• Published 3rd Nov 2016
  • 4,519 Views, 374 Comments

Champion of the Sun - Onomonopia

Luna and Celestia try to stop the wrath of a mad man with the aid of a Megaman.

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"Sonia is being targeted?" Geo asked with disbelief, getting Lee to make a motion for Geo to keep his voice down as he started to look around. "But who would target Sonia? I thought she was one of the most beloved singers of all time?!"

"Yeah, she is Geo, but nevertheless our facts don't lie. Someone or thing has been staking out this place," Lee replied in a calm tone that had undertones of clear concern. He pulled out his Hunter and pressed a button on it, bringing up an image of shattered security bots. "Most of the security we hired for this place has either been killed or needs to be repaired. Things have been moved around from rooms that were locked, yet the locks were never busted or the doors forced."

"Okay, so someone is messing with things. Why does that need Megaman?" Geo asked in a tone that showed he wasn't convinced. "If you think it's a job for Megaman, then you know that Harp Note would be able to handle it as well. She's just as strong as me."

"Geo...the reason I'm so concerned is because five days ago, a being the likes of which the world has never seen showed up and decimated a section of the city while doing something no one every thought could happen. He beat you," Lee said, his voice starting to lose it's calm tone as the fear found rooting. "And he didn't just beat you, almost everyone thinks Megaman is dead. Even I did, until Sonia kicked my door down with you practically bleeding to death in her arms."

"He makes a valid argument, Geo. After seeing something like the Maestro decimated a city, only a fool would not be on guard against further attack," Celestia interjected, seeing where Lee was going with his words.

"Um, thanks talking horse."

"Okay, fine, you want more security after seeing me get my ass...butt kicked up and down a city block. But the Maestro came after me because I'm the hero of earth. Why would he come...after..."

"I see you're catching on. From what Sonia told me, and I'm guessing the horse told her, the Maestro wanted to kill you because as you said, you're the hero of earth. After he killed you, who be the next hero he would come after?"

"Harp Note. He's here for Harp Note," Geo pieced together as he turned back and looked at the room where the sounds of Sonia singing could be heard. "And if he could figure out my identity, then he'll figure out hers...come on Mega, we need to form Megaman!"

"Whoa, hold your horses there, kid! I mean, wait a moment," Mega said with a quick glance at Celestia, who smirked at his choice of wording. "Maestro still doesn't know we're alive. I figured if he did, he would already be here to finish us off. And I don't think he's the one doing all of this?"

"What makes you think that?"

"Let me finish and I'll tell you. We fought Maestro. He didn't care about stealth, he didn't care about taking out security or sneaking into lock rooms. He found show up, destroy anything in his path to get to Sonia, try to kill her and then leave if he succeeded," Mega deduced, crossing his arms with a shake of his head. "This sounds like something unrelated. But I still agree with Lee. Maestro will be here for Sonia and when he gets here, we need to be ready."

"Normally I trust your gut, but after what the Maestro did...I'm willing to help, Lee."

"Sweet. I got this for you and your wizard, Geo," Lee said as he handed a card to Geo, who glanced it before he swiped it into his Hunter. "That's a security pass. This will allow you to stick close to Sonia at all times without the reporters or other actors suspecting something is wrong."

"Except that a boy around Geo's age is hanging out with Sonia. That won't be on the pages of any tabloids," Mega smirked, but Lee's smile grew bigger than the aliens.

"Oh please, that ship has sailed. After that incident with Diamond Ice, the reporters have been trying to figure out you're relationship with Sonia," Lee told Geo. "But back on a serious track, I want to keep this between us. I'm fine with you telling Sonia, heck, she's probably already figured it out, but I don't want to cause a panic for no reason."

"The Maestro is a valid reason to panic," Celestia said in a tone so chilly that Lee shivered and rubbed his arms. "This is a sound plan, for the time being. And if Megaman is close to Harp Note, then hopefully if Maestro attacks the two of you can fight him together."

"Do you think we're ready?"

"No. But you stand a better chance together than separate," Celestia bluntly stated with a shake of her head. A person with a clip board yelled around the corner that Lee was needed somewhere and Lee nodded in response.

