• Published 3rd Nov 2016
  • 4,519 Views, 374 Comments

Champion of the Sun - Onomonopia

Luna and Celestia try to stop the wrath of a mad man with the aid of a Megaman.

  • ...


As Ace had expected, the room went quiet at his words and every single set of eyes rested solely upon him. Ace smiled at those present before he pressed a button on his Hunter, changing the image of the sphere to from a side view to a view that was overhead of the weapon of destruction.

"About six hours ago one of our spy wizards took a shot of this," Ace said as he zoomed in on the shot, revealing a large hexagon in the top of the sphere. Energy pulsed from the opening, energy that seemed to be shot into the sky. "What we've learned since then is that the energy that is being released from that opening is being launched into space. Most of it is EM energy, the rest seems to consist of that shattered magic that has been giving our tech guys hell for a few weeks."

"But you don't just see an energy exhaust, you see an opening. A weak point," Zack stated with a smile spreading across his face. Ace gave the teen a thumbs up before he rotated the shot with a flick of his fingers.

"Unfortunately, the spy wizard was deleted a few moments after he took the shot. If I was a betting man, I'd say either Solo or Maestro was the one that brought it down."

"That Solo. When is he going to learn?" Bud grumbled under his breath.

"But back to what to what Zack was saying, this does indeed look like our opening. We've tried all sorts of weaponry against that hunk of metal, but even our strongest bombs and cannons can't even put a nick in it," Ace explained before changing the image to numerous WAZA officers unleashing their weapons upon the structure, which didn't budge from the onslaught.

"And again, most of these men and women didn't make it home," Ace admitted with bitter regret in his voice, one that made everyone in the room hang their heads in silence. "And this time we know it was the Maestro's works. Those that survived said that he let them go because there was still a chance they could do something interesting before he decimated the Earth."

"So he is alive," Geo said through gritted teeth, slamming a fist into his hand while rage blazed through his eyes. "Now I know what the plan of attack is. Celestia and I form the Solar Knight and we go take him out once and for all. Once we've turned him into molten slag, we bring down his sphere and prevent him from destroying the world. Problem solved."

"Never seen Geo this angry," Kelvin whispered to Hope, who could only nod her head in agreement.

"That would be an incredibly foolish as well as suicidal plan," Ace replied, shooting Geo's idea down on the spot. "Not only are we not sure what that sphere can do, but we also know that Rogue with Maestro's power was able to match you in strength. If the both of them are there, then we might lose our best shot of taking out Maestro and his weapon, not to mention a good friend of mine and the one of the two survivors of a doomed world."

"What, no love for me?" Mega asked as he appeared beside Geo.

"Trust me Mega, we wish we could get rid of you," Ace ribbed with a smirk. "But somehow you would survive and continue to pester me."

"If you think I'll let the kid die before me, then you're sorely mistaken."

"Back to my point, there are too many unknowns to risk a frontal assault," Ace continued on. "Not to mention that the sphere draws in EM energy and beings and converts them into power. As I believe I said earlier, we don't even know if our own EM forms would be safe."

"Then allow me to bring it down," Celestia asked. "I did not get the chance back on my world, due to the panic Maestro caused. But perhaps here-"

"If my sister is going, then I will support her as well," Luna cut in, gaining her a look of annoyance from Celestia. "Do not try to keep me out of this, Celestia. Maestro would be too much for you. Maestro and Rogue would be overkill."

"Neither of you are going in. Again, if the Solar Knight, the most powerful Megaman form to date, couldn't defeat Rogue by itself, you two would stand no chance against the both of them," Ace said with a small growl, getting the two princesses to stop fighting. "Just because we found a weak point doesn't mean we're that we can pull a Death Star on this thing. The moment we underestimated what we're up against is the moment we lose."

"So we're just supposed to sit here and do nothing?" Kelvin asked, getting Ace to sigh as he placed a hand to his face. "Every second we sit here and debate is another second that thing comes closer to destroying our world. What if it already can and Maestro's just waiting to see what it can do? We need to act."

