• Published 3rd Nov 2016
  • 4,519 Views, 374 Comments

Champion of the Sun - Onomonopia

Luna and Celestia try to stop the wrath of a mad man with the aid of a Megaman.

  • ...

Only Way

"Done with your chat with the doc, Geo?" Ace asked as Geo entered the command center, who nodded before sitting down next to Sonia. "Guess I can begin then."

"So today has been off to a terrible start," Ace said with a serious look as he gazed around the command center at the rest of the commandoes and the alicorns, none of who had any emotion except rage on their faces. Ace had brought them all inside and had walked them past the meeting room and straight into the command center, where he turned every screen to a certain area of the world. There were dozen of the worlds greatest and fastest supercomputers, while dozens of staff members ran the machines for max efficiency. But despite them supposed to be used to monitor the whole world, every screen was upon the same weapon.

"And I wish I could say that it's going to get better, but that would be a lie."

"Let me guess, he's activated his doomsday weapon," Luna said in a tone as cold as ice.

"Yeah and it's like nothing we've ever seen," Ace continued as he waved the images in front of the rest of the commandoes, allowing them to all see first hand the doomsday weapon that was now floating over the ground. Unlike the other weapons this one was shaped like a cube and practically spewed shattered magic. "It's way beyond the spheres in terms of durability and power. Even with your most powerful forms I don't think you'd be able to out a scratch in it."

"Then that would mean we either have to stop it before it can activate or destroy it from the inside," Celestia put forward, but when Ace's face fell she figured that there was more bad news. "Let me guess, he has some force field or a weapon that will keep us from getting to get it?"

"Of course there is. The weapon is in space," Ace replied, getting the group to look at him with less then thrilled expressions. "Not only that, but there are strange EM beings protecting it. Seems that the Maestro is going all out to make sure that this weapon destroys our world."

"Do we know how long we have until the weapon fires?" Princess Luna asked while keeping an ice pack glued to the side of her head.

"It seems that it could fire at any time, but if what Geo told me is right the Maestro will only fire it after he's killed him and Sonia," Ace explained with a sympathetic glance to Geo and Sonia, with the latter attending to the wounds of the former. "Which means that we have a little more time that we would normally have. But make no mistake, the weapon is primed and ready to fire. And this weapon will destroy the planet. Be it simply exploding the world or wiping all technology off the face of the planet, it's an world wide extinction event. We need to win this fight."

"I get that, but can we beat him?" All eyes turned towards Zack, who had been hammering numbers into his Hunter VG ever since the conversation had begun and now he was looking at the group with uncertain eyes. "He came back, just like we predicted he would, but then he showed up and attacked us at our weakest. When our guard was down."

"What are you saying? He got in a cheap shot, that's all it was," Bud growled, but Zack flashed him a look so terrifying that for a moment Bud was scared of his best friend.

"Say we beat him here. Say we stop his doomsday weapon and save the world. It won't kill him. We've seen that he can't be killed. Geo tried. Sonia tried. The Princesses tried. And each time he's come back. Whenever he felt like it," Zack stated for the group, crossing his fingers and closing his eyes as he lost himself in thought.

"We'll stop him, Zack. We'll save the world," Geo said, but in reply Zack slammed his fists into the table and glared at Geo with tears in his eyes.

"That doesn't matter! We could save the world all we want, but how do we defend ourselves against a being that can show up whenever he wants?! After we save the world, what's to stop him from simply killing any of us in our sleep?! Maybe once he sees how this world plays out he'll kill us just for interfering with his plans?! You've seen his power and you know what he's capable of...we can't be on guard all of our lives...but we can't kill him. We can't stop him, at least not for good. How do we stay safe when he decides that he's done with us?"

No one in the room had an answer to what Zack had just said. Ace had lowered his head and was trying to think of an answer, but there was nothing that he knew would work. The princesses sat in rage induced silence, having asked themselves the same question many a times back when they were stranded on Equestria. Bud seemed to be spending more effort trying to figure out where Zack's rage had come from while Luna sadly gazed at Zack, who was shaking in his seat.

