• Published 3rd Nov 2021
  • 3,377 Views, 287 Comments

Family Begins With You - Jmaster49

The Sirens devote themselves to protecting Canterlot City and each other as they come to understand human holidays and traditions.

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Arc XXIV Episode III: Darkness Boardwalk

Meanwhile, near the pier…

Aidon was wearing his casual summer clothes as he walked along the boardwalk, looking to simply catch some fresh air near the beach.

“Ah…what a relaxing day,” he muttered to himself, “The festival seemed to go off perfectly the other night with absolutely no threats.”

None that he knew of anyway.

“But no matter how many times I come here, I can never get used to this fresh environment,” he commented on the serenity of where the ocean met with the sandy shore. “A far cry from the brimstone and smoke that I was exposed to all the time back home.

After a bit of walking, Aidon would stop and lean on one of the railings that overlooked the beach. That’s when he looked down and noticed someone familiar from work.

“Hm. Is that Ms. Parabola?” he focused his vision and spotted the woman with black and white striped skin lying on a beach towel. She wore a brown, two-piece swimsuit that accentuated her figure as she was lying on her back.

“So it is,” he mumbled, “I wonder how she’s doing. Hopefully she’s having a good day.”

Aidon continued walking and left her be. Though, Parabola looked behind herself and did notice him walking away…

“Oh. He’s here. I wonder how he’s doing.”

Meanwhile, the shadowman continued to walk until he found himself entranced by a nearby stand that offered…rather interesting delicacies.

“...A kelp and seaweed milkshake? Sounds odd, but interesting.”

“It’s much better than it looks,” a raspy feminine voiced called out next to him, “Everyone else claims it’s terrible but I think they’re crazy.”

Aidon looked to his right and saw Rainbow Dash in her summer clothes--dripping wet from having just finished surfing. “Ms. Dash? Ah, how are you today?”

“I’m cool, teach. How ‘bout you?” she asked, then shot him a smug expression, “I heard you and VP Luna finally got it goin’ on. Eh? Ehhhh?”

“...please don’t start,” he shook his head, then answered. “But…yes. I suppose you could say…something like that. In truth, she’s a rather beautiful woman inside and out. Honestly surprised that I’m the first one to approach her.”

“One of the perks of not being very sociable,” Dash continued, “You’re way less likely to be harassed by guys off the street.”

“...I suppose that’s a good thing?” Aidon replied out of confusion. “Regardless, I’m just happy to be there for her.”

“Just make sure you stick by her, alright?” Dash warned him, “Emotionally distressed gals like her need someone who’s gonna stay there all the way. So try to make time for her when you can, alright?”

At first, Aidon was impressed to hear such mature commentary from someone so young, but then he remembered. “Well, she is the Element of Loyalty after all. It makes sense that she’d say something like that.”

“Don’t worry,” Aidon replied, “Admittedly, I don’t have too many friends or other people that I tend to hang around, so I don’t think I’ll ever find myself preoccupied to the point of not being able to speak with her.” He then rubbed the back of his head and added, “...huh. Kind of sad now that I say it out loud.”

“Whaddya talkin’ about? You’ve got loads of friends!” Rainbow nudged him with her elbow, “Your students love you, and I’m sure Principal Celestia considers you a good guy for her sister.”

“I--well, my students aren’t--”

“Anyway, I’d better get goin’,” Rainbow Dash patted him on the shoulder before hopping over the railing and into the sand below the pier. “Those waves aren’t gonna shred themselves!”

Aidon waved as she left, “Be safe out there!” Then, he started to think about the conversation they had. “Hm…should I try to find more friends? I don’t want to bombard Luna with my presence. Or am I just overthinking it?”

“Hello, Mr. Iota,” Parabola’s voice called out to him. “I noticed you were here, and wanted to come greet you.”

“Hm?” Aidon turned to see her standing in front of him and replied, “Oh, hello, miss. And I’m quite well actually.”

“Oh? I take it you’ve found a partner then?” she asked in reference to their last conversation.

To which he replied with a smile, “Yes I have. Luna and I have hit it off rather well. Though for the moment, I’m actually trying to take time to myself. Just out looking for some fresh air, you know?”

Parabola hesitated for a moment, as if she didn’t expect that answer. “...Huh. Well good for you both I suppose. I’m also here to enjoy myself and take in some sun. Would you like to join me?”

“I would, but I’m not…interested in getting sandy at the moment,” Aidon declined with a polite tone, “But thanks for the offer. I’m gonna continue my walk.”

“...Understandable. Have a nice day, Aidoneous.” Parabola replied with a stoic tone as she muttered under her breath. “...typical man. Now that he’s in a relationship, he refuses to at least be friendly with me. Men and their social stigmas…”

Aidon tilted his head, swearing that he heard her say something, but it slipped past his mind when he saw a set of crows flying overhead. “...That’s new. Are they supposed to be around during summer? Hm…” And with that, he kept walking…

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