"With all due respect Kelvin, you've been out of the fight for a long time," Ace shot back, starting to get annoyed. "And my point still stands. Rogue wiped the floor with Taurus Fire and Harp Note, while only the Solar Knight was able to fend him off. Say the Maestro confronts Geo. Sonia and Bud, can you two tell me to my face that the both of you can handle Rogue without Geo?"

Both Sonia and Bud glared at the ground, wishing they could tell Ace he was wrong, but their most recent injuries were still fresh on their bodies and those wounds kept their mouths shut. But Taurus and Lyra emerged behind the two, the looks on their faces telling Ace that they weren't going to keep quiet.

"Yeah, he might have beaten the both of us, but both times he caught us off guard," Taurus argued, getting Ace to groan. "This time he wouldn't just be fighting the two of us, there would also be the Princess of the Night...and Acid Ace. The three of us should be able to-"

"Acid Ace...won't be of much help to anyone," Ace cut him off bitterly, getting everyone in the room to look at Ace with shock. "After what happened with me and Joker, my fusion with Ace has become rocky. I can still do it, but each time I do it drags me closer to my grave. When I was by myself it was no issue, but now...with Tia and Jack..."

"You don't need to say anymore. We understand," Kelvin agreed as he placed a hand on Hope's shoulder.

"I'll still fight with you guys if it's absolutely necessary or for the final battle, but I can't just transform whenever we need it. I have to be smart," Ace admitted, before pressing another button on the Hunter and changing the screen. "If it does come down to it, I can transform for this battle and perhaps the next. But after that I'll need to take a break so I can recover. Both from my fusion and the thrashing that Tia will give me."

"So we aren't going to be going off to destroy this thing?" Luna asked.

"No, Luna. We are not going to be doing that."

"Doing what? I didn't say anything," Princess Luna said with a smirk, forcing Sonia to cover her mouth to avoid laughing out loud.

"Oh great, now she's doing it as well," Ace groaned.

"Sister, please focus," Celestia asked Princess Luna, who sighed as she leaned back in her seat. "So we have a weak point, but it means nothing to us if we don't have a plan of attack. Yet Ace is insistent that something is holding us back. Do you have any idea what that might be?"

"...we're too weak," Ace admitted, gaining him some somber looks. "Things changed in this war on Maestro when we gained the Solar Knight, but with the Maestro recruiting Solo, we've lost our advantage, if we ever had one."

"So what you're saying is that we should be focusing on bringing Solo over to our side?" Luna asked, turning all heads towards her. "Or at least making it so that he won't fight for the Maestro. Without his "lapdog" at his side, as Celestia so eloquently put it, we could leave him to Geo, which would allow the rest of us to destroy his sphere."

"That's not a bad idea, but you forget that Solo is only concerned with power and wiping out those that he hates," Sonia reminded Luna, rubbing some of her bruises as she did so. "Maestro gives him power and he hates our guts. The only reason he allied with us against King was because they stole his heritage and tech."

"Maybe I can convince him? I can be very convincing when I want to be," Luna said with some pride, but a scoff by Luna knocked her confidence off of her face. "Think I said something funny, Stelar?"

"Luna, you can be convincing for normal people. Rogue wouldn't even hear what you had to say. He would either ignore you or end you," Geo said in a matter of fact voice, one that made Luna's face fall. "I think you're smart Luna, but what you just suggested was suicide. Solo has turned to the dark side and he's not coming back. He loves this new power too much."

"Then what do we do?" Luna snarled at Geo, though there was none of her usual fire in her voice. "What should I do?"

"What you're best at. Being a hostage."

Geo roared with fury as he shot to his feet, but he had barely risen from his chair when spheres of shattered magic surrounded his friends. He glanced around to see that everyone except for Mega and Celestia had been caught within the spheres, while the one responsible for them had appeared at the end of the table next to Ace.

"Maestro," Geo seethed as he held out his hand, but the moment he did so the sphere with his parents in it shined with power and they roared with pain from within.

