• Published 3rd Nov 2016
  • 4,519 Views, 374 Comments

Champion of the Sun - Onomonopia

Luna and Celestia try to stop the wrath of a mad man with the aid of a Megaman.

  • ...

Change of Plans

"Nothing like a beautiful sunrise to get you pumped for the day, wouldn't you guys say?" Sonia asked with a smile that could outshine the sun, glancing around at the rest of her friends that were within the tram with her. Princess Luna grumbled sleepily in reply and Geo stifled a yawn, while Zack and Bud silently cried to themselves in the corner of the tram.

"Yes, I agree completely. There is nothing like a beautiful sunrise to get a person moving in the morning," Celestia said with a cheery smile before she glanced over at her sister, using her magic to prop her back up so she wouldn't slide onto the floor. "Yet it seems that once again my sister disagrees with me."

"It is her loss. I personally enjoy getting up first thing in the morning. It gives me time to think about my day ahead," Luna said before she glanced over at Bud and Zack, who were both looking at her with sad eyes and were doing their best not to let any tears escape. "Oh for the love of heaven you two, it's been nearly three days since I told you about my decision and you are still crying! Why are you so upset over this? It's not like I'll be gone forever, just during the school week!"

"B-but what are we supposed to do without you there?" Bud stammered out, wiping his eyes on the back of his hand. "We've been a trio since the third grade and now you're splitting us up before our high school year? What will we do without your guidance? We'll be lost without you."

"No you won't. You'll still have Geo there to order you around and you'll be two of three students at the school to be friends with the famous Sonia Strumm. If anything the two of you will be fine without me," Luna said with an exasperated sigh. "Look at Geo, you don't see him crying over the fact that I'm leaving. I'm almost insulted."

"But he has Sonia now while we're losing you!" Zack stated with a sob. "There's a one hundred percent chance that school won't be the same without you!" Bud and Zack began to sob bitterly to themselves once more, getting Luna to give the both of them a sympathetic gaze before she turned her attention to Sonia and Geo.

"You look really tired Geo. Did you not get any sleep last night?"

"I've been having a rough couple of nights," Geo said while fighting back another yawn. "Somehow my mom found out what happened at the beach and she's been teasing me relentlessly about it. I place the blame on a certain alien freeloader that doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut."

"Hey pal, she wanted to know everything that happened. It's your fault for not removing your hunter before you confessed to your little sweetheart," Mega said from within the hunter defensively, getting Geo to smirk at Mega's response.

"Well at least I've got my independence. My mom asks you for anything and you bend over backwards to help her. Honestly you act like a little puppy around her," Geo snarked back.

"What did you call me?" Mega snarled as he materialized in front of Geo, growling at the teen.

"Little. Bed wetting. Puppy," Geo repeated slower and with a large smile, getting Mega to narrow his eyes at Geo's response. Mega extended his claws and Geo started to rise out of his seat, but before the two could begin to brawl Sonia wrapped her arms around Geo's neck and gently pulled him back onto the seat.

"Come on you two, let's not ruin such a beautiful morning fighting over nothing," she said to the two of them before giving Geo the puppy dog eyes, melting Geo's will with ease. "Can't this wait until later? Now I want the both of you to apologize."

"Sigh...sorry I called you a puppy, Mega. We all know your the guard dog of the family," Geo replied with an apologetic smile, getting a smirk out of Mega.

"And you just said that I had no will, but one look from her and she has your strings in her hands," Mega said with a shake of his head. Geo looked from Mega to Sonia before shrugging and placing one of his hands on Sonia's hip, pulling her in closer.

"What can I say? She knows me," Geo said with a shrug before Sonia rested her head on his shoulder, getting the both of them to turn slightly red in the face.

"Geez you two, it's only been a few days and already you look like you've been dating for months," Luna said with a small shake of her head, getting the teens to look at each other and smile.

"I guess we're just so comfortable with the other at this point," Sonia said with a small shrug before she scooted closer to Geo, closing her eyes and sighing with happiness. "But honestly Luna...after the way that you responded to the news asking whether or not I was dating Megaman, I truly believed you would be the first to rip our heads off when we started dating."

"Yeah actually, you've always gotten a little angry whenever I hung out with any other girls," Geo asked, getting Luna to smile slightly as she crossed her arms and closed her eyes.

"Like I said at the beach, I'm trying to change the person that I want to be. No more flying off the handle at every turn. Not to mention," Luna muttered under her breath before gazing out the window. "There are...other reasons that I'm so calm about this."

"Man, now that I think about it Geo's the one out of all of us that's going to have the hardest time at high school," Zack said, turning everyone's attention to him. "After it gets out that you and Sonia are dating, every high school boy in that place is going to be out for your blood. You might have to stay as Megaman just to make it to your first day."

"If anyone tries to lay a hand on my Geo, then I'll tell all of them that I'll never create another album or do another show again," Sonia replied with fire blazing in her voice as he grip around Geo tightened.

"Your Geo?" Luna asked with a smirk.

"My Geo."

"Really Sonia? You would cease your livelihood all for the reason that someone took offense to you and Geo dating?" Celestia asked, more interested in watching the teens then she was Sonia's answer.

"Absolutely. No more music ever again."

"I see. Well it's a good thing that I hate your music in any reality."

Celestia let out a swear that was only understood by Equestrian royalty as she sprung to her hooves, only to take a metal fist to the face that sent her slamming back first into a glass window. Princess Luna's eyes snapped open and she unleashed a blast of magic at the metal being that had appeared in the tram car, but the spell bounced off of his suit and a moment later she joined her sister in dreamland on the floor. Maestro then turned upon Sonia and Geo, grabbing the both of them by the throat and pulling them off of their seats.

