• Published 3rd Nov 2016
  • 4,518 Views, 374 Comments

Champion of the Sun - Onomonopia

Luna and Celestia try to stop the wrath of a mad man with the aid of a Megaman.

  • ...

Song of the Moon

Luna was beginning to get tired of staring at the same spot on the ceiling. But for the longest time she had been trapped within her recovery room, laying on the same bed and staring up at the same spot on the ceiling. She knew that she was too hurt to start walking around yet, but she was also beginning to get annoyed.

'I should be out there. I should be fighting alongside my sister,' Luna thought to herself as she glanced at the glass window on the door, able to see two security officers standing outside her door. 'Ace said that they are there to protect me and I would be inclined to believe him, but with everything that has happened perhaps I have ceased to be as trusting as I once one.'

Luna glanced at the screen that hovered at the end of her bed, an entertainment device that had been given to her by Ace to keep her busy while she rested. At first she had been intrigued by how the human technology worked, but after two days she found that TV dramas meant nothing to her and the shows failed to entertain her. So she had taken to staring at the same spot on the ceiling, thinking of all the ways that she would make Maestro pay for what he had done to her and her family. After a few days of those kind of thoughts, Luna was beginning to think that it wasn't healthy.

'At least there has been some slight improvements as of late,' Luna thought to herself as she glanced at the door as it creaked open and a girl with a brand new guitar on her back entered into her room. "Hello there Sonia, I am glad to see that you are on time today."

"How are you feeling, Princess Luna?" Sonia asked as the singer pulled up a stool and dragged it beside the bed, hopping onto it and swinging her guitar around.

"I'm in pain and I'm bored. I am starting to have trouble deciding which is worse," Luna voiced her complaints to the star, who nodded as she began to tune her instrument. "And then of course there is the fact that nopony tells me anything. It's all "everything is under control" or "we have our best agents working on it". They've just cast me off to the side and tried to hide what is really going on from me."

"I feel you there. Back when the continent of Mu was trying to destroy the world I was stuck in the hospital for a bit before Megaman had to save the world," Sonia vented with a shake of her head, strumming a few cords to find them to her liking. "And all the while I asked about what was going on they told me everything was fine. There was a floating island in the sky and the Earth was shaking beneath us. It was clearly not fine."

"Haha, isn't that the truth...thank you for doing this, by the way," Luna said with a weary smile to Sonia, who nodded in reply as she began to play her guitar. Luna half closed her eyes and moved her head back and forth along with the music, losing herself in the pure bliss of the music. And for a brief moment Luna believed herself to be back in Equestria, listening to the music of the ponies.

"For doing what?" Sonia asked while she continued to play.

"For taking time out of your schedule to do this for me. To play for me. Singing to me. Preventing me from slipping into a boredom induced coma," Luna finished with a laugh, before closing her eyes fully and leaning her head back against her pillow. "It's nice to have somepony to talk to that's honest with me and tells me what's really going on out there. Something big happened today, but nopony out there will tell me."

"And with pretty good reason," Sonia said with a shake of her head, ceasing her music for a moment. "Solo showed up at the mall where Geo and his friends were at. You can guess how that ended."

"Solo? I was told, well, forced it out of them, that he was on our side," Luna voiced, getting Sonia to chuckle before she started to strum the strings again.

"He's on his own side. The only time he works with us is when our common interests align. Other than that, he's pretty much out for our blood," Sonia informed Luna, who had narrowed her eyes. "Did I tell you he's the one that put me in the hospital? Pretty much broke most of my ribs. That was painful. Made it insanely hard to drag myself to give Geo a pep talk."

"Wow. Sounds like a piece of work. Did you get him back?"

"Heck no. As much as I hate to admit it, he's scary powerful. Only Geo's been able to beat him in the past and even then he needed our help or the aid of some power up to stand against him," Sonia said with a shake of her head before she looked down at her guitar, a small smile spreading over her face. "But Geo has always come through for us. That's for certain."

"Is that so? So what happened with Solo at the mall?"

"From what Geo and Ace told me, Solo is now either working for or with the Maestro," Sonia said with a growl, getting Luna's eyes to snap open in disbelief. "And the Maestro has powered him up so that he can fight the Solar Knight on even ground."

"The Solar Knight?"

"That's what we're calling Geo and Celestia's powered up form. Really think it fits."

"Wouldn't the Solar King be better? I mean, he's wearing a crown and everything," Luna put forward, getting Sonia to think about it for a moment before she shrugged.

"I don't know, I kinda like the idea of Geo being a knight more than a kind. After all, he's always there to protect us, just like a knight in shining armor," Sonia smiled as she started to play again, but when she looked up Luna saw sadness in her eyes. "It's funny, you know? How many memories this brings back for me...and how many hours I've spent sitting like this."

"Sounds like they're quite the tale behind that sad sounding voice," Luna said as she shifted her body so that she could face Sonia without turning her neck. "And it makes me realize that I know little about you. You've been, I assume, told all about me, but aside from the fact that you can change like Megaman and are a celebrity, I know little about you. Care to fill in the details?"

"Heh, only if you're in the mood for a pretty bleak story," Sonia said before she leaned back against the wall, staring up at the ceiling as her eyes clouded. "As far back as I can remember, it was only me and my mama. Just the two of us, living together. It wasn't the best life, but it was a nice once. I remember being happy."

