• Published 3rd Nov 2021
  • 3,377 Views, 287 Comments

Family Begins With You - Jmaster49

The Sirens devote themselves to protecting Canterlot City and each other as they come to understand human holidays and traditions.

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Arc I Episode III: Demons!

Twilight led the Sirens through the city near the downtown area. It got to a point where even they could feel the hefty weight of magic bog down the atmosphere around them.

โ€œEughโ€ฆโ€ Aria shuddered as they crossed the street into the metropolitan area of the city, โ€œI can feel things becoming more and more...off-putting if that makes sense. What about you guys?โ€

Twilight shook her head while focusing hard upon her tablet screen. โ€œI canโ€™t feel a thing. But the fact that you guys can shows me that this must be an Equestrian threat.โ€

โ€œI donโ€™t get it,โ€ Sonata blurted out, โ€œWhy not have Sunset Shimmer figure this out? Isnโ€™t she more experienced with this world and its weirdo shenanigans?โ€ she asked while wiggling her fingers in a spooky manner.

Of course Twilight knew that her close friend would have all the answers to a problem like this. Unfortunately, there were only so many of them to tackle an issue head on. โ€œYes...but she and the others are off dealing with some of the runes that are located near the edge of town,โ€ she explained while adjusting her glasses, โ€œFrom what I can gather, it seems as if these ones arenโ€™t going to be as deadly or threatening, so we should be able to handle these just fine.โ€

โ€œFair enough,โ€ Adagio replied, โ€œSo long as we finally get some action, I could care less what it is. Iโ€™m curious as to what sort of magical abilities we still may haveโ€ฆโ€

โ€œThatโ€™s what Iโ€™m looking to find out also,โ€ Twilight added, โ€œIf itโ€™s possible that you all, as Equestrians, still have some magic within you even after becoming powerless, then you can use that magic for the benefit of others. Isnโ€™t that exciting?โ€ she glanced at Aria with a wide grin on her face.

Aria simply rolled her eyes. โ€œMeh. Doesnโ€™t matter to me. Iโ€™m just looking to wreck some shit in the face. Thoughโ€ฆโ€ she looked at her older sister. โ€œA-dawg, isnโ€™t your boss gonna be miffed that youโ€™re not at work on time?โ€

โ€œHmph,โ€ Adagio scoffed and waved her hand dismissively, โ€œI can always negotiate with him if necessary. But allowing rogue magic to bring harm to innocent people would be...problematic. Itโ€™s not something I want on my conscience.โ€

โ€œAwwww,โ€ Sonata teased while clutching her hands together in a lovey-dovey fashion, โ€œAdagio cares about the mortal scum!โ€

โ€œOf course I do,โ€ she muttered with a pouting sort of face, โ€œThey make great music...and fast food--anyway, Twilight. Does your little...glass magical detector sense anything yet?โ€

Twilight watched as the runes on the device started to glow brighter and brighter. Their position on the map was marked with blue arrows pointed in the direction of the runes. โ€œOne-hundred meters!โ€ she said while pointing towards an upcoming intersection. โ€œThis way!โ€

Meanwhile, from a nearby alleyโ€ฆ

A certain someone had their back to the wall, carefully observing the sirens as they approached the crossing. โ€œThis is the exact opposite direction of where sheโ€™s supposed to go!โ€ Wendy proceeded to dial her phone, and call for Blueblood.

โ€œHello? Gwendolyn? Whatโ€™s the situation?โ€

โ€œAdagio, sir,โ€ she spoke while keeping her eyes focused on the group from afar, โ€œSheโ€™s off doing something with her friends instead of coming in to work.โ€

There was a brief, almost deafening pause over the phone as Blueblood processed what he was just told. โ€œMm-hm. I see. Keep your eyes on her. Iโ€™ll deal with her the next time she shows her face in my store. Failing to follow orders is punishable and she knows this.โ€

Wendy had a devilish grin on her face, โ€œOh yes...I love dealing out punishments to those who donโ€™t follow the rules, sir.โ€

โ€œAnd thatโ€™s why youโ€™re my favorite,โ€ he replied with a chuckle, โ€œNow keep watching. Iโ€™ll speak with you later. Bye for now.โ€

She hung her phone up, and continued to follow the girls with narrowed, suspicious eyes. โ€œYouโ€™ll pay for your disobedienceโ€ฆโ€

With the girlsโ€ฆ

The intersection was clear of any vehicular activity due to it mainly being utilized by people who were walking back and forth to get to other parts of the city. Almost like a scramble crossing of sorts--a road area dedicated for people to walk around.

