• Published 3rd Nov 2016
  • 4,519 Views, 374 Comments

Champion of the Sun - Onomonopia

Luna and Celestia try to stop the wrath of a mad man with the aid of a Megaman.

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Megaman hurled himself to the side as an explosion of solar energy erupted behind him, hurling stone and debris across his visor. He kicked back up to his feet and spun around, firing into the trees with his Mega Buster. His eyes narrowed after he fired his shots, certain that he had missed every single one of them.

"On your left, kid!" Mega roared from Megaman's buster, yanking the teen and moving him out of the way of a blast of energy that tore through one of the trees. Megaman leapt back into a small river, spraying water across the magical version of the Maestro as the being hurled itself towards Megaman.

Megaman flipped over the back of the magic Maestro and fired numerous shots into his back. The magical being slammed into the ground, before it pushed itself back up and turned around to fire a blast of magic at Megaman. He shifted himself to his EM form to avoid the attack, before he swiped a card across his buster.

"Battle Card! Moai fall!" A massive, stone head slammed onto the magical Maestro, causing him to shatter into hundreds of little pieces. Megaman smiled as he let out a cry of victory, before turning to the side as Celestia teleported beside him. "What did you think of that? This time I managed to beat your copy without taking a single hit."

"Which shows that we're making progress, but it's not enough," Celestia said with a shake of her head as she picked up the pieces and constructed them back into a copy, which stood at her side while waiting for its orders. "This isn't even the furthest I can push this copy. Meaning that this will take much longer and that kind of time is something that we do not have."

"Maybe not, but each time we improve brings us that much closer to beating Maestro," Megaman said as he and Mega split back into their regular forms, Geo letting out a sigh as he wiped his forehead and sat down. "And maybe while we're out here working our butts off, he's resting on his laurels and getting weaker."

"Don't bet on it. The Maestro never acts without having a reason for it. And I wager that while we're training our butts off, he's off putting into motion whatever plan he has for this world," Celestia said with a shake of her head before she started moving around the copy around the forest they were practicing in.

"And whatever plan that is, we know that it can't be good for us," Mega agreed with a grunt, before he slashed at the copy as it passed by and turned it to shreds. "And this isn't getting us anywhere! Yeah, we're getting better at kicking a copy out of the air, while the real Maestro can snap his fingers and bring down a nation! We don't need training, we need something like our Tribe form or our meteor access! Something that can give us the edge we need!"

"Well then, why don't I just dive to the bottom of the ocean and retrieve the OOPart? Or maybe I can go gather all the pieces of Meteor G and point it right back at the Earth?" Geo replied with a smirk that made the alien snarl, but before the two could start anything Sonia raced into the clearing. She waved to them before she doubled over and breathed heavily for a moment as she tried to catch her breath.

"Hey...guys...sorry I'm...late," she panted before she held up a finger to signify that she needed a moment. Once she had regained her ability to breath she stood up and smiled. "The shoot ran late and I had to do the same stupid take twenty different times. I never want to hear the words "Maybe he'll be waiting by the docks" for as long as I live."

"Well Sonia, maybe he'll be-"

"And I'm stopping that there! Transcode: Harp Note! On! The! AIR!"

A flash pink light enveloped Sonia while a black bodysuit formed around her. A short pink dress formed over it with a heart emblem in the center. Pink and white sleeves spread across her arms and her guitar changed to a lyre and guitar combination. A helmet appeared on her head and a blue visor slid down her face, while a white scarf fluttered in the breeze.

"Harp Note, taking the stage!" she said as she winked at Geo and Celestia.

"Alright Sonia-"

"Harp Note.

"Fine. Alright Harp Note, we'll put you at where we were training Geo," Celestia stated as she recreated the Maestro copy, getting Harp Note to narrow her eyes as she glared at it. "Is something the matter?"

"Nothing. I just really felt the urge to smash this thing to pieces," Harp Note stated right before the copy started flying around the woods. "Oh yeah, I'll need to get back to my shoot in about an hour, so if you know anyway to expedite the training it would be greatly appreciated."

"Teenagers. Always in a hurry to get a move on," Celestia said with a shake of her head as she started having the copy attack Harp Note, who started to fight the copy with a skill that impressed Celestia. After a few minutes of watching Geo joined back into the fight, forcing Celestia to push the copy as hard as she could to keep up with the two. But even as she concentrated and focused on trying to keep the two from winning, she couldn't help but smile as memories of training foals in Equestria came back to her mind.

'If it wasn't for the fact that we were preparing to fight Maestro, this wouldn't be so bad,' she thought to herself as her copy exploded into shards in the air, giving Megaman and Harp Note a chance to high five in the air. 'This reminds me of the good old days. Working with friends.'


"I have watched my fair share of filming, but I do not believe that I have ever seen a set quite like this," Celestia whispered to Geo and Mega, glancing around to make sure that no one was watching her. All around the two people raced back and forth, some with drinks, some with scripts and others with pieces of technology. The director spun around and roared at the people to shut up, before he spun around and snarled at the shot. "And what is with all of the...wizards? That is what you call them, correct?"

"Yeah, wizards are actually really good at tasks that regular humans struggle to complete," Geo replied as one of the wizards sunk into the lake beneath a red bridge, holding a camera to get the perfect shot. But Celestia found that while Geo was taking about the wizards, he was looking at the bridge that Sonia was standing on while wearing a summer dress that matched her hair.

"Careful kid, I think you're starting to drool," Mega teased Geo and Geo immediately stared in any direction that wasn't near the bridge. Celestia smiled at Geo's response before she pretend to be trying to eat grass of the ground, aware that a good number of people were beginning to look at her.