Geo and Sonia both shared a look of concern with the other, knowing that it all came down to them. They were the ones with the power that had managed to fend off the Maestro and they would be the ones going into space to try to destroy his doomsday weapon. But even if they prevailed, neither of them knew what would happen after that. They took hold of each others hands and sat silently in thought, trying to think of a way out.

"What about the weapon that you created?" Mega asked as he appeared next to the group, turning all sets of eyes towards him. "The weapon that you theorized would be able to mess with the Maestro's power? At the moment hat seems like the only thing we've got that might put him down once and for all."

"It won't work," Ace said with a bitter shake of his head. "The weapon, while it might have the ability to seriously cripple the Maestro, requires an ungodly amount of power to function for even a few seconds. In order to do what you want it to, it would have to be active for over a minute. And there is nothing on Earth that has enough power to run it."

"So then what should we do?" Lyra asked, finally asking the question that was on everyone's mind. Ace let out another sigh as he ran his hand through his hair, looking at each and every being in the room as he reached a decision.

"The plan hasn't changed. We stop the doomsday weapon. We save the world. And then we deal with the Maestro. In that order," Ace said with an exasperated sigh. "We'll be launching our attack tomorrow. I assume that's all the time that Maestro will give us. In the mean time, each of you should go home and spend time with your loved ones. After tomorrow...I don't know what the future will have in store. Meet in the main area tomorrow at ten."

Ace dismissed the group after that and walked into the back part of the command room, leaving the commandoes by themselves.

"I don't care what anyone says, we'll prevail tomorrow," Luna said to the rest of them with confidence in her voice. "You guys have never failed us before and you won't tomorrow, even against a foe as powerful as this." She stood up after she said this and walked out of the room, stopping by the door and giving the people in the room one more smile before leaving.

Zack was the next to get up and head towards the door, giving the group a less than confident look. "The percentages aren't in your favor...but I still believe in you guys. I just...don't know. Maestro is so powerful. But I know you can prevail." Zack left the room after saying this, getting Bud to stand up next.

"We'll win. I know we will," Bud said to Geo and Sonia, before bowing slightly to the princesses as he walked out. "I'll be right there beside the both of you. To the bitter end." Bud left as well, leaving only Sonia, Geo, their wizards and the princesses alone in the room.

"Guess I should go next. Gotta go back and get ready for tomorrow," Sonia said as she started to stand up, but Geo grabbed her hand and stopped her from leaving.

"Ace told us to spend the rest of the day with the people we love. And...well...instead of going back to your studio alone, you're welcome to come to my place," Geo stammered out in an embarrassed tone, his words turning Sonia's face as pink as her jacket. She smiled happily as Geo stood up as well, letting go of her hand and glancing at the princesses. "The two of you are welcome to come as well, unless there's somewhere else you want to go?"

"No, I think staying together is the safest thing we can do right now, just in case the Maestro changes his mind," Princess Luna agreed as she and her sister walked towards the exit, both of them giving kind smiles back to Geo and Sonia as they left as well.

"Hey Sonia, can I have a minute to talk to Ace alone for a second?" Geo asked. Sonia nodded before glancing around to make sure no one was watching. She quickly pecked Geo on the cheek before racing to the exit, stopping just long enough to wink at Geo before she left.

"Dear God I've never seen your face get that red," Mega said with a small snicker at Geo, who was having trouble processing anything at the moment. He then shook his head and forced the smile off of his face, before glancing at Mega as well. "What, you want me to leave as well? Geez kid, you've been a real hassle lately. Fine, fine. I'll go as well. But don't take long, it's rude to keep friend waiting."

Geo laughed as Mega floated to the exit, phasing through the door. But before he was completely threw Mega stopped and looked back at Geo, a silent question in his eyes. Geo nodded and Mega shook his head sadly, before leaving the room. The moment he was alone Geo's face took on the most serious expression that he had ever worn before he turned and walked over to Ace, who turned to look at Geo with just as serious an expression.