This enabled Twilight and the Sirens to freely walk towards the middle of the street.

โ€œHm...Iโ€™m picking something up,โ€ said the purple scientist, โ€œBut Iโ€™m not sure what it is?โ€

โ€œArenโ€™t we here?โ€ Aria droned, โ€œShouldnโ€™t the demon monster thingy be right in front of us?โ€

Sonata stared at the device Twilight was holding. โ€œAre you sure itโ€™s working right? Maybe itโ€™s busted?โ€

โ€œUch--excuse me?โ€ Twilight scoffed as she pushed her glasses up, โ€œIโ€™ll have you know that my technology is state of the art, 100% personally developed, and 92% accurate.โ€

Thatโ€™s when Adagio felt the air change even more. Where she could almost feel a thick sensation of fog. But as it got closer, it felt more like the hot breath of an animal. โ€œErm...Twilightโ€ฆ? I think itโ€™s here.โ€

โ€œ...It is? But we canโ€™t see it--โ€


With a flick of what sounded like a wet tongue, Aria was suddenly snatched up by something that coiled around her body.

โ€œWhat the--?!โ€

The creature revealed itself. A blue and green chameleon demon the size of a school bus! And it was actively trying to consume the struggling Aria. โ€œNeed some help here!โ€

โ€œThatโ€™s why we couldnโ€™t see it!โ€ Twilight shouted, โ€œIt was making use of its crypsis coloration in order to fade into the colors of reality!โ€

โ€œScience lesson later!โ€ Adagio yelled as she ran towards the creature, โ€œLet her go, you cretin!โ€ She leapt off the ground and got ready to throw a punch, but suddenlyโ€ฆ


Her entire forearm was coated in what appeared to be a blade made out of water. With a single slash, it was enough to cut through the chameleonโ€™s skin and damage it.


With a shrill cry, it was forced to drop Aria who landed bottom-first on the pavement. โ€œOw! Frigginโ€™ dick!โ€

Nearby, a few people noticed what had happened. Some of them began to record the scene on their phones while others ran away as quickly as possible out of fear.

Twilight however, was carefully observing. โ€œLetโ€™s see what you three are capable of.โ€

With the water blade gone, Adagio flexed her arm. โ€œ...Huh. Water? Thatโ€™s...not what I was expecting at all.โ€

But in the mere second she took to think about what had just happened, the chameleon monster lunged its claws at the grounded Aria.

โ€œAh!โ€ she gasped and held her hand out, โ€œBack off!โ€


Just as the chameleon tried to attack her, Aria repelled its force with a shield made of air, blowing it backwards and sending it careening against the road for a few feet until it came to a stop.

โ€œWoah...I justโ€ฆโ€ Aria muttered as she stood up, staring at her hand, and then up at the monster she had defended herself against, โ€œI just blew it away with like a wind-dome...thing.โ€

โ€œImpressiveโ€ฆโ€ Adagio said in response to her sisterโ€™s efforts.

And then came Sonata who ran into the situation blindly. โ€œOoh! My turn, my turn!โ€

Just as the chameleon started to recover and stand upright, Sonata charged in...and tripped.

โ€œAh--oof!โ€ As soon as she hit the ground, bolts of electricity flew out of her hands and shocked the chameleon, stunning it briefly.

Adagio ran up to her, offering a hand to help her off the ground. โ€œAre you alright, sis?โ€

โ€œHuh? Oh, yeah, Iโ€™m fine,โ€ Sonata replied as she took her sisterโ€™s hand and stood up. โ€œBut...did I just shock that thing?โ€ She stared down at her hands which crackled with small bolts of yellow lightning, โ€œOoh yeah! I think I could get used to this!โ€

โ€œAhem,โ€ Aria cleared her throat as she stared at the chameleon demon, โ€œWe can figure out what these powers are later. Right now, we need to destroy this thing.โ€

โ€œCut through its heart!โ€ Twilight shouted from nearby, while looking at her tablet, โ€œThatโ€™s where its magic is stored!โ€

โ€œWith a hide that thick, itโ€™ll take a while to cut through,โ€ Adagio muttered.

Sonata then came up with an idea. โ€œ...What if we use our powers together all at once? Then we should take it down no problem!โ€

โ€œAh!โ€ Aria dodged another lash from its long, wet tongue. โ€œSo long as I donโ€™t have to get violated again, Iโ€™m up. Letโ€™s do it!โ€

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