"No sudden movement Stelar, unless you wish to be an orphan like so many of the other heroes I deal with," Maestro snarled at Geo, who snarled in reply as he lowered his hand. "Meet me out front." The Maestro vanished in a flash of light, but he had hardly vanished before Geo, Mega and Celestia raced through WAZA and burst through the front entrance. Horror crossed their faces when they saw the bodies of the officers that were strewn across the canyon, but then all three sets of eyes focused on the metal being in the black cape.

His armor was far different than before, looking far more like that of a dark knight or evil warrior. His shattered magic could be seen coursing through the armor and it made him look very similar to how Rogue looked at full power. Maestro twitched and the spheres with Geo's friends trapped in them appeared next to the side of the building.

"Geo!" his friends cried out, while Ace, Sonia, Kelvin and Princess Luna were trying to bash their way out of the spheres.

"Let them go, Maestro! This is between you and me!" Geo roared, only to met with a silent stare from the Maestro.

"They are already dead, Stelar. The question is will they die now or after you die?" the Maestro asked Geo, closing his fist and tightening his spheres somewhat. The trapped screamed from within, getting Geo to glance at them with fear. "And I promise you they will die unless you do exactly as I say."

"NO! We'll tear you apart instead and save them!" Mega roared, but Geo held out a hand to stop both him and Celestia.

"Fine...what do you want," Geo asked in a defeated voice, getting his friends within the spheres to scream at him.

"Transform into Megaman." A look of confusion spread across his face, one that was mirrored by both Mega and Celestia. A moment later Geo spoke the words and in a flash of light Megaman stood across from the Maestro. "Good. Now become the...Solar Knight. That is what you are calling your little fusion, is it not?"

"The Solar Knight? The form that beat you?" Megaman asked. "Why would you want me to become that?"

Maestro turned and fired a blast of shattered magic into one of the officers that had run out of the building, turning him to a mist of blood within a second. Megaman roared in fury as Maestro unleashed a few more blasts at more of the guards, before turning his hand towards the spheres with his friends in it.

"I do not recall asking what you thought. Transform or I will kill the one you care about most," the Maestro promise, keeping his hand aimed at Luna, before shifting it to Sonia. "Whichever this version of you cares about more, at least."


"Let's do it. I'm ready to kill him."

A flash of light that could have blinded the sun erupted between the two and the moment it died down a warrior clad in white armor stood before the Maestro, shield in his right hand and the head of an armored Celestia upon his left. Megaman then reached forward and summoned the solar blade, which Celestia grabbed with her mouth. Megaman then swung the sword and created a wave of heat that melted the ground, before he aimed it at the Maestro.

"There. We've transformed. Now what?"

"Good. You are capable of limited listening. Now...this." Maestro lowered his hand and ripped the cape off of his body, disintegrating it with his power the moment it left his hand. He then began to move his metal body in a way that caused his power the rage throughout his form. The ground shattered underneath of each of his steps as he walked towards Geo, the owl that had been on his head replaced with the visage of a being that Megaman had never seen before.

"We fight."

"Fight. As in, one on one, you versus me?" Megaman asked, before he looked down at an equally confused Celestia. "In case you have forgotten, this is the form that I beat you with before."

"Yes. Where I was humiliated by two beings that had no right laying a hand upon me. As for you, Celestia, you should have just died. It would have saved your sister the pain of watching you die," the Maestro said in a cold tone that made even a being chosen by the sun shiver as if ice had been injected into his veins. "So I must correct that mistake. A mistake that is never interesting or provides new results. A mistake that only serves to annoy me. So I will crush you at your most powerful. I will bring down the hero in front of all of his friends. And then I shall erase this mistake of a world and try again without the interference of the princesses. As it should have been."

"Well hate to make you cry, but neither the princesses or the hero of earth are going anywhere," Megaman promised as he spun the blade and lowered his head, so that his visor made his eyes unable to be seen. "You on the other hand...are going straight to hell."