"Places...and where in the hell is Richard?!" the director roared at the people and wizards behind him, who began to look around frantically for the other star.

"Keep your toupee on, I'm coming," a voice called out over the noise of people, a path being cleared through the people as a teenager walked through them. He had golden hair, a perfect tan and radiated a presence that showed how rich he was. So immediately Celestia and Mega didn't like him as he walked by, while Geo's face was impossible to read. "Relax, I never miss a scene. Especially when I have the chance to work with the lovely Sonia Strumm."

"Thanks. I'm happy that you signed on for the show. You really bring in the ratings," Sonia replied with a smile before the director roared at everyone to shut up. People moved into place while the actors prepared themselves. Sonia caught Geo's eyes and winked once, getting Richard to look around with some confusion.


"Sonia, the performance is only a few days away. Won't you please give me your answer?" Richard began as he held out a hand towards Sonia, who looked away dramatically while staring down at her hand. "There is no other that I wish to be with! You are the only one!"

"Ugh, gag me," Geo muttered under his breath before Mega elbowed him in the ribs to shut him up.

"I cannot answer you now. I'm still not sure myself how I feel," Sonia replied in a voice that sounded more genuine and she stared off towards the side of the set with lost eyes. "I have really enjoyed being with you these last couple of weeks, but still...all of my thoughts should be going towards the concert. Not...teasing the idea of feelings that may not be real."

"What do you mean may not be real? Down by the lake, the moment we had, was that not real?" Richard asked before he stepped forward and wrapped a hand around Sonia's waist, turning her so that she was looking at him. "Look into my eyes and tell me that what we have isn't real!"

"I don't know," Sonia replied as she pushed him away, wrapping her hands around her arms and she turned away. "All I want is to focus on my music, on my fans. I don't have time for anything else...especially not someone like you."

"This is what passes for entertainment on your world?" Celestia whispered to Geo, but the teen was too busy staring coldly at the scene to answer properly.

"I understand. But know that this fire of mine...it will never go out," Richard promised Sonia as he turned and began to walk off the bridge, stopping and turning around to face Sonia one last time. "And if I have to wait till the end of the world, I will. Because you're worth it."

"Hey Geo, think you can grip those rails any tighter?" Mega teased Geo as he elbowed him once more, getting Geo to look down to find that he had a death grip upon the railing that prevented him from falling into the lake. He released his grip and crossed his arms, getting Mega to snicker. Sonia finished up the scene by staring at the spot where Richard vanished, before she ran a finger through her hair and stared at the ground.

"And cut! That's a wrap!" the director yelled with victory, getting the crowd to cheer along with him. Sonia did a fist pump before she walked over to the rest of the actors, all of them congratulating her for her performance. She then spied Geo and the others and walked over to them, a beaming smile on her face that outshone the sun.

"So, how did I do?" she asked.

"You were amazing," Geo said as he clapped his hands, getting Sonia to giggle before she took a small bow.

"Yeah and you looked pretty good too. Geo couldn't tear his eyes away from you," Mega ribbed, getting both Sonia and Geo to avoid eye contact for a minute.

"You seemed to be the only one there giving your all out there. Richard seemed to be phoning it in," Celestia said with a shrug before she spied something that made her start to nibble at the grass near her hooves. Richard walked over to the both of them, looking from Sonia to Geo with a raised eyebrow.

"Sonia, the director wants us to take a group shot now that we've finished the final episode," Richard said to Sonia, but his eyes were on Geo, and somewhat Celestia, the entire time. The two gave each other an unfriendly look before Richard turned and walked away once more.

"What was that about?" Sonia asked.

"Nothing. What did he mean by final episode? I thought there was at least four more?" Geo asked, getting Sonia to roll her eyes before she placed an arm on Geo's shoulder.

"Geo, do you know nothing about how shows are made? We record the episodes way before they air," she told Geo before bumping his shoulder with hers, waving to the three of them as she walked away towards the other actors. "I'm going to go do this group shot, then we can pick up where we left off. Try I'm really looking forward to it this time, Celestia. You really made training a lot of fun!"

"She has such a positive aura that it is hard not to smile when she's around," Celestia noted before she, Geo and Mega began to walk off set. "Reminds me...a bit of somepony that I used to know. Always perky, always happy and always making other smile."

"Yeah, she amazes me too. Especially with her past," Geo said with a somber shake of his head, peaking Celestia's interest. "She lost her mother a long time ago. Her mother was deathly ill and Sonia sang to her to make her happy. Her mom was the one that told her to become a singer, but her manager wanted to only use her talent to make money, not giving a damn about how Sonia felt. Bastard. Then her mom died, leaving Sonia all alone."

"Wow...that's terrible," Celestia said with a whistle before Mega cut in.

"Yeah, but then Sonia had the good fortune to run into our little ladies man here and her wizard Lyra back to back and suddenly her life changed around," Mega continued on. "Suddenly she went from no friends and a crappy producer to three friends and no producer. Everything worked out."

"Yeah. And she managed to keep on smiling and helping others to smile the entire time. She really is amazing," Geo said before he caught on to what he was saying and he glanced behind him to see both Mega and Celestia giving him a look. "She's a really good friend. NOTHING more. Got it?"

"Sure kid. And the moon is made of cheese," Mega replied.

Before Geo could try to change Mega's thoughts, a man with a small beard and crazy looking hair walked over to Geo. "Lee! Good to see you again!" Geo said as he extended his hand. Lee shook Geo's hand and smiled at him, before waving to Mega and giving Celestia a strange look. "What brings you over here?"

"Well, because I need your help. Or rather," Lee began before he moved in close. "I need Megaman."