• Published 3rd Nov 2016
  • 4,517 Views, 374 Comments

Champion of the Sun - Onomonopia

Luna and Celestia try to stop the wrath of a mad man with the aid of a Megaman.

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The Two Moons

With a flip Megaman avoid an EM barrage by a small orb that was programmed to float around the hero and shoot at him. Megaman propelled himself off of the ground with a push of his hand before twirling in the air and fired a burst of the Mega Buster at the sphere, which exploded upon impact. He landed on his feet just in time for three more spheres to circle around him.

"They just don't make training dummies like they used to," Mega said with a laugh when a wave of solar magic incinerated the spheres that had only just started their assault. Celestia landed next to Megaman with such ferocity that a gust of wind was created by her landing, before she and Megaman went back to back as a dozen spheres materialized in the air.

"They didn't make training dummies anything like this on my world," Celestia muttered aloud before she created a barrier of magic around both herself and the blue bomber, deflecting the blasts of the spheres that floated around them. The moment she lowered her shield Megaman took aim with his buster and shot three of the spheres out of the sky, before the two of them were forced to move as another barrage of EM lasers tried to make Swiss cheese out of the pair.

"It's funny. I've worked here for years yet never knew that we had a training area," Megaman said as he flipped off of Celestia back and used the leap to gain a height advantage over the spheres. The spheres all looked up to lock onto him, but the moment she saw that their gaze was no longer on her Celestia took aim with her magic and unleashed solar hell upon the EM spheres.

"Now I know we had one of those. I just never used it," Celestia stated as she finished incinerating the rest of the spheres, watching as they fractured into EM waves before Megaman landed next to her. "So you said that was level five, correct? How many more are there?"

"Twenty," Megaman replied before a four flashed over their heads and this time battle wizards began to materialize around them. "But the only time we ever managed to make it to twenty was when we had all four of us fighting together."

"I have been here for nearly three weeks now and yet your world still finds new ways to amaze me," Celestia said as she took to the sky, weaving through the air to avoid being shot down. Megaman brought up his right arm and created a green shield with his power, deflecting the volley of fire that had been targeted at him. The moment the volley ended the blue bomber retaliated with a rapid burst of his Mega Buster, which mowed down a good number of the wizards.

"So why start us so low? Surely with our combined power we could easily make it to the higher levels," Celestia called down from above as she fired a dart of magic into the heart of one of the wizards, before causing it to explode with her magic. She shifted to the side to evade fire, allowing Megaman to clean up the rest of the wizards on the ground with a couple more shots.

"Because if what Mega said is true, and the Maestro isn't using a fraction of his real power, then we need to rework our teamwork from the ground up," Megaman stated as he looked up at the air around him, waiting for the number five to appear. But when it failed to do so he glanced at Celestia and gave her a shrug of his shoulders, only for the door to the training arena to open and allow in a teen he knew well.

"Bud? What brings you in here?" Megaman asked Bud as the bulky teen entered, the expression on Bison's face telling Megaman that something was the matter.

"I need you to do me a favor. I need you to fight me," Bud said with a grumble. Celestia and Megaman shared a look before turning back to Bud. "I know that it sounds crazy, but I really need to battle with you. I know that the two of you are training and-"

"Okay, Bud."

Bud lifted his head with confusion in his eyes before a smirk crossed his face and he nodded to Megaman. Bud walked to one end of the training arena while Megaman walked to the other. Celestia gave Megaman a look, but Megaman shook his head before he started to cycle through his deck.

"Transcode: Taurus Fire! On! The! AIR!"

Megaman lifted his head once more to see Taurus Fire now standing across the training arena from him, pawing at the ground with his hooves while fire billowed from his face. Megaman slowly lifted his buster towards Taurus, hunkering down as he prepared for the bulls first move.

"Taurus flame!" Taurus bellowed before unleashing a stream of fire towards Megaman, who was quick enough to raise his arm and create his shield in time to deflect the flames. But the moment the fire died down Taurus Fire appeared above the blue bomber, fist cocked back and flames burning in Taurus' eyes. The fist came crashing down, only to strike the floor of the arena. Taurus looked up with a snarl to see that Megaman had flipped over him, firing a few blasts of his buster into the back of Taurus.

"So what's this about, Bud?" Megaman asked as he kicked back a few times, gaining distance from the blazing bull. "Do you simply want to get stronger or is there another reason behind all of this rage?"

"This is about proving myself!" Taurus roared as he lowered his horns and charged towards Megaman. Megaman shook his head before kicking off the ground once more and watching as Taurus Fire charged underneath of him, firing a few more shots into Taurus. The bull roared before he fell to one knee, seething with rage as he turned to face Megaman.

"Haven't seen that look in a long time. So what are you trying to prove, Bud?" Megaman called over to Taurus, who got up once more and billowed more flames out of his mouth. Taurus leapt into the air and charged down towards Megaman, whose eyes widened before he leapt out of the way and allowed the bull to crash into the ground. Taurus erupted from the rubble and wrapped a hand around Megaman, lifting him into the air while cocking a fist back.

"That I am a part of this team!" Taurus roared as he swung towards Megaman. Before the fist could strike the hero of earth, a battle card slashed across his buster and created a barrier that intercepted the fist. A battle card was swiped again and a gattling gun appeared in place of the Mega Buster. Megaman unleashed a barrage of gunfire into the face of Taurus, staggering the bull and getting him to release his grip on Megaman, who gave his friend a look.

"Bud...you've always been a part of this team. Why would you think you wouldn't be?" Megaman asked Bud, who snarled before slamming a fist into the ground and causing fire to erupt along the ground.

