• Published 3rd Nov 2016
  • 4,519 Views, 374 Comments

Champion of the Sun - Onomonopia

Luna and Celestia try to stop the wrath of a mad man with the aid of a Megaman.

  • ...

As the Star Falls

In a flash of light brighter than the sun Megaman lunged towards the Maestro, blade held above his head as he planned to cleave the monster in two with a single strike. The Maestro watched the hero approach before he too vanished in a flash of light. The only difference was that when he vanished he left behind a pulsing cluster of shattered magic. Megaman's eyes went wide as he realized what was about to happen, before the cluster detonated and sent the Solar Knight hurtling backwards.

Maestro materialized in Megaman's path and held out an arm, causing a sickening crunch to be heard as Megaman slammed into his metal limb. The Maestro then quickly spun and grabbed Megaman by the face, driving the back of his head into the canyon floor with enough strength to completely decimate the area they were standing in. The Solar Knight let out a cry of pain before a boot slammed into his side and sent him skipping across the ground, forcing Megaman to dig his weapon into the ground to keep from tumbling further.

"Is it just me or is he way stronger than last time?" Megaman asked as he pushed himself back up to his feet, watching as the Maestro began a slow walk to where the hero was standing.

"It's like we thought, kid. He was holding back last time," Mega growled. Megaman narrowed his eyes before he gripped the blade tighter and raced towards the Maestro, swinging the blade before him so that Maestro would have little room to dodge. But instead of dodging the metal madman reached out with his hand and caught the blade out of the air, holding a weapon that was hot enough to melt the sun with a single hand.

"Holding back does not even begin to describe how I have been dealing with you," the Maestro stated before he threw the blade back at Megaman, staggering the hero and allowing Maestro to point his fingers at the ground. A column of shattered magic erupted from the ground beneath Megaman, hurling him into the air with a roar of pain. Maestro appeared above him a moment later and slammed a palm into the chest of Megaman, altering his course and sending him rocketing into the canyon floor once more.

"You thought yourself so might with your fusion form, with your new solar powers. Yet you fail to see that the only reason you lived for so long was because I allowed it," Maestro informed Megaman as he floated down next to the hero, glaring down at him as Megaman tried to pull himself out of the ground. Maestro then placed a foot on Celestia's head, pressing down and getting her to snarl with pain.

"Your form was something I had not seen before. Ever tested before. Perhaps this brand new power would warrant further research in another reality," the Maestro continued on before kicking Megaman in the chin, ripping him from the ground and sent him flying into the canyon wall. Maestro was at his side in a second, standing sideways on the wall while Megaman tried to fight through the pain.

"But then I tested your fusion against a fusion of my own and your power proved to be nothing more than a cheap thrill," Maestro finished as he plucked Megaman from the wall, holding him upside down by one of his legs while the Maestro shook his head. "A form that I'm sure could be done in any reality. It is nothing special. So in short, neither of you are anything special. Certainly not enough to change my plans for this world. So not only have you insulted and damaged my form, but you have bored me. And that is a sin that can not be forgiven."

Maestro drove his palm into the side of Megaman and sent him on a one way trip into the ground, where he kicked up dust and dirt as he tumbled across the ground. When he came to a stop he sat in the dirt motionless, but when the Maestro landed on the ground Megaman began to push himself up once more.

"You think...that is a sin?" Celestia spat with venom, turning with Geo so that the both of them could glare at the Maestro. "You take my world, kill all of my friends, threaten my baby sister...and you consider being bored a sin? Maestro, for all the sins you have committed not even hell will be a worthy enough punishment for you. But I will enjoy knowing that you will burn until the end of everything."

"Hell fire means nothing to me, Celestia. Neither does your petty ideas about good and evil. There is no good and no evil. There are only choices," Maestro informed Celestia before he slammed his fists together, causing his shattered energy to erupt from his armor. "And seeing how those choices play out is all I care about. I do not care about the lives of those lost. I saw how their choices played out, as I have yours. And your choices now bore me. So when I kill you, if you end up in that eternal fire...you can have my spot, if you'd like."

