• Published 3rd Nov 2016
  • 4,519 Views, 374 Comments

Champion of the Sun - Onomonopia

Luna and Celestia try to stop the wrath of a mad man with the aid of a Megaman.

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Celestia shook her head with a large smile upon her face, unable to take her eyes off of the alicorn of the night that was rocking out on the massive stage at the front of the park with the members of the band that were playing. She was using her magic to unleash amazing sights of magic for the crowd, while keeping her magic in time with the music that was being played by the band. And despite herself promising that she wouldn't, Celestia found herself swaying to the music, enraptured by the symphony that Luna was making with her magic.

'And she's having the time of her life up there,' Celestia thought as Luna rocked out to an air guitar, while the crowd around her cheered and chanted Luna's name. Celestia cast a glance behind her to see that numerous people were also looking at her with looks of interest, but none of them dared to approach her. 'But I see that my actions have not been entirely forgiven. But there is no malice or anger in their eyes. Only confusion and uncertainty. That is probably more than I deserve.'

"Have you all been enjoying yourselves tonight?!" Luna roared at the crowd, who roared back at her. Luna let out a laugh before she motioned to the band behind her. "Let's give it up for the great members of this band who were willing to let a random pony like myself up on their stage and rock out with them!" The crowd roared even louder and the band took a bow.

"Now as an alicorn of the night, I can keep going until my sister raises the sun and ruins my fun, but I don't think all of you can keep going all night long," Luna continued on, but a laugh escaped her lips when the crowd roared at her that she was wrong. "Well, either way we have to wrap this up soon, sadly! But worry not! As Keith, the lead singer has informed me, there are still numerous songs left that will rock you to your core! Onto the music!"

The band started to rock out again and the crowd started dancing along with the music, allowing Luna the chance to teleport off of the stage and appear next to her sister. "Sister! How goes it?!" Luna exclaimed with eyes bright and a smile that beamed like the sun.

"It goes well, sister. I am impressed with how quickly the crowd has taken a liking to you," Celestia said with a nod as she glanced around at the crowd. Luna followed her gaze as well, spying Kelvin dancing with Hope and Geo, while Sonia danced not too far from them. "But more importantly I am glad to see that you are having fun. After what the Maestro did to you I thought that you would never smile in joy again. I am glad to see I am wrong."

"You have been wrong more times since you have arrived in this world than you ever were back in Equestria," Luna stated with a laugh before she smiled at her sister. "And that is how I know that this world is a great place. Because it has shown us that there is still so much for us to learn! Now come on stage with me and help give these people a magic show that they will never forget!"

"I do not know, it has not been long since I caused them so much pain," Celestia hesitated, but before she could ponder further Luna teleported back up onto the stage. She then extended a hoof towards Celestia, who looked at it with uncertainty. "Come on sister, show them who you are. Show them why my older sister is the coolest sister in all the worlds."

Celestia sighed before she took Luna's hoof with a smile, allowing herself to be pulled up on stage. Celestia turned around to see that both the crowd and the band were now looking at her, waiting to see what she would do. Celestia then glanced from them to Luna, who nodded her head encouragingly.

"Come on sister, have a little fun. Show them the reason so many back on Equestria loved you. Show them why you are the princess of the sun!" Celestia smiled at her baby sister to thank her, before her horn began to glow as well and she gave the crowd a look that sent shivers of excitement up their spines.

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for putting up with my younger sister while she entertained you with some pretty impressive magic," Celestia said with a bow of her head to the crowd, only to raise her head once more with a grin that Luna never knew she could make. "But now it is time for the real fireworks to begin. My sister is good, but only one of us was declared the greatest magic user in all of Equestria. Ladies and gentlemen...are you ready for the real show?!"

The crowd roared with a frenzy as the band began to play their fastest and most energetic song, while Celestia channeled her power into her horn. She then unleashed her magic into the night sky, causing it to erupt with designs and scenes that the crowd couldn't fathom. Taking a page from Equestrian history, Celestia drew the image of her and Luna's battle with Sombra, making sure to make it look as epic as possible. Every eye in the crowd was upon the battle, before Celestia changed the magic so that it matched the beat of the music, getting the crowd to start dancing once more.