"Time to go do our jobs," Lee said with a sigh before he gave both Geo and Mega a worried look. "I really hope that you guys can figure out something to beat the Maestro...I really do."

"Well, no pressure," Geo muttered under his breath after Lee had walked off, turning with Celestia and Mega as they headed towards the recording booth. "Celestia...while I appreciate the training, I don't think it's going to make much of a difference. The Maestro is just..."

"I understand Geo and I'm trying to think of something else," Celestia said with a bit of heat as she and Geo stopped next to the door, leaning up against the wall with her head lowered. "But back on Equestria I tried everything to defeat the Maestro and he barely registered me. I've been trying to think of a way to use your tech to aid us in beating him, but..."

"Well, we've still got a little time to think of something," Geo said before he thought of something. "Hey Celestia? Thanks, for everything."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean thanks for warning us about the Maestro and helping us to fight him."

"Thank me when we win this, Geo," Celestia said with a scoff as she stared up at the ceiling. "Because if we don't win, then none of us will be able to thank anyone."

"But still, if you hadn't shown up Megaman wouldn't have been ready for the Maestro and the both of us would most likely be dead right now," Geo said before he extended a hand to Celestia. "So thanks, for doing everything you can to help us. I'm glad I've got a friend like you on our side."

"You've only known more for about a week and already you consider me a friend?" Celestia asked before she smiled and placed a hoof in Geo's hands, shaking it. "Perhaps the magic in Equestria isn't completely gone."

"What kind of magic was that?"

"...friendship, Geo. The magic of friendship."


"So he's going to be after me next, huh? Bring it," Sonia said as she slammed a fist into her palm, nearly knocking over her shake as she did so.

"Mega and I had the same attitude and we all saw how that ended up. We don't want him to bring it Sonia, we want him to be surprised and taken off guard by the fact that we're still alive," Geo corrected her as he grabbed the shake and stabilized it, before leaning back in his chair and frowning. "And even then it might not be enough."

"Come on Geo, stop frowning all the time. You're cuter when you smile," Sonia teased, but instead of getting flustered Geo's face became even more serious. "What's the matter, Geo?"

"Nothing, Sonia. It's..." he tried to brush it off, but a stern glare from Sonia got a sigh out of him. "Yesterday Celestia told me about her world, about the ponies, her relationships with them and how...happy it was. And then the Maestro ruined it all. Because he could. I can't let that happen here. I have to stop him here."

"And we will. When it matters, you always win," Sonia comforted him as she placed her hand on top of Geo's. "Solo beat you once and then you came back and bet him. Joker beat you and then you beat him. You're pretty strong in round one, but round two is where you really shine."

"You're motivational talks need a little work," Geo smirked before he nodded to her. "But thanks, Sonia. Guess I'll have to really step up my came in round two."

"The vegetarian smoothies that you have here are good, but not as good as the ones I had back in Equestria," Celestia informed the two as she walked over, causing the two teens to release separate with speeds that Celestia barely registered. Celestia sat down next to them and placed her smoothie on the table, glancing between the two. "How goes your day?"



"Ugh," Celestia muttered with a shake of her head. "Do you have time to train today Sonia? Or are your acting duties going to get in the way?"

"Sonia isn't required to act today, but she does have a meeting with some reporters later on about the show," Lyra informed Celestia from Sonia's Hunter, getting Celestia to nod before she sipped on her smoothie. "After that, it's a few song recordings and then we should be done for a while, giving us plenty of time to train."

"I forgot about those reporters. This won't be fun," Sonia groaned as she leaned back in her chair and started to balance it in two legs. "Can't we just skip it and go back to training."

"Sorry Sonia, but this is the last one. I promise," Lyra promised. "Now come on, you need to go get ready. They'll be here soon." Sonia groaned and looked to Geo and Celestia for help, but neither of them rose up to help her and with a groan of defeat she walked off towards her changing room.

"It's weird. The fate of the world is at stake, but hanging around the two of you almost makes me fell...like I'm at home again," Celestia noted as she took another sip. Geo pondered over her words for a moment before an idea came to him.

