• Published 3rd Nov 2021
  • 3,377 Views, 287 Comments

Family Begins With You - Jmaster49

The Sirens devote themselves to protecting Canterlot City and each other as they come to understand human holidays and traditions.

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Arc I Episode I: New Faces

The next day, Sunset and Twilight were both walking to school together, discussing what they had seen yesterday at the baseball game and how strong Aria must have been to have hit a ball clear into--

“What is probably the stratosphere!” Twilight squealed, “Can you believe it? So, I’m proposing that we ask for their help the next time we have a problem.”

“...I think we can trust them, Twilight. They’ve helped us out before, haven’t they?”

Twas true. The Sirens had previously offered their assistance to Twilight and Sunset when they took a trip back to Equestria to help Princess Twilight against a few threats that were going to harm her world.

“Very true,” Twilight replied with a nod, “If we’re going to keep this world safe from uncontrollable Equestrian magic, then we need all the help we can get. Enlisting the help from fellow Equestrian natives--like yourself--would aid us in squashing these problems before they arise.”

“Makes sense. I’m just worried whether or not they’ll be willing to help us,” Sunset muttered with a concerned expression, “I’m not sure if those three have fully adjusted to living here yet. What if they get lost in the city or met with something they don’t know how to defend themselves against?”

“Relax, Sun-buns,” Twilight tried to assure her friend by calming her down with a hand on her shoulder, “I’m sure they’d be willing to help once they realize it’s serious.” She then reached into her backpack and retrieved a tablet-like device that displayed a doppler radar. With each passing rotation of the signal, more and more red dots appeared on the screen. “After all...if my suspicions are correct, then it’s entirely plausible that the gateway to the Underworld is weakening with every passing second…”

Sunset reached into her own backpack and retrieved the book that she used to communicate with Princess Twilight. “Ach. Still no answer. I don’t get it--are you absolutely sure it’s demons?”

“Positive,” she replied while adjusting her glasses, “These readings indicate quite the...how do I say: Corrupted influence. Along the lines of dark magic.”

Sunset stopped dead in her tracks and asked, “...Did you say dark magic?”

“...Unfortunately, yes.” Twilight sighed as she put the tablet away. “Highly resistant to our own magic, these demons are going to be difficult to ward off if they appear.”

This was an inevitability and they both knew it. Magical fissures that leaked essence from Equestria would only get stronger over time, and it forced them to either adapt or get left behind.

“Great,” Sunset lamented with a roll of her eyes as she continued walking, “Just great. You expect a nice, quiet Thanksgiving for one year, and you have potential demon readings that could surprise you at any moment.”

“I know. I was looking forward to spending it with my family too,” Twilight agreed, “But we have an obligation to this city. It’s an important responsibility that only the most prestigious and stalwart….”

Twilight would then fall into a series of lectures and rambles about taking care of oneself and their fellow human beings. It caused Sunset to completely check out as her mind wandered in its own direction.

“...The more hands we have on deck to stop these threats, the less I’ll have to worry about losing out on spending time with my friends and family.”

By the time they arrived at school, Twilight had finally finished her lecture.

“...and that’s why you should always look both ways before crossing the--” she cut herself off and a rosy blush appeared on her cheeks. “...Oh. I...I was rambling again, wasn’t I?”

Sunset simply shot her a knowing sort of grin. “It’s alright. I’m sure we’ll figure something out--brrrr…” Her grin faded as her teeth began to chatter out of nowhere. She rubbed both of her arms to try and stay warm. “...What the...do you feel that?”

Twilight was in the same position, suddenly feeling the same chill that Sunset did. “S-strange...there’s not much of a b-breeze today…”

“Let’s get inside as quickly as possible,” Sunset proclaimed as she ran up to the campus doors, “F-fall weather is catching up fast…”

As soon as they entered the school, they’d sigh with relief at the newfound warmth they had from the central heating the building offered.

“Ah…” Twilight took a deep breath, “Much better…”

Then they both took a look to their right and heard various overlapping cheers and cries of happiness.

“Hm? What’s going on?” Sunset muttered as she walked in the direction of the noise with Twilight close behind.

They found various students crowded around a locker and cheering for Aria for having won them their first game of baseball against the tigers. It got so crowded that Sonata had to step in and say.

“Ahem! Give her some space, guys! She’s super tired!”

And just like that, the crowd respectfully and quietly dispersed with everyone heading to their own lockers.

“Wow,” Twilight commented, “Quite the turn of events for these girls.”

“I’ll say,” Sunset agreed, and took a step closer. “Hey! Uh...Aria?”

“Sup?” the former siren replied as she grabbed something from her locker.

“You were great yesterday,” Sunset went on, “Your batting arm is amazing--especially for a lefty. Don’tcha think, Twi?” she glanced in her direction, only to be met with an unfocused Twilight who was neck-deep in her own locker.

“Divide the principles, carry the one, quantify the zeptagrams…”

It wasn’t until Sunset gave her friend a gentle nudge with her elbow that she noticed anything.

“I said, don’t you agree, Twi?”

With a quick gasp, Twilight looked up from her locker in confusion. “Huh? Wh--? Oh! Right--right.”

“...Thanks, I guess?” Aria responded absent-mindedly while rubbing her neck. The fact that someone went out of their way to compliment her was something that’d take getting used to.

Moments later, Rainbow Dash could be seen speeding by on a pair of rollerskates. “Hey gang! Sweet grand slam yesterday, Blaze!”

