• Published 3rd Nov 2016
  • 4,519 Views, 374 Comments

Champion of the Sun - Onomonopia

Luna and Celestia try to stop the wrath of a mad man with the aid of a Megaman.

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Sunset Confessions

The sound of the waves breaking against the sand was like the music of the sirens, compelling the teenagers to race across the sand that blazed like a fire despite the burning pain. Bud, Zack, Geo and Sonia all let out cries of joy as they plunged into the water, while the two Luna's and Celestia took a more leisurely approach to the water. Bud wore a large set of trunks, Zack had a top and bottom suit, Geo had orange trunks and Sonia wore a full body pink diving suit. The moment the four got into the water they immediately began to splash each other.

"No matter how much the world changes, those four will always be such kids," Luna said with a sad sigh as she held a hand to her face, trying to ignore the sounds of her friends splashing water onto each other. Celestia and Princess Luna chuckled at her words while setting up their beach set, with Luna planting a huge umbrella next to a lounge chair.

"Well, we all need to relax every once in a while," Princess Luna said as she flicked open her umbrella and cast a huge shadow over a portion of the beach. She snapped open her chair and laid down in it, flicking a pair of sunglasses over her face before resting her head on her arms. "And I need to catch up on some sleep. Sister, if you wouldn't mind keeping the sun as far away from me as possible, then I would be eternally grateful to you."

"You forget sister that I do not control the sun on this world. It will pester you to its hearts content," Celestia stated while rubbing some sunscreen onto her nose, before using her magic to create a swimsuit around herself. "I will be enjoying some time in the ocean, which I realize I have avoided for far too long."

"Well, after everything the two of you have been through you deserve more than this for a break," Luna said to the twin princesses, but a loud snore from the princess of the night told the teenager that Princess Luna was fast asleep. Celestia walked to the waves and dipped a hoof into the water, shivering slightly at how cold it was. A flash of magic shone from her horn and a moment later the temperature was much more manageable for her. "What is it like using magic? From the way you use magic it seems to make your life so much easier."

"It does make life easier, but it is also a painful reminder that I am one of two beings from my world that can still use it," Celestia said with a shake of her head before she was sprayed by a large splash. The princess of the sun raised an eyebrow and turned to look at Bud, who had a competitive smile upon his face before he motioned Celestia to bring it.

"Oh, a challenge, is it?" Celestia asked before she spread her two wings with such force that all of the water was removed from them. She then sliced them through the water and created a tidal wave that bellowed towards the teens. Bud braced himself and crossed his arms while the other three swam for their lives. The waves broke against the bison, who managed to remain rooted in place. The other three weren't so lucky and were swept away by the massive wave.

"You call that a wave? Let me show you how to make a wave!" Bud roared before Taurus appeared next to him, grabbing hold of the teens arm and yanking him out of the water. He pulled Bud a couple of feet out of the water before dropping him into the waves, creating a wave equal to the one Celestia had created. Celestia raised an eyebrow at the approaching wave before simply constructing a barrier of magic around herself, watching with a smile as the waves broke against her barrier.

"It seems that to defeat you I'm going to have to pull out all of the stops," Bud said with a smile before he held out his hand, getting Taurus to float down next to him. Celestia gave the boy a smirk that told him to bring it, but before the two could continue their aqua battle Geo and Zack tackled him and restrained his arms.

"Whoa there you two, I like play water war as much as the next guy, but at the rate you two are going we might have a tsunami on our hands," Geo informed the both of them.

"My data indicates that if you continue at this rate there will be a ninety percent chance that this day will be ruined for all of us!" Zack roared at Bud, who let out a sigh before he held up his arms, not at all hindered by the two teens that were trying to weigh him down.

"Alright you two, I get it. We'll save this for another time, Celestia," Bud said with another smirk to the princess.

"I look forward to the challenge. You may be the first person that can actually match me at water wars," Celestia replied with a smile, before she and the others glanced over to see Luna entering the water, wearing a cerulean bathing suit. "Well well, you finally decide to join us."

"I had to wait until the two of you were done splashing each other like children. Honestly Celestia, you are a two thousand year old former ruler of a nation. Why do you still act so childish at times?" Luna asked the princess, who smiled to the others at Luna's words.