Maestro rocketed across the ground with such speed that the very color and light was stripped from the air. Megaman had just enough time to blink before a fist slammed itself into his stomach, getting him to cry out in pain. Yet Geo held on to enough of his strength to reach out with Celestia and summon his blade once more, which he then plunged into one of the joints of the suit of armor. Maestro snarled as the blade stuck and a moment later he was across the field from Megaman, where he ripped the sword out of his armor.

"Seems you're not as tough as you thought you were," Megaman spat along with some blood, which dripped down from his mouth. He wiped the blood on his gauntlet and took aim with Celestia, holding up the shield to defend his right side while making sure the Maestro was within his sights. "Your armor still has plenty of flaws, but it has far less than you do."

Megaman and Celestia bellowed together as then unleashed a hell storm of solar blasts upon the Maestro, who flickered his form and appeared behind the three in an instant. Maestro lashed out with a punch, but before his blow could strike a beast of blue and green appeared in front of him.

"Forget about me?!" Mega roared as he wrapped himself around the limb of the Maestro, throwing off his aim and causing him to miss the Solar Knight. Megaman spun around and fired a burst of solar light into the chest of the Maestro, hurling him backwards into the side of the canyon. Maestro's body groaned as he fell to the ground, landing on his feet and slowly looking down to see a dent in his suit.

"Oops, I think we got a scratch on your new car. Don't worry, I'm sure insurance will cover that," Mega grunted with a laugh before he vanished back into Megaman.

"What do you say we make the rest of the suit match?" Megaman asked as he began to fire more shots at the Maestro. But unlike before the monster didn't get out of the way. He allowed himself to get shot as he began to march towards the hero, making no effort to avoid any of the shots that were putting more and more dents into his form.

"Go down, damn you!" Celestia roared as she channeled all of her power into her horn, before she fired it towards the Maestro in a beam of raw solar might that incinerated the ground as it tore towards it target. Maestro stood still as the beam approached him, before he snapped his fingers and caused a vortex to appear before him. The blast sailed into the vortex and vanished from Megaman's sight, making his and Celestia's eyes go wide with shock. The Maestro snapped his fingers and the vortex appeared behind the Solar Knight, where a beam of unstoppable solar magic came hurtling through.

The beam struck the back of the Solar Knight and quickly consumed him with its power, while the scream that erupted from the mouth of Megaman was lost within the explosion caused by the impact of the beam. An explosion of solar magic consumed the area with such intensity that it could have been seen from space. As the light and the explosion died down, the Maestro lowered his arms to see the Solar Knight resting on his knees, his head tilted low and his armor cracked and broken.

"GEO!" everyone trapped with the spheres cried out at once. Bud, Ace and Sonia transformed into the EM forms and attacked the spheres holding them with a new ferocity, but Maestro ignored them as he slowly walked over to where the Solar Knight knelt. Megaman made no movements as the Maestro walked up to him, staring down at the hero for a moment before he reached down and grabbed him by the throat. He hoisted Megaman into the air and glared into his eyes, eyes which were barely conscious.

"Your story ends here," Maestro promised before he shot a blast of shattered magic clean through the chest of the Solar Knight, getting him to cry out weakly before the Maestro whipped Megaman around and sent him skidding across the canyon floor. Maestro unleashed dozens of shots of shattered magic into the Solar Knight, who was silently consumed by the magic. An eruption of solar energy erupted from the knight, blinding all for a moment...only for terror to fill their eyes when they saw Geo, Mega and Celestia laying beaten and broken in the dirt.

"And the invincible form of yours that you believed would be my downfall succumbs to my power," Maestro said with what sounded like conceit as he marched towards the three. Geo weakly lifted his head to watch as the Maestro approached, only able to see out of one of his eyes while blood poured from a wound on his head. Celestia let out a weak groan as she tried to get up, but her legs failed her and she fell to the side. Mega wasn't even moving and all he could do was look at the Maestro approach out of the side of his eyes.

"And you, Celestia, you truly believed that this child would aid you in destroying me? To do what the six champions of the world could not? To do what the beings that could move the heavens could not?" the Maestro asked in a condescending tone. All Celestia could do was spit out a bit of blood, but there was only pain in her eyes. Then the Maestro turned his attention back to Geo, who was the only one glaring at Maestro with defiance.