"But then one day my mama got sick. Really sick. Sick enough that she had to go to the hospital. Problem was, hospitals are expensive and we didn't have any money. So mama came home and tried to get better there, but...I tried to get her spirits up by singing to her. I came up with so many songs and spent hours singing to her. It was our favorite activity."

"After a few months of singing, my mama told me about how some people were looking for a new singer and said I should go. So I went, tried out and became the next new, teen singer than would sweep over the world," Sonia said in a slightly amazed voice as she grasped at the ceiling, before she slumped back with a bitter smirk. "Then my mama passed away. Leaving me alone in the world. Alone with my music and a producer who sought to exploit my songs for money. And for about a year, that was my life."

"That...I am sorry about your mother, Sonia," Luna said with sad eyes as she stared up at the ceiling. "Did your father ever come back?"

"Only the dead know where my father is," Sonia replied with hints of venom, getting Luna to make a mental note to avoid talking about Sonia's father in the future. Then Sonia's face softened and the warm smile from earlier returned to her face. "But then my life turned around. The bad days that I thought would last forever ended."

"What happened?"

"I met Geo," Sonia said with a small laugh as she started to play on her guitar again. "He was my first real friend. Not someone who liked me because of my fame or voice. Heck, I don't think he knew who I was when we first met. But he still helped me out. And thanks to him, my life changed around. I soon after met Lyra and, after a bit of a mess, convinced her to stay on Earth with me."

"And I've never regretted it for a single day," Lyra said from within the guitar, messing up the music for a moment. "This wild ride with Sonia has been a blast and I've enjoyed watching the kind of girl that Sonia has grown into, while also saving the world as a hero every now and then."

"And yeah, ever since then I've turned my life around. I fired that producer I had and surrounded myself with people that actually cared about me. And things have been looking up ever since," Sonia finished with a large smile, one that Luna shared with the girl. "I'm a hero of the earth. I have so many fans that love me. And all of my friend are there for me. And I'll always be there for them."

"That is quite the interesting tale you have there, Sonia. Such a sad tale, but I am glad to see that it gets better," Luna said before she glanced down at her right side, gritting her teeth before she forced herself out of the bed. She felt blazing pain roaring up her side, but she blocked out the pain and remained standing with her teeth gritted. "And your tale has reminded me that I cannot just sit by and wallow in sorrow as the bad things happen. Yes, I am injured. But I must be there when my family and friends need me. So this pain...I will deal with it."

"Are you sure about this?" Sonia asked as she held out her hands towards Luna, not sure if the princess was going to fall over or not. "You're still not at a hundred percent and I'm not sure how your sister would feel about you walking around in the state you're in."

"Tell me something, Sonia. If you were in my condition and the person that was most important to you was in danger, was fighting an evil that you could not comprehend, would you allow it to get in your way? Would you allow anything to hurt the one you love?" Luna asked the singer with a coy smile. Sonia chuckled as she crossed her arms and gave Luna a look, before she rolled her eyes and slung her guitar over her back.

"I'd fight tooth and nail to protect the one I lo-want to protect! I meant to say want to protect!" Sonia quickly stammered out before glancing down at her Hunter and becoming it obsessed with it for a moment. Luna let out a hearty laugh before the pain made her immediately regret her decision.

"So Sonia, would you be willing to escort me to either the training area or where Ace is? Because I am certain that one will quickly follow the other," Luna asked Sonia, who nodded before motioning for Luna to follow her. The guards gave the two a look as they walked out of the room, but a glare from Sonia made them shrug and continue to stare ahead.

"And as you were kind enough to tell me your tale, how about I tell you mine while we walk?" Luna asked Sonia, who glanced up with interest. "I will cut out the longer details, but you will still fully understand how horribly I failed."


Ace glanced between the princess of the moon and the EM star, both of them giving him the same look that Tia gave him whenever she wanted him to do something. He had tried to blow off the subject that they had brought up and read a book, but then Luna had used her magic to move his head back towards her. For a moment longer he tried to hold out, before he sighed and clasped his hands together.

"So let me get this clear one more time. You want Luna, the wounded alicorn survivor of a doomed world, to go into battle against the force that put her in that state in the first place?" he asked the both of them, groaning as the two of them nodded and got him to hold a hand to his face. "Should I even bother telling the both of you why it's a bad idea or should I skip right to telling you no?"

"Come on Ace, she wants to help us fight," Sonia argued, slamming her hands on the desk to get her commanders attention. "And don't even think about giving us the too injured to fight talk. If I recall, a certain dumbass walked into Dealer base and got himself blown up when he was supposed to be resting. You're lucky that Tia had the patience to piece you back together."

"Commander Ace, I know that you believe you are doing what is best, but I heard about Solo from Sonia. I know that the Solar Knight may not be enough anymore," Luna put forward. Ace gave Sonia a dirty look before he motioned for the princess to continue talking. "And if my sister were to fall while I sat back and did nothing...then I would most likely die from guilt and a broken heart. So even if you keep me here, as long as my sister is in danger I too am in danger."

"I swear I don't get paid enough for this," Ace growled under his breath before a beeping on his desk gained his attention. He leaned forward and pressed a button on his desk, watching something for a moment before he let out a sigh and leaned back in his chair. "You want my permission to fight? Fine, you got it. As Sonia said, I'm not exactly one who can say someone that wants to fight should stay behind because they're wounded. But it's not just my approval you'll need."

"What are you talking about? Who else would I have to ask?"

"Who do you think? Your sister."