"Well well, Princess Celestia: Party animal? What would our parents say?" Luna asked with a chuckle before she gazed up at the battle of magic that was going on over her head, her gaze softening. "What would they say? Would they be disappointed in us for failing our world? Our ponies? Would they be proud of us for continuing to fight despite all that has happened?...would they be proud of me?"

Celestia looked at her baby sister for a moment before she extended a wing and pulled Luna into a hug, getting the princess to look up at her sister with surprise. "I think they would be proud of you, just as I am," Celestia said with a smile as warm as the hug. "You have been strong, you have been kind and you refuse to let anything that has happened damper your spirit. And in just under an hour you have managed to make friends with so many here, despite being alien to these people. I wish I could be more like you."

Luna gazed up at Celestia with awe before she giggled and stared out at all of the dancing people, the joy she felt matching that of the people before her. "Well, if you want to be more like me you need to start waking up around ten pm every night..."

"And I no longer wish to be like you."


Off in a corner of the party, Geo and Mega stood next to each other and stared up at the sky. Despite the loud music and the people having a fun time, the two found themselves engrossed by the images of the pony soldiers going to war against what they thought were mind controlled foes that a dark pony was sending in to fight them. But when the battle reached it's crescendo, the magic changed and instead started to match the music that was playing.

"Wow, I had no idea that cute and colorful ponies could have such a scary war like that," Mega said with both surprise and admiration. "But if Celestia and Luna could fight off someone as powerful as Sombra, then maybe I've been underestimating their power all this time."

"Yeah...but they were strong enough to beat somebody like Sombra, yet were unable to do anything against Maestro by themselves," Geo added on, getting the EM alien to look at him with arms crossed. "So what does that say about the Maestro? What does that say about our chances of beating him?"

"You're still on this, kid?"

"Of course I am. Bud was put into the hospital because I couldn't beat Maestro's lackey," Geo said with a pain in his voice that was as bitter as it was cold. "Rogue. I couldn't beat Rogue, even with the incredible power of the Solar Knight. How am I supposed to beat someone like the Maestro if I can't even beat Rogue?"

"With the help of your friends. I don't know about you, but the Lunar Diva is by far the scariest form that I've seen in my lifetime," Mega added, but Geo was barely paying him any mind.

"And risk their lives as well? I'm the hero of earth, so-"

"Oh enough about this hero of earth crap," Mega said with a snarl so intense that it made Geo snap his head around to face his friend. "Kid, the only reason you lived long enough to get the title hero of earth is because you had friends to help you when you couldn't do it alone. You couldn't do it alone against the FM king, you couldn't do it alone against Mu and you couldn't do it alone against the Crimson Meteor. All getting the title hero of earth has done for you is make you think that you have to do everything by yourself!"


"Nope. Zip it. Not going to let you ruin my night," Mega grunted before he floated into the crowd, snatching a drink out of someone's hands and pouring it down his throat. "Go have fun by yourself and let me know when you learn to stop worrying so much!"

"Geez, wonder how long that's been building up?" Geo asked as Mega vanished into the crowd, leaving the kid to sit by himself. He stared up at the magical images overhead for a moment, before a girl with blond hair leaned up against the railing beside him.

"So, what was that all about?" Sonia asked. "And by all that, I mean Mega yelling at you and going to interact with other people instead of being the shut in he normally is."

"I think that the stress of the Maestro is starting to get him scared," Geo replied as he crossed his arms. "And when he get scared he starts to get worried about me. And when he gets worried about me he can't put up with me and then what you just saw happens."

"Yeesh, glad Lyra never blows up at me," Sonia said as she gazed off at the crowd. "So, what did you say that got him so upset with you?"

"The Maestro, what else?" Geo said with a chuckle. "I've been watching the magical images that Celestia has been making with her magic and we think they're stories of her life, not just images. And in all of them she and Luna have been fighting, how many times they've saved the world. Maestro beat them like they were nothing. And that's the power we have to fight."

"Not alone. I'll be there with you when that final battle comes," Sonia promised Geo before giving him a smile and a thumbs up, but all her actions did was get Geo to look at the ground.

"I can't ask you to risk your life like that. I'm starting to think fighting Maestro might be as futile as fighting time. I can't ask you to be there with me when I fight him again."

