• Published 3rd Nov 2016
  • 4,519 Views, 374 Comments

Champion of the Sun - Onomonopia

Luna and Celestia try to stop the wrath of a mad man with the aid of a Megaman.

  • ...

Every Villains Weakness

"Pretty nice school, wouldn't you say?" Geo asked Sonia as the two of them stared at a section of the school, both of them doing everything in their power to keep from cracking up. Someone had spray painted the side of the school they were on, painting the image of Mr. Wave battling with a white whale. Geo and Sonia both snapped a picture on their Hunters before they found an area that they figured was far enough away from the school.

"Yeah, the principal seems nice enough and hopefully the students here won't be too bothersome," Sonia said with a shrug as she and Geo leaned on the railing in front of them, gazing at the city that was off in the distance. "Could do without the ocean theme, though. Seems a bit much."

"I don't mind it. Adds a bit of flare to the school," Geo replied before he took on a more serious expression. "You wanted to talk to me about something, right? I can probably guess what it is, but...go ahead. I'm all ears."

"Thanks. We haven't had a chance to talk since the Lunar Diva," Sonia admitted. "First there was the whole cleaning up what Maestro did, then Ace wanted to see the full extent of my capabilities. Then he told us to take a break and holed himself up inside of his office by himself. Which leads us to today."

"I see...the Lunar Diva, though. I can't believe that I didn't see it coming," Geo said with a laugh while shaking his head. "Of course you would be able to achieve a form like that. You're practically Luna's best human friend. Of course you'd be able to fuse with her."

"What are you talking about? Bud and Zack are Luna's best friend," Sonia said with a giggle.

"Seriously? Hasn't that joke gone on long enough?"


Geo smirked and leaned his head on his arms, a more serious expression upon his face as he began to think. "But now the Maestro will be out for blood, even more so than he was. He didn't take kindly to being beaten by me and Celestia. I doubt he'll be happy that you and Luna managed to erase his body. He'll most likely be back with a stronger one."

"Then the two of us will combine our powers and get rid of him once and for all," Sonia said, but Geo shook his head.

"But for how long will we have to keep doing this? If he can keep coming back each time we beat him, how long until the day comes when he wins?" Geo asked with a bit of fear in his voice. "We might have forms that can beat him, but he's an immortal being. He's never going to stop. And eventually..."

"Leave thinking of a solution to that up to Ace. You're trying to take all the burden onto yourself again," Sonia told Geo as she placed a hand on his shoulder. Geo looked at the hand then looked at Sonia, before he became incredibly fascinated with a bug on the railing. "Alright Geo, let's deal with the elephant in the room."

"What do you mean?"

"What we've been avoiding. The reason that despite the both of us trying to act normal around each other, we've still been awkward and shy," Sonia reminded him before she flipped up her hood and looked away from Geo. "About the things I said when I was fighting Maestro."

"Ah. You mean...when you told him..."

"Right. That...honestly Geo, I thought I was going to die. I thought that I wouldn't make it out of that battle. So I wanted to make sure that I told you everything I wanted to before I went. That I would have no regrets. Including...how I felt about." The two went quiet once more, neither of them able to look at the other. "And then I survived. Meaning that I have to live with what I said. Meaning I have to wait to hear your thoughts."

"I see...how long?"


"How long...have you felt this way?"

"If I'm being honest...not long after we first met," Sonia admitted, getting Geo to look at her in surprise. "Well, it was more a crush than actual love, but the feelings were still there. After all, you were one of the only people I had met that treated me like a person. Who saw more as more than just a star or a way to make money. And you were the light in a very dark place for me. Honestly...how couldn't I care about you. And with all these years of being and fighting together...the feelings have only grown stronger."

"Wow. You really think that highly of me?" Geo asked in mostly a whisper, though he was lost in thought.

"Yep. You're the mot special person in my life after all," Sonia admitted with a hint of sadness in her voice. "The one who helped me to smile again. And I wouldn't trade the memories we've had together for anything. Even the painful ones. That's why...even if you say no to my feelings...I won't mind. I'll still be your friend. And I'll still be there to fight with you, whenever you need me."

Geo crossed his fingers and lost himself in thought for a long period of time, long enough that Sonia was able to hear the others leave the high school and could see them walking towards the tram station. After a half hour Geo lifted his head and looked at Sonia, a look on his face that she couldn't read.

"Sonia...you mean a lot to me. You are also the most special person in my life," Geo admitted, getting Sonia's eyes to widen. But then he shook his head and glanced down at the ground. "I don't know. With everything that's going one, with the Maestro and Rogue trying to kill us every other day...would you mind waiting a little longer? I just...need a little more time."

"Sure, Geo. I can wait," Sonia said with a sad smile, before she pulled him into a small hug. She released him and jogged off towards where the others were, stopping for just a second to look back at Geo, who had yet to lift his head. It was only after he was certain that he was alone that he finally lifted his head, sighing as he did so before pulling out his Hunter.

"Mega, you were listening, right?" he asked the Hunter and Mega's face appeared in it a moment later. "Do you think I...handled that right?"

"I don't know, kid. Women have never been my specialty," Mega admitted with a shrug before he gave Geo a smirk. 'But ya didn't get her to run away with tears in her eyes, so yer already doing better than most your age."

"I'm being serious here, Mega."

"So am I. I guess the question you've got to ask yourself is how you really feel about her."

Geo sighed as he leaned against the railing, watching Celestia and Luna play magic tag in the sky, drawing the attention of some of the people that had showed up at the high school. 'And just when I thought things couldn't get any harder. But Mega's right. I have to ask how I really feel about Sonia.'


