• Published 3rd Nov 2016
  • 4,519 Views, 374 Comments

Champion of the Sun - Onomonopia

Luna and Celestia try to stop the wrath of a mad man with the aid of a Megaman.

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True Power

"The end of our world, huh? You sound awfully confident about hat fact despite standing before two people that kicked your ass in the past," Harp Note said before she raked her fingers across her strings, sending waves of lunar magic rocketing towards him. The Maestro made no attempt to get out of the way, but before the blast could strike him an EM being flew down and intercepted the blast.

"Yes, I will admit that you two have bested me in the past. And for that you have made this far more interesting than it ever should have been. So for that, I thank you," Maestro stated before his form flickered and Harp Note took a hellacious shot to the gut, one that dropped her to her knees and got her to start coughing in pain. The Solar Knight spun around and slashed at Maestro with the solar saber, but the Maestro held out a hand and caught the blade, which burned in his grasp but failed to damage him.

"You destroy Celestia and Luna's home, wipe out everyone they care about and dare to do the same to our world?! I promise Maestro, that I will do everything in my power to make sure that there is no tomorrow for you!" Megaman roared before he slammed the shield into the side of Maestro's head, before unleashing a hellfire of solar power into the face of Maestro. The power was enough to get Maestro to release the blade and take a step back, allowing Megaman to point Celestia at Maestro and fire shots of solar magic into his body.

Maestro titled his head to the side when Megaman stopped firing and seemed to be smiling at Megaman, before he lashed out with a metal fist. Megaman blocked the blow with his shield, but the blow was strong enough to send him skidding backwards across the face of the cube. Megaman caught movement out of the corner of his eye and spun the shield to intercept, barely blocking a kick that would have taken his head off. Megaman braced himself this time and managed to avoid being sent flying, but it still took all of his strength to stay rooted.

"Geo! Behind you!" Celestia roared, getting Megaman to look over his shoulder to see numerous EM monsters flying towards them. They looked like nightmare birds made of EM energy, but if Megaman had to wager a guess he would assume that all of them hurt. He planted a boot in the chest of the Maestro and kicked off of him, flipping into the air and fired at the EM being while upside down.

"Taking your eyes off of the prize? Fool," Maestro said as he appeared behind Megaman, reaching out with a hand to grab Megaman. Megaman turned around to feel metal fingers wrap around his head, getting Maestro to scoff as he began to crush Megaman's skull. That was until a blast of lunar magic smashed into his arm, getting him to drop Megaman as he turned to face his new foe.

"Hands off my Geo!" Harp Note roared as she swung the guitar into the side of Maestro's head, snapping Maestro's head to the side and sending the being skidding backwards. He snapped his fingers as he came to a halt, sending all of the EM monsters that were flying around them to attack the two champions.

"Sonia, with me," Megaman said before the two went back to back, with Megaman placing his celestial buster behind his shield while Harp Note began to play her guitar at maximum speed. Megaman and Harp Note both roared as they unleashed their attacks into the EM monsters, the giant beam of solar magic incinerating everything in its path while the lunar storm disintegrated everything that it touched. Within a matter of moments practically the entire EM army had been dealt with, allowing Megaman and Harp Note to turn to face the Maestro, who was sarcastically clapping his hands.

"Well done, you've essentially wiped out an army of fodder," Maestro said before he had to duck a blast of lunar power. Megaman appeared behind the Maestro in a flash of EM energy, swinging the solar saber at the back of his head. Maestro then vanished as well, getting Megaman to glance around before a blast of shattered magic caught him in the back of the head, sending the EM hero tumbling across the surface.

"But can you deal with me and my weapon? And can you do it before I kill everything you hold dear?" Maestro asked as Harp Note helped Megaman get back up to his feet, the both of them glaring at the Maestro.

"He's planning something," Luna said, getting Harp Note's helmet to light up. "But I don't know what."

"Whatever it is, we cannot allow him to do it," Celestia said before she glanced up at Megaman. "Geo, we know that he can fire this weapon at any time, so we have to destroy it before the idea crosses his mind. As much as I want to kill this son of a bitch, the doomsday weapon is our greatest concern right now."