"Then don't ask me. I'll just go with you. That way I can be there when you put him down once and for all and you won't feel bad for asking me," Sonia replied before she noticed that the music changed. A huge smile crossed her face as she recognized the song and she started to dance in place, gaining her the attention of Geo. "Sorry, but I really love this song! It's so catchy and makes a person just want to move!"

"Wow, never seen music have such an effect on you," Geo muttered before he started to lose himself in thought again. But before he could get too far Sonia turned and extended out a hand to him, getting him to glance up once more.

"Y'know, this song is fun to dance to alone, but...it's a lot more fun to dance with...someone you enjoy being with," she managed to stammer out, though she couldn't look Geo in the eyes as she said it. Geo's face reddened for a second, before he glanced at the crowd to see Kelvin dancing with Hope and the two alicorns dancing up on the stage. All of them having fun, despite the knowledge of what evil lurked.

'Learn to stop worrying so much, huh?' Geo thought to himself before he turned his head to Sonia's outstretched hand, which she was just beginning to lower. He let out a small sigh before he extended his own hand, grabbing hold of hers. Her head snapped up to look at him, surprise on her face and a smile on his. "Sure. I'd love to dance. If the Maestro kills us tomorrow, then all the more reason to have fun tonight."

Sonia's face lit up and a huge smile spread across her face before she raced into the crowd, dragging a smiling Geo along with her. She came to a stop next to the stage and released Geo's hand, laughing aloud before she began to move her body along with the music. Geo followed her lead and began to move his body in rhythm with the music, trying to match his movements as best he could. After a few tries he found that he could keep up pretty well, but was nowhere close to how good Sonia could keep up with the beat.

Geo quickly lost himself in the music and the one song he had promised to dance to turned into three and then five. He didn't care. For the first time ever since the Maestro had defeated him in the center of the city he felt his worries and weights leave his shoulders, leaving him with only the sheer mirth and laughter that was bubbling within him.

'I'll have to remember to thank Luna for inviting me to come to this. It's been a ton of fun,' Geo thought to himself before he felt someone bump into him, getting him to look over his shoulder at a beaming Sonia, who winked at him before she continued to dance. For a brief moment he was lost in her smile, before he shook his head and bumped in her back. Sonia turned and gave Geo a mischievous grin, before she tried to bump into him again, but Geo moved out of the way and flicked her head as she missed.

'And thank you too, Sonia. You always know how to extend a hand to me when I need it the most,' Geo thought as Sonia practically slammed into him, the two smiling as they tried to knock the other out of the way. 'I don't know what I'd do without you in my life.' The music picked up once more and the crowd really began to dance, along with the two teens in the front who, at the moment, weren't thinking about the Maestro or the end of the world. They were only having fun dancing each other.



Acid Ace finally found the strength to push himself back up to a sitting position, glancing across the now completely destroyed training are at Taurus Fire, who was just as exhausted as Ace was. Taurus also sat up a moment later and looked over at Ace, getting the both of them to lock eyes. They stared at each other for a moment before they both threw their heads back and began to laugh, continuing to laugh even as Luna and Zack raced over to Bud.

"You were amazing out there!" Luna sang with pride as she and Zack knelt next to Taurus, who turned back into Bud a moment later. "I've never seen you move like that before."

"Maybe it's because he didn't have to think as much and thus could devote more of his brain to reacting and moving?" Zack suggested as he looked down at his data. "But there's no denying it. What we did here improved Taurus Fire's fighting ability by two hundred percent. You're like a whole new fighter."

"And I have the both of you to thank for it," Bud said before he looked down at his fist, amazed with how well he had done. "I can't wait to show Geo and Sonia the new Taurus Fire, as Zack said. Maybe, for the first time in so long, I can actually stand among the both of them as an equal."

"I'm a man of my word and after that incredible performance you put on, I'd say you've earned more than a meal," Ace said as he walked over to the group, smiling at them while extending a hand to Bud with pride in his eyes. Bud flashed the same look in reply before he took Ace's hand and was pulled up to his feet. "You've earned my respect, Bud. You've proven why you deserve to stand with the rest of us. How would you like to lead the charge the next time we go after a sphere?"

"I'd like that a lot Ace, but honestly...I'd really like that free me you promised," Bud said with a laugh before his stomach rumbled, getting both Luna and Zack to shake their heads at him while smiling.

"Sounds good, Bud. Where do you want to go eat?"