• Published 3rd Nov 2021
  • 3,377 Views, 287 Comments

Family Begins With You - Jmaster49

The Sirens devote themselves to protecting Canterlot City and each other as they come to understand human holidays and traditions.

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Arc XXI Episode VII: Troubling Threads

Moments after running into Coral, the girl stormed up to the desk where Skeedaddle was still working. She wore a white tanktop, denim shorts, and athletic shoes along with some blue hoop earrings that gave her a distinct look.

“Hey--I’m looking for those yukatas,” she asked the boy behind the register, “Got any?”

“Nope,” Skeedaddle replied with a shrug, “Sorry. All out.”

“I see--so those ones they got really were the last ones, huh?” The young woman eyed the boy up, and suddenly had an idea. “Maybe I can play this to my advantage.”

Skeedaddle would do his best to reply professionally and keep things positive. “Yeah, that’s how it goes sometimes. Can I interest you in anything else?”

The girl folded her arms and continued, “Nah. But…I find it kinda odd that they were the only customers in here and managed to get some of those Eastern robes that everyone else has been wanting. So much so that every other store in this mall is crowded.” She leaned forward and placed her hand on the counter with a smug little grin on her face, “Isn’t that a bit suspicious, lalake?”

“...Uhhh…” Skeedaddle’s eyes darted back and forth for a moment. He then turned away from her while looking up something on his phone. “...Oh, so that’s what that means.” Then, he faced her once more and cleared his throat. “...I have no idea what you’re talking about, miss…?”

“Fiery Fricket,” she answered with her hands on her hips. “And you’d best remember that. My boyfriend just so happens to own half of the stuff that goes in and out of this city. So if you’re playing favorites with the products that you’re selling, that could potentially compromise your job.” She leaned on the counter with her elbow and her chin resting on her palm as she stared at the now panicky boy. “And maybe even more than that. Like your entire social life.”

“W-what?!” Skeedaddle took a step back with his hands shaking. Then, he meekly started tapping his fingertips together. “...P-please don’t do that. It was just one time and--wait--darn it!” he buried his face in his palm upon realizing that he had just been verbally outplayed. Fricket had managed to elicit his acts from his lips without him realizing until it was too late.

And she stood upright, smirking down at him. “Of course you sold those beautiful pieces of clothing to that wildebeest of a girl and her friends. Typical goody-good…”

“...” In an instant, his tone shifted from one of fear to absolute disgust as he narrowed his eyes at her. “...Wait. Are you serious? That’s why you’re mad? Dawg, she’s from Yakistan. She can’t control the fact that she’s buffer than you. Everyone from there is just built different.”

“Keep talking and I’ll make sure my boyfriend shuts you down, kid,” she hissed in return, “Her kind are known for damaging whatever they touch--I’d rather they not come into our clean city and mess it up.”

Woowwww…” Skeedaddle took a step back while holding his hands up, “I’m…I’m speechless. I’m without speech. I’ve never heard something so…mean before. I don’t know how your boyfriend puts up with a muppet like you.”

Fricket’s eyelid twitched. In a split-second, she had grabbed the boy by his employee uniform, and snarled in his face. “Ano?! What did you just say, punk?”

“Don’t show fear, don’t show fear…” The boy shut his eyes when she screamed, and swallowed the lump of fear in his throat. And as he opened them, he grit his teeth and growled, “You better ease up outta my face before something bad happen to ya.”

“...” That’s when Fricket realized she was on camera, and quickly let the boy go. “...Don’t forget what I said. This isn’t over, loser.” She turned and stormed out of the shop.

Skeedaddle huffed and took a moment to sit down behind the counter out of anyone’s view as he pulled out a small rope and began to tie and untie it into several knots. “...Take a summer job, mom said. It’d be fun and engaging, she said…”

Meanwhile, with Keiji and the others…

They had all gone to the food court to partake in some corn dogs as well as other mall fare like pretzels. Yona and Coral were busy chatting away with the latter showing the muscular girl how to apply mustard to her corn dog--a confection that she had never come across before in Yakistan.

“You guys seem like you know and appreciate each other pretty well, huh?” Keiji commented as he nibbled on a cinnamon pretzel.

“Yeah--it’s the best part of havin’ a family,” Sandbar replied as he put his hands behind his head. “Not sure how well I’d do as a dad but you get the idea.”

“Well I certainly think you’d be good at it,” Keiji replied, “You’re pretty patience but don’t let people walk all over you. Wish I had any semblance of mental fortitude like that.”

“Aw, thanks man--and hey, if you ever do the same, I already know you’re already gonna do way better than the way the folks that birthed you did.” Sandbar gave him a pep talk and patted the vampboy on the back. “You’re amazing, ya know that?”

Keiji paused with a sigh, and eventually looked up at the older boy with a smile. “...Thank you.”

“No prob, bro,” Sandbar was about to continue eating, but from the corner of his eye, someone caught his attention. A lone Flash Sentry who was eating by himself at a table just a few feet away. “Ayo, Flash? Like, get over here man.”

“Huh?” When he turned his face, they could see that he was covered in what appeared to be black soot and dust.

“...Kuso--what happened to you?” Keiji asked with a hint of concern in his voice.

All Flash could say was, “...long story.”

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