"Agreed. Sonia, think you can punch a hole through this thing?" Megaman asked Harp Note, who nodded before she started to unleash blast of lunar magic into the side of the cube they were standing on. Maestro snarled as he lunged forward, only to take an armored hero to the side that drove the both of them further down the cube.

"Come on Maestro, you came after me first and now you don't want to finish this fight?" Megaman asked as he slammed the solar shield into the face of Maestro, snapping his head to the side before Megaman plunged the solar saber into the chest of the Maestro, but to Megaman's frustration the blade didn't pierce the armor.

"Did you really believe that I would waltz back in without preparing myself for you and your girlfriends new powers?" Maestro asked before firing a blast of shattered magic from his eyes, striking Megaman in the face and hurling Megaman off of him. His arm shot out and he grabbed hold of Megaman's leg, whipping him back down and driving him into the metal side of the cube. Maestro went in for another strike, but Celestia turned herself towards Maestro and blasted him in the face with as much solar power as she could muster. The attack was enough to get Maestro to snarl before he flickered backwards.

"Went after you first, Geo? If I recall Maestro attacked my home first and made it personal with me. If anything, we're finishing the fight he started with me and my ponies," Celestia spat as Megaman rose back up to his feet, summoning his sword of solar power. "You made a mistake in not killing me when you had the chance, Maestro. Because now we're going to strike you down once and for all."

"No, my mistake was trying to kill you in the first place. You are far more interesting when you have been stripped of everything and everyone you love," Maestro said as he glanced over at where the Lunar Diva was failing to punch a hole through the side of the cube. "But I bet you would be even more unpredictable...after you have truly lost everything."

"NO!" Celestia bellowed as she lunged forward, yanking the Solar Knight along with her. Maestro snickered before he ducked under Celestia's attack and reached up to grab Megaman by the throat.

"Anything involving your sister makes you so predictable, Celestia. But I am certain that without Luna you would truly interest me far beyond what any of the other yous have managed to achieve," Maestro said to the both of them before he pointed his other hand at Harp Note, only to take a lunar blast that hurled him across the side of the cube. Harp Note appeared at Megaman's side a moment later, creating a barrier of lunar power around the both of them to give them a breather.

"You guys alright?" she asked.

"We're fine. Did you manage to punch a hole in this thing?" Megaman asked before Maestro slammed a fist into the side of the barrier, practically shattering it with a single hit. Megaman roared as he channeled the solar power into the barrier, strengthen it even further.

"Not in the slightest. And my attacks aren't doing anything to his armor either," Harp Note grunted as she fired blasts of faded lunar energy into the chest of Maestro, who shrugged off the attack like it was nothing. "Nothing. Even my strongest attacks aren't getting through."

"It's like we thought. His new armor makes him essentially invincible to our attacks," Megaman realized as Maestro slammed another fist into the side of the barrier, nearly shattering it once more.

"Then what should we do, Geo?" Harp Note asked with a hint of concern in her voice. Megaman glanced down for a moment before the container that was resting on his back seemed to get even heavier. A blast of shattered magic shattered the barrier and snap the attention of the two back to the Maestro, who slammed his arms into the chests of both heroes, sending them flying across the side of the cube.

Megaman was the first to his feet and was the first to take a colossal right hand to the side of his head, putting him back down into the metal. Harp Note fired guitar strings as pure as the moon to ensnare the limbs of the Maestro, but her decision came back to bite her when Maestro channeled shattered magic through his body, frying the diva with his power. He appeared before her in a moment, grabbing her by the throat and transforming his left hand into a shattered blade.

"And you are the first to die," Maestro stated as he plunged the blade forward, yet before the blade could pierce through her chest Megaman swung his solar blade into the shattered blade with all of his might. The two blades shattered against each other, getting Maestro to lash out with his free hand and drive a fist into the throat of Megaman. A kick to his chest knocked him away from Maestro, yet when he glanced back to Harp Note he found that she had slipped through his grasp.

"I am starting to grow bored," Maestro informed the two champions of the heavens as they went back to back once more, breathing far more heavily than they had when the battle had begun. "I had hoped that the threat of planetary destruction would have inspired the two of you to do something I had never seen before, but now I see I set my hopes too high. Perhaps the actual destruction of the world will give you the proper incentive to try something new."