“...Thanks…” she replied while idly twirling a bit of her hair around a finger.

The sporty girl would momentarily stop next to Sunset. “Oh, by the way, Sunset. The new girl is here.”

Sunset folded her arms and raised an inquisitive eyebrow. “Why am I always the one that gets the job of showing the freshman around again?”

“Hey, it’s like your thing at this point!” Dash proclaimed with an arm around her friend’s shoulder, “You’re easily the most approachable of anyone here. Right, Twilight?”

“Hm?” Twilight looked up from her book, and nodded profusely. “Oh, uh--yes! She has about 28% more First-Time-Friend potential than any of us. Minus Pinkie of course.”

Sunset shot her purple friend a smug look. “You just made up that number, didn’t you?”

“...No?” Twilight replied unconvincingly.

Dash snickered in response, and started speeding away on her skates. “Anyway--see you gals later!”

Unable to refuse the prospect of helping someone new fit into this environment, Sunset gave in. “Ugh--guess I may as well get going too,” she turned to Aria, “I’ll chat with you later if that’s okay.”

“Oh uh...no problem…see ya…”

Sunset started walking away, which left Twilight alone with the two Sirens.

“Alright--since she’s gone, I may as well make the request myself.”

Aria stared at the purple girl in front of her with a blank expression. “...Request? Like, you mean you want our help?”

Sonata peered over her sister’s shoulder with an apprehensive glare of suspicion plastered over her face. “For real?”

“Absolutely,” Twilight reached into her backpack once more, and showed them her tablet that displayed the magical dots on the radar system. “Look here. These are magical runes, aren’t they?”

The sisters took a closer look at the radar and squinted their eyes to get a better visual. A few moments passed before they could finally make out the shape of those red dots…


“Wait...I know these,” Aria said as she stared at the symbols, “These remind me of the runes that Starswirl used for his magic....”

“Oh yeaaaah!” Sonata agreed with a nod, “I totes remember those squiggly drawings. Wonder if that means it’s summoning magic or something?”

Twilight had been idly chewing the tip of one of her pens the entire time. “Summoning magic…Hmm...”


“Shoot!” Twilight gasped as she put her tablet away, “Class starts soon. Let’s discuss this some more at lunch, okay?”

“Um...okay, sure…” Aria replied as she watched Twilight run off. “Hm...wonder what it could be…”

Sonata grabbed onto her sister’s arm and pulled. “C’mon, we’re gonna be late for shop class! We’re gonna learn how to do all the best shopping!”

Aria snarled as her sister forced her along, “That’s not what shop class is, you boob!”

Meanwhile, near the West Wing of the school…

Sunset had walked around, looking for this new student that supposedly had enrolled. The idea that it was one of Rainbow Dash’s pranks did cross her mind, though. “...I swear if it’s another one of her jokes, I’m gonna get her back twofold.”

Well, not this time.

As soon as she rounded the next corner, Sunset spotted a lone girl sitting on the floor by the lockers. Her skin tone was a soft white and she sported a long head of blue hair that went down in a ponytail to her shoulders. Her outfit consisted of blue jeans and a plain white t-shirt.

“...What the…?” Sunset approached her carefully to avoid setting her off. “...Hey there...are you the new student that recently arrived?”

The girl looked up at Sunset--her eyes were a shade of gray. “...Y-yes. I-I am…” she squeaked.

“I see, well...my name is Sunset Shimmer,” she said, offering her best smile, “What’s yours?”

The new girl stood up, unable to look her senior in the eye. “W-wendy…Wendy Goetia…”

“...Goetia? That’s a pretty nice name. Where have I heard that before?” Familiarity aside, Sunset felt more comfortable once she had her name. “Nice to meet you, Wendy. You’re gonna love it here.”


“Eeek!” Wendy squealed out of shock, raising one of her legs off the floor until she realized that it was just her phone in her pocket. “Oh...sorry. That’s just...someone I know who wants to make sure I made it safely.”

“Oh,” Sunset shrugged her shoulders with a casual smile, “Not a problem. Oh--but make sure you keep that phone off during lectures. Mr. Cranky Doodle would def take it away.”

“Y-yes...understood. E-excuse me…” Wendy turned around, and quickly sprinted down the hall until she found the girl’s bathroom.

“...She’s shy. But she’ll do just fine.” But as soon as the new girl left, Sunset started to shake and shiver once more. “W-what...why is it so...c-cold again…?” She looked down and noticed that her breath came out as visible puffs of white against the cold air. With no idea of what could be the source, she turned her head upwards to glance at the ceiling. “...Is the ventilation system of the school borked or something? I should inform Principal Celestia…right after I warm up in math class.” She hurriedly ran out of the hallway towards the other end of the school for her first lesson.

Meanwhile, in the girl’s bathroom…

Wendy answered the phone with a newfound, stoic expression. “Yes, Mr. Blueblood, sir?”

“Ms. Goetia. Have you infiltrated the school?”

“Yes sir,” she answered curtly like a soldier prepared to storm into battle.

“Any sign of my...little orange peach?” he asked in reference to Adagio.

“No sir,” Wendy replied, “I have visual on her sisters, but not her. Will update when I find her.”

Blueblood gave an annoyed grumble in response. “Ghh! Make sure she’s there. After which, you need to ensure that she arrives at the shop immediately after school. If anyone gets in her way...you know what to do.”

“Absolutely, sir,” she said with a smile, “Anything for you, Master Blueblood.”

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