by each other in silence for a good period of time, before Luna finally decided to break the silence.

"Thank you, by the way," she began, getting the princess to glance over at her. "For saving Geo. For saving all of us. If not for you and Sonia, we would have all died."

"You are welcome, but I can hear that defeated tone in your voice again. It is a tone I am personally familiar with," Princess Luna pointed out, getting Luna to chuckle with a smirk. "What is the matter?"

"I couldn't do anything again. All I could do was be a hostage, then stand on the sidelines and watch," Luna said once more, shaking her head with bitter disappointment. "But thinking it over, I realize that the worse thing I did was that I didn't try. I didn't try to get out, I didn't try to break free. All I did was stand there and watch. Like a spectator."

"Luna, all of us were trapped. If not for my sisters quick thinking I would not have made it out either," Princess Luna pointed out, but Luna shook her head once more.

"But Sonia did. She broke free of her prison and fought the Maestro by herself...even when she knew she couldn't win," Luna admitted, getting the princess to raise an eyebrow. "She refused to be a spectator, refused to watch as Maestro killed Geo. She fought...even though she knew she would lose her life. But she was there for him when he needed someone...while I was just watching."

"Are you jealous of Sonia?" Princess Luna asked.

"No, actually...I admire her," Luna admitted. "She's suffered so much in her life, has been through so much pain, but she's always trying to help others. Be it helping them smile through her music. Or fighting to keep them safe as Harp Note. She...doesn't give up. She doesn't see limits. She, like Geo, just keeps shooting higher into the stars."

"What are you saying?"

"I can't save the world like them. I can't fight evil like them. But I'm tired of just...watching. It's time for me to start doing something," Luna said with her confidence returning in her voice, though her expression showed that she was pondering something difficult. "I don't know how right now, but I know the first step is to prove the Maestro wrong. He said that all of us Luna's across reality are useless, uneventful people that never change anything. And looking over my life, he's right. But I'm not going to stay that Luna. I am going to change something. And the first thing I'll change...is myself. No more bossy, spoiled little girl that gets mad if she doesn't get her way. That person can't survive in a world like this. I need to be more."

"I just wanted to let you know. Since you tried to help me be a better leader," Luna said with a grateful smile to the princess before she looked up at the stars. "But I'm not a leader. Not in the same way Ace or Geo is. So the question now is: what kind of person am I? And how can that person stop standing on the sidelines?"

Luna turned and walked away from the princess, waving to her over her shoulder. The princess watched her go while nodding her head with a smile on her face, proud of the human that for a time she had thought to be annoying.

'I am proud of you, Luna. And I promise that I will help you become the person that you wish to be, whatever that person is,' Princess Luna thought to herself before she turned and stared up at the heavens, knowing that the Maestro was up there somewhere. And that thought made her smile. 'You're going to lose, Maestro. Luna has shown that the people of this world are too strong to be broken by you. And when the day comes you realize this, I'll enjoy watching you break.'