"Because it is good to never let the child inside die. You have to mature and grow up, but keeping that childish side of you helps in certain situations. Such as when someone who did not wish to get wet suddenly enters the water!" Celestia yelled before she swung a wing towards Luna, spraying water across Luna. Her face became a brilliant crimson before she started to try to chase the princess of the sun, who laughed with mirth as her longer legs allowed her to bound away from Luna with ease.

"Nice to se Luna having fun, especially with how she's been acting lately," Sonia said to Geo as Celestia sprayed Luna with water again, getting the teen to shriek before she started to splash water back.

"You've noticed it too, huh?" Geo replied as he glanced at Sonia, who nodded her head in agreement. "She hasn't been her usual, bossy self in a long time. Not since the Maestro showed up."

"Whatever he told her, it's changed her. Have you notice that...she doesn't get as upset with us?"

"You mean whenever we act up?"

"No, I mean...us."

"Okay you two, if you're done staring at the ground while talking to each other, we could use the two of you," Zack called over to them, getting Sonia and Geo to slosh over to the rest of the group. "As per tradition with out group, it is time for water chicken. You all know the rules, but as Celestia is a new comer we shall go over them for her. Three teams, two members each. The stronger member supports to weaker one on their shoulders, while the weaker one tries to push the other ones into the water. Any questions?"

"Only which one of you wants to be on my team?" Celestia asked, but when three sets of hands went up the prince smirked.

"As usual, it seems that I will have to decide the teams. Celestia, you're with me. You seem to work well with beings named Luna," Luna said, getting Celestia to chuckle to herself. "Bud, you're with Zack. As the last years reigning champions, it doesn't feel right to split the both of you up."

"Um, sure Luna, but you do realize that that only leaves-"

"Sonia, you're with Geo. As the two heroes of the earth, you both work together incredibly well," Luna said with a nod to the both of them, ignoring the confused looks they were giving her. "Of course, you two will have to decide which of you is stronger. I honestly can't tell between the two of you anymore." Geo and Sonia gave the other a look before they locked hands, straining against the might of the other. Celestia used her magic to create a surface underneath of their arms, allowing the two of them to arm wrestle. The two strained against the other for a few moments, before Sonia's arm finally gave out and Geo slammed her hand to the magic.

"Alright, we have a winner. Teams, battle positions!"

Luna hopped onto Celestia's back as she said this, laughing aloud as Celestia kicked her front legs and let magic shine from her horn. Bud picked up Zack and placed him onto his shoulders, the two of them crossing their arms to look like a formidable foe. Geo crouched down and allowed Sonia to leap onto his shoulders, though neither of them could stop their faces from turn red for a moment.

"Alright, here are the rules. No eyes pokes, no underhanded tactics, no kicking the mounts, no going for the mounts feet and no magic, in your case," Luna said as she looked down at Celestia, who gave Luna an innocent smile in reply.

"I'm suddenly noticing how unfair this is," Zack stated as he looked at Luna, who looked regal riding Celestia.


All three groups let out a cry as they charged the other, with Celestia going easy, before Zack, Sonia and Luna collided up top. The three of them started to fight and their motions forced those they were sitting on to constantly adjust to keep them balanced.

"This is a fun game," Celestia said with a smile, not bothered in the slightest by the three pushing against the others.

"It's usually more fun when the other teams have a chance at winning," Geo smirked in reply, before Sonia let out a yelp and started to fall over. Geo moved quickly and spun around to catch Sonia is his arms, before the both of them fell into the water. Luna let out a cry of victory before she started to overpower Zack, who was barking orders down at Bud. But right as Luna was about to push Zack off of Bud's shoulders, Celestia felt something grab her leg and shift it, causing the princess to tip over into the water. Luna yelped before she went under, with both her and Celestia surfacing a moment later to see Bud and Zack still standing.

The winners began to celebrate while Celestia and Luna both cast a nasty stare over at Geo and Sonia, who were looking back with large smiles on their faces.

"That's cheating," Luna said with fire in her voice.

"You said no going for the feet. Never said anything about hooves," Sonia replied, getting Geo to chuckle. Luna was debating whether she should scold them or not, but then Celestia chuckled and Luna figured that it didn't matter, as long as they were having fun.


The food that had been cooking on the grill finally finished, just in time for the group to watch the sun start to sink over the horizon. Bud scooped up a huge amount of BBQ onto his plate, before racing off to feast upon his spoils. Zack took a far smaller amount, but as the victory he took his sweet time, knowing that everyone else was giving him a nasty look. Luna went next and Celestia didn't take anything, which left a good amount for Geo and Sonia. As the group sat down and began to eat, Princess Luna finally awoke and joined them, though she wasn't too happy.