With only a single light shining down on him Ace worked tirelessly on his battle plan, going over numerous outcomes and situations that might come up. He sighed as he activated his battle simulator on his Hunter, bringing up tiny images of his team and also the Maestro's forces as well as a giant sphere in the background. He watched as the groups went back and forth, but the moment Taurus Fire went down he shut off the simulation and went back to work.

"You are so worried about Acid Ace tearing your body apart, but at the rate you're going you'll die from exhaustion before you ever get the chance to transform." Ace sighed before he glanced over his shoulder to see Acid floating behind him, clutching an energy drink within his grasp. Ace gave him a grateful smile before he snatched the drink out of his grasp, chugging it before going back to his simulation. "I take it that the plan isn't going well?"

"With the Lunar Diva on our side we win in ninety percent of the encounters," Ace revealed to Acid, before his face darkened. "But also in nearly every battle we lose someone. Most of the time it's me or Bud, but once in a while it's Sonia or Geo. And that means that those simulations are failures."

"A simulation is different from real life, especially when we are dealing with them," Acid stated as he floated over to the simulation, bringing up images of Pegasus Magic, Zerker and Black Ace. "If you were to do a simulation of Geo and his friends based off what we know now, what would your simulation say about his chances against what he went up against?"

"That he was doomed and had a practically zero percent chance of winning?" Ace replied with a tired smirk.

"Precisely. But the fact that we are all still alive shows that mere predictions and numbers cannot fathom what Geo and his allies are capable of," Acid reminded Ace before he brought up another image of that of the simulations. It was the Maestro's sphere, but instead of being on the outskirt of a town it was in the center of a desert. "You were right, by the way. We've finally found another one. It is pretty far from here, but it's positioning with the other would be perfect if their happened to be a third one."

"So they form a triangle around something. Send a team out to look for the third sphere while also looking for what might be in the center of that triangle," Ace ordered as he brought up all the information he had on the Solar Knight and the Lunar Diva. "And if you could, bring me another energy drink. I'm going to be here for a while."

Acid said nothing but floated off, leaving Ace once more by himself. 'We can win, I know that much. And in the best scenario we actually manage to get Solo back on our side and he aids us in bringing down the sphere. But no matter what outcome it is, one of us dies in this battle. Even without the Maestro there. The only situation where one of us doesn't is when neither of them are there. But they will be. They always have.'

'So that makes this the most difficult decision I've ever made in my life,' Ace thought as he rested his head on his hands, sighing to himself as he watched a battle take place where he was the one to die in order for it to succeed. 'Do I just bite the bullet myself and hope that the others can go on without me? I can't risk any of their lives when sacrificing my own will do. And they deserve to be happy. Maybe, if it's the only way, I should-'

"You're always such a martyr. Wanting to sacrifice yourself for the greater good even when there are other ways to do things." Ace's eyes went wide before a pair of arms wrapped themselves around his neck and he felt someone press their body up against his back. The shock was replaced with a smile when he felt the persons head rested on his shoulder, leaning slightly against his head.

"What, can you read my mind now, Tia?" he asked her as he closed his eyes and simply enjoyed the moment.

"No. I just know you," Tia responded as she watched the simulations take place, shaking her head slightly when she watched Acid Ace get destroyed by the Maestro while the Solar Knight brought down the sphere. "And how you're so hung up on being the hero that you want to have your own heroic sacrifice."

"Acid brought you here, didn't he?" Ace asked as he tried to turn off the simulation, but Tia grabbed his hand and stop him from doing so.

"He said that you've been working yourself to death and that he could no longer get through to you. Said that I was the only person on the planet that had a chance of getting you to take a break," Tia replied before she paused the simulation. "Right there. That is where everything goes wrong. When the sphere activates and all of you attack it and Maestro at the same time."

"In every simulation the sphere activates. It's going to happen," Ace told her. "And that gives us only a brief period of time to destroy its outer shell so we can damage to core."

"But what if you didn't need to damage the outer layer?" Tia asked Ace, who turned to look at the thin smile she had on her face. "What if you had someone positioned above the sphere, waiting for it to activate before sending an attack down into the center of it through its weak point."

"The only two that are strong enough to fight the Maestro are the only two strong enough to damage the core," Ace replied with a shake of his head. "And he knows this. So if I send one of them to wait above the core, he'll catch on and it changes the battle completely."

"Distract him."

"How? He knows almost everything and has a power that can't be destroyed. How we distract him?"

"He's an evil villain. Get him talking and he won't stop."

Ace thought about it for a moment before he pressed a few buttons on the simulation, adding in her suggestion and watching as the battle unfolded. To his amazement the battle went off exactly like Tia had said, with the Maestro talking long enough to be caught off guard. A huge smile crossed his face before he spun around and pulled Tia into his arms, smiling down at his wife.

"You're amazing. How did you know that would work?" he asked her with a huge smile, getting her to smile slightly in response.

"I was a former villain myself. We like to talk when we feel we've won. So we let little things slip by us that we would have never let slip if we were losing," she admitted before resting her head on his chest. "Thankfully the hero gave me another chance."

"Heh, thankfully the villain was willing to care for this poor excuse for a hero," Ace replied as he held her tight, the two enjoying the others company. "But unfortunately this hero will have to ask if you'd allow him to go on one more mission. They'll need me."

"This is your third one more mission. But the answer is still yes. Go save the world."