• Published 3rd Nov 2021
  • 3,377 Views, 287 Comments

Family Begins With You - Jmaster49

The Sirens devote themselves to protecting Canterlot City and each other as they come to understand human holidays and traditions.

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Arc XXIII Episode III: Festival Pest

At another corner of the festival…

“And then I said, ‘That’s why you can’t score--you keep ratting near the goal!’”

Fluttershy giggled in response to Rainbow Dash’s joke. “I get it--it’s a joke about how rats like to hide away in their little holes underground,” she nodded, “That’s a great one. I didn’t know you could use that as a term to describe how people act.” She was wearing a set of Eastern robes with pink rabbit ears patterned across them.

“...Fluttershy, you really need to get out more,” Rainbow Dash said she missed yet another set of fish that were swimming around in the tank in front of her. “Gah…they keep running away from me.” Her robes were black with streaks of lightning jetting across each side.

“Technically, they’re swimming away,” Fluttershy leaned over and waved at the small koi fish. “It’s really nice of the local aquatic protection agency to offer these adorable little guys as pets you can win.”

With a flat, neutral expression on her face, Rainbow rolled her eyes. “Ugh--you sound like Maud’s boyfriend. C’mon--I said I’d win you at least one of these little knuckleheads. Gimme another shot!” she yelled as she put more money on the counter, and the man running the stand sighed and offered her another scooper with an attached filter.

“Oh Dashie…” Fluttershy sighed as she placed her hand on her own forehead, “You don’t need to do all of this for me. If you don’t win one, I’m sure someone else will and take good care of--”

“I’m not giving up until I get one of ‘em for ya! Believe that!”

Fluttershy sighed again, this time with a more hopeless breath. “Ugh…yup--that’s how it usually goes with her and these kinds of games.”

Unfortunately, their enjoyment would soon be interrupted by a certain someone…

“Ayo, Rainbow--funny seein’ you here--”

Upon hearing that voice, Rainbow’s expression fell as she shuddered. “...Oh dear god.”

Fluttershy turned her head to see her younger brother, Zephyr Breeze, dressed in casual clothing like many others, wearing a simple cherry blossom T-shirt and jean shorts. Immediately, she raised a brow and stepped to the right, cutting in front of him with her arms folded.

“Breeze. What did I say about harassing Rainbow Dash?” she asked with a calm, yet firm tone, glaring daggers at her brother.

“I-I’m not harassing her--I haven’t even done anything yet!” he insisted while dramatically placing the back of his hand on his forehead, “You wound me with your accusations dear sister.”

“Look--we’re just trying to have fun, so kindly leave her be and I’ll join you in a minute,” Fluttershy offered with a smile, “Okay?”

By now, Rainbow Dash had essentially shut down--trying to remain as still and quiet as possible to avoid Zephyr’s gaze.

“Can I just please talk to her for a--”


“But I just--”


“Sis I’m not gonna--”

“Get any closer, and I’ll start the paperwork to file a restraining order against you,” she vocally retaliated as she took one step closer to her brother. “Mom and dad let you do what you want, but I’m not complete pushovers like they are.”

“Ugh, you are so unreasonable,” he complained with a huff.

With her hands on her hips, Fluttershy stared at him with a neutral expression. “Wanna try me, brother? Do you really wanna go there in public?”

“...No…” he admitted, taking a step back in defeat as he tried his best to look away from her empty expression.

“I didn’t think so. Now go on. Shoo,” Fluttershy waved her hand off, “Go do something--anything. Make some friends of your own and enjoy yourself. Understand?”

“Fine…” And with a huff, Zephyr walked off, leaving them alone.

Soon enough, Rainbow Dash would speak up. “...is he gone?”

“...yup,” Fluttershy replied, putting emphasis on the ‘puh’ sound in the word, “I love him. I really do. He’s a creative guy, but it seems as if his obsession with you is getting in the way of that.”

“Gah--I just wanna have some fun and relax with a friend,” Dash complained, “Not worry about some stalker. It’s hard to imagine that he’s your younger brother, Shy.”

Fluttershy rolled her eyes and sighed. “Argh…when your parents are complete softies who don’t discipline their kid, you end up with someone who can’t understand the concept of being told ‘No.’”

“...Ouch,” Dash recoiled at the implications, “That bad, huh?”

“Yeah…” Fluttershy shook her head and smiled. “But don’t worry about it. School’s out and we should be focusing on having fun.”

But Dash’s mind was already elsewhere as she stroked her chin while thinking aloud. “I wonder…” And from the corner of her eye, she noticed Adagio walking by. “Oh hey--Adagi!”

“Hm?” the siren turned her head, “Me? Is…everything okay?”

“Not quite--hey, you’ve got two younger siblings right?” Dash asked as she walked over.

“...Yeah, why?” Adagio asked tentatively while tilting her head.

“Fluttershy’s younger brother is a real--”

“Pain in the butt,” Fluttershy added as she approached them, catching onto what Rainbow was talking about.

Dash pointed at Fluttershy and went on, “Yyyyeah--that. I was wondering: How are your sisters so…well-adjusted despite being Equestrian monsters? Did your parents teach them or--?”

“Hmm….admittedly, I don’t remember our parents at all,” Adagio replied, “Sirens are born swimming and are left to fend for themselves. But the three of us were born in the same set of eggs, so we grew fond of each other. Ultimately though, I guess it came down to us being banished here and having to learn--ech--human manners so we could live without being arrested and experimented on.”

“So you just…learned as you got older?” Rainbow asked in a dumbfounded manner, “Then how the heck has ZB not--”

“He was given everything he wanted since he was a baby, Dashie,” Fluttershy droned in an annoyed tone of voice, “Never had to endure any hardship because our parents coddled him like he was a precious ‘gift from above,’” she said with airquotes, “Blegh. Nevermind the fact that he always started fights, bullied others in elementary school, and routinely lied just to get people in trouble just because he didn’t like them.”

Adagio stared at Fluttershy with a blank expression for a moment. “...what--what?? That sounds…ridiculous. He’s clearly never been clocked upside his head one good time.”

“I know,” Fluttershy huffed, “But oh no--let him do what he wants, they said. He’ll follow my example, they said…--they being our parents of course.”

“Well sooner or later, he’s gonna get what’s coming to him,” Dash ranted, “If he sniffs my hair, I’m gonna--gah! I can’t even say it because kids are around right now.”

“...I might have an idea,” Adagio went on, “You may not like it though.”

“What is it?” Dash asked with her hands clasped together, “I will do anything to get him off my ass!”

“...I’ll explain in a bit,” the siren replied, “I need to catch up with my sisters first. But then I’ll explain to you what I have in mind.”

Nearby, as the girls were talking…

A small, white cat that with yellow eyes had been resting underneath one of the stalls awakened from its slumber. “Interesting…the Master should know about this.”

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