• Published 3rd Nov 2021
  • 3,377 Views, 287 Comments

Family Begins With You - Jmaster49

The Sirens devote themselves to protecting Canterlot City and each other as they come to understand human holidays and traditions.

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The Sirens were having a good life for the most part. Once they started to get along with the other students at CHS, they were able to start making friends and enjoy time away from each other for a change.

Adagio had been spending time with Octavia and refining her musical skill on the piano. She was so good at it that Octavia would call on her for assistance in the events that her regular pianist couldn’t make it. However, she had also recently acquired an actual job that she had a steady income from.

Sonata had gotten along well with Trixie, regularly helping her out in her magic shows and acting as her assistant with various props. Whenever Pinkie joined in, it was an absolute riot that everyone found joy in--even if Trixie continued to assert herself as the best.

Aria had made herself busy with extracurricular activities. Namely sports. Soccer and baseball were her favorites. The latter of which more so because she was able to put her aggressive nature to work by hitting baseballs out of the stadium and into the city. She had gotten so good at it, that she was easily the star player of their team--even above Rainbow Dash!

In fact, that’s where this story begins. A baseball game against the Abyssinian Tigers--Abyssinia’s high school team that was known for their strong base-hitters, quick-footed base-stealers, and agile catchers.

The Canterlot Wondercolts were down by three with the bases loaded. Rainbow Dash was eagerly waiting to steal from third to home, Applejack was on second with her knees bent, ready to take off, and Rumble was on first, taking deep breaths as he nervously waited for their next batter.

As this was happening, an announcer would begin to narrate the events to the full bleachers of people.

“This is it, folks. Bottom of the 9th inning. The score is 17 for the Tigers and 14 for the Wondercolts. With the bases loaded, this is their one and only chance for the entire season to make a comeback and win this game!” The announcer was Sunset Shimmer, who actively cheered her friends on from the booth and tried her best to stay impartial, but she simply couldn’t hide her excitement at the fact that her school may finally have a chance to beat the legendary Tigers. “Please be a strong hitter next, please be a strong hitter next,” she chanted to herself while crossing her fingers and shutting her eyes tightly.

The next time Sunset opened her eyes, she’d be greeted with something she never thought she’d say.

“...And up next to the plate is Aria Blaze! If she can hit it out of the park, this game is over!”

Indeed. Aria was up next to bat. As a lefty, she stood over the right side of the batting box as she prepared herself, holding the bat upright with a firm grip. She could feel the intense gaze of everyone in the audience, her teammates that were in play, and of course the rival team. “I can do this. I just hope Adagio can make it in time…”

In the bleachers, she could see Sonata sitting there with a big grin on her face and wearing one of the iconic blue and yellow jerseys that matched the school’s colors.

Adagio had recently gotten herself employed at a local novelty store that sold old musical instruments. She was a lot more busy as of late, so all Aria could do was hope that her sister could be there for the final moment of the game.

But for the moment, there wasn’t much she could do. Aria had to get ready for the pitch that was about to be thrown.

The Tiger’s pitcher narrowed his eyes, reeled his arm back, and threw a fastball straight down the middle.


Like a speeding bullet, the ball soared over the grass at breakneck speeds. With a swoop!, Aria swung and missed the first ball as it hit the catcher’s glove.

“Strike one!” shouted the umpire.

“...!” Aria tightened her grip on the bat, and focused harder.

With a confident smirk, the pitcher threw another fastpitch, curving it over the mound, and causing Aria to swing and miss a second time.

“Strike two!” shouted the umpire.

Her teammates on each base stared with anxious expressions and bated breath as they desperately hoped she would hit the next pitch.

Even Sunset was starting to fall apart--her teeth chattering as she bit her nails while observing the events of the game.

Then, all the sudden…

Adagio made her way to the bleachers and flopped down next to Sonata wearing a dusty black apron. “Whew...I’m here...I made it,” she huffed in between breaths as she looked down at the baseball game below. “My boss gave me a really hard time--but I’m here now. So what’s happening? Did they win yet?”

Sonata put one of her arms around her sister and didn’t take her eyes off of the game. “Nuh-uh! Not yet. But if Aria knocks this one out of the park, we’re gonna win for sure!”

The eldest siren looked down at the field, and realized that the bases were loaded. With her younger sister up to bat, she started to comprehend the stakes a bit more. “...Come on, Aria. Show them what you can do.”

Down at the home plate, Aria could see that Adagio had arrived in the bleachers from the corner of her eye. “She’s here? Yes! Finally…” With her confidence restored, the purple girl was prepared to take on her opponent’s last pitch.

The ball suddenly came hurdling down towards the plate--just as fast as before. The entire crowd fell silent, watching with wide, anxious eyes as CHS made its final attempt to stage a comeback for the fall season.

And then…


Aria hit the ball hard so hard that it was sent flying out of the field and clear across the city. Everyone stared in utter silence as they watched what had just happened. The students of both schools stared into the sky, mouths agape in disbelief.

The Tiger’s reign was over.