The moment the words left his mouth, the cube began to shake with a power that made the EM champions shake with fear. The side of the cube that was facing the planet opened up, revealing a massive ball of power that drained all of the color out of the area around them.

"That...is the same weapon that destroyed our world," Luna said with terror gripping at her heart. Megaman let out a bellow as he charged towards Maestro, slashing at him with his solar blade with as much power as he could muster. Maestro flickered and avoided the blow, before a spin kick to the back of Megaman's head sent him sprawling.

"We need to get through this metal and put a stop to this cube!" Celestia roared at Megaman, who nodded his head before he drove his blade into the side of the cube. To Megaman's horror he found that the blade couldn't pierce through the metal, getting the Maestro to chuckle to himself as Megaman continued to slash at the side of the cube.

"I can't get through," Megaman realized, glaring up at the Maestro who was shaking his head in disappointment. "He's made this damned cube just as strong as he is."

"Of course I did. Would you expect anything less? Now then, take one last look at your home," Maestro said as the weapon charged up to maximum power, getting the two heroes to gaze at their planet with horror. "Before it vanishes once and for-"

A column of fire erupted from the cube as something powerful slammed into the side of it, knocking everyone, including the Maestro off of their feet. Megaman and Harp Note shot back up and spun around to see what had created the shockwave, only for smiles of disbelief to cross their faces when they saw a massive bull standing in a torrent of flames.

"Bud?" both Megaman and Harp Note asked at the same time, getting the bull to give a thumbs up before he brought his head back. He then thrust his head forward and unleashed a hellfire of flames into the side of the cube, before superheating his fists and driving them into the area that he was burning, creating a small hole in the side. He then roared as he grabbed hold of the circle and pulled it apart with his colossal power, creating a hole big enough for him to enter.

"We heard everything that was going on through your hunter! Luna sent me to help you guys out," Taurus Fire explained, before he and the other two heroes glare at the arrival of the Maestro.

"Ah, Bud Bison. I wondered if you would show up or not," Maestro said with a nod of his head at the blazing bull. "But I thought that even with your limited intelligence that you would know to stay out a battle that you cannot hope to win."

"You said it yourself, all the other me's are heroes that fight no matter the odds, right? Guess I'm no different than them," Taurus replied before he glanced back at Megaman and Harp Note. "You guys focus on bringing down this monster once and for all. I'll stop the doomsday weapon from destroying our world. Seems that he didn't make his space station flame proof."

"I will admit that the idea crossed my mind, but I figured I would be far more surprised if you did show up. And I love to be surprised," Maestro replied with a snicker.

"Do you really think you can destroy it, Taurus?" Harp Note asked, getting the bull to shrug.

"Don't know. But I do know that if one of you went to destroy it that would leave me here to fight Maestro. And that's a fight I know I can't win," Taurus replied before he started to enter into the cube. "Stop Maestro. Make sure he can never hurt another person again. Trust me to do what I do best. Destroy anything I get my hands on."

"We believe in you, Bud. Destroy this cube and save the world," Megaman said with a thumbs up to Taurus, who gave a thumbs up in reply before he vanished into the cube. Megaman and Harp Note turned to look at the Maestro, who nodded before turning his head to the side.

"He is here and he is heading for the core. If you wish for your revenge, now is the time." A flash of black zipped past Megaman and Harp Note, who barely had time to register the being moving into the cube in pursuit of Taurus before Maestro resumed his attack. Harp Note created a barrier around the both of them to protect them from a blast of shattered magic.

"Well, now that the ever dependable Bud Bison is off to save the world, that will allow the both of you to focus your efforts on me completely," Maestro said as he extended both arms to the side, causing his body to crackle with power. "Of course, if there is any doubt in the back of your mind then you will not be able to fight me at full power. And then you will die."

"I have nothing but faith in my friend. I know he'll save the day," Megaman said as he pointed Celestia at Maestro, getting the being to snicker.

"How interesting. That is what Celestia and Luna said to me before I killed the Ambassadors. Those who do not learn from history..." Megaman cut off Maestro by hurling his blade at the head of Maestro, getting Maestro to knock the blade out of the way. Harp Note and Megaman nodded to the other before they charged at the Maestro, knowing that it was up to Bud now to stop the weapon.

Leaving them to stop Maestro once and for all.