"My answer is no," he said in a dead serious tone.

"No to what?"

"I know what you're going to ask. My answer is no," Ace snarled in reply as he tried to walk past Geo, but Geo grabbed Ace's arm with a strength that surprised Ace.

"I can power the weapon that can kill Maestro," Geo told Ace, who glared straight ahead. "As Megaman I can channel my power into it long enough so that it will kill him."

"And in turn it will kill you," Ace replied in a serious tone.

"Price I'd have to pay to make sure everyone I love is safe."

"Dammit Geo are you listening to yourself?!" Ace roared at Geo, turning on the teen with a look of fury that was matched by a blank expression. "I know how much stopping the Maestro means to you, but to willing throw away your life?! Think of what it would do to your parents?! Think about what it would do to SONIA?! You have too many people that depend on you!...I'll do it."

"Maestro will kill you before you get the chance. And not to mention, you've got a wife as well that depends on you," Geo replied in a calm tone. "Acid Ace can't hold his form long enough to do it. Only Megaman can."

"Do you honestly think Mega will let you sacrifice yourself like that? He'd stop you."

"He's already on board. He...knows that Maestro has to be stopped. Ace, you heard what Zack said. You know what Maestro is capable of. If we don't finish him off here, when he doesn't expect it. Because if we don't, we'll spend the rest of our lives looking over our shoulders to see if that day is the day Maestro decides to finish us off."


"You said it yourself. A hero has to be ready to save those who depend on him, no matter the cost," Geo told Ace, who snarled at having his words used against him. "Ace...you know this is the only way. Only Megaman has enough power to activate the machine long enough to destroy Maestro. Please...we have to stop him."

"There has to be another way..." Ace muttered under his breath, but Geo could tell that he was starting to see the logic.

"If you can think of another way to power that weapon of yours in under a day, I'm all ears. But if not, this is our only solution," Geo replied with a shake of his head. "I've talked to Goodall. She's the one that told an EM warrior is the only way. Taurus Fire isn't strong enough. You can't hold your form to do it...and I can't ask Sonia. Please, Ace. Help me save them."

Ace snarled before he slammed his fist into the side of the wall, seething in rage for a moment. He then regained control of himself before he turned towards a cabinet, opening it and pulling out a small device that hummed in a way that made Geo's skin crawl. Ace put the device within a small container and handed it to Geo, but when Geo tried to take it Ace held on tight.

"Only as a last resort. If there is no other option," Ace made Geo promise. When Geo did, Ace let go of the weapon and closed his eyes with a shake of his head. "I'm going to burn for placing this burden upon you. I should be the one that does it."

"You know as well as I do that Megaman is the only one that can, just like in the past," Geo said sadly before nodding to Ace. "Thanks Ace, for always being an awesome older brother. I wouldn't be here today if not for you."

"And you may not be here tomorrow because of me," Ace replied. "Go home, Geo. Be with those who love you. I need...some time."

Geo nodded to Ace as he tucked the container under his arm, walking to the door and placing a hand on it. He glanced back at Ace one last time before he opened the door and exited the room, finding the princesses, Mega and Sonia waiting on the other side.

"All set?" Celestia asked, getting Geo to nod as he patted the case.

"Yeah, Ace was just giving me back something that he borrowed. Can't believe he put it in a case like this though," Geo said with a smile, getting Celestia to shake her head with a smile.

"Ace is a cautious person. He would do something like that. Come, I am getting tired and wish to sleep."

"Tired? Sister, we are going to a sleepover. The fun is just beginning."

Geo shook his head as the two sister began to argue, joining them as they started to walk towards the exit. Sonia walked over beside him and wrapped her arms around his left arm before leaning her head onto his shoulder, sighing in content. Geo then glanced over at Mega, who was rubbing his eyes with a tired look and hiding his thoughts.

'None of them suspect,' Geo thought to himself sadly as he clutched the container in his right arm a little tighter. 'And I hate to do this to all of them. But I have to make sure that they're all going to be safe. That the Maestro will never bother them again. That's my duty as a hero.'