"Sister, why in the unholy Tartarus is one half of my face sunburned?" Princess Luna asked with some rage at her sister, who smirked at Luna in reply.

"As I told you sister, I cannot control the sun on this world. Therefor I could not stop it from frying half of your face," Celestia said with a chuckle, as she was the only one that could see how Luna was burned. Princess Luna grumbled something and sat down next to Luna, who stood up and clinked her finger against her glass to gain the others attention.

"Attention, everyone. I have something to tell all of you," Luna said, turning everyone's heads towards her. "Thank you all for coming today. I had fun and I know that everyone else here did as well." The group all let out a cheer to show that she was right, getting Luna to smile before her face fell for a moment. "I am glad to hear it. However, as many of you guessed the other day, I have some news to tell all of you. And that news is...I will not be joining you in high school come this fall."

Bud spat out his food and started to choke for a moment, while Zack stared at Luna with disbelief. Geo and Sonia just sat in silence, waiting for Luna to tell them why. "It is not because I can't stand you guys any more, it is...because I need to do this. I will be going to a private high school come this fall, in a few weeks actually, and thus will not be able to see you guys as often as I did."

"But why?!" Bud roared, unable to understand what Luna was saying. Luna gave him a smile to comfort him before she cleared her throat.

"Because the Maestro was right about me." The group went silent at her words, all of them waiting to hear her reasons. "He told me that me and all of the other Luna's like me made no difference to the world, that we were all a waste. And at first I didn't want to believe him, but the more I looked over my life, and the way it is now, he's right. I haven't really done anything, not like all of you."

"But Luna-"

Luna held up a hand to silence Geo. "This is my choice. Even if none of you believe what he said to be true, I do. And I am tired of him being right. That is why I am going to this private school. Because I want to make a change. And this school has the programs that can start me down this path. I know it might be hard for you to accept, but this is my choice. It is who I want to be. I want to be more than just a waste of space."

For a long time no one said anything, until Geo stood up and walked over to Luna. The two looked at each other for a moment before Geo let out a small sigh and smiled at her. "If this is your decision, what you truly want to do, then I won't try to stop you. Instead, I'll wish you luck. Whatever you want to do, I know that you'll be amazing at it."

"Thanks Geo," Luna replied before she was tackled by both Bud and Zack, who were sobbing uncontrollably as they tried to stammer out words to her. "Get ahold of yourselves, I'm not going yet! We've still got a few more weeks and even then I'll still be back on the weekends!"

The alicorns and the EM champions laughed at the display, before Luna looked over at Geo and gave him another smile. "We'll be getting ready to pack it up for the night and we leave first thing in the morning. If there's anything else you want to do...or say...now would be the time."

Geo looked at her in surprise, but Luna turned away from Geo and started to yell at Bud and Zack again, leaving the human to glance over at Sonia. He let out a small sigh before walking over to her, tapping her on the shoulder to get her to turn around. She stopped talking with Princess Luna and Celestia and turned to face Geo, who moved his head over to the edge of the sea. She nodded and the two walked over in silence, stopping just at the edge of the waves and stared at the sea for a few minutes.

"I've thought it over," Geo said to finally break the silence. Sonia nodded her head to show that she understood, but she was too afraid to look over at Geo. "Of course, I've had a lot of help. Ace, Mega...even Luna, surprisingly. They helped me to make sense of all this."

"I'm sorry that I did this to you. I should have just kept my mouth shut," Sonia whispered, but Geo shook his head.

"No, I'm glad you said it. Your words finally made me face my emotions that I've been uncertain about for a long time," Geo replied before going silent again. For another few minutes the two stood silently, letting the waves touch their feet while the smell of the ocean washed over them. "But now...I think I finally have an answer."

"And that answer...is?" Sonia asked in a tone that was barely audible and Geo could hear the fear in her voice. He let out a small sigh to calm his nerves before he took Sonia's hand in his. Her eyes went wide before she glanced down at his hand, before looking up at Geo. He nodded with a smile on his face, before squeezing her hand slightly. Tears welled up in Sonia's eyes before she smiled as well and leaned her head on Geo's shoulder. The two of them stayed like that for a while, watching the sunset while completely unaware that the others were watching them. And all of them had the same smiles on their faces.