"Because Solo trashed me. All these years of training, of making myself strong...only to be one shot by the guy," Taurus admitted with bitter disappointment in his voice. Upon hearing Taurus' response, Megaman shook his head with a smirk before he walked towards Taurus and extended a hand towards his friend.

"Bud...he trashed all of us. He's trashed us for years. The only reason we've lasted so long against him is because we got each other," Megaman replied, getting Taurus to glance up at the hero. "So he one shot you. He would have done the same to me if I didn't have Celestia's power with me. But we managed to beat him because we have our friends."

"Easy for you to say. You've got a really cool form that makes you incredibly powerful," Taurus replied with a bit of sorrow, but he reached up and grabbed Megaman's hand and was pulled up to his feet.

"Then we'll just have to train you to the point where you'll be stronger than my super form," Megaman said. Taurus replied with a nod before the two of them backed off a bit, before colliding once more. And all the while Celestia watched, lost in memories of the days when friendship like what these two had was an endless bounty.


A girl sat by herself outside of the training room, watching through the glass as the hero of earth battled it out with the blazing bull. She hadn't been able to hear what the two had said to each other during the fight, but she knew that Megaman was probably telling Bud about how important he was despite the fact that he had been useless in the fight with Solo.

"Not that I can say anything about that. I'm way more useless than him," Luna muttered to herself as she rested her head against her palm, watching two of the strongest people she knew fight against one another as Celestia watched.

"And that is something that I have been meaning to ask you about."

Luna spun around to see the princess of the night walking towards the teen, the bandages that had been covering her for so long finally gone. Luna glanced down at the floor to avoid looking into the royals eyes, an action that was not lost on the princess as she sat down next to Luna. Princess Luna didn't say anything right away, choosing to watch as Celestia gave some advice to Taurus Fire before him and Megaman went back to their practice.

"What brings you down here? Shouldn't you be resting?" Luna tried to say to the princess, but all her words did was cause Princess Luna to sigh as she gazed up at the ceiling.

"All I have done since I got here is sleep. I have slept and rested enough to not be tired for a year. I want to be up and see more of this world. I want to be ready for when the time comes to fight," Princess Luna said with a hint of rage before she stretched out her right side, wincing slightly as she did so. "But I will say I am glad that those burns no longer hurt. The medical technology you have on your world is amazing."

"Yeah. We have some real geniuses on this world. Like Zack," Luna admitted with a small shake of her head. "I used to be able to keep up with him in grades, but now he's just so far ahead of me. He'll be coming up with something that will save the world, while I still be here."

"There it is. That is what I wanted to speak with you about," Princess Luna cut in, causing Luna to look away once more. "I have been keeping an eye on you and your dreams and I see the same thing in both of them. You feel worthless. You feel like you contribute nothing to your group dynamic. Yet according to my talks with Sonia, you are often the most confident, and infuriating, as she said, out of all of you. So what happened?"

"...the Maestro happened," Luna admitted in a tiny voice, one that instantly made Princess Luna understand. "He beat my friends and was trying to kill Geo, someone precious to me. I put myself between him and the Maestro, truly prepared to give my life to protect him. And do you know what he said?"


"That I wasn't even worth his time to kill. That unlike the rest of my friends, I make so little difference in the outcome of this world that killing me would waste his time," Luna spat out with tears starting to well in her eyes, clenching her fists with such intensity that her nails dug into her palms. "All I'm good for is a hostage, someone for Megaman to save over and over again. Then he proved his point by attacking me, only for Geo to get hurt protecting me."


"And he's right. The more that I've thought about it, the more that I realize that he's right about me," Luna continued in, her tears streaming down her face. "I can't help my friends anymore. I used to think that I was the leader, but Ace and to an extent Geo have taken that role. I can't be the muscle or the brains. All I am is the damsel, the person that gets captured and has to be saved...meaning the Maestro is right about me. I'm useless. I can't do anything to help my friends. All I can do is stand by and watch."

"...Luna, listen to me," Princess Luna said in a tone so strong that the teen had no choice but to look at the Princess. "Whatever the Maestro has said about you you cannot believe. All he cares about are those that change the world on a global world, like heroes and villains. About...main characters, if you will. So he gives little to no thought to those that aren't world changers."

"But that doesn't mean that your story doesn't matter. It doesn't matter to Maestro, but that does not mean that it shouldn't matter to you. That you're not important. Because you are," Princess Luna stated with a fire that the teen hadn't seen in the princess before. "So you don't save the world every day. So you aren't out there battling with demons or monsters. What you do still matters. You're just the only one that can't see it."

"But I want to do more! I don't want to just sit on the sidelines and watch, to be the damsel that has to be rescued!" Luna shouted back loud enough that it stopped the fight within the training arena for a moment. Princess Luna waved them off before placing a hoof on Luna's shoulder. "I want to be apart of the team again. I want to be...useful."

"Alright, Luna. I can help you with that." Luna looked up into the princesses eyes, while a smile crossed the alicorns face. "You said that you used to be the leader, but you felt that others took that position? Well I have aided my sister in leading Equestria for over seven hundred years. And, despite how everything turned out, I have learned much about what it means to be a leader. If you are willing, I can share that with you. Would you like to learn from a princess on how to lead, my student?"

"Of course I would. I want to know as much as I can," Luna said with a strength in her eyes again. "I want to lead the charge that brings the Maestro down once and for all. I'll make sure he remembers who helps bring him down."

"That's my second moon."