"Hey Celestia, why don't you come work at WAZA with us?" Geo put forward, gaining him the princesses attention. "Even though you've only been here a week, you've done everything you could to help us fight a foe that is trying to end our world. And with your magic and knowledge of other worlds, you could do things that no one else could. We could really use someone like you as apart of WAZA...no, as the Satella Commandoes."

"That is...a generous offer, Geo. But I would have to talk it over with my sister first," Celestia said with a sigh as she looked down. "I will always be there to fight the Maestro with you, but after we kill the Maestro the very first thing I will do afterwards is try to find a place for my sister. She has suffered far worse than I at his hands."

"Well, you'll both always have a place with us. And if you ever need any help, just ring us up and we'll be there for you and your sister," Geo promise her with a confident nod. "That's what friends are for."

Celestia gave Geo a soft smile in reply, but before she could voice her thanks Lee ran over to the both of them, breathing heavily as he glanced between the two. "Geo...talking horse...why aren't the both of you with Sonia? She's already outside talking with the reporters.

Geo and Celestia shared a look before the both of them took off towards the front of the studio, racing through the doors to find Sonia practically surrounded by reporters. "How in the heck did she get out here so quick?" Mega asked from within Geo's Hunter.

"Who knows. Let's just make sure that nobody tries anything," Geo grunted before Lee placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Oh yeah, Geo, I just got a message from your parents. They're really worried about you but are glad you're okay," Lee informed Geo, who stopped dead in his tracks before he slowly looked up at Lee.


"Yeah, they got in contact with me about thirty minutes ago, begging me to tell them anything I might know about you. I told them that you were safe at that Sonia was taking care of you," Lee said before giving Geo a look. "You know that you should have really contacted them. They've been worried sick about you."

"You told them where I was?" Geo asked before he erupted. "Do you have any idea what you've done?! You've put us all at risk!" Geo erupted with such intensity that both the reporters and Sonia glanced over at him with confusion.

"W-what do you mean?" Lee asked as he backed away from Geo slightly. Mega materialized behind Geo and started to pull him back. "What did I do?"

"You have given me exactly what I wanted."

With a sickening chill sliding down his spine, Geo and everyone else around him looked up to the top of the studio, where a being in a black coat with a metal body was staring down at all of them. The metal owl on his face had warped so it looked like he was smiling, but the smile held no joy within it. It felt like the smile of death.

"Maestro," Geo whispered before he reached for his Hunter. Maestro nodded before he thrust out his hand and aimed it right at the reporters and the girl that they had surrounded. Yet the second before he could fire a blast of magic struck him in the chest, before a massive alicorn tackled him with her magic blazing like the sun.

"You will not harm anyone else!" Celestia bellowed as she drove both her and Maestro back, shifting his shot and causing the Maestro to shoot into the sky. The reporters screamed as the explosion rocked the entire studio, before a backhand from Maestro sent Celestia hurtling backwards.

"Celestia. I knew that you were here, but I had hoped that you would have learned that you cannot fight me," the Maestro told her as she caught herself, blood tricking from her mouth.

"Sonia!" Geo roared as he pushed his way through the reporters, finding Sonia in the middle of them, trying to get all of them out of the line of fire. The two of them shared a look before they nodded at each other, racing off to the nearest tree line with their wizards behind them.

"I won't let you take another world, Maestro. I will stop you!" Celestia bellowed as her mane blazed like the sun.

"You will try. And you will die," the Maestro replied calmly, getting Celestia to roar before she fired a blast of magic so intense that that roof of the studio began to melt. But her attack did nothing to the metal that formed the Maestro, getting him to sigh before he lunged through the magic and grabbed Celestia by the throat. He was about to twist her neck before a blast of sound caught him in the arm and shook him enough to drop the princess.

"She's not the one that will be dying today. You will," Megaman promised Maestro as both he and Harp Note floated down next to Celestia, both of who aimed their weapons at him.

"You're going to pay for all the lives that you've ruined," Harp Note growled.

"Doubtful. But I am grateful that you both appeared at the same time. Now I will waste no time...killing you."