“...I...wh--she did it!” Sunset screamed into the microphone, “With a final score of 18 to 17, the Wondercolts have officially beaten the Tigers after a losing streak throughout the entire season! Whoooo!” She was so overjoyed that she leaned too far back in her seat and...THUMP! “Ouch! I’m alright!”

CHS’s side of the bleachers cheered and hollered. Doubly so for Sonata and Adagio who screamed their heads off as their sister won the game for the team.

“YEAH! That’s my sister!” Sonata cheered.

“You get ‘em, girl!” Adagio yelled, clapping her hands.

Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rumble, and the rest of the baseball team went over and hoisted Aria into the air, cheering her name.


The attention was a bit overwhelming to the point where it caused her to blush a little with the smallest of smiles as she looked down at everyone’s adoring faces.

And within the audience, a certain violet bespectacled nerd was making some observations… “Hm...if she’s that strong, she’d be super helpful in dealing with those demons…”

After the game…

The Sirens made their way home towards a more suburban area of the city near the hills that surrounded it. Aria was carrying her game-winning bat over her shoulder within a duffel bag.

“You were so amazing, Aria!” Sonata squealed with glittery eyes, “The way you hit that ball--you were so strong!”

“I have to agree,” Adagio added, “Your batting arm is so strong that it could kill.”

Aria blushed as they walked together, unable to look her sisters in the eye. “...Thank you. I guess all that practicing paid off.”

Sonata then called to attention her eldest sister’s absence for a majority of the game. “But hang on a sec. Like, where were you, A-dawg? You missed most of it!” she pointed at her with an accusatory tone, which caused Adagio to defensively hold up her hands.

“I-I didn’t mean too. Honest. I was...just very busy with work.”

“Oh…” Sonata brought her hand down with her expression changing to a frown of acceptance, “That’s understandable. I’m sure you’ve been working hard to prepare us for Thanksgiving…”

“Don’t be sad, Sonata,” Adagio comforted her youngest sister by putting an arm around her shoulder, “I said I was going to make sure we had the absolute best possible Thanks...giving celebration thing that these humans do--and I’m going to deliver.” She glanced to her right and pulled Aria in as well. “That goes for you too, Aria.”

“Hm--wah!” the gothic siren yelped as her sister pulled her in, but didn’t fight the embrace once she was caught, “Hmm...if you say so. But don’t trouble yourself. Humans have...very weird traditions compared to those in Equus.” She started to rattle off examples while extending a finger to count off each one, “They gather to watch giant metal monsters called trucks crash into each other, use this thing called the internet to make videos for people to watch publicly without leaving their homes, apparently have to wear clothes at all times, and you have to have a job to survive. You can’t just wander and do whatever.”

It was true. Even though they had been living in Canterlot City for quite a while, they hadn’t gotten used to all of the traditions on offer. Thanksgiving was especially new as Equestria--to their knowledge--had no such equivalent holiday.

But that wasn’t going to stop Adagio from granting her sisters that experience.

“While that may be the case, just leave everything to me. I’ll make sure I hunt down the biggest, fattest turkey, and score us the juiciest pig available for a fabulous Thanksgiving dinner!” the yellow girl proclaimed with a hungry look on her face, which prompted a small snicker from Aria.

Sonata was idly tapping on her cellphone, and replied, “Uh, you don’t need to hunt for them. Just buy them at the store, see?” She tilted her screen towards Adagio, showing her where to buy turkeys and ham.

“Oh...right...of course,” she said with a small blush and a nervous laugh. “I was only kidding, you know.”

Once they made it inside their home…

They all showered and got ready for bed. However, just as Aadgio got her pajamas on, she saw that her phone was buzzing. “Hm?” The caller ID displayed that it was her boss. “That’s weird. I wonder what he wants at this hour…” She picked it up and answered. “Hello? Mr. Blueblood?”

“Adagio? Ah, good. You’re there,” a charming, yet sly voice replied over the other end, “I have a proposition for you, Adello.”

“It’s Adagio,” she corrected him with narrowed eyes as she sat on her bed, “What is it, sir?”

“Whatever.” Blueblood continued, “Anyway, I know you’ve been working hard to earn extra money for you and your sisters. So...I’m offering you a raise. But be warned, you’ll have to work extra hours for me…” he subtly purred over the phone.

Adagio gagged inaudibly, sticking out her tongue for a second. But then she started to think, staring up at the ceiling as she weighed her options. “If I make more money...then I could afford to not only make them a great Thanksgiving dinner, but get them all the things they want for Christmas too.”

“Well?” the young man egged her on over the phone, “What’s it going to be, miss?”

Despite her distaste for Blueblood, he paid well which is what kept Adagio in his employ. As a result, she readily accepted his offer--thinking more of her sisters than herself. “Yes sir. I’ll be ready.”

“Excellent...bye now, dear,” he replied before hanging up.

Adagio flopped upon her bed, crossing one leg over the other. “...Don’t worry girls. I’ll make this the best human holiday for you yet…”

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