"If it gives you any comfort, you were difficult to kill. Not the most difficult hero to kill, but difficult none the less," Maestro told Geo before he raised a hand and pointed it right between Geo's eyes. "And take comfort in that single fact. Because you will also die knowing that this world will follow, along with everyone you ever loved. And you will have failed. If you have any miracles left, now is the time."

Geo had no miracles left. All he could do was stare up at the shattered magic that vortexed in the Maestro's hand, waiting with rage and pain for the Maestro to kill him. 'My battle cards are useless, the Solar Knight was bested and even Megaman would just delay the inevitable,' Geo thought to himself before he narrowed his eyes. 'But I won't let him see fear. I won't give him the satisfaction!'

"Don't you dare lay a hand on my son!" Hope roared from within the confines of her sphere, driving her shoulder into the shattered barrier. A crunch could be heard, but even though pain lanced in her eyes she turned to the other shoulder and tried again.

"If you lay another finger on him, I promise that you'll wish for a quick death!" Kelvin followed up, using his battle cards to try and blast his way out.

"I'll burn you to ash!" Taurus Fire bellowed as he unleashed hellfire into the sphere, but it refused to burn.

"You are all wasting my time. The spheres are strong enough to take the attacks of a goddess. I have also modified them to keep your EM forms contained as well," the Maestro informed them as he glanced over at them. "You will all be extinguished soon enough. I would appreciate it if you would keep the noise down until your deaths."

"If you don't let him go right now I promise I'll-" Luna began, but before she could say any more the Maestro turned and fired a blast of shattered magic that just barely missed her head.

"You are the one I do not wish to hear anything from. All of your friends provide a small threat to me. It may be the tiniest percent, but it is there regardless. You are a waste of time and life. Be quiet and watch," Maestro said to her as he slowly turned and grabbed Geo by the face, lifting him into the air as shattered magic began to burn the teens face. "Watch as your beloved hero dies while there is nothing you can do."

Luna screamed as she pounded against her sphere, but her attacks hardly seemed to phase the prison in the slightest. With horror freezing her heart she realized that the Maestro was right, that there was nothing she could do except watch the death of the person that mattered most to her. Tears flooded her eyes as she watched through the shimmering magic as the now screaming Geo-


Maestro snapped his head to the side in time to roar as a musical note as black as death ripped into the side of his head, staggering him for a brief moment. A second later a guitar slammed into the side of his head before the owner of the guitar flickered her form and pulled Geo out of the Maestro's grasp. Maestro snarled with more fury than pain as he glared at Harp Note, who landed on the ground away from Maestro with Geo clutched firmly in her grasp.

"Sonia?" Geo asked weakly as he gazed up at her.

"Don't worry Geo, I've got you. You're safe now," she promised him with a kind smile before she glared at the Maestro. "I won't let him hurt you anymore."

"No Sonia, he's too powerful. He'll-"

"Kill you, if I don't stop him," Harp Note finished before she laid Geo gently on the ground, before turning to face the Maestro. "And I won't let him. I won't let him hurt you anymore. You hear that, monster?"

"Your words are mere prattle. Though I am a bit intrigued as how you managed to escape my sphere," the Maestro asked as shattered magic formed in his hands.

"You wanna know how I did it? You were threatening the life of my best...of the person I love," Harp Note said in a calm voice as she took her guitar in her hands once more and took up her fighting stance, not aware that nearly everyone's eyes had gone wide except for the Maestro. "So I forced my way out, slamming my EM form against the sphere while using my music to constantly change what frequency I was at. It hurt like hell, but that's nothing compared to what I'm going to do to you."

"So you say girl, but I bested the strongest Megaman has been with ease. You will be a brief inconvenience," Maestro promised her. "All your escape will do is force Geo to watch you die before he follows you. A cruel thing to do to the one you love."

"Sonia..." Geo whispered.

"Don't worry, Geo. It's my turn to protect you," Harp Note promised him with a shaky smile before she turned back to the Maestro, strumming her guitar one last time. "That's what a partner does."