"Ma...estro!" Geo snarled as best he could with a metal hand crushing his throat. Mega and Lyra appeared next to the two teens while Bud began his battle cry to transform, but before any could interfere the Maestro's eyes flickered and he trapped them all within spheres of shattered magic. With everyone that could interfere out of the way, the Maestro slowly turned his head back towards the two teens that were clutched in his grasp.

"Ah, the power couple. So you have made your choice, Geo," Maestro said with some interest as he gazed at Sonia, who eyes blazed with a fury that was hotter than the sun. "And I am happy to see you as well, Sonia. Do the both of you like the new body? It took me quite a while to construct this one after you completely disintegrated my other one."

"What are you doing, Maestro?! Too afraid to fight us fair in square?!" Mega roared from within his sphere, only for Maestro's eyes to flash once more and he was muted.

"I have no intention of fighting fair. Truth be told, I actually came at this time to kill the both of you before you could transform. Now who should I kill first? Geo and watch Sonia's heart break before I kill her? Or should I kill Sonia and see just how far into his rage Geo would descend? Choices, choices..." Maestro whispered to the two teenagers, who both flashed each other looks that shone with fear for the other. For a moment of silence the Maestro did nothing...before he released the two of them and dropped them to the ground.

"What the-?" Geo choked out as he glared up at the Maestro, while Sonia wrapped her arms around Geo and flashed Maestro a look that was filled with murder. Maestro looked down at the both of them before he turned and looked out the window, staring at the rising sun with some interest.

"That was the plan after your beloved vaporized me. To return and kill the both of you in front of the other. But then I actually stopped to think about it. A Harp Note had vaporized me. After a Megaman had melted me into a puddle. Two things that had never happened to me before," Maestro began before he gazed back at the two teens, both of who were ready to fight. "And then I thought about it more. Thought about what has happened on this world so far. And how none of it has ever happened before, not in any other reality."

"What are you saying, you sick bastard?" Sonia spat at him.

"I'm saying that thanks to the interference of Luna and Celestia, thanks to your heroism, thanks to Sonia's refusal to let you die...you have created an entirely new reality for me to explore. One whose ending I only know if I chose to destroy it," Maestro replied with what sounded like joy in his voice. "An entirely new place, one that has an infinite possible choices that I've never seen. It...is rejuvenating, to finally feel excited once more. So what I suppose I am saying is thank you, the both of you. Thank you for being so damn hard to kill."

"So what, now that we've given you a new timeline to watch you're just going to leave and observe?" Geo spat out as he rubbed his throat, getting Maestro to chuckle.

"No, Stelar. Everything that has caused this reality to become an entirely new one has come of when everything you love and cherish in on the line. So I will continue forward with my plan and activate my, as you put it, doomsday weapon," Maestro said with a small laugh. "And I will do so fully prepared to destroy this world, along with doing everything in my power to kill all of you. But if I'm being honest...I hope that you can actually stop me. I'd love to see how this world turns out."

"Is this all we are to you," Luna asked, getting the Maestro to turn around to face her. "Are we just lives that you change however you want so that you can be entertained? Do our lives really mean that little to you?"

"Of course not. Your lives mean nothing to me," Maestro replied with no emotion before he looked back at Geo and Sonia. "I will be activating my device soon. Do everything in your power to stop me, or I promise the both of you that you will have to watch your beloved die before you. I should leave Celestia and Luna or maybe some more Equestrian Princesses alive in the future more often. They do very interesting things."

Maestro vanished a moment later, causing the spheres that had been imprisoning the others to vanish as well. The moment Mega was free he let out a bellow and began to slash at the air in rage, while Lyra just shook her body at his actions. Sonia pulled Geo close to her and held him tight as he wrapped his arms around her, looking around with rage building in his chest.

"He could have killed us. He could have killed us and it would have been easy for him," Geo whispered as he shook with rage, getting Sonia to tighten her hug. "And that's what this was. To prove to us that he could do it. that our lives are playthings to him. The only reason he didn't finish us was so we could entertain him."

"It's okay though, Geo. We're still here. He didn't kill us. We're alright," Sonia comforted him as she rested her head on his chest, getting Geo to calm down to the point that he stopped shaking. He then glanced over at the princesses, who were just starting to recover from the attack. Luna was attending to Celestia, trying to heal to the head wound that had been opened on Celestia when she had been punched. Bud and Zack were helping Princess Luna back to her hooves, but the look of divine wrath upon Luna's face made it hard for the two to look at her.

"He made it look so easy," Geo whispered as he shook his head, his words getting Sonia to raise her head from his chest and stare into Geo's eyes with her own.

"We're all still alive, okay? He could have killed us, he might have been able to do it easily, but he didn't! We didn't lose anyone...I didn't lose you," she whispered as she lowered her head sadly. Geo's face fell before he placed one hand on the back of her head and the other on her back, pulling her close to comfort her. The tram came to a stop a few moments later, only for the doors to be practically torn off of their hinges to allow Acid Ace to fly in a moment later.

"What happened?" he asked as he glance at the carnage, his face horrified when he saw the looks of wrath on the princesses face. He then looked down at Geo and Sonia, who broke apart to look up at him. "Geo. Sonia. What? Happened?"

"Maestro happened, Ace. And he's moving into the final stage of his plan," Lyra said, the only being in the room that could still talk in a neutral voice. "That's what he said...after making it perfectly clear how easy we would have been to kill. Can you help us get these guys inside? They're going to need a while to recover from this."